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Tephras provide one of the most reliable methods of time control and synchronisation within Quaternary sequences. We report on the identification of two widespread rhyolitic tephras – the Kawakawa and Rangitawa tephras – preserved in extensive peat deposits on Chatham Island ~900 km east of New Zealand. The tephras, both products of supereruptions from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, occur as pale, fine‐ash dominated layers typically 10–150 mm thick. Mineralogically they are dominated by rhyolitic glass, together with subordinate amounts of quartz, feldspar, hypersthene, hornblende, Fe–Ti oxides and zircon. Phlogopite/biotite was identified additionally in Rangitawa Tephra. Ages for each tephra were obtained via mineralogical and major element glass composition‐based correlation with well‐dated equivalent deposits on mainland New Zealand, and we also obtained a new zircon fission‐track age for Rangitawa Tephra (350 ± 50 ka) on Chatham Island. Both tephras were erupted at critical times for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in the New Zealand region: the Kawakawa at ca. 27 cal. ka, near the beginning of the ‘extended’ LGM early in marine isotope stage (MIS) 2; and the Rangitawa at ca. 350 ka near the end of MIS 10. The time constraints provided by the tephras demonstrate that Chatham Island peats contain long‐distance pollen derived from mainland New Zealand, which provides a reliable proxy for identifying glacial–interglacial climate conditions, in this case during the MIS 11–10 and MIS 2–1 cycles. The two tephras thus provide important chronostratigraphic tie‐points that facilitate correlation and synchronisation not only across the Quaternary deposits of the Chatham Islands group but also with climatically significant terrestrial and marine records in the wider New Zealand region. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new marine reptile record for the Upper Cretaceous of the Chatham Islands is described from the Takatika Grit. Incomplete mosasaur and plesiosaur remains represent the first record of marine reptiles from the Chatham Islands and wider New Zealand. Present among the myriad bones are elasmosaurid plesiosaurs and mosasaurine mosasaurs. This assemblage is comparable to the New Zealand marine reptile record and represents apex predators that flourished in a zone of upwelling in a Late Cretaceous southern high-latitude ecosystem.  相似文献   

The East Coast Fold Belt (ECFB) of the North Island, New Zealand, is the continuation of the Tonga-Kermadec arc-trench system. Structurally its tectonic front to the east defines the Indian-Pacific plate boundary. This, however, is not continuous with the Kermadec Trench. Large-scale fragmentation of the ECFB into segments of greatly varying width, strike and structure may be caused by a strongly segmented subducting plate, individual segments of which strike in different directions and have different dips and rates of subduction. Towards the southwest, regional change of strike with respect to plate motion has resulted in the formation of a broad shear zone marked by a strongly subsiding trough filled with rapidly deposited, largely undeformed sediments in front of the ECFB. This foredeep (Hikurangi Trough), which thus occupies the gap between ECFB (Indian plate) and the continental Chatham Rise (Pacific plate) is gradually being involved in the overall deformation, due to continuing motion of the Pacific plate to the southwest, in a slightly oblique sense along the shear zone. As a result, the Hikurangi Trough is shifting with time to the east-northeast. From a tectonic, structural and morphological point of view, it is unrelated to the Kermadec Trench which terminates in the region of East Cape.The structure of the ECFB is characterized mainly by extension normal to the plate boundary, with regional tilting and down-faulting of the continental margin. Effects of compression are observed only locally, and are often due to diapiric uplifts caused by widespread, undercompacted shale. Such diapirs form elongate structural highs which in many cases have supplied sediments into adjacent basins on their landward side. Overall the continental slope and margin are underlain by land-derived sediments which exhibit in-place deformation. Locally they extend as undeformed sediment aprons beyond the tectonicfront. There is no compelling evidence of a subduction complex of imbricate thrust slices. It is concluded that the tectonic evolution is not controlled by accretion but rather by subsidence and tectonic erosion along the continental margin. The conditions are complicated, however, because of the discrete change from an oceanic arc-trench subduction system to an intercontinental shear zone.  相似文献   

