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自2005年5月“春晓事件”发生以来,日本方面以所谓国际法依据和“吸管效应”指责中方侵害其海洋权益,导致中日东海划界问题成为各方关注的焦点。在东海划界问题上,日方主张所谓“中间线”方案,并以所谓“中间线原则是强制性原则”和“专属经济区制度已取代大陆架制度”的论点作为支持其方案的重要国际法依据。文章从国际法的两个渊源——国际条约和国际习惯入手,推翻了日方的这两个依据。  相似文献   

随着日本媒体把中国正在东海开发的“春晓”油气田炒作得沸沸扬扬,称中国的开采行动“超越东海海域中间线”,“侵犯日本海洋权益”,中日东海油气田开发等问题的冲突也日益加剧。中日东海油气争端始于2004年5月日方对中国开发“春晓”油气田逐步升级的反应:2004年5月28日,日本“  相似文献   

2001年12月22日,日本出动海上保安厅多条巡视船,将一艘不明国籍船只击沉于我国象山以东约300千米的我国专属经济区内,事后日方巡视船和飞机昼夜不间断地在沉船附近海域部署,分别对以沉船为中心的5海里和3海里半径范围的海域实施警戒和实际控制,派出潜水作业船进行水下探摸作业,并于2002年9月11日将其打捞出水.  相似文献   

2001年12月22日,日本海上保安厅二十多艘军舰和十几架海军战机,在东海将一艘不明国籍的船只击沉。日方的理由是该船极像东北亚某国的间谍船,一口咬定是该船首先开火,而日本军舰出于“正当防卫”才将其击沉。事实真相究竟如何姑且不论,仅就事件本身而言,日本公然在东海使用武力,将不明国籍船只击沉,确是颇值得玩味的。  相似文献   

按“国家海洋局中日黑潮合作调查研究总体方案”要求,1986年中日黑潮合作调查研究为“普查”阶段。东海黑潮拟完成四个季度调查而取得完整资料,以便了解黑潮进入东海后产生的变异、水文特征、海水流动状况及生物、化学要素的分布等情况。对日本以南和琉球群岛以东海域的调查,这属首次。着重了解该海域各种海洋要素的分布特征。  相似文献   

从中日东海之争谈我国海洋权益的维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中日东海之争在我国与周边国家的海域纠纷中颇具代表性,争议的焦点始终是主权归属及大陆架划分问题。从理论上讲,“自然延伸”是《联合国海洋法公约》解决大陆架划分的最基本原则,“中间线”仅是日本单方面的主张。面对不容乐观的海洋国土现状,只有树立当代海洋观,充分利用国际法赋予的权利,才能有效地维护我国海洋权益。  相似文献   

2009年3月8日,美国海军“无瑕”号海洋调查船在中国南海进行非法水下声音资料探测时遭到了中方船只的拦截。美国国防部因此向中国提出抗议,使这次事件受到了广泛的关注。  相似文献   

中国和日本宣布签署协议,将联合开发东海争议水域的天然气储藏。这为日本投资中国春晓气田铺平了道路。该项目曾引起外交摩擦。之前,围绕中国开发春晓气田问题,双方的争议非常激烈。该气田位于中国一侧,但距离中线仅几千米,日方据此称,中国开发该气田会因“虹吸作用”而抽走日方的油气资源。根据中日签署的协议,经营春晓气田的中国海洋石油总公司将欢迎日本投资者参与该气田开发。采取共同投资方式,既使中国避免在任何程度上接受日本的中线主张,又安抚了日本国内对开发该天然气田的反对。  相似文献   

长期以来,中国与日本在东海大陆架与专属经济区的划分上存在着分歧.中国主张"大陆架自然延伸"归属原则,日本主张"等距离中间线"划分原则.本文从国际法理论与实践的角度,分析中日东海争议缘由,阐述两国在东海划界问题上的不同主张,并着重对两国的主张进行法理分析,以探讨解决该问题的前景.  相似文献   

日本通产省工业技术院地质调查所海洋地质部实施了从1989年到1993年5年的调查计划,对新泻县至青森县岸外日本海沿岸大陆坡海域进行了海底地质调查.租用日本金属矿业事业团海洋地质调查船“白岭丸”号,于每年6月下旬至7月末实行40天海上调查作业,旨在绘制该海域海底地质图、海底沉积图,以及阐明地震与构造活动的关系.  相似文献   

