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1INTRODUCTIONFrom14toearly20century,thatisintheMingandQingDynastiesinChina,thereexistedapointofviewthatthecontinuoussiltation...  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTheYellowRivercarries1.6billiontonsofsedanmentload,rankedthefirstintheworld.Sedimentationinthelowerreachesresultedinfrequentlyshiftoftherivercourses.ThroughoutthehistoryofChina,theYellowRiverhasbeenassociatedwithfloodsandfamine,earningtherivername"China'ssorrow"(Hu,l996).Instabilityoftheriverchannel,especiallythedeltachannel,restraintstheeconomicdevelopmentofthearea.TheDongyingmunicipalgovernment,theShenliOilCorporationandtheYellowRiverMouthManagementBureauofYRCC(Yel…  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONTwo-dimensionalnumericalmodelisaPOwerfoltoolforengineersandriVermanagerstopredictfloodhydxaulics,identifyareasofinundation,anddesignoptionsforfloodcontrollingstructures.SomespecialproblemswithheavilysedimentladenflowriVershouldbecarefullyconsideredforthenumericalmodeldesigning;1.theplaneformofariVerisusuallybraidedanditsmainchannelshiftsoften.Themainchannelandbarreplaceeachotherseveraltimesinonefloodevent.Atagivenlocationthewaterdepthmaychangefromover10meterstoseveralcenhm…  相似文献   

I. CHAncEL CHANGal m THE FLOODED AREA ArVER BREACHING AT TONGWAXIANG AND THEIR IMPACTSIn mid--June of 1855 a great flood occurred in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The findmainly came down from the main stem of the river and itS tributary Qinhe River. In the meantimethe riparian area of the Yellow River had just been subjected to a heavy rain, and large amountS of water from mountains and hills were flowing into the river and lakes were also full. The Weis…  相似文献   

lCOMPOSITIONOFTHE"92.8"FLOODThreerainstormsoccurredfrom7ththrough13,,,August,1992inShaanxiProvince,diStributingfromnorthtosouthinsequence.Therainfallareacoveredtheregionsofintensivesoilerosion,'wheretheaveragerateoferosionis10,000-15',000ton/kmZ'year.Fig.IshowsisohyetsofrainfallintensityinthecatchmentoftheMiddleYellowRiVerdepictingthedistributionoftherainstormsfrom7thto13,,,August,1992(thehydrologicalBureauYRCC,1992).ThecenterofthefirstrainstormwaslocatedattheYikezhaomengPrefec…  相似文献   

1 wrsoorCnoxThe Yenow mver delta is ereated by the river transponing sediment bom the Loess Plateau to the shallOWBOhai Gulf during the paSt l45 years. lh recent years, the water discharge and sediment load enedg thesea have bein ched dramacaily The river end chann shital northeastWed hom QingshulgOuN to qngshulgou-Chah chaDnel in 1996, resulting in a new regfor of sedimenboon and erosion ofthe subaqucous delta.,A nUInerial model for river sediInen dispersion and seabed mOrPhofogy of t…  相似文献   

The adjustment of the bankfull channel area in the Lower Yellow River has been dramatically affected by altered flow regimes caused by human activities. This paper presents a study on the effects of altered discharge and suspended sediment load on the bankfull area at Gaocun, a representative hydrometric station in the Lower Yellow River. The analysis demonstrates the cumulative effect of previous years' flow and sediment conditions on channel adjustment, a phenomenon commonly occurring in geomorphic systems due to the delayed channel response to flow and sediment conditions. A methodology for the prediction of bankfull area was developed based on the general concept that the rate of adjustment is proportional to the difference between the bankfull area and its equilibrium value. The proposed methodology is not only applicable for the prediction of the bankfull area in response to the changes in flow and sediment conditions in the Lower Yellow River, but can also be extended to other studies where the response times have a key role to play in the assessment of channel adjustment to external changes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we carry out a theoretical analysis based on the general one-dimensional morphodynamic model for rivers in order to show how the morphological equilibrium of a fiver is influenced by water and sediment diversion/supply along the river. The results of the analysis show that large scale water diversions, like those along the Lower Yellow River, can cause the development of a convex riverbed profile in the long-term. Deposition will take place along the whole reach of the river, with an increasing deposition depth from downstream to upstream. The slope of the river bed increases from upstream to downstream. Furthermore, an analysis on the morphological time scale shows that this development in the Lower Yellow River will take a time period on the order of decades to centuries. The results of the analysis have been compared with observations in the Lower Yellow River. Since the second half of the 1980's large scale water diversions from the Yellow River have been taking place. The observations show that this has indeed led to significant sedimentation along the river.  相似文献   