Sea-rafted Loisels Pumice is one of the few stratigraphic markers used to correlate late Holocene coastal deposits in New Zealand. Along with underlying sea-rafted products of the local Taupo eruption of ca. 1800 yr B.P., these events have been used to bracket the first arrival of humans at New Zealand. Loisels Pumice is dacitic to rhyolitic (SiO263–78 wt%) in composition, but individual clasts are homogeneous (SiO2range ± 1 wt%). Characteristics include very low K2O (0.5–1.75 wt%) and Rb (<25 ppm) and a mineralogy dominated by calcic and mafic xenocrysts. Similar features are shared by pumices of the Tonga–Kermadec arc, suggesting a common tholeiitic oceanic source. Interclast diversity of Loisels Pumice suggests that it is the product of several eruptive events from different volcanoes. The differences in glass and mineral compositions found at various sites can be explained if the deposits are from different events. A multisource origin can also partially explain the discrepancy in reported14C ages (ca. 1500–600 yr B.P.) from different localities. Therefore, the value of Loisels Pumice as a stratigraphic marker is questionable, and it does not constrain the arrival of humans. The predominant westward drift of historic Tonga–Kermadec arc pumices and prevailing ocean currents suggest a long anticlockwise semicircular transport route into the Tasman Sea before sea-rafted pumice arrival in New Zealand. The diversity of the pumices indicates that silicic eruptions frequently occur from the predominantly basic oceanic volcanoes.  相似文献   

New information from the southwest Pacific indicates that earlier attempts at formulating the evolution of the area assuming a single Upper Cenozoic magmatic arc are untenable. It now appears that there were two arcs during the Miocene and Pliocene, a western Northland/Three Kings Rise arc, and an eastern Tonga-Lau/Kermadec-Colville arc. Both appear to have developed above west-dipping subduction zones. It is suggested that the Norfolk- and Reinga basins formed as back-arc basins to the western arc, and that eastern North Island lay adjacent to Northland and formed the accretionary prism to that arc. Upper Cenozoic evolution of the region involved the simultaneous opening of the Norfolk/Reinga basins, consumption of the western portion of the Oligocene South Fiji Basin by subduction beneath the western arc, and eastwards movement of New Zealand/Three Kings Rise towards the Tonga/Kermadec arc. When the Kermadec and Hikurangi trenches came into line late in the Pliocene, the Tonga/Kermadec arc was able to propagate rapidly southwards into North Island; simultaneously the western arc became extinct, and the tectonic tempo and strike-slip faulting accelerated markedly throughout New Zealand. Eastern North Island was moved dextrally an uncertain distance relative to the western North Island, and rotated 25°–30° clockwise. This accounts for the paradox of a 22-m.y. old accretionary margin lying adjacent to a 2-m.y. old arc (Taupo Volcanic Zone) at the present day.  相似文献   

Based on geomorphologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of its territory, Lebanon is divided into three provinces: the West Lebanon province, the Bekaa province, and the East Anti-Lebanon province. These provinces are subdivided into smaller hydrogeologic units, the basins and subbasins. Significant features used in the subdivision are faults, relief, anticlinal axes, river channels, and water divides. Recharge to groundwater is a percentage of the intake area, the percipitation rate over this area, and the infiltration rate of outcropping rocks. The amounts of recharged water over the three provinces are 1609, 914, and 19 Mm3, respectively. Discharge is surface water from springs and water wells along the Lebanese coast. The discharge from the Lebanese rivers exceeds 3700 Mm3/year, an appreciable amount of which comes from natural springs. The quantity of groundwater pumped by wells or flowing into neighboring countries and to the sea as submarine springs, may exceed 800 Mm3/year.  相似文献   

