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采用1948-2006年6-8月云南124个测站的月平均降水资料以及NCEP/NCAR 1948-2006年1-5月100hPa及500hPa位势高度月平均再分析资料,对云南省月平均降水做EOF分解,以第一主分量与南半球100hPa和500hPa高度场进行相关分析,希望找出南半球与云南汛期降水相关密切的因子.结果表明:南半球大气环流与云南汛期降水联系密切,影响因子从一月的南极逐月向中纬的南半球西风带和低纬移动;四月和五月南极区域与中纬度呈明显的"跷跷板式"的反位相变化特征.  相似文献   

A robust anomalous anticyclonic circulation (AAC) was observed over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea in boreal win-ter 1997/98 and over the Japan Sea in spring 1998. The formation mechanism is investigated. On the background of the vertically sheared winter monsoonal flow, anomalous rainfall in the tropical Indo-Western Pacific warm pool excited a wave train towards East Asia in the upper troposphere during boreal winter of 1997/98. The AAC over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea is part of the wave train of equivalent barotropic structure. The AAC over the Japan Sea persisted from winter to spring and even intensified in spring 1998. The diagnostic calculations show that the vorticity and temperature fluxes by synoptic eddies are an important mechanism for the AAC over the Japan Sea in spring 1998.  相似文献   

Drilling fluid additives has a major impact on rheology behavior and other performances of the drilling fluid. The key to low temperature drilling fluids is choosing antifreeze and polymer agent which have a strong ability in resisting low temperature. On the basis of determining glycol as antifreeze agent, the low-temperature-performance and capacities of anti-collapse of regular validity mud agents have been studied, the mechanism of anti-caving of the partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (PHPA), polypropylene potassium (KPA) and PAC-141 polymer additives have been also analyzed. A pilot study of compatibility between ethylene glycol and the polymers has educed that the polymers, ethylene glycol and inorganic salt are compatible, and they can significantly reduce the freezing point of drilling fluid. Anti-collapse ability of the drilling mud is the results of synergistic action among the agents.  相似文献   

Drilling fluid additives has a major impact on rheology behavior and other performances of the drilling fluid. The key to low temperature drilling fluids is choosing antifreeze and polymer agent which have a strong ability in resisting low temperature. On the basis of determining glycol as antifreeze agent, the low-temperatureperformance and capacities of anti-collapse of regular validity mud agents have been studied, the mechanism of anti-caving of the partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (PHPA), polypropylene potassium (KPA) and PAC-141 polymer additives have been also analyzed. A pilot study of compatibility between ethylene glycol and the polymers has educed that the polymers, ethylene glycol and inorganic salt are compatible, and they can significantly reduce the freezing point of drilling fluid. Anti-collapse ability of the drilling mud is the results of synergistic action among the agents.  相似文献   

In this paper, the linear continuously stratified ntxiel of the abyssal circulation proposed by Pedlosky (1992) was emended to include the second order term - (γθm) in the vertical turbulent mixing pararneterization of - (ω‘θ‘)x = kvθxx- θxxx, in which kv is a vertical diffusion coefficient,and γ is the second order coefficient of turbulent mixing (or simply called γ-term and γ<0 is only allcmed). The influence of the γ-tema on the baroclinic structure of the abyssal circulation driven by up-welling out of the abyss was investigated, It was found that the γ-term has a noticeable influence on thebaroclinic structure of the upwelling driven abyssal circulation. For uniform upwelling, it favors the baroelinic layering of the abyssal circulation in the eastern part of the basin, but prevents the layering in thewest. In addition, this parameter was found to decrease the vertically averaging meridional velocity of theabyssal circulation frcrn the west to the east on the southern boundary. For upwelling localized near theeastern boundary, the γ - term favors baroclinic layering of the abyssal circulation in the whole basin.Especially, on the southern boundary the γ - term could strengthen the vertically averaging meridional ve-loeity in the west, but gready weaken it in the east. The ntntel presented here might be considered as anextension of the Pedlosky baroclinic ntntel of the abyssal circulation.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionInthedeepseawithawatertemperaturelowerthan5℃andtheseabottom ,theor ganicmattersareoxidizedmainlybytheaerobicbacteria (BenderandHeggie 1 984;Her bert 1 986) ,whichmeansthattheaerobicbacteriainthisenvironmentareratherabun dant.Thearcticseaareaisanareawhereenvironmentispermanentlycold ,butsomere searchresults (Sahmetal.1 998)indicatethattherearedominantbacteria eubacteriainthearcticseawaterandsediment,andtheiradaptationtotemperaturehasnosubstantialdifferenceincomparisonwiththatof…  相似文献   

