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Natural Hazards - Wind gusts are a major cause of damage to property and the natural environment and a source of noise in seismic networks such as the USArray Transportable Array. Wind gusts cause... 相似文献
Destructions resulted from natural hazards like earthquake, landslide, or flood in the urban roads and lifelines introduce their negative effects including the psychological damage to citizens as well as decreased urban functions that usually last for a long time. Thus, a quick and efficient recovery of infrastructures, lifelines, and service-providing facilities along with reducing reconstruction costs and time are essential. This paper proposed an approach that consists of four models for forming an algorithm in order to quantitating and integrating of the criteria that have decisive influence in the recovery of urban roadways after a natural disaster. Meanwhile, to aggregate and conclude the data that are collected by means of presented functions and formulations, we applied fuzzy VIKOR technique as a compromise ranking method. The model outputs a priority list showing the revival of which urban paths stands in higher priority for recovery operation after a natural disaster. Results show that not only the model is able to precisely quantize the selected criteria and provide an action plan for post-event recovery prioritization, but also it offers an appropriate order of transportation roads priority for recovery operations. Finally, the results from the recovery model application to a roadway system in Tehran area are provided. 相似文献
Waterlogging and flood hazards vulnerability and risk assessment in Indo Gangetic plain 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
The recurrent flooding during monsoon and subsequent waterlogging in the northern Bihar plains and the magnitude of losses
due to these hazards indicate the continuing vulnerability of the region to flood and waterlogging. Management of floods and
waterlogging hazards in highly flood-prone regions of India, including Bihar state has been largely response oriented with
little or no attention to mitigation and preparedness. This paper presents a method for spatial, Geographic Information Systems-based
assessment of flood and waterlogging vulnerability and risk in northern Bihar plains. Multitemporal satellite data was used
to evaluate the area statistics and dynamics of waterlogging over the period from 1975 to 2008. The flood proneness is evaluated
at district level with reference to flood inundation during a period from 1998 to 2008. Census data were used to examine the
socio-economic characteristics of the region through computation of population density, cultivators, agricultural labourers,
sex ratio, children in age group 0–6 years and literates. The geohazard map derived by combining area prone to waterlogging
and flood inundation was multiplied with socio-economic vulnerability map to derive the flood-waterlogging risk map of the
region. The result shows that flood and water-logging pose highest risk to the central districts in the northern Bihar plains
with 50.95% of the total area under high and very high risk. 相似文献
While sectoral vulnerability assessments have become common usage in the climate change field, integrated and transferable approaches are still rare. However, comprehensive knowledge is demanded to concretize and prioritize adaptation strategies, which are currently being drafted at national and state levels. We present a multisectoral analysis where sensitivity is quantified by the physical, social, environmental and economic dimension by means of tailor-made approaches for specific sectors. These are directly related to relevant exposure variables defined as relative climatic changes until the end of this century. Aggregation of the sector-specific impacts, comprising both sensitivity and exposure, leads to integrated impact measures. These are then combined with the generic adaptive capacity. We exemplify our methodology for municipalities in the German state North Rhine-Westphalia for two regional climate models. Our approach allows for the integrated assessment, while at the same time enabling a sector-specific perspective. However, various limitations remain, especially regarding the aggregation across sectors. We emphasize the need to consider the aim and methodological advantages and disadvantages before applying any vulnerability assessment. 相似文献
Flood disasters and its consequent damages are on the rise globally. Pakistan has been experiencing an increase in flood frequency and severity along with resultant damages in the past. In addition to the regular practices of loss and damage estimation, current focus is on risk assessment of hazard-prone communities. Risk measurement is complex as scholars engaged in disaster science and management use different quantitative models with diverse interpretations. This study tries to provide clarity in conceptualizing disaster risk and proposes a risk assessment methodology with constituent components such as hazard, vulnerability (exposure and sensitivity) and coping/adaptive capacity. Three communities from different urban centers in Pakistan have been selected based on high flood frequency and intensity. A primary survey was conducted in selected urban communities to capture data on a number of variables relating to flood hazard, vulnerability and capacity to compute flood risk index. Households were categorized into different risk levels, such as can manage risk, can survive and cope, and cannot cope. It was found that risk levels varied significantly across the households of the three communities. Metropolitan city was found to be highly vulnerable as compared to smaller cities due to weak capacity. Households living in medium town had devised coping mechanisms to manage risk. The proposed methodology is tested and found operational for risk assessment of flood-prone areas and communities irrespective of locations and countries. 相似文献
An integrated flood risk assessment model for property insurance industry in Taiwan 总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2
Hsu Wen-Ko Huang Pei-Chiung Chang Ching-Cheng Chen Cheng-Wu Hung Dung-Moung Chiang Wei-Ling 《Natural Hazards》2011,58(3):1295-1309
