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We present a detailed analysis of multi-frequency observations of linear polarization in the intraday variable quasar 0917+624 (z = 1.44). The observations were made in May 1989 at five frequencies (1.4, 2.7, 5.0, 8.3 and 15GHz) with the VLA and the Effelsberg 100 m-telescope and in December 1988 at two frequencies (2.7 and 5.0 GHz) with the latter. It is shown that the relationship between the variations of the polarized and total flux density is highly wavelength dependent, and the multi-frequency polarization behavior may be essential for investigating the mechanisms causing these variations. It is shown that the variations observed at 20 cm can be interpreted in terms of refractive interstellar scintillation. However, after subtracting the variation due to scintillation, three 'features' emerged in the light-curve of the polarized flux density, indicating an additional variable component. Interestingly, these features are shown to be correlated with the variations at 2-6 cm, thus indicating that thes  相似文献   

Total intensity and polarization λ =6 cm Very Large Array (VLA) and global very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) images of the quasar 0917+624 and the BL Lacertae object 0954+658 (both at epoch 1991.43) are analysed. Integrated measurements using the VLA during the VLBI observations indicated that, although there were no substantial total intensity variations, there were significant polarization variations for both sources during the 24-h VLBI experiment. The VLBI data were divided into 2–3 h segments in order to try to identify corresponding rapid variability in the VLBI structure. This analysis revealed intraday variability (IDV) in the VLBI core of 0917+624: both the polarized flux and the polarization position angle varied substantially on time-scales of ∼5–10 h. There is evidence that the VLA polarization variations for 0954+658 occurred in an inner VLBI jet component, where the polarized flux varied by ∼30–40 per cent on time-scales of ∼2 h. 0917+624 and 0954+658 were observed together with 0716+714, an object that also displayed IDV in the polarized flux density measured during our experiment (analysed in a separate paper). These three sources were targeted for the VLBI observations since they had been previously identified as intraday variables, but we had no way of knowing whether they would vary during our observations. The fact that all three exhibited IDV in polarization (but not in total intensity) during our experiment suggests that polarization IDV occurs frequently in at least some IDV sources.  相似文献   

The 325-MHz observations of the quasar OH 471 (z=3.4) in 1985–1996 revealed variability of its radio emission. Over this period, its radio flux density increased by a factor of 1.6. A steep-spectrum radio source was identified $2_.^\prime 5$ north of the quasar. Its radio flux density is 1.46 mJy at 5 GHz and 14.5 mJy at 350 MHz.  相似文献   

We present mid- and far-infrared photometry of the high-redshift     dusty quasar BR 1202−0725. The quasar was detected in the near-infrared, at a flux level     consistent with an average radio-quiet quasar at its redshift. Only upper limits for the emission were obtained in the far-infrared. These upper limits, when combined with data from ground-based telescopes, are the first direct evidence for a turnover in the far-infrared emission, and hence confirm that a blackbody dominates the spectral energy distribution at far-infrared wavelengths. This blackbody is most probably cool dust, constrained to have a temperature below 80 K, for a β of 1.5.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that Compton down-scattering may give rise to the broad iron K α line seen in the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG–6-30-15. This model suggests that the Comptonizing optically thick plasma surrounding the central X-ray source has a temperature of 0.5 keV and a large radius of 1014 cm. This offers an alternative to the standard model whereby the broadening of the iron line is solely the result of strong general relativistic effects. We revise the Comptonization model and show that statistically the disc-line model gives a much better fit to the time average of the data analysed by Iwasawa et al. in 1996 and 1999. We also demonstrate that the Comptonization model has problems with simultaneous fitting of the redshifted tail and the core of the line. We show that, in the case of the 1996 data, the best-fitting Thomson depth τ ∼1.6 is consistent with the lack of continuum break, which is constrained to be at photon energies E ≳100 keV. However, the total amount of power in the UV component required to cool the Comptonizing cloud exceeds the Eddington limit. For large black hole masses relativistic effects are important and for small masses the Eddington limit is exceeded by a larger factor. In the case of the 1999 data, the best-fitting Thomson depth is τ ∼5.7; this would imply the existence of a break in the continuum at E ∼16 keV, which is not observed. (However, we point out that the down-scattering break may be diluted if a fraction of the continuum is observed directly.) This rules out Comptonization as the principal mechanism to explain the shape of the Fe K α line in MCG–6-30-15.  相似文献   

We present VLA A-array observations at λ20, 6 and 2 cm and B-array observations at λ20 and 6 cm of the quasar B2 1320 + 299, which has a very unusual radio structure. In addition to a component, A, coincident with the quasar, there are two lobes of radio emission, B and C, on the same side of A. These are located at distances of -25 and 50 arcsec respectively from A. The present observations show that A has a flat-spectrum component coincident with the quasar and a weak outer component at a distance of-4 arcsec along PA - 100°. The morphology of B resembles a head-tail type of structure with its tail towards the north-east. The magnetic field lines in component B appear to follow the bend in the tail. Component C exhibits some extension towards the north-west. We discuss the possible nature of B2 1320 + 299 and suggest that while A appears to be an independent source, the relation between B and C, if they are associated at all, is unclear. Deep optical observations are essential to help clarify the situation.  相似文献   

