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金红石微量元素电子探针分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
金红石电子探针微量元素分析一般以人工合成的氧化物来作为监测标样,尚较缺乏对金红石标样进行系统地测试分析。本文运用CAMECA SXFive电子探针对金红石标样R10进行微量元素分析,根据金红石中主要微量元素在地质学中的应用,本次共分析了Al、Si、Ti、Fe、Cr、Zr、V、Nb、Ta等9个元素,Ti、Si元素作为本次分析的监测元素。本文通过调整加速电压和电流、背景和峰值测试时长以及干扰谱峰处理等来提高微量元素分析精度和准确度。分析结果显示,其中,Zr(780±29×10~(-6))(1SD,n=25)、Nb(2799±66×10~(-6))、V(1276±33×10~(-6))、Fe(4309±34×10~(-6))、Cr(718±31×10~(-6))的分析结果与二次离子质谱(SIMS)和激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)的推荐值在误差范围内一致。大部分元素数据波动范围在10%以内,V、Fe元素的数据波动范围仅在5%以内。V、Nb和Fe测试精度比前人电子探针分析结果有较大提高。金红石Zr测试误差传递给金红石Zr温度计给出的温度误差一般22℃。本文还对金红石Zr温度计应用、提高Ta元素分析精度和准确度、金红石Fe~(3+)分析等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

小常山铁矿位于新疆北山裂谷带西段,矿体赋存于辉长岩、辉长岩和大理岩接触带中,部分赋存于花岗闪长岩和大理岩接触带。前人研究辉长岩年龄为276±1.2Ma,与坡北铜镍硫化物岩浆矿床形成年龄一致,同属早二叠世。小常山铁矿中可见有明显的岩浆贯入现象。矿体主要呈透镜状、块状、脉状、薄层状。金属矿物主要为磁铁矿,含极少量的褐铁矿和黄铁矿;近矿围岩蚀变较弱,主要有石榴子石化、绿帘石化、大理岩化。电子探针研究表明,磁铁矿FeOT含量范围较大,主要分布在85%范围以上,Al_2O_3含量相对较高,TiO_2-Al_2O_3-(MgO+MnO)图解、TiO_2-Al_2O_3-MgO图解均显示热液接触交代成因特点,表明小常山铁矿的形成和岩浆热液的交代作用有关。石榴子石属于钙铝榴石-钙铁榴石系列,与典型矽卡岩矿床的石榴子石端员组分组成有一定差别。结合小常山铁矿体地质特征以及电子探针分析测试等研究,认为小常山铁矿是多成因的复合型矿床,具有岩浆成因和热液成因特征,但后者是主要成因。  相似文献   

Diogenites contain equilibrated orthopyroxene-olivine assemblages. Mn is very regularly partitioned between olivine and orthopyroxene in pallasites, diogenites and synthetic eucrite melts, with an FeOMnO partition ratio for olivine versus orthopyroxene of 1.6 by weight over a very wide range of FeO contents. In contrast to diogenites, Fe and Mn are not regularly partitioned between the olivine and orthopyroxene of mesosiderites and these minerals were not in equilibrium. Mesosiderite olivine differs from diogenite olivine in FeMn and CaMn ratios. Lack of olivine-orthopyroxene equilibrium suggests that olivine in mesosiderites was derived not from a pyroxenite component analogous to diogenites but from dunites.  相似文献   

Numerous magnetic spherules and grains collected from the Greenland ice and suspected of being of cosmic origin were studied microscopically and with the microprobe. Seven types of spherules and grams were recognized.Several magnetite spherules contain metallic cores. The metallic cores of three spherules are composed of nearly pure Fe with traces of Ni. The metallic nuclei of two other spherules contain appreciable amounts of Ni; the nucleus of one of these is composed of a Ni-rich NiFe alloy (96.9% Ni), and that of the other contains 3% Ni. This latter spherule is probably of cosmic origin, perhaps formed in the fusion crust of an iron meteorite. Its magnetic shell contains no detectable Ni.The majority of the spherules consist of magnetite, which is more or less transected by martite lamellae [parallel to {111} planes of the magnetite]. One composite grain of titanomagnetite, ilmenite, hematite, and pyroxene was also found. This grain is of terrestrial origin, probably derived from the metamorphic crystalline complex of Greenland. The mineralogy and chemistry of the observed magnetite spherules and grains are discussed in detail.This work was begun at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, where it was supported in part by Grant GA-855 from the National Science Foundation, and completed at Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg.  相似文献   

