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白洋淀是雄安新区生态共同体的重要组成部分,在"白洋淀生态环境治理和保护规划"中,淀区内纯水村和耕地将被淹没,而上述陆地的土壤环境元素分布特征及来源仍缺乏系统调查和分析.本文以淀区内现有0~ 20 cm土壤为研究对象,以环境元素As、Hg、Cd、Cr、Pb、Ni、Cu、Zn、N、P和土壤类型、质地为研究要素,以统计描述、方差分析、相关分析和因子分析为研究手段对淀区内土壤主要环境元素分布特征和来源进行刻画和分析.结果 表明:淀区主要环境元素在不同土地类型的差异性分布是大气沉降和人类工农业活动综合作用的结果.除元素P外,其余环境元素的淀区背景值均高于区域背景值,呈富集趋势.大部分元素趋向于在农用地富集,在水田的富集最为突出,Hg元素则更易在村镇用地富集.淀区内土壤主要环境元素来源分3种类型:大气沉降型,代表元素为Ni、Cr、As、Pb、Cu和Cd,主要来自区域燃煤烟气的沉降输入;农业输入型,代表元素为P、N、Hg、Cd、Pb,主要来自本地农业施肥和人类生活垃圾输入;工业叠加型,代表元素为Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb,主要来自大气沉降和淀区临近的小冶炼的排放叠加,其中Pb、Cd、Cu为综合输入方式.  相似文献   

利用连续提取分级的方法定量分析阳宗海表层沉积物磷赋存形态,阐明了沉积物C、N、H和O组成及溶解有机质(DOM)紫外-可见光谱特征,探讨沉积物元素组成及DOM组成结构对不同形态磷含量的影响.结果表明:(1)沉积物潜在可移动磷含量在68.67~124.70 mg/kg之间变化,平均占总磷含量的9.81%,表现为BD-PNa OH-nr PNH_4Cl-P;沉积物稳定磷含量在496.73~908.28 mg/kg之间变化,平均占总磷含量的60.86%.(2)沉积物C、N含量和疏水性DOM光谱参数A_(240-400)表现出北部高、南部低的变化趋势,但H/C、O/C和(N+O)/C摩尔比和亲水性DOM光谱参数A_(240-400)变化趋势则与之恰好相反.(3)沉积物NH4Cl-P含量与C、N和H含量之间呈显著正相关,但与H/C、O/C、(N+O)/C摩尔比和亲水性DOM光谱参数E_2/E_3值之间呈显著负相关;NaOH-rP和BD-P+NaOH-rP含量均与O含量及O/H摩尔比呈显著负相关;NaOH-rP、BD-P+NaOH-rP和HCl-P均与疏水性DOM光谱参数A_(240-400)值之间呈显著正相关.因此,天然有机质元素组成及官能团结构是影响沉积物磷赋存形态的重要因素.  相似文献   

余成  陈爽  张路  王兆德  申秋实  高群 《湖泊科学》2017,29(2):334-342
磷是坦噶尼喀湖生态系统中必不可少的营养元素,直接决定湖体初级生产力的高低,进而影响到周边居民对于动物蛋白的获取来源.为了解坦噶尼喀湖磷的外源输入,选择湖泊东北部的入湖河流,对表层沉积物(16个样点)中总磷(TP)和各形态磷含量及其分布特征进行分析,并探讨磷的形态分布特征与土地利用方式之间的相关关系.结果表明,入湖河流沉积物TP含量为73.05~239.94 mg/kg,平均含量为152.64±55.37 mg/kg,其中最高值出现在马拉加拉西河口.采用Psenner法对磷进行连续浸提并比较不同形态磷含量,由高及低依次为铁铝结合态磷(Fe/Al-P)钙结合态磷(CaP)有机磷(Org-P)残渣态磷(Res-P)弱吸附态磷(Labile-P).土地利用类型对TP及各形态磷含量影响较大,其中TP含量表现为河口湿地城镇附近林草地区,表明地表径流和人类活动会对TP含量产生影响,而对于不同形态磷含量,Laible-P、Fe/Al-P、Org-P含量均表现为河口湿地林草地城镇附近,Ca-P、Res-P含量均表现为城镇附近河口湿地林草地.分析沉积物理化性质与各磷形态之间的相关性,发现沉积物总氮(TN)、有机质和总有机碳与Fe/Al-P、LabileP和TP相关性较好,与Org-P、Ca-P和Res-P相关性较差,表明TN和有机质的输入,会伴随沉积物中磷含量的升高,其增量的赋存形态主要为氧化还原敏感态磷和Labile-P.沉积物粒径组成与各磷形态含量存在相关性,细粒径沉积物与各形态磷含量呈显著正相关,粗粒径沉积物与各形态磷呈显著负相关,表明细小颗粒更易吸附磷.  相似文献   