The intra-oceanic Kermadec arc system extends ~1300 km between New Zealand and Fiji and comprises at least 30 arc front volcanoes, the Havre Trough back-arc and the remnant Colville and Kermadec Ridges. To date, most research has focussed on the Kermadec arc front volcanoes leaving the Colville and Kermadec Ridges virtually unexplored. Here, we present seven 40Ar/39Ar ages together with a comprehensive major and trace element and Sr-, Nd-, and Pb-isotope dataset from the Colville and Kermadec Ridges to better understand the evolution, petrogenesis and splitting of the former proto-Kermadec (Vitiaz) Arc to form these two remnant arc ridges. Our 40Ar/39Ar ages range from ~7.5–2.6 Ma, which suggests that arc volcanism at the Colville Ridge occurred continuously and longer than previously thought. Recovered Colville and Kermadec Ridge lavas range from mafic picro-basalts (MgO = ~8 wt%) to dacites. The lavas have arc-type normalised incompatible element patterns and Sr and Pb isotopic compositions intermediate between Pacific MORB and subducted lithosphere (including sediments, altered oceanic crust and serpentinised uppermost mantle). Geochemically diverse lavas, including ocean island basalt-like and potassic lavas with high Ce/Yb, Th/Zr, intermediate 206Pb/204Pb and low 143Nd/144Nd ratios were recovered from the Oligocene South Fiji Basin (and Eocene Three Kings Ridge) located west of the Colville Ridge. If largely trench-perpendicular mantle flow was operating during the Miocene, this geochemical heterogeneity was likely preserved in the Colville and Kermadec sub arc mantle. Between 4.41 ± 0.35 and 3.40 ± 0.24 Ma some Kermadec Ridge lavas record a shift from Colville Ridge- to Kermadec arc front-like, suggesting the proto-Kermadec (Vitiaz-) arc split post 4.41 ± 0.35 Ma. The Colville and Kermadec Ridge data therefore place new constraints on the regional tectonic evolution and highlight the complex interplay between pre-existing mantle heterogeneities and material fluxes from the subducting Pacific Plate. The new data allow us to present a holistic (yet simplified) picture of the tectonic evolution of the late Vitiaz Arc and northern Zealandia since the Miocene and how this tectonism influences volcanic activity along the Kermadec arc at the present.  相似文献   

Phosphatic concretions and nodules, some of which are coated with goethite, have been dredged at depths between 210 and 385 m from the upper continental slope off northern New South Wales. Some of these appear to have been concentrated on a low sea level terrace at a depth of about 210 m by wave action, while deeper‐water non‐abraded examples may have been winnowed from host sediments by relatively gentle current activity. Similarities in structure, mineralogy and age of contained fauna are noted between nodules described in this paper and phosphatic nodules from the California Continental Borderland, the Chatham Rise off New Zealand and Cainozoic sediments outcropping in Victoria. It is proposed that the Eastern Australian material formed as phosphatic concretions within phosphorus‐enriched slope sediments during diagenesis and that they have since been winnowed, exposed and in some cases re‐cemented into agglomerations on the sea floor in areas of low sedimentation rate.  相似文献   

Ras Banas Peninsula is a large triangular tract of land jutting out into the Red Sea. It extends about 40 km eastward out of the general trend of the Red Sea coast of Egypt, covering an area of about 600 km2. Three sandy spits are jutting out from the main body of the peninsula into the Red Sea, possibly representing relics of structural trends, two of which are located at the western part and the third one is extending from the eastern edge forming a further seaward extension of the main body. A series of isometric and contour maps of the whole area under investigation are provided in digitized visual form of geomorphologic features, landforms and slope configuration. According to difference in relief, the study area can be subdivided into three topographic divisions, namely coastal plain (<50 m), medium-height land (50–150 m) and hinterland (>150 m). Drainage and lineament maps of the drainage networks were prepared from the topographic map and satellite images of the area. The prepared lineament map shows four main trends that control the configuration of the drainage system in the study area. These trends are Aqaba trend (NE–SW to NNE–SSW), Red Sea trend (NW–SE to NNW–SSE), Nubian trend (N–S), and Tethyan trend (E–W). It is clear that the structural trends, lithology and general slope are the main controls of developing parallel and dendritic drainage patterns in the area. Both geomorphology and drainage system configuration have great influences on the land use and natural hazards affecting the peninsula especially torrential floods and sea level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Summary The New Zealand region is characterised by a crust 20–25 kms in thickness, and a sub-crust extending to at least 370 kms. These are separated by a transition layer extending from the base of the crust to a depth of about 100 kms. The crust is divided into blocks by steeply dipping faults. Some blocks are seismically active and others stable. The region is bounded by the Pacific Basin to the east, and the Tasman Basin to the west. Both of these areas have oceanic crusts about 5 kms thick. The sub-crust is traversed by a major wedge-shaped structure within which the deep focus seismicity is confined. This has been named the Sub-Crustal Rift, and its activity is apparently an extension of that associated with the Kermadec Trench. It follows a roughly south-west course from the Bay of Plenty to Farewell Spit, when it turns abruptly south-south-east, and finishes close to the Alpine Fault. Faults with both north-east and north-west trends are at present active. The most important of the north-west faults appears to run through Cook Strait. It is considered that the main crustal faults could have developed as the result of successive positioning above the Sub-Crustal Rift. Stable blocks have not been fractured in this way. There is some evidence for a difference in crustal structure on opposite sides of the Rift. The western portion is about 5 kms thicker, and contains a layer in which the P-velocities exceed 7 km/sec. No velocities above 6 1/2 km/sec have been observed in the eastern part. There is no evidence of arcuate structure. All the crustal and sub-crustal features appear to follow linear trends.  相似文献   

