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先存断裂对抽水沉降及地裂缝活动影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过度抽取地下水对断层构造型地裂缝的加剧作用是很明显的,但具体的作用机制却很复杂,过去的研究多是简单的定性分析,数值模拟和定量计算少有报道。笔者采用比奥(Biot)固结渗流理论和基于A、B面接触判断的库仑滑动和张裂的接触面单元,对抽水作用下地裂缝的活动进行了数值模拟,初步探讨了抽水活动引发和加剧地裂缝活动的机制。结果表明:抽水作用下抽水井周围水平应力场发生近井区挤压、远井区拉张的变化,当拉张区内的拉应力超过土体抗拉强度时将会出现自上而下的张裂缝;先存断裂的存在将影响应力变化的模式,同时由于断裂的软弱性,使得地层容易沿其发生滑动或拉裂,从而加剧地裂缝的活动;先存断裂对地面沉降和地裂缝具有诱导、隔离和放大的作用。  相似文献   

抽水作用下先期断裂对地裂缝的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过度抽取地下水和先期存在的断裂构造是西安市地裂缝地质灾害发生的主要原因。作者首先从理论上分析了抽水情况下地裂缝形成的张拉破裂机制、剪切破裂机制和张剪复合破裂机制,并从结构面控制理论分析了先期断裂在地裂缝形成中的控制作用;然后依据比奥三维固结理论,采用FLAC软件建立了西安地裂缝的计算模型,比较了抽水作用时没有先期断裂和地层差异、有先期断裂而没有地层差异、有地层差异而无先期断裂等情况时的地面变形特征,得出抽水作用下,先期断裂对地裂缝的形成及发展具有诱导、隔离和放大的耦合作用,从而得出先期断裂不仅仅只是地裂缝形成的构造基础的结论。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂不同时间尺度下的滑移速率及构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿尔金断裂是亚洲大陆最大、也是最活跃的走滑断层之一.一般认为,印度板块与欧亚大陆间的汇聚通过地壳增厚与沿阿尔金等主要深大断裂的侧向滑移2种机制被青藏高原造山带的地壳形变所吸收.由于这2种机制所预测的阿尔金断裂的左旋滑移速率相差甚巨,因此,阿尔金断裂的滑移速率成为判断2种机制相对重要性的重要依据.采用地质学、大地测量学及数值模拟方法对阿尔金断裂滑移的研究结果表明,阿尔金断裂的滑移速率呈长期减小的趋势;青藏高原经历了由块体的侧向挤出向地壳增厚的转变过程;阿尔金断裂在不同地质时间尺度下的滑移速率尚需精确确定;单纯将阿尔金断裂滑移速率的大小作为判断青藏高原构造模式的依据也是应该受到质疑的.  相似文献   

岩石磁学能揭示岩石的磁性矿物组合,通过断裂岩不同的磁性矿物组合可揭示地震过程中磁性矿物变化、地震摩擦温度及地震滑移机制等基础地震地质问题。2008年Mw 7.9级汶川地震使两条断裂带同时发生地表破裂,包括映秀-北川和灌县-安县断裂地表破裂带,破裂带上地震断裂岩为岩石磁学提供了大量的研究对象。本研究主要以汶川地震地表破裂带上两个探槽内断裂岩为对象,包括映秀-北川地表破裂带上的八角庙探槽和灌县-安县地表破裂带上的九龙探槽,结合目前已发表的地表及WFSD-1孔的研究成果,从岩石磁学角度探讨汶川地震断裂带经历的地震滑移机制:1综合映秀-北川地震断裂带上八角庙探槽和其它位置的断裂岩岩石磁学研究,结果显示该地震断裂带附近断层泥的高磁化率源于新生的亚铁磁性矿物,如磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿等,故映秀-北川地震断裂曾经历高温快速热增压地震滑移机制;2灌县-安县地震断裂带上九龙探槽内断层泥略低的平均磁化率源于其铁的硫化物含量比断层角砾及侏罗纪砂岩多,铁的硫化物可能源于地震过程或断裂岩抬升到地表后的地表作用,如果断层泥中铁的硫化物多含量源于地震过程,则灌县-安县地震断裂带曾经历低温慢速机械润滑地震滑移机制;3两条断裂经历的不同地震滑移机制可能受控于断裂深部结构,如断层产状,映秀-北川地震断裂带的陡倾角易产生高温快速地震滑移,而灌县-安县地震断裂带的缓倾角更易产生低温慢速地震滑移。  相似文献   

