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提出一种基于主成分分析(PCA)的ZTD时空建模方法,并利用GNSS连续运行参考站获取的ZTD数据,建立香港、云南、中国3个区域范围的ZTD时空模型。结果表明,所建立的区域对流层延迟时空模型不仅精度明显高于Saastamoinen、EGNOS和UNB3m模型,而且建模过程简单,模型参数较少,使用方便。  相似文献   

利用中国区域电离层格网数据,采用频谱分析方法研究中国不同区域的电离层周期差异和极值差异,并采用电离层梯度计算法分析不同区域的电离层小尺度时空变化特性。结果表明:1)相比北方区域,南方区域电离层周期性特征更为明显;2)经度变化为5°时,全国范围内的电离层TEC变化值大多在-10~10 TECu之间;纬度变化为2.5°时,全国范围内的电离层TEC变化值大多在-20~20 TECu之间,南北部空间变化特性差异较大,东西部差异较小;3)时间间隔为1 h时,全国范围内的电离层TEC变化值大多在5~25 TECu之间,南北方时间变化特性差异较大,东西部差异较小,但随着时间间隔增大,东西部时间变化特性差异逐渐明显。研究结论可为中国区域的实时电离层建模工作提供理论参考,同时对中国区域的电离层时空变化、电离层磁暴监测研究有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

关于区域重力场变化基准的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究区域重力场的变化必须建立一个具有时空意义的参考系统,也就是时空基准。由于变化始终是相对时空基准而言的,选择不同的时空基准就会产生不同的变化结果,因此,时空基准的合理性将直接影响区域重力场变化研究结果的正确性。通过研究基准的时空属性,分析现行时空基准的适用性需求及其优势和缺陷,根据区域重力网的实际情况选建相对合理的时空基准,可在区域重力场变化的分析研究中起到去伪存真的作用,改善目前区域重力场变化的分析结果与研究区的实际情况存在差异的现状。  相似文献   

城市管理事件具有显著的地域特征和周期性特征,挖掘城管事件中隐含的时空规律和潜在影响因子对城市管理具有重要指导意义。然而,目前针对城管事件时空变化及影响因素驱动效应的研究仍较为少见。本文基于贝叶斯时空模型,针对西北某地H市P区的街面秩序类、市容环境类以及宣传广告类城管事件在一周之中的时空演变特征进行建模分析,并探究了影响城管事件案发风险的潜在影响因子。研究发现:① 在空间上,3类城管事件的相对风险分布存在差异,街面秩序类事件集中在城市的居住功能区和商业功能区,而市容环境类集中在城市的居住功能区,宣传广告类主要集中在城市的商业功能区,空间风险后验概率估计表明,以上2个区域是城管事件的热点区域。② 在时间上,每逢周二、周五以及周六,城管事件的相对风险较为突出,但总体上没有明显的单调性。每天的8—10时和14—15时是城管事件高发的时段,其相对风险远高于其他时段。③ 城市建成环境对城管事件的潜在影响存在差异。研究区域内餐饮、交通、生活服务等城市基础设施与城管事件的关联最为紧密,且都表现为正相关。④ 城管事件的案发风险呈现出明显的时空异质性,渐进性的建模过程表明在分析城管事件数据时考虑空间与时间效应的影响是合理且有必要的。研究表明,贝叶斯时空模型的分析结果满足城管部门日常工作中关于城管事件智能分析与重点管控的需求。  相似文献   

现有的时空数据库能够支持对大规模移动对象数据的时空聚集查询。但移动对象数据量巨大,且目前多采用单线程进行查询计算,其查询速度无法满足应用需求。由于时空聚集查询具有良好的可并行性,提出了一种基于区域划分的多线程并行时空聚集查询方法。该方法在服务器端对时空域进行格网划分,形成多个时空立方体,采用多线程并行的技术方法在每个时空立方体上进行时空聚集查询,最后将查询结果整合。通过对真实数据集进行的实验分析,该方法在查询速度上有明显提升。  相似文献   

