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Iuliana Arma? 《Natural Hazards》2012,63(2):1129-1156
The expansive infrastructure, along with the high population density, makes cities highly vulnerable to the severe impacts of natural hazards. In the context of an explosive increase in value of the damage caused by natural disasters, the need for evaluating and visualizing the vulnerability of urban areas becomes a necessity in helping practitioners and stakeholders in their decision-making processes. The paper presented is a piece of exploratory research. The overall aim is to develop a spatial vulnerability approach to address earthquake risk, using a semi-quantitative model. The model uses the analytical framework of a spatial GIS-based multi-criteria analysis. For this approach, we have chosen Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, based on its high vulnerability to earthquakes due to a rapid urban growth and the advanced state of decay of the buildings (most of the building stock were built between 1940 and 1977). The spatial result reveals a circular pattern, pinpointing as hot spots the Bucharest historic centre (located on a meadow and river terrace, and with aged building stock) and peripheral areas (isolated from the emergency centers and defined by precarious social and economic conditions). In a sustainable development perspective, the example of Bucharest shows how spatial patterns shape the ??vulnerability profile?? of the city, based on which decision makers could develop proper prediction and mitigation strategies and enhance the resilience of cities against the risks resulting from the earthquake hazard.  相似文献   

The Yushu County, Qinghai Province, China, April 14, 2010, earthquake triggered thousands of landslides in a zone between 96°20′32.9″E and 97°10′8.9″E, and 32°52′6.7″N and 33°19′47.9″N. This study examines the use of geographic information system (GIS) technology and Bayesian statistics in creating a suitable landslide hazard-zone map of good predictive power. A total of 2,036 landslides were interpreted from high-resolution aerial photographs and multi-source satellite images pre- and post-earthquake, and verified by selected field checking before a final landslide-inventory map of the study area could be established using GIS software. The 2,036 landslides were randomly partitioned into two subsets: a training dataset, which contains 80 % (1,628 landslides), for training the model; and a testing dataset 20 % (408 landslides). Twelve earthquake triggered landslide associated controlling parameters, such as elevation, slope gradient, slope aspect, slope curvature, topographic position, distance from main surface ruptures, peak ground acceleration, distance from roads, normalized difference vegetation index, distance from drainages, lithology, and distance from all faults were obtained from variety of data sources. Landslide hazard indices were calculated using the weight of evidence model. The landslide hazard map was compared with training data and testing data to obtain the success rate and predictive rate of the model, respectively. The validation results showed satisfactory agreement between the hazard map and the existing landslide distribution data. The success rate is 80.607 %, and the predictive rate is 78.855 %. The resulting landslide hazard map showed five classes of landslide hazard, i.e., very high, high, moderate, low and very low. The landslide hazard evaluation map should be useful for environmental recovery planning and reconstruction work.  相似文献   

In conventional seismic hazard analysis, uniform distribution over area and magnitude range is assumed for the evaluation of source seismicity which is not able to capture peculiar characteristic of near-fault ground motion well. For near-field hazard analysis, two important factors need to be considered: (1) rupture directivity effects and (2) occurrence of scenario characteristic ruptures in the nearby sources. This study proposed a simple framework to consider these two effects by modifying the predictions from the conventional ground motion model based on pulse occurrence probability and adjustment of the magnitude frequency distribution to account for the rupture characteristic of the fault. The results of proposed approach are compared with those of deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses. The results indicate that characteristic earthquake and directivity consideration both have significant effects on seismic hazard analysis estimates. The implemented approach leads to results close to deterministic seismic hazard analysis in the short period ranges (T < 1.0 s) and follows probabilistic seismic hazard analysis results in the long period ranges (T > 1.0 s). Finally, seismic hazard maps based on the proposed method could be developed and compared with other methods.  相似文献   

One of the biggest impacts of a disaster is the effect it can have on community and regional housing and the ability of people, communities and regions to recover from the damages. Policy decisions involving investments in loss reduction measures and response and recovery are best informed by the integration of scientific and socioeconomic information. Natural scientists develop hazard scenarios for stakeholders and emergency officials to assess the impacts of a particular disaster outcome. Social scientists have found that housing losses and recovery affect individuals in lower socioeconomic status disproportionately. By combining socioeconomic status data from the US Census with an earthquake scenario for southern California, an event-driven conditional distribution of earthquake risk is used to prioritize investment decisions for earthquake hazard mitigation. Simulation of the damages in the scenario showed a statistically significant risk concentration in census tracts with large numbers of residents of lower socioeconomic status living in multi-family housing and mobile homes. An application of the approach is demonstrated in Los Angeles County as a decision criterion in a building retrofit program. The earthquake scenario was used to evaluate the economic benefits of a program for voluntary mitigation and a combined program of voluntary mitigation and regulated mitigation based on socioeconomic status (mandate requiring mitigation in census tracts meeting specific damage and income thresholds). Although the analysis is a hypothetical scenario based on a simulation of a great earthquake, the results and potential outcomes show that a regulated program with a socioeconomic decision criterion would have significant benefits to vulnerable populations.  相似文献   

