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The Starra ironstone-hosted Au-Cu deposit in northwest Queensland, Australia, displays evidence of a polyphase history of late-post metamorphic, structurally controlled metasomatism. The mineralisation is hosted within several massive ironstone units which occur at a lithological contact of metamorphosed sandstone and siltstone sequences and foliated chlorite-biotite-magnetite schists. The ironstones strike north-south and occur as discontinuous lenses that cross cut the host rocks in places. Magnetite ironstone textures are generally massive in appearance, but relict deformed breccia and foliation textures are locally preserved. Sulphide ore textures are more brittle and consist of fine, pervasive brecciation of the ironstones and host rocks. Petrological and textural observations support a hydrothermal origin for both ironstone and mineralisation. Three dominant post-peak metamorphic paragenetic stages of alteration and mineralisation are recognised: (1) early widespread Na-Ca metasomatism consisting of albite-quartz-actinolite-scapolite, (2) localised K-Fe metasomatism consisting of biotite-magnetite-hematite- quartz-pyrite and (3) the mineralising stage consisting of anhydrite-calcite-hematisation of magnetite-pyrite-chalcopyrite-gold and extreme chloritisation of biotite. The Na dominant alteration occurs throughout the Eastern Fold Belt and for at least 50 km to the east and 150 km to the north of Starra. The ironstones were products of localised Fe-metasomatism associated with shearing and brecciation of previously Na-metasomatised host rocks. Gold and copper mineralisation resulted from the interaction of magnetite, a late oxidising fluid and an increase in pH. This produced variable hematisation of magnetite and caused the solubility of chloride-complexed gold to decrease dramatically. High gold:copper ratios can be explained in terms of the solubility differences of gold and copper in the thermochemical conditions that existed at Starra. Received: 15 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

Prolonged deformation for ca 150 Ma along the Eastern Fold Belt, Mount Isa Inlier, differentially partitioned into three distinct Mesoproterozoic tectonic domains. NW–SE-trending structures dominate the northern domain, whereas E–W- and N–S-trending structures dominate the central and southern domains, respectively.

Changing the direction of bulk horizontal shortening from NE–SW to N–S to E–W shifted the locus of maximum tectono-metamorphic effect. This accounts for the different generations of structures preserved in these three domains. Overprinting relationships and geochronological data reveal a component of deformation partitioning in time as well as space.

Rheological contrasts in the Soldiers Cap Group between a thick interlayered pelitic, psammitic and volcanic units on the one hand, and ca 1686 Ma, competent mafic intrusives and genetically related metasomatic albitite bodies present in its lower part, on the other, enhanced strain localisation during the long-lived Isan Orogeny (ca 1670–1500 Ma).  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Mineralized NYF and LCT pegmatites occur throughout the northeast-trending Neoproterozoic Damara Belt, Namibia. Mineralization in the pegmatites varies geographically,...  相似文献   

The moderately metamorphosed and deformed rocks exposed in the Hampden Synform, Eastern Fold Belt, in the Mt Isa terrane, underwent complex multiple deformations during the early Mesoproterozoic Isan Orogeny (ca 1590–1500 Ma). The earliest deformation elements preserved in the Hampden Synform are first‐generation tight to isoclinal folds and an associated axial‐planar slaty cleavage. Preservation of recumbent first‐generation folds in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, and the approximately northeast‐southwest orientation of restored L1 0 intersection lineation suggest recumbent folding occurred during east‐west to northwest‐southeast shortening. First‐generation folds are refolded by north‐south‐oriented upright non‐cylindrical tight to isoclinal second‐generation folds. A differentiated axial‐planar cleavage to the second‐generation fold is the dominant fabric in the study area. This fabric crenulates an earlier fabric in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, but forms a composite cleavage on the fold limbs. Two weakly developed steeply dipping crenulation cleavages overprint the dominant composite cleavage at a relatively high angle (>45°). These deformations appear to have had little regional effect. The composite cleavage is also overprinted by a subhorizontal crenulation cleavage inferred to have developed during vertical shortening associated with late‐orogenic pluton emplacement. We interpret the sequence of deformation events in the Hampden Synform to reflect the progression from thin‐skinned crustal shortening during the development of first‐generation structures to thick‐skinned crustal shortening during subsequent events. The Hampden Synform is interpreted to occur within a progressively deformed thrust slice located in the hangingwall of the Overhang Shear.  相似文献   