Surface maps of nitrate, phosphate and silicate of the East China Sea (ECS) have been constructed and are described. Reports on exchanges of material between the ECS and the South China Sea (SCS) through the Taiwan Strait are reviewed. Recent advances seem to have reversed the earlier view that the SCS exports nutrients to the ECS through the Taiwan Strait. This is because the northward flow of seawater in the summer carries little nutrient. On the other hand, the waters flowing southward along the coast of China in winter carry orders of magnitude higher nutrient concentrations. The outflow of subsurface waters from the SCS, however, is the major source of new nutrients to the ECS continental shelves because these subsurface waters flow out of the Luzon Strait, join the northwardly flowing Kuroshio and enter the Okinawa trough. Around 10% of the nutrients exported from the SCS through the Luzon Strait upwell onto the ECS shelf. These inputs are larger than the aggregate of all the rivers that empty into the ECS, contributing 49% of the externally sourced nitrogen, 71% of the phosphorous, and 54% of the silica for the ECS.  相似文献   

A study is made on the surface distribution ofTrichodesmium thiebautii Gomont in the East China Sea during the years 1961–1967.
  1. This alga is very scarce or absent in the period from January to March, and begins to increase in May and June, reaching the maximum population density from July to September, and again decreases in October and November.
  2. In summerT. thiebautii is predominantly distributed in the area along the Kuroshio current with high densities of 102–103 filaments/l, occasionally exceeding 103 filaments/l. This alga is estimated to occupy the major part or almost all the parts of chlorophylla in situ contained in the surface water of this season.
  3. The occurrence ofT. thiebautii off the southern coasts of Central Japan seems to be caused rather by the multiplication in its own habitat than by the transportation by the Kuroshio current from the East China Sea.

China is arguably one of the countries where the most tunneling and underground projects are being performed. Recently in China, it has often been necessary to construct tunnels under many types of conditions and to develop new techniques. Currently, some advanced construction techniques cannot be appropriately applied to different types of underground conditions, and many traditional methods are still often used. However, because of the progress in tunnel boring machines (TBM), innovations are required for the construction method. This article introduces the current situation of TBM both in western countries and in China, and examines the future of TBM in China.  相似文献   

This paper describes measurements of sediments during the 2000-2001 Asian Seas International Acoustic Experiment in the East China Sea. A number of techniques were used to infer properties of these sediments, including gravity and piston cores, subbottom profiling using a water gun, long-range sediment tomography, and in situ measurement of conductivity. Historical data from echosounder records and cores showed two regions of surficial sediments in the experimental area: a silty area to the west and a sandy area to the east. The tomography, cores, and water-gun measurements confirm the two surficial sediment regions seen in the historical data and also indicate that the subbottom structure at the experimental site consists of a thin (0-3 m thick) layer of sandy sediment directly beneath the sea floor. Below this layer, there is an extensive package of sediment with relatively uniform acoustic attributes. Core analysis shows that the surface sediment layer varies in compressional wave speed from a low near 1600 m/s in the west side of the experiment area to 1660 m/s in the east side of the experiment area. Long-range sediment tomography inversions show a similar spatial variation in the surface layer properties. In addition, the layer thickness as determined from tomography is consistent with the estimates from subbottom profiling.  相似文献   

China is arguably one of the countries where the most tunneling and underground projects are being performed. Recently in China, it has often been necessary to construct tunnels under many types of conditions and to develop new techniques. Currently, some advanced construction techniques cannot be appropriately applied to different types of underground conditions, and many traditional methods are still often used. However, because of the progress in tunnel boring machines (TBM), innovations are required for the construction method. This article introduces the current situation of TBM both in western countries and in China, and examines the future of TBM in China.  相似文献   

通过对南海深海区硝酸氮、活性磷酸盐垂直分布的研究,分析了南海垂向耗氧和贫氧水体中硝酸氮、活性磷酸盐和表观耗氧量之间的关系.结果表明垂向上次表层、中层和深层水团中氧的消耗与营养盐再生比值均小于理论值,由此推断水体的混合为有机物再矿化提供氧的补充,但水团混合对水柱中硝酸氮、活性磷酸盐的影响不大,在次表层和中层水团中造成营养盐浓度变化主要是由于有机物再矿化的结果;在深层水团中有机物再矿化对水柱中营养盐梯度变化已不占主导地位.  相似文献   

