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本文结合实验结果从信号分析的角度研究了陆上水体大容量气枪激发的特性,大容量气枪震源激发的信号具有丰富的低频能量成分和高度的可重复性,此外还含有丰富的S波信息,分析这些特征产生的主要原因及其应用前景为大容量气枪震源的充分利用提供了依据。  相似文献   


在陆内水体内激发气枪震源, 利用其气泡振荡产生的地震波可以研究地下结构及速度变化.与海洋激发环境不同, 陆内有限水体会影响气泡的振荡过程.本文利用有限元方法, 对球对称情况下气泡在有限水体内的振荡过程进行了数值模拟分析, 发现气枪震源在陆内水体内的气泡振荡存在临界大小, 与气枪激发时产生的激波有关.模拟结果表明, 水体较大时(半径大于100 m), 可以继续使用无限水体模型; 当水体较小时(半径小于50 m), 固液边界反射的激波会改变气泡处的压力, 进而改变气泡振荡过程, 显著地提高气泡振荡的频率, 降低振荡的幅度.相关数值模拟结果与实验观测相符, 为陆内小水体中气枪的高频源场信号特征提供了合理的解释.基于有限水体的气泡振荡过程分析有助于提升对陆内水体气枪激发过程的理解, 为气枪选址、设计、优化提供理论依据.


为了研究气枪震源在深部构造地震勘探中的应用,通过大功率气枪震源在长江航道进行激发、江岸及外围陆地进行接收的二维非纵地震测线方式采集原始地震资料.受水体流动、深度范围、江河形状以及枪阵尺寸等因素的影响,野外采集的地震资料信噪比较低.为了提高深层反射地震的成像质量,针对研究区的构造特征以及资料采集特点选择最大覆盖次数连线剖面进行成像处理.成像结果表明,大容量气枪震源激发的地震资料能够反映研究区地壳结构特征,获得了较清晰的莫霍面反射图像,说明气枪震源可用于陆上流动水体的深层地震反射勘探.  相似文献   

为了探索大容量气枪震源在探测区域结构以及在内陆水体进行水陆联测的可行性与有效性,2015年在安徽铜陵完成了长江航道走航激发、陆地接收反射波的“地学长江计划”铜陵段试验。本文从试验观测系统、共中心点分布、覆盖次数以及单炮数据属性等方面综合分析了大容量气枪震源陆地反射试验结果的影响因素。试验结果表明:① 大容量气枪震源在内陆水体激发能够用于地壳结构的探测;② 在水陆联测勘探中,根据目标层段合理设计反射角,能够有效地解决小炮检距反射角不足、大炮检距能量弱的问题;③ 在进行弯线数据采集时,需要对观测系统进行设计,以提高共中心面元的有效覆盖次数;④ 根据气枪震源容量的大小,进行最大、最小炮检距设计,是确保面元成像速度分析精度和面元炮检距属性分布合理的重要条件。   相似文献   

气枪震源激发模式及应用   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
气枪震源是一种重要的人工地震震源。气枪阵列理论的提出,使得气枪阵列设计技术日趋成熟,并能够在石油勘探和地球物理探测中得到更加广泛的运用。气枪震源在不同领域中应用时,需要不同的组合和激发模式,以适应不同的探测要求。加强主脉冲和加强气泡脉冲,是目前两种主要的气枪激发模式。通过比较研究两种气枪激发模式,讨论各种激发模式在激发时间、气枪间距、频率、分辨率等方面的差异,为气枪震源的广泛运用提供依据。  相似文献   

为探索大容量气枪震源在深部地震探测中的应用,2015年10月在安徽铜陵段开展气枪流动激发试验。该试验采用沿长江航道激发、岸边固定排列接收的工作方式,因受长江航道及江岸地形的影响,加上原始记录中干扰波发育、静校正问题突出等,基于常规的共中心点叠加的数据处理方法已不再适用。为此,开展了针对性的数据处理方法研究。本文采用初至波层析静校正、叠前多域多道集去噪以及非纵弯线共反射面元叠加等一系列处理技术,结果显示所获测线经过区域的深部构造叠加剖面较清晰。  相似文献   