The sulphur isotopic characteristics of ore deposits in the Australian Mount Isa Eastern Succession are not well known, unlike those of the Western Succession. In this study new detailed analyses are provided for recently discovered Eastern Succession mineralisation, such as the Starra and Osborne BIF-hosted Cu-Au ores, the Dugald River sediment-hosted Pb-Zn prospect, and four vein-hosted Cloncurry-style Cu±Au deposits (Hampden, Mt Elliot/Swan, Mt Cobalt, and the Answer Mine). All of the deposits of the Eastern Succession have 34Ssulphide between –8 and +9%., regardless of their genesis. Empirically a moderate (34S range averaging close to 0%. characterises Starra-style Cu-Au and Pegmont Pb-Zn BIF ores, whereas shear and vein-style Cu mineralisation populations are tighter and do not average close to 0%. This is a particularly surprising result for Dugald River, where a larger isotopic variation more typical of stratiform sediment-hosted Pb-Zn ores in the region might have been expected. By comparison, Western Succession stratiform Pb-Zn and vein-style Cu deposits span a huge range of-15 to 51%. Large sulphur isotope ranges typify sulphate evaporite or organic sulphur-rich sedimentary successions. The lack of such variation in the Eastern Succession in turn suggests that primary evaporite sequences there were halite-dominated but sulphate-poor, and/or contained only limited volumes of organic-sulphur-rich sediment. Eastern Succession sequences were therefore less likely hosts for giant stratiform Pb-Zn deposits, because of their paucity of sulphur, although local sulphur sources permitted small deposits such as Dugald River to develop. Sedimentary conditions were more favourable for the development of sulphur-poor synsedimentary hydrothermal systems such as Starra, Osborne, and Pegmont, although sulphur isotope evidence is equivocal about the origin of these. Epigenetic deposits close to the Williams Batholith (Mt Dore, Hampden) owe their clustering around 0%. to their granitic fluid source.  相似文献   

The clustering of mineral occurrences and their spatial associations with particular geological features are critical aspects of mineral distributions for exploration and understanding ore genesis. Variations in the degree of clustering of mineral occurrences or geological features can be measured by fractal dimensions, obtained from a shifting box counting method. Spatial associations between mineral occurrences and geological features can be quantified by the weights of evidence (WofE) method using the contrast value, which increases with the strength of the spatial relationship. A new method is proposed to evaluate mineral occurrence distributions by combining the power of fractal analysis of clustering with the WofE approach. The method compares the correlation between the variation in degree of clustering of mineral occurrences and a geological feature in a study area, with the contrast value of the same feature. The possible outcomes can be simplified into four scenarios, depending on whether the correlation in variation of clustering and the contrast are high or low, respectively. Each outcome has specific exploration implications. If either a high correlation in variation of clustering or a high contrast value is obtained, the geological feature can be used for exploration targeting.The integrated fractal and WofE approach is applied to copper occurrences in the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, NW Queensland, Australia, which hosts large numbers of copper deposits (1,869 occurrences), including the world class Mount Isa copper deposit. Variation in clustering of copper occurrences has a positive correlation with variation in clustering of fault bends (R = 0.823), fault intersections (R = 0.862) and mafic rocks (R = 0.885). WofE results indicate that the copper occurrences are spatially associated with fault intersections and bends and with mafic rocks. Analyses were carried out separately for the two major lithostratigraphic sequences in the Inlier, the Eastern and Western Successions. The Western Succession copper occurrences are apparently more clustered than those of the Eastern Succession, which may reflect a lower degree of exploration and/or geological factors. The association of copper occurrences with mafic rocks compared with fault bends and intersections is greater in the Eastern Succession, which may reflect genetic factors. Correlations in the variation of clustering of mineral occurrences and geological features have a linear relationship with the contrast values, and the spatial association between all geological features and copper occurrences constitute high correlation/high contrast cases. The linear relationship suggests that the geological features that control the clustering of the copper occurrences could be the same features that control their localization.  相似文献   

