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高翔  方勤方  姚薇  彭强  董娟  秦红  邸迎伟 《地球学报》2013,34(5):529-536
云南兰坪—思茅盆地勐野井钾盐矿床是我国目前唯一的古代固体钾盐矿床。长期以来一直认为该矿床为海源陆相成因, 也有人提出成矿物质还有其他来源, 但并未给出确凿的证据。为了查明该矿床的物源及成因, 本文采用XRD、ICP-MS、电子探针(EPMA)和显微镜等方法对云南江城勐野井钾盐矿床物质组分进行研究, 并在此基础上, 对矿床的成因进行剖析, 指出成矿物质来源于两个方面。一为海水。微量元素Br在勐野井组盐层中的均值为578×10-6, 远大于200×10-6, 指示海源; 同时在底板扒沙河组石英砂岩中存在少量海相矿物——海绿石。二为深部热液。勐野井组灰绿色泥岩中存在大量富含钴镍的黄铁矿; 其次, 盐层裂隙的充填物出现含钴镍的羟碳钴镍石; 同时在扒沙河组砂岩中普遍见到含铜矿物——蓝铜矿和孔雀石等。由于该矿床地处强烈构造活动带, 这些富含Cu、Co、Ni的矿物指示, Cu、Co、Ni等金属元素来源于深部热液。因此, 云南勐野井钾盐矿床除海水提供成矿物质外, 深部热液亦为矿床的形成提供了重要物源。  相似文献   

正Fluid inclusions in halite can directly record the major composition of seawater,however Ordovician halite is very rare.Ordovician is a key time during the evolution history.However there are no Ordovician seawater data reported except from the data from the halite from the  相似文献   

万宝源斑岩型钼矿流体包裹体及成矿物质来源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋建潮 《地质与勘探》2009,45(5):539-548
万宝源斑岩型钼矿位于辽东裂谷内,产于石柱子花岗闪长岩体及其后侵入的石英斑岩内。矿化类型可以分为浸染状、细脉充填状和石英脉状三种。为了解决该钼矿的成矿流体来源及矿床形成机制问题,我们从流体包裹体、REE、S、D-O同位素入手进行了研究。石英中的流体包裹体测试数据揭示:钼矿化可以分为三个阶段,高温阶段、中温阶段和低温阶段,以中温阶段为主。REE分析表明,成矿物质起源于花岗闪长岩体,后经分离结晶作用,最终与花岗闪长岩体表现出不同的REE配分模式;S同位素分析显示,S来源于岩体与地层,是一种混合硫;D-O同位素研究则说明,成矿流体是以岩浆水为主,后期有天水加入的混合流体。最后建立石柱子成矿系统,对石柱子花岗闪长岩内外接触带上的矿床成因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

罗布泊卤水经室内恒温(30℃和52℃)蒸发结晶析出石盐,其内含有丰富的液相包裹体。测试这些石盐液相包裹体均一温度,发现仅有少量包裹体均一温度与石盐结晶卤水温度一致,大多数均一温度明显偏离结晶温度,大多数高出卤水温度约20℃~90℃,少数低于卤水温度约6℃~30℃,罗布泊盐湖自然沉积的石盐液相包裹体均一温度也存在类似情况,除少部分数据与当地卤水温度相近,大多也存在明显的差异。说明石盐包裹体均一温度可能受制于多个因数影响。因此,用石盐包裹体均一温度恢复沉积时期古水温或流体介质温度时,不能简单应用,需要综合分析才能从中提取可靠的地质信息。  相似文献   

王芳  黄智龙  李波  丁伟  朱明波 《矿物学报》2011,31(3):441-448
安乐铅锌矿床位于三江地区的中甸断凹,是滇西北地区一处重要的铅锌矿。本文通过对该矿床与矿石密切共生的石英中流体包裹体的类型、特征、均一温度、盐度、密度、成矿压力以及流体包裹体中气液相成分的分析,探讨了流体性质、演化及矿床成因。结果表明,该区流体主要属于CO2一H20一NaCl体系,均一温度范围在130~370℃之间,盐度在3.00%~12.75%NaCl之间,由成矿压力推算的成矿深度为1.37~3.77km^2矿床特征及包裹体特征与造山型矿床相似,推测该矿床属于“同造山”构造体制下发育的成矿系统。  相似文献   