By field experiment in Sandaozhuang W-Mo mining area in Luanchuan of Henan Province, the authors analyzed the Experimental result of reverse circulation bit on the basis of different structures and obtained the following conclusion : the design parameter of reverse circulation bit, the number, diameter and angle of the spurt hole can influence on the reverse circulation effect. The bit with inner spurt hole is better obviously than that one without inner spurt hole in reverse circulation, one or two right and the best choice of inner spurt hole is that the diameter is Φ8, the angle is 30° dip up and the suitable number is two to three.  相似文献   

By field experiment in Sandaozhuang W-Mo mining area in Luanchuan of Henan Province, the authors analyzed the Experimental result of reverse circulation bit on the basis of different structures and obtained the following conclusion: the design parameter of reverse circulation bit, the number, diameter and angle of the spurt hole can influence on the reverse circulation effect. The bit with inner spurt hole is better obviously than that one without inner spurt hole in reverse circulation, one or two right and the best choice of inner spurt hole is that the diameter is Φ8, the angle is 30° dip up and the suitable number is two to three.  相似文献   

利用NCEP和ECMWF再分析资料,结合天气动力学原理,从西风带系统、副热带系统、青藏高原影响系统和热带系统对影响广西低纬度地区暴雨过程中的天气系统进行了分型,并给出相应的环流特征,为广西等低纬度地区的暴雨预报提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

2011年3月15日~18日是一次典型的南支槽与强冷空气相结合的天气过程,此次过程对云南省造成了强降温雨雪天气.为了研究此次天气过程的成因以及为今后类似天气过程提供预报思路,利用6h间隔的NECP 1°×1°再分析资料、常规观测资料和TBB黑体亮温资料,对此次天气过程进行天气学分析和诊断分析.分析结果表明:500hPa高度上中高纬度呈横槽型,横槽与高原东侧的低槽连接,槽后强劲的西北气流为这次寒潮天气过程带来强冷平流;南支槽的东移并加强使暖湿气流不断向云南境内输送;高低层冷暖气流交汇,低层切变线、地面冷锋的持续作用触发了此次降温雨雪天气.  相似文献   

Changes of air temperatures and atmosphere circulation at three high mountainous stations in Bulgaria are investigated for the period of 1941-2008.The three stations are located on peaks Musala,Cherni vrah and Botev,where air temperature data have good quality.Some missing data were recovered using the method of differences. A significant mean annual air temperature rise happened in high mountainous parts of Bulgaria- the warming is in the order of 0.7°C for the entire period.The increase is very prominent particularly in the last 30 years.Main contributors to this overall tendency are summer months-June,July and August.To some degree,January also could be included in this group.November trend shows temperature rise at the beginning of the investigated period.One of the causes for such a tendency is atmosphere circulation in respective months.It also shows signs of considerable reorganization in both winter and summer.There is an increase of the cases of warm atmosphere patterns typical for winter, summer and autumn seasons in Bulgaria.Meridional circulation has essential significance for air temperatures during the cold half of the year.In January and June atmosphere circulation has a substantial influence on the thermal regime of air in high mountains of Bulgaria.In July,August and November this influence is reduced.There are no cycles in air temperatures for the investigated period.  相似文献   

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