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The Rossby wave train patterns forced by shallower and deeper Tibetan Plateau atmospheric heat-source in summer in a linear baroclinic model 下载免费PDF全文
观测结果表明,在夏季青藏高原高层大气热源(TPUHS)的发展和衰减阶段(高原热源由浅向深发展),北半球的环流异常表现出不同的Rossby波列型。本研究利用线性斜压模式LBM来探究深浅TPUHS的波列效应。模拟结果表明,深浅TPUHS能强迫出不同的Rossby波列型,而且波列型与观测结果相似。对应浅的TPUHS,Rossby波列型从青藏高原延伸至美国西海岸;而对应深的TPUHS,Rossby波列型从青藏高原延伸至阿拉斯加。 相似文献
Uncertainties in Quantitatively Estimating the Atmospheric Heat Source over the Tibetan Plateau 下载免费PDF全文
As a huge,intense,and elevated atmospheric heat source(AHS) approaching the mid-troposphere in spring and summer,the Tibetan Plateau(TP) thermal forcing is perceived as an important factor contributing to the formation and variation of the Asian summer monsoon.Despite numerous studies devoted to determine the strength and change of the thermal forcing of the TP on the basis of various data sources and methods,uncertainties remain in quantitative estimation of the AHS and will persist for the following reasons:(1) Routine meteorological stations cover only limited regions and show remarkable spatial inhomogeneity with most distributed in the central and eastern plateau.Moreover,all of these stations are situated at an altitude below 5000 m.Thus,the large area above that elevation is not included in the data.(2) Direct observations on heat fluxes do not exist at most stations,and the sensible heat flux(SHF) is calculated by the bulk formula,in which the drag coefficient for heat is often treated as an empirical constant without considering atmospheric stability and thermal roughness length.(3) Radiation flux derived by satellite remote sensing shows a large discrepancy in the algorithm in data inversion and complex terrain.(4) In reanalysis data,besides the rare observational records employed for data assimilation,model bias in physical processes induces visible errors in producing the diabatic heating fields. 相似文献
近30年青藏高原大气热源气候特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用NCEP CFSR再分析资料,用"倒算法"计算了1981~2010年青藏高原大气热源汇,并分析了其气候特征。结果表明:(1)青藏高原大气热源汇具有明显的季节差异。高原大部分地区在春季和夏季为热源,冬季和秋季为冷源。2~4月热源从高原西北部、东北部及西南边坡开始逐渐向中部扩展,强度不断增强。5~7月高原东南端热源显著增强并向西向北扩展,使7月高原热源达到最强,并在高原南部喜马拉雅山脉沿线及其以南邻近地区形成一个强大的热源带。8月开始,高原热源迅速减弱,高原中部至四周边坡大部分地区大气先后变为冷源。到11月和12月整个高原大气几乎为冷源。(2)高原各区逐年平均大气热源强度有明显不同的变化特征。高原全区有显著的2~3年和6~8年周期,而高原东部仅存在6~8年周期,高原西部仅有2~3年周期。(3)近30年高原全区和东部大气热源具有明显增强趋势,而高原西部却为减弱趋势。 相似文献
To cherish the memory of the late Professor Duzheng YE on what would have been his 100 th birthday, and to celebrate his great accomplishment in opening a new era of Tibetan Plateau(TP) meteorology, this review paper provides an assessment of the atmospheric heat source(AHS) over the TP from different data resources, including observations from local meteorological stations, satellite remote sensing data, and various reanalysis datasets. The uncertainty and applicability of these heat source data are evaluated. Analysis regarding the formation of the AHS over the TP demonstrates that it is not only the cause of the atmospheric circulation, but is also a result