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Summary. Mean hourly values of the geomagnetic elements for Tucson, Arizona, have been analysed for the M 2 lunar tide for the period 1909–1975. Results for the average diurnal variation are presented, and changes with season, sunspot cycle and magnetic activity are discussed.  相似文献   

继在南极中山站建成我国南极首个永久性验潮站后,2012年1月在南极长城站又建成了我国南极第二个永久性验潮站。通过对长城站验潮站相关数据进行分析处理,得到了验潮基准系统的水准网平差结果和验潮仪零点标定结果,以及长城站附近海域海洋潮汐170个分潮的调和常数,并据此进行了潮汐预报,同时分析了长城站潮汐余水位的变化特征,探讨了利用附近的Antarctic Base Prat验潮站的余水位改正长城站潮汐预报的可行性,结果表明使用Antarctic Base Prat验潮站余水位改正长城站潮汐预报,可以显著提高长城站验潮站潮汐预报的精度,余水位改正后2014时段的潮汐预报中误差为±3.42 cm,明显好于改正前的预报中误差±10.43 cm。  相似文献   

In 1969, prior to the discovery of the subglacial Lake Vostok, an Askania Gs-11 gravimeter was operated at Vostok Station (78.466°S, 106.832°E; 3478 m asl) to observe tidal gravity variations. To gain a better understanding of the lake's tidal dynamics, we reanalyzed these data using a Bayesian Tidal Analysis Program Grouping method (BAYTAP-G and -L programs). The obtained phase leads for the semidiurnal waves M2 (6.6 ± 2.1°) and S2 (10.1 ± 4.2°) are more pronounced than those of the diurnal waves, among which the largest phase lead (for K1) was 5.0 ± 0.5°. The obtained δ factor for M2 was 0.890 ± 0.032, significantly less than the theoretical value of 1.16. For three global ocean tide models (NAO99b, FES2004, and TPXO6.2), the estimated load tides on waves Q1, O1, P1, K1, M2, and S2 range from 0.1–0.2 μGal (Q1 and S2) to 0.6–0.7 μGal (K1). The difference in amplitude among the three models is less than 0.14 μGal (M2), and the difference in phase is generally less than 10°. In calculating the residual tide vectors using the ocean models, the TPXO6.2 model generally gave the smallest residual amplitudes. Our result for the K1 wave was anomalously large (1.36 ± 0.25 μGal), while that for the M2 wave was sufficiently small (0.37 ± 0.17 μGal). The associated uncertainty is half that reported in previous studies. It is interesting that the residual K1 tide is approximately 90° phase-leaded, while the M2 tide is approximately 180° phase-leaded (delayed). Importantly, a similar reanalysis of data collected at Asuka Station (71.5°S, 24.1°E) gave residual tides within 0.2–0.3 μGal for all major diurnal and semidiurnal waves, including the K1 wave. Therefore, the anomalous K1 residual tide observed at Vostok Station must be linked to the existence of the subglacial lake and the nature of solid–ice–water dynamics in the region.  相似文献   

Summary. Tidal tilt measurements in a disused lead mine at Llanrwst, North Wales, are used to examine the magnitudes of the local strain—tilt coupling perturbations that can be expected in mine and tunnel installations. From the spatial variability of the tilt signal and comparisons with tidal loading calculations on radially stratified Earth models, it is concluded that typical strain—tilt coupling perturbations are at the ± 10 per cent level. The general problem of using tidal loading tilt and strain measurements to investigate the elastic parameters of layered models of the crust and upper mantle is studied by examining the sensitivities of the load Green's functions to these parameters. It is shown that the load tilt essentially gives information on Young's modulus whereas the load strain, although more sensitive to the structure, depends on both Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. These investigations show that, if load tilt or load strain can be measured to an accuracy of 1 or 2 per cent, then they can be used to improve models of the crust and upper mantle. It is concluded that due to the local strain—tilt coupling perturbations this accuracy cannot be achieved in mines or tunnels and that future measurements should be made in boreholes or near surface trenches. The tidal loading models are also used to examine the spatial variation of the M2 loading tilt in Europe.  相似文献   

长江口潮滩沉积物-水界面无机氮交换通量   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
对长江口滨岸潮滩7个典型断面三态氮的界面交换通量进行了三年多的季节性连续观测,结果表明无机氮的界面交换行为存在复杂的空间分异和季节变化。NO-3-N和NH+4-N的界面交换通量正负变化范围较大,分别介于-32.82~24.13 mmol.m-2.d-1和-18.45~10.65mmol.m-2.d-1之间;而NOsup>-2-N的界面交换通量很小,仅为-1.15~2.82 mmol.m-2.d-1。NO-3-N的界面交换具有明显的上下游季节性时空分异特征,而NH+4-N的界面交换则表现为南北岸季节性时空分异现象。盐度是控制长江口滨岸潮滩NH+4-N界面交换行为的主要因素,而沉积物粒度、水体 NO-3-N浓度、沉积物有机质含量、水温和溶解氧含量则以不同的组合方式,共同制约着 NO-3-N在潮滩界面交换的时空分异格局。  相似文献   