Along a NW-SE profile through the basement core, starting below the sedimentary unconformity and ending in the center of the nearly circular structure, the constituent quartz grains and their fluid inclusions exhibit the following characteristics:In the NW, fluid inclusions composed of CO2 and occasionally up to 50 Vol.% H2O occur along shock-induced planar elements following predominently {0 0 0 1} of coarse, largely unrecrystallized quartz grains. The planar elements are partly still open microcracks, partly they are healed, the fluid inclusions decorating the former sites of the cracks. Along these planar elements recrystallization into fine grained new quartz fabrics starts, this process increasing decidedly towards the southeast; nevertheless fluid inclusions are still retained. — Near and within the center of the dome the formerly coarse quartz grains are completely recrystallized to medium grained annealing fabrics, in which — surprizingly — the fluid inclusions have often retained their original positions relative to the old grains, so that their planar alignment now traverses the new grain boundaries. Here the enclosed fluid is pure CO2 as far as can be determined.On the basis of the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions measured, and of independent petrologic geothermometry of the basement rocks near the center, the fluids trapped after the shock event had exhibited partial pressures of CO2 as high as 3 kbars at temperatures around 850° C. The derivation of these CO2-rich, post-shock fluids is either through release of older fluid inclusions from the lower crustal granulites affected by the catastrophic shattering event, or it is from a direct mantle source that might be genetically connected with the Vredefort event itself.  相似文献   

The Urquhart Shale from Mount Isa, Queensland, hosts major lead-zinc and copper orebodies. Re-examination of organic matter from the lead-zinc ore bodies has shown that abundant microfossils characteristic of lacustrine environments are present, and substantiates earlier results of Love and Zimmerman (1961). The framboid residues described by these authors are not microfossils but nevertheless the occurrence of framboidal pyrite has important implications for the timing of lead-zinc mineralisation. A diagenetic model is proposed for the lead-zinc ore bodies, and a later transgressive event accounts for the mode of occurrence of the copper ore bodies.  相似文献   

Sphene is very common in rocks including albitized granite, dioritic porphyrite, calcsilicate rock and breccia from the eastern fold belt of Mount Isa Inlier, Cloncurry. Two stages of sphenes are present in these rocks. First-staged sphene is relatively fine, euhedral, some grains show round or patchy zoning; second-staged sphene is relatively large, anhedral to subhedral, some grains show patchy zoning;both possibly contain rutile, ilmenite and magnetite inclusions. All sphenes are of low-Al type. The second-staged sphene has lesser Fe apfu than the first-staged sphene. Light-color part of the sphene has bigger Fe apfu than the dark-color part, as observed on one individual grain of sphene with patchy zoning, the average Xro of the sphene with patchy zoning is greater than that of the sphene without patchy zoning. Because the sphenes are taken from different types of rocks, Si, Ti, and Al have variable relations with F OH apfu. Si and Ti are not correlated with OH F in all analyzed samples ; Fe is correlated with OH F in the sphene just from granite and dioritic porphyrite; Al is correlated with OH F in the sphene fromgranite and breccia and is not correlated with OH F in the sphene from the dioritic porphyrite and calcsilicate rocks. The first-staged sphenes were possibly formed in the processes of magmatism and metamorphism. The second-staged sphenes were formed as a result of the breakdown of hornblendes and biotites in the process of Na (Ca) -metasomatism.  相似文献   

