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This study investigates the influence of the Madden Julian oscillations (MJO) and equatorial Rossby (ER) waves on tropical cyclone (TC) formation in western Pacific during June 2004 through one control and three wave experiments for each of the five TCs. The control experiment reasonably simulates the formation of five TCs. In the corresponding wave experiments, the MJO, ER waves, and both the MJO and ER waves are removed, from the initial fields and lateral boundary conditions, respectively. The differences of simulated TC intensity between the control and corresponding wave experiments provide a quantitative assessment of the relative contribution of each wave to TC formation.In the wave experiments with the MJO removed, three of the five TCs are weakened, and the remaining two (TC A and B) grow stronger due to an altered background flow that steered the TCs into more favorable oceanic regions. For the wave experiments with ER waves removed, three of the five simulated TCs become weaker (TC A, C, and E). TC D develops into a tropical storm because of a dominant influence from active synoptic-scale disturbance. The results indicate that both the MJO and ER waves have an important modulating effect on TC formation. In addition to the influence from the MJO, ER and synoptic-scale waves, local processes may dominate in TC formation; for the example of TC B, none of the waves positively influence the formation in significant ways. The present modeling approach provides a quantitative assessment of the relative contribution of tropical wave disturbances to TC formation.  相似文献   

利用合成技术对1995—2006年冬季(11月—次年2月)生成在西北太平洋上的34个热带气旋(tropicalcyclone,TC)个例进行分析,研究冬季西北太平洋TC生成的大尺度环流特征及其生成机制,结果表明:冬季TC生成的大尺度环流特征型为东风波西传型;北半球冬季对流层低层出现的跨赤道气旋对是冬季北半球TC形成的重要特征;太平洋中部赤道混合Rossby重力波西北传,与强对流中心重合,性质转为"热带低压型扰动",为冬季热带气旋生成提供扰动源。对合成TC初始场的涡动扰动动能的收支分析表明,涡动有效位能和正压不稳定转换为TC形成提供了能量,这两种能量分别与积云对流加热和水平不均匀气流有关。正压不稳定能量转换为动能主要位于对流层中下层,而扰动有效位能的转换主要位于对流层中上层。低层热带东风波动从平均气流中获得正压不稳定能量,并与强积云对流耦合,热力和动力共同作用下形成TC。  相似文献   

一种对资源不稳定性敏感的EASY-backfill算法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用合成技术对1995—2006年冬季(11月—次年2月)生成在西北太平洋上的34个热带气旋(tropicalcyclone,TC)个例进行分析,研究冬季西北太平洋TC生成的大尺度环流特征及其生成机制,结果表明:冬季TC生成的大尺度环流特征型为东风波西传型;北半球冬季对流层低层出现的跨赤道气旋对是冬季北半球TC形成的重要特征;太平洋中部赤道混合Rossby重力波西北传,与强对流中心重合,性质转为"热带低压型扰动",为冬季热带气旋生成提供扰动源。对合成TC初始场的涡动扰动动能的收支分析表明,涡动有效位能和正压不稳定转换为TC形成提供了能量,这两种能量分别与积云对流加热和水平不均匀气流有关。正压不稳定能量转换为动能主要位于对流层中下层,而扰动有效位能的转换主要位于对流层中上层。低层热带东风波动从平均气流中获得正压不稳定能量,并与强积云对流耦合,热力和动力共同作用下形成TC。  相似文献   

赵强  刘式适 《大气科学》2001,25(1):133-141
利用多重尺度摄动法,从描写赤道Rossby波的正压大气位涡度方程中推导出在切变基本纬向流中非线性赤道Rossby波包演变所满足的非线性Schrodinger方程,并得到其单个包络孤立子波解,分析基本流切变对非线性赤道Rossby波动的影响。  相似文献   

