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利用超导重力仪观测数据精确测定低于1 mHz的地球自由振荡简正模式的分裂频率,是在不与任何弹性系数发生联系的情况下改善一维密度模型的有效方法.但在该频段台站局部气压变化对重力观测数据的影响成为主要干扰来源,且具有频率依赖特性,因此精细地开展气压改正成为利用超导重力数据检测低频自由振荡信号的必要手段.本文基于EEMD方法,提出了一种具有频率依赖特性的气压改正方法.该方法将重力观测和气压变化分解成处于不同频段的本征模态函数,并在相应频段上分别进行重力-气压变化的回归分析,计算得到具有频率依赖特性的气压导纳值,精细地消除气压变化对重力观测的影响,并以此对微弱低频地球自由振荡信号开展高分辨率分析.基于本文提出的气压改正方法,利用大地震后的超导重力数据检测了频率小于1.5 mHz的低频地球自由振荡及其频谱分裂现象.研究结果表明:利用该方法进行气压改正后检测得到的各简正模具有更高的信噪比,估计的本征频率误差水平明显降低,获得的基频球型振荡0S20S3以及一阶球型振荡1S2的分裂谱峰的估计精度更高,同时还检测到了部分环型振荡在重力观测中的耦合现象.对低频地球振荡的高分辨率检测结果验证了基于EEMD分解提出的气压改正方法的有效性,同时再次证明了超导重力仪观测数据在低频地球自由振荡检测中的优势.


重力潮汐参数精密确定的小波分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精密确定周日波段以内(周日,半日,1/3日)的重力潮汐参数为目标,提出一种重力潮汐精密调和分析的新方法该方法,引入一组紧支连续小波滤波函数以精确提取重力潮波信息,可直接用来对任意步长的重力潮汐观测序列进行调和分析,并能够获得高精度(0. 1%)潮汐参数估值.运用该方法对武汉超导重力仪原始观测数据(步长 20 s)直接实施调和分析,所获潮汐参数清晰反映地球近周日自由摆动(NDFW)的共振效应.  相似文献   

中国重力测量与研究的进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

杨又陵  蔚晓利 《地震》1998,18(3):281-285
通过气压变化对重力观测的影响和大气潮对重力固体潮的负荷效应二方面的研究,得出将GS型重力仪置于密封装置,能使气压的影响降低1个数量级。  相似文献   

基于经验模态分解的形变信号滤波处理与异常提取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文介绍了经验模态分解的方法与原理,给出了由经验模态分解产生的固有模态函数重构组合滤波器的原理与详细算法。通过对形变观测中典型干扰信号的综合处理、异常提取试验及其所取得的效果,综合分析认为,经验模态分解组合滤波器方法可作为形变观测数据处理中一种新的行之有效的分析方法。  相似文献   

利用小波分析重力的长期变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
运用小波滤波方法估算Chandler和周年项的潮汐因子.本文分析了四个台站(Brussels, Boulder, Membach以及Strasbourg)的观测记录,运用合成潮方法得到重力残差后,用Daubechies小波带通滤波器滤波残差,得到256~512 d时间尺度上的序列,根据标准差最小原则确定观测极潮周年和Chandler项的周期,然后利用最小二乘法估算它们的潮汐因子,同时给出未经模型改正的周年重力.由于高阶Daubechies小波构造的滤波器具有良好的频率响应,且能压制信号中的高阶异常成分,使滤波的信号更加光滑,因此计算结果具有更小的均方差,更加可靠.  相似文献   

基于标准大气定律和大气圆柱体分布模型,本文引进了大气重力格林函数,用离散格积方法求得了大气对重力场观测的影响,对台站高程、周围地形和地表温度变化等因素的影响问题进行了讨论.结果说明台站近区气压变化是大气重力信号的主要贡献者,考虑大气质量负荷引起的弹性地球形变效应后,对距台站0.5°的区域积分获得的大气重力导纳值为—0.3603μGal/hPa,占全球大气变化引起的总信号的90%以上,这一理论模型结果与超导重力仪实测结果相吻合,并能较有效地用于消除重力观测中的气压干扰成分.  相似文献   

大气重力信号的理论计算及其检测   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
基于标准大气定律和大气圆柱体分布模型,本文引进了大气重力格林函数,用离散格积方法求得了大气对重力场观测的影响,对台站高程、周围地形和地表温度变化等因素的影响问题进行了讨论.结果说明台站近区气压变化是大气重力信号的主要贡献者,考虑大气质量负荷引起的弹性地球形变效应后,对距台站0.5°的区域积分获得的大气重力导纳值为-0.3603μGal/hPa,占全球大气变化引起的总信号的90%以上,这一理论模型结果与超导重力仪实测结果相吻合,并能较有效地用于消除重力观测中的气压干扰成分.  相似文献   