Trapped ancient microorganisms in halite fluid inclusions are of special interest to the understanding of biology and ecology in salt lake systems.With the integration of petrologic,microthermometric,and Raman spectroscopic analyses,this study utilizes fluid inclusions from Chaka Salt Lake,eastern Qaidam Basin,NW China,to assess the possibility of microorganism-trapping by fluid inclusions.Here,we report that the solid phase of some primary fluid inclusions contains carotenoids,which is interpreted as evidence of Dunaliella algae,and that the coexisting liquid phase comprises SO_4~(2-).The homogenization temperatures of single-phase primary fluid inclusions indicate that the precipitation temperature of the Holocene halite in Chaka Salt Lake ranges from 13.5°C to 36.4°C.This suggests that fluid inclusions in halite are a good medium for trapping and preserving ancient microorganisms and organic matter in salt lakes,and that Raman spectroscopy has good potential to identify halophilic archaea.  相似文献   

The recently discovered Xiaobeigou fluorite deposit is situated in the southern part of the Southern Great Xing'an Range metallogenic belt. Fluorite‐bearing veins are rather common over the whole area. So far, 11 mineralized veins have been delineated at the Xiaobeigou deposit. Orebodies of the deposit are mainly hosted in Permian and Jurassic volcano‐sedimentary rocks. The orebodies in this mining district exhibit a well‐developed vertical zonation: from top to bottom, the orebodies can be divided into upper, central, and lower zones. The central zone is the most important part for mining operations, and it shows lateral zonation of fluorite mineralization. Rare earth element (REE) contents of the investigated samples are relatively low (less than 30.2 ppm). Furthermore, the REE contents of the fluorite grains from early to late ore stages exhibit a decreasing trend. All the fluorite samples show no or slightly positive Eu anomalies. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) are distinguished in the quartz and fluorite samples, including pure‐liquid single‐phase (PL‐type), liquid‐rich two‐phase (L‐Type), and vapor‐rich two‐phase (V‐type) FIs. The FIs hosted in early‐stage quartz were homogenized at 159.5–260.7°C (mainly 160–240°C); their salinities range from 0.18 to 1.22 wt.% NaCl eqv. The FIs hosted in early‐stage fluorite yield slightly lower homogenization temperatures of 144.4–266.8°C (peaking at 140–220°C), which correspond to salinities of 0.18–0.88 wt.% NaCl eqv. Homogenization temperatures and salinities for the late stage are 132.5–245.8°C (mainly 160–180°C) and 0.18–1.40 wt.% NaCl eqv., respectively. Laser Raman spectroscopy of FIs shows that both the vapor and liquid compositions of the inclusions are dominated by H2O. The H–O isotopic compositions at Xiaobeigou suggest that the ore‐forming fluids are predominantly of meteoric water origin. The Xiaobeigou deposit can be classified as a typical low‐temperature hydrothermal vein‐type fluorite deposit. Combined with regional data, we infer that the fluorite mineralization occurred during the Late Mesozoic in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

云南兰坪-思茅盆地勐野井钾盐矿与泰国—老挝的钾盐矿的成矿关系被认为可能具有同源性,尤其深部热液可能是其重要的物质来源之一。针对该观点氢氧同位素证据缺乏、且深部热液到底是哪种热液尚不清楚的问题,文中根据老挝钻孔ZK2893中石盐包裹体水的氢氧同位素分析结果:δ~(18)O为-2.3‰~9.5‰,平均值为2.9‰,δD的范围为-78‰~-150‰,平均值为-108.6‰,大部分小于-90‰;在δD-δ~(18)O关系图上,数据点均在交代热液范围内,因此推断,老挝钾盐成矿的深部热液为大气降水与围岩形成的交代热液,围岩提供了重要的成矿物质。此项分析还表明老挝的交代热液温度主要集中在150℃左右,即包裹体形成的温度可能也在150℃左右,云南兰坪—思茅石盐包裹体的捕获温度为145℃左右,最高达170℃,二者比较接近,这为两地钾盐矿同源的可能性提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Sichuan Basin is one of the most important marine–salt forming basins in China. The Simian and Triassic have a large number of evaporites. The Triassic strata have found a large amount of polyhalite and potassium-rich brine. However, no soluble potassium salt deposit were found. In this study, the halite in well Changping 3 which is located at the eastern part of the Sichuan basin was studied using the characteristics, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the fluid inclusion in halite to reconstruct ...  相似文献   