气枪震源具有极高的可重复性,可用于地下介质变化的监测。但不同工作条件下气枪震源产生的信号会存在细微差异,反褶积方法能在一定程度上消除由震源变化引起的记录信号变化。为了去除气枪震源子波信号,获取气枪源到台站之间的格林函数,通常需要选取一种恰当的方法对地震波形数据进行反褶积处理。频率域水准反褶积和时间域迭代反褶积是在接收函数等领域已被广泛使用的2种反褶积方法。本文以云南宾川主动源资料为例,对比了利用这2种方法处理气枪震源资料的效果,结果表明:在计算效率方面,频率域水准反褶积方法更具优势;在处理结果的信噪比方面,时间域迭代反褶积方法表现更好,P波初至也更清晰。此外,进一步讨论了在多炮资料的处理过程中反褶积和叠加等操作的顺序问题,最后提出了从气枪震源资料中提取气枪源到台站之间的格林函数的一般流程。  相似文献   

台网噪声评估及其对气枪震源激发效果影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究背景噪声对长江地学气枪主动源实验激发效果的影响,收集了240个台站激发前72小时的背景噪声数据及20个定点激发的叠加结果进行实验分析.先剔除异常台站,按照国标将台网噪声水平划分为高、中、低3个等级进行评估,从而研究气枪波形信噪比与台站背景噪声的关系.结果表明:① 台站接收能力与背景噪声水平密切相关;② 气枪信号的信噪比在一定范围内受背景噪声的影响大于距离衰减的影响;③ 长江马鞍山—安庆流域段不同定点激发的场地条件基本一致;④ 随气枪信号叠加次数的增加,低噪台站的信噪比增长速度快于中、高噪台站,若想获得同样的叠加效果,高噪台站需要的叠加次数远大于低噪台站.   相似文献   

气枪探测资料对华北地区地壳低速带的约束   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
地壳低速带是岩石圈中的力学软弱带,对地震的孕育有重要作用.人工探测和天然地震层析成像资料均表明,华北地区在不同深度上均存在低速带.为进一步对华北地区地壳低速带的特性进行约束,我们分析了在唐山地区进行大容量气枪震源探测所获得的高分辨率观测资料.分析中发现,该地区的地震记录具有如下主要特征:①直达波Pg视速度为6km/s,可以追踪到约70km;②Moho面反射波PmP从50km开始就以强势震相出现;③PmP震相在150km处比Pg震相约滞后2s.本文利用合成地震图,通过波形正演对观测数据进行拟合,结果表明,合成地震图不仅可以解释各种震相的走时,同时也能较好地反映PmP和Pg的相对振幅.模型结果显示:①该地区平均地壳厚度为33km;②在该地区上下地壳各存在一个低速层.通过分析热流和大地电磁测深资料,认为该地区上/下低速层可能分别是流体和热作用的结果.  相似文献   

我们运用反投影远震P波研究了2010年4月14日玉树地震的破裂过程.通过台站响应函数对从IRIS下载的经过波形筛选的206个震中距在30°~95°间的台站进行选取.29个能够得到最好台站响应函数且波形相似度高的台站的记录被用于最终的反投影研究.在研究中我们运用4阶方根叠加法和2 s窗长、1 s滑动的滑动窗对总时长为100 s,始于P波前20 s的波形记录进行反投影.反投影结果显示玉树地震震源破裂时间为20 s,破裂尺度为60 km.在玉树地震的整个破裂过程中能量主要在两个时间和空间上释放.一个能量释放点是震后6 s,位于震中附近;另一个是震后12 s,位于震中位置东南,靠近结古镇的区域,且这次能量释放是玉树地震破裂过程中能量最大的.最大能量释放地点和实际震害最重的区域相吻合.反投影远震P波得到的震源破裂模型是软件自动生成的震动图的有效补充,能为震后应急救援服务.  相似文献   