我国绝对重力观测技术应用研究与展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了近年来运用高精度绝对重力仪,开展和建立我国2-5×10-8ms-2精度的绝对重力基准和绝对重力网工作;回顾了近年来中国学者利用绝对重力观测技术在地壳运动、地震监测与预报及地球动力学等研究方面所取得的成就;并探讨了未来进一步的应用前景.  相似文献   

基于经验模态分解的地震瞬时属性提取   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
传统复地震道方法提取的地震瞬时属性存在物理意义不明确、对噪声敏感等不足,本文探讨基于经验模态分解的地震瞬时属性提取方法,得到不同尺度下的地震瞬时属性,由此得到的瞬时频率在数值上与地震主频对应较好.将该方法提取的属性应用到海上地震数据中,显示出较好的效果.  相似文献   

The gravimetric parameters of the gravity pole tide are the amplitude factor δ, which is the ratio of gravity variations induced by polar motion for a real Earth to variations computed for a rigid one, and the phase difference κ between the observed and the rigid gravity pole tide. They can be estimated from the records of superconducting gravimeters (SGs). However, they are affected by the loading effect of the ocean pole tide. Recent results from TOPEX/Poseidon (TP) altimeter confirm that the ocean pole tide has a self-consistent equilibrium response. Accordingly, we calculate the gravity loading effects as well as their influence on the gravimetric parameters of gravity pole tide at all the 26 SG stations in the world on the assumption of a self-consistent equilibrium ocean pole tide model. The gravity loading effect is evaluated between 1 January 1997 and 31 December 2006. Numerical results show that the amplitude of the gravity loading effect reaches 10−9 m s−2, which is larger than the accuracy (10−10 m s−2) of a SG. The gravimetric factor δ is 1% larger at all SG stations. Then, the contribution of a self-consistent ocean pole tide to the pole tide gravimetric parameters cannot be ignored as it exceeds the current accuracy of the estimation of the pole tide gravity factors. For the nine stations studied in Ducarme et al. [Ducarme, B., Venedikov, A.P., Arnoso, J., et al., 2006. Global analysis of the GGP superconducting gravimeters network for the estimation of the pole tide gravimetric amplitude factor. J. Geodyn. 41, 334–344.], the mean of the modeled tidal factors δm = 1.1813 agrees very well with the result of a global analysis δCH = 1.1816 ± 0.0047 in that paper. On the other hand, the modeled phase difference κm varies from −0.273° to 0.351°. Comparing to the two main periods of the gravity pole tide, annual period and Chandler period, κm is too small to be considered. Therefore, The computed time difference κL induced by a self-consistent ocean pole tide produces a negligible effect on κm. It confirms the results of Ducarme et al., 2006, where no convincing time difference was found in the SG records.  相似文献   

Wavelet approach to the determination of gravity tide parameters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new approach is proposed for the determination of gravity tide parameters.Three pairs of compactly supported wavelet filters are introduced in the approach.They can efficiently extract the objective tides from the gravity observation series.The new approach guarantees a direct and precise analysis on the tidal gravity records of any sampling length.The new approach is applied to the harmonic analysis on Wuhan superconducting gravimeter records.The results clearly show the resonant effects of the Earth Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble (NDFW).  相似文献   

日全食期间在是否存在"引力异常"现象是一个关系到引力本质的重大问题,也是一个十分具有现实意义的科学问题.近一个世纪来,许多科学工作者作了大量的观测和实验,研究日全食期间的"引力异常"现象.肯定的、否定的结果并存,更多的是难以确定的结果.在学习、总结和发展了前人工作的基础之上,本文利用7台LaCoste-Romberg重力仪和1台SG-053超导重力仪,对2009年7月22日日全食期间的重力变化进行了精细的观测.研究利用了目前最好的观测环境和观测仪器,无论观测规模还是观测质量在近百年来日全食的重力观测研究中都是首屈一指的.在经过详细的数据处理和图像分析后,可以确定,日全食期间不存在现有观测能力之上的引力异常,以往发现的异常现象受剧烈的气象变化影响可能性极大.另外,在处理重力观测数据时,本文合理的利用了最小二乘多项式拟合法去除理论潮汐值,使计算得以简化,结论更加可靠.  相似文献   