Agriculture was the primary target of moves to deregulate the New Zealand economy in 1984. Within twelve-months all production subsidies had been removed, including those for fertiliser and other inputs, as well as funding for drought relief, floods and other natural weather disasters. Whereas at the start of 1984, subsidies were estimated to represent as much as 33% of farm income, by 2003 this had fallen to less than 2% with most of this spent on agricultural research. The anticipated shift of thousands of people off the land did not appear to occur, and by conventional measures at least New Zealand agriculture in 2003 is a major success story. At the core of the changes imposed on agriculture was a commitment to remove all state or government distortions from the system and to fully expose the agricultural sector to market forces. This included wide-ranging and fundamental changes in the broad institutional context within which agriculture must operate. All this was achieved at great social cost and with a significant impact on the environment. In many respects New Zealand agriculture is now very different from that in 1984. Some sectors, such as dairying, have grown and become increasingly industrialised. On the other hand, sheep farming, particularly for wool has struggled to maintain its market share, while other enterprises have emerged as significant sources of income, including horticulture, viticulture and fruit. It is argued here that the trends evident in New Zealand agriculture since 1984 pre-existed the reform period and that the apparent success of the reforms evident at a national scale have not addressed or removed the fundamental problems which face New Zealand agriculture, just as they do modern agricultural systems elsewhere. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic and structural changes, radiometrically and biostratigraphically dated, from basins and basement across New Zealand, indicate that the modern Australia-Pacific plate boundary, including the Alpine fault sector, formed between 28 and 24 Ma. This age range coincides with changes at about 25 Ma in the trends of the Hawaiian and Louisville hotspot chains, and a 27–25 Ma reorganization of spreading on the Antarctic-Pacific spreading ridge. It also follows closely the 28.5 Ma initiation of subduction of the East Pacific Rise south of Mendocino fracture zone that lead to formation of the San Andreas continental transform. The late Oligocene Pacific-wide tectonic reorganization may have been triggered by this ridge-trench collision.  相似文献   

Analysis of New Zealand geology using a fore-arc model (Crook, 1980a) leads to the recognition of four arc terrains. The west facing Tuhua volcanic arc was active from the Late Proterozoic until the Middle or Late Cambrian. Post-subduction sediments, neritic in the east and flysch in the west, accumulated on the Tuhua accretionary prism from the Late Cambrian until the Early Devonian. Thermal equilibration, metamorphism, granitoid plutonism and penetrative deformation occurred in the Middle to Late Devonian. A small area of Permian platform cover has escaped later erosion. The east-facing Rangitata Terrain records subduction from Early Permian to late Early Cretaceous. Much of its accretionary prism consists of a submarine fan complex derived from Western Antarctica and carried sideways into the trench. The accretionary prism is thick and completely kratonized in southern New Zealand, but the thickness is more variable northwards. There the overlying Upper Cretaceous to Upper Oligocene post-subduction sequence comprises shelf sediments (implying an intermediate-thickness prism) or flysch followed by shelf sediments (implying a thin prism). During the accumulation of this sequence the Rangitata Terrain was a passive continental margin. The south-facing Jurassic-late Oligocene Northland Terrain collided with this passive margin in northern New Zealand at the end of the Oligocene, forming the Northland Allochthon. Subduction then flipped and the oldest part of the Kaikoura Terrain volcanic arc formed on the outer part of the Northland Terrain. Originally this terrain faced northeast and consumed the southwestern part of the South Fiji Basin crust, but during the Miocene the arc migrated clockwise to assume its present northeastern orientation. The fore-arc model employed here satisfactorily explains most first-order and many second-order features of New Zealand geology without requiring modification, thus attesting to the model's versatility and robustness. New Zealand provides a basis for elaborating some aspects of the model, particularly the transition from the syn- to post-subduction phases of fore-arc evolution. Combination of this study with a similar study of the southeastern Australian Paleozoic yields insights into the Phanerozoic evolution of the Australian: Pacific Plates' active margin.  相似文献   