为探究洪泽湖入湖河流沉积物有机磷的空间分布及外源输入对其形态转化的影响,本文利用Ivanoff法开展有机磷形态特征研究,并通过实验室添加常见外源有机质和铁离子,深入探讨外源物质对沉积物有机磷形态变化的长期影响.研究结果表明,洪泽湖入湖河流沉积物有机磷含量范围为34.8~398.6 mg/kg,占总磷的7.7%~36.9%,其中非活性有机磷(NOP)>中活性有机磷(MLOP)>活性有机磷(LOP).濉河沉积物LOP平均占比为19.4%,高于其他河流,而成子河NOP平均占比最高,为56.41%,表明有机磷的空间分布不均匀.总体而言,安河和濉河沉积物中总氮、总磷和有机磷含量显著高于成子河和淮河,显示前两条河流有较高的污染水平.冗余分析表明河流沉积物有机磷形态明显受到其理化性质影响,而不同污染程度沉积物的影响因素有所不同.外源物质添加能够活化沉积物的有机磷,促使NOP向LOP和MLOP转化,有机质输入引起的沉积物有机磷形态变化要大于铁元素输入,而外源物质输入对污染较重河流沉积物的有机磷转化作用更为显著.因此,减少入湖河流周边的外源污染排放是减少湖泊生物可利用磷的有效途径.  相似文献   

黑藻对沉积物及土壤中不同形态磷的利用与转化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用同一区域湖泊和河流沉积物及土壤培养黑藻,运用化学连续提取法对底质中磷的不同形态进行分离,同时分析黑藻生物量及底质中上覆水和间隙水中磷浓度的变化,并对底质中生物可利用磷进行了估算,揭示沉水植物对底质中不同形态磷的利用与转化规律。结果表明,底质中弱吸附态磷、可还原性磷(RSP)是黑藻利用的主要磷形态;土壤与沉积物相比不利于黑藻生长,营养水平高的河流沉积物有利于黑藻初期生长,但容易使其早衰;沉积物作底质上覆水和间隙水磷浓度主要受底质中RSP含量的控制;土壤作底质上覆水和间隙水磷浓度主要受弱吸附态磷控制;黑藻能促进底质中磷向可利用态转化;黑藻对土壤中生物可利用磷的利用率比沉积物低。  相似文献   

硅酸盐岩的风化产物通常可以有效地用于研究陆地表面发生的化学风化作用及其控制因素.选择位于东南亚热带地区的马来半岛和婆罗洲北部,通过分析其主要流域表层沉积物的黏土矿物和主要元素地球化学组成,开展热带地区化学风化及其控制因素的现代过程研究.结果显示,马来半岛的黏土矿物组合以高岭石(平均80%)为主,其次为伊利石(17%),...  相似文献   

