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Housing conditions can impact physical and mental health. In 2013, Portugal was still the fourth European Union country with the highest percentage of population without an adequately heated home in winter. Other adverse conditions are, for instance, overcrowding and living in older buildings. Some studies stress the relationship between stroke and poor living conditions in the elderly population, especially cold homes. Univariate and multivariate spatial cluster analysis were used to explore the relationship between excess stroke death risk, from 1998 to 2004, measured by the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for several cohorts (including persons over 64 years old), and poor housing variables from the 2001 census, at the parish level in continental Portugal. A multivariate cluster of parishes, with population without any form of heating their homes as dominant condition, was detected in northwest Portugal. Mean and median SMR values across all cohorts were consistently higher within this cluster. This strengthens the hypothesis that cold homes deserve more attention in stroke prevention and mitigation amongst elderly persons, especially in northwestern continental Portugal.  相似文献   

Through the investigation of tropical cyclone (TC) characteristics related to climate change, this study found that the frequency of TCs occurring over the Western North Pacific has recently decreased slightly, while their average intensity has increased. The number of overall TCs that passed within the vicinity of South Korea has also been reduced, but the number of strong typhoons in the area, those with maximum wind speeds of more than 44 m/s, has significantly increased. These changes are closely related to the following phenomena. (1) The average genesis region of TCs that influence South Korea has moved eastward. Accordingly, the TCs tend to strengthen as they move westward for long distances along the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) trade easterlies and the southern boundary of the North Pacific Subtropical High (NPSH). (2) The NPSH and Asia Monsoon trough, which are known to affect TC tracks, have extended to the northwest and southeast. This has caused TCs that travel to higher latitudes and curve back toward the Korean Peninsula to become more frequent. (3) TCs have approached the Korean Peninsula without hitting land. In addition, the sea surface temperature became higher than it was before. These factors have caused TCs to maintain their strength or become stronger than before.  相似文献   

Sporopollen, when recorded in the sedimentary record, is a characterization factor of vegetation over geological time of an area; the grain-size characteristics are direct reflection of the hydrodynamic conditions. Based on analyses of high-time resolution sporopollen and grain size of a 55-cm-long sediment core of Dongping Lake, it is shown that the sedimentary environment and hydrodynamic processes of Dongping Lake have seen significant changes over the past 150 years. From 1855 to 1865, the lake is in a hydrostatic depositional environment, where submerged plants were in great abundance, emergent and floating-leaved aquatic plants were comparatively fewer, and reworked sporopollen fossils were not observed. These indicate a weak and stable hydrodynamic condition during this stage. However, fluctuation of Mz, amounts of clay and silt were present, which may be due to high volumes of sediments around Dongping Lake basin transported into Dongping Lake via the Yellow River during the early lake-forming stages. From 1865 to 1922, the lake is in a backswamp depositional environment, where aquatic plants are nearly nonexistent, appearing occasionally in some layers with relatively low abundance. Fern spores show a twofold increase in occurrence and reworked sporopollen fossils are frequently identified. All of these indicate a strong hydrodynamic condition and frequent environmental change. Grain-size characteristics also support this interpretation. From 1922 to 1961, aquatic plants appeared at the upper layers of this zone at relatively low amounts, and reworked sporopollen fossils were frequently identified. Grain-size characteristics show an obvious change in grain-size distribution, indicating a strong hydrodynamic condition and unstable depositional environment. These relationships were attributed to a backswamp depositional environment. From 1961 to 2007, Dongping Lake is in a hydrostatic depositional environment, where the hydrodynamic condition is weak and stable. Evidence for this is shown by a remarkable increase in submerged plants, a rapid decrease in fern spores, and occasional appearances of reworked sporopollen fossils in the lower part of the zone. However, grain-size characteristics reveal that fluctuation of Mz, amounts of clay, silt and sand are noticeable and frequent, which may be mainly related to impacts of ever-enhancing human activities in recent years.  相似文献   

Ernst Weinschenk was an excellent teacher at the High School of Technology from 1897 till his death 1921, and at the university in Munich from 1900. His studies of the mineralogy of meteorites and the contact-metamorphic mineralization in the eastern and western Alps and southern Tyrol made him widely known early-on. He successfully determined many new minerals with the aid of the polarizing microscope and the use of mineral and thin rock sections. He attributed the genesis of the sulfidic ore deposit Silberberg at Bodenmais (northern Bavarian Forest) and the graphite deposits near Passau (Lower Bavaria) to the exhalative output of sulphur and carbon during the granite orogenesis (Weinschenk 1914).  相似文献   