of that circulation. Based on numerical experiments, the review further demonstrates that land–sea thermal contrast is only one part of the monsoon story. The thermal forcing of the Tibetan–Iranian Plateau plays a significant role in generating the Asian summer monsoon(ASM), i.e., in addition to pumping water vapor from sea to land and from the lower to the upper troposphere, it also generates a subtropical monsoon–type meridional circulation subject to the angular momentum conservation, providing an ascending-air large-scale background for the development of the ASM. 相似文献
青藏高原大气热量的简单计算方法及其应用 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
利用1961-1995年青藏高原及其邻近地区198个地面站月平均常规观测资料与青藏高原大气热量(〈Q1〉)资料,建立了一种计算青藏高原大气热量的简便方法.利用计算出的大气热量分析了各个季节青藏高原各地区〈Q1〉的气候特征,以及冬季高原〈Q1〉与春季大气环流场的关系.结果发现,各个季节高原东北部地区大气热量值都小于南部地区;高原各区大气热量在20世纪70年代到80年代初都表现出了显著的上升趋势.高原冬季热源与春季高原周围地区的位势高度场存在着明显的负相关,气候模拟证实了冬季高原地区热源变化对春季东亚大气环流的这种影响. 相似文献
利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料及长江中下游降水资料, 诊断和分析了长江中下游地区旱年1978年、涝年1999年青藏高原东部大气热源与降水季节内振荡的关系, 并着重讨论了青藏高原低频热力过程的经、纬向传播, 结果表明:1978年夏季青藏高原东部大气热源存在10~20 d周期为主的振荡, 交叉谱分析表明:青藏高原东部热源与长江中下游降水在10~20 d频段存在显著相关, 且青藏高原激发的周期为10~20 d的低频振荡热源在纬向上呈现出驻波形式; 1999年夏季青藏高原东部热源存在30~60 d周期为主的振荡, 热源与长江中下游降水在30~60 d频段存在显著相关。 相似文献
利用1983~2012年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料对夏季青藏高原大气热源和南亚高压东西振荡的低频特征以及两者的关系进行了讨论,发现夏季青藏高原东部大气热源与南亚高压纬向运动的主要低频周期都是10~20 d。在高原东部大气热源10~20 d振荡峰值位相,青藏高原上空被低频气旋控制,高原西部被低频反气旋控制,导致南亚高压主要高压中心向西移动呈伊朗高压模态;在大气热源10~20 d振荡谷值位相,低频环流形势完全相反,青藏高原上空被低频反气旋控制,高原西部被低频气旋控制,致使南亚高压主要高压中心向东移动呈青藏高压模态。高原热力场异常导致其上空暖中心变化从而引起的高层风场变化可以解释南亚高压的东西振荡。 相似文献
夏季高原大气热源的气候特征以及与高原低涡生成的关系 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和基于此再分析资料的高原低涡统计数据集,采用线性趋势、Morlet小波、EOF分解、合成分析等方法,分析了1981~2010年夏季高原大气热源气候特征以及与高原低涡生成的联系。结果表明:夏季高原大气热源平均强度为105 W m-2,随时间有减弱趋势,具有明显的年代际变化,存在显著的准3年周期振荡。高原低涡高发年,高原大气热源强度明显高于气候态,主要表现为高原大气热源的水平分布差异。在低涡高发年,涡度平流的空间分布和大气经向垂直环流结构显示:高原沿东南向西北存在500 hPa正涡度平流带,为高原低涡生成提供了有利的涡度场。同时,高原大气热源异常的水平分布促使高原上空产生上升气流,有助于高原上形成低层辐合、气旋式环流,整层上升运动,高层辐散、反气旋式环流的三维流场,促进高原低涡在低层生成,此时高原主体低空为正涡度区。并且,大气热源在垂直方向的变化也影响低涡的生成。最后,根据本文结果和我们前期的相关研究,从热成风原理和高原大气热力适应理论两方面对高原大气热源与高原低涡生成频数的统计结果给出了机理解释。 相似文献
Decadal Relationship Between Atmospheric Heat Source and Winter-Spring Snow Cover over the Tibetan Plateau and Rainfall in East China 下载免费PDF全文
By using a reverse computation method and the NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis data from 1960 to 2004, the atmospheric heat source (AHS) was calculated and analyzed. The results show that AHS over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its neighboring areas takes on a persistent downtrend in spring and summer during the foregone 50 years, especially the latest 20 years. Snow depth at 50 stations over the TP in winter and spring presents an increase, especially the spring snow depth exhibits a sharp increase in the late 1970s. A close negative correlation exists between snow cover and AHS over the TP and its neighboring areas, as revealed by an SVD analysis, namely if there is more snow over the TP in winter and spring, then the weaker AHS would appear over the