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Three successive metamorphic stages M1, M2 and M3 have been distinguished in polymetamorphic granulite facies quartz-feldspathic gneisses from the Seiland Igneous Province, Caledonides of northern Norway. An early period of contact metamorphism (M1; 750–950°C, ca. 5 kbar) was followed by cooling, accompanied by strong shearing and recrystallization at intermediate-P granulite facies conditions (M2; 700–750°C, 5–6kbar). High-P granulite facies (M3; ca. 700°C, 7–8 kbar) is related to recrystallization in narrow ductile shear zones and secondary growth on M2 minerals. On the basis of composition, fluid inclusions in cordierite, quartz and garnet can be divided into three major types: (1) CO2 inclusions; (2) mixed CO2–N2 inclusions; (3) N2 inclusions. Fluid chronology and mineral assemblages suggest that the earliest inclusions consist of pure CO2 and were trapped at the M1 contact metamorphic episode. A carbonic fluid was also present during the intermediate-P granulite facies M2 metamorphism. The CO2-rich inclusions in M2 garnet can be divided into two generations, an early lower-density and a late higher-density, with isochores crosscutting the P-T box of M2 and M3, respectively. The nitrogen-rich fluids were introduced at a late stage in the fluid evolution during the high-P M3 event. The mixed CO2–N2 inclusions, with density characteristics compatible with M3 conditions, are probably produced from intersection between pre-existing pure CO2 inclusions and N2 fluids introduced during M3. The fluid inclusion data agree with the P-T evolution established from mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry.  相似文献   

A suite of rocks from Borra Carbonate Granulite Complex (BCGC) in the Eastern Ghats granulite belt displays superposed structures and overprinted mineral assemblages that reveal multiple episodes of tectonothermal reworking of the complex under granulite facies condition. Five distinct episodes of deformation (D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5) and four phases of metamorphism (M1, M2, M3 and M4) are recorded. The signature of the earliest tectonothermal event, D1 is a gneissic foliation (S1) denned by segregation of peak granulite facies mineral assemblages corresponding to prograde M1 metamorphism. M2 metamorphic overprint represents an episode of near-isobaric cooling of the complex under a static condition. D2 represents an episode of ductile deformation manifested by isoclinal folding (F2) and associated extensional structures, within a broad framework of coaxial bulk deformation. The present study reveals that D2 took place subsequent to M2 - Subsequent deformation, D3, produced F3 folds and also deformations of boudins formed during D2. M3, which is synchronous with F3, represents a near isothermal decompression of the BCGC. This was followed by a weak structural readjustment (D4), producing E-W cross folds. The latter was not, however, associated with any recognizable petrological reworking. In the terminal events, deformation (D5) and mineral reactions (M4) were localized along narrow intersecting shear zones. The latter acted as channelways for carbonic and still later hydrous fluid infiltration. The available thermobarometric data from BCGC and other areas of the Eastern Ghats belt reveal that reworking during M2 and M3 ensued in a thermally perturbed regime. The high thermal regime might also have persisted during carbonic fluid infiltration related to terminal reworking (M4).  相似文献   