Observation of the operation of the Sanmenxia Reservoir on the Yellow River has led to the conclusion that to preserve a certain effective storage volume for reservoirs built on heavily silt-laden rivers is feasible if the reservoir is operated according to the principle known as "storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow". The relative stability of the bed elevation at the end of the backwater and the reservoir's erosion and deposition equilibrium depend on the compatibility of the pool level maintained in non-flood seasons with the conditions of flow and sediment load during flood seasons. Operating the reservoir to regulate the flood and sediment load during flood seasons can reduce the rate of aggradation in the Lower Yellow River. The basic condition for applying the operation mode of "storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow" is that a sufficient amount of water should be used for discharging sediment during flood seasons. Under the condition of extremely low flow years, reservoir sedimentation cannot be avoided even if this operation mode is adopted.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Increasing attention is being given to sedimentation hazards downstream from reservoirs as dams built during the past century accumulate progressively greater volumes of sediment. The sediment storage both decreases reservoir capacity and operating efficiency of the dam, and creates a 搒ediment-shadow?downstream where sediment-starved flows commonly erode channel boundaries and create long-term channel instabilities. Numerous studies have documented downstream channel change…  相似文献   

The method of multiple regression is used to analyze the influences of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas on the channel siltation and fluvial process of the lower Yellow River based on the flood events from 1950 to 1985. The results showed that the flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas carry larger amounts of sediment load and coarser particle sizes than from other source areas, which increases deposition in the lower river channel. And there exist good correlations between channel siltation of the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the coming water and sediment of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas. Through these correlations, the amounts of sediment deposition in the lower river channel could be roughly estimated based on the runoff and sediment load of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas. The sediment deposition caused the fluvial process. There exists a complex response of channel form change to the coming water and sediment load of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas. When the sediment concentration is smaller than 200kg/m3, the ratio between wide-depth ratio after flood and wide-depth ratio before flood((B/h)a / (B/h)b) will increase with the increase of the maximum sediment concentration; when the sediment concentration is near 200kg/m3, (B/h)a / (B/h)b reaches the maximum value; and when the sediment concentration reaches the limits of hyperconcentrated flow, (B/h)a / (B/h)b will decrease with the increase of the maximum sediment concentration. Generally, flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas made channel form of the lower Yellow River deeper and narrower, but a large amount of sediment deposition simultaneously occurs. So, the impacts of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas on the channel of the lower Yellow River are lessened.  相似文献   

The choice of a river training strategy is extremely important for the Lower Yellow River (LYR). Currently, the wide-river training strategy applies in the training of the LYR. However, remarkable changes in the hydrological processes in the Yellow River basin, as well as immediate pressure from socio-economic development in the Yellow River basin, make it necessary to consider if there is a possibility to change the river training strategy from wide-river training to narrow-river training. This research investigates the impacts of different river training strategies on the LYR through numerical simulations. A one-dimensional (1-D) model was used to simulate the fluvial processes for the future 50 years and a three-dimensional (3-D) model was applied to study typical floods. The study focused on river morphology, the results show that if the present decreasing trend in both water discharge and sediment load persists, the deposition rate in the LYR will further decrease no matter what strategy is applied. Especially, narrow-river training can achieve the aim to increase the sediment transport capacity in the LYR compared with wide-river training. However, if the incoming water and sediment load recovers to the mean level of the last century, main channel shrinkage due to sedimentation inevitably occurs for both wide-river and narrow-river training. Most importantly, this study shows that narrow-river training reduces the deposition amount over the whole LYR, but it provides little help in alleviating the development of the “suspended river”. Instead, narrow-river training can cause aggradation in the transitional reach where the river pattern changes from highly wandering to meandering, further worsening the “hump deposition” there. Because of uncertainty regarding future changes in hydrological processes in the Yellow River basin, and the lack of feasible engineering measures to mitigate “suspended river” and “hump deposition” problems in the LYR, caution should be exercised with respect to changes in the river training strategy for the LYR.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONTheYellowRiverisfamousforitsttemendousamountofsedimenttransport.Basedonastatisticaldataanalysis,along-timeaverageannualof1.6billiontonsofsedimententerstheLowerYellowRiver,inwhich400milliontonsaredepositedintherivercharmel.Thesedimentdepositioncausesavapidriseofthebedelevation.Withahistoricalevollltionoftheriverchanges,aso-called"suspendedriver"graduallyformed.UPtonow,thegroundleveloftheareaolltsidetheriverleveesismuchlowerthanthewaterlevelintheriver.Thissituationbringsanex…  相似文献   