武汉超导重力仪观测最新结果和海潮模型研究   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用武汉台站GWR_C032超导重力仪观测资料,在对原始数据进行有效预处理的基础上作调和分析,获得反映地球内部介质特征的重力潮汐参数.基于卫星测高技术和有限元方法同时考虑验潮站数据作约束条件获得的多个全球海潮模型,利用负荷理论和数值褶积积分技术计算了重力负荷,对周日和半日频段内的重力潮汐参数实施负荷改正,提出了“负荷改正有效性”概念,研究了全球海潮模型适应性.数值结果说明,海潮改正的有效性高达91%(O1,NAO99)和92%(M2,ORI96).基于11个海潮模型对主波(O1,K1,M2和S2)的负荷改正说明平均有效性为(86%,70%,73%和84%),振幅因子与理论模型间的差异分别从(212%,155%,116%和080%)降到(031%,039%,034%和008%),同时还说明利用NAO99和ORI96全球海潮模型能获得比其他模型更佳的负荷改正效果.文章还利用国际地球动力学计划网络其他7个台站的超导重力仪观测研究了全球海潮模型的适定性问题,结果说明不同模型中不同潮波具有明显的区域特点,早期构制的SCW80全球海潮模型仍可作为大地测量研究中的重要参考模型.  相似文献   

对大地震前的扰动现象的研究有助于认识地震孕育的动力学过程,震前重力扰动已成为关注的热点之一. 对大地震前的扰动现象的研究有助于认识地震孕育的动力学过程,震前重力扰动已成为关注的热点之一. 为检验日本Mw9.0级地震是否存在震前扰动现象,本研究利用全球超导重力仪记录到的地震前后7天内20组秒采样数据进行分析. 经潮汐、大气改正等处理去除仪器的漂移及残余潮汐效应,得到非潮汐重力变化曲线.结果表明大部分振幅大于30×10-8 m·s-2的曲线反映了全球Mw≥6级地震引起的高频波动信号,其中11组数据在3月9日Mw7.3级前震之前出现了扰动现象.震前扰动可分解为三个频段,其中,低于0.1 Hz和高于0.18 Hz的分量分别反映了地震波动信号及非构造信息,中间频段(0.118~0.18 Hz)信号能够较大程度地压制地震波动信号、并同时保留异常扰动信息.它的振幅在3月7日10时之前基本保持约1×10-8 m·s-2,之后开始逐渐增大,到3月9日7.3级前震前后达到最大,此后振荡衰减,振幅保持约(5~10)×10-8 m·s-2,直至主震发生.中间频段信号的变化特征与主震前的应力迁移过程以及实验记录到的地震成核过程有许多相似之处;不过,震前重力异常是否与主震前的应力加速积累有关,仍待进一步研究.  相似文献   

利用超导重力数据探测Slichter模三重分裂信号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于2004苏门答腊地震后全球地球动力学计划观测网中9台超导重力仪13200 h的连续重力观测数据,联合利用整体经验模态分解(EEMD)、最优序列估计(OSE)、积谱密度分析(PSA)和自回归估计(AR)方法,探测地球固态内核平动振荡模态(Slichter模)的三重分裂信号.利用EEMD提取常规预处理后的重力残差中包含目标频段的本征模态函数(IMFs)作为最终的重力残差之后,将每个台站的重力残差平均分成无重叠的3个子数据块,再应用OSE和PSA方法获取Slichter模三重分裂谱线的积谱密度,并采用AR方法估计各积谱中弱共振信号的中心频率及其误差.结果表明,结合OSE和PSA方法探测到三个清晰的谱峰,周期分别为5.8307±7.1×10-4 h、5.2161±8.1×10-4 h和4.7536±5.2×10-4 h,分别对应Slichter模三重分裂谱线m=-1、m=0和m=+1,且三个谱峰的周期与Crossley(1992)、Rochester和Peng(1993)、Peng(1997)和Rogister(2003)基于PREM地球模型给出的Slichter模理论周期非常接近,也与Ding和Shen(2013)建议的"可能的观测结果"较为接近.参考现有的理论和观测结果,本文认为这三个信号可能是Slichter模三重分裂谱线.  相似文献   

武汉台重力潮汐长期观测结果   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用武汉台超导重力仪(SG C032)14年多的长期连续观测资料,研究了固体地球对二阶和三阶引潮力的响应特征,精密测定了重力潮汐参数,系统研究了最新的固体潮模型和海潮模型在中国大陆的有效性.采用最新的8个全球海潮模型计算了海潮负荷效应,从武汉台SG C032的观测中成功分离出63个2阶潮汐波群和15个3阶潮汐波群信号,3阶潮波涵盖了周日、半日和1/3日三个频段.重力潮汐观测的精度非常高,标准偏差达到1.116 nm·s-2,系统反映了非流体静力平衡、非弹性地球对2阶和3阶引潮力的响应特征.结果表明,现有的武汉国际重力潮汐基准在半日频段非常精确,但在周日频段存在比较明显的偏差,需要进一步精化.对于中国大陆的大地测量观测,固体潮可以采用Dehant等考虑地球内部介质非弹性和非流体静力平衡建立的固体潮理论模型或Xu 等基于全球SG观测建立的重力潮汐全球实验模型作为参考和改正模型,海潮负荷效应应该采用Nao99作为改正模型.  相似文献   

