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UNESCO promotes geoconservation through various programs intended to establish an inventory of geologically and geomorphologically significant features worldwide that can serve as an important database to understand the Earth’s global geoheritage. An ultimate goal of such projects globally is to establish geoparks that represent an integrated network of knowledge transfer opportunities, based on a specific array of geological and geomorphological sites able to graphically demonstrate how the Earth works to the general public. In these complex geoconservation and geoeducational programs, the identification of significant geological and geomorphological features is very important. These are commonly referred to as ‘geosites’ or ‘geomorphosites’, depending on whether the feature or processes the site demonstrates is more geological or geomorphological, respectively. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an extraordinary place due to its arid climate and therefore perfect exposures of rock formations. The Kingdom is also home to extensive volcanic fields, named “harrats” in Arabic, referring particularly to the black, basaltic lava fields that dominate the desert landscape. Current efforts to increase awareness of the importance of these volcanic fields in the geological landscape of Arabia culminated in the first proposal to incorporate the superbly exposed volcanic features into an integrated geoconservation and geoeducation program that will hopefully lead to the development of a geopark named, “The Harrat Al Madinah Volcanic Geopark” [1]. Here we describe one of the extraordinary features of the proposed Harrat Al Madinah Volcanic Geopark, namely a steep lava spatter cone formed during a historical eruption in 1256 AD.  相似文献   

The profile of geoconservation is now higher than ever before with a significant number of people employed worldwide within geoconservation or having an element of it included within their role. Sixty years ago, employment within geoconservation, and even geoconservation itself, were largely unheard of. In 1950, an experienced geologist in his late 50s, William Archibald Macfadyen, ‘Macfadyen’ or ‘Mac’ to his colleagues, became the first full-time professional geoconservationist. After serving in two World Wars and enjoying a long career working as a geologist and hydrogeologist in the Middle East and Africa, he was employed by the newly created government conservation agency in Great Britain, the Nature Conservancy. His role was to help implement new national nature conservation legislation that included the conservation of geological and geomorphological features. Between 1950 and 1960, Macfadyen pioneered geoconservation, working to interpret and implement the new legislation to protect a series of geological and geomorphological sites across Great Britain. Working largely alone he visited, and scheduled for protection, a series of well over 600 sites, developed records to support their conservation, addressed practical conservation issues relating to site damage and enhancement, established a geological advisory committee to support his work, published an account of some of the sites protected and successfully applied his geological expertise to wider issues relating to wildlife conservation. He undoubtedly built the foundations of geoconservation in Great Britain, and in doing so influenced its development worldwide. It is argued here that Macfadyen is worthy of recognition as the ‘father of geoconservation’.  相似文献   

Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark (DHGG) is rich in geoheritage and contains scientific value for studying the sedimentation environments and paleoclimates of Western China. The Geopark is also notable for its aesthetic, cultural, artistic, and recreational value for tourism development. Since geographer Sven Hedin’s discovery of a yardang landform around Lop Nur in 1903, the area has been heavily studied. After the site was designated a National Geopark, geoconservation and geotourism began to rapidly develop and problems associated with these changes emerged. This study characterizes some of DHGG’s typical geoheritage, existing geoconservation, launched geotourism, and also describes some of the area’s challenges. In addition, the opportunities and challenges of DHGG arising from the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (B&R) are discussed. To benefit the sustainable development of DHGG, it is prudent to continue promoting geodiversity, geoconservation, and geotourism by making use of the advantages brought by the B&R.  相似文献   

Geoconservation in England, as in Great Britain more widely, is very well established. Sites of national or international scientific importance, as determined by a systematic site assessment and selection exercise, can be protected by designation as Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Sites of local importance e.g. Local Geological Sites may also be taken into account when planning decisions are made that could have an impact on them. As a whole, the network of conserved geosites represents the key elements of our current understanding of the geology and geomorphology of England. Site selection and safeguard and management of this network are dependent on geoscience information, and in return continued geoscience fieldwork is dependent on having conserved sites available for study. Here, we review the relationship between geoconservation and geoscience, and how it has developed since the first geoconservation legislation nearly 70 years ago. We discuss the achievements, challenges and where and how this relationship needs to strengthen further to meet future needs of both geoscience and nature conservation. In a changing world, there will continue to be a need for innovative geoscience supported by effective geoconservation. Those interested in conserving England’s geological heritage will need to engage the wider geoscience community more than ever to deliver a shared vision for the natural environment.  相似文献   

