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Two major fluvial terrace surfaces, and four less significant surfaces, are identified by aerial photographic interpretation, field mapping and levelling on one c. 2 km long reach of the upper Bowmont Water, an upland stream draining the northern Cheviot Hills, Scotland. The oldest terrace surface remains undated. Cartographic, radiocarbon and palynological dating suggest that later terraces formed very recently, within the last 250 years, with the most prominent terrace fill having aggraded in the 18th century. Incision below this terrace surface is dated to approximately the end of the 18th century, correlated with channel trenching at other sites in the region. Detailed palaeoecological and documentary evidence is used to examine whether climatic or land-use changes might have instigated aggradation, and a link with increased precipitation and flooding during part of the ‘Little Ice Age’ is suggested.  相似文献   

As one of the most important regions for early human occupation in East Asia, Nihewan Basin in North China is well-known for an abundance of archaeological sites with ages spanning the last 2 Ma. In recent 10 years, more than 27 new archaeological localities have been discovered from the Yuxian (sub-basin of Nihewan), and all of them are with no age control. The lack of reliable ages for these localities affects our understanding for the evolution of the stone-tool technology in the Nihewan Basin. As many localities were founded in the river terrace, the fluvial terrace sequence of the Huliu River (main river of the Yuxian) was investigated. Based on single-grain post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) procedure on potassium (K-) feldspar, our results reveal that the formation ages of three Huliu River terraces are 139.6–115.7, 19.7–5.5, and <0.9 ka, respectively. On the basis of these pIRIR ages, the formation of the fluvial terrace sequence may provide informative constraints on the human occupation in the Huliu River terrace in the Nihewan Basin, if a clear stratigraphic correlation is established between the archaeological sites and the dated terrace deposits.  相似文献   

As a crucial agricultural and economic development zone since the Qin Dynasty (221 to 206 BC), the Guanzhong section of the Weihe River basin is facing serious water resource shortages due to population growth and regional development. Its water resource amount per capita is only 361 m3, about 1/6 of the average in China and less than 1/20 of the average in the world. Surface water and groundwater (SW-GW) interaction, having a significant influence on the spatiotemporal distribution of water resources, was qualitatively and quantitatively investigated during a wet year based on stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. The results show that the recharge pattern in the north part varies with season, that is, 40% of the surface water recharge comes from groundwater in the dry season, but 93% of the groundwater recharge comes from surface water in the rainy season. In the south part, groundwater is always recharged by surface water, with contributions of 47% and 61% in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. For the main stream, the recharge pattern is complicated and varies with season and site. This study will provide useful information about SW-GW interaction at basin scale. Integrated management of groundwater and surface water could improve the efficiency of regional water resources utilization and promote accurate and sustainable water management in the semi-arid basin.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic chronology of Yellow River terraces was investigated and studied in Lanzhou Basin, western Chinese Loess Plateau. The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results show that terraces T1, T2 and T3 formed at 8 ka, 20 ka and 70 ka, respectively. Lateral accretion of the riverbed facies gravel sediments occurred during interglacial periods while vertical aggradations of the terrace sediments deposited predominantly under cold and dry glacial period. A thick layer of aeolian loess with a basal age about 35 ka indicates a remarkable drop of air temperature and a dry, cold climate. The temporal correlation between terrace formation and tectonic movement has not yet been established in this research, but the stratigraphic chronology of the terrace sections provides the timing of the terrace formation, the incision rate of the Yellow River, and the slip rate of the fault horizon.  相似文献   

渭河盆地带地貌结构与新构造运动   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
根据基岩断块山地、波状黄土源(洪积台地),平缓黄土塬(洪积扇裙),阶地等较多实际资料,研究渭河盆地带地貌结构与活动断裂及新构造运动间的关系。研究认为,层状地貌的发育与形成,主要受以盆地带南缘断裂带为主的相关阶状正断层正倾滑活动的控制,盆地带南缘断裂带除产生强烈的垂直差异运动外,还由盆边向盆内扩展,并导致盆地带另一侧向北扩张,此活动格局控制和影响了盆地带地貌的形成与演化,地貌类型及其分布格局可作为研究活动构造及评估地震危险性的标志。  相似文献   