Olivines and their surrounding coronas in mesosiderites have been studied texturally and compositionally by optical and microprobe methods. Most olivine is compositionally homogeneous but some is irregularly zoned. It ranges from Fo58–92 and shows no consistent pattern of distribution within and between mesosiderites. Olivine occurs as large single crystals or as partially recrystallized mineral clasts, except for two lithic clasts. One is in Emery, the other in Vaca Muerta, and they are both shock-modified olivine orthopyroxenites. FeOMnO ratios in olivine exhibit a variety of differing trends and range from 22–46, most commonly 35–40. These values are lower than those in olivine from diogenites sensu stricto (45–50) and have therefore experienced a different history. Some of the olivine clasts could have coexisted with some of the large orthopyroxene clasts as equilibrium assemblages, but some could not. Much of the olivine may be derived from mesosiderite olivine orthopyroxenites, which differ from diogenites sensu stricto. More magnesian olivine may be a residue from one or more source rocks, with varying degrees of melting. These events probably occurred in a highly evolved and differentiated parent body.Fine-grained coronas surround olivine, except for those in impact-melt group mesosiderites (Simondium, Hainholz, Pinnaroo) and those without tridymite in their matrices (Bondoc, Veramin). Coronas consist largely of orthopyroxene, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, chromite, merrillite and ilmenite and are similar to the matrix, but lack metal and tridymite. Coronas contain abundant orthopyroxene but are unusually rich in chromite (up to 7%) and merrillite (up to 20%). The outer parts of the corona grade into the matrix, but have little or no metal and tridymite. Texturally the innermost part of the corona can be divided into three stages of development: I Radiating acicular; II Intermediate; III Granular. Stage I is the result of the greatest disequilibrium between olivine and matrix orthopyroxene and Stage III has the least disequilibrium. Coronas are the result of the reaction olivine + tridymite = orthopyroxene, probably because FeO (and MgO) diffuse from olivine to tridymite in the matrix. Absence of metal and concentration of chromite in the corona are probably the result of an FeO potential gradient away from the olivine. Merrillite concentrations are a result of P2O5 migration into the corona but are controlled by the availability of calcic pyroxene, or possibly plagioclase. Although the coronas are texturally similar to terrestrial and lunar counterparts, they are unique and represent different kinds of reactions marked by a large degree of intra-corona diffusion under dry conditions. Opaque oxide-silicate-metal buffer assemblages yield apparent equilibration conditions of about 840°C and fO2 near 10?20. Poikiloblastic pyroxene textures in some coronas suggest a closing of reaction systems between 900 and 1000°C and such systems may record a higher temperature stage of development.  相似文献   

Infrared and electron microprobe analysis of natural tourmalines from the dravite-schorl and elbaite-schorl series were carried out. The infrared study differentiates between OH groups located at the centre of hexagonal rings and those which are placed between hexagonal pillars and are coordinated to two Al ions. The correlation of infrared spectra with chemical composition of tourmalines made possible the assignment of different OH stretching bands to the more frequent octahedral cation associations. The study of the thermal dehydroxylation of tourmalines in air indentified the IR bands corresponding to OH bonded to Fe+2 ions in AlAlFe, AlFeLi or FeFeFe environments. The change in intensity of the OH absorption lines with the sample orientation has permitted the identification of several orientations of the OH bond axes. Electron microprobe analysis of zoned coloured samples has shown that the Fe, Mn distribution is partially ordered in some samples of the elbaite-schorl series.  相似文献   

梅山铁矿床位于长江中下游成矿带宁芜盆地北段,矿体赋存于辉长闪长玢岩和下白垩统大王山组辉石安山岩的接触带。研究表明,梅山铁矿的石榴石以钙铁榴石为主,为钙铁-钙铝榴石系列,与传统意义矽卡岩矿床的石榴石组成相似;磁铁矿和赤铁矿具有斑岩铜矿和Kiruna型矿床的双重特征;赤铁矿和菱铁矿显示热液交代成因特征,但赤铁矿至少有2个成矿世代。成矿母岩辉长闪长玢岩、磁铁矿及磷灰石具有相似的稀土配分模式,暗示三者具有同源性。辉长闪长玢岩无Eu异常,代表了高氧逸度下岩浆的分离结晶作用;磁铁矿和磷灰石均具有中度负Eu异常,可能是在辉长闪长玢岩发生钠长石化的过程中,Eu以Eu2+形式在钠长石内富集,造成流体Eu亏损,后来生成的磷灰石和磁铁矿继承了流体的Eu含量特征,辉长闪长玢岩的钠长石化导致富Fe2+硅酸盐矿物淋滤铁元素进入流体,为矿床提供了铁物质。  相似文献   