Un-tuned large volume airgun array in a water reservoir is recently proposed as a new way to generate seismic waves on land. It can be used to explore the earth velocity structure and its temporal variations as well. However, the characteristics of seismic signals (especially far-field signals) from an airgun array in a reservoir and its affecting factors (firing pressure, airgun towing depth, water level of the reservoir, etc.) has not been adequately studied. We analyzed the seismic data collected from field experiments at Binchuan Transmitting Seismic Station in 2011 and 2013 and found that (1) The similarity of seismic signals decrease with distance, which is most likely induced by the decay of signal amplitude and signal to noise ratio (SNR); (2) The amplitudes of far-field airgun signals are almost linearly proportional to the firing pressure; (3) The towing depth of airgun has less effects on the far-field signals; (4) The amplitudes of far-field airgun signals are proportional to the water level of the reservoir.  相似文献   

水体富营养化导致的有害蓝藻水华仍是目前全世界普遍面临的水环境问题,而有害蓝藻水华所引起的饮用水安全问题亦受到人们的广泛关注.为了解太湖水源地水源水及自来水厂出厂饮用水中微囊藻毒素(MCs)的污染现状,于2014年8月期间对贡湖湾某水厂水源水及出厂水中浮游植物胞内及胞外MCs浓度进行了调查,并同时检测了相关的理化指标.结果表明,水源水中胞内MCs总浓度平均值为7165.5 ng/L,以MC-LR和MC-RR为主,平均浓度分别为3408.7和3398.8 ng/L,其中MC-RR占总MCs比例的平均值为56.1%;而胞外溶解性MCs浓度相对较低,平均浓度为142.6 ng/L,最高浓度仅为512.8 ng/L.水厂出厂水中胞内MCs的检出浓度(平均值为0.77 ng/L)和检出频率都很低,去除率达99.8%以上;而胞外溶解性MCs的检出浓度(平均值为21.71 ng/L)和检出频率相对较高,但浓度仍远低于国家标准1.0μg/L,其去除率相对较低,仅为62.9%~81.8%.数据分析发现,水源水中胞内与胞外MCs浓度之间呈显著正相关,胞内MCs浓度与总氮(TN)浓度、铵态氮(NH+4-N)浓度、总磷(TP)浓度、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和浊度呈显著相关,而胞外MCs浓度与TN浓度、TP浓度、CODMn、浊度和叶绿素a浓度呈显著正相关;逐步回归结果显示,TP对胞内MCs浓度变化的解释率最高,而胞外MCs浓度变化主要与胞内MCs浓度相关.最终,通过对出厂饮用水中MCs浓度非致癌风险指数的计算发现,出厂饮用水对人类健康的威胁较小,但致癌风险相对较高.  相似文献   

Source water apportionment studies using the dual isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen have revolutionized our understanding of ecohydrology. But despite these developments—mostly over the past decade—many technical problems still exist in terms of linking xylem water to its soil water and groundwater sources. This is mainly due to sampling issues and possible fractionation of xylem water. Here we explore whether or not leaf water alone can be used to quantify the blend of rainfall event inputs from which the leaf water originates. Leaf water has historically been avoided in plant water uptake studies due to the extreme fractionation processes at the leaf surface. In our proof of concept work we embrace those processes and use the well-known Craig and Gordon model to map leaf water back to its individual precipitation event water sources. We also employ a Bayesian uncertainty estimation approach to quantify source apportionment uncertainties. We show this using a controlled, vegetated lysimeter experiment where we were able to use leaf water to correctly identify the mean seasonal rainfall that was taken up by the plant, with an uncertainty typically within ± 1‰ for δ18O. While not appropriate for all source water studies, this work shows that leaf water isotope composition may provide a new, relatively un-intrusive method for addressing questions about the plant water source.  相似文献   

