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基于前两部分的研究,第三部分从能量转换的角度揭示了风垂直切变对大气静力适应过程的影响.研究显示,对非静态等温大气,初始时刻加以有效势能和有效弹性势能的强迫后,风垂直切变改变了适应过程中扰动能量在各能量形式中的分配比例,这种作用随扰动尺度和时间的变化有显著差异,系统尺度越小影响越显著.比较东风急流模型和西风急流模型显示,负的风切变应力使得四类扰动能量谱随系统尺度的变化趋于平缓,使得微尺度和小尺度(中尺度)系统中扰动垂直动能(扰动水平动能)的比例随时间减小,正的风切变使得扰动能量谱随系统尺度的变化显现跳跃的特征,使得中尺度(微尺度和小尺度)系统中扰动垂直动能(扰动水平动能)的比例随时间减小.风垂直切变引起的动量通量输送是扰动能量与基本气流能量之间交换的通道,当风切变应力和动量输送方向相同时,风垂直切变使得能量向基本态转移,维持基本气流,削弱扰动能量,缩短静力适应过程的周期;当风切变应力和动量输送方向相反时,风垂直切变作用相反;此作用随着扰动尺度的变化差异明显.  相似文献   







大气静力平衡适应过程中扰动能量以有效势能、有效弹性势能、动能或波动能量的形式存在并相互转换;扰动有效势能与其他形式能量之间的转换与混合声重力波或者重力内波有关,扰动有效弹性势能与其他形式能量之间的转换与声波有关.在完全可压缩的等温大气模型中,扰动有效势能增加1个单位,其中69.9%来自扰动垂直动能,其余30.1%来自扰动有效弹性势能.  相似文献   

风垂直切变对中尺度地形对流降水影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵玉春  王叶红 《地球物理学报》2012,55(10):3213-3229
针对长江中下游中尺度地形特点以及暴雨过程发生发展期间风垂直切变的主要观测特征,设计了一系列中尺度地形的三维理想数值试验,分析了干大气地形流和重力波特征,探讨了条件不稳定湿大气地形对流降水的模态分布,在此基础上研究了圆形、直线风垂直切变和切变厚度对中尺度地形对流降水强度和模态分布的影响.结果发现:在 Fr≈1的干大气条件下,气流遇到地形后分支、绕流和爬升现象同时存在,地形激发的重力波在水平和垂直方向上传播,其在迎风坡、背风坡、地形上游和下游的振幅不同,并组织出不同强度的垂直上升运动.在Fr > 1的条件不稳定湿大气下,地形对流降水主要存在三种模态,即迎风坡和背风坡准静止对流降水以及地形下游移动性对流降水,地形对流降水的形成与重力波在低层组织的上升运动密切相关.风垂直切变对地形对流降水的强度和模态分布有重要作用,其中圆形风垂直切变(风随高度旋转)不仅影响地形下游对流降水系统的移动方向,而且影响迎风坡和背风坡山脚处对流降水中心的分布和强度;直线风垂直切变(风随高度无旋转)主要影响地形对流降水的移动速度和强度.风随高度自下而上顺(逆)时针旋转,地形对流系统向下游传播时向右(左)偏移.风垂直切变主要通过影响地形重力波的结构和传播以及对流系统的形成、移动方向和速度,来影响地形对流降水的模态分布,其中对流层中低层的风垂直切变对地形对流降水强度和模态分布有重要影响.  相似文献   

本文应用WRF(v 3.4) 模式输出资料,揭示了风垂直切变(Vertical Wind Shear:VWS)在垂直方向上的波状变化特征,这种波状变化在台风不同发展时期又有不同形态,其中在持续强盛期呈双模态分布.应用VWS引起的次级垂直环流影响台风对流分布和强度变化的基本原理,用模式资料分析发现:对流层中层具有的VWS是整层VWS的主要部分,台风强度变化滞后VWS的形态突变6h左右;双模态波状变化的VWS产生的次级环流和台风垂直环流的配置不同使台风强对流带结构变得不对称及眼墙区对流强度在垂直分布上变得不均匀,随着持续强盛期涡旋运动的增强,强对流带分布又趋于对称.又根据VWS形成的垂直方向上涡度力分布不均匀引起台风内中尺度滚轴状对流带不稳定发展原理,分析表明:对流层中、低层的涡度力有利于对流不稳定增强,垂直速度的最大值与风垂直廓线的拐点在同一高度上,这与理论模型的结论一致.因此,VWS的波状变化分布特征不仅影响台风强对流带中尺度结构的改变,也对台风持续强盛具有重要作用;同时也是台风内滚轴状对流带不稳定的可能启动机制.  相似文献   

基于简正模扰动理论和勒夫数扰动方法,采用Zschau 的地幔流变模型,在假设Chandler摆动的能量全部耗散于地幔滞弹性摩擦的条件下,导出Chandler 摆动Q(Q_w)的理论值.还考虑了滞弹地球的平衡极潮对摆动的影响,所得结果与绝大部分天文实测值非常一致.分析表明.平衡部分的影响大,地幔滞弹性很可能是Chandler 摆动最主要的能量耗散源,Q_w 的理论值约为71.还推算了吸收带模型参数α,研究了该模型的适用性,并讨论了Q_w 与地幔Q(Q_m)的关系.  相似文献   

用反相直接加载的方法研究了微粒对多晶冰滞弹性的影响.结果表明:在较高频率时(1 Hz 和 10-1 Hz),滞弹性应变与应力峰值呈线性关系;在较低频率时(10-2 Hz),其应力/应变偏离线性关系.微粒在高频时(1 Hz)通过阻碍晶界滑移对晶界弛豫产生重要影响,增加了模量和降低了内耗.但微粒对低频时的位错弛豫没有明显的影响.通过滞弹性实验计算了非线性弛豫模型的两个重要参数,计算表明K值约为0.07 Pa,α值约为0.54.  相似文献   