张大莲 《地质与勘探》2016,52(5):992-1000
高精度航磁测量相对简单,获得的信息丰富,是开展大面积成矿预测的有利工具。澳大利亚艾萨山选区地质资料较少,地面物探工作开展较难。利用高精度航磁资料,对该地区航磁数据进行了处理与解释,推断出断裂构造及岩体分布。结合区域成矿地质、构造环境和金属矿床时空分布特点,识别出成矿有利地区的航磁异常特征,划分了有利航磁异常分布带。在航磁有利异常分布图的基础上,结合矿床、矿点位置情况,进一步圈定出成矿远景区,为该地区成矿预测工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

Non-aqueous CO2 and CO2-rich fluid inclusions are found in the vein quartz hosting mesothermal gold-sulphide mineralization at Bin Yauri, northwestern Nigeria. Although mineralizing fluids responsible for gold mineralization are thought to be CO2-rich, the occurrence of predominantly pure to nearly pure CO2 inclusions is nevertheless unusual for a hydrothermal fluid system. Many studies of similar CO2-rich fluid inclusions, mainly in metamorphic rocks, proposed preferential loss (leakage) of H2O from H2O-CO2 inclusions after entrapment. In this study however, it is proposed that phase separation (fluid immiscibility) of low salinity CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids during deposition of the gold mineralization led to the loss of the H2O phase and selective entrapment of the CO2. The loss of H2O to the wallrocks resulted in increasing oxidizing effects. There is evidence to suggest that the original CO2-rich fluid was intrinsically oxidized, or perhaps in equilibrium with oxidizing conditions in the source rocks. The source of the implicated fluid is thought to be subducted metasediments, subjected to dehydration and devolatilization reactions along a transcurrent Anka fault/shear system, which has been described as a Pan-African (450–750 Ma) crustal suture.  相似文献   

The northern part of the Tasman Fold Belt System in Queensland comprises three segments, the Thomson, Hodgkinson- Broken River, and New England Fold Belts. The evolution of each fold belt can be traced through pre-cratonic (orogenic), transitional, and cratonic stages. The different timing of these stages within each fold belt indicates differing tectonic histories, although connecting links can be recognised between them from Late Devonian time onward. In general, orogenesis became younger from west to east towards the present continental margin. The most recent folding, confined to the New England Fold Belt, was of Early to mid-Cretaceous age. It is considered that this eastward migration of orogenic activity may reflect progressive continental accretion, although the total amount of accretion since the inception of the Tasman Fold Belt System in Cambrian time is uncertain.The Thomson Fold Belt is largely concealed beneath late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic intracratonic basin sediments. In addition, the age of the more highly deformed and metamorphosed rocks exposed in the northeast is unknown, being either Precambrian or early Palaeozoic. Therefore, the tectonic evolution of this fold belt must remain very speculative. In its early stages (Precambrian or early Palaeozoic), the Thomson Fold Belt was probably a rifted continental margin adjacent to the Early to Middle Proterozoic craton to the west and north. The presence of calc-alkaline volcanics of Late Cambrian Early Ordovician and Early-Middle Devonian age suggests that the fold belt evolved to a convergent Pacific-type continental margin. The tectonic setting of the pre-cratonic (orogenic) stage of the Hodgkinson—Broken River Fold Belt is also uncertain. Most of this fold belt consists of strongly deformed, flysch-type sediments of Silurian-Devonian age. Forearc, back-arc and rifted margin settings have all been proposed for these deposits. The transitional stage of the Hodgkinson—Broken River Fold Belt was characterised by eruption of extensive silicic continental volcanics, mainly ignimbrites, and intrusion of comagmatic granitoids in Late Carboniferous Early Permian time. An Andean-type continental margin model, with calc-alkaline volcanics erupted above a west-dipping subduction zone, has been suggested for this period. The tectonic history of the New England Fold Belt is believed to be relatively well understood. It was the site of extensive and repeated eruption of calc-alkaline volcanics from Late Silurian to Early Cretaceous time. The oldest rocks may have formed in a volcanic island arc. From the Late Devonian, the fold belt was a convergent continental margin above a west-dipping subduction zone. For Late Devonian- Early Carboniferous time, parallel belts representing continental margin volcanic arc, forearc basin, and subduction complex can be recognised.A great variety of mineral deposits, ranging in age from Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician and possibly even Precambrian to Early Cretaceous, is present in the exposed rocks of the Tasman Fold Belt System in Queensland. Volcanogenic massive sulphides and slate belt-type gold-bearing quartz veins are the most important deposits formed in the pre-cratonic (orogenic) stage of all three fold belts. The voicanogenic massive sulphides include classic Kuroko-type orebodies associated with silicic volcanics, such as those at Thalanga (Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician. Thomson Fold Belt) and at Mount Chalmers (Early Permian New England Fold Belt), and Kieslager or Besshi-type deposits related to submarine mafic volcanics, such as Peak Downs (Precambrian or early Palaeozoic, Thomson Fold Belt) and Dianne. OK and Mount Molloy (Silurian—Devonian, Hodgkinson Broken River Fold Belt). The major gold—copper orebody at Mount Morgan (Middle Devonian, New England Fold Belt), is considered to be of volcanic or subvolcanic origin, but is not a typical volcanogenic massive sulphide.The most numerous ore deposits are associated with calc-alkaline volcanics and granitoid intrusives of the transitional tectonic stage of the three fold belts, particularly the Late Carboniferous Early Perman of the Hodgkinson—Broken River Fold Belt and the Late Permian—Middle Triassic of the southeast Queensland part of the New England Fold Belt. In general, these deposits are small but rich. They include tin, tungsten, molybdenum and bismuth in granites and adjacent metasediments, base metals in contact meta somatic skarns, gold in volcanic breccia pipes, gold-bearing quartz veins within granitoid intrusives and in volcanic contact rocks, and low-grade disseminated porphyry-type copper and molybdenum deposits. The porphyry-type deposits occur in distinct belts related to intrusives of different ages: Devonian (Thomson Fold Belt), Late Carboniferous—Early Permian (Hodgkinson—Broken River Fold Belt). Late Permian Middle Triassic (southeast Queensland part of the New England Fold Belt), and Early Cretaceous (northern New England Fold Belt). All are too low grade to be of economic importance at present.Tertiary deep weathering events were responsible for the formation of lateritic nickel deposits on ultramafics and surficial manganese concentrations from disseminated mineralisation in cherts and jaspers.  相似文献   