U–Pb dating of the Torangalyk Complex (Northern Balkhash) yielded a Late Carboniferous age of 305 ± 2 Ma. Taking into account the previous data, a new scheme for Late Paleozoic granitic magmatism in this region has been proposed. It includes the Early Carboniferous granite–granodiorite Balkhash Complex, Late Carboniferous monzonite–granosyenite Kokdombak and Torangalyk complexes, and the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian granite–leucogranite Akchatau Complex.  相似文献   

The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is located on the collisional zone between the Alpine Corsica and the Northern Apennines and is a key area for gaining a better understanding of the complex relationships between these two systems. The knowledge of the wide offshore part of this zone, located between Corsica (France) and mainland Italy, is based primarily on the analysis of several seismic profiles tied to the outcropping geology and unpublished preliminary reports of few offshore wells. The here presented study of two offshore wells provides a revision of the sedimentology, biostratigraphy and petrography of the thick, mainly siliciclastic, Tertiary successions (about 3,600 m) composing the Elba–Pianosa Ridge (EPR), a structural/morphological high separating the Tuscan Shelf to the east from the Corsica Basin to the west. A comparison with similar deposits cropping out in the surrounding onshore areas (Northern Apennines, Corsica, Tuscan Archipelago, Piedmont Tertiary Basin) provides additional constraints for refinement of the complex geodynamic and regional setting in which the EPR evolved.  相似文献   

The structural characteristics of humic acids (HAs) from two different depths of a sedimentary sequence representing the last 13 kyr in the valley of Guadiana river estuary (SW Portugal/Spain border) have been approached using a combination of spectroscopic techniques, wet chemical degradation methods (sequential oxidation with sodium persulfate followed by KMnO4, and oxidation with RuO4) and analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) in the presence and absence of tetramethylammonium hydroxyde (TMAH). The aim was to obtain complementary information on the sources and alteration of the organic matter (OM) provided by a previous study on the vertical distribution of terrestrial and phytoplankton biogeochemical markers in the sequence. Both the FT-IR (Fourier transformed infrared) and 13C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra showed a close similarity with the structural characteristics of the HA samples. NMR signals in the alkyl region (0–45 ppm) as well as FT-IR band patterns typical for methoxyl-substituted aromatic rings pointed to the presence of an important aliphatic domain, as well as to lignin-derived compounds. This finding was confirmed using analytical pyrolysis. In addition, the main TMAH thermochemolysis products were typical lignin-derived methoxyphenols with both guaicyl and syringyl nuclei. The detection of methoxyphenol units with three to six carbon atom (C3–C6) side chains suggests that lignin and possibly suberin were only partially degraded. Compounds arising from proteins and polysaccharides were also detected, although in lesser and varying amount. The major products from persulfate oxidation were series of n-alkanes (C16–C33 with clear odd/even predominance) and n-fatty acids, both saturated (C10–C26 with strong even/odd predominance) and unsaturated, which may arise from the above aliphatic biomacromolecules. The major products from permanganate oxidation of the persulfate residue were α,ω-diacids (C6–C11) originating from oxidation of the ether bonds linking the building blocks constituting the core of the HA structure. Aromatic compounds (phenols, methoxy-dimethoxybenzene carboxylic acid and benzene di-, tri-, tetra- and pentacarboxylic acids), most probably derived from the aromatic backbone of the HAs, that may also include lignin moieties as well as other polyphenols (flavonoids and tannins) were also detected. The RuO4 oxidation also released series of n-alkanes (C16–C33), linear saturated fatty acids (C10–C28) and α,ω-diacids (C7–C25), as well as traces of benzene polycarboxylic acids. Regarding the usefulness of the various techniques used, they provide complementary information. Indeed, spectroscopic techniques and analytical pyrolysis provide information on the backbone of the HAs, and on their origin, whereas the oxidative degradations provide different information on the structural features of the HA, particularly the nature of the linking between the building blocks. In general, the data support the idea that the HAs still contain information about the signature of aliphatic and aromatic biomacromolecules contributing to the OM deposited. The presence of lignin-derived residues suggests a large input from terrestrial carbon throughout the core.  相似文献   


