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Based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data from 1950-1999, interdecadal variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and its associated atmospheric circulations are investigated. The EASM exhibits a distinct interdecadal variation, with stronger (weaker) summer monsoon maintained from 1950-1964 (1976-1997). In the former case, there is an enhanced Walker cell in the eastern Pacific and an anti-Walker cell in the western Pacific. The associated ascending motion resides in the central Pacific, which flows eastward and westward in the upper troposphere, descending in the eastern and western ends of the Pacific basin. At the same time, an anomalous East Asian Hadley Cell (EAHC) is found to connect the low-latitude and mid-latitude systems in East Asia, which strengthens the EASM. The descending branch of the EAHC lies in the west part of the anti-Walker cell, flowing northward in the lower troposphere and then ascending at the south of Lake Baikal (40°-50°N, 95°- 115°E) before returning to low latitudes in the upper troposphere, thus strengthening the EASM. The relationship between the EASM and SST in the eastern tropical Pacific is also discussed. A possible mechanism is proposed to link interdecadal variation of the EASM with the eastern tropical Pacific SST. A warmer sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) therein induces anomalous ascending motion in the eastern Pacific, resulting in a weaker Walker cell, and at the same time inducing an anomalous Walker cell in the western Pacific and an enhanced EAHC, leading to a weaker EASM. Furthermore, the interdecadal variation of summer precipitation over North China is found to be the south of Lake Baikal through enhancing and reducing strongly regulated by the velocity potential over the regional vertical motions.  相似文献   

The performance of climate models in simulating the linkage of the spring Hadley circulation (HC) to the vertical zonal wind shear and atmospheric divergence in the lower and upper troposphere, which are related to the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific (WNPTCF) during June-September (JJAS), is evaluated on the basis of the 20th century climate simulations (20C3M). It is found that four models can simulta-neously reproduce the pattern revealed in the observation, with the spring HC in the Northern Hemisphere being positively correlated to the vertical zonal wind shear in the major tropical cyclone (TC) genesis region and negatively (positively) correlated to the atmospheric diver- gence in the upper (lower) troposphere over the western North Pacific (WNP) in the following JJAS. These four models are further used to project their relationship in the late 21st century under the A1B scenario. The results show that the association of spring HC with the vertical zonal wind shear and the upper-and lower-tropospheric divergence over the WNP will weaken in the late 21st century, thereby resulting in a weak relationship between the spring HC and the JJAS WNPTCF.  相似文献   

冯然  李建平  王金成 《大气科学》2011,35(2):201-216
本文分析了1948~2007年北半球夏季Hadley环流的主导模态及其变率,结果表明:北半球夏季Hadley环流变率的主导模态包括两个赤道非对称模态,其主体分别位于北半球(简称为AMN)和南半球(简称ANTS)和一个赤道准对称的模态(简称QSM),AMN和AMS主要表征Hadley环流的年代际变率部分,而QSM主要表征...  相似文献   

利用我国160个站点58年(1951~2008年)的降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析环流资料和Hadley海表温度资料,对我国秋季降水年际变化的特征和可能成因进行了分析。结果显示,秋季降水前两模态分别反映长江流域及以南地区和长江以北的江淮、黄淮、华北、四川盆地北部至河套等地降水的变化,两降水模态的变化都以年际尺度为主,年代际变化特征不明显。就环流形势而言,第一模态的年际变化主要与西太平洋副热带高压的强度及相应的对流层低层菲律宾群岛附近的异常气旋/反气旋联系紧密,第二模态的年际变化则可能受到副热带高压的南北位置和相应的日本岛附近的异常气旋/反气旋的影响。同时,两模态及相应的异常环流还分别与热带东印度洋和热带西太平洋附近的异常垂直运动关系密切,热带地区的异常垂直运动可能通过经圈方向的异常环流影响到东亚地区。此外,两降水模态不仅与热带地区的异常环流关系密切,而且与热带海温异常也存在紧密的联系。与两模态相关联的热带太平洋海温异常显示出不同的分布特征,当热带东太平洋偏暖/冷,西太平洋偏冷/暖时,长江以南地区降水偏多/少。而当热带东太平洋和中太平洋一致偏暖/冷时,长江以北地区降水易偏少/多。两降水模态与热带海温及热带地区异常环流之间的密切关系显示热带太平洋海温异常的不同分布可能通过激发不同的热带地区异常垂直环流形势而对降水产生影响。  相似文献   