Lower and Middle Paleolithic archaeological sites in England risk falling through the cracks between different types of heritage conservation, since they lack recognisable structures; these sites have often benefitted from protection under geoconservation, particularly through selection as Geological Conservation Review sites, and subsequent designation as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). The geoconservation of key sites, particularly in the formative years of British geoconservation, has allowed combined geological and archaeological reinvestigation. This is of particular benefit to understanding Lower and Middle Paleolithic artefact assemblages, which were often collected in the later 19th–earlier 20th century and consequently lacked both detailed spatial or stratigraphic provenance and contextual geological information. As such, the ‘fine grained’ data which could be gleaned from such artefact collections was limited. Here we review the benefit of geoconservation in allowing the contextualisation of historical archaeological collections, focussing on six key English sites where geological and archaeological reinvestigation has led to important archaeological findings. In particular, the emerging evidence of chronological patterning in Lower and Middle Paleolithic artefacts makes the preservation of such deposits valuable to Quaternary science in general.  相似文献   

The Conference, ‘Engaging with Geodiversity—Why it Matters’, December 2010, addressed the wider relevance of geodiversity in Scotland. A key challenge is to integrate geodiversity within existing policy relating to the way we work and live, and therefore to inform better the decisions we make about a sustainable future for our environment. This will require partnership working among the geoscience, geoconservation and voluntary sectors at both national and local levels, not only to demonstrate convincingly the economic, social, cultural and environmental values and benefits of geodiversity, but also to deliver real outcomes for both people and nature. The key drivers that provide particular opportunities, as well as challenges, for the integration of geodiversity are the development of an ecosystem approach and how society responds to climate change. Addressing these will be crucial from a geoconservation perspective to develop a wider understanding of the essential environmental role played by geodiversity and for the protection of key sites, both from a policy perspective in delivering economic, social and environmental benefits, and from an academic perspective in ensuring support for geoscience. The key message – that geodiversity matters – must be communicated strongly to the highest levels of government, among key interest groups and at a local community level.  相似文献   

Geoconservation – protecting, managing and enhancing natural geological features and materials, and geomorphological landforms and processes – is especially important in Great Britain, a place sometimes described as the ‘cradle’ of the science of geology. For such a small area of land, Britain has an unusually diverse geological make-up, with rocks from every geological period present. Many stratigraphical terms used internationally were devised here, and British sites provide key study areas where important new geological theories were developed in the pioneering era of the Earth sciences. Therefore, with such a wealth of geology, and Britain's seminal place in the science itself, it is particularly important to conserve and protect key localities here for future generations. A first step in that process is the auditing of the geology and geomorphology of Britain, by carrying out a scientific evaluation exercise according to standard criteria, and creating an inventory of the most important sites for science.In the mid-1970s, the Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) began an ambitious programme for assessment and documentation of the most important sites for the scientific study of geology and geomorphology in Great Britain, building on previous statutory site conservation activity that had already been started in 1949 by the former Nature Conservancy. As a result, the ‘Geological Conservation Review’ (GCR) was formally launched in 1977. The GCR was a world-first project of its type in the systematic assessment of the whole geological heritage of a country, from first principles. Widespread consultation with geologists and geomorphologists across Great Britain was co-ordinated; their guidance and involvement was a key component of the site selection process. Almost 3000 nationally or internationally important sites had been selected for around 100 site-selection categories for the GCR register by 1990. Almost all the GCR sites are now conserved under British law as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), the GCR information providing the scientific evidence-base that underpins that designation.As part of the site-selection process – which is still active – a considerable archive of information about geological sites was amassed. A major publication exercise detailing all the GCR sites in what was to become the GCR Series of books was devised early on in the GCR programme.Thirty-six volumes of the GCR Series have been seen to completion by NCC and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, and many GCR site reports have been many made freely available on the World Wide Web. As a new venture, the remaining nine volumes will now be published by Elsevier Science Publishers as Special Issues of the Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Each GCR volume includes an overview of the subject and outlines the history of study of the relevant branch of the Earth sciences, but most importantly contains detailed accounts of the features of geological importance in the sites described. A scientific interpretation is provided for each site account, which includes supportive illustrations, tables and photographs and an extensive reference list.The GCR rationale, methods and information resource have been invaluable in almost every aspect of geoconservation carried out in Britain, including World Heritage Site nominations, protection of stratotypes, justifying the scientific conservation value of sites at Public Inquiries, in stimulating geological research and in providing a readily available information resource for local, regional, national and international geoconservation activities.  相似文献   