肖强  许厚泽 《地球物理学报》1990,33(03):319-328
利用PREM模型及ZSCHAU的地球内部粘滞性模型,解算了地球对表面负荷的脉冲响应问题,包括频率域和时间域的解.得到的复勒夫数及复格林函数表明,在ω>10~(-8)/s的频段内,地球的响应可视为基本上是弹性的,只有像冰后调整、地幔对流这样长期的运动,粘滞性才起重要作用;在ω<10~(-13)/s的频段,地球响应呈流体状态.  相似文献   

PREM-ZSCHAU滞弹地球模型对表面负荷的脉冲响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用PREM模型及ZSCHAU的地球内部粘滞性模型,解算了地球对表面负荷的脉冲响应问题,包括频率域和时间域的解.得到的复勒夫数及复格林函数表明,在ω>10~(-8)/s的频段内,地球的响应可视为基本上是弹性的,只有像冰后调整、地幔对流这样长期的运动,粘滞性才起重要作用;在ω<10~(-13)/s的频段,地球响应呈流体状态.  相似文献   

We study the effect of stratification and compressibility on the threshold of convection and the heat transfer by developed convection in the nonlinear regime in the presence of strong background rotation. We consider fluids both with constant thermal conductivity and constant thermal diffusivity. The fluid is confined between two horizontal planes with both boundaries being impermeable and stress-free. An asymptotic analysis is performed in the limits of weak compressibility of the medium and rapid rotation (τ?1/12???|θ|???1, where τ is the Taylor number and θ is the dimensionless temperature jump across the fluid layer). We find that the properties of compressible convection differ significantly in the two cases considered. Analytically, the correction to the characteristic Rayleigh number resulting from small compressibility of the medium is positive in the case of constant thermal conductivity of the fluid and negative for constant thermal diffusivity. These results are compared with numerical solutions for arbitrary stratification. Furthermore, by generalizing the nonlinear theory of Julien and Knobloch [Fully nonlinear three-dimensional convection in a rapidly rotating layer. Phys. Fluids 1999, 11, 1469–1483] to include the effects of compressibility, we study the Nusselt number in both cases. In the weakly nonlinear regime we report an increase of efficiency of the heat transfer with the compressibility for fluids with constant thermal diffusivity, whereas if the conductivity is constant, the heat transfer by a compressible medium is more efficient than in the Boussinesq case only if the specific heat ratio γ is larger than two.  相似文献   

The effect of vertical excitation on shear capacity of reinforced concrete columns is important. Field evidences, analytical studies and static or hybrid simulations suggested that excessive tension or tensile strain of the column may lead to shear strength degradation, and therefore vertical excitation can be one of the causes of shear failure. This paper describes an experimental study consisting of shaking table tests on reduced‐scale bridge columns. Results of the tests indicate that tension in the columns has the potential to degrade the shear capacity, which is mainly due to the degradation of the concrete contribution to this capacity. The presented computational results and code evaluations also support this shear strength degradation. The presented dynamic tests contribute to better understanding of the effect of vertical excitation on the shear failure, which is one of the most critical brittle failure mechanisms. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents and analyzes, from the point of view of smooth dynamic systems theory, a two-layer baroclinic model of the troposphere in geostrophic approximation. The model describes airflow in β-channel within the tropospheric part of the main Hadley circulation cell. It enables to obtain, after application of the Galerkin method, a fairly simple low-parametric dynamic system describing the phenomena of non-linear interactions, bifurcations and blocking in the atmosphere. This enables to take into consideration such basic factors influencing the atmospheric dynamics like the heat exchange within the surface, orography, vertical variability of zonal wind and hydrostatic stability. Impact of zonal thermal variability of the surface and vertical shear of zonal wind in the troposphere on the orographic bifurcation was investigated and the oscillation character in the dynamic system after Hopf bifurcation of the second kind was analyzed. Additionally, the model dynamics was investigated in conditions including momentum forcing in the upper and lower parts of the troposphere and excluding orographic interaction, as well as in the conditions of thermal interaction between the troposphere and the surface for the vertical shear of zonal wind in both tropospheric layers. Impact of the mean zonal wind in the troposphere on the properties of model dynamics was assessed. It was proved that zonally varied surface temperature and layered mean zonal wind in the atmosphere are the parameters that have basic influence on the model dynamics. They cause numerous bifurcations and strongly influence the periods of oscillations of the model variables. They are often Hopf bifurcations of the second kind during which tropospheric states fairly distant from the ones before the bifurcations are generated. This significantly influences the model predictability.  相似文献   

The Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS) and Revised Wind Erosion Equation (RWEQ) are widely used for estimating wind‐induced soil erosion at a field scale. Wind is the principal erosion driver in the two models. Wind erosivity, which describes the capacity of wind to cause soil erosion, is defined as erosive wind power density (WPD) in WEPS, and wind value (W) in RWEQ. In this study, the daily average WPD (AWPD) and the daily average W (Wf) were chosen to investigate the effect of averaging time on wind erosivity estimation based on observed wind data. We compare the daily AWPD and Wf calculated from 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 minute average wind speed data. The results of comparisons indicate that averaging wind speed can significantly influence estimates of wind erosivity. Compared with the daily AWPD and Wf calculated from one minute average wind speed data, all daily AWPD and Wf values calculated from 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 minute averaged wind speeds tend to be significantly lower than values calculated from one minute values. In general, longer averaging times tend to produce smaller values of daily AWPD or Wf, which may lead to an under‐estimation of wind erosion. Further studies are needed to extend and apply the findings obtained in this study to actual wind erosion predictions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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