Calc-silicate granulites were examined to evaluate the fluid composition and retrograde metamorphic conditions in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, southern Africa. Quartz deficient assemblages are characterized by minerals such as diopside, forsterite, spinel and/or magnesiohornblende and tremolite in the presence of calcite and dolomite. Although the granulites are Al-poor (Al2O3 is less than or equal to 1.0 wt.%) and dolomitic in composition, they include Al-bearing phases. Phase analyses for the assemblages in the two model systems CaO–MgO–SiO2–H2O–CO2 and CaO–MgO–SiO2–Al2O3–H2O–CO2 provide constraints on fluid compositions in the granulite facies and retrograde metamorphisms in the Limpopo Central Zone. In the presence of amphiboles, isobaric T–X(CO2) phase relations suggest that high X(CO2) conditions were established in the calc-silicate rocks of present study. The phase relations with tschermakitic amphiboles at 0.35 GPa restrict diopside-spinel occurrences in the presence of calcite, dolomite and forsterite within very-high X(CO2) with low a(H2O). The fluid compositions, X(CO2), were effectively buffered by the mineral assemblages during granulite facies metamorphism to subsequent decompression and cooling stages. The presence or absence of retrograde magnesiohornblende and tremolite appeared to be controlled not only by infiltration of H2O-rich fluid during retrograde metamorphism but also Al content in the local bulk rock compositions. The presence of the two-amphibole phases shows that the fluid compositions were locally buffered in the Al-bearing dolomitic granulites. Comparing the calculated X(CO2) values in the present study area and in the Alldays area, a difference of retrograde hydration effects is observed.  相似文献   

The role of volatiles in the stabilization of the lower (granulite facies) crust is contentious. Opposing models invoke infiltration of CO2-rich fluids or generally vapour-absent conditions during granulite facies metamorphism. Stable isotope and petrological studies of granulite facies metacarbonates can provide constraints on these models. In this study data are presented from metre-scale forsteritic marble boudins within Archaean intermediate to felsic orthogneisses from the Rauer Group, East Antarctica. Forsteritic marble layers and associated calcsilicates preserve a range of 13C- and 18O-depleted calcite isotope values (δ13C= -9.9 to -3.0% PDB, δ18O = 4.0 to 12.1% SMOW). A coupled trend of 13C and 18O depletion (~2%, ~5%, respectively) from core to rim across one marble layer is inconsistent with pervasive CO2 infiltration during granulite facies metamorphism, but does indicate localized fluid-rock interaction. At another locality, more pervasive fluid infiltration has resulted in calcite having uniformly low, carbonatite-like δ18O and δ13C values. A favoured mechanism for the low δ18O and δ13C values of the marbles is infiltration by fluids that were derived from, or equilibrated with, a magmatic source. It is likely that this fluid-rock interaction occurred prior to high-grade metamorphism; other fluid-rock histories are not, however, ruled out by the available data. Coupled trends of 13C and 18O depletion are modified to even lower values by the superposed development of small-scale metasomatic reaction zones between marbles and internally folded mafic (?) interlayers. The timing of development of these layers is uncertain, but may be related to Archaean high-temperature (>1000d?C) granulite facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

Calc-silicate rocks occur as elliptical bands and boudins intimately interlayered with eclogites and high-pressure gneisses in the Münchberg gneiss complex of NE Bavaria. Core assemblages of the boudins consist of grossular-rich garnet, diopside, quartz, zoisite, clinozoisite, calcite, rutile and titanite. The polygonal granoblastic texture commonly displays mineral relics and reaction textures such as post kinematic grossular-rich garnet coronas. Reactions between these mineral phases have been modelled in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-CO2-H2O system with an internally consistent thermodynamic data base. High-pressure metamorphism in the calc-silicate rocks has been estimated at a minimum pressure of 31 kbar at a temperature of 630d? C with XH2, O ≥ 0.03. Small volumes of a CO2-N2-rich fluid whose composition was buffered on a local scale were present at peak-metamorphic conditions. The P-T conditions for the onset of the amphibolite facies overprint are about 10 kbar at the same temperature. XCo2 of the H2O-rich fluid phase is regarded to have been <0.03 during amphibolite facies conditions. These P-T estimates are interpreted as representing different stages of recrystallization during isothermal decompression. The presence of multiple generations of mineral phases and the preservation of very high-pressure relics in single thin sections preclude pervasive post-peak metamorphic fluid flow as a cause of a re-equilibration within the calc-silicates. The preservation of eclogite facies, very high-pressure relics as well as amphibolite facies reactions textures in the presence of a fluid phase is in agreement with fast, tectonically driven unroofing of these rocks.  相似文献   

