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New 40Ar-39Ar geochronology, bulk rock geochemical data, and physical characteristics for representative stratigraphic sections of rhyolite ignimbrites and lavas from the west-central Snake River Plain (SRP) are combined to develop a coherent stratigraphic framework for Miocene silicic magmatism in this part of the Yellowstone ‘hotspot track’. The magmatic record differs from that in areas to the west and east with regard to its unusually large extrusive volume, broad lateral scale, and extended duration. We infer that the magmatic systems developed in response to large-scale and repeated injections of basaltic magma into the crust, resulting in significant reconstitution of large volumes of the crust, wide distribution of crustal melt zones, and complex feeder systems for individual eruptive events. Some eruptive episodes or ‘events’ appear to be contemporaneous with major normal faulting, and perhaps catastrophic crustal foundering, that may have triggered concurrent evacuations of separate silicic magma reservoirs. This behavior and cumulative time-composition relations are difficult to relate to simple caldera-style single-source feeder systems and imply complex temporal-spatial development of the silicic magma systems. Inferred volumes and timing of mafic magma inputs, as the driving energy source, require a significant component of lithospheric extension on NNW-trending Basin and Range style faults (i.e., roughly parallel to the SW–NE orientation of the eastern SRP). This is needed to accommodate basaltic inputs at crustal levels, and is likely to play a role in generation of those magmas. Anomalously high magma production in the SRP compared to that in adjacent areas (e.g., northern Basin and Range Province) may require additional sub-lithospheric processes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

Non-welded rhyolitic pyroclastic units in the central Snake River Plain are interbedded with the much better exposed, large-volume ‘Snake-River type’ rheomorphic welded rhyolitic ignimbrites and rhyolite lavas. We document one such unit to investigate why it is so different from the interbedded welded ignimbrites. The newly recognised Deadeye Member of southern Idaho is a soil-bounded eruption-unit that comprises ashfall layers and a 4-m-thick ignimbrite that extends for >35 km. The ignimbrite is non-welded, lithic-clast poor and varies from massive to diffuse low-angle cross-bedded. It contains abundant angular clasts of non-vesicular black glass, and upper parts contain accretionary lapilli. The ashfall layers above it contain coated ash pellets and ash clumps, which record moist aggregation of fine ash. The magmas of the Deadeye eruption were closely similar in composition and temperature to those that generated the intensely welded rheomorphic ignimbrites of the central Snake River Plain. We infer that the marked contrast in physical appearance of the Deadeye ignimbrite compared to the other, more typical Snake-River-type welded ignimbrites was the result of emplacement at relatively low temperatures during an eruption in a lacustrine environment. Magmatic volatile-driven fragmentation of the rhyolitic magma was influenced by interaction with lake water that also led to cooling. The Deadeye Member is the first-recorded example of explosive silicic phreatomagmatism in the central Snake River Plain.  相似文献   

—Over the last 10 million years, the Yellowstone hot spot has passed beneath the eastern Snake River Plain, both magmatically modifying the Snake River Plain crust and creating a wider, wake-like "tectonic parabola" of seismicity and uplift. Analysis of SKS arrivals to a line array of 55 mostly broadband stations, distribution across the tectonic parabola, reveals a nearly uniform orienta tion of anisotropy, with an average fast axis orientation of N64E. The back azimuth of null splitting events is parallel to the measured fast axis, suggesting that anisotropic material consists of a single layer. Splitting parameters are independent of backazimuth, suggesting that anisotropy is constant beneath each station. Thus station-averaged split parameters are representative of the anisotropy beneath the station. Station-averaged split times range from 0.6–1.5 s, and define a pronounced depression in split times centered about 80 km southeast of the axis of the Snake River Plain.¶Assuming the degree of anisotropy (averaged over the ray path) to be no more than 10%, the split times are far too great for the anisotropy to be confined solely to the lithosphere. The simplest way to explain the observed anisotropy structure is to attribute it to simple shear strain caused by the absolute motion of North America. Because anisotropy is different in nearby Colorado and Nevada, we hypothesize that fossil anisotropy created in past orogens and continent-building events in the Snake River Plain area has been reset or erased by the passage of the hot spot, and that subsequent strain of the hot spot-related asthenospheric wake created a uniformly oriented fast axis. If this is true, then our array constrains the minimum of the hot spot’s asthenospheric wake.  相似文献   