This paper presents field, geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd,Pb) results on basalts from the Antipodes, Campbell and ChathamIslands, New Zealand. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinations alongwith previous K–Ar dates reveal three major episodes ofvolcanic activity on Chatham Island (85–82, 41–35,5 Ma). Chatham and Antipodes samples comprise basanite, alkaliand transitional basalts that have HIMU-like isotopic (206Pb/204Pb>20·3–20·8, 87Sr/86Sr <0·7033,143Nd/144Nd >0·5128) and trace element affinities(Ce/Pb 28–36, Nb/U 34–66, Ba/Nb 4–7). Thegeochemistry of transitional to Q-normative samples from CampbellIsland is explained by interaction with continental crust. Thevolcanism is part of a long-lived (100 Myr), low-volume, diffusealkaline magmatic province that includes deposits on the Northand South Islands of New Zealand as well as portions of WestAntarctica and SE Australia. All of these continental areaswere juxtaposed on the eastern margin of Gondwanaland at >83Ma. A ubiquitous feature of mafic alkaline rocks from this regionis their depletion in K and Pb relative to other highly incompatibleelements when normalized to primitive mantle values. The inversionof trace element data indicates enriched mantle sources thatcontain variable proportions of hydrous minerals. We proposethat the mantle sources represent continental lithosphere thathost amphibole/phlogopite-rich veins formed by plume- and/orsubduction-related metasomatism between 500 and 100 Ma. Thestrong HIMU signature (206Pb/204Pb >20·5) is consideredto be an in-grown feature generated by partial dehydration andloss of hydrophile elements (Pb, Rb, K) relative to more magmaphileelements (Th, U, Sr) during short-term storage at the base ofthe lithosphere. KEY WORDS: continental alkaline basalts; lithospheric mantle, mantle metasomatism; New Zealand; OIB, HIMU; Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes; West Antarctica  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to determine the sedimentary cover, and structural trends in the central part of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. This study has been implemented by the integration of gravity and magnetic methods. Gravity data has been used for 2D modelling along some profiles perpendicular to the main structural trends of the study area. Magnetic data will be analyzed to determine the depth to the basement surface. The depths obtained from magnetic data will be used as a control points in the gravity modelling in order to minimize the error and facilitate the iteration of the suggested models. The basement relief map from magnetic and gravity output has been produced. This map indicates that, the basement depths, generally, increases from south to north and from east to west direction of the study area. The sedimentary cover is about 1.5-2 km in the southern part and increases to more than 4 km in the northeastern and western parts and changes gradually in the other parts of the study area. Results of structural trend analysis indicate that, the study area is greatly affected by several structural trends; N-S, E-W, NW-SE, and NNE-SSW directions. These trends are associated with the Baltim fault trend, Tethyan trend, Gulf of Suez, and Aqaba trend, respectively.  相似文献   