The vein graphite deposits of Sri Lanka are located in a Precambrian high grade metamorphic terrain dominated by granulite facies rocks. The vein graphite has been interpreted as being of solid phase lateral secretion origin, derived by hydrothermal solutions or of biogenic origin. Based on what is known on the composition of the fluids under granulite facies conditions and the role of these fluids in their transport through the crust, the origin of the graphite is proposed to be the direct consequence of granulite facies metamorphism in the presence of a CO2 rich fluid under low fO2 conditions. This CO2 rich fluid could promote hydraulic fracturing and precipitation of vein graphite. Textures and structures of the vein graphite indicate syntectonic deposition by a crack-seal process under granulite facies metamorphic conditions. This model is supported by temperature estimates on graphite based on XRD data and stable carbon isotopes of graphite that suggest a deep-seated crustal origin.  相似文献   

Investigation of fluid inclusions in granitic and cale-silicate gneisses from the Adirondack Mountains, New York, has revealed the presence of various types, including: (1) CO2-rich, (2) mixed H2O–CO2±salt and (3) aqueous inclusions with no visible CO2. Many, if not all, of these inclusions were trapped or modified after the peak of granulite facies metamorphism, as shown by textural relations or by the lack of agreement between the composition of the fluids found in some inclusions and the composition of the peak-metamorphic fluid as estimated from mineral equilibria. Many fluid inclusions record conditions attained during retrograde cooling and uplift, with minimum pressures and temperatures of 2 to 3 kbar and 200 to 300°C. The temperatures and pressures derived from the investigation of these inclusions constrain the retrograde P-T path, and the results indicate that a period of cooling with little or no decompression.  相似文献   

Metamorphic index mineral zones, pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions, and CO2-H2O fluid compositions were determined for metacarbonate layers within the Wepawaug Schist, Connecticut, USA. Peak metamorphic conditions were attained in the Acadian orogeny and increase from ~420 °C and ~6.5 kb in the low-grade greenschist facies to ~610 °C and ~9.5 kb in the amphibolite facies. The index minerals oligoclase, biotite, calcic amphibole, and diopside formed with progressive increases in metamorphic intensity. In the upper greenschist facies and in the amphibolite facies, prograde reaction progress is greatest along the margins of metacarbonate layers in contact with surrounding schists, or in reaction selvages bordering syn-metamorphic quartz veins. New index minerals typically appear first in these more highly reacted contact and selvage zones. It has been postulated that this spatial zonation of mineral assemblages resulted from infiltration, largely by diffusion, of water-rich fluids across lithologic contacts or away from fluid conduits like fractures. In this model, the infiltrating fluids drove prograde CO2 loss and were derived from surrounding dehydrating schists or sources external to the metasedimentary sequence. The model predicts that significant gradients in the mole fraction of CO2 (XCO2 X_{CO_2 } ) should have been present during metamorphism, but new estimates of fluid composition indicate that differences in XCO2 X_{CO_2 } preserved across layers or vein selvages were very small, ~0.02 or less. However, analytical solutions to the two-dimensional advection-dispersion-reaction equation show that only small fluid composition gradients across layers or selvages are needed to drive prograde CO2 loss by diffusion and mechanical dispersion. These gradients, although typically too small to be measured by field-based techniques, would still be large enough to dominate the effects of fluid flow and reaction along regional T and P gradients. Larger gradients in fluid composition may have existed across some layers during metamorphism, but large gradients favor rapid reaction and would, therefore, seldom be preserved in the rock record. Most of the H2O needed to drive prograde CO2 loss probably came from regional dehydration of surrounding metapelitic schists, although H2O-rich diopside zone conditions may have also required an external fluid component derived from syn-metamorphic intrusions or the metavolcanic rocks that structurally underlie the Wepawaug Schist.  相似文献   