The tropical Hadley circulation (HC) plays an important role in influencing the climate in the tropics and extra-tropics. The realism of the climatological characteristics, spatial structure, and temporal evolution of the long-term variation of the principal mode of the annual mean HC (i.e., the equatorially asymmetric mode, EAM) was examined in model simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). The results showed that all the models are moderately successful in capturing the HC's climatological features, including the spatial pattern, meridional extent, and intensity, but not the spatial or temporal variation of the EAM. The possible reasons for the poor simulation of the long-term variability of the EAM were explored. None of the models can successfully capture the differences in the warming rate between the tropical Southern Hemisphere (SH) and Northern Hemisphere (NH), which is considered to be an important driver for the variation of the AM. Most of the models produce a faster warming in the NH than in the SH, which is the reverse of the observed trend. This leads to a reversed trend in the meridional gradient between the SH and NH, and contributes to the poor simulation of EAM variability. Thus, this aspect of the models should be improved to provide better simulations of the variability of the HC. This study suggests a possible reason for the poor simulation of the HC, which may be helpful for improving the skill of the CMIP5 models in the future.  相似文献   

覃卫坚  周美丽  徐圣璇 《气象》2016,42(6):709-715
使用1951—2013年NOAA OLR、NCEP/NCAR风场和高度场再分析资料、中国气象局热带气旋资料,分析2013年影响广西热带气旋数量偏多的原因。结果表明:2013年6—9月西太平洋副热带高压明显偏强,西伸脊点明显偏西,脊线略偏北,同时副热带高压南侧对流活跃,降水过程潜热释放有助于副热带高压位置偏北,这种形势非常有利于热带气旋向广西移动。索马里越赤道气流强劲,在南海及菲律宾与北太平洋反气旋西南侧的东南气流相遇,形成季风槽,非常有利于热带气旋生成频数偏多。热带低频强对流带在印度洋和西太平洋活动频繁,并分别向东向西移动;赤道东太平洋海温偏低;哈得来和沃克环流较常年偏强,沃克环流上升支位置偏西,这些也可能是2013年影响广西热带气旋数量偏多的原因之一。  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that there are large discrepancies in the intensity trend of the zonally averaged Hadley circulation (ZAHC) among different reanalyses. As the land, ocean, and topography are not evenly distributed, the ZAHC may mask the regional variability. Changes in the regional HC have important implications for regional climate change. Here, we detect the long-term trend of the boreal spring regional Hadley circulation intensity over the western Pacific (WPHC) since 1979 in both hemispheres using six reanalysis datasets. Unlike the ZAHC, we find that the trend of the spring WPHC intensity is consistent among various reanalysis datasets. All reanalyses show pronounced strengthening trends for the WPHC in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, which may be partly attributable to the robust warming trends of sea surface temperature in the tropical western Pacific. The result could improve our understanding of Hadley circulation variability at the regional scale and has implications for regional climate changes.  相似文献   

该文分析了1991年7月中国江淮暴雨洪水期间赤道太平洋沃克环流及沿115°E哈得莱环流的逐日演变特征。结果发现在暴雨时期赤道东风减弱,西风加强,反哈得莱环流(即季风环流)在中国东部上空加强。在暴雨期间,高低空散度风场的分析指出,在低空出现明显的散度风越赤道气流,而在对流层上部出现散度风的流出。  相似文献   

1. IntroductionIt is well known that one of the distinguishable differences between the summer monsoonand the winter monsoon is the reversal of lower--layer winds with southwesterly during theNorthern summer and northeasterly during the Northern winter. Previous studies (e.g. Chenet al., 1991 ) show that on the one hand. this seasonal alternation of the lower--layer winds isassociated with thermal contrast between continents and their adjacent oceans due todifferential heating including radia…  相似文献   

Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the interdecadal variability of Hadley circulation (HC) and its association with East Asian temperature in winter are investigated. Results indicate that the Northern Hemisphere winter HC underwent apparent change in the 1970s, with transition occurring around 1976/77. Along with interdecadal variability of HC, its linkage to surface air temperature (SAT) in East Asia also varied decadally, from weak relations to strong relations. Such a change may be related to the interaction between HC and the atmospheric circulation system over the Philippines, which is associated with the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Before the 1970s, the connection between HC and the anticyclonic circulation around the Philippines was insignificant, but after the late 1970s their linkage entered a strong regime. The intensification of this connection may therefore be responsible for the strong relations between HC and East Asian winter temperatures after the late 1970s.  相似文献   

余斌  黄荣辉 《大气科学》1996,20(3):257-268
基于ECMWF客观分析资料,本文分析了1983/1984和1986/1987两个典型年份冬季东亚地区季内低频域中热带内外地区的季风环流、热带对流及低频波能之间的相互作用特征,强调了东亚冬季风对于这种相互影响的重要激发作用,同时指出热带地区积云对流可以是联系季内热带内外地区相互作用的一种重要的衔接因子。  相似文献   