Previously unrecognized pulses of rhyolite volcanism occurred in the Salton Trough between 420 ± 8 ka and 479 ± 38 ka (2σ), based on high-spatial resolution U–Pb zircon geochronology. Presently, these rhyolite lavas, tuffs and shallow subvolcanic sills are buried to depths between ~ 1.6 and 2.7 km at ambient temperatures between 200 and 300 °C, and are overprinted by propylitic to potassic hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages consisting of finely intergrown quartz, K-feldspar, chlorite, epidote, and minor pyrite. Alteration resistant geochemical indicators (whole-rock Nd-isotopes, zircon oxygen-isotopes) reveal that these rhyolites are derived from remelting of MORB-type crust that was chilled and hydrothermally altered by deep-circulating hydrothermal waters. U–Pb zircon dating confirms the presence of Bishop Tuff in well State 2-14 at ~ 1.7 km depth, approximately 5 km NE of the geothermal wells that penetrated the buried rhyolites. These results indicate accelerated subsidence towards the center of the Salton Trough, increasing from 2.2 mm/a to 3.8 mm/a. Based on these results, the present-day Salton Sea geothermal field is identified as a focus zone of episodic rhyolitic volcanism, intense heat flow and metamorphism that predates present-day geothermal activity and Holocene volcanism by at least ~ 400 ka.  相似文献   

The Snake River Plain (SRP), a 90-km-wide topographic depression in southern Idaho, is a topographically anomalous feature in the western U.S. Previous seismic studies focused on the northeastern SRP to study its relationship with the Yellowstone hotspot. We present new teleseismic shear-wave splitting data from six broadband seismic stations deployed along the axis of the SRP from June 2000 to September 2001. We also analyze splitting at HLID, a permanent station of the National Seismic Network located ∼100 km north of the plain. Splitting of individual teleseismic phases is consistent at all stations within 2σ errors, and we favor the interpretation of anisotropy with a single horizontal fast axis, although a dipping-axis interpretation is statistically permitted at two of the stations. Our station fast directions, as well as shear-wave splitting data from numerous other stations throughout the Basin and Range, are best explained by a lattice preferred orientation of olivine due to horizontal shear along the base of the plate associated with the gravitational spreading of buoyant plume-like upwelling material beneath eastern Nevada into a southwestward flowing asthenosphere (with respect to a fixed hotspot reference frame). This parabolic asthenospheric flow (PAF) model for the Great Basin is attractive because it explains the observed high elevations, high mantle buoyancy, low-velocity anomaly beneath eastern Nevada, high heat flow, and depleted geochemistry of some erupted basalts. The lack of Pliocene-Recent major volcanism in eastern Nevada suggests that a significant amount of the buoyancy flux is due to compositional buoyancy. Our splitting station delay times vary in a way not predicted by the PAF model, and can be explained by: a zone of aligned magma-filled lenses and/or partially molten dikes beneath the SRP lithosphere, a depleted olivine-rich residuum underneath the sides of the eastern SRP, and/or the effect of lateral lower crustal flow from beneath the eSRP toward its adjacent flanks.  相似文献   