This study involved a baseline evaluation of fluvial carbon export and degas rates in three nested rural catchments (1 to 80 km2) in Taboão, a representative experimental catchment of the Upper Uruguay River Basin. Analyses of the carbon content in stream waters and the catchment carbon yield were based on 4‐year monthly in situ data and statistical modeling using the United States Geological Survey load estimator model. We also estimated p CO2 and degas fluxes using carbonate equilibrium and gas‐exchange formulas. Our results indicated that the water was consistently p CO2 saturated (~90% of the cases) and that the steep terrain favors high gas evasion rates. The mean calculated fluvial export was 5.4 tC·km?2·year?1 with inorganic carbon dominating (dissolved inorganic carbon:dissolved organic carbon ratio >4), and degas rates (~40 tC km?2·year?1) were nearly sevenfold higher than the downstream export. The homogeneous land use in this nested catchment system results in similar water‐quality characteristics, and therefore, export rates are expected to be closely related to the rainfall–runoff relationships at each scale. Although the sampling campaigns did not fully reproduce storm‐event conditions and related effects such as flushing or dilution of in‐stream carbon, our results indicated a potential link between dissolved inorganic carbon and slower hydrological pathways related to subsurface water storage and movement.  相似文献   

Estimation of instream flow requirements for sediment transport (IFRST) in the downstream Weihe River is important for the maintenance of a healthy ecosystem of the river. In this study, the IFRST for the lower Weihe River is estimated on the basis of the observed hydrological data during the period 1960–2001. The results showed that the mean annual IFRSTs for the reach between Lintong and Huaxian and the reach below Huaxian were 6·85 and 7·62 billion m3/year, respectively, and the standard errors were 0·50 and 0·76 billion m3/year, respectively. The results also showed that the Sanmenxia Reservoir is an important driver for the changes in channel morphology and hydraulics, as well as the IFRST. Furthermore, according to the hydrological frequency (p value) estimated from annual instream flow data during the period 1960–2001, four typical years (p = 25%, 50%, 75% and 90%) for the two reaches of the Weihe River were determined. The analysis showed that the IFRST has a negative power functional relationship with the sediment concentration. On the basis of the efficiency coefficients (R2) during three sub‐periods 1960–1973, 1974–1990 and 1991–2001, the annual IFRSTs in the above two reaches for the four typical years were estimated under different deposition and erosion–deposition conditions. The results provide useful references for restoration and water resource management of the Weihe River. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

花东海盆浊流沉积的磁性特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对取自台湾以东花东海盆GX168孔的浊流沉积物进行系统的岩石磁学研究,揭示其沉积学和岩石磁学特征,分析其物源和形成机制.研究结果显示,剖面上共识别出12层浊流沉积物,其分布存在规律,下部350~700 cm共发育11层浊流沉积物,而0~350 cm仅出现1层浊流沉积物.浊流沉积物粒径明显较背景沉积物粗,石英、长石含量更高,底部与下伏背景沉积呈突变接触,顶部与上覆背景沉积呈渐变接触,内部发育典型的正粒序韵律结构.浊流沉积物和背景沉积物具有相似的磁学特征,两者均以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物类型,且磁铁矿颗粒均以准单畴和多畴颗粒为主.同时,两者也存在一定差异,浊流沉积物中磁铁矿较背景沉积物更为富集,磁化率和饱和等温剩磁更强,磁铁矿粒径更粗,这与浊流沉积物原始沉积区更靠近物源区有关.花东海盆浊流沉积形成的诱发机制可能是末次冰期以来频发的海平面波动造成陆坡之上沉积物重力失稳,导致陆坡沉积物向海盆搬运.  相似文献   

Energy is the key issue of all life activities.The energy source and energy yielding pathway are the key scientific issues of the origin and early evolution of life on Earth.Current researches indicate that the utilization of solar energy in large scale by life was an important breaking point of the early evolution of life on Earth and afterwards life gradually developed and flourished.However,in the widespread biochemical electron transfer of life activities,it is still not clear whether the electron source is sun or how electrons originated from sun.For billions of years,the ubiquitous semiconducting minerals in epigeosphere absorb solar energy,forming photoelectrons and photoholes.In reductive and weak acidic environment of early Earth,when photoholes were easily scavenged by reducing matters,photoelectrons were separated.Photoelectrons could effectively reduce carbon dioxide to organic matters,possibly providing organic matter foundation for the origin of life.Photoelectrons participated in photoelectron transfer chains driven by potential difference and transfer into primitive cells to maintain metabolisms.Semiconducting minerals,by absorbing ultraviolet,also protected primitive cells from being damaged by ultraviolet in the origin of life.Due to the continuous photoelectrons generation in semiconducting minerals and utilization by primitive cells,photoelectrons from semiconducting minerals’photocatalysis played multiple roles in the origin of life on early Earth,such as organic synthesis,cell protection,and energy supply.This mechanism still plays important roles in modern Earth surface systems.  相似文献   