Summary The detailed characteristics of 435 placer gold grains from the North Saskatchewan and Athabasca rivers have been investigated using a combination of optical microscopy, energy dispersive electron microprobe analysis and SEM techniques. Most grains show high-fineness rims surrounding lower-fineness cores (giving an extreme range of 4.3%–46.1% Ag within an individual grain). Characteristics of the rims lend support to the hypothesis that they are the products ofin situ leaching of silver followed by transport which largely destroys a spongy texture produced by the leaching. There is no change in the average Ag content of grains of any given size range with distance downstream, which also indicates that all significant leaching takes place before transportation. However, differences are apparent in the average Ag content with grain size.The clustering about certain values of fineness of the nuclei of grains which is seen in samples from both rivers, suggests that Au was largely derived from specific sources in the mountains (Omineca geanticline) to the west rather than redistributed from Shield localities during glaciation.
Mikrosonden-Untersuchungen an Seifengold aus Alberta, Kanada
Zusammenfassung 435 Körner aus Goldseifen im North Saskatchewan und im Athabasca-Fluß wurden einer detaillierten Untersuchung mit optischer Mikroskopie, energie-dispersiver Mikrosondenanalytik und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie unterzogen.In den meisten Körnern umgibt ein Rand mit hohem Feinheitsgrad einen Kern mit niedrigem Feinheitsgrad (dies führt zu beträchtlichen Schwankungen des Ag-Gehaltes innerhalb des einzelnen Kornes; im Extremfall 4,3%–46,1% Ag). Die Charakteristik der Ränder gibt Anlaß zu der Hypothese, daß das Silber dieser Ränder in situ herausgelöst worden ist, bevor die Körmer transportiert wurden; die während des Transportes auf die Körner einwirkenden Kräfte haben dann die poröse Textur, die durch das herauslösen des Silbers entstanden waren, weitgehend zerstört. Es findet sich keine Änderung des durchschnittlichen Ag-Gehaltes mit zunehmender Transportweite flußabwärts, solange nur Kömer aus einem Größenintervall betrachtet werden. Dies deutet ebenfalls darauf hin, daß der überwiegende Teil des Silbers vor dem Transport herausgelöst wurde. Man findet jedoch Unterschiede im durchschnittlichen Ag-Gehalt zwischen Körnern verschiedener Größe.Das Auftreten von mehreren bestimmten Werten-Clustern der Feinheitsgrade, die in Proben aus beiden Flüssen zu finden ist, legt nahe, daß Au zum größten Teil aus mehreren, spezifischen Ursprungsgesteinen in den westlich gelegenen Gebirgen (Omineca Geanticline) stammt. Eine glazigene Umverteilung von Gold aus verschiedenen Lokalitäten des Kanadischen Schildes erscheint weniger realistisch.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

河北康保地区花岗岩独居石电子探针定年   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
已有年代学研究表明,康保地区西阿公单元含石榴二长花岗岩形成于中元古代.我们采用近年来新发展的独居石电子探针Th-U-总Pb定年方法对康保地区西阿公单元十硼地区变质细粒含石榴二长花岗岩样品中的独居石开展了电子探针进行测年分析,计算方法为Suzuki和Adachi等提出的方法.独居石年龄峰值分别为252Ma,265Ma,281Ma和322Ma,表明西阿公单元含石榴二长花岗岩形成时代不是中元古代,其侵位时间应为二叠纪.这一新的年代学结果与Sengor和王荃推测的华北板块与西伯利亚板块"晚二叠世碰撞"的模式一致.康保地区西阿公单元含石榴二长花岗岩具过铝花岗岩特征,代表古蒙古洋消失,是华北板块与西伯利亚板块碰撞造山阶段多期岩浆作用的结果,为确定古亚洲洋的闭合时间提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

R.H. Vernon  G.D. Pooley 《Lithos》1981,14(1):75-82
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), involving images produced by back-scattered electrons, reveals the microstructures of symplectic intergrowths replacing cordierite, which generally are too fine-grained and/or intricately intergrown for investigation using an optical microscope. Microprobe analysis, combined with the SEM technique, enables accurate identification of the intergrown minerals, and permits inference of equations for the local chemical changes involved in the formation of the intergrowths. Generally, the local replacement appears to have involved partial reactions taking place in a larger reactive system. Intergrowths forming partial pseudomorphs of cordierite in three metamorphic complexes consists of up to three minerals, only two of which comprise the intergrowth in any one domain. The following intergrown pairs of minerals have been identified: quartz-Al2SiO3, quartz-biotite, biotite-oligoclase, biotite-K-feldspar, muscovite-oligoclase, oligoclase-andalusite, K-feldspar-andalusite, aluminous orthopyroxene-Al2SiO3, and aluminous anthophylite-Al2SiO3.  相似文献   