Calc-silicate boudins within Proterozoic granulite facies gneisses of the northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, preserve a number of reaction textures including garnet coronas between calcite and scapolite; garnet-quartz coronas between scapolite and wollastonite and between plagioclase and wollastonite; calcite-quartz intergrowths in wollastonite; and calcite-plagioclase symplectites in scapolite. These textures have been modelled using petrogenetic grids for reactions in the CaO-Al2,O3-SiO2-CO2 system, but with reduced mineral activities to account for additional components in real mineral compositions. Such fixed-composition reduced-activity grids are strictly valid only at the point in P-T-aCO2 space where an assemblage last equilibrated, and do not show the true positions of reactions away from this point because mineral compositions change with reaction progress. In this case, however, mineral compositions close to end-member values and low extents of reaction progress mean that compositional change was limited and the grids are good approximations to true pseudosections over the entire P-T-aco2 range of interest. The grids show that the textures are consistent with near-isobaric cooling from about 850 to 700d? C at 7 kbar, a P-T path compatible with thermobarometric studies of other lithologies from the area. Phase relationships indicate that CO2 activities were buffered by the local mineral assemblage during peak and retrograde metamorphism, either under fluid-absent conditions or within a non-pervasive fluid phase. Previous studies of garnet coronas in scapolite-wollastonite calc-silicates have used qualitative grids based on limited experimental data to invoke garnet growth during water infiltration at high temperature, but the grids used here show that garnet coronas can form on cooling, without any need for water influx.  相似文献   

Hypersthene-garnet-sillimanite-quartz enclaves were studied in orthopyroxene-plagioclase and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene crystalline schists and gneisses from shear zones exposed in Palenyi Island in the Early Proterozoic Belomorian Mobile Belt. Qualitative analysis of mineral assemblages indicates that these rocks were metamorphosed to the granulite facies (approximately 900°C and 10–11 kbar). Oxygen isotopic composition was determined in rock-forming minerals composing zones of the enclaves of various mineralogical and chemical composition. The closure temperatures of the isotopic systems obtained by methods of oxygen isotopic thermometry are close to the values obtained with mineralogical geothermometers (Grt-Opx and Grt-Bt) and correspond to the high-temperature granulite facies (860–900°C). Identified systematic variations in the δ18O values were determined in the same minerals from zones of different mineral composition. Inasmuch as these zones are practically in contact with one another, these variations in δ18O cannot be explained by the primary isotopic heterogeneity of the protolith. The model calculations of the extent and trend of the δ18O variations in minerals suggest that the only mechanism able to generate the zoning was fluid-rock interaction at various integral fluid/rock ratios in discrete zones. This demonstrates that a focused fluid flux could occur in lower crustal shear zones. The preservation of high-temperature isotopic equilibria of minerals testifies that the episode of fluid activity at the peak of metamorphism was very brief.  相似文献   

The problem of modeling of real parageneses has been solved by minimization of Gibbs thermodynamic potential for metapelites of the Okhotsk granulite complex. Model mineral assemblages completely reproduce the composition of minerals and their modal contents in the studied rocks. This fundamental fact directly verifies the solution of the problem, proving the validity of the principle of local equilibrium in the studied assemblages and the agreement of all thermodynamic data accepted on the modeling. The pressure and temperature during the metamorphism of granulites of the Okhotsk complex, estimated by modeling, are 5.2–7.0 kbar and 620–770 °C, which corresponds to the near-boundary conditions of the amphibolitic and granulitic facies. Model mineral assemblages similar to real parageneses in the composition of minerals and their modes can be successfully obtained with the Selektor software under conditions of both inert and moving water. The composition of the external metamorphic fluid and the approximate weight ratio of fluid to rock have been determined. The oxidation potential of this fluid is similar to the potential of oxygen at the buffer C–CO–CO2 if the fluid/rock ratio is 0.03–0.30 and the low partial pressure of water varies from 1.80 to 0.35 kbar. The Okhotsk metamorphic complex is not an analog of the granulites of the southern Aldan Shield, because considerably higher pressure and temperature are typical of the latter.  相似文献   