The introduction of low-frequency radio arrays is expected to revolutionize the study of the reionization epoch. Observation of the contrast in redshifted 21-cm emission between a large H  ii region and the surrounding neutral intergalactic medium (IGM) will be the simplest and most easily interpreted signature. However, the highest redshift quasars known are thought to reside in an ionized IGM. Using a semi-analytic model we describe the redshifted 21-cm signal from the IGM surrounding quasars discovered using the i -drop-out technique (i.e. quasars at   z ∼ 6  ). We argue that while quasars at   z < 6.5  seem to reside in the post-overlap IGM, they will still provide valuable probes of the late stages of the overlap era because the light-travel time across a quasar proximity zone should be comparable to the duration of overlap. For redshifted 21-cm observations within a 32-MHz bandpass, we find that the subtraction of a spectrally smooth foreground will not remove spectral features due to the proximity zone. These features could be used to measure the neutral hydrogen content of the IGM during the late stages of reionization. The density of quasars at   z ∼ 6  is now well constrained. We use the measured quasar luminosity function to estimate the prospects for discovery of high-redshift quasars in fields that will be observed by the Murchison Widefield Array.  相似文献   

A selected sample of intra-day variable AGN had been observed for 3–4 days per month at the Urumqi Observatory. The sample includes 7 target sources and 7 calibrators. The BL Lac object B0716+ 714 shows prominent intraday and long term variations.  相似文献   

Multifrequency, high-resolution radio observations of the quasar 3C 254 using the Multi-Element Radio-linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) are presented. The quasar has a highly asymmetric radio structure, with the eastern component of the double-lobed structure being much closer to the nucleus and significantly less polarized than the western one. However, the two lobes are more symmetric in their total flux densities. The observations show the detailed structure of the hotspots which are very different on opposite sides of the radio core, reveal no radio jet and suggest that the oppositely directed jets may be intrinsically asymmetric.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the statistical behavior of the optical Intraday Variability of BL Lac S5 0716+714. Available Intraday Variability data in the optical are tested to see whether or not the magnitude is lognormally distributed. Our results consistently indicate that this is not the case. This is in agreement with a previous discussion about data for the same object but in a different observational period.Simultaneously, the spectral slope of the light curves is calculated. The implications of these findings on models that describe both the location and source of Intraday Variability are presented.  相似文献   

The long baseline simultaneous multiband ( BVRI ) observations of blazar 3C 273 are presented. We have made 758 optical multiband observations with the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YAO) 103 cm and Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) 156 cm from 2003 January to 2005 April. In our observational campaign, the average colour indices are   B − V = 0.21, V − R = 0.26  and   R − I = 0.31  . The mean magnitudes in B, V, R and I are 12.895, 12.698, 12.441 and 12.139, respectively. The source is in a steady state over observational campaign. The correlations between colour index and brightness are discussed. We find that the correlations of   B − V   versus B ,   V − R   versus V and   R − I   versus R have significant negative correlation, while   B − V   versus V ,   V − R   versus R and   R − I   versus I have positive correlation. These strong correlations imply that the spectrum becomes bluer (flatter) when the source becomes brighter, and redden (softer) when the source fades both in intraday and long-term variability. The spectral evolution trends of 3C 273 are consistent with those of BL Lac objects.  相似文献   

S50716+714 and 3C 273 are frequently studied blazars,which show obvious optical variabilities with different timescales.Using the 1.0 m telescope at the Yunnan ...  相似文献   

We present results from a new XMM–Newton observation of the high-redshift quasar RX J1028.6 – 0844 at a redshift of 4.276. The soft X-ray spectral flattening, as reported by a previous study with ASCA , is confirmed to be present, with, however, a reduced column density when modelled by absorption. The inferred column density for absorption intrinsic to the quasar is  2.1(+0.4−0.3) × 1022  cm−2  for cold matter, and higher for ionized gas. The spectral flattening shows remarkable similarity with that of two similar object, namely GB 1428 + 4217 and PMN J0525 − 3343. The results improve upon those obtained from a previous short-exposure observation for RX J1028.6 – 0844 with XMM–Newton . A comparative study of the two XMM–Newton observations reveals a change in the power-law photon index from  Γ≃ 1.3  to 1.5 on time-scales of about one year. A tentative excess emission feature in the rest-frame 5–10 keV band is suggested, which is similar to that marginally suggested for GB 1428 + 4217.  相似文献   

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