定量研究区域滑坡空间分布规律,揭示不同类型滑坡的分布格局,对预测和评价滑坡危险性有重要指导意义。基于ArcGIS空间分析功能及分形理论的关联维数和盒计维数,分析了巴谢河流域黄土滑坡及黄土-泥岩滑坡的空间分布格局及其影响因素。结果表明:区域滑坡个体关联具有多尺度分形,黄土滑坡与黄土-泥岩滑坡分别在8 km、12 km尺度上存在阈值,滑坡个体在该阈值尺度前后呈现不同的相关程度,且黄土滑坡个体空间的关联程度和聚集程度均高于黄土-泥岩滑坡;黄土-泥岩滑坡分布范围广、形态复杂,其面积展布盒计维数大于黄土滑坡;地层岩性及坡度对两类滑坡分布格局的影响较大,沟壑密度次之,起伏度影响较小。  相似文献   

土壤磷的生物有效性是陆地生态系统安全和初始生产力的重要影响因素.土壤中磷的生物有效性由其形态组成决定.常用的磷形态分类方法是Hedley提出的连续提取法,即通过不同化学强度的提取剂对土壤样品进行分步提取,各级提取剂提取出的磷被定义为不同形态的磷.近年来又推出了X射线吸收近边结构法(XANES),利用在分子水平上给出目标元素周围的局部结构和化学信息的优势,能区分出与Fe,Al和Ca等金属结合的磷的形态.本文利用改进的Hedley连续提取法和XANES方法对贡嘎山海螺沟冰川退缩迹地上土壤中磷的形态进行了分析,在比较两种方法优缺点的基础上,获得了海螺沟冰川退缩120年序列上土壤磷的生物有效性的变化.结果表明:Hedley连续提取法对即时生物可利用磷能有准确的判识(Resin-P和NaCHO3-P),而XANES方法对金属结合态的磷有很好的判识.海螺沟冰川退缩时间序列土壤中钙铝结合态的磷主要为原生矿物磷,随成土作用增强而减少.即时生物可利用磷从30年后迅速增加,促使了植被形成和演替.  相似文献   

本文利用全球陆面数据同化系统与降雨观测数据,以陕西半湿润区陈河流域为研究对象,驱动WRF-Hydro模型,研究该模型的表现和适用性,并在结构、参数、输入输出和模拟结果方面与新安江模型对比.考虑到次表面层与实际包气带的区别,引入土层厚度乘子ZSOILFAC对前者进行等比缩放,发现其与新安江模型反推包气带的厚度有较好的一致性.研究表明:在陈河流域中WRF-Hydro计算步长须在建议值的基础上缩小; WRF-Hydro模型善于模拟洪水细节,新安江模型表现好且稳定;前者的径流深和洪峰合格率平于或略低于后者;在两个指标均合格的洪水中,前者平均均方根误差比后者小21.5%,但对于其他洪水,前者平均均方根误差比后者大56.2%; WRF-Hydro在洪水起涨时刻模拟较好,表现出其在中小流域应用的潜力.  相似文献   

镉(Cd)是目前三峡库区消落带主要的污染物之一,其迁移和形态转化直接威胁水环境安全.选择库区丰都-忠县段消落带,按照高程差异分别于不同土地利用类型(农田、林地、果园和村庄)下采集土壤样品,利用化学连续提取法测定Cd的形态组成,探讨影响消落带土壤中Cd及其形态空间分布的关键因素.结果表明,消落带土壤中Cd的平均含量为0.65 mg/kg,可交换态及碳酸盐结合态是土壤中Cd的主要形态,占比达到41.21%,残渣态和铁锰氧化物结合态次之,有机物及硫化物结合态占比最低.不同土地利用类型下消落带土壤Cd的含量整体上不存在显著性差异,表明当地人类活动对土壤Cd的直接贡献较弱.消落带土壤Cd及其形态的含量与高程呈显著负相关,且在160~165 m区域发生明显转变,水位变化导致的泥沙沉积可能是控制消落带Cd空间分布的主要因素.此外,土壤理化性质,尤其是细颗粒泥沙对Cd及其形态分布具有明显影响,将来需重点关注泥沙理化属性对Cd迁移及形态转化的影响.  相似文献   