云南勐野井钾盐矿床石盐包裹体特征及古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南江城勐野井钾盐矿床是我国唯一的一个古代氯化物型固体钾盐矿床,主要盐类矿物是石盐,其次是钾石盐和光卤石,其中钾石盐是该矿床主要的钾盐矿物。本文采用流体包裹体冷冻加热法,对该矿床含矿层中的原生单一液相石盐包裹体进行了均一温度测定,以期获得该矿床钾盐成矿和盐湖古水温方面的信息。实验结果表明,从白色石盐层→青灰色钾石盐层→含光卤石的青灰色钾石盐层,均一温度的均值呈现逐渐升高的趋势,即由23.8℃→27.7℃→38.6℃,这与盐类矿物晶出的顺序一致,即由石盐→钾石盐→光卤石。可见,上部含光卤石的钾石盐层的蒸发强度明显高于其下部的钾石盐层和底部的石盐层,说明钾盐矿层的形成是湖盆卤水不断浓缩咸化的结果,这种咸化是缘于湖盆卤水温度的不断升高。湖盆卤水温度的变化是环境气候变化的结果。因此,原生包裹体均一温度可直接反映矿床形成时湖盆的古水温,同时可推测当时的气温。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰两棵树铁矿流体包裹体及氢氧同位素特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆两棵树铁矿位于阿尔泰南缘克朗盆地,矿床赋存于中-上泥盆统阿勒泰镇组片岩与二长花岗岩接触带的伟晶岩中。本文对矿石中石英流体包裹体进行显微测温分析,结果显示包裹体类型以液体包裹体为主,流体的均一温度变化于156~367℃,主要集中于210~250℃,成矿流体盐度w(NaCleq)为0.18%~18.72,密度为0.80~0.95 g/cm3,表明成矿流体属中温度、低盐度、中低密度的H2O-NaCl体系。石英的δDSMOW为-110‰~-76‰,δ18OSMOW为5.3‰~7.9‰,δ18OH2O为1.03‰~1.07‰,表明成矿流体来源于岩浆水,混合大气降水; 成矿时代为中泥盆世(约377 Ma),成矿作用与二长花岗岩的侵入有关; 温度和压力的降低、流体混合、水岩反应等在铁成矿过程中起着主导作用。  相似文献   

内蒙古花敖包特铅锌银多金属热液型脉状矿床位于大兴安岭成矿带中南段。结合其蚀变矿化特征,依据矿石矿物与脉石矿物的生成顺序,矿化阶段可划分为自形石英-黄铁矿阶段、闪锌矿-方铅矿阶段及他形黄铁矿-毒砂阶段。流体包裹体研究表明:该矿床的成矿流体具有中—低温(146.7~274.3℃)、低盐度(w(NaCl)为0.54%~8.52%)及低密度(0.790~0.943g/cm3)的特点;流体成矿压力及成矿深度估算结果表明,该矿床形成于中深—浅成的环境。矿石中金属硫化物的硫、铅同位素分析结果显示,该矿床的成矿物质来源具有壳幔混合来源的特征。成矿流体氢、氧同位素组成:δ18 OSMOW为-11.78‰~-6.01‰,δD为-110.90‰~-70.30‰,表明该矿床的成矿流体主要由岩浆水与下渗的大气降水混合组成。结合区域地质特征及构造演化,认为该矿床是在大兴安岭南段中生代伸展造山构造背景下形成的受深断裂、早白垩世构造岩浆活动及寿山沟组多重地质因素控制的中—低温热液型脉状铅锌银多金属矿床。  相似文献   