TP in spring and summer. The SVD analysis between AHS over the TP in spring and summer and rainfall at 160 stations indicates that the former has a negative correlation with summer precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and a positive correlation with that in South China and North China. The SVD analysis of both snow cover over the TP in winter and spring and rainfall at the same 160 stations indicates that the former has a marked positive correlation with precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and a reversed correlation in South China and North China. On the decadal scale, the AHS and winter and spring snow cover over the TP have a close correlation with the decadal precipitation pattern shift (southern flood and northern drought) in East China. The mechanism on how the AHS over the TP influences rainfall in East China is discussed. The weakening of AHS over the TP in spring and summer reduces the thermodynamic difference between ocean and continent, leading to a weaker East Asian summer monsoon, which brings more water vapor to the Yangtze River Valley and less water vapor to North China. Meanwhile, the weakening of AHS over the TP renders the position of the subtropical high further westward and the r 相似文献
利用江淮流域1954_2001年梅雨量资料和同期内美国NCEP/NCAR 逐日高度场、 风场、 比湿场和地面气压场再分析资料, 网格距为2.5°×2.5°。采用模糊聚类、 EOF分解、 合成分析、 SVD分解等方法, 详细讨论了青藏高原大气热源与江淮梅雨的关系。结果表明: 梅雨量区域指数能很好地揭示江淮流域梅雨量的丰枯, 高原大气热源大致以90°E为界, 可分为高原东部型和西部型; 高原大气热源与梅雨量存在显著相关关系, 高原大气热源东部型与江淮梅雨量呈显著正相关关系, 西部型与梅雨量呈显著负相关关系、说明高原大气热源东部型增强, 西部型减弱, 江淮梅雨量异常偏多。高原大气热源东部型减弱, 西部型增强, 江淮梅雨量异常偏少; 反之亦然、SVD分解结果与合成分析的结果完全一致。 相似文献
青藏高原前期冬春季地面热源与我国夏季降水关系的初步分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
首先对青藏高原地表热通量再分析资料与自动气象站(AWS)实测资料进行对比, 结果表明: 相对于美国国家环境预报中心和国家大气中心20世纪90年代研制的NCEP/NCAR(Kalnay 等1996)和NCEP/DOE (Kanamitsu 等2002) 再分析资料, ECMWF(Uppala 等2004)资料在高原地区的地表热通量具有较好的代表性。进一步利用奇异值分解(SVD)方法分析了ECMWF资料反映的高原地面热源与我国夏季降水的关系, 发现前期青藏高原主体的冬季地面热源与长江中下游地区夏季降水量呈负相关, 与华北和东南沿海地区的夏季降水量呈正相关。而长江中下游地区夏季降水量还与春季高原南部的地面热源存在负相关、与高原北部的地面热源存在正相关。高原冬、春季地面热源场的变化是影响我国夏季降水的重要因子。 相似文献
Interannual Variability of Snow Depth over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Associated Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies 下载免费PDF全文
MAO Jiang-Yu 《大气和海洋科学快报》2010,3(4):213-218
The interannual variability of wintertime snow depth over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) and related atmospheric circulation anomalies were investigated based on observed snow depth measurements and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.Empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis was applied to identify the spatio-temporal variability of wintertime TP snow depth.Snow depth anomalies were dominated by a monopole pattern over the TP and a dipole structure with opposite anomalies over the southeastern and northwestern TP.The atmospheric circulation conditions responsible for the interannual variability of TP snow depth were examined via regression analyses against the principal component of the most dominant EOF mode.In the upper troposphere,negative zonal wind