The Torfajökull central volcano in south-central Iceland contains the largest volume of exposed silicic extrusives in Iceland (225 km3). Within SW-Torfajökull, postglacial mildly alkalic to peralkalic silicic lavas and lava domes (67–74 wt.% SiO2) have erupted from a family of fissures 1–2.5 km apart within or just outside a large caldera (12×18 km). The silicic lavas show a fissure-dependent variation in composition, and form five chemically distinct units. The lavas are of low crystallinity (0–7 vol.%) and contain phenocrysts in the following order of decreasing abundance: plagioclase (An10-40), Na-rich anorthoclase (<Or23), clinopyroxene (Fs37-20), FeTi oxides (Usp32-60; Ilm93-88), hornblende (edenitic–ferroedenitic) and olivine (Fo22-37), with apatite, pyrrhotite and zircon as accessory phases. The phenocryst assemblage (0.2–4.0 mm) consistently exhibits pervasive disequilibrium with the host melt (glass). Xenoliths include sparse, disaggregated, and partially fused leucocratic fragments as well as amphibole-bearing rocks of broadly intermediate composition. The values of the silicic lavas are in the range 3.6–4.4, and these are lower than the values of comagmatic, contemporaneous basaltic extrusives within SW-Torfajökull, implying that the former can not be derived from the latter by simple fractional crystallization. FeTi-oxide geothermometry reveals temperatures as low as 750–800°C. To explain the fissure-dependent chemical variations, depletions, low FeTi-oxide temperatures and pervasive crystal-melt disequilibrium, we propose the extraction and collection of small parcels of silicic melt from originally heterogeneous basaltic crustal rock through heterogeneous melting and wall rock collapse (solidification front instability, SFI). The original compositional heterogeneity of the source rock is due to (1) silicic segregations, in the form of pods and lenses characteristically formed in the upper parts of gabbroic intrusives, and (2) extreme isostatic subsidence of the earlier, less differentiated lavas of the Torfajökull central volcano. Ridge migration into older crustal terranes, coupled with establishment of concentrated volcanism at central volcanoes like Torfajökull due to propagating regional fissure swarms, supplies the heat source for this overall process. Continued magmatism in these fissures promotes extensive prograde heating of older crust and the progressive vitality and rise of the central volcano magmatic system that leads to, respectively, SFI and subsidence melting. The ensuing silicic melts (with relict crystals) are extracted, collected and extruded before reaching complete internal equilibrium. Chemically, this appears as a two-stage process of crystal fractionation. In general, the accumulation of high-temperature basaltic magmas at shallow depths beneath the Icelandic rift zones and major central volcanoes, coupled with unique tectonic conditions, allows large-scale reprocessing and recycling of the low- , hydrothermally altered Icelandic crust. The end result is a compositionally bimodal proto-continental crust.  相似文献   

