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青藏高原地表土壤水变化、影响因子及未来预估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
土壤水分是地表和大气连接的纽带,在水文循环中扮演着重要角色。青藏高原作为“第三极”和“亚洲水塔”,其土壤水分对周边地区的气候如亚洲季风的形成和维持产生重要影响,也深刻影响着亚洲水资源的可利用量。基于分布在青藏高原3个气候区的100个站点的实测土壤水数据,对ECV、ERA、MERRA、Noah数据集进行评价,选择对土壤水分评估效果最好的数据集,分析各种气象要素对土壤水分时空格局的影响,并预估未来100年内青藏高原土壤水变化,探讨可能气候成因。结果表明:① Noah数据集对青藏高原历史时期土壤水分评估效果最好,相对其他地区,各数据集对那曲地区土壤水分评估效果最优;② 在各种气象因子中,降水是影响大部分地区土壤水分时空变化的最主要因子,但在喜马拉雅山脉地带,尤其山脉北坡,温度和太阳辐射有较高的影响;③ 1948-1970年土壤水分有明显的下降趋势,1970-1990年土壤水分呈波动变化,无明显趋势,1990-2005年土壤水分有一定的上升趋势,2005年后至今土壤水分有明显快速下降趋势:④ 不同未来情景,土壤水分有下降趋势,其中在CRP 8.5情景下,土壤水分下降最为明显,在2080年之后有更加显著的下降趋势;⑤ 未来降水和温度均呈上升趋势,其中干旱指数变化在RCP 8.5情景下呈下降趋势,在RCP 2.6和RCP 4.5情景下无明显变化,干旱指数在一定程度上能解释未来土壤水分的变化格局。 相似文献
Investigating changes in lake systems in the south-central Tibetan Plateau with multi-source remote sensing 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lakes in the Tibetan Plateau are considered sensitive responders to global warming. Variations in physical features of lake systems such as surface area and water level are very helpful in understanding regional responses to global warming in recent decades. In this study, multi-source remote sensing data were used to retrieve the surface area and water level time series of five inland lakes in the south-central part of the Tibetan Plateau over the past decades. Changes in water level and surface area of the lakes were investigated. The results showed that the water level of three lakes (Puma Yumco, Taro Co, Zhari Namco) increased, with expanding surface area, while the water levels of the other two lakes (Paiku Co, Mapam Yumco) fell, with shrinking area. The water levels of the lakes experienced remarkable changes in 2000–2012 as compared with 1976–1999. Spatially, lakes located at the southern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau showed consistency in water level changes, which was different from lakes in the central Tibetan Plateau. 相似文献
被动微波反演土壤水分的L波段新发展及未来展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土壤水分是陆—气交互作用的重要边界条件,在全球水循环和能量循环中扮演着关键角色,直接影响降水、径流、下渗与蒸散发等水文循环过程,并能反映洪涝和干旱的程度。随着第一颗采用被动微波干涉成像技术的SMOS(Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity)卫星的发射成功,L波段被动微波遥感技术逐渐成为大尺度土壤水分监测的主要手段,促进了“射频干扰的检测与抑制”、“植被光学厚度反演与植被影响校正”以及“土壤粗糙度参数化方案”等关键问题的研究。本文梳理了“基于微波植被指数的L波段多角度数据反演土壤水分算法研究”项目的最新研究成果,同时评述了围绕以上关键技术问题所取得的国内外研究进展,并对土壤水分微波遥感的未来发展进行了展望。 相似文献
Landform classification is commonly done using topographic altitude only.However,practice indicates that locations at a same altitude may have distinctly different landforms,depending on characteristics of soils underneath those locations.The objectives of this study were to:1) develop a landform classification approach that is based on both altitude and soil characteristic;and 2) use this approach to determine landforms within a watershed located in northern Ordos Plateau of China.Using data collected at 134 out of 200 sampling sites,this study determined that D10(the diameter of soil particles 10% finer by weight) and long-term average soil moisture acquired in 2010,which can be estimated at reasonable accuracy from remote sensing imagery,can be used to