The results of studying an aggregate of graphite-and-diamond crystal in tourmaline 5 μm of the Kokchetav massif by the method of transmission electron microscopy are presented. The detail studies of the interface between the crystals of graphite and diamond have revealed the absence of disordered graphite that is detail partially graphitized diamond. Intense deformation changes in the graphite crystal occurred after it was captured by tourmaline at the regression stage, which led to considerable kinking of the graphite crystal along the a-axis. Thus, the coexistence of graphite and diamond crystals cannot be unambiguously interpreted as a product of partial diamond graphitization. Graphite could have crystallized syngenetic with a diamond crystal or at the retrograde stage in the graphite stability field.


New geochemical, isotopic, and geochronological data and interpretations are presented for late Neoproterozoic intrusive carbonates and related rocks of southern Sinai, Egypt (northernmost Arabian–Nubian Shield). The Tarr carbonates are coarsely crystalline and related to explosive emplacement of hypabyssal and volcanic albitite at 605 ± 13 Ma. The carbonates associated with the albitites are divisible into two types: primary dolomitite and secondary breunneritite (Fe-rich magnesite). The dolomitite was clearly intrusive but differs from classic igneous carbonatites, containing much lower abundances of incompatible elements, such as REE, U, Th, Rb, Nb, Y, P, Sr, Zr, Ba, and total alkalies. The breunneritite is a secondary replacement of dolomitite, probably marking the roots of a vigorous hydrothermal system. Albitites show pristine abundances of major and trace elements and were not subjected to a major metamorphic overprint. They are relatively more fractionated, alkaline and related to within-plate A-type magmas, were emplaced in an extensional or non-compressive tectonic regime in the cupola of high-level A-type granite. Tarr albitites may represent residual magma remaining after near-total crystallization of an A-type granite pluton at depth, forcibly emplaced into the roof above the cooling pluton. The intrusive dolomitite exsolved from highly differentiated albitite melt, in the apical regions of a still-buried alkaline “A-type” granite pluton that was rich in CO2; these volatiles migrated upwards and towards the cooler margins of the magma body. Late NNE-SSW extension allowed a shallow-level cupola to form, into which albitite melts and carbonate fluids migrated, culminating in explosive emplacement of albitite breccia and intrusive carbonate. Isotopic compositions of Tarr dolomitite and albitite indicate these are consanguineous and ultimately of mantle origin. Magmatic volatiles fenitized the wall rock, while submarine hydrothermal activity transformed some of the dolomitite into breunneritite. Recognition of Tarr-type should encourage similar hypabyssal complex intrusions to be sought for in association with A-type granitic plutons elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Cananéia–Iguape system consists of a complex of estuarine and lagoonal channels located in the coastal region of southeastern Brazil known as Lagamar, a Biosphere Reserve recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1991. The area suffered dramatic environmental changes along the last ca. 150 years initiated by the 1852 opening of an artificial channel, the Valo Grande, connecting the Ribeira de Iguape River to the estuarine system. Due to Au, Ag, Zn, and Pb mining activities that took place in the upstream regions of the Ribeira de Iguape River since the seventeenth century, the system has acted as a final destination of contaminated sediments. Analysis of cores located along the estuarine system revealed a history of contamination, with an increase of anthropogenic metal input between the decades of 1930 and 1990. The anthropogenic influence can be traced in locations as far as 20 km from the mouth of the artificial channel.  相似文献   

The Aqra Formation represents a succession that was deposited over most of Northern Iraq and adjacent regions. In north Iraq, in the core of NW–SE trending Aqra anticline, a 438-m-thick section of the Aqra Formation crops out at Geli Zanta corge. The base of the Aqra Formation is not exposed here. The upper contact is unconformably overlain by Paleocene–Lower Eocene formations (Kolosh and Khurmala formations). A hundred and one samples were collected from the section and used for biostratigraphic and microfacies analysis. According to the occurrence of larger Foraminifera (Orbitoides media and Orbitoides apiculata) and planktonic Foraminifera (Abathomphalus mayaroensis), Late Upper Campanian–Maastrichtian age was determined for Aqra Formation. Fifteen facies were distinguishable throughout the formation, representing tidal flat (supratidal), restricted marine shelf (lagoon) and shelf margin rudist reef, and its related debris. These environments were used to interpret three depositional sequences which correlate with those of Aruma Formation (KSA), Simsima Formation (UAE) in Arabian Plate, and with Iraqi formation sequences. Three maximum flooding surfaces were recognized as MFS 175, MFS 180, and MFS 190.  相似文献   