共享单车是接驳地铁出行的最有效选择之一,但共享单车的时空分布不均问题对使用者和管理者造成了很大的不便,尤其是早高峰期间出现这种问题更会大大降低2个交通系统的运行效率。因此,研究用于接驳地铁出行的共享单车的时空均衡性特点对提升早高峰期间的通勤效率有一定意义。为了了解接驳地铁骑行的时空均衡性特点,本文以厦门市作为实验区,将厦门市早高峰期间接驳地铁站的骑行作为主要研究对象,基于出行OD提出了新的地铁站吸引区域建立方法,基于出行特点提出了考虑地铁站点的单车聚类方法。本文还从潮汐比统计角度和吸引区域角度对各个地铁站的早高峰整体出行均衡性做了分析,从时空角度对早高峰中不同时段的地铁站接驳骑行的时空均衡性做了分析,通过分析得出了3种角度下各个地铁站点均衡性的相似点与不同点,结果表明:(1)根据潮汐比特点,地铁站对骑行的接驳职能可划分为4类,分别为起始型,均衡型,到达型和不适合接驳地铁出行型,反映了各地铁站点的总体接驳特征;(2)地铁站对接驳骑行的吸引区域与潮汐比特点有所差别,其主要影响因素为地铁站点的地理位置及周边土地利用类型;(3)对于时空均衡性分析结果而言,潮汐比对时空均衡性层面没有显著影响,其...  相似文献   

区域消费水平是经济发展的重要动力。本文以1978-2011年间我国各省区的人均消费品零售额表征区域消费水平,在我国区域消费水平差异测度的基础上,对区域消费水平差异的时间序列值进行突变点检测,进而将我国区域消费水平变化划分为1978-1986年和1986-2011年2个阶段。通过利用传统马尔科夫链及空间马尔科夫链方法,分别构建人均消费水平的非空间和空间马尔科夫转移概率矩阵,对1978-1986年与1986-2011年2个阶段的区域消费水平的时空格局演变特征进行分析。研究结果表明:(1)区域消费水平在2个研究时段内的变化均存在着“俱乐部趋同”现象,无论是低消费水平与高消费水平区域均沿着最初类型稳步演进。(2)区域消费水平变化受到来自邻域消费水平背景的影响,使得其趋同的过程在空间上不独立。(3)区域间消费水平相互作用呈现出显著的东西分异特征,东部地区多为区域自身消费水平与邻域消费水平同时向上转移的状态,西部地区多为向下转移的状态,而中部地区多为平稳分布,邻域消费水平的状态变化较大。  相似文献   

神经管畸形是发生于中枢神经系统的一种先天性异常,在所有的新生儿出生缺陷中所占比例较高。在我国,作为矿业大省的山西,神经管畸形最为严重,原平市又是山西省出生缺陷的高发市之一。本文利用山西省原平市2007-2012年的神经管畸形病例资料,基于贝叶斯理论的时空建模方法,综合考虑时间组分和时空交互组分,对神经管畸形的时空规律进行研究。研究识别了研究区内疾病发生的热点区域、冷点区域、温点区域,并对这些区域随时间的变化趋势进行了分析。研究发现,原平市18个乡镇中有1个热点区域、17个温点区域,整体发病率较高;原平市神经管畸形整体上随时间变化呈缓慢下降趋势,但该趋势并不明显;1个热点区域疾病风险下降趋势慢于整体趋势,4个温点区域疾病风险下降趋势快于整体趋势,13个温点区域疾病风险时间变化趋势与整体趋势趋同。本文识别了山西省原平市神经管畸形发病的时间趋势和空间趋势,可以揭示神经管畸形潜在的风险因子或控制措施供进一步流行病学研究,也可以为公共卫生部门制定及时有效的防治控制措施提供一定的科学参考。  相似文献   