represent soil characteristics of the study watershed.Also,the sampling data revealed that this watershed consists of nine classes of landforms,namely mobile dune(MD),mobile semi-mobile dune(SMD),rolling fixed semi-fixed dune(RFD),flat sandy land(FD),grassy sandy land(GS),bedrock(BR),flat sandy bedrock(FSB),valley agricultural land(VA),and swamp and salt lake(SW).A set of logistic regression equations were derived using data collected at the 134 sampling sites and verified using data at the remaining 66 sites.The verification indicated that these equations have moderate classification accuracy(Kappa coefficients > 43%).The results revealed that the dominant classes in the study watershed are FD(36.3%),BR(27.0%),and MD(23.5%),while the other six types of landforms(i.e.,SMD,RFD,GS,FSB,VA,and SW) in combination account for 13.2%.Further,the landforms determined in this study were compared with the classes pre-sented by a geologically-based classification map.The comparison indicated that the geo-logically-based classification could not identify multiple landforms within a class that are de-pendent upon soil characteristics. 相似文献
Recent changes in wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau: A review 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
青藏高原主要生态系统净初级生产力的估算 总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35
利用青藏高原贡嘎山、海北、五道梁、拉萨等4个野外台站2000~2002年的观测数据、陆地生态系统模型与2001年MODIS遥感数据相结合的方法来估算青藏高原区域的净初级生产力。结果表明:青藏高原区域的净初级生产力空间分布趋势表现出由东南向西北逐渐递减的梯度,该趋势也与水热梯度表现基本一致;整个青藏高原的净初级生产力为302.44×1012 gC yr-1,其中森林的净初级生产力最高,120.11×1012 gC yr-1,占整个高原净初级生产力的39.7%;全年中夏季(6~8月) 的净初级生产力最高,246.7×1012 gC yr-1,约占全年总净初级生产力的80%。用实测数据验证模拟结果表明,二者非常相符。 相似文献
SiQiong Luo BoLi Chen ShiHua Lyu XueWei Fang JingYuan Wang XianHong Meng LunYu Shang ShaoYing Wang Di Ma 《寒旱区科学》2018,10(1):80-94
The simulation of soil temperature on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays a dominant role in the performance of both global climate and numerical weather forecast models. To improve the simulation of soil temperature on the TP, the Johansen soil thermal conductivity parameterization scheme was introduced into Community Land Model 3.5 (CLM3.5) and Regional Climatic Model 4 (RegCM4). The improved CLM3.5 and RegCM4-CLM were utilized to conduct offline and regional simulation experiments on the TP. Comparison of the new and old schemes revealed that CLM3.5 provides high thermal conductivity parameters of mineral soil solid on the TP. The Johansen scheme is more practical for the TP than the soil thermal conductivity parameterization in CLM3.5. The simulation of soil temperature and liquid water content was improved in offline experiment. The improved parameterization scheme can also reduce the simulation error of soil temperature in winter throughout the entire TP. 相似文献
青藏高原的湖泊水位变化能够清晰的记录湖泊波动,分析近几十年来气候变暖背景下青藏高原典型湖泊水位的动态变化,对理解全球变化的区域响应特征和规律有重要意义。本文利用多源遥感数据,获取1972-2012年青藏高原南部地区5个典型湖泊的面积与水位序列,并分析了40年来湖泊水位的变化特征。研究结果表明,1972-2012年,普莫雍错,塔若错,扎日南木错水位呈上升趋势,分别上升了0.89 m、0.70 m、0.40 m;同期,佩枯错与玛旁雍错的水位呈下降趋势,分别下降了1.70 m、0.70 m。总体来看,五个湖泊在1990s-2012年的变化比1970s-1990s的变化更剧烈,从空间变化看,处于青藏高原边缘地带的佩枯错与玛旁雍错发生的变化呈现一致性,而位于中部地带的塔若错与扎日南木错的变化也呈现一致性。 相似文献