气候系统模式对Hadley环流的模拟和未来变化预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对全球变暖背景下未来Hadley环流将如何变化这一问题,评估了气候系统模式对1970~1999年Hadley环流时空特征的模拟效能,并在此基础上选取能合理模拟Hadley环流空间结构、强度指数和边界指数变化的3个模式,通过多模式集合方法预估了未来Hadley环流在A1B排放情景下的可能演变。预估结果表明,在全球变暖背景下,相比于1970~1999年,到本世纪末期(2070~2099年),北半球Hadley环流在4个季节都将减弱,春季变化幅度相对较弱;南半球Hadley环流在冬季和夏季也会减弱,而在春季和秋季的变化不明显。另外,北半球Hadley环流的北边界除在夏季向南收缩外,在其它3个季节均向北伸展;南半球Hadley环流的南边界在4个季节均向极地方向移动。两个半球的Hadley环流在垂直方向还将向对流层上层伸展。    相似文献   

Based on the simulations of 31 global models in CMIP5, the performance of the models in simulating the Hadley and Walker circulations is evaluated. In addition, their change in intensity by the end of the 21 st century(2080–2099) under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, relative to 1986–2005, is analyzed from the perspective of 200 h Pa velocity potential.Validation shows good performance of the individual CMIP5 models and the multi-model ensemble mean(MME) in reproducing the meridional(zonal) structure and magnitude of Hadley(Walker) circulation. The MME can also capture the observed strengthening tendency of the winter Hadley circulation and weakening tendency of the Walker circulation. Such secular trends can be simulated by 39% and 74% of the models, respectively. The MME projection indicates that the winter Hadley circulation and the Walker circulation will weaken under both scenarios by the end of the 21 st century. The weakening amplitude is larger under RCP8.5 than RCP4.5, due to stronger external forcing. The majority of the CMIP5 models show the same projection as the MME. However, for the summer Hadley circulation, the MME shows little change under RCP4.5 and large intermodel spread is apparent. Around half of the models project an increase, and the other half project a decrease. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, the MME and 65% of the models project a weakening of the summer southern Hadley circulation.  相似文献   

利用1949—2021年中国气象局上海台风研究所热带气旋资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、NOAA重构的海表温度资料(SST)和大气向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验等方法分析了近73年7—9月登陆华南热带气旋频数的变化特征。采用合成分析的方法研究7—9月登陆华南热带气旋频数异常与同期大气环流和海温的关系。结果表明,1949—2021年7—9月,登陆华南热带气旋有243个,年均3.3个,占全年登陆总数的70.2%。登陆华南热带气旋频数具有显著的年际和年代际变化特征。1973年最多(7个),1950年最少(0个);在1990年代中期由前期偏多转为后期偏少,但没有突变发生。近73年7—9月登陆华南热带气旋频数以0.1(10a)-1的速率减少。7—9月登陆华南热带气旋频数异常与大气环流和海温异常密切相关,在异常多、少年同期:(1)大气环流差值场上,南亚高压偏强、偏东、偏北,副高偏西、偏北、偏强,110°E以东的赤道东风引导气流偏强,季风槽加强,北半球中低纬海平面气压场东高西低,北高南低,同时南海、热带西太平洋对流活动加强。(2)海温差值场上,赤道中东太平洋偏冷,西太平洋暖池偏暖,沃克环流加强。高中低层大气环流和海温这种差异可能是导致登陆华南热带气旋频数异常的原因。  相似文献   

梁军  张胜军  冯呈呈  李婷婷  黄艇 《气象》2019,45(6):766-776
台风Matmo(1410)和Polly(9216)影响辽东半岛时的路径近乎重合,但台风Polly造成了大范围的暴雨和大暴雨,而台风Matmo仅个别测站出现暴雨。利用中国气象局热带气旋年鉴、FY-2D卫星的黑体亮度温度(TBB)产品(0.1°×0.1°)、日本气象厅TBB资料、大连地区逐时自动气象站降雨量资料、常规观测资料和欧洲中期数值预报中心ERA-Interim全球再分析资料(0.125°×0.125°),对两个台风影响辽东半岛的降水过程进行了对比分析。结果表明:(1)两个台风均进入西风槽区而变性,在其西侧和北侧分别具有冷锋和暖锋锋生,辽东半岛的降水均发生在台风低压环流北侧的锋生区和环境风垂直切变明显增大过程中。但两个变性台风的大尺度环流背景却差异显著,台风Polly与西北侧较强冷空气相互作用,锋区随高度增加向西北倾斜,且与低空东南急流相连获得丰富水汽供应,强降水持续时间长,而台风Matmo与东北部对流层低层冷空气相互作用明显,锋区随高度增加略向东北倾斜,但其低空急流水汽通道被快速隔断,不稳定度和动力抬升条件减弱,强降水持续时间短。(2)台风Polly和Matmo的降水分布非对称明显,均出现在顺垂直切变方向的左侧,但台风相对于高空槽的位置不同,对流活动发展的方位有所差异。台风Polly中尺度对流活动在其北侧发展旺盛,且向西南弯曲,而台风Matmo对流活动仅发生在台风环流东北侧。(3)台风的强降水落区还与其低层环流内冷、暖平流的活动密切相关。台风Polly西北侧的冷平流加强,辽东半岛位于台风北侧低层冷暖平流交汇区,水平辐合加强,深厚的上升运动维持,而台风Matmo东北侧的冷平流加强,辽东半岛逐渐位于台风西侧,低层为冷平流控制的下沉运动区,大气层结趋于稳定。  相似文献   