anomalies over the TP with extensively positive anomalies to the south indicated that the southwestward shift of the westerly jet may favor the development of surface cyclones over the TP.An anomalous cyclone centered over the southeastern TP was associated with the anomalous westerly jet,which is conducive to heavier snowfall and results in positive snow depth anomalies.An anomalous cyclone was observed at 500 hPa over the TP,with an anomalous anticyclone immediately to the north,suggesting that the TP is frequently affected by surface cyclones.Regression analyses revealed that significant negative thickness anomalies exist around the TP from March to May,with a meridional dipole anomaly in March.The persistent negative anomalies due to more winter TP snow are not conducive to earlier reversal of the meridional temperature gradient,leading to a possible delay in the onset of the Asian summer monsoon. 相似文献
青藏高原及其热源效应对东亚以及全球的天气气候起着举足轻重的作用。青藏高原大气热源及其影响的相关研究有助于进一步加深对青藏高原大气热源及其影响的认识,提高高原地区天气系统发生发展的预报能力,提升高原地区降水的预报水平。本文较为系统地梳理了青藏高原大气热源的相关研究,涉及青藏高原大气热源的获取与特征,包括青藏高原大气热源的计算和青藏高原大气热源的时空分布及演变特征;青藏高原大气热源对季风、对降水的影响;青藏高原大气热源对天气系统的影响和作用,包括青藏高原大气热源对南亚高压、西太平洋副热带高压、高原低涡以及高原切变线的影响。在总结已有研究进展和成果的基础上,对今后青藏高原大气热源研究做出一定展望,提出值得进一步加强研究的方面。 相似文献
Diagnostic analysis of the evolution mechanism for a vortex over the Tibetan Plateau in June 2008 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Based on the final analyses data (FNL) of the Global Forecasting System of the NCEP and the obser- vational radiosonde data, the evolution mechanism of an eastward-moving low-level vortex over the Tibetan Plateau in June 2008 was analyzed. The results show that the formation of the vortex was related to the convergence between the northwesterly over the central Tibetan Plateau from the westerly zone and the southerly from the Bay of Bengal at 500 hPa, and also to the divergence associated with the entrance re- gion of the upper westerly jet at 200 hPa. Their dynamic effects were favorable for ascending motion and forming the vortex over the Tibetan Plateau. Furthermore, the effect of the atmospheric heat source (Q1) is discussed based on a transformed potential vorticity (PV) tendency equation. By calculating the PV budgets, we showed that Q1 had a great inffuence on the intensity and moving direction of the vortex. In the developing stage of the vortex, the heating of the vertically integrated Q1 was centered to the east of the vortex center at 500 hPa, increasing PV tendency to the east of the vortex. As a result, the vortex strengthened and moved eastward through the vertically uneven distribution of Q1. In the decaying stage, the horizontally uneven heating of Q1 at 500 hPa weakened the vortex through causing the vortex tubes around the vortex to slant and redistributing the vertical vorticity field. 相似文献
青藏高原冬春积雪和地表热源影响亚洲夏季风的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