The Sm and Gd isotopic compositions of silicates from six mesosiderites (Dalgaranga, Estherville, Morristown, Northwest Africa (NWA) 1242, NWA 2932, and Vaca Muerta) and one iron meteorite (Udei Station) were determined to elucidate the cosmic-ray exposure records. All seven samples showed significant 150Sm/149Sm and 158Gd/157Gd isotopic shifts from neutron capture reactions corresponding to neutron fluences of (1.3-21.8) × 1015 n cm−2. In particular, Vaca Muerta showed a significantly higher neutron fluences than the other six samples. The parameter for the degree of neutron thermalization (εSm/εGd) also showed a significant difference between Vaca Muerta (0.76) and the other samples (0.93-1.20). These results suggest a two-stage irradiation of the Vaca Muerta silicates in the parent body (>50 Ma) before formation of the mesosiderite and during its transit to Earth (138 Ma). This is consistent with the 81Kr-Kr cosmic-ray exposure age data of a Vaca Muerta pebble from a previous noble gas isotopic study.  相似文献   

江西雅山黄玉锂云母花岗岩中铯矿物的电子探针研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
江西宜春雅山花岗岩是典型的高度分异型稀有金属花岗岩。通过对其最晚期花岗岩———黄玉锂云母花岗岩的钻孔样品和近地表样品的研究,发现岩体中主要有两种铯矿物:铯沸石和富铯锂云母。铯沸石是第一次在花岗岩中发现,其产状主要有两类:一类包裹于石英中,颗粒小,只有2~10μm,单个颗粒成分均匀,Si/Al比值和Poll值(%)犤=100×Cs/(Na+K+Rb+Cs)犦分别为2.13~2.65和57~89;另一类赋存于钠长石晶隙间,颗粒大,多为几百μm,单个颗粒成分不均匀,Si/Al比值和Poll值分别为2.20~2.45和75.6~88.2。富铯的云母类矿物分布较普遍,主要呈四种产状,分别为钾长石雪球中的带状富铯锂云母、云母边部的环边富铯云母、叶脉纹理状富铯云母和主矿物中的富铯云母包裹体,并根据成分中Si/Al比值和Cs的摩尔分数(%)犤=100×Cs/(Cs+K)犦,将富铯的云母类矿物分为含铯锂云母、富铯锂云母和铯锂云母三类,其中Cs替代K,Cs完全替代K形成的铯锂云母可能是锂云母系列中的铯端员新矿物。钻孔样品中的富铯云母类矿物以带状结构和环边结构最为发育,且成分主要属于含铯锂云母和富铯锂云母这两个部分,而近地表样品中则以环边结构和叶脉纹理状结构为特征,成分多为铯锂云母。铯沸石和富铯云母的产状及地球化学特征均表明,雅山岩体原始岩浆中碱金属经  相似文献   

We have extended the fallout areas for each of two members of tephra-set W, erupted from Mount St. Helens about 1500 ad, by several hundred kilometers beyond the limits mapped in 1975. We traced one member (We) east into Idaho, and the other (Wn) northeast into British Columbia. After using stratigraphic and petrographic observations to assign more than 100 tephra samples to set W, we found 26 of these, selected for chemical analysis, to be closely similar in content of Ca, Fe, and K in glass shards. But improved homogeneity was evident when the 26 sampling localities for tephra W were segregated geographically, east vs. northeast of the volcano. When Ca:Fe:K proportions were plotted on a ternary diagram, there was no overlap of the plotting areas for these two groups of tephra W samples. Without such data, tephra layers We and Wn are currently separable only from stratigraphic and geographic information. Partial glass analysis is also an aid, along with stratigraphic position and petrographic characteristics, in distinguishing tephra W from associated tephra layers. These include tephra layers T and Yn from Mount St. Helens, as well as older tephra layers from Mount Mazama and Glacier Peak.  相似文献   

