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2001年1月26日高纬磁层顶通量管事件的观测研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2001年1月26日11:10~11:40UT, ClusterⅡ卫星簇位于午后高纬磁鞘边界层和磁鞘区,此 时行星际磁场Bz为南向. 本文对在此期间观测到的多次磁通量管事件作了详细的研究 ,获得一系列的新发现:(1)高纬磁鞘边界层磁通量管的出现具有准周期性,周期约为78s ,比目前已知的磁层顶向阳面FTE的平均周期(8~11min)小得多. (2)这些通量管都具有 强的核心磁场;其主轴多数在磁场最小变化方向,少数在中间变化方向,有些无法用PAA判 定其方向(需要用电流管PAA确定),这与卫星穿越通量管的相对路径有关. (3)每个事件 都存在很好的HT参考系,在HT参考系中这些通量管是准定常态结构;所有通量管都沿磁层顶 表面运动,速度方向大体相同,都来自晨侧下方. 通量管的径向尺度为1~2RE, 与通 常的FTE通量管相当. (4)起源于磁层的强能离子大体上沿着管轴方向由磁层向磁鞘运动; 起源于太阳风的热等离子体沿管轴向磁层传输. 通量管为太阳风等离子体向磁层输运和磁层 粒子向行星际空间逃逸提供了通道. (5)每个通量管事件都伴随有晨昏电场的反转,该电 场为对流电场.  相似文献   

正人工地基VLF电磁发射信号已经被很多近地卫星探测并研究。这些人工电磁波信号通过大气层,到达电离层和磁层,能够散射被束缚在地磁场中的高能电子,进而引起电子沉降到更低的大气层中,因此,能够帮助减轻粒子辐射对飞行器和宇航员的伤害。VLF电磁波在电离层、磁层中的传播模式分为两种:波导管传播(由于受等离子体密度不均匀分布的限制,近似沿着地磁场的场向传播,即ducted mode)和非波导管传播(不沿着地磁场  相似文献   

本文利用星簇CLUSTER的三颗卫星数据分析了磁宁静期磁尾爆发性整体流(BBFs, Bursty Bulk Flows)的时间尺度, 并与单个卫星的结果做了比较. 事例研究表明, 利用三颗卫星观测数据判断的BBFs的时间尺度比单个卫星的大一倍左右. 对于三颗卫星观测到的同一个BBFs, BBFs在晨昏方向上的摆动决定了CLUSTER的三个卫星观测到BBFs的先后次序. 三颗卫星的观测也显示了BBFs的高度局域化特征. 磁宁静期磁尾BBFs寿命的增大, 使得BBFs携带的质量和能量的地向输运增加. 这种地向输运增加的结果是: 磁尾储存的能量得到较为平稳的释放, 改变了亚暴起始产生的时间, 为解决磁层压力平衡矛盾(PBI, Pressure Balance Inconsistency)问题提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

基于NOAA/POES卫星观测的磁层相对论电子起源的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用低高度极轨卫星NOAA/POES的观测数据,并结合ACE卫星和Polar卫星的观测结果,研究分析了磁层相对论电子的起源. NOAA/POES卫星对于不同地磁活动时期相对论电子的分布和起源进行了较为详细观测, 分析结果表明(1) 亚暴期间注入磁层的能量电子可以为与磁暴相关的磁层高能电子暴提供种子电子;(2)太阳质子事件期间太阳风中的能量电子也可以为磁层中的相对论电子提供所需要的源.  相似文献   




2004-03-18 23:10~23:50 UT期间,“双星(Double Star)”探测一号卫星(TC-1)在向阳面磁层顶高纬晨侧由内向外穿越磁层顶,其时TC_1的GSM坐标为 (7.5RE, -5.5RE, -5.4RE), RE为地球半径.穿越过程中TC_1观测到了8个通量管和1个磁通量传输事件(FTEs).在此期间Cluster星簇位于向阳面太阳风内,其GSM坐标为(18.0RE, -3.1RE, -6.2RE),其4颗卫星监测到行星际磁场(IMF)的BZ分量持续南向,BY有较大的负值.本文的研究表明:TC_1观测到的前7个通量管具有准周期重现性,周期大约是1~4 min,明显小于以前所观测到的FTEs的平均周期(8~11 min);所有的通量管都具有较强的核心场.本文分别使用最小方差分析法(MVA)和Grad_Shafranov反演方法(GSR)对通量管的轴向进行了分析和对比,发现所有的通量管主轴基本沿晨昏向,结果显示GSR方法在轴向分析上比MVA优越.本文使用GSR方法对通量管的磁场结构进行了分析,恢复出了通量管的磁场在卫星穿越面的结构图;此外,本文还对这次多重通量管事件进行了deHoffmann-Teller(HT)分析,结果表明,所有通量管大致朝南极方向运动,均来源于向日面低纬区域.这说明它们可能起源于向日面低纬区,由该区的磁场分量重联产生.  相似文献   