青藏高原冬春积雪和地表热源的气候效应是青藏高原气候动力学的两个重要内容。大量资料分析和数值试验研究均表明这两个因子对亚洲季风有一定的预测意义,本文对此做了比较系统的回顾和总结,并进一步比较了青藏高原积雪和地表热源影响东亚和南亚夏季降水的异同。结果表明,东亚夏季降水在年际和年代际尺度上均存在"三极型"和"南北反相"型的空间分布特征,高原春季地表热源在年代际和年际尺度上主要影响东亚夏季降水"三极型"模态;在年代际尺度上它是中国东部出现"南涝北旱"格局的重要原因,而高原冬季积雪的作用相反。另一方面,高原冬季积雪在年际和年代际尺度上对印度夏季风降水的预测效果均要优于高原地表热源。无论是空间分布还是时间演变特征,高原冬季积雪与春季地表热源整体上均无统计意义上的显著联系。不断完善高原地面观测网和改进模式在高原地区的模拟性能,将是进一步深入理解高原积雪和地表热源影响亚洲季风物理过程和机制的关键所在。 相似文献
The Relationship between Precipitation and Airflow over the Tibetan Plateau in Boreal Summer 下载免费PDF全文
Based on the observation data and the reanalysis datasets, the variability and the circulation features influencing precipitation in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are investigated. Taking into account the effects of topography, surface winds are deconstructed into flow-around and flow-over components relative to the TP. Climatologically, the flow-around component mainly represents cyclonic circulation in the TP during the summer. The transition zone of total precipitation in the summer parallels the convergence belt between the southerlies and the northerlies of the flow-over component. The leading mode of rainfall anomalies in the TP has a meridional dipole structure, and the first principal component (PC1) mainly depicts the variation of rainfall in the southern TP. The wet southern TP experiences strengthened flow-over, which in turn mechanistically favors intensified ascent forced by the flow-over component. In addition, variations in the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) have an important role in influencing the flow over the southern TP, and the ISM ultimately impacts the precipitation over southern TP. 相似文献
通过多源资料诊断分析,本文讨论了盛夏(8月)青藏高原大气热源与菲律宾海对流活动之间的联系及可能的机制。结果表明,与青藏高原热源相联系的环流形势在夏季各月明显不同,因此对夏季青藏高原热源的影响应当分月讨论。在夏季各月中,菲律宾海对流活动与青藏高原热源在8月份的联系最为紧密,二者存在显著的反相关关系。而8月青藏高原热源、菲律宾对流活动、西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)、印度季风低压、南亚高压、西风带槽脊和西北太平洋季风环流存在相互耦合的过程。青藏高原热源与菲律宾海对流活动之间联系的机制为:菲律宾海对流弱(强)年,西太副高偏西(东)偏南(北),西北太平洋季风环流减弱(加强),印度季风低压减弱(加强),西风带南压(北抬),又加之副高西侧有强(弱)的水汽输入,兼以高层南亚高压加强(减弱),使得高原南部降水显著增强(减弱),高原热源整体加强(减弱),高原热源的加强(减弱)又造成了高原南部到东亚区域低层西南(东北)风异常,又利于西太副高偏西(东)偏南(北),从而造成菲律宾海对流减弱(加强)。这一机制在高原热源强弱年均有表现,但强年表现得更为显著,并在个例中也有所体现,说明盛夏青藏高原热源异常和菲律宾海对流异常存在显著的相互作用。 相似文献
青藏高原大气热量源汇年际变化及其与大气环流的关系(英文) 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
本文使用1961~1995年逐月青藏高原地区大气机热量源汇<Q1>资料、1961~1990年青藏高原地区积雪日数和积雪深度资料、美国NCEP/ NCAR的再分析资料以及1975~1994年全球OLR资料,讨论了高原大气热状况年际变化及其与大气环流的关系,发现:高原地区大气热源年际变化明显,其中春季和秋季高原地区<Q1>的变率最大,并且水平分布很不均匀;当冬季高原冷源弱(或强)时,东亚大槽位置偏东(或西),对应着东亚强(或弱)的冬季风;夏季高原热源强(或弱)的年份,在高原及其邻近地区的对流层中、低层为偏差气旋环流(或反气旋环流),在中国长江流域低层为异常的西南风(或东北风),对应着东亚强(或弱)的夏季风,夏季高原热源强度还与南亚高压的强度和位置有关;春季4月的积雪状况与夏季高原大气热源强度有明显关系;夏季高原热源与同期青藏高原东南部、孟加拉湾、中南半岛、东南亚、中国西南部、长江流域和从黄海到到日本海一带对流有明显正相关。 相似文献
基于1979~2017年欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)提供的ERA-Interim逐日再分析资料和热力学方程,本研究估算了大气视热源,分析研究了青藏高原夏季大气视热源的异常与中国东部降水关系的年代际变化,以及青藏高原大气视热源影响我国东部夏季降水的物理机制。结果表明:(1)高原热源东、西部反相变化模态的重要性发生了年代际转变,表现为由1994年之前方差贡献相对小的第二变异模态变为1994之后方差贡献明显增大而成为第一主导变异模态。(2)青藏高原夏季大气视热源的东、西反相变化模态与中国东部降水的关系存在年代际变化。1993年之前和2008年之后,高原大气视热源的异常分别仅与长江下游降水和长江中游降水异常存在密切的联系;而在1994~2007年,其对长江流域及附近区域和华南地区的夏季降水的影响显著,具体表现为,当高原夏季大气视热源异常表现为东强西弱(东弱西强)时,长江中上游、江淮地区的降水偏多(少),华南地区降水偏少(多)。(3)高原大气视热源显著影响我国东部夏季降水主要是通过经高原上空发展加强的天气系统东移过程影响长江流域及附近地区的降水,以及通过垂直环流影响华南地区的降水。 相似文献