The present study applies a space-time filter to identify three dominant types of tropical waves: Madden-Julian oscillations (MJOs), equatorial Rossby (ER) waves, and tropical depression (TD)-type disturbances. The impacts of these waves on tropical cyclones (TCs) were investigated based on 131 observations during the period 2000-07. The results suggest that 72% of TC geneses were related to the joint impacts of more than one type of wave. The composites for cases in different categories reveal that TCs related to the concurrence of the three types of waves have strong and large initial vortices at the time of TC genesis. In the absence of the MJO, ER- and TD-related TC genesis, embedded in easterly flow, exhibits a relatively fast initiation process and gives rise to a relatively small scale vortex. In contrast, without the ER wave contribution, TCs associated with ER and TD waves did not require strong convection at the time of genesis because an initial vortex can rapidly develop in the MJO active phase through persistent energy transfer. The MJO-related TC geneses were scattered in geographic distribution, as opposed to the clustered and eastward shift observed for genesis cases without contributions from MJOs.  相似文献   

This study associates tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) with the equatorial wave transition from an interannual viewpoint, revealing that the tropical cyclogenesis mean location may be modulated by a longitudinal shift in the transition of Mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG) waves to off-equatorial tropical depression (TD) disturbances from year to year. To a large extent, the wave transition is attributable to the monsoon trough in response to the thermal state of the warm pool (WP) over the WNP. During the cold state years in the WP, the basic flow confluence region associated with the monsoon trough penetrates eastward, leading to an eastward shift in the location of the wave transition. Such an environment, in which wave accumulation and energy conversion occur, is favorable for tropical cyclogenesis; as a result, the averaged cyclogenesis location moves eastward. The condition is reserved during the warm years in the WP, resulting in the prominent westward-retreating mean TC formation. Citation: Chen, G. H., and R. H. Huang, 2008: Role of equatorial wave transitions in tropical cyclogenesis over the western north Pacific, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 1, 64-68  相似文献   


In a sensitivity study, the influence of an observed stratospheric zonal ozone anomaly on the atmospheric circulation was investigated using the Fifth Generation European Centre Hamburg Model (ECHAM5) which is a general circulation model. The model was run from 1960 to 1999 (40 years) with a mean seasonal cycle of zonally symmetric ozone. In order to isolate the induced dynamical influence of the observed zonally asymmetric part of the three-dimensional stratospheric ozone, a second run was performed for the boreal extratropics using prescribed monthly means from the 40-year reanalysis dataset from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ERA-40). The main findings are the interdecadal westward shift of the polar vortex at about 65°N and a significant increase in the number of stratospheric sudden warmings during the 1980–99 period. Under the action of zonally asymmetric ozone a decrease in the Arctic Oscillation was identified between the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s. The lag correlation between the mean Arctic Oscillation at the surface and the daily stratospheric northern annular mode increased in mid-winter. Furthermore, we examined the influence of the stratospheric zonal ozone anomaly on Rossby wave breaking in the upper troposphere and found a significant westward shift of poleward Rossby wave breaking events over western Europe in the winter. By this we show that the stratospheric zonal ozone anomaly has a strong influence on the tropospheric circulation as a result of enhanced dynamical coupling processes.  相似文献   

超强台风威马逊快速增强及大尺度环流特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
超强台风威马逊(1409)登陆前发生快速增强现象,并成为我国有气象记录以来的最强登陆台风。该文利用中国气象局台风最佳路径资料、NCEP FNL分析资料、NOAA高分辨率逐日最优插值海表温度融合分析资料和天气学、动力学诊断分析方法,分析这次罕见的台风快速增强过程。研究结果表明:威马逊(1409)快速增强与持续有利背景场有关,如海温异常偏暖、低空急流和越赤道气流的增强、环境风垂直切变维持较小、高层维持较强流出气流等。尤其是台风下游大气处于热力不稳定,在其他有利因子的共同作用下,台风移入热力不稳定环境场中,有利于台风环流内部对流活动的增强和对流凝结潜热效率的增加,从而有利于台风强度增加。动能诊断方程表明:威马逊(1409)快速增强期间低层动能主要来源于风穿越等压线所作的功,这与台风环流内强降雨释放的对流凝结潜热驱动台风中心附近上升、外围下沉的垂直环流圈的加强紧密联系。  相似文献   