Pan‐African high‐pressure granulites occur as boudins and layers in the Lurio Belt in north‐eastern Mozambique, eastern Africa. Mafic granulites contain the mineral assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz ± magnesiohastingsite. Garnet porphyroblasts are zoned with increasing almandine and spessartine contents and decreasing grossular and pyrope contents from core (Alm46Prp32Grs21Sps2) to rim (Alm52Prp26Grs19Sps3). This pattern is interpreted as a retrograde diffusion zoning with the preserved core chemistry representing the peak metamorphic composition. Mineral reaction textures occur in the form of monomineralic and composite plagioclase ± orthopyroxene ± amphibole ± biotite ± magnetite coronas around garnet porphyroblasts. Thermobarometry indicates peak metamorphic conditions of up to 1.57 ± 0.14 GPa and 949 ± 92 °C (stage I), corresponding to crustal depths of ~55 km. Zircon yielded an U–Pb age of 557 ± 16 Ma, inferred to date crystallization of zircon during peak or immediately post‐peak metamorphism. Formation of plagioclase + orthopyroxene‐bearing coronas surrounding garnet indicates a near‐isothermal decompression of the high‐pressure granulites to lower pressure granulite facies conditions (stage II). Development of plagioclase + amphibole‐coronas enclosing the same garnet porphyroblasts shows subsequent cooling into amphibolite facies conditions (stage III). Symplectitic textures of the corona assemblages indicate rapid decompression. The high‐pressure granulite facies metamorphism of the Lurio Belt, followed by near‐isothermal decompression and subsequent cooling, is in accordance with a long‐lived tectonic history accompanied by high magmatic activity in the Lurio Belt during the late Neoproterozoic–early Palaeozoic East‐African–Antarctic orogeny.  相似文献   

Melt loss and the preservation of granulite facies mineral assemblages   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
The loss of a metamorphic fluid via the partitioning of H2O into silicate melt at higher metamorphic grade implies that, in the absence of open system behaviour of melt, the amount of H2O contained within rocks remains constant at temperatures above the solidus. Thus, granulite facies rocks, composed of predominantly anhydrous minerals and a hydrous silicate melt should undergo considerable retrogression to hydrous upper amphibolite facies assemblages on cooling as the melt crystallizes and releases its H2O. The common occurrence of weakly retrogressed granulite facies assemblages is consistent with substantial melt loss from the majority of granulite facies rocks. Phase diagram modelling of the effects of melt loss in hypothetical aluminous and subaluminous metapelitic compositions shows that the amount of melt that has to be removed from a rock to preserve a granulite facies assemblage varies markedly with rock composition, the number of partial melt loss events and the P–T conditions at which melt loss occurs. In an aluminous metapelite, the removal of nearly all of the melt at temperatures above the breakdown of biotite is required for the preservation of the peak mineral assemblage. In contrast, the proportion of melt loss required to preserve peak assemblages in a subaluminous metapelite is close to half that required for the aluminous metapelite. Thus, if a given proportion of melt is removed from a sequence of metapelitic granulites of varying composition, the degree of preservation of the peak metamorphic assemblage may vary widely.  相似文献   

We investigated several mineral phases and their replacement products which occur as inclusions in garnets from felsic and mafic granulites of the Gföhl Unit in the Moldanubian Zone. The most important mineral inclusions, Ti-rich muscovite and omphacite, were used for the reconstruction of the metamorphic history of granulites. Some inclusions were transformed during high-temperature granulite facies metamorphism, partial melting and decompression to other phases, and so the original mineral can only be deduced from the inclusion morphology and reaction products. These inclusions have columnar shapes and consist of K-feldspar + kaolinite, albite + Fe-oxide, plagioclase + Fe-oxide, or albite + K-feldspar, respectively. The pseudomorphs with albite/plagioclase occur in a Ca-rich garnet that shows prograde zoning. Pressure–temperature (PT) evolution, derived from mineral assemblages in granulite and based on the inclusions, suggests a prograde metamorphism from amphibolite through eclogite to granulite facies conditions with subsequent amphibolite facies overprint during exhumation. The estimated PT trajectory for the studied granulites, which also host lenses or boudins of eclogites and garnet peridotites, allows reconstruction of the complete clockwise metamorphic path that is consistent with subduction geotherm prior to the tectonic amalgamation within the continental collisional root.  相似文献   