In the context of global climate change, geosciences provide an important geological solution to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, China’s geosciences and geological technologies can play an important role in solving the problem of carbon neutrality. This paper discusses the main problems, opportunities, and challenges that can be solved by the participation of geosciences in carbon neutrality, as well as China’s response to them. The main scientific problems involved and the geological work carried out mainly fall into three categories: (1) Carbon emission reduction technology (natural gas hydrate, geothermal, hot dry rock, nuclear energy, hydropower, wind energy, solar energy, hydrogen energy); (2) carbon sequestration technology (carbon capture and storage, underground space utilization); (3) key minerals needed to support carbon neutralization (raw materials for energy transformation, carbon reduction technology). Therefore, geosciences and geological technologies are needed: First, actively participate in the development of green energy such as natural gas, geothermal energy, hydropower, hot dry rock, and key energy minerals, and develop exploration and exploitation technologies such as geothermal energy and natural gas; the second is to do a good job in geological support for new energy site selection, carry out an in-depth study on geotechnical feasibility and mitigation measures, and form the basis of relevant economic decisions to reduce costs and prevent geological disasters; the third is to develop and coordinate relevant departments of geosciences, organize and carry out strategic research on natural resources, carry out theoretical system research on global climate change and other issues under the guidance of earth system science theory, and coordinate frontier scientific information and advanced technological tools of various disciplines. The goal of carbon neutrality provides new opportunities and challenges for geosciences research. In the future, it is necessary to provide theoretical and technical support from various aspects, enhance the ability of climate adaptation, and support the realization of the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.  相似文献   

吴振扬 《地质论评》2007,53(B08):104-110
地质旅游利用现有的地质资源,以一种崭新的角度去发展可持续性的旅游景点。香港地少人多,发展旅游吸引点是极度困难的。香港陆地约有30%为花岗岩覆盖,其中的一半已在城市之下,其余的则拥有相当吸引人的地质景象,有极大潜力发展地质旅游。除吸引地质生态有关游客外,在花岗岩地区开发地质旅游,更容易普及地球科学,同时增强公众对地质地貌之欣赏能力,提高环保及地质保护意识。不过,于香港花岗岩区发展地质旅游所遇到的困难亦不少,主要来自规划、行政及安全的问题,当中需要政府、地区民众及地质旅游工作者并肩合作,寻求最佳解决方法。  相似文献   

Challenges in reservoir forecasting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The combination of geostatistics-based numerical geological models and finite difference flow simulation has improved our ability to predict reservoir performance. The main contribution of geostatistical modeling has been more realistic representations of reservoir heterogeneity. Our understanding of the physics of fluid flow in porous media is reasonably captured by flow simulators in common usage. Notwithstanding the increasing application and success of geostatistics and flow simulation there remain many important challenges in reservoir forecasting. This application has alerted geoscientists and physicists that geostatistical/flow models in many respects, are, engineering approximations to thereal spatial distribution andreal flow processes. This paper reviews current research directions and presents some new ideas of where reserach could be focused to improve our ability to model geological features, model flow processes, and, ultimately, improve reservoir performance predictions.  相似文献   