东南亚某在建水电站坝址右岸边坡在开挖过程中,不同高程部位产生了一系列的变形破坏现象,主要表现为裂缝、局部滑塌及滑移,已处于临界失稳状态。基于边坡开挖后的实际工程地质条件、现场地质调查及监测成果,总结了该边坡的变形特征,系统分析了变形破坏现象的成因机制。研究结果表明:边坡开挖后形成临空面,应力场重新分布调整,岩体向临空面回弹,加剧了岩体裂隙的张开度以及贯通程度,为雨水入渗提供了良好的通道,使得F11断层中物质吸水软化,产生不均匀变形,致使裂缝以及局部滑塌出现;后期2次强降雨,加速裂隙向深部延伸发展,迅速软化岩(土)体,压缩蠕变累计量大,滑面贯穿形成蠕滑–拉裂型滑坡。研究为边坡后续开挖及支护提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

在土质边坡稳定性分析中,滑裂面的确定至关重要,而当前普遍采用的圆弧滑动面法会产生较大误差。采用滑移线场理论确定滑裂面,并结合动力有限单元法,提出了一种地震作用下土质边坡稳定性的分析方法。首先求出地震作用下土坡的应力场,运用滑移线场法搜索得到不同时刻土坡的临界滑移线,然后再根据临界滑移线上的应力分布求出对应于该滑移线的安全系数,以最小平均安全系数作为评价指标,实现地震作用下土质边坡的稳定性分析,最后结合工程实例,求得不同时刻的土坡临界滑移线及其对应的安全系数,并对该土坡的动力抗震稳定性进行了评价。分析表明:安全系数小于1.2的滑移线共同构成了地震作用下土坡的剪切带,与土坡的塑性区吻合,验证了文中分析方法的合理性。  相似文献   

滑移-弯曲破坏是顺层岩质边坡的常见破坏模式之一。基于板裂结构顺层岩质边坡的地质成因分析,将最大拉应力强度理论引入到地质力学模型分析中;根据破坏特征,将板裂结构顺层岩质边坡的岩层带分为滑移段和弯曲段;采用能量法、Rayleigh-Ritz方法及势能驻值原理等近似模拟弯曲段的挠曲方程;运用梁板强度理论,推导了板裂结构顺层岩质边坡最大拉应力计算公式和边坡潜在破坏点预测模型;在此基础上,将理论公式程序化,通过典型滑坡算例,得到了理论预测值与实际破坏值的近似一致性;通过FLAC3D数值模拟软件分析了山阳滑坡的破坏过程,并得出:(1)滑坡体总位移的变化趋势呈现出明显的滑移-弯曲变化特征;(2)最大拉应力和张拉塑性区所在位置的数值模拟结果与理论计算结果近似一致。  相似文献   

松辽盆地深层火山岩天然气藏勘探获突破进展,表明火山岩成藏条件良好。在火山岩天然气成藏研究方面前人做了很多工作,但对于断层在成藏控制作用方面研究较少。本文以松辽盆地东南部王府断陷为研究对象,利用地震资料进行构造、断裂精细解释,总结了断裂发育特征,并系统分析了断裂体系对成藏的控制作用,认为该区断裂体系是火山岩气藏最为根本和关键的控制因素,具体表现在不同级别、不同期次的断层对油气成藏的控制作用不同。王府西断裂为铲式断裂,是控制洼陷形成的边界大断层。王府1东基底断裂与城深2东基底断裂控制了山东屯与小城子两个二级构造带的形成,还直接控制火山岩储集体的分布。本区火山口大多发育于两条或多条断裂的交汇处,其四周依次发育爆发相、溢流相、火山通道相、火山沉积相,其中最有利的火山岩储集体主要发育于爆发相与溢流相。利用地震技术能够对火山岩储集体进行有效识别。储层研究表明,山东屯构造带火山岩储集体发育,西邻沉积中心与烃源岩构成良好的生储盖组合,是王府断陷深层天然气成藏最为有利的地区。断裂体系对火山口与火山岩相及储集体的分布具有重要的控制作用,对研究区火山岩成藏至关重要。这些认识对类似地区的勘探有一定指导作用。  相似文献   

高永伟  曹新志  张旺生 《矿产与地质》2012,26(2):114-118,125
210金矿床位于新-甘边界地区哈密市境内,大地构造背景位于哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块与塔里木板块交汇部位东北缘的北山裂谷。断裂构造是矿床内最为重要的控矿因素。F210韧脆性剪切断裂带为矿床内的主干断裂,由该断裂张性破裂发育的逆冲断裂破碎带为210金矿床的直接控矿构造,控制了蚀变岩型金矿化的发育,由逆冲剪切产生的叠瓦式逆断层不含矿,而近NS向缓倾斜构造控制了210金矿床石英脉型矿化的发育。并运用里德尔剪切理论对逆冲断裂带控矿构造成因机制进行了分析。  相似文献   