Retrogressive erosion, a widespread phenomenon of sediment transport in reservoirs, often impacts on both the reservoir capacity and the sedimentation in the downstream river channel. Based on field data from the Sanmenxia Reservoir and the Lower Yellow River over the past decades, three courses of ret-rogressive erosion with distinctive features were analyzed. The results indicate that retrogressive erosion, especially caused by rapid reduction in the water level till the reservoir is empty, often results in the serious siltation of the lower Yellow River and threatens the safety of the flood control in the Lower Yellow River. Unreasonable operation of the reservoir and incoming hyperconcentrated floods accom-panied by retrogressive erosion also aggravate the siltation of the main channel of the river. However, a reasonable operation mode of the reservoir so named"storing the clear (low sediment concentration) water in the non–flood season, and sluicing the muddy(high sediment concentration) water in the flood season" was found, which might mitigate the deposition in both the reservoir and the Lower Yellow River. This operation mode provides important experience for the design and operation of large reser-voirs in other large rivers carrying huge amounts of sediment.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONStreamflowformostriversintheworldcanberegardedasasolid-liquidtwo-phaseflow.Theexistenceofsuspendedsedimenthassomeinfluenceonthestreamflow'sphysicalandmechanicalproperties,whichinturnaffectsthestreamflow'ssedimentcarryingbehaviors(ChienandWan,1983;Chien,1989).Forriverswithrelativelylowsuspendedsedimefltconcentrations,theabove-mentionedeffectisnegligible.However,withtheincreasesinsuspendedsedimentconcentration,thiseffectbecomesincreasinglysignificant;thesediment-carryingbehavi…  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONThe Yellow River is a heavily sediment--laden river. The sediment load of the Yellow River ranks the first in the world while its annual runoff is only of medium size. Toharness the river, it is necessary to build reservoirs for regulating runoff to meet the demands of economic development. Since the founding of PRC in 1949, I S4 large and medium--sized reservoirs have been constructed on the main stem and the tributaries with atotal storage capacity of 84.5 billion m3.…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTheBrahmaputraRiveroriginatesfromtheJimayanzhongglacieratthenorthfootoftheHimalayaMountainsinSouthTibet,China.I...  相似文献   

ONTHESHRINKAGEOFRIVERCHANNELCHENDong1,CAOWenhong2andZHANGQishun3ABSTRACTAlongwiththerapiddevelopmentofsocialeconomy,developme...  相似文献   

Small runoff, large sediment load, and incompatible relationship of flow and sediment load are very important characteristics of the Yellow River. They are also the crux of the most prominent problems of the Yellow River. To solve these problems, the regimes of flow and sediment load have to be improved by increasing water, reducing sediment load, and by using reservoirs to regulate flow and sediment load. The results of experiments for regulating the flow and sediment load in the last three years by the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have indicated that this measure is a realistic and effective way to mitigate the prominent problems in flood control of the Lower Yellow River at present and in the near future. However, the regulation system is still imperfect. It is advisable to speed up the pace of research and construction of the system for regulating flow and sediment load.  相似文献   


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