Lineament maps based on Landsat, geological and aeromagnetic data on land, and aeromagnetic, gravity and seismic reflection data at sea have been studied to determine the main lineament trends on land and off-shore in southern Norway.On land there are three main structural trends (NE-SW, NW-SE and N-S) as well as a fourth, weaker trend (E-W). These four trends are thought to represent fracture patterns of Precambrian age.In the off-shore part of the study area, the same four trends are shown by the aeromagnetic data. (The gravity data yield unsatisfactory results for which the reasons are given.) It is therefore concluded that the same type of crystalline basement that is exposed on land also underlies the off-shore area.It is argued that these Precambrian structural trends have also pre-determined lines of weakness in Phanerozoic times. Fracture sets in the Norwegian Caledonides may provide an example of large-scale re-activation of the NE-SW structural trend, and the Viking and Oslo Grabens of the re-activation of the N-S trend.On a smaller scale, and in the off-shore part of the study area, it is likely that a re-activation of the NE-SW structural trend has played a role in the formation of the Ling Graben, the NW-SE trend in the origin of the Sele and Flekkefjord Highs, the N-S trend in the formation of the Lista Nose, and the E-W trend in the formation of the Farsund Sub-basin.  相似文献   

The frequency and periodicity of preserved graded turbidite cycles in submarine fans in the Coral Sea and Sea of Japan are correlated to times of tectonic uplift in response to major collisions in the Owen-Stanley Range of Papua and the Hida Range of Japan, respectively. Large frequencies and shorter-term periodicities of turbidites at DSDP Site 210 were coeval with early Pliocene maximum tectonic-uplift rates which occurred in the Owen-Stanley Range in response to obduction. Similarly, large frequencies and shorter-term periodicities of turbidites at Site 299 (Toyama Submarine Fan) were coeval with the late Pleistocene uplift in the Hida Range; this uplift of 1000 to 1500 m occurred in response to collision tectonics. In both cases, trends of increasing frequencies and towards shorter-term periodicities of preserved turbidite depositional events correlate to trends of increasing rates of tectonic uplift.The role of sea-level fluctuations on changing denudation rates in these two collision zones is secondary. At Site 210, larger frequencies and short-term periodicities of preserved turbidites were coeval with early Pliocene high stands of sea level, whereas at Site 299, Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations are considered minor because at low stands of sea level, both relief and denudation rates were increased by about ten to 14%. At Site 286 (New Hebrides Basin), Eocene turbidite deposition is coeval with high stands of sea level, whereas at Site 297 (Northern Shikoku Basin), turbidite deposition was coeval with both rising and falling sea level.Analysis of both frequency and periodicity of turbidites by fan subenvironment at Site 299 indicates a record of continuous deposition, and maintainance of frequency and periodicity trends controlled by tectonic uplift. Late Pleistocene channel and overbank deposits showed periodicity differences of less than 28% of an order of magnitude, whereas Miocene-Pliocene overbank and distal turbidite periodicities differed by a 19% order of magnitude. Greater differences in magnitude occurred between distal turbidites or early Pleistocene age and Pliocene age than between Miocene-Pliocene overbank and distal turbidite deposition with a magnitude difference of 860%. These findings suggest that shifting depocenters and differences in sedimentation history in subenvironments of submarine fans are secondary to the role of tectonic uplift in this particular case.The minimal rate of tectonic uplift required to generate deep-sea fan turbidities appears to be approximately 400 m/million years. This figure is tentative and is based on very few observation points.Frequency and periodicity of preserved turbidite cycles in submarine fans in active continental margins and ancient counterparts should provide an independent measurement of rates and timing of tectonic uplift, particularly in collision terrains. Because this sediment parameter is a record of a single process from a single source and a record of “event stratigraphy”, its usage is preferable over standard and bulk sediment accumulation rates determined from age depth curves.  相似文献   

1470—2008年中国西北干旱地区旱涝变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究西北干旱地区的旱涝变化规律对于区域抗旱减灾具有重要的现实意义。建立区域综合旱涝指数模型,利用西北4省区19个站点的旱涝等级序列,建立区域综合旱涝指数序列。发现区域在1470—2008年间呈现出干旱频发的态势,且区域内的西部比东部、高海拔地区较低海拔地区更易发生干旱灾害。利用经验模态分解方法处理区域综合旱涝指数序列,发现区域综合旱涝指数变化存在2.5年、7.5年、13.1年、25.7年、77.0年和134.8年等准周期变化。且近539年来,西北干旱地区区域综合旱涝指数呈减小趋势,未来区域干旱综合强度有减轻态势。  相似文献   

本文介绍了新西兰的地震背景以及城市防震减灾工作的组织机构、动作及相关措施。  相似文献   

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