A multi-tiered earthquake hazard model for Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earthquakes result from tectonic processes, and their distribution is strongly influenced by large-scale geology and the tectonic stress field. However, earthquake hazard estimates, particularly ground motion recurrence, have traditionally been computed using source models based primarily on instrumental and historical seismicity. In areas of low to moderate seismicity such as Australia, large earthquakes commonly occur in areas which have experienced little or no recent activity, making it difficult to develop source models based solely on seismicity.

The seismotectonic model developed for Australia that is presented here (AUS5) is based on geology, geophysics, tectonics and seismicity. The model was developed using a number of tiers of information, so that new information can easily be incorporated. The information used includes, but is not limited to, tectonic provinces, basins and ranges, gravity, magnetic, topography, and seismicity, all on a regional scale. On a local scale, for a site-specific earthquake hazard study, active faulting can be incorporated to provide fault source zones.

An earthquake hazard map showing peak ground acceleration with a 10% chance of exceedance in 50 years for southeastern Australia using the geologically defined seismotectonic model AUS5 is presented as an indication of how the model performs.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake, also known as 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, occurred along the Longmenshan fault zone on 12 May 2008 at 14:28:01.42 CST (06:28:01.42 UTC). It caused serious damage to structures in the region. Beichuan is a town which is within these severely damaged areas. According to the earthquake intensity distribution map of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake officially released by the China Earthquake Administration, the earthquake intensity in Beichuan was XI on the China seismic intensity scale. As the earthquake occurred in a mountainous area, there were thousands of landslides, rockfalls, debris flows, and surface ruptures triggered by the earthquake over a broad area. These secondary geological hazards substantially increased the human, social and economic impact of the earthquake. This paper presents a post-earthquake analysis on the secondary geological hazards in Beichuan. The risk analyses associated with construction of the National Earthquake Memorial Museum in Beichuan are assessed and recommendations on risk mitigations for the mass reconstruction over the ruins are also provided based on this field study.  相似文献   

The 12 September 2007 great Bengkulu earthquake (M w 8.4) occurred on the west coast of Sumatra about 130 km SW of Bengkulu. The earthquake was followed by two strong aftershocks of M w 7.9 and 7.0. We estimate coseismic offsets due to the mainshock, derived from near-field Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements from nine continuous SuGAr sites operated by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) group. Using a forward modelling approach, we estimated slip distribution on the causative rupture of the 2007 Bengkulu earthquake and found two patches of large slip, one located north of the mainshock epicenter and the other, under the Pagai Islands. Both patches of large slip on the rupture occurred under the island belt and shallow water. Thus, despite its great magnitude, this earthquake did not generate a major tsunami. Further, we suggest that the occurrence of great earthquakes in the subduction zone on either side of the Siberut Island region, might have led to the increase in static stress in the region, where the last great earthquake occurred in 1797 and where there is evidence of strain accumulation.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - A strong earthquake occurred on November 12, 2017, in Sarpol-e Zahab city, western Iran, with the moment magnitude ( $$M_{{\text{w}}}$$ ) of 7.3 and a focal depth of...  相似文献   

The assessment of local site effects on seismic ground motions is of great importance in earthquake engineering practice. Several destructive earthquakes in the past have demonstrated that the amplification of ground motion and associated damage to structures due to local site conditions is a significant consideration in earthquake hazard analysis. A recent paper published in this journal highlights the hazard posed by earthquakes in the megacity of Kolkata in India due to its seismic and geological settings. The seismic hazard assessment study speculates that the deep alluvial deposit in the city may increase the seismic hazard probably due to the amplification of the seismic energies. This paper focuses on the seismic response studies of the various soil strata (i.e. for local subsurface conditions) obtained from various construction sites in the city for predicted earthquake. It is very well recognized that site response studies (a part of seismic microhazard zonation for urban areas) are the first step towards performance-based foundation design or seismic risk analysis and mitigation strategy. One of the problems for carrying out site-specific study in Kolkata is the lack of recorded strong motion data in the city. Hence, this paper outlines a methodology to carry out site-specific study, where no strong motion data or seismic data are available. The methodology uses wavelet-based spectrum compatibility approach to generate synthetic earthquake motions and equivalent linear method for seismic site response analysis. The Mega City of Kolkata has been considered to explain the methodology. Seismic hazard zonation map by the Bureau of Indian Standards classifies the City of Kolkata as moderate seismic zone (Zone III) with a zone factor 0.16. On the other hand, GSHAP(Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program) map which is based on 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years specifies a maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 1.6 m/s2 (0.163 g) for this region. In the present study, the seismic response has been carried out based on GSHAP. The results of the analysis indicate the amplification of ground motion in the range of 4.46–4.82 with the fundamental period ranging from 0.81 to 1.17 s. Furthermore, the maximum spectral accelerations vary in the range of 0.78–0.95 g.  相似文献   