This study examines associations between California Central Valley(CCV) heat waves and the Madden Julian Oscillation(MJO). These heat waves have major economic impact. Our prior work showed that CCV heat waves are frequently preceded by convection over the tropical Indian and eastern Pacific oceans, in patterns identifiable with MJO phases. The main analysis method is lagged composites(formed after each MJO phase pair) of CCV synoptic station temperature, outgoing longwave radiation(OLR), and velocity potential(VP). Over the CCV, positive temperature anomalies occur only after the Indian Ocean(phases 2-3) or eastern Pacific Ocean(phases 8-1) convection(implied by OLR and VP fields). The largest fractions of CCV hot days occur in the two weeks after onset of those two phase pairs. OLR and VP composites have significant subsidence and convergence above divergence over the CCV during heat waves, and these structures are each part of larger patterns having significant areas over the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Prior studies showed that CCV heat waves can be roughly grouped into two clusters: Cluster 2 is preceded by a heat wave over northwestern North America, while Cluster 1 is not. OLR and VP composite analyses are applied separately to these two clusters. However, for Cluster 2, the subsidence and VP over the CCV are not significant, and the large-scale VP pattern has low correlation with the MJO lagged composite field. Therefore, the association between the MJO convection and subsequent CCV heat wave is more evident in Cluster 1 than Cluster 2.  相似文献   

夏季欧亚中高纬环流持续异常事件的Rossby波传播特征   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
利用西风波导结构以及波作用通量, 探讨了夏季欧亚一类中高纬持续异常环流所对应的Rossby波的能量频散特征。中高纬度对流层上层存在结构较为复杂的弱波导, Rossby波能量频散过程基本上与该弱波导结构一致。Rossby波传播特征在不同时期以及两种环流型 (E型和C型) 之间存在显著差异: (1) 在梅雨前期, 与E型环流对应, Rossby波从南欧气旋式异常环流中心传播到乌拉尔山正高度异常中心, 并且波作用通量在乌拉尔山西侧辐合, 形成该地区正高度异常环流。乌拉尔山持续异常中心东侧重新激发出Rossby波, 并传播至贝加尔湖和鄂霍次克海地区, 维持对应的异常环流。与C型异常环流对应, Rossby波活动非常活跃。该型三个活动中心呈现高纬-中纬-高纬的分布特征, 这与波导结构密切相关。 (2) 在梅雨期, Rossby波的传播对两类持续异常环流的作用更加明显, 其传播路径基本上在处于极区和偏向中纬度一侧的两个“波障碍区”之间的带状西风波导区中。Rossby波从乌拉尔山活动中心向东传播, 最终形成贝加尔湖和鄂霍次克海地区的持续异常环流。在C型维持过程中则还存在另一种强迫因子。在C型中, Rossby波从乌拉尔山活动中心向中纬度传播, 并在亚洲急流中向东传播至东亚地区。 (3) 在后汛期, 在欧亚大陆上纬向“波障碍区”的增加使得Rossby波活动减弱。E型异常环流型的鄂霍次克海活动中心向东扩展到北太平洋, 但来自上游的Rossby波传播只作用于该活动中心的西北侧部分。C型中Rossby波的传播在乌拉尔山活动中心地区变弱。在夏季各个时期, E和C型持续异常环流对应着不同位相的EAP (或PJ) 型, 但并没有Rossby波从中纬度向北传播至鄂霍次克海地区的现象。  相似文献   

In this study, the intensity of the trough over the Bay of Bengal (BBT) and its association with the southern China precipitation, the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and the Rossby wave propagation along the African-Asian subtropical Jet stream (AASJ) are investigated on the intraseasonal time scale. The results show that the intensity of the BBT affects the southern China precipitation more directly and to a greater degree than the MJO. The peak amplitude of the BBT tended to occur in phase-3 of the MJO. The strong BBT was substantially modulated by the Rossby wave propagation along the AASJ, which was triggered by the anomalous upstream circulation similar to the pattern of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Therefore, from the perspective of medium- and extended-range weather forecasts, the NAO- like pattern may be regarded as a precursory signal for the strong BBT and thus the southern China precipitation.  相似文献   