According to tie records of seismic station networks of China's continent and Korea Peninsula and the historical data,the complete seismicity pattern was obtained for the first time.The seismic zoning was conducted by means of the cluster analysis method.The map's spatial distribution of seismicity from 1960 to 1994 shows that there are three strong seismic zones:the first one strikes in the NE direction,from the Jiangsu plain in China to the central Korean Peninsula; the second strikes in the NW direction,from the Bohai Sea,China to the southern Korean Peninsula; the third strikes in the NW direction,from the western Liaoning Province to Pyongyang.Most of earthquakes are located along these three zones,the seismic intensity is lower than that in the mainland,and exhibited the feature of fractured crust of a marginal sea basin.  相似文献   

In this study, a methodology for clustering 18 lakes in Alberta, Canada using the data of 19 water quality parameters for a period of 11 years (1988–2002) is presented. The methods consist of (i) principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the dominant water quality parameters, (ii) cluster analysis techniques to develop the characteristics of the clusters, and (iii) pattern‐match lakes to determine the appropriate cluster for each of the lakes. The PCA revealed that three principal components (PCs) were able to explain ~88% of the variability and the dominant water quality parameters were total dissolved solids, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll‐a. We obtained five clusters for the period 1994–1997 by using the dominant parameters with water quality deteriorating as the cluster number increased from 1 to 5. Upon matching cluster patterns with the entire dataset, it was observed that some of the lakes belonged to the same cluster all the time (e.g., cluster 1 for lakes Elkwater, Gregg, and Jarvis; cluster 3 for Sturgeon; cluster 4 for Moonshine; and cluster 5 for Saskatoon), while others changed with time. This methodology could be applied in other regions of the world to identify the most suitable source waters and prioritize their management. It could be helpful to analyze the natural controlling processes, pollution types, impact of seasonal changes and overall quality of source waters. This methodology could be used for monitoring water bodies in a cost effective and efficient way by sampling only less number of dominant parameters instead of using a large set of parameters.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the important role of fine sediment in the transport and storage of metals in fluvial systems. However, there has been little research on the behaviour of contaminated sediment in industrial rivers in the UK. This paper examines spatial and temporal variations in the concentration and speciation of lead, copper and chromium associated with suspended sediment in the River Aire in Yorkshire, UK. An increase in the total concentration of all three metals in sediment was identified in the lower reaches, which reflected inputs of road dust, sewage and industrial effluents. Spatial variations in the chemical speciation of the metals were also identified. The iron–manganese oxides and organic fractions were the most significant for the adsorption of metals by sediment. Both the concentrations and speciation of sediment‐associated metals exhibited substantial temporal variation. Such variation reflected the accumulation of metals and organic matter on the river‐bed during low flows, the subsequent remobilization of the sediment at high flows and the additional supply of sediment from uncontaminated and contaminated sources, including pulse inputs of road dust, sewage and industrial effluent. The findings presented have important implications for the development of effective catchment management strategies for the control of point‐ and diffuse‐source pollution. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study reports for the first time on the heavy metal contamination of the waters surrounding a shipwreck lying on the sea floor. Square wave anodic stripping voltammetry has been used for a survey of the total and dissolved Cd, Pb and Cu contents of the seawater at the site of the sinking of the Nicole M/V (Coastal Adriatic Sea, Italy). Results show that the hulk has a considerable impact as regards all three metals in the bottom water, especially for the particulate fraction concentrations, which increased by factors of ∼9 (Cd), ∼3 (Pb) and ∼5 (Cu). The contaminated plume extended downstream for about 2 miles. Much lower contamination was observed for dissolved bottom concentrations; nevertheless Pb (0.56 ± 0.03 nmol/L) is higher than the Italian legal limits established for 2015 and Cd (0.23 ± 0.03 nmol/L) is very close the limit of Cd will be exceeded if the hulk is not removed.  相似文献   