Taiwan is located in an area affected by Northwest Pacific typhoons, which are also one of the most important sources of rainfall
to the island. Unfortunately, the abundant rainfall brought by typhoons frequently produces hazards. In recent years, typhoons
and floods have caused serious damage, especially Typhoon Morakot in 2009. In this study, a probabilistic model is developed
based on historical events which can be used to assess flood risk in Taiwan. There are 4 separate modules in this model, including
a rainfall event module, a hydraulic module, a vulnerability module, and a financial loss module. Local data obtained from
the Taiwan government are used to construct this model. Historical rainfall data for typhoon and flood events that have occurred
since 1960, obtained from the Central Weather Bureau, are used for computing the maximum daily rainfall for each basin. In
addition, the latest flood maps from the Water Resources Agency are collected to assess the probable inundation depth. A case
study using the local data is carried out. Assessment is made to predict possible economic loss from different financial perspectives
such as the total loss, insured loss, and loss exceeding probabilities. The assessment results can be used as a reference
for making effective flood risk management strategies in Taiwan. 相似文献
N. Nirupama 《Natural Hazards》2009,48(1):11-16
For the assessment of tsunami risk and vulnerability, one has to make use of past tsunami observations. The most comprehensive tsunami databases for the world have been prepared by the National Geophysical Data Center of USA which are listed on their website for all the four oceans as well as the following marginal seas: Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea and Gulf of Mexico. The dataset goes back as far as the first century AD and lists the events on a confidence rating scale of 0–4; 0 being an erroneous entry and 4 being a definite tsunami. Based on these various datasets for different geographical areas, a comprehensive global dataset was prepared in this study, which included only tsunami events with confidence rating of 3 and 4, meaning either probable or definite. In this composite and abridged global tsunami database there is no distinction either according to geography or tsunami strength as implied by its impact on the coast. A simple and straightforward statistical analysis suggests an almost complete randomness and no patterns that can be used for future tsunami predictions with a few minor exceptions. 相似文献
An assessment of multidimensional flood vulnerability at the provincial scale in China based on the DEA method 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dapeng Huang Renhe Zhang Zhiguo Huo Fei Mao Youhao E Wei Zheng 《Natural Hazards》2012,64(2):1575-1586
China suffers frequent and severe floods. A lot of studies have been done in the field of flood disaster, including flood vulnerability assessment. This paper develops assessment models of multidimensional flood vulnerability based on the data envelopment analysis method and identifies multidimensional flood vulnerability??population, death, agriculture and economy??at the provincial scale in China using flood damage data and socioeconomic statistical data from 2001 to 2010. Based on the characteristics of multidimensional flood vulnerability of each province, some suggestions for flood prevention and mitigation are suggested. The assessment models of multidimensional flood vulnerability are simple and can be used for vulnerability analysis of natural disaster at regional or national levels. The assessment of multidimensional flood vulnerability can provide multifaceted information that contributes to a deeper understanding of the flood vulnerability and provides a scientific base for the policy making and implementation of flood prevention and mitigation designs. 相似文献
Rey Wilmer Mendoza E. Tonatiuh Salles Paulo Zhang Keqi Teng Yi-Chen Trejo-Rangel Miguel A. Franklin Gemma L. 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(3):1041-1065
Natural Hazards - In this study, the first ever Sea, Lake, Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) grid was built for the Yucatan Peninsula. The SLOSH model was used to simulate storm surges in the... 相似文献
Gianluigi Busico Emilio Cuoco Maurizio Sirna Micòl Mastrocicco Dario Tedesco 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2017,10(10):222
The use of indices, describing aquifer vulnerability and the risk of groundwater pollution, is a basic tool for the implementation of a sound water management plan, especially in densely populated and intensely cultivated areas. In this study, the groundwater contamination risk of the Caserta Plain (Southern Italy) was assessed through the integration of hazards defined on the basis of the different land uses, of the intrinsic vulnerability calculated by applying the SINTACS model and of the groundwater value evaluated by considering water wells density. In order to evaluate the evolution of the risk of groundwater pollution, the proposed methods were applied in the study area for both 2001 and 2009. The resulting specific vulnerability (SINTACS-L) and the risk (GRA) maps, created in a GIS environment, were validated by the comparison with the nitrate concentration distribution. The application of the proposed approach to the study area highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of each method and, at the same time, showed that their combination can provide an overall view of the threats posed to groundwater resources by the human activities affecting the territory. Considering both the benefits and the issues of the proposed approach, overall, the groundwater risk map is thought to be a robust tool to support water managers in defining future plans for water resources exploitation and land use. 相似文献