An interpretation is made of interannual changes in acoustic travel time between Oahu and seven receivers at distances of 3000–4000 km. Measurements were made in late 1983, and over two 5-month intervals between 1987 and 1989. Previous publications demonstrated that these changes stem from variations in temperature. Two hydrodynamic ocean models are used to identify plausible oceanic features that could cause these variations. They are from the Naval Research Laboratory and the Florida State University at (1/8)° and (1/6)° resolution, respectively, and are forced with different interannual wind sets for more than a decade. Modelled El Niño's and La Niña's generate poleward travelling Kelvin waves on the eastern boundary of the Pacific. These excite Rossby waves that propagate westward at mid-latitudes. Rossby waves are the dominant model features which affect the modelled acoustic travel times, and hence section-averaged temperatures in the eastern North Pacific. These waves yield travel times whose standard deviations and rates of changes are similar to the measurements. In the observations, some sections separated by less than 500 km exhibit trends in heat content with opposite signs. Similar variability can be explained with modelled Rossby waves. Model wavelengths less than 500 km, eddies, and seasonal cycles induced by seasonal winds yield travel times that are two orders of magnitude too small to account for the data.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the heaviest snowfalls or icy-rainfalls occurring in southern China from January to the beginning of February 2008.The results are summarized as follows:the disaster was induced by the persistent front of warm/cold air masses in southern China,which displayed an interaction between the weather systems in higher and lower latitudes.There was an adjustment for circulation at hemisphere scale during mid January by a variation of sign of the Arctic Oscillation(AO)index from negative to positive.The long lasting precipitation well coincided with a blocking situation centered near 80°E from mid January to the beginning of February.A diagnostic analysis indicates that stationary waves with an energy dispersion accompanying the blocking high propagated from upstream region in high latitudes to the south of the Yangtze River,which formed a maintaining energy source for the cyclonic circulation in situ.This resulted in that the large mass of cold air in high latitudes could not easily invade into the south but slowly shifted southward.On the other hand,the sea surface temperature(SST)over the warm pool of the western Pacific increased with a new history record due to the effect of the strong La Nina episode,which also blocked the cold air mass from the north.The blocking high collapsed around 30 January and the energy source for the local cyclonic circulation was cut off.Thus,the precipitation in southern China ceased after 1 February.  相似文献   

利用再分析数据,以在北半球冬季与北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation,NAO)相关的向下游传播的准定常波列在欧洲地区是否发生反射为标准,将1957/1958年至2001/2002年这45个冬季分为高纬型和低纬型两类冬季,分别简称为在H型和L型冬季。在H(L)型冬季,和NAO相联系的向下游传播的Rossby波列主要沿高纬度(低纬度)路径传播。对比了在两种类型冬季NAO与同期大气环流、近地面温度(Surface Air Temperature,SAT)、海表面温度(Sea Surface Tempertaure,SST)和降水的关系。结果表明:大气环流方面,在H型冬季,300 hPa位势高度异常在西-西伯利亚和中-西伯利亚西部与NAO呈现正相关,而在L型冬季300 hPa位势高度异常在亚洲东海岸(约40°N)和北太平洋呈现正相关,在H型冬季与NAO相关的经向风异常在中纬度形成波列,而在L型冬季与NAO相关的经向风异常在副热带形成波列;SAT方面,在H型冬季SAT异常在欧亚大陆腹地高纬度地区与NAO呈现正相关,而在L型冬季与NAO相关的SAT异常在欧亚大陆腹地的高纬度地区相对较弱,但NAO造成的SAT异常可以扩展到亚洲东北部;降水方面,H型冬季与L型冬季主要区别在中国南方,在H型冬季降水异常与NAO的关系相对较弱,而在L型冬季降水异常与NAO呈现正相关关系;SST方面,同期SST异常在北大西洋中纬度海域与NAO呈现正相关,而在L型冬季与NAO相关的SST异常在北大西洋中纬度地区相对较弱,在北大西洋北部和南部较强。总体而言,在H型和L型冬季,NAO具有不同下游影响。  相似文献   