Sanghyun Kim   《Journal of Hydrology》2009,374(3-4):318-328
In this study, the spatial distribution of measured soil moisture was analyzed on the platform of multivariate modeling. Soil moisture time series for two seasons were selected and used for analysis to reveal similarities and differences in soil moisture responses for a few rainfall events. The development of a soil moisture transport process that considers the representative element volume and uncertainty of soil media provides the hydrological basis for time series modeling. The systematic procedure of Box–Jenkins with noise modeling was used to delineate the final models for all monitoring points. The physical basis of mass balance and the continuity in inflow contribution, as well as statistical criteria, were used in the model selection procedure. Heuristic approaches provide the spatial distribution of selected models along the transect of a hillside. Comparative analysis for two different depths and seasons provide an understanding of the variation in soil moisture transfer processes at the hillslope scale. Differences in soil moisture models for both depths and seasons are associated with eco-hydrological processes. The relationships between distributed topographic features and modeling results were explored to configure dominant hydrological processes for each season.  相似文献   

地下水动态受水文因素影响较大,对地震和构造活动具有较灵敏的响应。判别并排除各种水文干扰,确认地下水在地震前的异常变化,对提高地震分析预报能力,具有重要作用。马家沟矿井水位动态观测层与地下水开采层为同一含水层,井水位于2010年出现破年变异常,加速持续上升,截至2015年,最大上升幅度约30 m。依据该井水文地质环境特征,根据唐山市区2001-2015年地下水位、降雨量、地下水开采量实测资料,建立合理多元回归模型和三维地下水流动模型,发现地下水开采量减少应为影响马家沟矿井水位动态的可能因素。文中采取的异常识别与分析方法,可为其他类似井孔的地下水动态异常识别及判定提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

The paper describes a case history where during two rock music concerts the audience at the large outdoor stadium Nya Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden, started to jump in time to the music. Violent vibration levels occurred in the ground and a part of the audience observed considerable motion in the structure. Based on finite element analysis, it is concluded that the underlying soft clay of the structure was excited with the same frequency as the beat of the music. The whole clay deposit under the stadium started, therefore, to vibrate with great variations in amplitudes over the field due to the complex geometry. Through interaction with the basement of the structure as well as its deep foundation the waves were transmitted to the superstructure. Parts of the structure framework have natural frequencies close to those of the beat. Consequently they started to vibrate violently.  相似文献   

郑州黄河大桥主桥自振特性分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
以京珠高速公路郑州黄河大桥主桥为研究对象,采用ANSYS有限元程序,建立了下承式钢管混凝土系杆拱桥的空间力学计算模型,利用子空间迭代法计算了该桥梁结构的自振周期和振型,对桥梁的模态特性进行了分析,计算结果可为该桥的设计、施工以及使用阶段的健康检测和维护提供技术参数和依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents development of a special finite difference method for the nonlinear dynamic response analysis of semi-infinite foundation soil. Semi-infinite domain is mapped into the finite domain using special mapping. For the region of engineering interest, mapping is isometrical, and for far field, shrink mapping which transforms an infinite interval into a finite interval is adopted. Using linear and nonlinear constitutive models, the responses of semi-infinite foundation soil are computed using a proposed method with a small mesh model and an extensive mesh model. Surface loadings or incident earthquake waves are applied to the models in the computations. Good agreements were obtained among the theoretical and computed results of the two models and the effectiveness of the proposed method was demonstrated.  相似文献   

核电站用三相异步电机的抗震力学性能计算分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用有限元法对核电站用三相电机在地震载荷、自重、扭矩和单边磁拉力等多种载荷组合作用下进行了抗震性能计算分析,结果表明在上述载荷作用下,电机机体的应力状况满足抗震要求,电机轴的变形在允许限值内。  相似文献   

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