Horizontal surface visibility range, one of the simplest measures of local atmospheric pollution, is critical for aviation, surface transport besides long-term impact on human health and climate. Long-term observations from multiple stations (including airports) across the world show statistically significant decline in visibility. We have studied climatology and trends of morning poor visibility days (PVD, visibility <4 km) and afternoon good visibility days (GVD, visibility >10 km) based on 279 surface meteorological stations well distributed over India for the period 1961–2008. During last 5 decades, all India averaged range of annual morning PVD has increased from 6.7 to 27.3 % days, while the range of afternoon GVD has decreased from 76.1 to 30.6 % days. Annually, the morning PVD increased significantly at 3.3 % days per decade, and the afternoon GVD declined significantly at ?8.6 % days per decade. Seasonally, the highest increase in morning PVD has occurred in winter (+4.3 % days per decade), while post-monsoon has the highest decrease in afternoon GVD (?9.2 % days per decade). In spatial distribution, visibility has decreased nationwide especially over Indo-Gangetic (IG) plains, central, east and northeast India which is due to increased wintertime fog, water vapor and aerosol loading. The IG plains suffer from increased fog or smog and aerosol loading during wintertime. Long-term visibility impairment over India is visible through increasing morning PVD (decreasing GVD) and decreasing afternoon GVD (increasing PVD) which are spatially well correlated with increasing relative humidity and decreasing wind speed (seasonal).  相似文献   

The latest Carboniferous to lower Permian volcanism of the southern Variscides in Sardinia developed in a regional continental transpressive and subsequent transtensile tectonic regime.Volcanism produced a wide range of intermediate-silicic magmas including medium-to high-K calc-alkaline andesites,dacites,and rhyolites.A thick late Palaeozoic succession is well exposed in the four most representative Sardinian continental basins(Nurra,Perdasdefogu,Escalaplano,and Seui-Seulo),and contains substantial stratigraphic,geochemical,and geochronological evidence of the area's complex geological evolution from the latest Carboniferous to the beginning of the Triassic.Based on major and trace element data and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating,it is possible to reconstruct the timing of postVariscan volcanism.This volcanism records active tectonism between the latest Carboniferous and Permian,and post-dates the unroofing and erosion of nappes in this segment of the southern Variscides.In particular,igneous zircon grains from calc-alkaline silicic volcanic rocks yielded ages between299±1 and 288±3 Ma,thereby constraining the development of continental strike-slip faulting from south(Escalaplano Basin)to north(Nurra Basin).Notably,andesites emplaced in medium-grade metamorphic basement(Mt.Cobingius,Ogliastra)show a cluster of older ages at 332±12 Ma.Despite the large uncertainty,this age constrains the onset of igneous activity in the mid-crust.These new radiometric ages constitute:(1)a consistent dataset for different volcanic events;(2)a precise chronostratigraphic constraint which fits well with the biostratigraphic data and(3)insights into the plate reorganization between Laurussia and Gondwana during the late Palaeozoic evolution of the Variscan chain.  相似文献   

The study of ammonites from the upper part of the upper Bajocian and lower part of the lower Bathonian in the sections of the basin of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk (Karachay-Cherkessia) allowed the recognition of Beds with Parkinsonia djanelidzei (approximate equivalent of the middle part of the Parkinsonia parkinsoni Chronozone) and Beds with Oraniceras scythicum (lower part of the Zigzagiceras zigzag Chronozone). The taxonomic composition and distribution of foraminifers, ostracodes, dinoflagellate cysts, and miospores were studied in the samples from these deposits (upper part of the upper member of Djangura Formation). The recognized characteristic assemblages of microfauna and palynomorphs allowed ostracode and dinocyst subdivisions to be proposed for the Bajocian–Bathonian boundary beds of the Northern Caucasus for the first time. The most important taxa, including ammonites, foraminifers, ostracodes, and dinocysts, are illustrated.  相似文献   