目前如何根据用户需求以及时空制约条件合理安排就医出行,在海量的医疗机构中实现就医地点的合理推荐是人们的迫切需求。区别于常见的个性化医疗信息推荐方法,本文综合考虑医疗机构的实时资源规模、医疗用户的个性化需求以及前往机构的时空制约,提出一种面向就医地点推荐的个人时空可达性分析方法,并将方法运用于居民的就医出行场景中,实现就医地点的有效推荐。以济南市为研究区域,借助从高德地图API以及医疗健康网站中获取的地理信息数据与医疗机构资源数据,在不同用户、时间和地理位置的情境下,设置2处高校图书馆、2处居民点以及2处大型交通站共6个场景检验方法的有效性。实验表明,本文提出的个人时空可达性方法,能够有效度量医疗用户个体至就医地点间的可达程度,可解决不同时空情境下的就医地点推荐问题,同时也为相关智慧医疗技术的功能建设提供方法支撑,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

从高维度、大数据量的时空数据中有效选择变量是时空数据领域的重要问题之一,现有的时空数据变量选择的方法在变量选择的过程中未充分考虑时空相关性,时空变量选择阶段与预测阶段分开进行,且往往需要人为设定时空点个数阈值判定变量的取舍,从而无法较为准确的选择对因变量影响最大的变量子集,导致后续预测效果较差。本文针对上述不足,提出了一种基于时空组Lasso与分层贝叶斯时空模型的变量选择方法,称为分层贝叶斯时空组Lasso变量选择模型(Hierarchical Bayesian Spatio-temporal Group Lasso Variable Selection Method,HBST-GLVS),该方法首先利用时空组Lasso进行变量选择,通过引入最大时间滞后和最大空间邻域充分考虑时空相关性,并根据时空数据连续性,将同一时空变量的时空点进行整体惩罚,避免人为设定时空点个数引起局部片面性。然后,利用分层贝叶斯时空模型对变量选择的效果进行验证,将变量选择过程与模型验证过程置于同一框架下进行参数的调整,从而得到最优的变量子集。实验结果表明,与现有方法相比,本文方法在北京空气质量数据集、波特兰交通流...  相似文献   

迁徙流作为互联网时代的新产物,信息流、资本流、交通流等流空间的基本载体,能客观地反映城市间地理行为关系,对于刻画城市网络结构具有重要意义。基于地级以上城市的百度迁徙大数据,本文尝试从全域和净迁徙的视角探索研究中国城市网络结构特征,对其网络的层级、关联关系和影响因素等进行挖掘提取。研究发现:① 全国城市网络呈现出稳定的、层级明确的三棱锥四顶点“钻石型”结构,与主要城市群的经济规模空间分布相吻合;② 区域网络表现出向高级别行政中心集聚的“核心—外围”放射状结构;③ 以省会城市为核心的典型小世界特征比较凸出,小世界网络的可达性和连通性较高;周口、阜阳、赣州、上饶、重庆等作为主要劳动力输出型城市,深圳、东莞、广州、北京、上海等城市成为了主要的外来人口聚集地,并形成了对应的人口就近输送网络关系;④ 城市的行政地位、经济规模、交通枢纽建设、劳动力资源等因素都对其网络控制力和影响力起到了决定性作用。最后,研究结合中国城市网络结构特征及其主要影响因素,提出相关政策建议,以期为中国城市网络结构均衡发展与建设提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

