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Degeneracy effects for bosons are more important for smaller particle mass, smaller temperature and higher number density. Bose condensation requires that particles be in the same lowest energy quantum state. We propose a cosmic background Bose condensation, present everywhere, with its particles having the lowest quantum energy state, ?c/λ, with λ about the size of the visible universe, and therefore unlocalized. This we identify with the quantum of the self gravitational potential energy of any particle, and with the bit of information of minimum energy. The entropy of the universe (~10122 bits) has the highest number density (~1036 bits/cm3) of particles inside the visible universe, the smallest mass, ~10?66 g, and the smallest temperature, ~10?29 K. Therefore it is the best candidate for a Cosmic Background Bose Condensation (CBBC), a completely calmed fluid, with no viscosity, in a superfluidity state, and possibly responsible for the expansion of the universe.  相似文献   

In 1937 Dirac proposed the large number hypothesis (LNH). The idea was to explain that these numbers were large because the Universe is old. A time variation of certain “constants” was assumed. So far, no experimental evidence has significantly supported this time variation. Here we present a simplified cosmological model. We propose a new cosmological system of units, including a cosmological Planck’s constant that “absorbs” the well known large number 10120. With this new Planck’s constant no large numbers appear at the cosmological level. They appear at lower levels, e.g. at the quantum world. We note here that Zel’dovich formula, for the cosmological constant Λ, is equivalent to the Weinberg’s relation. The immediate conclusion is that the speed of light c must be proportional to the Hubble parameter H, and therefore decrease with time. We find that the gravitational radius of the Universe and its size are one and the same constant (Mach’s principle). The usual cosmological Ω’s parameters for mass, lambda and curvature turn out to be all constants of order one. The anthropic principle is not necessary in this theory. It is shown that a factor of 1061 converts in this theory a Planck fluctuation (a quantum black hole) into a cosmological quantum black hole: the Universe today. General relativity and quantum mechanics give the same local solution of an expanding Universe with the law a(t)≈const?t. This constant is just the speed of light today. Then the Hubble parameter is exactly H=a(t)′/a(t)=1/t.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines a cosmological paradigm based upon Dirac’s large number hypothesis and continual creation of matter in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. The cosmological redshift is caused by the tired-light phenomenon originally proposed by Zwicky. It is shown that the tired-light cosmology together with continual matter creation has a universal Hubble constant H 0=(512π 2/3)1/6(GC 0)1/3 fixed by the universal rate C 0 of matter creation, where G is Newton’s gravitational constant. It is also shown that a closed static universe has a finite age τ 0=(243π 5/8GC 0)1/3 also fixed by the universal rate of matter creation. The invariant relationship H 0 τ 0=3π 261/2 shows that a closed static universe is much older (≈one trillion years) than any expanding universe model based upon Big-Bang cosmology. It is this property of a static universe that resolves any cosmic age crisis provided that galaxy formation in the universe is a continual recurring process. Application of Dirac’s large number hypothesis gives a matter creation rate C 0=4.6×10?48 gm?cm?3?s?1 depending only on the fundamental constants of nature. Hence, the model shows that a closed static universe has a Hubble constant H 0=70 km?s?1?Mpc?1 in good agreement with recent astronomical determinations of H 0. By using the above numerical value for H 0 together with observational data for elongated cellular-wall structures containing superclusters of galaxies, it is shown that the elongated cellular-wall configurations observed in the real universe are at least one hundred billion years old. Application of the microscopic laws of physics to the large-scale macroscopic universe leads to a static eternal cosmos endowed with a matter-antimatter symmetry. It is proposed that the matter-antimatter asymmetry is continuously created by particle-antiparticle pair annihilation occurring in episodic cosmological gamma-ray bursts observed in the real universe.  相似文献   