Sinker Butte is the erosional remnant of a very large basaltic tuff cone of middle Pleistocene age located at the southern edge of the western Snake River Plain. Phreatomagmatic tephras are exposed in complete sections up to 100 m thick in the walls of the Snake River Canyon, creating an unusual opportunity to study the deposits produced by this volcano through its entire sequence of explosive eruptions. The main objectives of the study were to determine the overall evolution of the Sinker Butte volcano while focusing particularly on the tephras produced by its phreatomagmatic eruptions. Toward this end, twenty-three detailed stratigraphic sections ranging from 20 to 100 m thick were examined and measured in canyon walls exposing tephras deposited around 180° of the circumference of the volcano.Three main rock units are recognized in canyon walls at Sinker Butte: a lower sequence composed of numerous thin basaltic lava flows, an intermediate sequence of phreatomagmatic tephras, and a capping sequence of welded basaltic spatter and more lava flows. We subdivide the phreatomagmatic deposits into two main parts, a series of reworked, mostly subaqueously deposited tephras and a more voluminous sequence of overlying subaerial surge and fall deposits. Most of the reworked deposits are gray in color and exhibit features such as channel scour and fill, planar-stratification, high and low angle cross-stratification, trough cross-stratification, and Bouma-turbidite sequences consistent with their being deposited in shallow standing water or in braided streams. The overlying subaerial deposits are commonly brown or orange in color due to palagonitization. They display a wide variety of bedding types and sedimentary structures consistent with deposition by base surges, wet to dry pyroclastic fall events, and water saturated debris flows.Proximal sections through the subaerial tephras exhibit large regressive cross-strata, planar bedding, and bomb sags suggesting deposition by wet base surges and tephra fallout. Medial and distal deposits consist of a thick sequence of well-bedded tephras; however, the cross-stratified base-surge deposits are thinner and interbedded within the fallout deposits. The average wavelength and amplitude of the cross strata continue to decrease with distance from the vent. These bedded surge and fall deposits grade upward into dominantly fall deposits containing 75–95% juvenile vesiculated clasts and localized layers of welded spatter, indicating a greatly reduced water-melt ratio. Overlying these “dryer” deposits are massive tuff breccias that were probably deposited as water saturated debris flows (lahars). The first appearance of rounded river gravels in these massive tuff breccias indicates downward coring of the diatreme and entrainment of country rock from lower in the stratigraphic section. The “wetter” nature of these deposits suggests a renewed source of external water. The massive deposits grade upward into wet fallout tephras and the phreatomagmatic sequence ends with a dry scoria fall deposit overlain by welded spatter and lava flows.Field observations and two new 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating dates suggest the succession of lavas and tephra deposits exposed in this part of the Snake River canyon may all have been erupted from a closely related complex of vents at Sinker Butte. We propose that initial eruptions of lava flows built a small shield edifice that dammed or disrupted the flow of the ancestral Snake River. The shift from effusive to explosive eruptions occurred when the surface water or rising ground water gained access to the vent. As the river cut a new channel around the lava dam, water levels dropped and the volcano returned to an effusive style of eruption.  相似文献   

Rhyolites occur as a subordinate component of the basalt-dominated Eastern Snake River Plain volcanic field. The basalt-dominated volcanic field spatially overlaps and post-dates voluminous late Miocene to Pliocene rhyolites of the Yellowstone–Snake River Plain hotspot track. In some areas the basalt lavas are intruded, interlayered or overlain by ~15 km3 of cryptodomes, domes and flows of high-silica rhyolite. These post-hotspot rhyolites have distinctive A-type geochemical signatures including high whole-rock FeOtot/(FeOtot+MgO), high Rb/Sr, low Sr (0.5–10 ppm) and are either aphyric, or contain an anhydrous phenocryst assemblage of sodic sanidine ± plagioclase + quartz > fayalite + ferroaugite > magnetite > ilmenite + accessory zircon + apatite + chevkinite. Nd- and Sr-isotopic compositions overlap with coeval olivine tholeiites (ɛNd = −4 to −6; 87Sr/86Sri = 0.7080–0.7102) and contrast markedly with isotopically evolved Archean country rocks. In at least two cases, the rhyolite lavas occur as cogenetic parts of compositionally zoned (~55–75% SiO2) shield volcanoes. Both consist dominantly of intermediate composition lavas and have cumulative volumes of several 10’s of km3 each. They exhibit two distinct, systematic and continuous types of compositional trends: (1) At Cedar Butte (0.4 Ma) the volcanic rocks are characterized by prominent curvilinear patterns of whole-rock chemical covariation. Whole-rock compositions correlate systematically with changes in phenocryst compositions and assemblages. (2) At Unnamed Butte (1.4 Ma) the lavas are dominated by linear patterns of whole-rock chemical covariation, disequilibrium phenocryst assemblages, and magmatic enclaves. Intermediate compositions in this group resulted from variable amounts of mixing and hybridization of olivine tholeiite and rhyolite parent magmas. Interestingly, models of rhyolite genesis that involve large degrees of melting of Archean crust or previously consolidated mafic or silicic Tertiary intrusions do not produce observed ranges of Nd- and Sr-isotopes, extreme depletions in Sr-concentration, and cogenetic spectra of intermediate rock compositions for both groups. Instead, least-squares mass-balance, energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization modeling, and mineral thermobarometry can explain rhyolite production by 77% low-pressure fractional crystallization of a basaltic trachyandesite parent magma (~55% SiO2), accompanied by minor (0.03–7%) assimilation of Archean upper crust. We present a physical model that links the rhyolites and parental intermediate magmas to primitive olivine tholeiite by fractional crystallization. Assimilation, recharge, mixing and fractional melting occur to limited degrees, but are not essential parts of the rhyolite formation process. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