Oxide–sulphide–Fe–Mg–silicate and titanite–ilmenite textures as well as their mineral compositions have been studied in felsic and intermediate orthogneisses across an amphibolite (north) to granulite facies (south) traverse of lower Archean crust, Tamil Nadu, south India. Titanite is limited to the amphibolite facies terrane where it rims ilmenite or occurs as independent grains. Pyrite is widespread throughout the traverse increasing in abundance with increasing metamorphic grade. Pyrrhotite is confined to the high‐grade granulites. Ilmenite is widespread throughout the traverse increasing in abundance with increasing metamorphic grade and occurring primarily as hemo‐ilmenite in the high‐grade granulite facies rocks. Magnetite is widespread throughout the traverse and is commonly associated with ilmenite. It decreases in abundance with increasing metamorphic grade. In the granulite facies zone, reaction rims of magnetite + quartz occur along Fe–Mg silicate grain boundaries. Magnetite also commonly rims or is associated with pyrite. Both types of reaction rims represent an oxidation effect resulting from the partial subsolidus reduction of the hematite component in ilmenite to magnetite. This is confirmed by the presence of composite three oxide grains consisting of hematite, magnetite and ilmenite. Magnetite and magnetite–pyrite micro‐veins along silicate grain boundaries formed over a wide range of post‐peak metamorphic temperatures and pressures ranging from high‐grade SO2 to low‐grade H2S‐dominated conditions. Oxygen fugacities estimated from the orthopyroxene–magnetite–quartz, orthopyroxene–hematite–quartz, and magnetite–hematite buffers average 2.5 log units above QFM. It is proposed that the trends in mineral assemblages, textures and composition are the result of an external, infiltrating concentrated brine containing an oxidizing component such as CaSO4 during high‐grade metamorphism later acted upon by prograde and retrograde mineral reactions that do not involve an externally derived fluid phase.  相似文献   

This paper presents monomineral and multiphase inclusions in garnet from eclogites and clinopyroxenites, which form layers and boudins in garnet peridotites from two areas in the Moldanubian zone of the Bohemian Massif. The garnet peridotites occur in felsic granulites and reached UHP conditions prior to their granulite facies overprint. In addition to complex compositional zoning, garnets from hosting eclogites and clinopyroxenites preserve inclusions of hydrous phases and alkali silicate minerals including: amphiboles, chlorites, micas and feldspars. Amphibole, biotite and apatite inclusions in garnet have a high concentration of halogens; CO2 and sulfur are involved in carbonates and sulfide inclusions, respectively. The inclusion patterns and compositional zoning in garnet in combination with textural relations among minerals, suggest that the ultramafic and mafic bodies are derived from lithospheric mantle above the subduction zone and were transformed into garnet pyroxenites and eclogites in the subduction zone. Based on compositional, mineral and textural relations, all of these rocks along with the surrounding crustal material were overprinted by granulite facies metamorphism during their exhumation.  相似文献   