During the first week of November 1994, the persistence of a wide depression over North-West Europe caused heavy rains on a large part of Piedmont region Precipitations of about 200 mm/day at various rain gauges were recorded. In different Piedmontese areas 92 pluviometric stations, with long-term series (60–80 years), recorded values which were over the previous maxima: in 18 cases for 1 day and in 20 cases for 2 days in succession. The Tanaro Valley (area of 8500 km2), located in southern Piedmont, was the basin mostly affected by these extreme rainfalls. Particularly on November 4 and 5, over 200 mm of rain were recorded in the upper and middle part of the valley and in the upper portions of its tributaries: the Belbo, Bormida and Orba rivers. Precipitations reached a maximum hourly intensity of 55 mm, with maximum cumulative value of 264.4 mm over 24 hours. Rainfalls produced exceptional discharges of the rivers characterized by peaks never recorded before (unit discharge 0.6–7.3 m3s−1 km2). Along the rivers large floods caused widespread damage to 38 urbanized areas. The effect was catastrophical: 44 victims, 2000 homeless, over 10 billion US $ of damage in all. If we consider the event on the whole, we must go back to 1879, May 26–27, to find a comparable case in the Tanaro Valley: therefore we can consider the 1994 event on a secular scale.  相似文献   

The Šambron–Kamenica Zone is situated on the northern margin of the Levočské vrchy mountains and Šarišskà vrchovina Highland, where the Central Carpathian Paleogene joins the Pieniny Klippen Belt. Sandstone outcrops in this area. From Cretaceous to Late Oligocene in age, these sediments suggest transport directions from S and SE. The heavy mineral assemblages of this sandstone include Cr-spinel grains, mainly displaying types II and III alpine-peridotite affinities, and are representative of Ocean Island Basalt volcanism. A sample from Upper Eocene sediments at Vit’az shows a clear change in Cr-spinel composition, which turns out to have types I and II peridotite affinities, and to derive from arc and Middle Ocean Ridge Basalt volcanism, with sediment transport directions from SW and WSW. These data indicate major variations in the Upper Eocene tectonic setting, giving constraints to paleogeographic reconstruction of the Slovak Central Carpathians.  相似文献   

Magmatic oxide mineralization widely developed in syenite–gabbro intrusive complexes is an important Fe and Ti resource. However, its origin is hotly debatable. Some researchers believe that the oxide ores were formed through precipitation of dense Ti-magnetite in an initial ferrogabbroic magma (Bai et al., 2012), whereas others consider them as a product of immiscible splitting of Fe-rich liquid during crystallization of Fe–Ti basaltic magma (Zhou et al., 2013). We consider this problem with a study of the Middle Paleoproterozoic (2086 ± 30 Ma) Elet’ozero Ti-bearing layered intrusive complex in northern Karelia (Baltic Shield). The first ore-bearing phase of the complex is mainly made up of diverse ferrogabbros, with subordinate clinopyroxenites and peridotites. Fe–Ti oxides (magnetite, Ti-magnetite, and ilmenite) usually account for 10–15 vol %, reaching 30–70% in ore varieties. The second intrusive phase is formed by alkaline and nepheline syenites. Petrographical, mineralogical, and geochemical data indicate that the first phase of the intrusion was derived from a moderately alkaline Fe–Ti basaltic melt, while the parental melt of the second phase was close in composition to alkaline trachyte. The orebodies comprise disseminated and massive ores. The disseminated Fe–Ti oxide ores make up lenses and layers conformable to general layering. Massive ores occur in subordinate amounts as layers and lenses, as well as cross-cutting veins. Elevated Nb and Ta contents in Fe–Ti oxides makes it possible to consider them complex ores. It is shown that the Fe–Ti oxide mineralization is related to the formation of a residual (Fe,Ti)-rich liquid, which lasted for the entire solidification history of the first intrusive phase. The liquid originated through multiple enrichment of Fe and Ti in the crystallization zone of the intrusion owing to the following processes: (1) precipitation of silicate minerals in the crystallization zone with a corresponding increase in the Fe and Ti contents in an interstitial melt; and (2) periodic accumulation of the residual melt in front of this zone. Unlike liquid immiscibility leading to melt splitting into two phases, this liquid dissolved the residual components of the melt. Correspondingly, such an Fe-rich liquid has unusual properties and requires further study.  相似文献   

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