为了研究含弱面斜坡在强震作用下变形破坏规律,对含单一弱面的3组斜坡模型模拟地震作用下的变形破坏,并用数字散斑相关方法对实验结果进行处理,得到斜坡模型位移和应变。从实验结果可以发现:位移和应变变形均集中在弱面上,随着震动的持续,这种变形积累最终导致斜坡发生破坏; 模型对比中可以发现,在斜坡体内弱面越深则斜坡稳定性越强,在斜坡体内弱面越长则斜坡稳定性越弱。分析模型最初在顶部出现裂缝和沿弱面发生滑动的原因。  相似文献   

A model is proposed for studying the mechanical behaviour of faults during their interseismic periods. The model considers a plane fault surface in an elastic medium, subject to a uniform shear stress which increases slowly with time. A1-D friction distribution is assumed on the fault, characterized by asperities and a weaker zone. The traction vector on the fault plane has an arbitrary orientation: in particular, it can be nonperpendicular to the asperity borders. Aseismic fault slip takes place when the applied stress exceeds the frictional resistance: slip starts in weak zones and is confined by asperities, where it propagates at increasing velocity. Propagation into asperities is characterized by a dislocation front, advancing perpendicularly to the asperity border. Fault slip does not take prate in the direction of traction, except when traction is perpendicular or parallel to the asperity border. The propagation of such aseismic dislocations produces a stress redistribution along the fault and can play a key role in determining the conditions which give rise to earthquakes.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of fault reactivation phenomenon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two-dimensional finite element method was used for evaluating the effect of orthogonal compression on precursor faults. The tendency of reactivation of precursor faults as thrust or normal was analyzed involving the positions and angles of precursor faults with the stresses, strains and displacements. Twelve cases were taken up with different combinations of precursor fault angles (high, >45° and low, <45°) and fault positions for analysis. Different positions and angles of precursor faults are correlated with stresses, strains, and displacements and are discussed in detail. It is hoped that this would help in understanding the past and the present geodynamics of the earth’s crust.  相似文献   

Northeastern Brazil is, within the present knowledge of historical and instrumental seismicity, one the most seismic active areas in intraplate South America. Seismic activity in the region has occurred mainly around the Potiguar basin. This seismicity includes earthquake swarms characterized by instrumentally-recorded events ≤ 5.2 mb and paleoseismic events ≥ 7.0. Our study concentrates in the João Câmara (JC) epicentral area, where an earthquake swarm composed of more than 40,000 aftershocks occurred mainly from 1986 to 1990 along the Samambaia fault; 14 of which had mb > 4.0 and two of which had 5.1 and 5.0 mb. We describe and compare this aftershock sequence with the present-day stress field and the tectonic fabric in an attempt to understand fault geometry and local control of seismogenic faulting. Earthquake data indicate that seismicity decreased steadily from 1986 to 1998. We selected 2,746 epicenters, which provided a high-quality and precise dataset. It indicates that the fault trends 37° azimuth, dips 76°–80° to NW, and forms an alignment  27 km long that cuts across the NNE–SSW-trending ductile Precambrian fabric. The depth of these events ranged from  1 km to  9 km. The fault forms an echelon array of three main left-bend segments: one in the northern and two in the southern part of the fault. A low-seismicity zone, which marks a contractional bend, occurs between the northern and southern segments. Focal mechanisms indicate that the area is under an E–W-oriented compression, which led to strike–slip shear along the Samambaia fault with a small normal component. The fault is at 53° to the maximum compression and is severely misoriented for reactivation under the present-day stress field. The seismicity, however, spatially coincides with a brittle fabric composed of quartz veins and silicified-fault zones. We conclude that the Samambaia fault is a discontinuous and reactivated structure marked at the surface by a well-defined brittle fabric, which is associated with silica-rich fluids.  相似文献   

Liu  Daqing 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(2):325-345
Acta Geotechnica - We propose a numerical method for analyzing fault slip tendency under fluid injection using the extended finite element method (XFEM) both for fluid flow and poroelasticity. The...  相似文献   

Whilst faulting in the shallow crust is inevitably associated with comminution of rocks, the mechanical properties of the comminuted granular materials themselves affect the slip behavior of faults. Therefore, the mechanical behavior of any fault progresses along an evolutionary path. We analyzed granular fault rocks from four faults, and deduced an evolutionary trend of fractal size frequency. Comminution of fault rocks starts at a fractal dimension close to 1.5 (2-D measurement), at which a given grain is supported by the maximum number of grains attainable and hence is at its strongest. As comminution proceeds, the fractal dimension increases, and hence comminution itself is a slip weakening mechanism. Under the appropriate conditions, comminuted granular materials may be fluidized during seismic slip events. In this paper, we develop a new method to identify the granular fault rocks that have experienced fluidization, where the detection probability of fragmented counterparts is a key parameter. This method was applied to four fault rock samples and a successful result was obtained. Knowledge from powder technology teaches us that the volume fraction of grains normalized by maximum volume fraction attainable is the most important parameter for dynamic properties of granular materials, and once granular fault materials are fluidized, the fault plane becomes nearly frictionless. A small decrease in the normalized volume fraction of grains from 1 is a necessary condition for the phase transition to fluidization from the deformation mechanism governed by grain friction and crushing by contact stresses. This condition can be realized only when shearing proceeds under unconstrained conditions, and this demands that the gap between fault walls is widened. Normal interface vibration proposed by Brune et al. [Tectonophysics 218 (1993) 59] appears to be the most appropriate cause of this, and we presented two lines of field evidence that support this mechanism to work in nature.  相似文献   