Using the Selektor-C software program package, oxidation potential and the composition of metamorphogenic fluid were determined for mineral assemblages from nine samples of granulite-grade metamorphic rocks by solving the inverse problems of convex programming. The calculated and real mineral assemblages are in good agreement with respect to the composition and association of minerals, which is compelling evidence for the attainment of chemical equilibrium (minimum of Gibbs free energy) under given P-T conditions. Based on the dual solution of the inverse problem, a new approach was proposed for the estimation of the oxidation potential of fluid and mineral assemblages, which can be used to determine oxygen potential for almost any mineral association, independent of the presence of magnetite, ilmenite, or graphite. It was found that magnetite-free mineral associations are characterized by highly reducing conditions corresponding to oxygen potentials close to the CCO buffer. The external metamorphic fluid that was present during granulite-facies metamorphism was probably formed in the graphite stability field. The results of calculations for the model aqueous electrolyte solution-mineral assemblage suggest high SiO2 solubility in the metamorphogenic fluid. Therefore, the process of granulite metamorphism may be a potent geochemical factor of the redistribution and transportation of silica from lower to upper crustal levels.  相似文献   

This study investigates marbles and calcsilicates in Central Dronning Maud Land (CDML), East Antarctica. The paleogeographic positioning of CDML as part of Gondwana is still unclear; however, rock types, mineral assemblages, textures and P–T conditions observed in this study are remarkably similar to the Kerala Khondalite Belt in India. The CDML marbles and calcsilicates experienced a Pan-African granulite facies metamorphism at c. 570 Ma and an amphibolite facies retrogression at c. 520 Ma. The highest grade assemblage in marbles is forsterite+spinel+calcite+dolomite, in calcsilicates the assemblages are diopside+spinel, diopside+garnet, scapolite+wollastonite+clinopyroxene±quartz, scapolite±anorthite±calcite+clinopyroxene+wollastonite. These assemblages constrain the peak metamorphic conditions to 830±20 °C, 6.8±0.5 kbar and X CO2>0.46. During retrogression, highly fluoric humite-group minerals (humite, clinohumite, chondrodite) replaced forsterite, and garnet rims formed at the expense of scapolite during reactions with wollastonite, calcite or clinopyroxene but without involvement of anorthite. Metamorphic conditions were about 650 °C, 4.5±0.7 kbar, 0.2< X CO2fluid<0.36, and the co-existence of garnet, clinopyroxene, wollastonite and quartz constrains fO2 to FMQ-1.5 log units. Mineral textures indicate a very limited influx of H2O-rich fluid during amphibolite facies retrogression and point to significant variations of fluid composition in mm-sized areas of the rock. Gypsum was observed in two samples; it probably replaced metamorphic anhydrite which appears to have formed under amphibolite facies conditions. The observed extensive anorogenic magmatism (anorthosites, A-type granitoids) and the character of metamorphism between 610 and 510 Ma suggest that the crustal thermal structure was characterized by a long-lived (50–100 Ma) rise of the crustal geotherm probably caused by magmatic underplating.  相似文献   

胶北莱西古元古代的高压基性麻粒岩和钙硅酸盐岩的基本矿物组合分别为以铁铝榴石为主的石榴石-普通辉石-铁紫苏辉石和钙铝榴石-黝帘石-葡萄石-钠长石.矿物岩石学研究表明钙硅酸盐岩是由含石榴石高压基性麻粒岩经退变质和钙质交代作用形成.南山口高压基性麻粒岩记录了麻粒岩相变质作用前、麻粒岩相变质作用、退变质和钙硅酸盐岩化共同作用以及完全钙硅酸盐岩化的四个阶段的地质作用,其矿物组合分别为Cpx+ Pl+ Qtz(M1),Grt+ Cpx+ Rt+ Qtz(M2),Cpx+Pl+ Opx+ Ilm+ Mgt+ Ep(M3)和Grs+ Zo+ Prh+ Ab+ Cal(M4).微量元素研究表明,高压基性麻粒岩中大离子亲石元素Ba、Rb、K、Rb、Th富集,而高场强元素Nb、Zr、Ti、Y亏损,具有轻稀土富集的右倾型稀土配分曲线.稀土元素和微量元素配分图解显示了岛孤拉斑玄武岩的特征.主元素、微量元素的构造判别图解进一步分析表明高压基性麻粒岩及其钙硅酸盐岩的原岩形成于大陆边缘的岛弧环境.综合高压基性麻粒岩岩石学、元素地球化学特征认为,莱西高压基性麻粒岩的原岩是拉斑玄武岩质岩石,可能是形成于孤后扩张背景下基性的侵入岩或喷出岩.岩石形成以后,在胶-辽-吉带碰撞闭合过程中,经历了麻粒岩相变质作用,又在后来的抬升过程中经历退变质和钙硅酸盐岩化作用.  相似文献   

The ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism of the Napier Complex is characterized by the presence of dry mineral assemblages, the stability of which requires anhydrous conditions. Typically, the presence of the index mineral orthopyroxene in more than one lithology indicates that H2O activities were substantially low. In this study, we investigate a suite of UHT rocks comprising quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, and magnetite-quartz gneiss from Tonagh Island. High Al contents in orthopyroxene from sapphirine granulite, the presence of an equilibrium sapphirine-quartz assemblage, mesoperthite in quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, and an inverted pigeonite-augite assemblage in magnetite-quartz gneiss indicate that the peak temperature conditions were higher than 1,000 °C. Petrology, mineral phase equilibria, and pressure-temperature computations presented in this study indicate that the Tonagh Island granulites experienced maximum P-T conditions of up to 9 kbar and 1,100 °C, which are comparable with previous P-T estimates for Tonagh and East Tonagh Islands. The textures and mineral reactions preserved by these UHT rocks are consistent with an isobaric cooling (IBC) history probably following an counterclockwise P-T path. We document the occurrence of very high-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions in the UHT rocks from Tonagh Island and characterize their nature, composition, and density from systematic petrographic and microthermometric studies. Our study shows the common presence of carbonic fluid inclusions entrapped within sapphirine, quartz, garnet and orthopyroxene. Analysed fluid inclusions in sapphirine, and some in garnet and quartz, were trapped during mineral growth at UHT conditions as 'primary' inclusions. The melting temperatures of fluids in most cases lie in the range of -56.3 to -57.2 °C, close to the triple point for pure CO2 (-56.6 °C). The only exceptions are fluid inclusions in magnetite-quartz gneiss, which show slight depression in their melting temperatures (-56.7 to -57.8 °C) suggesting traces of additional fluid species such as N2 in the dominantly CO2-rich fluid. Homogenization of pure CO2 inclusions in the quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, and garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss occurs into the liquid phase at temperatures in the range of -34.9 to +4.2 °C. This translates into very high CO2 densities in the range of 0.95-1.07 g/cm3. In the garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, the composition and density of inclusions in the different minerals show systematic variation, with highest homogenization temperatures (lowest density) yielded by inclusions in garnet, as against inclusions with lowest homogenization (high density) in quartz. This could be a reflection of continued recrystallization of quartz with entrapment of late fluids along the IBC path. Very high-density CO2 inclusions in sapphirine associated with quartz in the Tonagh Island rocks provide potential evidence for the involvement of CO2-rich fluids during extreme crustal temperatures associated with UHT metamorphism. The estimated CO2 isochores for sapphirine granulite intersect the counterclockwise P-T trajectory of Tonagh Island rocks at around 6-9 kbar at 1,100 °C, which corresponds to the peak metamorphic conditions of this terrane derived from mineral phase equilibria, and the stability field of sapphirine + quartz. Therefore, we infer that CO2 was the dominant fluid species present during the peak metamorphism in Tonagh Island, and interpret that the fluid inclusions preserve traces of the synmetamorphic fluid from the UHT event. The stability of anhydrous minerals, such as orthopyroxene, in the study area might have been achieved by the lowering of H2O activity through the influx of CO2 at peak metamorphic conditions (>1,100 °C). Our microthermometric data support a counterclockwise P-T path for the Napier Complex.  相似文献   

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