The 80 km long NNE-trending Rogerson Graben on the southern margin of the central Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA, hosts a rhyolitic pyroclastic succession, 200 m thick, that records a period of successive, late-Miocene, large-volume explosive eruptions from the Yellowstone–Snake River Plain volcanic province, and contemporaneous extension. The succession, here termed the Rogerson Formation, comprises seven members (defined herein) and records at least eight large explosive eruptions with numerous repose periods. Five high-grade and extremely high-grade ignimbrites are intercalated with three non-welded ignimbrites and two volcaniclastic deposits, with numerous repose periods (palaeosols) throughout. Two of the ignimbrites are dominantly rheomorphic and lava-like but contain subordinate non-welded pyroclastic layers. The ignimbrites are typical Snake River Plain high-silica rhyolites, with anhydrous crystal assemblages and high inferred magmatic temperatures (≤ 1,025°C). We tentatively infer that the Jackpot and Rabbit Springs Members may have been emplaced from the Bruneau–Jarbidge eruptive centre on the basis of: (1) flow lineation trends, (2) crystal assemblage, and (3) radiometric age. We infer that the overlying Brown’s View, Grey’s Landing, and Sand Springs Members may have been emplaced from the Twin Falls eruptive centre on the basis of: (1) kinematic indicators (from the east), and (2) crystal assemblage. Furthermore, we have established the contemporaneous evolution of the Rogerson Graben from the emplacement of the Jackpot Member onwards, and infer that it is similar to younger half-graben along the southern margin of the Snake River Plain, formed by local reactivation of Basin and Range structures by the northeastwardly migration of the Yellowstone hot-spot. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Soil gases have been measured, utilizing petroleum nearsurface exploration techniques, in the volcanic province of the Eastern Snake River Plain, In Idaho, U.S.A. The analyses of the soil atmosphere included light hydrocarbon gases, helium, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Samples were collected in and near recent basaltic rift zones. Characterization of rift zone soil gases has indicated variability of their compositional and magnitude makeup. Suggestion of some deeper sourced gases having migrated through fractures in the rift zones is advanced. Also differences among the samples rift zones are presented.  相似文献   

The North China Craton (NCC) is one of the oldest cratons on earth. Several important tectonic transformations of Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic regime led to the destruction of the North China craton. The knowledge of crustal structure can provide important constraints for the formation and evolution of cratons. New maps of sediment thickness, crustal thickness (H) and vP/vS (κ) in the central and western NCC were obtained using sequential H-κ stacking. P-wave receiver functions are calculated using teleseismic waveform data recorded by 405 stations from ChinArray project. Benefiting from the densely distribution of temporary seismic stations, our results reveal details of the crustal structure in the study area. The thickness of sedimentary layer in North China ranges from 0–6.4 km, and the thickest sedimentary layer is in Ordos block and its surroundings (about 2.8–6 km); The thickness of sedimentary layer in the Mongolia fold belt and Yinshan orogenic belt is relatively thin (less than 1 km). The crustal thickness of the study area varies between 27–48 km, of which the crust of the North China Plain is about 30–33 km, the central NCC is about 33–40 km, and the Ordos block is 40–48 km thick. The average vP/vS ratios in the study area is mostly between 1.66 and 1.90, and that in the Yanshan-Taihang mountain fold belt is between 1.70 and 1.85, and that in the Ordos block is between 1.65 and 1.90, with an average value of 1.77, indicating the absence of a thick basaltic lower crust. The obvious negative correlation between crustal thickness and average vP/vS ratio within Ordos and Central Asia orogenic belt may be related to magmatic underplating during the crustal formation. There is no significant correlation between the crustal thickness and the vP/vS ratio in the Lüliang-Taihang mountain fold belt, which may be related to the multiple geological processes such as underplating and crustal extension and thinning in this area. The lack of correlation between crust thickness and topography in the central orogenic belt and the North China Basin indicates the topography of these areas are controlled not only by crustal isostatic adjustment but also by the lithospheric mantle processes.  相似文献   