We examined particle size distributions of suspended particulate matter (SPM); physical and environmental influences on the observed distributions; and relationships between particle size and geochemical partitioning of metals, over the fall and winter period in a small urban river (Don River, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). For this dataset, the majority of particles (80%) in suspension were less than 10 µm in size. In addition, while total SPM concentrations showed a positive trend with increasing discharge (Q); the proportions of particles found within given size classes were independent of both SPM concentration and Q. Temperature was the only measured environmental variable related to the particle concentrations within size classes. As water temperature increased, the concentration of particles in the smallest size class (1–4 µm) decreased, while the concentration of silt and/or algae sized particles (10–50 µm) increased. Increasing water temperatures may promote bacterial attachment to particles and their subsequent flocculation into larger sized particles. Decreasing concentrations of leachable (most labile) Cd, Zn and Mn were associated with increasing concentrations of the largest particles (70–150 µm) in suspension. In contrast, higher reducible (oxides) associated concentrations of Cd, Zn and Mn occurred with increasing concentrations of smaller particles (1–10 µm) in suspension. Both of these trends are speculated to reflect the importance of particle surface area for metal sorption reactions.  相似文献   

Abundant palynological fossils are found from the drill core in the west slope of Songliao Basin, the first full coring borehole that drilled throughout the Neogene. Two Palynological assemblages are recognized according to their vertical distributions, i.e., the late early Miocene–middle Miocene assemblage from the Da'an Formation named as Caryapollenites simplex-Momipites coryloides-Celtispollenites sp.-Tsugaepollenites igniculus, and the late Miocene-early Pliocene assemblage from the Taikang Formation named as Artemisiaepollenites minor-Betulaceoipollenites sp.-Carpinipites sp.-Polypodiaceaesporites sp. On the basis of the composition of each assemblage, we infer that the climate was warm-temperate to sub-tropic during the late early Miocene–middle Miocene and the vegetation was mainly deciduous broadleaved forest and subordinate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest with few understory ferns, and probably some shallow fresh water wetlands. The climate then turned cooler and drier in the late Miocene–early Pliocene, represented by the development of xerophytic herbs and temperate plants, although the canopy of the forest remained relatively stable. The results significantly improve the understanding of the Cenozoic palynostratigraphy in the Songliao Basin, and provide new data for both stratigraphical correlation and paleovegetational and paleoclimatical analysis in adjacent area.  相似文献   


Droughts can have serious negative impacts on the water quality needed for irrigated agriculture. The Metropolitan region of Chile is a relevant producer of high-value crops and is prone to droughts. Standardized Drought Indices were used to characterize meteorological and hydrological droughts for the period from 1985 to 2015. To understand the relationship between droughts and water quality, we evaluated the correlations between daily discharge and surface water quality observations. The threshold level method was used to compare physicochemical parameters during hydrological drought periods with the Chilean water quality thresholds for agricultural uses. A significant (p < 0.05) negative relationship between discharge and electrical conductivity and major ions was found in most of the basin. Hydrological stations located in irrigation districts exceeded the official thresholds for these parameters during hydrological drought periods seriously threatening irrigated agriculture of the region.  相似文献   

Progressive geomorphic changes in the flight of fluvial terraces along the Rappahannock River, Virginia, provide a framework for analysing the effect of time on landforms. The oldest terrace is probably no younger than early Quaternary, and the youngest major fill terrace probably correlates with the high sea level of the last major interglacial. A uranium-series date of 187,000 yr has been obtained on coral from marine sediments related to this terrace. Indices of terrace preservation, especially drainage densities and area to perimeter ratios, show systematic changes with terrace age. Hence, these variables appear to satisfactorily indicate relative age, and could perhaps be used to estimate actual ages if suitably calibrated. The morphology of scarps formed by entrenchment of the fluvial terraces is more variable than analogous morphology of fault scarps and wave-cut bluffs. However, measurements of the fluvial scarps clearly indicate that for a given terrace age, higher scarps tend to have steeper slopes, and that for a given scarp height, older scarps tend to have gentler slopes. The terrace forms themselves are preserved for at least several million years. Depositional features such as bars and channels with l–3m of relief are preserved on terraces on the order of 105 yr old. Scarps related to the formation of terraces of this age are well preserved and have slopes of about 6–8 degrees where the scarp height is about 5 m. The preservation of fluvial landforms and scarps suggests that, if fault scarps comparable to these features were commonly formed by earthquakes in low relief areas of the eastern United States, many should be recognizable.  相似文献   