From the equivalence principle, one gets the strength of the gravitational effect of a mass M on the metric at position r from it. It is proportional to the dimensionless parameter β 2=2GM/rc 2, which normally is ?1. Here G is the gravitational constant, M the mass of the gravitating body, r the position of the metric from the gravitating body and c the speed of light. The seeable universe is the sphere, with center at the observer, having a size such that it shall contain all light emitted within it. For this to occur one can impose that the gravitational effect on the velocity of light at r is zero for the radial component, and non zero for the tangential one. Light is then trapped. The condition is given by the equality R g =2GM/c 2, where R g represents the radius of the seeable universe. It is the gravitational radius of the mass M. The result has been presented elsewhere as the condition for the universe to be treated as a black hole. According to present observations, for the case of our universe taken as flat (k=0), and the equation of state as p=?ρc 2, we prove here from the Einstein’s cosmological equations that the universe is expanding in an accelerated way as t 2, a constant acceleration as has been observed. This implies that the gravitational radius of the universe (at the event horizon) expands as t 2. Taking c as constant, observing the galaxies deep in space this means deep in time as ct, linear. Then, far away galaxies from the observer that we see today will disappear in time as they get out of the distance ct that is <R g . The accelerated expanding vacuum will drag them out of sight. This may be a valid test for the present ideas in cosmology. Previous calculations are here halved by our results.  相似文献   

We study a gravitational model in which scale transformations play the key role in obtaining dynamical G and Λ. We take a non-scale invariant gravitational action with a cosmological constant and a gravitational coupling constant. Then, by a scale transformation, through a dilaton field, we obtain a new action containing cosmological and gravitational coupling terms which are dynamically dependent on the dilaton field with Higgs type potential. The vacuum expectation value of this dilaton field, through spontaneous symmetry breaking on the basis of anthropic principle, determines the time variations of G and Λ. The relevance of these time variations to the current acceleration of the universe, coincidence problem, Mach’s cosmological coincidence and those problems of standard cosmology addressed by inflationary models, are discussed. The current acceleration of the universe is shown to be a result of phase transition from radiation toward matter dominated eras. No real coincidence problem between matter and vacuum energy densities exists in this model and this apparent coincidence together with Mach’s cosmological coincidence are shown to be simple consequences of a new kind of scale factor dependence of the energy momentum density as ρa −4. This model also provides the possibility for a super fast expansion of the scale factor at very early universe by introducing exotic type matter like cosmic strings.  相似文献   

The Weinberg relation (which connects the Hubble constantH to the mass of a typical elementary particle) is an empirical relation hitherto unexplained. I suggest an explanation based on the Zel'dovich energy tensor of vacuum in a Robertson-Walker universe with constant deceleration parameter,q = const. This model leads to
  1. the Weinberg relation,
  2. a varying cosmological term Λ scaling asH 2,
  3. a varying gravitational constantG scaling asH,
  4. a matter creation process throughout the universe at the rate 10?47 g s?1 cm3,
  5. a deceleration parameter in the range -1 to 1/2, which allows a horizon-free universe and makes the lawG/H = constant, consistent with the Viking lander data on the orbit of planet Mars.

In this paper, we have constructed the cosmological model of the universe in f(RT) theory of gravity in a Bianchi type \(\mathrm{VI}_h\) universe for the functional f(RT) in the form \(f(R,T)=\mu R+\mu T\), where R and T are respectively Ricci scalar and trace of energy momentum tensor and \(\mu \) is a constant. We have made use of the hyperbolic scale factor to find the physical parameters and metric potentials defined in the space-time. The physical parameters are constrained from different representative values to build up a realistic cosmological model aligned with the observational behaviour. The state finder diagnostic pair is found to be in the acceptable range. The energy conditions of the model are also studied.  相似文献   