The Blackfoot Reservoir region in southeastern Idaho is recognized as a potential geothermal area because of the presence of several young rhyolite domes (50,000 years old), Quaternary basalt flows, and warm springs. North- to northwest-trending high-angle normal faults of Tertiary to Holocene age appear to be the dominant structural control of spring activity. Surface spring-water temperatures average 14°C except for a group of springs west of the Reservoir Mountains which average 33°C. Chemical geothermometers applied to fifty water samples give temperatures less than 75°C except for eight springs along the Corral Creek drainage. The springs along Corral Creek have Na-K-Ca temperatures that average 354°C, a direct result of high potassium concentrations in the water. A correction for carbon dioxide applied to the Na-K-Ca geothermometer lowers the estimated temperatures of the anomalous springs to near the measured surface temperatures, and Na-K-Ca-Mg temperatures for the anomalous springs are near 100°C. Mixing model calculations suggest that hot water with a temperature of approximately 120°C may be mixing with cooler, more dilute water in the springs from the Corral Creek drainage, a temperature supported by Na-K-Ca-Mg temperatures and mineral saturation temperatures.Stability relations of low-temperature phases in the system indicate that the large concentrations of potassium in the eight anomalous springs are derived from reactions with the potassium-bearing minerals muscovite and K-feldspar. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide gases may be derived through the oxidation of organic matter accompanied by the reduction of sulfate. Concentrations of major and minor elements, and gases found in springs of the Blackfoot Reservoir region are due to water-rock reactions at temperatures less than 100°C.Based on spring geochemistry, a geothermal reservoir of 100°C up to 120°C may exist at shallow (less than 2 km) depths in the Blackfoot Reservoir region.  相似文献   


The Khulais plain lies within a typical arid area in western Saudi Arabia. Groundwater occurs within two aquifers in the area: the alluvium of the wadi system, and the sandy layers of the Cretaceous-Tertiary sedimentary succession. Detailed field investigations and laboratory analysis helped in determining the aquifer properties for each of the water-bearing units. Groundwater movement has been thoroughly studied, and distribution maps prepared to explain the variations in transmissivity, permeability, porosity and specific yield. An attempt has been made to estimate volumes of groundwater flow towards the plain. This study presents a first attempt towards determining groundwater availability in the Cretaceous-Tertiary succession of this part of the world.  相似文献   