An integrated vulnerability and risk assessment model (IVR) is proposed. The proposed model is a composite index that assesses the relationships among four critical components, namely exposure, hazard, vulnerability and capacities and measures, and how these can be used to illustrate the integrated risk and vulnerability situation of an area. These factors are assessed using individual variables. Fifty-four variables, objectively decided upon, were used to measure the contribution of each component factor. The general characteristics of vulnerability, risk, exposure and capacities and measures are well known; however, the relative importance of each variable and their inter-relatedness, in measuring risk and vulnerabilities, as demonstrated by the IVR; and how these in turn affect the impacts of natural hazards, are still debatable. The IVR though provides a valid, reliable and sensitive tool, which can be used to further explore these relationships. Through robust testing and application, subjectivity in the selection of variables can be reduced. Moreover, through the establishment of a database for data collection and storage, objectivity (reliability) can be achieved as well as, availability of the requisite data inputs. The sensitivity of the model allows for the quick identification of strategic action, which will ultimately lead to hazard loss reduction. The values yielded for each component factor can help decision-makers in the allocation of scarce developmental funds as well as identify trends in levels of risk, vulnerability, exposures and capacities and measures as well as determine areas where mitigation strategies are needed most. 相似文献
Rehman Sufia Sahana Mehebub Hong Haoyuan Sajjad Haroon Ahmed Baharin Bin 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(2):975-998
Natural Hazards - Floods have always been associated with widespread devastation and destruction since the emergence of human civilization. The intensity of this disaster has been increasing due to... 相似文献
H. S. B. Duzgun M. S. Yucemen H. S. Kalaycioglu K. Celik S. Kemec K. Ertugay A. Deniz 《Natural Hazards》2011,59(2):917-947
In this paper, an integrated urban earthquake vulnerability assessment framework, which considers vulnerability of urban environment
in a holistic manner and performs the vulnerability assessment for the neighborhood scale, is proposed. The main motivation
behind this approach is the inability to implement existing vulnerability assessment methodologies for countries like Turkey,
where the required data are usually missing or inadequate for the decision-makers in prioritization their limited resources
for risk reduction in the administrative units from which they are responsible for. The methodology integrates socio-economical,
structural, coastal, ground condition, vulnerabilities (fragilities), as well as accessibility to critical services. The proposed
methodology is implemented for Eskisehir, which is one of the metropolitans of Turkey. In the implementation of the proposed
framework, geographic information system (GIS) is used. While the overall vulnerabilities obtained for neighborhoods are mapped
in GIS, the overall vulnerabilities obtained for buildings are visualized in 3D city model. The main reason behind using different
mapping and visualization tools for vulnerabilities is to provide better ways for communicating with decision-makers. The
implementation of the proposed vulnerability assessment methodology indicates that an urban area may have different vulnerability
patterns in terms of structural, socio-economical, and accessibility to critical services. When such patterns are investigated,
effective vulnerability reduction policies can be designed by the decision-makers. The proposed methodology well serves for
this purpose. 相似文献
An evidence-based flood hazard analysis in mountain streams requires the identification and the quantitative characterisation of multiple possible processes. These processes result from specific triggering mechanisms on the hillslopes (i.e. landslides, debris flows), in-channel morphodynamic processes associated with sudden bed changes and stochastic processes taking place at critical stream configurations (e.g. occlusion of bridges, failure of levees). From a hazard assessment perspective, such possible processes are related to considerable uncertainties underlying the hydrological cause-effect chains. Overcoming these uncertainties still remains a major challenge in hazard and risk assessment and represents a necessary condition for a reliable spatial representation of process intensities and the associated probabilities. As a result of an accurate analysis of the conceptual flaws present in the procedures currently employed for hazard mapping in South Tyrol (Italy) and Carinthia (Austria), we propose a structured approach as a means to enhance the integration of hillslope, morphodynamic and stochastic processes into conventional flood hazard prediction for mountain basins. To this aim, a functional distinction is introduced between prevailing one-dimensional and two-dimensional process propagation domains, i.e., between confined and semi- to unconfined stream segments. The former domains are mostly responsible for the generation of water, sediment and wood fluxes, and the latter are where flooding of inactive channel areas (i.e. alluvial fans, floodplains) can occur. For the 1D process propagation domain, we discuss how to carry out a process routing along the stream system and how to integrate numerical models output with expert judgement in order to derive consistent event scenarios, thus providing a consistent quantification of the input variables needed for the associated 2D domains. Within these latter domains, two main types of spatial sub-domains can be identified based on the predictability of their dynamics, i.e., stochastic and quasi-deterministic. Advantages and limitations offered by this methodology are finally discussed with respect to hazard and risk assessment in mountain basins. 相似文献
De Risi Raffaele Jalayer Fatemeh De Paola Francesco Carozza Stefano Yonas Nebyou Giugni Maurizio Gasparini Paolo 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(1):387-415
Natural Hazards - Flood risk maps for the built environment can be obtained by integrating geo-spatial information on hazard, vulnerability and exposure. They provide precious support for strategic... 相似文献
Yaojie Yue Jian Li Xinyue Ye Zhiqiang Wang A-Xing Zhu Jing-ai Wang 《Natural Hazards》2015,78(3):1629-1652
Bhattacharjee Sutapa Kumar Pramod Thakur Praveen K. Gupta Kshama 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):2117-2145
Natural Hazards - Urban flooding and waterlogging are causing menace in many cities around the world from the perspective of day-to-day functioning, health and hygiene, communication, and the... 相似文献