磁层顶压缩事件的磁场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
向日面磁层顶在平静太阳风条件下,处于10RE(RE为地球半径)左右.但在异常的太阳风条件下,即南向行星际磁场很强和(或)太阳风的动压很大时,会被压缩,甚至到达同步轨道附近.集中分析2001年4月11日的磁暴事件,研究当磁层顶发生强烈压缩以后。在地球空间和地面上产生的磁场影响.磁层顶位形选取Shue(1998)模型计算.当把计算结果与GOESl0卫星的观测数据对比时发现:磁层顶在强的太阳风条件下的确会被压缩到同步轨道以内.Shue(1998)模型的预测基本正确,通常的漏报可能是由于预报的位置误差所致.实际磁层顶电流片的位置和强度与我们假设的理想磁层顶间断面计算结果基本吻合.在分析大磁暴过程时,磁层顶压缩使磁层顶电流对于中低纬度地磁场扰动有突出的贡献,在2001年4月事件中,这个贡献可以大于50nT,占主相的1/6左右.这一贡献可以使Dst指数产生相应的误差.  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)≠0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δEy,δE∥)和(δBx,δB∥).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δBx的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δBx|=1nT时,D⊥可达到109m2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)(?)0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δE_y,δE_∥)和(δB_x,δB_∥).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δB_x的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δB_x|=1nT时,D_⊥可达到10~9m~2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

本文建立了一个包含离心力效应的自洽稳态土星磁层模型,并且用等离子体细丝模型对土星磁层等离子体径向输运进行了数值模拟.模拟结果表明,Dione(土卫四)附近的等离子体可能因为发生离心交换不稳定性(Centrifugal Interchange Instability)而被输运到离土星更远的地方.这种输运现象的发生是由离心力主导的,等离子体的黏滞效应和能量转移对输运过程的影响非常小(几乎可以忽略不计),但土星电离层电导率对输运过程有重要影响,电导率越低,径向输运过程越快,反之,高电导率在一定程度上会阻碍输运的进行.在土星电离层电导率σ=2 S时,Dione(距离土星6.3RS, RS为土星半径)附近的等离子体在5.52个小时中被输运到距离土星10RS的地方.本文的模拟结果还表明,密度受到扰动的等离子体是不稳定的,如果洛仑兹力和等离子体热压强梯度不能与离心力平衡,径向输运就会发生.密度大的等离子体在向外输运过程中会绝热膨胀而温度降低,密度小的等离子体则在注入磁层过程中因为绝热压缩而温度升高.  相似文献   

A dynamo model for an incompressible liquid in a rectangular rapidly rotating box is considered. The model is based on a pseudospectral method adapted for multiprocessor technology. The effect of rotation in Boussinesq models on some of the basic characteristics of flows is studied: the spatial form of fields, helicity generation, and spectra of fields. A mechanism stabilizing the magnetic field rise associated with the transition of the system to a nonlinear regime is analyzed separately. The results obtained in the paper provide deeper insights into the processes of magnetoconvection in the cores of planets.  相似文献   

A coordinated ground-based observational campaign using the IMAGE magnetometer network, EISCAT radars and optical instruments on Svalbard has made possible detailed studies of a travelling convection vortices (TCV) event on 6 January 1992. Combining the data from these facilities allows us to draw a very detailed picture of the features and dynamics of this TCV event. On the way from the noon to the drawn meridian, the vortices went through a remarkable development. The propagation velocity in the ionosphere increased from 2.5 to 7.4 km s−1, and the orientation of the major axes of the vortices rotated from being almost parallel to the magnetic meridian near noon to essentially perpendicular at dawn. By combining electric fields obtained by EISCAT and ionospheric currents deduced from magnetic field recordings, conductivities associated with the vortices could be estimated. Contrary to expectations we found higher conductivities below the downward field aligned current (FAC) filament than below the upward directed. Unexpected results also emerged from the optical observations. For most of the time there were no discrete aurora at 557.7 nm associated with the TCVs. Only once did a discrete form appear at the foot of the upward FAC. This aurora subsequently expanded eastward and westward leaving its centre at the same longitude while the TCV continued to travel westward. Also we try to identify the source regions of TCVs in the magnetosphere and discuss possible generation mechanisms.  相似文献   