A new paradigm in cosmology is presented: A geometrical phase transition from the Minkowski space to an anti-deSitter space at its maximum of extension instead of a big bang with inflation. This scenario implies an open universe with a negative cosmological constant which replaces completely the cold dark matter in galaxy clusters. Baryonic matter and radiation are created from the gravitational field over a very long period of about 30 billion years. The contracting universe runs then after a further period of 13 billion years through a minimum with T max ≃ 1.8 × 1012 K and a particle density n max ≃ 5 × 1038 cm-3 due to Hagedorn’s theory of a hadron gas. After the run through the minimum the universe expands like a big bang universe and reaches due to the negative cosmological constant after 44 billion years its maximal extension. Then it contracts again, and so on: An open ever-oscillating universe.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of gravitational-wave burst GW150914 marks the coming of a new era of gravitational-wave astronomy, which provides a new window to study the physics of strong gravitational field, extremely massive stars, extremely high energy processes, and extremely early universe. In this article, we introduce the basic characters of gravitational waves in the Einstein's general relativity, their observational effects and main generation mechanisms, including the rotation of neutron stars, evolution of binary systems, and spontaneous generation in the inflation universe. Different sources produce the gravitational waves at quite different frequencies, which can be detected by different methods. In the lowest frequency range (f < 10?15 Hz), the detection is mainly dependent of the observation of B-mode polarization of cosmic microwave background radiation. In the middle frequency range (10?9 < f < 10?6 Hz), the gravitational waves are detected by analyzing the timing residuals of millisecond pulsars. And in the high frequency range (10 ? 4 < f < 104 Hz), they can be detected by the space-based and ground-based laser interferometers. In particular, we focus on the main features, detection methods, detection status, and the future prospects for several important sources, including the continuous sources (e.g., the spinning neutron stars, and stable binary systems), the burst sources (e.g., the supernovae, and the merge of binary system), and the stochastic backgrounds generated by the astrophysical and cosmological process. In addition, we forecast the potential breakthroughs in gravitational-wave astronomy in the near future, and the Chinese projects which might involve in these discoveries.  相似文献   

Einstein field equations with variable gravitational and cosmological constants are considered in the presence of perfect fluid for Robertson-Walker universe by assuming the cosmological term proportional to the Hubble parameter. This variation law for vacuum density has recently been proposed by Schützhold on the basis of quantum field estimations in the curved and expanding background. The cosmological term tends asymptotically to a genuine cosmological constant and the model tends to a deSitter universe. We obtain that the present universe is accelerating with a large fraction of cosmological density in the form of cosmological term.  相似文献   

Bianchi Type III bulk viscous dust filled cosmological models in Lyra geometry are investigated. To get the deterministic model of the universe, we have assumed two conditions: (i) ζθ=constant; and (ii) shear (σ) is proportional to the expansion (θ). This condition leads to B=C n where ζ the coefficient of bulk viscosity, θ the expansion in the model; B and C are metric potentials and n a constant. The physical and geometrical aspects of the model and singularities in the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents anisotropic, homogeneous two-fluid cosmological models in a Bianchi type I space–time with a variable gravitational constant G and cosmological constant Λ. In the two-fluid model, one fluid represents the matter content of the universe and another fluid is chosen to model the CMB radiation. We find a variety of solutions in which the cosmological parameter varies inversely with time t. We also discuss in detail the behavior of associated fluid parameters and kinematical parameters. This paper pictures cosmic history when the radiation and matter content of the universe are in an interactive phase. Here, Ω is closing to 1 throughout the cosmic evolution.   相似文献   

Einstein field equations with variable gravitational and cosmological constants are considered in the presence of perfect fluid for Bianchi type-I universe by assuming the cosmological term proportional to the Hubble parameter. This variation law for vacuum density has recently been proposed by Schützhold on the basis of quantum field estimations in the curved and expanding background. The model obtained approaches isotropy. The cosmological term tends asymptotically to a genuine cosmological constant, and the model tends to a deSitter universe. We obtain that the present universe is accelerating with a large fraction of cosmological density in the form of cosmological term.  相似文献   

FRW universe in RS II braneworld model filled with a combination of dark matter and dark energy in the form of modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) is considered. It is known that the equation of state (EoS) for MCG is a three-variable equation determined by A, α and B. The permitted values of these parameters are determined by the recent astrophysical and cosmological observational data. Here we present the Hubble parameter in terms of the observable parameters Ω m0, Ω x0, H 0, redshift z and other parameters like A, B, C and α. From Stern data set (12 points), we have obtained the bounds of the arbitrary parameters by minimizing the χ 2 test. The best-fit values of the parameters are obtained by 66 %, 90 % and 99 % confidence levels. Next due to joint analysis with BAO and CMB observations, we have also obtained the bounds of the parameters (B,C) by fixing some other parameters α and A. The best fit value of distance modulus μ(z) is obtained for the MCG model in RS II brane, and it is concluded that our model is perfectly consistent with the union2 sample data.  相似文献   