基于实测地形和水文资料,探讨人类活动对近期磨刀门水道河床地形和枯季潮汐动力变化的影响。研究结果表明:(1) 磨刀门上游河段大规模河床挖沙引起河床高程显著降低,水深增大,河槽容积增加,底坡降减小;口门围垦整治导致磨刀门口门区水域面积变小,入海口门向海延伸,入海水道增深。(2) 磨刀门水道河床地形变化引起枯季潮汐动力发生变化:上游河段低潮位降低,潮差增大,进潮量增加,潮汐动力明显增强;口门区潮差减小,横洲水道潮能汇聚,水位壅高;水面坡降减小,潮波传播速度增加,咸水界上移。  相似文献   

ZG市工作日地铁站点扒窃案件的时空分布及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以东南沿海城市ZG市为例,分析工作日地铁扒窃案件的时空分布特征,并进一步结合日常活动理论,探讨其形成机理。研究发现:时空分布上,地铁扒窃案件存在早晚2 个峰值,但滞后于地铁客流量高峰;白天,地铁扒窃主要集中在中心城区,在早晚时段,除中心城区外,地铁扒窃在城郊地区也有较多分布。影响因素上,地铁扒窃主要受到客流量及建成环境的影响,不同时段影响的因素存在差异。客流量及换乘点在地铁运营的任意时段均对地铁扒窃有正向的影响,地铁站周边的休闲场所对地铁扒窃犯罪的影响主要体现在9:00以后的时段。居住地及工作地虽然整体上对地铁扒窃没有显著影响,但是他们对地铁扒窃案件的作用方向在各时段模型中的作用力度均相反。 影响强度上,客流量在不同时段对地铁扒窃的影响强度存在差异,而换乘点及休闲场所在显著的时间段对地铁扒窃的影响力度并无明显差别。  相似文献   

灌木生物量模型是预测灌木生物量最有效的方法。选择腾格里沙漠南缘荒漠生态系统中常见的4种灌木(驼绒藜(Ceratoides latens)、盐爪爪(Kalidium foliatum)、珍珠猪毛菜(Salsola passerina)、红砂(Reaumuria soongarica))为研究对象,以株高(H)和冠幅(C)的复合因子灌木体积(V)为自变量,通过回归分析,分别构建了4种灌木和混合物种的叶、新生枝、老龄枝、地上部分、地下部分和整株生物量的预测模型。通过决定系数(R2)、估计值的标准误(SEE)和回归检验显著水平(p<0.05)筛选出了最优的生物量估测模型。结果显示:4种灌木的生物量模型主要以幂函数W=aVb为最优模型,少数以三次函数W=a+bV+cV2+dV3为最优模型。灌木生物量与V之间呈极显著的相关关系(p<0.001),决定系数较高,分别为:叶片(0.775<R2<0.866),新生枝(0.694<R2<0.840),老龄枝(0.819<R2<0.916),地上部(0.832<R2<0.917),地下部分(0.74<R2<0.808),全株(0.811<R2<0.912),说明预测模型可以应用于此4种灌木的生物量估算。不同物种之间及不同器官之间的生物量模型存在差异,在实际使用中,要根据物种来选择相应的模型。生物量模型的建立有助于全面估算荒漠生态系统的生物量,并进一步评估生态系统不同碳库的碳存储量与碳循环。为有效提高荒漠草地碳储量、合理实施生态系统管理和人为干预提供科学依据。  相似文献   


Regional survey courses are often perceived as ancillary to the systematic foci taught by geography programs. This situation stands in contrast to the recent recovery of place and region as key elements in the practice and theory of geography. In this article, I outline one possible approach for bridging the gap between regional geography's revival in theory and research and its instruction in the classroom. This approach is described in the context of a survey course about the former Soviet Union—a region where the conventional boundaries of place have been severely questioned by political, economic, and social upheavals.  相似文献   

目前,对电离层闪烁特性的研究大多集中在低纬度地区,而在极区,特别是在南极地区,由于测量数据稀少,所以研究十分有限。借助安装在南极South Pole站和Mc Murdo站的GPS闪烁监测仪,获取到实测的电离层闪烁数据,同时结合IGS网站提供的同址GPS观测数据,分析了2011年9月24—25日磁暴发生前,9月26日磁暴发生时以及9月27日磁暴发生后GPS L波段信号电离层相位闪烁和GPS TEC时空变化特征。分析显示,这次磁暴对电离层的一个重要的影响是在电离层扰动剧烈期间,相位闪烁活动及其强度在时间和空间分布上都显著增强。研究结果发现,在强电离层闪烁期间,实测的相位闪烁指数σ_Φ与由GPS观测数据推算的TEC变化率指数(ROTI)的变化非常相似,两者之间呈现出良好的相关性。从而证明,在如南极等缺乏独立电离层闪烁观测值的地区,GPS ROTI可以作为表征电离层闪烁的重要可选参数,进而可以借助全球分布的GPS观测数据来分析和研究电离层闪烁特性。  相似文献   

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