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Semidiurnal tides, and especially the lunar tide M2, are dominant dynamics in the Bay of Biscay. Strong tidal currents are associated with the presence of a significant continental slope. By combining Newton's gravitation laws and Euler's equations, Laplace's equations contain the astronomical forcing responsible for the observed semidiurnal tides. In shallow waters, this direct forcing is often neglected. We study here its influence on the tidal dynamics over the continental slope through the development of a simple model describing the barotropic semidiurnal dynamics on a transect perpendicular to the slope. This new model results from the combination of two different models, i.e. the one developed by Rosenfeld and Beardsley (1987), which takes into account the tide-generating force, and that of Battisti and Clarke (1982), which neglects it. A first model is developed by neglecting the direct astronomical forcing in equations: it consists in solving a second-order homogeneous propagation equation for the barotropic semidiurnal tide and needs only coastal conditions as well as the knowledge of the along-slope wave number of the solution. For a mean slope typical of the South Brittany area, this non-forced model provides results in accordance with those of Battisti and Clarke and Le Cann (1990): in particular, in the upper part of the slope, it shows a polarization inversion of tidal ellipses characteristic of the tidal dynamics observed in this area. Then, the direct astronomical forcing is kept in equations. The simple model developed without this forcing is fitted in order to solve the resulting forced propagation equation for the barotropic tide. The solution of this second model is the sum of a forced wave responding to the direct astronomical forcing and of a free wave generated at the coastal boundary. Under the same boundary conditions, the results obtained with the influence of the tide-generating force are then compared with those obtained without it. This comparison allows one to apprehend the importance of the direct astronomical forcing on tidal dynamics across the slope: in particular, the main difference appears in deep waters where this forcing induces a phase-lag between the plain and the shelf for the sea-surface slope.  相似文献   

A morphodynamical linear stability analysis is used to predict the natural development of crescentic bed patterns and rip channels. The purpose is to investigate whether this technique, which is useful for understanding the physics of emerging bed-forms, can be used to make quantitative predictions in the field, which may then be of use for coastal engineers.  相似文献   

Microwave remote sensing is one of the most useful methods for observing the ocean parameters. The Doppler frequency or interferometric phase of the radar echoes can be used for an ocean surface current speed retrieval,which is widely used in spaceborne and airborne radars. While the effect of the ocean currents and waves is interactional. It is impossible to retrieve the ocean surface current speed from Doppler frequency shift directly. In order to study the relationship between the ocean surface current speed and the Doppler frequency shift, a numerical ocean surface Doppler spectrum model is established and validated with a reference. The input parameters of ocean Doppler spectrum include an ocean wave elevation model, a directional distribution function, and wind speed and direction. The suitable ocean wave elevation spectrum and the directional distribution function are selected by comparing the ocean Doppler spectrum in C band with an empirical geophysical model function(CDOP). What is more, the error sensitivities of ocean surface current speed to the wind speed and direction are analyzed. All these simulations are in Ku band. The simulation results show that the ocean surface current speed error is sensitive to the wind speed and direction errors. With VV polarization, the ocean surface current speed error is about 0.15 m/s when the wind speed error is 2 m/s, and the ocean surface current speed error is smaller than 0.3 m/s when the wind direction error is within 20° in the cross wind direction.  相似文献   

The method for constructing limiting forms of steady states of vortex patches characterized by the presence of corners on the boundary is presented. The method is based on a continuation of the solution (the streamline which must coincide with the vortex boundary) when passing through the singular point to those part of the common vortex border whose tangent is continuous at the critical point. Limiting steady states of a pair of identical touching vortex patches are constructed for the cases of unlimited and circular barotropic oceans. It is found that, for the case of a circular ocean, the solution of maximum area is the domain bounded by two diameters intersecting at right angles. This conclusion is also valid for an unlimited ocean when the vortex pair of infinite area takes even/odd quadrants whose boundaries are formed by the asymptotes of solutions of finite area. The results add new members to the set of known exact analytical solutions of the problem of steady states of vortex patches.  相似文献   