渭河断陷盆地带的形成演化及断块运动   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
渭河盆地和灵宝盆地的形成始于始新世 ,中新世运城盆地开始形成 ,到上新世时期渭河断陷带统一。早更新世断陷带内形成广阔的“三门湖” ,中更新世时期“三门湖”逐渐萎缩消亡。晚更新世以来断陷带继承性的发展。由于受秦岭、华山山前断裂带等相关阶状正断层的正倾滑运动的控制 ,断陷带演化过程主要表现为大幅度的沉陷、扩张并接受巨厚的堆积 ,在其内部产生了一系列向南掀斜的断块差异运动。断陷带新地质时期垂直差异运动十分强烈 ,是一强地震活动区  相似文献   

The paper describes a sequence of Pliocene(? ) to Quaternary age calcretes developed within alluvial fan and fluvial gravels in the Tabernas Basin, Almería Province, southeast Spain. Calcrete profiles are described from sites adjacent to major tributaries of the Rambla de Tabernas. Six distinct calcrete units are identified within the basin. These have variable distributions but have developed in an identifiable evolutionary sequence. Two pairs of calcrete units are widely present across the basin preserving two former land surfaces. Each of the former land surfaces has been planated and subsequently buried by alluvial fan or fluvial gravels. A massive calcrete unit is present at the base of each gravel sequence, immediately in contact with the underlying bedrock, with a less well developed calcrete unit situated at the top of the gravel sequence. The lowest two calcrete units within the basin are more spatially restricted and are confined to the floors and flanks of incised drainage lines. The geochemistry, macro- and micromorphological properties and geomorphological positions of the calcrete units are outlined and, on the basis of this information, their mode of origin identified. Two main modes of calcrete genesis appear to be present: massive calcretes situated in direct contact with bedrock are suggested to have formed by groundwater processes, whilst calcretes situated at the top of gravel sequences are likely to have developed by pedogenic processes. Calcrete genesis is subsequently considered in the context of the reconstruction of the early phases of landscape development, and is suggested to have been controlled by phases of uplift and stability within the Tabernas Basin. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Active and semi‐active anastomosing Holocene channels upstream of the delta in the lower valley of the meandering Neches River in southeast Texas represent several morphologically distinct and hydrologically independent channel systems. These appear to have a common origin as multi‐thread crevasse channels strongly influenced by antecedent morphology. Levee breaching leads to steeper cross‐valley flows toward floodplain basins associated with Pleistocene meander scars, creating multi‐thread channels that persist due to additional tributary contributions and ground water inputs. Results are consistent with the notion of plural systems where main channels, tributaries, and sub‐channels may have different morphologies and hydrogeomorphic functions. The adjacent Trinity and Sabine Rivers have similar environmental controls, yet the Trinity lacks evidence of extensive anastomosing channels on its floodplain, and those of the Sabine appear to be of different origin. The paper highlights the effects of geographical and historical contingency and hydrological idiosyncrasy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

松辽盆地深部地壳构造特征与无机油气生成模式   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
松辽盆地中地壳有一低速-高导层(也称塑性层),中地壳的塑性层与松辽盆地的成因以及盆山耦合系统有关.盆地地幔流体活动有下列表现:(1)高热流、高地温场;(2)深大断裂与火山岩喷溢;(3)碱交代作用(如钠长石化、伊利石化);(4)Mg2 交代作用(如白云石化)等等.地球化学省与地球化学急变带控制了大油气田的分布并显示了盆地发生的壳-幔相互作用.中地壳的低速-高导层不是岩浆岩,而是一充满地幔流体的地质体,它们富含氢、碱金属(K 、Na )、卤素(F-、Cl-)、碳(甲烷、CO、CO2)、氮、硫等.在中地壳的温度压力条件下,在Fe、Ni等催化荆的参与下,H2与CO(CO2)可发生费-托合成烃的反应.实验表明:这个反应不仅可生成气态烃还可生成液态烃,并将发生碳同位素分馏作用.松辽盆地的U形运移模型受到质疑.按照石油无机生成的模型,松辽盆地的深部将会有更多的石油与天然气,庆深气田的发现便是一个明证.  相似文献   

Measurements of noble gas element abundances in igneous rock samples from the Lesser Antilles island arc (LAIA) show an enrichment of Ne, Kr and Xe relative to Ar, when compared to the atmospheric inert gas composition. The element concentrations vary as a function of time and a cyclic variation appears to occur in the pre-Pliocene stage of arc development. The pattern of elemental abundances closely resembles that of ocean floor basalts, suggesting that, (1) the origin of the inert gases in these samples is related to the subduction of oceanic lithosphere responsible for the formation of the LAIA, and (2) the subduction process does not modify the noble gas patterns of the materials being subducted.There is no evidence of a change in concentration or composition of noble gases occurring at ca. 9 Ma, the time when it has been suggested the LAIA shifted to form the western, younger, volcanic Caribbees. However, a major hiatus in the noble gas evolution is recognised at ca. 16 Ma.  相似文献   

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