利用惰性气体同位素质谱仪测定了华南下寒武统具代表性的黑色岩系铂多金属矿中黄铁矿流体包裹体的He-Ar同位素组成,发现其~3He/~4He均较低,为0.43×10~(-8)~26.39×10~(-8),R/R_α为0.003~0.189,而~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar为258~287,接近大气饱和水。同位素地球化学示踪研究显示,该矿成矿流体主要由建造水(盆地热卤水)和大气饱和水(海水)组成,基本不含地幔流体或深源岩浆水。黑色岩系铂多金属矿的成矿可能与华南克拉通南缘加里东冒地槽的演化有关。在早寒武世,接受了巨厚沉积的加里东盆地中的建造水由于上覆沉积物的压力,顺层侧向迁移,并沿断裂上升与海水混合而成矿。  相似文献   

He-Ar isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions trapped in pyrites from some representative PGE-polymetallic deposits in Lower Cambrian black rock series in South China were analyzed by using an inert gas isotopic mass spectrometer. The results show that the ore-forming fluids possess a low 3He/4He ratio, varying from 0.43×10-8 to 26.39×10-8, with corresponding R/Ra value of 0.003-0.189. The 40Ar/36Ar ratios are 258-287, close to those of air saturated water (ASW). He-Ar isotopic indicator studies show that the ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from the formation water or basinal hot brine and sea water, while the content of mantle-derived fluid or deep-derived magmatic water might be negligible. The PGE-polymetallic mineralization might be related to the evolution of the Caledonian miogeosynclines distributed along the southern margin of the Yangtze Craton. During the Early Cambrian, the formation water or basinal hot brine trapped in Caledonian basins which accumulated giant thick sediments was  相似文献   

The Tuolugou cobalt deposit is the first independent large-scale Co- and Au-bearing deposit discovered in northwestern China. It is located in the eastern Kunlun orogenic belt in Qinghai Province, and occurs conformably in low-grade metamorphic volcano-sedimentary rock series with well-developed Na-rich hydrothermal sedimentary rocks and typical hydrothermal sedimentary ore fabrics. Fluid inclusions and isotopic geochemistry studies suggest that cobalt mineralizing fluid is dominated by NaCl-H2O system, accompanied by NaCl-CO2-H2O-N2 system responsible for gold mineralization. Massive, banded and disseminated pyrite ores have similar compositions of He and Ar isotopes from the mineralizing fluid, with 3He/4He range between 0.10 to 0.31Ra (averaging 0.21Ra), and 40Ar/36Ar between 302 and 569 (averaging 373), which reflects that Co mineralizing fluids derived dominantly from meteoric water deeply circulating. δ34S values of pyrite approaches to zero (δ34S ranging from ?4.5‰ to +1.5‰, centering around ?1.8‰ to ?0.2‰), reflecting its deep source. Ore lead is characterized by distinctly high radiogenesis, with 206Pb/204Pb>19.279, 207Pb/204Pb>15.691 and 208Pb/204Pb>39.627, and its values show an increase trend from country rocks, regional Paleozoic volcanic rocks to ores. This may have suggested that high radiogentic ore Pb derived mainly from country rocks by leaching meteoric water-dominated hydrothermal fluid during its circulation at depth. Cobalt occurs mainly in sulfide phase (such as pyrite), but cobalt enrichment, and presence and increasing contents of Co-bearing minerals have a positive correlation with metamorphic degree. The Tuolugou deposit and other typical strata-bound Co-Cu-Au deposits have striking similarities in the geological features and metallogenic pattern of primary cobalt. All of them are syngenetic hydrothermal exhalative sedimentation in origin.  相似文献   

正A large number of fluid inclusions are formed in the crystal formation of halite,in which pure liquid phase ones supply a new method of paleo temperature inversion by means of cryogenic thermometry.In this study,we  相似文献   

Paleo-temperature and paleo-environment can be interpreted from measuring homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions within halite. In order to conduct such measurements, vapor bubbles within low-temperature fluid inclusion often need to be created through cooling process by using cooling stage or freezer. Proper cooling is critical for interpreting measured temperature data. We tested two common cooling methods, using heating/freezing stage and freezer, for studying fluid inclusions in halite precipitated in laboratory at conrtolled temperature of 25℃. While using the heating/freezing stage, halite samples were kept at-18℃ for 40–50 min; whereas for freezer, samples were stored at-18℃ for 1, 10, 20 and 40 days, respectively. By comparing the homogenization temperatures of the two cooling processes, we explored the detailed experimental processes and developed an optimal cooling nucleation procedure for homogenization temperature analyses of fluid inclusions within surface-temperature halite. The results show that the maximum homogenization temperatures from both methods approximate the actual brine temperature of 25℃. However, extended refrigeration time has noticeable influence on the results. The refrigeration time of the experiment can be shortened to meet requirements.  相似文献   