We determine the nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field and nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in a turbulent convection. We show that the nonlinear drift velocities are caused by three kinds of the inhomogeneities; i.e., inhomogeneous turbulence, the nonuniform fluid density and the nonuniform turbulent heat flux. The inhomogeneous turbulence results in the well-known turbulent diamagnetic and paramagnetic velocities. The nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field cause the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the turbulent convection. These phenomena are different from the large-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects which are due to the effect of the mean magnetic field on the large-scale density stratified fluid flow. The small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping can be stronger than these large-scale effects when the mean magnetic field is smaller than the equipartition field. We discuss the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the context of the solar and stellar turbulent convection. We demonstrate also that the nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in the turbulent convection is anisotropic even for a weak mean magnetic field. In particular, it is enhanced in the radial direction. The magnetic fluctuations due to the small-scale dynamo increase the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the toroidal component of the mean magnetic field, while they do not affect the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the poloidal field.  相似文献   

应用二维时变可压缩磁流体动力学数值模拟,研究了双极-单极磁场中由于磁通量浮现驱动的磁场重联过程.结果表明,双极场与单极场间磁力线的重联形成上升的冷而密的等离子体团,磁场演变成鞭状结构.向上运动的等离子体团到达其最大高度后将回落和弥散.等离子体团最大上升速度达0.14VA,等离子体最大上升速度达0.27VA,VA为下边界处的Alfven速度.随着磁通量浮现幅度的增大,等离子体上升速度增加,重联过程发展得较快.背景等离子体β1值(β1为等离子体压力与磁压之比)越小,等离子体团中密度增量越大.磁Lundquist数S在103-106之间的改变对等离子体的速度和密度增量影响并不明显.与电阻撕裂模不稳定性引起的自发重联相比,磁通量浮现会更有效地驱动双极-单极场中的磁场重联过程,寻致日冕Hα冲浪和X射线喷流的形成.  相似文献   

本文利用北半球的超级双极光雷达网数据,考察了一次行星际磁场南向突变时高纬电离层对流的响应特征,着重分析了响应的时间尺度. 对所研究的事件,行星际磁场南北分量在1.5 min内从+7 nT突变到-8 nT,而在突变前后约40 min内都保持相对稳定. 结果表明,电离层对流的初始响应发生在磁正午附近,相对于行星际磁场突变到达磁层顶的时间有大约3 min的滞后;响应与磁地方时有明显依赖关系,离磁正午越远,响应的滞后时间越长,晨昏两侧的对流响应比磁正午滞后约6 min,磁午夜的对流响应比磁正午滞后约12 min;对流重新趋于稳定的时间与磁地方时没有明显的依赖关系,该时间尺度约为10~14 min.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is the natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a spiral null point, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. A steady magnetic field is assumed, as well as the existence of a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point. Outside the diffusion region the plasma and magnetic field move ideally. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flows are found to be rotational in nature, as is the change in connections of the magnetic field lines.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is a natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a null point with current directed parallel to the fan plane, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. The magnetic field is assumed to be steady, and a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point is also assumed, outside which the plasma is ideal. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flow is found to cross the spine and fan of the null, and thus transfer magnetic flux between topologically distinct regions. Solutions are also found in which the flow crosses either the spine or fan only.  相似文献   

磁通量浮现驱动磁场重联的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用二维时变可压缩磁流体动力学数值模拟,研究了双极-单极磁场中由于磁通量浮现驱动的磁场重联过程.结果表明,双极场与单极场间磁力线的重联形成上升的冷而密的等离子体团,磁场演变成鞭状结构.向上运动的等离子体团到达其最大高度后将回落和弥散.等离子体团最大上升速度达0.14VA,等离子体最大上升速度达0.27VA,VA为下边界处的Alfven速度.随着磁通量浮现幅度的增大,等离子体上升速度增加,重联过程发展得较快.背景等离子体β1值(β1为等离子体压力与磁压之比)越小,等离子体团中密度增量越大.磁Lundquist数S在103-106之间的改变对等离子体的速度和密度增量影响并不明显.与电阻撕裂模不稳定性引起的自发重联相比,磁通量浮现会更有效地驱动双极-单极场中的磁场重联过程,寻致日冕Hα冲浪和X射线喷流的形成.  相似文献   

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