The relationship between the results of four-dimensional (4-D) analysis and the approximations employed in the assimilation scheme, as well as the initial fields, is studied. The contribution made by a procedure of correcting the horizontal velocities by theT, S data to the increase of the quality of the data obtained is estimated. Numerical experiments were carried out on the data of measurements made in the observation site located in the Newfoundland energy-active zone in August 1985.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Cong  L. Z.  Ikeda  M. 《Journal of Oceanography》1995,51(3):301-326
The variational assimilation method has been examined for ability of reconstructing mesoscale features in altimeter data using a simple dynamic model. A one-dimensional, two-layer Rossby wave model in a cross-track channel has been chosen. The simulated data are constructed from a theoretical solution, which is composed of any combination of two normal vertical (barotropic and baroclinic) modes. The data are collected along tracks and with repeat periods similar to those of the Geosat altimeter. The phase space of control variables is composed of initial and boundary conditions. A cost function is defined to measure differences between the simulated data and the model solution. Regularization (smoothing) terms are also included in the cost function in the form of secon-order spatial and time derivatives of the solution. In this paper, two potential problems existing in the altimeter data assimilation are addressed: one is low cross-track resolution, and the other is vertical projection of the data measured at the sea surface. A succesful metho is developed for reconstructing Rossby waves with wavelengths as short as twice the track intervals for any combination of two vertical modes. A key component to efficient assimilation is a preparation step prior to the actual variational assimilation: a uniform ratio of pressure amplitudes in the two layers is included as an optimization parameter. Starting with the first guess from the preparation step, the variational method is carried out based on adjoint equations without such constraint. Separation of the control variables into the two subsets of the initial and the boundary conditions is found useful. Characteristics of the Hessian matrix are related to the performance of this technique. The method developed for the linear system implies steps to be included in data assimilation for nonlinear meanders and eddies in a major current system as well.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare, two dynamico-stochastic models (DSMs) with different hydrodynamic parts, designed to study a large-scale North Atlantic region. As a performance criterion, RMS errors (over the horizon) in density and velocity field reconstruction are used. It has been shown that in some cases it seems rational to use DSMs with simplified hydrodynamic parts. This helps to expedite the computations and to reduce the related costs without much detriment to the quality of hydrophysical field simulation.UDK 551.465.001.573(261.1).Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

高精度水下定位技术对于维护国家海疆安全、海洋权益和国民经济建设具有十分重要意义和实际应用价值。根据射线在水中的传播特性,利用双曲面定位方法建立长基线深海定位模型,通过计算机仿真获得4 000 m水下信源在10 km~2正方形范围内的定位误差精度及分布规律。结果表明:浮标网络中心位置定位精度最高,可得到亚米级;离中心位置越远,定位精度越差。  相似文献   

The structure of turbulence in the ocean surface layer is investigated using a simplified semi-analytical model based on rapid-distortion theory. In this model, which is linear with respect to the turbulence, the flow comprises a mean Eulerian shear current, the Stokes drift of an irrotational surface wave, which accounts for the irreversible effect of the waves on the turbulence, and the turbulence itself, whose time evolution is calculated. By analysing the equations of motion used in the model, which are linearised versions of the Craik–Leibovich equations containing a ‘vortex force’, it is found that a flow including mean shear and a Stokes drift is formally equivalent to a flow including mean shear and rotation. In particular, Craik and Leibovich’s condition for the linear instability of the first kind of flow is equivalent to Bradshaw’s condition for the linear instability of the second. However, the present study goes beyond linear stability analyses by considering flow disturbances of finite amplitude, which allows calculating turbulence statistics and addressing cases where the linear stability is neutral. Results from the model show that the turbulence displays a structure with a continuous variation of the anisotropy and elongation, ranging from streaky structures, for distortion by shear only, to streamwise vortices resembling Langmuir circulations, for distortion by Stokes drift only. The TKE grows faster for distortion by a shear and a Stokes drift gradient with the same sign (a situation relevant to wind waves), but the turbulence is more isotropic in that case (which is linearly unstable to Langmuir circulations).  相似文献   

基于改进型的二阶Boussinesq方程,在交错网络下建立数值模型.利用模型模拟波浪在常水深情况下的传播,波浪反射系数均低于2%.利用该模型模拟波浪在平斜坡前的反射,并将数值结果与解析解进行对比.结果表明,对于相对水深较大情况,坡度较陡时模拟结果明显偏大;对 于相对水深较小情况,坡度超过1:1时,数值结果仍与解析解有....  相似文献   

The moored three-float line absorber WEC M4 has been developed to optimise power capture through experiments and linear diffraction modelling. With the progression down wave from small to medium to large floats, the device heads naturally into the wave direction. The bow and mid floats are rigidly connected by a beam and a beam from the stern float is connected to the hinge point above the mid float for power take off (PTO). Increasing the bow to mid float spacing to be more than 50% greater than the mid to stern float spacing has been found to improve power capture. To increase power capture further and potentially reduce electricity generation cost the number of mid floats and stern floats is increased while maintaining a single bow float for mooring connection. The bow and mid floats still form a rigid body while the stern floats may respond independently. A time domain linear diffraction model based on Cummins method has been applied to configurations of 121, 123, 132, 133, and 134 floats where the numbers indicate the number of floats: bow, mid, stern. This shows how power capture is increased while response remains similar. We only consider uni-directional (long-crested) waves with narrow band width typical of swell. By considering scatter diagrams for various offshore sites capacities may range from 3.7 MW to 17.3 MW for the eight float system with a capacity factor of 1/3 while the cost of electricity assuming capital cost to be a fixed multiple of steel cost is reduced from that for the three-float system.  相似文献   