The increasing number of hydro-gravimetry studies proves the rising interest of the hydrology community toward this monitoring method. The accuracy of superconducting gravimeters (SG) potentially allows the retrieval of small water storage changes (WSC) down to a few millimeters of equivalent water thickness. However, the importance of corrections applied to SG data to achieve such a precision in gravity residuals should be recalled. The Djougou permanent gravity station presented in this paper and located in northern Benin, West-Africa, provides a good opportunity to review these considerations. This station is equipped since July 2010 with the superconducting gravimeter SG-060 aimed at deriving WSC at different time-scales, daily to inter-annual. In this area, WSC are (1) part of the control system for evapotranspiration (ET) process, a key variable of the West-African monsoon cycle and (2) the state variable for resource management, a critical issue in storage-poor hard rock basement contexts such as in northern Benin. The potential for deriving WSC from time-lapse gravity data partly depends on environmental features such as topography and the instrument shelter. Therefore, this issue is addressed first, with the background idea that such sensitivity analysis should be undertaken before setting up any new instrument. In Djougou, local topography is quite flat leading to a theoretical straightforward relationship between gravity changes and WSC, close to the standard Bouguer value. However, the shelter plays a significant masking role, which is the principal limitation to the retrieval of fast hydrological processes such as ET following a rain event. Several issues concerning classical gravity corrections are also addressed in the paper. These include gap-filling procedures during rain-events and drift estimates for short time series. Special attention is provided to atmospheric corrections, and different approaches are tested: a simple scalar admittance, a filtered scalar admittance, a frequency-dependent admittance and direct atmospheric loading calculations. It is shown that the physically based approach of direct loading calculations performs better in both residual minimization and ET retrieval. Moreover, non-local hydrological effects are investigated and account for about 20% of the gravity residuals. Finally, gravity residuals are briefly analyzed at two distinct time scales: rapid (up to a few days) and seasonal. At the rapid time-scale, it is shown that ET retrieval is hardly achievable given shelter size and state-of-the-art atmospheric corrections. Still, mean values retrieved from this study are in accordance with known values of potential ET and lateral flow. Direct comparison of gravity changes with hydrological data (neutron probe monitoring and water table levels) show some discrepancies, particularly for the hydrological year of 2011, for which all hydrological data show a deficit, but SG and FG5 data do not. This preliminary analysis both provides a basis and call for further hydro-gravity modeling, to comprehensively investigate the water-cycle at the Djougou station.  相似文献   

Long gravity records are of great interest when performing tidal analyses. Indeed, long series enable to separate contributions of near-frequency waves and also to detect low frequency signals (e.g. long period tides and polar motion). In addition to the length of the series, the quality of the data and the temporal stability of the noise are also very important. We study in detail some of the longest gravity records available in Europe: 3 data sets recorded with spring gravimeters in Black Forest Observatory (Germany, 1980–2012), Walferdange (Luxemburg, 1980–1995) and Potsdam (Germany, 1974–1998) and several superconducting gravimeters (SGs) data sets, with at least 9 years of continuous records, at different European GGP (Global Geodynamics Project) sites (Bad Homburg, Brussels, Medicina, Membach, Moxa, Vienna, Wettzell and Strasbourg). The stability of each instrument is investigated using the temporal variations of tidal parameters (amplitude factor and phase difference) for the main tidal waves (O1, K1, M2 and S2) as well as the M2/O1 factor ratio, the later being insensitive to the instrumental calibration. The long term stability of the tidal observations is also dependent on the stability of the scale factor of the relative gravimeters. Therefore we also check the time stability of the scale factor for the superconducting gravimeter C026 installed at the J9 Gravimetric Observatory of Strasbourg (France), using numerous calibration experiments carried out by co-located absolute gravimeter (AG) measurements during the last 15 years. The reproducibility of the scale factor and the achievable precision are investigated by comparing the results of different calibration campaigns. Finally we present a spectrum of the 25 years of SG records at J9 Observatory, with special attention to small amplitude tides in the semi-diurnal and diurnal bands, as well as to the low frequency part.  相似文献   

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