On July 20, 2003, following a short duration of heavy rainfall, a debris-flow disaster occurred in the Minamata–Hougawachi area, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. This disaster was triggered by a landslide. In order to assess the landslide and debris-flow hazard potential of this mountainous region, the study of historic landslides is critical. The objective of the study is to couple 3D slope-stability analysis models and 2D numerical simulation of debris flow within a geographical information systems in order to identity the potential landslide-hazard area. Based on field observations, the failure mechanism of the past landslide is analyzed and the mechanical parameters for 3D slope-stability analysis are calculated from the historic landslide. Then, to locate potential new landslides, the studied area is divided into slope units. Based on 3D slope-stability analysis models and on Monte Carlo simulation, the spots of potential landslides are identified. Finally, we propose a depth-averaged 2D numerical model, in which the debris and water mixture is assumed to be a uniform continuous, incompressible, unsteady Newtonian fluid. The method accurately models the historic debris flow. According to the 2D numerical simulation, the results of the debris-flow model, including the potentially inundated areas, are analyzed, and potentially affected houses, river and road are mapped.  相似文献   

坡面侵蚀是管道穿越冲积扇地质灾害的重要类型之一。通过对青海省乌兰县希里沟北山山前冲积扇油气管道建立坡面侵蚀单体模型,以遥感影像解译为基础,结合野外调查,沿管线得到40个灾害点。获取坡度、来水量、地表抗冲性、渗透性、植被等7个指标因子,用层次分析法确定各因子权重,发现坡度所占权重最高,达35.1%。借助Arc GIS软件,建立数据库,方便属性查询。通过加权叠加,将最终栅格图层按自然断点法进行分级,分为五级,得到调查点侵蚀强度等级图。比较分析结果与实际管线调查情况较吻合,表明该方法在坡面侵蚀研究中值得推广,从而为油气管道运营期主要治理区域及新管线的选线提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimation of earthquake hazard parameters (maximum regional magnitudem max, activity rate λ, and theb parameter in the Gutenberg-Richter distribution) is extended to the cases of incomplete and uncertain data. The method accepts mixed data containing only large (extreme) events and a variable quality of complete data with different threshold magnitude values. Uncertainty of earthquake magnitude is specified by two values, the lower and upper magnitude limits. It is assumed that such an interval contains the real unknown magnitude. The proposed approach allows the combination of different quality catalog parts, e.g. those where the assignment of magnitude is questionable and those with magnitudes precisely determined. As an illustration of the method, the seismic hazard analysis for western Norway and adjacent sea area (4–8°E, 58–64°N) is presented on the basis of the strongest earthquakes felt during the period 1831–1889 and three complete catalog parts, covering the period 1890–1987.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimation of earthquake hazard parameters (maximum regional magnitudem max, activity rate , and theb parameter in the Gutenberg-Richter distribution) is extended to the cases of incomplete and uncertain data. The method accepts mixed data containing only large (extreme) events and a variable quality of complete data with different threshold magnitude values. Uncertainty of earthquake magnitude is specified by two values, the lower and upper magnitude limits. It is assumed that such an interval contains the real unknown magnitude. The proposed approach allows the combination of different quality catalog parts, e.g. those where the assignment of magnitude is questionable and those with magnitudes precisely determined.As an illustration of the method, the seismic hazard analysis for western Norway and adjacent sea area (4–8°E, 58–64°N) is presented on the basis of the strongest earthquakes felt during the period 1831–1889 and three complete catalog parts, covering the period 1890–1987.Paper presented at the 21st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission held in Sofia, 1988.On leave from Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.  相似文献   

Ommi  Salma  Janalipour  Milad 《Natural Hazards》2022,113(1):345-363
Natural Hazards - After a major earthquake, one of the main tasks is to identify&nbsp;temporary shelters. In this study, we utilized probabilistic aftershock hazard analysis based on land use...  相似文献   