用合成和相关分析方法及SVD技术研究了南海夏季风爆发早、晚年份4~6月季风建立时期季风环流的异常及其与热带太平洋-印度洋海温的关系。结果表明,南海夏季风爆发与热带大气环流和海温变异密切相关。(1)当热带中、东太平洋—印度洋(主要在西南部)及南海海温低(高),西太平洋—澳洲邻近海域海温高(低)时,南海夏季风爆发早(晚)。不同区域海温对季风的影响有明显的季节差异,印度洋主要为晚春至初夏(4~6月),南海为5~6月,而热带太平洋从前冬一直持续到夏季。(2)不同的海温异常产生不同的季风环流型,南海夏季风爆发早、晚年大气环流的异常变化基本相反。南海夏季风的活动主要受印度季风环流变化的影响,与前期冬春季西太副高的强弱及位置变化密切相关。西太副高弱时,南海夏季风爆发早;反之,爆发晚。(3)热带太平洋—印度洋海温异常引起季风环流和Walker环流的异常变化可能是影响南海夏季风爆发早、晚的物理过程。  相似文献   

 Based on tropical cyclone track dataset in the western North Pacific from China Meteorological Administration (CMA), variations in frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the western North Pacific, affecting-China TCs (ACTCs) and landfall TCs (LTCs) achieving a typhoon intensity during 1957-2004 were studied. Frequencies of strong tropical cyclones showed significant decreasing trends from 1957 to 2004 and the linear trend was much greater when the intensity was stronger. There was no linear trend in the portion of strong tropical cyclones achieving a typhoon (TY) intensity, while those reaching a strong typhoon (STY) and a super typhoon (SuperTY) intensity showed decreasing trends during 1957-2004. The maximum intensities of TCs, ACTCs and LTCs all decreased during the period of 1957-2004. The mean intensities of TCs and ACTCs displayed decreasing trends and the mean intensity of LTCs achieving a TY intensity also showed a decreasing trend.  相似文献   

2013年盛夏中国中东部高温天气的成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究2013年盛夏中国中东部地区异常高温天气的成因,根据中国191个站地面观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用热力学方程进行了诊断分析。结果表明,非绝热加热(主要是长波净辐散)是夏季中国中东部地区升温最为主要的因子,但2013年盛夏中国中东部地区温度异常偏高(距平)主要是由中低层异常偏强(相对常年平均)的下沉运动造成的,偏强的非绝热加热也有一定的贡献,而异常的温度平流(冷平流)则起着负贡献。结合天气形势分析发现,500 hPa西太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)偏强、偏西、偏北和200 hPa南亚高压偏强、偏东、偏北是造成2013年盛夏中国中东部地区中低层下沉运动偏强的主要原因,偏强的下沉运动又会使空中云雨减少,地表吸收的太阳短波辐射偏强,地表温度偏高,地表向上的感热通量和长波辐射也随之增大。结合海表温度的分析发现,2013年盛夏西太副高偏强、偏西、偏北主要是由赤道西太平洋地区、黑潮地区和北半球西风漂流区海面温度异常偏高造成的。  相似文献   

In this study, the impacts of the tropical Pacific–Indian Ocean associated mode(PIOAM) on Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO) activity were investigated using reanalysis data. In the positive(negative) phase of the PIOAM, the amplitudes of MJO zonal wind and outgoing longwave radiation are significantly weakened(enhanced) over the Indian Ocean, while they are enhanced(weakened) over the central and eastern Pacific. The eastward propagation of the MJO can extend to the central Pacific in the positive ...  相似文献   

段丽 《气象》1997,23(6):44-48
该文采用天气动力学分析方法,重点探讨北部湾低压向北部湾热带风暴发展的时空手物理机制,文章着重讨论了这类过程的高低层形势特征和空间结构,并通过诊断场计算分析揭示了这类过程的空间动力场插手玫各层的水汽分布特征,归纳出了北部湾低压向热带风暴发展的短期预报着眼点。  相似文献   

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