We used a rotary shear apparatus to investigate changes of fluid transport properties in a fault zone by real-time measurement of gas flow rates during and after shearing of hollow sandstone cylinders at various slip rates. Our apparatus measures permeability parallel to the slip plane in both the slip zone and wall rocks. In all cases, permeability decreased rapidly with increasing friction, but recovered soon after slip, reaching a steady state within several tens of minutes. The rate of reduction of permeability increased with increasing slip velocity. Permeability did not recover to pre-slip levels after low-velocity (ca. 0.0019 m/s) tests but recovered to exceed them after high-velocity (ca. 0.29 m/s) tests. Frictional heating of gases at the slip surface increased gas viscosity, which increased gas flow rate to produce an apparent permeability increase. The irreversible permeability changes of the low-velocity tests were caused by gouge formation due to wearing and smoothing of the slip surface. The increase of permeability after high-velocity tests was caused by mesoscale fracturing in response to rapid temperature rise. Changes of pore fluid viscosity contributed more to changes of flow rate than did permeability changes caused by shear deformation, although test results from different rocks and pore fluids might be different.  相似文献   

The U.S. Geological Survey conducts repeated geodimeter surveys of trilateration networks in central California in order to study the processes of slip and strain accumulation along the San Andreas fault. The precision of distance measurement is described by a standard deviation where a = 3mm, b = 2 · 10−7, and L is the line length. Within the precision of measurement, no anomalous strain episodes preceding earthquakes or even strain discontinuities at the time of earthquakes were detected from repeated measurements of lines near the epicenters of small (magnitude 4.5–5.1) earthquakes. Annual measurements of small (5-km aperture) strain polygons near the San Andreas fault have not proved strain accumulation in a 3-year period. Repeated measurements of longer lines over periods of 8 to 14 years indicate changes that cannot be attributed to fault slip and must represent strain accumulation at the level of a few parts in 107 per year.  相似文献   

The Australian Cooper Basin is a structurally complex intra-cratonic basin with large unconventional hydrocarbon potential. Fracture stimulation treatments are used extensively in this basin to improve the economic feasibility; however, such treatments may induce fault activity and risk the integrity of hydrocarbon accumulations. Fault reactivation may not only encourage tertiary fluid migration but also decrease porosity through cataclasis and potentially compartmentalise the reservoir. Relatively new depth-converted three-dimensional seismic surveys covering the Dullingari and Swan Lake 3D seismic surveys were structurally interpreted and geomechanically modelled to constrain the slip tendency, dilation tendency and fracture stability of faults under the present-day stress. A field-scale pore pressure study found a maximum pressure gradient of 11.31 kPa/m within the Dullingari 3D seismic survey, and 11.14 kPa/m within the Swan Lake 3D seismic survey. The present-day stress tensor was taken from previously published work, and combined with local pore pressure gradients and depth-converted field-scale fault geometries, to conclude that SE–NW-striking strike-slip faults are optimally oriented to reactivate and dilate. High-angle faults striking approximately E–W appear most likely to dilate, and act as fluid conduits irrespective of being modelled under a strike-slip or compressional stress regime. Near-vertical SE–NW and NE–SW-striking faults were modelled to be preferentially oriented to slip and reactivate under a strike-slip stress regime. Considering that SE–NW-striking strike-slip faults have only recently been interpreted in the literature, it is possible that many reservoir simulations and development plans have overlooked or underestimated the effect that fault reactivation may have on reservoir properties. Future work investigating the likelihood that fracture stimulation treatments may be interacting, and reactivating, pre-existing faults and fractures would benefit field development programs utilising high-pressure hydraulic fracture stimulation treatments.  相似文献   

高精度SPOT卫星影像和野外地质调查表明,曲江断裂南东段断错山前冲沟及河流Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级阶地,在探槽中见到断裂断错全新世地层,是一条右旋走滑的全新世活动断裂,兼有逆冲性质,断裂的最新活动是1970年通海7.8级地震。对曲江断裂典型走滑断错地貌进行研究,曲江断裂南东段在五街一带水平滑动速率为(3.36±0.1)mm/a,白林山一带水平滑动速率为(3.21±0.3)mm/a。  相似文献   

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