The rheology of layered meta-sedimentary rocks, and their orientation and position relative to major fault systems were the key controls on Proterozoic hydrothermal copper mineralization at Mount Isa, Australia. Compositional layering in the host rock partitioned mechanical behavior and strain, leading to selective permeability generation and the focusing of fluid flow. Shale layers preferentially failed by plastic shearing, whereas meta-siltstones remained elastic or failed in tension depending on magnitude of deformation and fluid pressure. Numerical simulations support the hypothesis that the orientation of layering and the proximity to major fault systems controlled fracturing and permeability increase in the Urquhart shale. The dilating shale provided a pathway for an upward-flowing, reduced basement fluid, from which quartz was precipitated during cooling. During a later event, the reactivation of steep structures provided access to surface derived oxidized metal-bearing brine, causing the precipitation of dolomite followed by chalcopyrite ore in the brecciated silicified shale.  相似文献   

The Hemlo mineralization is enigmatic compared to general Archean lode gold deposits based on the fact that is characterized by an exotic mineralogy containing elements such as As,Hg,Sb,Ba,V and Mo.The genetic concepts range from syngenetc to epigenetic types of mineralization.This reconnaissance study was designed to examine the relationshp of Hg-As minerals with respect of fluid inclusions in the Williams mine(formerly known as the Page Williams mine)covering the A and C ore zones.  相似文献   