基于GIS RS与AHP耦合技术的矿山水力侵蚀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晋陕蒙(西)地区的水力侵蚀受控于多种因素。在详尽地分析了影响水力侵蚀的各种因子基础上,确定母质类型、植被覆盖、地貌类型、沟壑密度、地形坡度、土地利用类型、矿山开发面积、降雨强度、水土保持、大风强度作为其主控致灾因子。根据遥感(RS)解译成果,应用GIS分别建立了各主控因子的专题层图,利用先进的层次分析方法(AHP),确定影响水力侵蚀的各致灾因子的权重系数。通过GIS、RS与AHP耦合技术的应用,对各子专题层图进行加权复合叠加,利用频率和频数分布直方图,确定出水力侵蚀的分区阈值,构建水力侵蚀的危险度评价的多源地学信息复合叠加模型,并对水力侵蚀危险度进行了分区评价。水力侵蚀模型的建立,为水力侵蚀的分区评价与预测提供了理论依据,使评价结果更加科学、合理、准确。  相似文献   

We performed a probabilistic analysis of earthquake hazard input parameters, NW Turkey covers Gelibolu and Biga Peninsulas, and its vicinity based on four seismic sub-zones. The number of earthquakes with magnitude M ≥ 3.0 occurred in this region for the period between 1912 and 2007 is around 5130. Four seismic source sub-zones were defined with respect to seismotectonic framework, seismicity and fault geometry. The hazard perceptibility characterization was examined for each seismic source zone and for the whole region. The probabilities of earthquake recurrences were obtained by using Poisson statistical distribution models. In order to determine the source zones where strong and destructive earthquakes may occur, distribution maps for a, b and a/b values were calculated. The hazard scaling parameters (generally known as a and b values) in the computed magnitude–frequency relations vary in the intervals 4.28–6.58 and 0.59–1.13, respectively, with a RMS error percentage below 10 %. The lowest b value is computed for sub-zone three indicating the predominance of large earthquakes mostly at Gelibolu (Gallipoli) and north of Biga Peninsula (southern Marmara region), and the highest b value is computed for sub-zone two Edremit Bay (SW Marmara region). According to the analysis of each seismic sub-zone, the greatest risk of earthquake occurrence is determined for the triangle of Gelibolu–Tekirda? western part of Marmara Sea. Earthquake occurrence of the largest magnitude with 7.3 within a 100-year period was determined to be 46 % according to the Poisson distribution, and the estimated recurrence period of years for this region is 50 ± 12. The seismic hazard is pronounced high in the region extending in a NW–SE direction, north of Edremit Bay, west of Saros Bay and Yenice Gönen (southern Marmara region) in the south. High b values are generally calculated at depths of 5–20 km that can be expressed as low seismic energy release and evaluated as the seismogenic zone.  相似文献   

MSW landfill site selection by combining AHP with GIS for Konya,Turkey   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Landfill site selection is a critical issue in the urban planning process because of its enormous impact on the economy, ecology, and the environmental health of the region. Landfill site selection process aims to locate the areas that will minimize hazards to the environment and public health. Multi-criteria evaluation methods are often used for different site selection studies. The purpose of this study was to determine suitable landfill site selection by using the geographical information system and the analytic hierarchy process in the study area. The final index model was grouped into four categories as “low suitable”, “moderate”, “suitable” and “best suitable” with an equal interval classification method. As a result, 12.69 % of the study area was low suitable, 7.27 % was moderately suitable, 13.79 % was suitable, and 15.52 % was the best suitable for landfilling; 50.72 % of the study area is not suitable for a landfilling.  相似文献   

The Bayesian extreme-value distribution of earthquake occurrences has been used to estimate the seismic hazard in 12 seismogenic zones of the North-East Indian peninsula. The Bayesian approach has been used very efficiently to combine the prior information on seismicity obtained from geological data with historical observations in many seismogenic zones of the world. The basic parameters to obtain the prior estimate of seismicity are the seismic moment, slip rate, earthquake recurrence rate and magnitude. These estimates are then updated in terms of Bayes’ theorem and historical evaluations of seismicity associated with each zone. From the Bayesian analysis of extreme earthquake occurrences for North-East Indian peninsula, it is found that for T = 5 years, the probability of occurrences of magnitude (M w = 5.0–5.5) is greater than 0.9 for all zones. For M w = 6.0, four zones namely Z1 (Central Himalayas), Z5 (Indo-Burma border), Z7 (Burmese arc) and Z8 (Burma region) exhibit high probabilities. Lower probability is shown by some zones namely␣Z4, Z12, and rest of the zones Z2, Z3, Z6, Z9, Z10 and Z11 show moderate probabilities.  相似文献   

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