The variations in the wave energy and the amplitude along the energy dispersion paths of the barotropic Rossby waves in zonally symmetric basic flow are studied by solving the wave energy equation,which expresses that the wave energy variability is determined by the divergence of the group velocity and the energy budget from the basic flow.The results suggest that both the wave energy and the amplitude of a leading wave increase significantly in the propagating region that is located south of the jet axis and enclosed by a southern critical line and a northern turning latitude.The leading wave gains the barotropic energy from the basic flow by eddy activities.The amplitude continuously climbs up a peak at the turning latitude due to increasing wave energy and enlarging horizontal scale(shrinking total wavenumber).Both the wave energy and the amplitude eventually decrease when the trailing wave continuously approaches southward to the critical line.The trailing wave decays and its energy is continuously absorbed by the basic flow.Furthermore,both the wave energy and the amplitude oscillate with a limited range in the propagating region that is located near the jet axis and enclosed by two turning latitudes.Both the leading and trailing waves neither develop nor decay significantly.The jet works as a waveguide to allow the waves to propagate a long distance.  相似文献   

热带大气季节内振荡的进一步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用ECMWF的格点资料对热带大气季节内振荡作了进一步分析研究,表明热带大气季节内振荡既有Kelvin波型扰动,也有Rossby波型扰动;影响热带大气季节内振荡移动的主要因素有扰动波型和积云对流活动的异常;伴随ElNino事件的发生,热带大气季节内振荡的动能急剧减小,而准定常扰动动能急剧增大,既反映了热带大气季节内振荡对ElNino的激发作用,也说明了在ElNino期间热带大气季节内振荡偏弱的原因。  相似文献   

Variations in wave energy and amplitude for Rossby waves are investigated by solving the wave energy equation for the quasigeostrophic barotropic potential vorticity model.The results suggest that compared with rays in the nondivergent barotropic model,rays in the divergent model can have enhanced meridional and zonal propagation,accompanied by a more dramatic variability in both wave energy and amplitude,which is caused by introducing the divergence effect of the free surface in the quasigeostrophic model.For rays propagating in a region enclosed by a turning latitude and a critical latitude,the wave energy approaches the maximum value inside the region,while the amplitude approaches the maximum at the turning latitude.Waves can develop when both the wave energy and amplitude increase.For rays propagating in a region enclosed by two turning latitudes,the wave energy approaches the minimum value at one turning latitude and the maximum value at the other latitude,while the total wavenumber approaches the maximum value inside the region.The resulting amplitude increases if the total wavenumber decreases or the wave energy increases more significantly and decreases if the total wavenumber increases or the wave energy decreases more significantly.The matched roles of the energy from the basic flow and the divergence of the group velocity contribute to the slightly oscillating wave energy,which causes a slightly oscillating amplitude as well as the slightly oscillating total wavenumber.  相似文献   

During extended winter(November–April),43% of the intraseasonal rainfall variability in China is explained by three spatial patterns of temporally coherent rainfall.These patterns were identified with empirical orthogonal teleconnection(EOT) analysis of observed 1982–2007 pentad rainfall anomalies and connected to midlatitude disturbances.However,examination of individual strong EOT events shows that there is substantial inter-event variability in their dynamical evolution,which implies that precursor patterns found in regressions cannot serve as useful predictors.To understand the physical nature and origins of the extratropical precursors,the EOT technique is applied to six simulations of the Met Office Unified Model at horizontal resolutions of 200–40 km,with and without air–sea coupling.All simulations reproduce the observed precursor patterns in regressions,indicating robust underlying dynamical processes.Further investigation into the dynamics associated with observed patterns shows that Rossby wave dynamics can explain the large inter-event variability.The results suggest that the apparently slowly evolving or quasi-stationary waves in regression analysis are a statistical amalgamation of more rapidly propagating waves with a variety of origins and properties.  相似文献   

Northeast China(NEC) is China’s national grain production base, and the local precipitation is vital for agriculture during the springtime. Therefore, understanding the dynamic origins of the NEC spring rainfall(NECSR) variability is of socioeconomic importance. This study reveals an interdecadal change in the atmospheric teleconnections associated with the NECSR during a recent 60-year period(1961–2020). Before the mid-1980s, NECSR had been related to a Rossby wave train that is coupled with ex...  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料和中国国家级地面气象站基本气象要素日值数据集,研究了1979~2016年(38年)夏季江淮地区区域性极端日降水事件的统计特征及其与Rossby波活动的联系.结果 表明:在38年夏季(6~7月)中,江淮地区区域性极端日降水量的95百分位阈值为33.95 mm d-1,且共有63次极端日...  相似文献   

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