The various measurements of the linear matter density perturbation amplitude obtained from the observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy, weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster mass function, matter power spectrum, and redshift space distortions are compared. The Planck data on the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum at high multipoles, ? > 1000 (where the effect of gravitational lensing is most significant), are shown to give a measurement of the matter density perturbation amplitude that contradicts all other measurements of this quantity from both Planck CMB anisotropy data and other data at a significance level of about 3.7σ. Thus, at present these data should not be combined together for the calculations of constraints on cosmological parameters. Except for the Planck data on the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum at high multipoles, all the remaining measurements of the density perturbation amplitude agree well between themselves and give the following constraints: σ8 = 0.792± 0.006 on the linear matter density perturbation amplitude, Ωm = 0.287± 0.007 on the matter density parameter, and H0 = 69.4 ± 0.6 km s?1 Mpc?1 on the Hubble constant. Various constraints on the sum of neutrino masses and the number of neutrino flavors can be obtained by additionally taking into account the data on baryon acoustic oscillations and (or) direct Hubble constant measurements in the local Universe.  相似文献   

In a cosmological model developed by the author in previous articles the universe starts in a geometrical phase transition in Minkowski space. Here the source of the gravitational field is a Higgs-like scalar field $\bar{\phi}$ . A relation of this cosmological field $\bar{\phi}$ with the Higgs-field ? H in the gauge theory of electroweak interaction is established. This relation leads to two dimensionless constants. One of them is interpreted as a characteristic constant of the phase transition and is connected with the volume of huge bubbles of open universes.  相似文献   

The product of two empirical constants, the dimensionless fine-structure constant (α) and the von Klitzing constant (R k, an electrical resistance), turns out to be an exact dimensionless number. Then the accuracy and cosmological time variation (if any) of these two constants can be tied together. Also this product defines a natural unit of the electrical resistance, the inverse of a quantum of conductance. When the speed of light c is taken away from α, as has been shown elsewhere, the constancy of α implies the constancy of the ratio e 2/h (the inverse of the von Klitzing constant), e being the charge of the electron and h the Planck constant. This forces the charge of the electron e to be constant as long as the action h (an angular momentum) is a true constant too. From the constancy of the Rydberg constant the Compton wavelength, h/mc, is then a true constant and consequently there is no expansion at the quantum mechanical level. The momentum mc is also a true constant and then general relativity predicts that the universe is not expanding, as shown elsewhere. The time variation of the speed of light explains the observed Hubble red shift. And there is a mass-boom effect. From this a coherent cosmological system of constant units can be defined.  相似文献   

The possibility that the cosmological term is proportional toGU, whereG is the gravitational coupling andU is the mass density of the universe is proposed and discussed. WithG = constant, a cosmological model is obtained, which avoids the flatness and horizon problems and does not affect the well known predictions on the cosmic helium abundance which come from standard big bang cosmology. In such model, the deceleration parameter is a null constant, there is matter creation process throughout the universe at the rate 10–47 g cm–3 s–1 and the cosmological term varies asH 2 =t –2, whereH is the Hubble constant andt is the cosmic time.The possibility of a time-dependentG is then considered. The main consequence of this is that there is a mass creation process on the local scale; the rate of mass creation inside a body of massM is dM/dt =M H. In Section 6 it is suggested that the new matter might be in the form of neutrinos. This suggestion leads to an interesting consequence in celestial mechanics: the radius of a binary system should depend on time according to the nature of the components (the radius of a binary star should decrease, the radius of a planet-moon system should expand, and the orbital radius of a planet should stay constant).  相似文献   

Current cold dark matter models of structure formation make a clear prediction for cosmic structures in the Dark Ages. We discuss the formation and nature of the first collapsed and first luminous objects in the universe arising in these theories. The first virialized objects are dark matter halos at the free streaming length which depends on the mass and nature of the assumed weakly interacting massive particle. The first objects that also contain significant fractions of gas have masses of the cosmological Jeans scale ∼ 104M at the redshifts of interest (z ∼ 30). The first pre-galactic objects that host stars have masses of 106 M . This mass scale is given by the requirement of a sufficiently high virial temperature to enable the chemical reactions necessary to form molecular hydrogen which subsequently allows the gas to dissipate its gravitational energy and to collapse to form a star. An individual massive star is formed per such object and explodes in a supernova within a few Myrs. All these stages of the formation of the first objects are illustrated by fully resolved three dimensional cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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