我国南海历史性水域线的地质特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
40a的海洋地质、地球物理实测研究表明,九段线不仅是显示我国南海主权的历史性水域线,而且总体上也是南海与东部、南部和西部陆区及岛区的巨型地质边界线。根据实测数据,本文将从地质成因、来源、演化的角度论述此南海历史性水域线的合理性。主要结论包括:历史性水域线的东段在地形上基本与马尼拉海沟一致,海沟西侧为南海中央海盆洋壳区,东侧为菲律宾群岛。根据国际地质研究的资料,菲律宾群岛始新世以前位于较偏南的纬度,后来于中晚中新世(距今16~10Ma)仰冲于南海中央海盆之上,因此菲律宾群岛是一个外来群岛。而黄岩岛在马尼拉海沟以西,是中央海盆洋壳区的一个岛礁,与菲律宾群岛成因不同。南海历史性水域线的南段在地形上基本与南沙海槽一致,伴随南沙地块由北部陆缘向南裂离,古南海洋壳沿此海槽以南俯冲至加里曼丹岛陆壳之下,因此南沙地块与加里曼丹陆块为两个来历不同的地块。南海历史性水域线西段的分布在地形上与越东巨型走滑断裂带基本一致,可能与西沙地块、中沙地块、南沙地块从南海北部陆缘向南滑移有关。南沙地块北缘陡直的正断层结构,突显中央海盆是拉裂形成,其基底和中新生代地层与北部珠江口盆地的地层结构可以对比,说明南沙岛礁原属我国华南大陆南缘,后因南海的形成裂离至现今的位置。  相似文献   

At present, in most oceans the lead (Pb) biogeochemical cycling has been disturbed by anthropogenic Pb through atmospheric input. The Pb concentrations in the upper water positively correlate with atmospheric input fluxes of Pb. The North Pacific is affected greatly by atmospheric substances via long-range transport from eastern Asia, especially from Mainland China. Mainland China may export considerable amounts of pollutants into the seas via rivers and the atmosphere owing to its recent fast growth in industry and economy. The East China Sea lies in an important geographical position--a transit between Mainland China and the western North Pacific. However, no data are available for seawater concentrations of Pb, a representative element with anthropogenic origin. In this work seawater samples from both 5 and 30-50 m water layers of 15 stations occupied over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea were analyzed for particulate Pb (PPb) and dissolved Pb (DPb). The Mean concentration of DPb (approximately 128 ng/l) in the southern East China Sea upper waters (< or = 50 m) is approximately several times higher than those in the Pacific; the high DPb concentrations in the southern East China Sea waters correspond to much higher atmospheric supplies of Pb to the East China Sea. Thus, this study partly fills the 'data gap' of the marginal seas. Also, it indicates that the East China Sea may be considerably contaminated by deposited polluted aerosols. Spatial distributions of DPb in the surface water show a tendency of increasing concentrations with distance offshore, that depends on the magnitudes of atmospheric Pb inputs and on particle scavenging processes. In contrast to DPb, spatial distributions of PPb basically display an 'omega'-like picture and a tendency of decreasing concentrations with distance offshore. These are related to riverine and scavenging sources and to the drive by the eddy. Additionally, the residence times of DPb in the surface water were estimated to be about 2 years, agreeing well with the reported data.  相似文献   

Two typhoon surges generated during July–August 1978 are investigated numerically with the use of a vertically-integrated finite-difference model of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The hindcast scheme involves processing pressure data from weather charts to provide the necessary meteorological forcing to a sea model that computes the response in terms of water levels and currents. Computed residuals are compared with hourly records from selected tide gauges (Inchon, Kunsan, Mokpo, Jeju and Yeosu) along the coast of Korea. Some of the preliminary results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

南海海盆海山古地磁及海盆的形成演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据海山磁性反演获取的古地磁成果发现,南海海盆东部和西南部的运动形式、生成时代存在很大差异,东部海盆和西南部海盆之间由一条北北西走向的岩石圈压性左旋转换(性)断层——"南海海盆中央断裂"分界.结合已有的地质地球物理成果分析和论证,确定了南海海盆在古南海和与之接壤的华南地块南部边缘形成.南海海盆的形成演化分四个阶段:第一阶段,始新世"古南海断裂"产生,古南海被一分为二;第二阶段,渐新世东部海盆开始发育——扩裂;第三阶段,中中新世西南部海盆开始发育——张裂;第四阶段,南海海盆整体旋转,古南海圈闭.  相似文献   

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