The ore types of the Zhaokalong Fe-Cu deposit are divided into two categories: sulfide-type and oxide-type. The sulfide-type ore include siderite ore, galena-sphalerite ore and chalcopyrite ore, whereas the oxide-type ore include magnetite ore and hematite ore. The ore textures and structures indicate that the Zhaokalong deposit is of the sedimentary-exhalative mineralization type. Geochemical analyses show that the two ore types have a high As, Sb, Mn, Co and Ni content. The REE patterns reveal an enrichment of the LREE compared to the HREE. Isotopic analysis of siderite ore reveal that the δ13CPDB ranges from 2.01 to 3.34 (‰) whereas the δ18O SMOW ranges from 6.96 to 18.95 (‰). The fluid inclusion microthermometry results indicate that homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz range from 131 to 181℃, with salinity values of 1.06 to 8.04 wt% NaCl eq. The mineralizing fluid therefore belongs to the low temperature - low salinity system, with a mineralizing solution of a CO2-Ca2+(Na+, K+)-SO42-(F-, Cl-)-H2O system. The geochemical results and fluid inclusion data provide additional evidence that the Zhaokalong deposit is a sedex-type deposit that experienced two stages of mineralization. The sulfide mineralization probably occurred first, during the sedimentary exhalative process, as exhibited by the abundance of marine materials associated with the sulfide ores, indicating a higher temperature and relatively deoxidized oceanic depositional environment. After the main exhalative stage, hydrothermal activity was superimposed to the sulfide mineralization. The later stage oxide mineralization occurred in a low temperature and relatively oxidized environment, in which magmatic fluid circulation was dominant.  相似文献   

浙西南治岭头斑岩钼矿体流体包裹体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
江治岭头矿床自 20 世纪中叶勘查开发黄铁矿起,陆续发现了黄铁矿、铅锌矿及金银矿等矿床。在近些年的地质勘 察和深部探矿中,在治岭头矿区深部发现了斑岩型钼矿。钼矿体主要产于斑岩体外接触带八都群变质岩中,从矿体部位向 外围发育典型的斑岩蚀变分带,从内向外依次是钾化黑云母化带—黄铁绢英岩化带—绿泥石碳酸盐化带。成矿流体分为 成矿早期、主成矿期、成矿晚期3个阶段,成矿早期以Ia型包裹体为代表,其均一温度为354~442°C,具有中等盐度,为 12.3~19.4wt% NaCl;主成矿期发育II型 和III型包裹体,其中II型包裹体均一温度329~406°C,盐度为3.5~6.2 wt% NaCl,III 型包裹体均一温度为 305~375°C,盐度为 30.6~45.8 wt% NaCl;成矿晚期Ib 型包裹体,其均一温度为 187~285°C,盐度为 3.5~8.4 wt% NaCl。成矿期发生了强烈的流体沸腾作用,导致钼矿化。激光拉曼探针结果显示,治岭头钼矿三期石英中流体主要为 H2O-NaCl 流体。氢氧同位素,成矿流体由成矿前、成矿期的岩浆热液演化为成矿后的大气降水。  相似文献   

夏家店金矿是在东秦岭震旦系与寒武系界面新发现和勘查的金矿床,主要为含金角砾岩型。研究认为夏家店金矿的硅化与区内的断裂构造期次关系紧密。矿石矿物中石英流体包裹体的成分富含Cl-和SO24-;成矿流体体系属CO2-H2O-XCl-XSO4(X代表阳离子)型。成矿温度有两个峰值,其一为240~360oC,集中于240~280oC;其二为120~240oC,集中于180~220oC,两期蚀变特征相协调。氢氧同位素组成反映了成矿流体主体是来自于富δ18OHO的变质水。  相似文献   

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