The Jinman Cu deposit is hosted in sandstones and slates of the Jurassic Huakaizuo Formation in the Mesozoic to Cenozoic Lanping basin in western Yunnan, China. Despite the fact that Cu mineralization occurs mainly in quartz–carbonate veins controlled by faults and fractures, the Jinman deposit was classified as a sediment-hosted stratiform Cu deposit, mainly because it is hosted in a sedimentary basin characterized by abundant red beds with many stratiform Cu deposits. A detailed petrographic and microthermometric study of fluid inclusions from the Jinman deposit reveals the presence of abundant CO2-rich fluid inclusions, together with aqueous inclusions. The CO2-rich inclusions have CO2 melting temperatures mainly from −58.0°C to −56.6°C, homogenization temperatures of the carbonic phase (mostly into the liquid phase) mainly between 22°C and 30°C, clathrate melting temperatures from 1.8°C to 9.2°C, with corresponding salinities from 1.6 to 13.4 wt.% NaCl equivalent, and total homogenization temperatures from 226°C to 330°C. The aqueous inclusions have first melting temperatures from −60°C to −52°C, ice melting temperatures from −41.4°C to −2.3°C, with salinities from 3.9 to 29.0 wt.% NaCl equivalent, and total homogenization temperatures mainly from 140°C to 250°C. These fluid inclusion characteristics are comparable to those of orogenic or magmatic mineralization systems and are uncharacteristic of basinal mineralization systems, suggesting that it is inappropriate to classify the Jinman deposit as a sediment-hosted stratiform Cu deposit. The results of this study, together with geochemical data reported previously, suggest that the Jinman deposit formed in a hydrothermal system that involved both extra-basinal, deeply sourced CO2-rich fluid and basinal, aqueous fluid.  相似文献   

Quantitative mineral data from the lead-zinc bearing sediments at Mount Isa were studied using linear correlation analysis and R-mode cluster analysis. Pyrrhotite was found to be preferentially associated with galena and sphalerite. It is postulated that during sedimentation, formation of lead and zinc sulphides depleted an already limited sulphur supply to the point where the field of FeS stability was entered. The primary iron monosulphide formed was, or has since become, pyrrhotite. This hypothesis is in contrast to the widely held opinion that pyrrhotite in stratiform ores formed by metamorphic decomposition of pyrite. Empirical support for the sedimentary formation of pyrrhotite is provided by textural and qualitative mineralogical data from Mount Isa and other stratiform lead-zinc deposits.  相似文献   

新疆东部早二叠世镁铁-超镁铁岩体主要分布在天山东段觉罗塔格构造带、中天山地块和北山地区,与这类岩体相关的Ni-Cu矿床主要产出在觉罗塔格带和中天山地区,北山目前并未发现典型Ni-Cu矿床。这些岩体中的斜方辉石主要为古铜辉石,少量为紫苏辉石;单斜辉石属透辉石、次透辉石或普通辉石。矿物成分系统变化显示橄榄石Fo值北山最高、觉罗塔格带到中天山逐次降低的特点,橄榄石Fo值在78~86和Ni含量低于1800×10-6范围内更有利于Cu-Ni成矿;斜方辉石En端元和单斜辉石Wo端元极差值也显示北山最高、觉罗塔格带和中天山较低的规律,且相对小的极差值更有利于成矿。单斜辉石AlⅣ/AlⅥ比值结果显示北山岩体在矿物结晶过程中压力较低,硫溶解度较大,可能是其矿化程度弱于觉罗塔格带和中天山的一个重要因素。觉罗塔格带、中天山和北山镁铁-超镁铁质岩体的母岩浆为非碱性系列、大陆拉斑玄武质岩浆。根据北山和觉罗塔格带岩体单斜辉石微量元素成分估算的母岩浆具有LREE富集以及Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf负异常的特征,指示出两者源区为受俯冲板片交代的地幔,且坡北源区俯冲交代程度更低。觉罗塔格带和中天山单斜辉石Alz vs.Ti显示裂谷堆晶趋势向弧堆晶趋势演化,而北山单斜辉石Alz vs.Ti则显示明显的裂谷堆晶趋势,这说明俯冲交代作用在觉罗塔格带和中天山地区表现的更为强烈。北山镁铁-超镁铁岩体中发现单斜辉石Ti的高异常及矿物温压计算结果显示,表明北山地区具有比觉罗塔格带和中天山更高的岩浆温度,这可能与塔里木二叠纪地幔柱的活动有关。  相似文献   

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