Regional innovation system (RIS) is the new research field of modern economic geography in the age of knowledge economy. Based on the researches of regional economic geography, the authors of the paper consider RIS as the integrated and interactive systems with innovation milieu, elements, units, structure and functions. Five aspects of evaluation indicators including innovation input scale and output scale, innovation milieu transition, innovation inner operation, as well as innovation outer impact are worked out for final indicators of RIS scale and quality. According to different RIS situations, three patterns of independent, imitative and cooperative development are put forward for choosing. At the latter part of the paper, we select 12 provincial regions (including three municipalities and one autonomous region) of China for empirical study. The results show that there exists great difference among each region from the aspects of innovation scale and quality mainly owning to the diversification of RIS social and economic milieu, the major innovative units of enterprises, universities and R&D institutes. Finally, the paper points out the innovation development decisions for each region. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40131010) LIU Shu-guang (1966–), male, a native of Xiajin County of Shandong, Ph. D., associate professor, specialized in regional economic development and regional innovation system. E-mail: dawnliu9631@263.net  相似文献   

Overwhelming water-deficiency conditions and an unbalanced water supply and demand have been major concerns of both the Chinese government and the general public during recent decades. Studying the spatial-temporal patterns and impact factors that influence water retention in China is important to enhance the management of water resources in China and other similar countries. We employed a revised Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs(InVEST) model and regression analyses to investigate the water retention service in China. The results showed that the southeastern China generally performed much better than Northwest China in terms of the spatial distribution of water retention. In general, the efficacy of the water retention service in China increased from 2000 to 2014; although some areas still had a downward trend. Water retention service increased significantly(P < 0.05) in aggregate in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the Da Hinggan Mountains and Xiao Hinggan Mountains. However, the service in southwestern China showed a decreasing trend(P < 0.05), which would have significant negative impact on the downstream population. This study also showed that in China the changes in water retention service were primarily due to climate change(which could explain 83.49% of the total variance), with anthropogenic impact as a secondary influence(likewise the ecological programs and socioeconomic development could explain 9.47% and 1.06%, respectively). Moreover, the identification of water retention importance indicated that important areas conservation and selection based on downstream beneficiaries is vital for optimization protection of ecosystem services, and has practical significance for natural resources and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONCOOKEetal.(1996)conductedadetailedsurveyontheconceptsofregionalinnovationsystem(RIS)aftertherevolutionarystudyofFREEMAN(1987)andLUNDVALL(1992)onthenationalinnovationsys-tem.COOKEpointedoutthatRISisagroupofgeo-graphicallyadjacententerprises,R&Dinstitutesanduniversities,whichsupportsandproducesinnovation.WIIGandWOOD(1999)arguedthatthebroadsenseofRISshouldalsoincludethelocalgovernmentsandlocalservicessuchasfinancialbusinessinstitutes.BasedonthereviewofRISconcept…  相似文献   

从科技创新的基础、投入、产出和潜力4方面构建了旅游产业科技创新能力结构模型和综合评价指标体系,利用熵值法、线性加权法以及ArcGIS空间分析工具分析评价了2004、2008、2014年中国旅游产业科技创新能力的总体水平、时空动态演化及驱动因素。结果表明:① 2004-2014年,中国旅游产业科技创新能力总体上呈不断提高态势,但空间分布极不均衡,存在明显的地区差异,在趋势上基本表现出东西方向递增,南北方向倒“U”型分布态势;② 中国旅游产业科技创新能力在地理空间上存在着显著而稳定的集聚特征和一定的极化特征,毗邻的区域在旅游科技创新方面存在一定的空间外溢效应;③ 中国旅游产业科技创新能力热点区主要分布在北京、天津和少数东部沿海省份和中部省份,冷点区主要集中在中西部内陆地区的省份;④ 空间残差回归和地理加权回归研究表明,旅游产业基础、空间外溢效应、政策制度因素是驱动中国旅游产业科技创新能力时空变化3个核心因素。  相似文献   