A recent multidisciplinary study, comprising existing data analysis and geomorphological and geological fieldwork, has helped clarify marine erosion processes of Pyrenean formations along the Basque Coast. An important discovery was made during our study of an alterite of regional extent, which calls into question recent and present evolution of the Basque Coast and the processes leading to coastline retreat. Modelling these factors has made it possible to propose a predictive scenario for future coastal evolution. To cite this article: A. Genna et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Within the definition given by UNESCO of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, geoheritage finds its significance both as the geological or geomorphological elements of nature worthy of conservation and as habitat of threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation. Definitions, methods, and applications for the conservation and valorization of geoheritage have been proposed for various types of environments, but their application in underwater areas is seldom, if even, reported. In this study, we propose a set of definitions and methods for the evaluation of scientific and additional values in underwater environment, and we apply them in two Mediterranean areas: Sigri (Greece, Lesvos Island) and Bergeggi (Italy, Liguria region). Results show the applicability of the schemes proposed in different geological and geomorphological settings and provide tools for the evaluation of abiotic underwater heritage in the two areas.  相似文献   

Tropical wetlands in Central Brazil are located in savanna areas and are made up of more terrestrial-type wetlands – campo limpo úmido (grassland-type savanna), campo sujo úmido (shrub-type savanna), mata galeria (riverine forest); as well as more aquatic-type wetlands – vereda (valley-side marsh with palm groves of Mauritia flexuosa), várzea (backswamp), lake, and river. They are regulated by a seasonal climatic regime characterized by a wet-rainy season from October to March and then followed by a dry season. Underground water is abundant and rivers frequently overflow during the rainy season. Many of these wetlands which are protected by law are significant regulators of water quality. In order to predict tropical wetland function and draw up environmental management policies, it is important to understand how abiotic and biotic factors influence tropical wetland origin and spatial distribution. In this large-scale study we set out to investigate the influence that geological and geormorphological settings, i.e. geological substrates and geomorphological units, have on the spatial distribution of tropical wetlands in Central Brazil. Two watersheds, the Caiapó and Piracanjuba, were selected in order to carry out the study. They present different types of rock and unconsolidated surface materials. Planation surface, escarpment and steep slope, gentle slope, and aggradation are the dominant geomorphological units in the watersheds. Principal component analysis was conducted in order to determine the influence of the selected abiotic variables on the spatial distribution of tropical wetlands. The study showed that the presence of sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic rocks and planation surface strongly influence the spatial distribution of the more terrestrial-type wetlands. Geological and geomorphological settings explain about 60% of the variability in the spatial distribution of these wetland types. No clear effect of the abiotic variables selected was observed on the more aquatic-type wetlands. An association between stratified layers or planar geological surfaces, groundwater discharge zones, and slope breaks is suggested to explain the influence of the geological and geomorphological settings on the wetlands under review. The study demonstrated the importance of considering abiotic factors, not usually included in classification schemes, to further understand the spatial distribution of tropical wetlands.  相似文献   

二十一世纪是我国全面推进工作化、市场化、科技化和国际化进程的时期,作为国民经济与社会发展基础的非金属矿产资源的调查评价、开发利用与保护面临新的机遇和挑战,存在着资源的有效供给、综合利用、深度加和环境保护等方面的矛盾,为此,本文通过对非金属矿产资源的特性和国内外开发研究现状等方面的分析,提出了进一步工作的建议;开放新资源,探索新用途,提出资源的综合利用程度;重视非金属矿产地质工作,增强矿产资源战略储备,加强非金属矿产资源管理,实现矿产秩序根本好转;搞好矿山生态环境建设,促进资源开发与环境保护协调发展;依靠科学技术进步,提高矿产资源利用效率。  相似文献   

In Northern China, karst systems in widely distributed carbonate rocks are one of the most important water supplies for local inhabitants. Constrained by the specific geological and geomorphological conditions, most karst water in this region is discharged as individual or groups of springs. This paper summarizes the characteristics, chemistry, and environmental quality of these karst systems in Northern China. Five structural models of karst water systems were identified based on the relationships between the karst geological strata and karst groundwater flow fields. These specific structural models may closely relate to the attendant environmental geological issues and consistent risks from pollution. Over the past 40 years, the karst water systems in Northern China have suffered from various environmental problems, including deteriorating water quality, the drying up of springs, a continuous decline in the level of karst water, and so on. Based on the field investigation and previous data, a preliminary summary is provided of the environmental problems related to the development and evolutionary trends of karst water in this region. The results highlight the significant challenges associated with karst water, and it is essential that all segments of society be made aware of the situation in order to demand change. In addition, the study provides a scientific basis for the management, protection, and sustainable utilization of karst water resources.  相似文献   