Changes in oceanic O–Sr isotopic compositions and global cooling beginning in the Eocene are considered to have been caused by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. The specific timing and uplift mechanism, however, have long been subjects of debate. We investigated the Duogecuoren lavas of the central-western Qiangtang Block, which form the largest outcrops among Cenozoic lavas in northern-central Tibet and have widely been considered as shoshonitic. Our study demonstrates, however, that most of these lavas are high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and rhyolites. Moreover, they are characterized by high Sr (367–2472 ppm) and Al2O3 (14.55–16.86 wt.%) and low Y (3.05–16.9 ppm) and Yb (0.31–1.48 ppm) contents and high La/Yb (27–100) and Sr/Y (48–240) ratios, similar to adakitic rocks derived by partial melting of an eclogitic source. They can be further classified as either peraluminous and metaluminous subtypes. The peraluminous rocks have relatively high SiO2 (> 66 wt.%) contents, and low MgO (< 1.0 wt.%), Cr (4.94–23.3 ppm) and Ni (2.33–17.0 ppm) contents and Mg# (20–50) values, while the metaluminous rocks exhibit relatively low SiO2 (55–69 wt.%) contents, and high MgO (1.41–6.34), Cr (25.7–383 ppm), Ni (14.13–183 ppm) and Mg# (46–69) values, similar to magnesian andesites. 40Ar/39Ar and SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating reveal that both peraluminous and metaluminous adakitic rocks erupted in the Eocene (46–38 Ma). Paleocene–Early Miocene thrust faults and associated syn-contractional basin deposits in the Qiangtang Block suggest that this region was undergoing crustal shortening within a continent during the Eocene. The low εNd (− 2.81 to − 6.91) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.7057–0.7097), Th (11.2–32.3 ppm) and Th/La (0.23–0.88) values in the Duogecuoren adakitic rocks further indicate that they were not derived by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust. Taking into account tectonic and geophysical data and the compositions of xenoliths in Cenozoic lava in northern-central Tibet, we suggest that the peraluminous adakitic rocks were most probably derived by partial melting of subducted sediment-dominated continent of the Songpan-Ganzi Block along the Jinsha suture to the north at a relatively shallow position (the hornblende + garnet stability field), but the metaluminous adakitic rocks likely originated from the interaction between peraluminous adakitic melts generated at greater depths (the garnet + rutile stability field) and mantle. Because the Duogecuoren adakitic rocks must have originated from a garnet-bearing (namely, eclogite facies) source, Eocene continental subduction along the Jinsha suture caused the thickening of the Qiangtang crust. Given that crustal thickening generally equates with elevation, the uplift of the Central Tibetan Plateau probably began as early as 45–38 Ma, which provides important evidence for tectonically driven models of oceanic O–Sr isotope evolution during global cooling and Asian continental aridification beginning in the Eocene.  相似文献   

Abstract The chronological characteristics of Alpine metamorphic rocks are described and Alpine metamorphic events are reinterpreted on the basis of chronological data for the western and central Alps from 1960 to 1992. Metamorphic rocks of the Lepontine, Gran San Bernardo, Piemonte, Internal Crystalline Massifs and Sesia-Lanzo mostly date Alpine metamorphic events, but some (along with granitoids and gneisses from the Helvetic and Southern Alps) result from the Variscan, Caledonian or older events and thus predate the Alpine events. Radiometric age data from the Lepontine area show systematic age relations: U-Pb monazite (23-29 Ma), Rb-Sr muscovite (15–40 Ma) and biotite (15–30 Ma), K-Ar biotite (10-30 Ma), muscovite (15–25 Ma) and hornblende (25-35 Ma), and FT zircon (10-20 Ma) and apatite (5-15 Ma), which can be explained by the different closure temperatures of the isotopic systems. A 121 Ma U-Pb zircon age for a coesite-bearing whiteschist (metaquartzite) from the Dora-Maira represents the peak of ultra-high pressure metamorphism. Coesite-free eclogites and blueschists related to ultra-high pressure rocks in the Penninic crystalline massifs yield an 40Ar-39Ar plateau age of about 100 Ma for phengites, interpreted as the cooling age. From about 50 Ma, eclogites and glaucophane schists have also been reported from the Piemonte ophiolites and calcschists, suggesting the existence of a second high P/T metamorphic event. Alpine rocks therefore record three major metamorphic events: (i) ultra-high and related high P/T metamorphism in the early Cretaceous, which is well preserved in continental material such as the Sesia-Lanzo and the Penninic Internal Crystalline Massifs; (ii) a second high P/T metamorphic event in the Eocene, which is recognized in the ophiolites and calcschists of the Mesozoic Tethys; and (iii) medium P/T metamorphism, in which both types of high P/T metamorphic rocks were variably reset by Oligocene thermal events. Due to the mixture of minerals formed in the three metamorphic events, there is a possibility that almost all geochronological data reported from the Alpine metamorphic belt show mixed ages. Early Cretaceous subduction of a Tethyan mid-ocean ridge and Eocene continental collision triggered off the exhumation of the high pressure rocks.  相似文献   

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