Forest net primary productivity (NPP) is a key parameter for forest monitoring and management. In this study, monthly and annual forest NPP in the northeastern China from 1982 to 2010 were simulated by using Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) model with normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) sequences derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Global Invento y Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) and Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products. To address the problem of data inconsistency between AVHRR and MODIS data, a per-pixel unary linear regres- sion model based on least ~;quares method was developed to derive the monthly NDVI sequences. Results suggest that estimated forest NPP has mean relative error of 18.97% compared to observed NPP from forest inventory. Forest NPP in the northeastern China in- creased significantly during the twenty-nine years. The results of seasonal dynamic show that more clear increasing trend of forest NPP occurred in spring and awmnn. This study also examined the relationship between forest NPP and its driving forces including the climatic and anthropogenic factors. In spring and winter, temperature played the most pivotal role in forest NPR In autumn, precipitation acted as the most importanl factor affecting forest NPP, while solar radiation played the most important role in the summer. Evaportran- spiration had a close correlation with NPP for coniferous forest, mixed coniferous broadleaved forest, and broadleaved deciduous forest. Spatially, forest NPP in the Da Hinggan Mountains was more sensitive to climatic changes than in the other ecological functional re- gions. In addition to climalie change, the degradation and improvement of forests had important effects on forest NPP. Results in this study are helpful for understanding the regional carbon sequestration and can enrich the cases for the monitoring of vegetation during long time series.  相似文献   

A number of urban and regional plans have been developed with the advancement of urbanization and regional integration, among which the delineation of sphere of urban influence and improvement of integration between the city and its hinterland have be- come vital important for guiding practices. In terms of delineating sphere of urban influence, existing studies have been focused on static study by using single year data or single method, resulting in a lack of time-series longitudinal analysis or comprehensive analysis based on multiple methods This study emphasizes on comparing two methods from both the theoretical and empirical perspective. Both gravity model and improwd field model are applied to the selected study area for measurements and comparison, to explore their strengths and weaknesses. A research framework for comprehensive analysis on delineating sphere of urban influence is proposed. In the end, the differences of deli:aeating methods are illustrated and the feasibility of comprehensive analysis is discussed. Recommendations are provided for selecting appropriate methods for delineating sphere of urban influence or developing regional hierarchy system plans and urban spatial structure schemes.  相似文献   

Using the data at the county levcl and the regional gravity center model, we calculated six key socio-economic gravity centers, namely population, GDP, output values of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and arable land area in the Tarim River Basin for each year from 1980 to 2009. We inspected the spatial dynamics of these centers and found that the gravity centers of population and economy evolved simultaneously. The disproportional growth between the population and the economy is also analyzed. The results show that: 1) The gravity centers of the GDR the output values of the main three industries and arable land area show migration trending from southwest to northeast, while the population gravity center shows an excessive growth in the southwest during the same time period. The migration amplitude of the GDP and output values of primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry are measurably higher than that of the population. 2) The population gravity center has a negative correlation with the gravity centers of secondary and tertiary industries output values in both longitudinal and latitudinal directions, and a positive correlation with that of primary industry output value in the longitudinal direction. Based on the analysis of correlation coefficient and offset distance, the imbalance between the population and the economy has increased since the 1980s, with regional economic differences now exceeding the international cordon.  相似文献   

Northeast China is the largest old industrial base of China that endured persistent influence of the past planned economy system. This region has lost its leading place since the reform and opening up, and became a backward region by contrast with the coastal areas. This paper elaborates the evolutionary process of the old industrial base of Northeast China, analyses the main reasons for the decline, gives a preliminary evaluation on the revitalizing polices in recent years, and points out major long-term challenges for future revitalization. It concludes that for Northeast China, a relative declining area: 1) it is indispensable to get the long-term policy support from the central government; 2) system reform and structure adjustment are the crucial strategies, particularly the reform of the large and medium state-owned enterprises; and developing new industries is as important as upgrading traditional advantaged industries; 3) the local governments should play an indirect role, avoiding from any unnecessary intervention on economic activity; and 4) social security and investment climate must be improved simultaneously. In addition, the author stresses that the lack of knowledge on the nature of old industrial base had led to failures of the past initiatives, and revitalizing the old industrial base should be treated as a holistic regional project including economy growth, society progress and environment improvement.  相似文献   

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