我国地处欧亚板块东缘,地貌类型多样,地质条件复杂,国家重大战略的顺利实施与生态文明建设的有效推进面临着严峻的地质安全风险,因此亟需解决各种地质作用对人居环境与工程活动带来的地质安全问题。本文以地球系统科学为指导,以圈层相互作用、内外动力耦合、人地协调互馈为理论核心,聚焦国土空间地质安全、重大工程地质安全、城市建设地质安全、生态环境地质安全及资源开发地质安全等方面,分析国家战略发展面临的重大地质安全挑战,剖析地质安全牵引出的系列前沿科学问题,勾画出地质安全主要研究方向。地质安全是保障人民高质量生活、推动社会经济绿色发展、构建宜居地球的重要前提,对于解决当前和今后发展面临的重大工程建设、重大灾害防控、生态环境保护和人地和谐安居等相关地质安全问题,推进科技进步与社会可持续发展具有重要科学意义。  相似文献   

郭万里  王恒山  李瑞 《地质论评》2023,69(3):69031050-69031054
为适应国家发展改革的趋势,促进甘肃省地勘事业的可持续发展,探索出一套具有甘肃特色、适应当前市场经济体制的地勘业发展的“甘肃模式”。本文SWOT方法[指分析企业在整个市场环境中的机会(Opportunities)、风险(Threats)、优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)]分析了甘肃省地勘事业在高质量发展道路上的现状、内外部环境和存在的优势、劣势、机遇及威胁,提出了甘肃地勘事业未来怎样顺应时代发展潮流,发挥优势、规避劣势、抓住机遇、迎接挑战的途径和策略。这对于甘肃地勘产业形成统一的有机体,产业结构相对合理、产业队伍相对稳定,产业内部协调有序运行,从而保持地勘经济持续增长具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Guadix–Baza basin is one of a number of intramontane depressions located within the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain), where the geological and geomorphological evolution is controlled by tectonic activity. The basin ceased to be closed after capture by the Atlantic network, when five main land systems developed. Late Pleistocene geological evolution basically consisted of erosional modelling, when badlands were deeply incised in highly erodible materials (marls and silts). Three travertine platforms and several Palaeolithic sites were used to determine that this main incision period fell within a 115,000–48,000 yr range. There are few signs of geomorphological evolution of this basin in the last 48,000 yr. Based on these geomorphological data and soil development, tectonic uplift of the basin probably played a secondary role in its evolution, and climatic conditions in southern Iberia in the 144,000–48,000 yr period were more humid and variable than later.  相似文献   

青藏高原1∶25万区域地质调查地貌年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高原隆升及剥蚀作用的复杂性与区域差异性以及高原恶劣的气候、地理条件,使得在青藏高原空白区1∶25万区域地质调查中进行地貌年代学研究具有很大的现实意义.由于地貌是高原隆升、环境演化、新构造运动等的信息载体,地貌年代有助于重塑这些地质作用的发生时间及发展过程,因此地貌年代学研究具有重要的技术意义.1∶25万银石山幅的工作表明,地貌年代学调查对高原隆升及环境演化过程研究具有良好效果.  相似文献   

This paper examines the scope and limitations of geomorphological investigation of the sites of architectural and engineering works. Various degrees of vulnerability, forms of impact, and types of applied geomorphological response are summarized. Aspects of land development and construction practice that may increase the vulnerability of buildings and structures to geomorphological hazards are discussed. Strengths and weaknesses of the geomorphological input to hazard mitigation are reviewed. Examples are described that show both negative and positive influences exerted by geomorphological site analysis on urban and regional planning for unstable terrains in Italy. It is concluded that societal choice, within the overall matrix of a society's culture (sensu largo), will influence the way in which vulnerability is managed at sites, and hence the scope for utilizing geomorphological analysis of the physical risks.  相似文献   

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