Although many studies of Nematoda have been undertaken in estuarine systems, there are relatively few studies which have analysed the distribution of fauna across the entire salinity range from marine to freshwater conditions. The Thames estuary has a long history of anthropogenic impact and recovery, since it was described as “azoic” in the 1950s, which has been monitored primarily through studies of water quality and fish stocks, with less emphasis on macroinfauna and very little information on meiofaunal organisms. This study aimed to describe the nematode fauna at eight stations along the estuary from marine to freshwater conditions in order to assess patterns of density, diversity and species assemblage structure. Nematode density and diversity were generally lower in the middle reaches of the estuary, associated with the region of greatest salinity range, a pattern which was found to be in agreement with Attrill's [2002. A testable linear model for diversity trends in estuaries. Journal of Animal Ecology 71, 262–269] linear model. Multivariate analysis confirmed that each station supported a distinct nematode fauna, which could be used to identify five zones along the estuary related to salinity regime. Although alpha diversity at each station was relatively low, species turnover along the estuary resulted in relatively high gamma diversity (153 spp.) similar to that found in a number of European estuaries. The results of this study did not suggest that the nematode fauna was under significant stress from the lower levels of pollution currently found in the system. The potential routes for the recovery and re-colonization of the estuary since it most polluted days are discussed.  相似文献   

大型多连通域浮式平台的典型代表是大型海上旅游浮式综合体,依据概念设计,开展大型多连通域浮式平台的波浪载荷水池模型试验研究,试验对不同海况下4种典型多连通域浮式平台方案进行波浪载荷测量,包括剖面的垂向弯矩、水平弯矩和扭矩等,通过观察试验现象和分析测量数据,获得了不同方案大型多连通域浮式平台的波浪载荷特性。试验结果表明:由于平台质量大、振动阻尼大,所以高频载荷成分小;平台在自由状态下载荷值基本都小于平台只释放垂荡状态载荷值;在方案四高波高状态下,平台波浪载荷的高频成分包含了波浪的非线性、约束柱与平台之间的耦合、平台自身的高频振动等。研究成果可为大型海上旅游浮式综合体的结构设计提供设计载荷输入,支撑平台的强度校核评估。  相似文献   

Combining a linear regression and a temperature budget formula, a multivariate regression model is proposed to parameterize and estimate sea surface temperature(SST) cooling induced by tropical cyclones(TCs). Three major dynamic and thermodynamic processes governing the TC-induced SST cooling(SSTC), vertical mixing, upwelling and heat flux, are parameterized empirically using a combination of multiple atmospheric and oceanic variables:sea surface height(SSH), wind speed, wind curl, TC translation speed and surface net heat flux. The regression model fits reasonably well with 10-year statistical observations/reanalysis data obtained from 100 selected TCs in the northwestern Pacific during 2001–2010, with an averaged fitting error of 0.07 and a mean absolute error of 0.72°C between diagnostic and observed SST cooling. The results reveal that the vertical mixing is overall the pre dominant process producing ocean SST cooling, accounting for 55% of the total cooling. The upwelling accounts for 18% of the total cooling and its maximum occurs near the TC center, associated with TC-induced Ekman pumping. The surface heat flux accounts for 26% of the total cooling, and its contribution increases towards the tropics and the continental shelf. The ocean thermal structures, represented by the SSH in the regression model,plays an important role in modulating the SST cooling pattern. The concept of the regression model can be applicable in TC weather prediction models to improve SST parameterization schemes.  相似文献   

Using the stochastic approach, we analyze the effect of fluctuations of the linear feedback coefficient in a simple zero-dimensional energy balance climate model on the frequency spectrum of averaged temperature. An expression is obtained for the model spectrum in the weak noise approximation. Its features are investigated in two cases: when the frequency spectrum of the feedback coefficient is a constant (white noise) and when the spectrum contains one resonant frequency and has a Lorentz form. We consider the issue whether the feedback coefficient fluctuations can be an independent mechanism for a qualitative change in the spectrum of the climate system.  相似文献   

The relations for calculating the dynamic error in the angular coordinate measurements of hydrophysical instruments have been derived (non-linear terms being considered) through the analysis of an equation for the oscillations of a pendulum mounted on a mobile base. Some examples of calculating the errors encountered in some meters widely used in today's oceanographic measuring sets are given.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

具有岬湾形态的海岸一般具有良好的稳定性,是海岸侵蚀修复中经常使用的岸线形态,而岬湾形态特征与海岸水动力之间的确切关系还没有形成量化的描述。本研究定义了海岸岬湾形态特征的基本参数,基于历史卫星影像的解译,采用比拟、统计的研究方法,统计了全球240个岬湾的平面形态特征参数,分析得出:(1)岬控比(K)的值介于1.2至1.8之间,平均值为1.41,方差为0.02,标准差为0.16;(2)凸出度(ρ)的值介于0.2至0.51之间,平均值为0.34,方差为0.01,标准差为0.08;(3)根据弧形岸线形态和波浪绕射的不同,将自然海岸岬湾形态分为切线夹曲线型、曲线连切线型和曲线夹切线型3类。采用数值模拟,将线性材料受力变形的过程比拟于岬湾海岸线受水动力作用达到静态平衡过程,以线性材料为媒介,初步探究了岬湾平面形态与波浪之间的关系,对海岸线的预测、修复和保护海岸具有应用前景。  相似文献   

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