Peat specific yield (SY) is an important parameter involved in many peatland hydrological functions such as flood attenuation, baseflow contribution to rivers, and maintaining groundwater levels in surficial aquifers. However, general knowledge on peatland water storage capacity is still very limited, due in part to the technical difficulties related to in situ measurements. The objectives of this study were to quantify vertical SY variations of water tables in peatlands using the water table fluctuation (WTF) method and to better understand the factors controlling peatland water storage capacity. The method was tested in five ombrotrophic peatlands located in the St. Lawrence Lowlands (southern Québec, Canada). In each peatland, water table wells were installed at three locations (up‐gradient, mid‐gradient, and down‐gradient). Near each well, a 1‐m long peat core (8 cm × 8 cm) was sampled, and subsamples were used to determine SY with standard gravitational drainage method. A larger peat sample (25 cm × 60 cm × 40 cm) was also collected in one peatland to estimate SY using a laboratory drainage method. In all sites, the mean water table depth ranged from 9 to 49 cm below the peat surface, with annual fluctuations varying between 15 and 29 cm for all locations. The WTF method produced similar results to the gravitational drainage experiments, with values ranging between 0.13 and 0.99 for the WTF method and between 0.01 and 0.95 for the gravitational drainage experiments. SY was found to rapidly decrease with depth within 20 cm, independently of the within‐site location and the mean annual water table depth. Dominant factors explaining SY variations were identified using analysis of variance. The most important factor was peatland site, followed by peat depth and seasonality. Variations in storage capacity considering site and seasonality followed regional effective growing degree days and evapotranspiration patterns. This work provides new data on spatial variations of peatland water storage capacity using an easily implemented method that requires only water table measurements and precipitation data.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural watersheds has long been a critical water quality problem, the control of which has been the focus of considerable research and investment. Preventing P loss depends on accurately representing the hydrological and chemical processes governing P mobilization and transport. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a watershed model commonly used to predict run‐off and non‐point source pollution transport. SWAT simulates run‐off employing either the curve number (CN) or the Green and Ampt methods, both assume infiltration‐excess run‐off, although shallow soils underlain by a restricting layer commonly generate saturation‐excess run‐off from variable source areas (VSA). In this study, we compared traditional SWAT with a re‐conceptualized version, SWAT‐VSA, that represents VSA hydrology, in a complex agricultural watershed in east central Pennsylvania. The objectives of this research were to provide further evidence of SWAT‐VSA's integrated and distributed predictive capabilities against measured surface run‐off and stream P loads and to highlight the model's ability to drive sub‐field management of P. Thus, we relied on a detailed field management database to parameterize the models. SWAT and SWAT‐VSA predicted discharge similarly well (daily Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies of 0.61 and 0.66, respectively), but SWAT‐VSA outperformed SWAT in predicting P export from the watershed. SWAT estimated lower P loss (0.0–0.25 kg ha?1) from agricultural fields than SWAT‐VSA (0.0–1.0+ kg ha?1), which also identified critical source areas – those areas generating large run‐off and P losses at the sub‐field level. These results support the use of SWAT‐VSA in predicting watershed‐scale P losses and identifying critical source areas of P loss in landscapes with VSA hydrology. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Plant source water identification using stable isotopes is now a common practice in ecohydrological process investigations. Notwithstanding, little critical evaluation of the approaches for source apportionment have been conducted. Here, we present a critical evaluation of the main methods used for source apportionment between vadose and saturated zone water: simple mass balance and Bayesian mixing models. We leverage new isotope stem water samples from a diverse set of tree species in a strikingly uniform terrain and soil conditions at the Christchurch Botanic Garden, New Zealand. Our results show that using δ2H alone in a simple, two‐source mass balance approach leads to erroneous results, particularly an apparent overestimation of groundwater contribution to xylem. Alternatively, using both δ2H and δ18O in a Bayesian inference framework improves the source water estimates and is more useful than the simple mass balance approach, particularly when soil and groundwater contributions are relatively disproportionate. We suggest that plant source water quantification methods should take into consideration the possible effects of 2H/1H fractionation. The Bayesian inference approach used here may be less sensitive to 2H/1H fractionation effects than simple mass balance methods.  相似文献   

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