The black inclusion from the Krymka LL3 chondrite previously found to contain ‘mysterite’ by Lewiset al. (1979) belongs to a hitherto unknown class of carbonaceous chondrites. Its olivine and pyroxene compositions. Fo 97–99 and En 96, respectively, are characteristic of carbonaceous chondrites and its plagioclase composition. An 100, is characteristic of C3's. It contains a peculiar group of Co-, Cr-rich metal grains whose compositions are similar, but not identical, to those in C2 chondrites and which also bear some similarities to those in Renazzo. Its weight ratios of total FeSiO2 and solSiO2MgO are 0.74 and 1.43, respectively, and its atomic ratio of SiAl is 10.7, exactly the same as in carbonaceous chondrites. Its bulk chemical composition is very close to that of the Murchison C2 chondrite. The association of mysterite with a special type of carbonaceous chondrite material suggests that mysterite formed by low-temperature condensation in a different region of the nebula from other carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

To obtain the chemical Th*–Pb isochron ages and surface maps of monazite crystals in igneous and metamorphic rocks from the southern Brazilian Shield, we employ Th–U-total Pb dating by an electron probe microanalyzer. The ages of two Trans-Amazonian metamorphic events are given by a felsic, garnet-bearing granulite from the Santa Maria Chico granulitic complex. The age of the first event, at approximately 2.35 Ga, was obtained by surface mapping in a grain included in garnet. The dating of the second event, 1899±43 Ma, is in agreement with previous data obtained in zircon crystals with sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe. Other determinations belong to the Brasiliano cycle. In the São Gabriel block, an age of 643±129 Ma was obtained on monazite from a staurolite-garnet schist of the Cambaizinho Formation, whereas a staurolite-bearing schist from the Passo Feio complex yielded a 510±68 Ma age. Several units in the Dom Feliciano belt were dated, including the biotite-sillimanite gneisses of the Várzea do Capivarita complex (552±90 Ma), the sillimanite-garnet gneisses of Camboriú complex (565±77 Ma), the Três Figueiras granite (558±57 Ma), and the Plaza Itapema granite (545±55 Ma). The ages presented in this study, obtained through monazite chemical dating, are confirmed through comparison with previous data regarding zircon crystals from the same geological units.  相似文献   

Five widespread tephra layers are found in late Quaternary sediments (0–130,000 yr B.P.) of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. These layers have been correlated among abyssal cores and to their respective terrestrial sources by electron-probe microanalysis of glass and pumice shards. Major element variations are sufficient to discriminate unambiguously between the five major layers. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy in one of the cores studied was used to data four of the five layers. Two of the widespread layers are derived from explosive eruptions of the Santorini volcanic complex: the Minoan Ash (3370 yr B.P.) and the Acrotiri Ignimbrite (18,000 yr B.P.). An additional layer, found in one core only, is most likely correlated to the Middle Pumice Series of Santorini (approximately 100,000 yr B.P.). Two layers are correlated to deposits on the islands of Yali and Kos and date to 31,000 and 120,000 yr B.P., respectively. One layer originated from the Neapolitan area of Italy 38,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

The high modal abundances of merrillite [Ca3(PO4)2] and tridymite in most mesosiderites are not the result of igneous fractionation but are attributed to redox reactions between silicates and P-bearing Fe-Ni metal within a limited T-fO2 range at low pressure. The Emery mesosiderite is the most tridymite- and merrillite-rich mesosiderite so it is used as the model for this study. Examination of reactions in the system CaO-SiO2-MgSiO3-Fe-P-O indicate that essentially all of the present phosphorus in Emery should have been dissolved in the metallic portion (calculated to have contained 0.65 wt% P originally), and that it largely reacted to form phosphate. The thermodynamic calculations predict that the reactions would have occurred between 970°C, log fO2 = ?16.5 and 1030°C, log fO2 = ?15.0 for the range of phase compositions in Emery. A narrower range of conditions is expected for other mesosiderites. Phosphide (schreibersite) formed only later at temperatures < 600°C during slow cooling. The recalculated amounts of dissolved P and S in the metallic portion of Emery reduce the temperature of the metal liquidus to < 1350°C and the solidus to < 800°C. Thus mixing of liquid metal with cold silicates near the parent body's surface would not have resulted in substantial melting of the silicates but would have resulted in their metamorphism, which is consistent with the textural relationships observed in Emery. This scenario of redox reactions and redistributions of components between metal and silicates represents a new insight into the complexities of mesosiderite processing that helps unravel the mesosiderite history and recalculate their original components.  相似文献   

王道德 《地球化学》2000,29(5):495-499
测定了两个铁陨石及两个中铁陨石的稀有气体同位素丰度和^10Be、^26Al和^36Cl的放射性核素活度。在所研究的4个陨石中,东乌珠穆沁旗(类型Ⅰ)、渭源(类型Ⅲ)中铁陨石及宁波铁陨石(ⅣA)是在中国回收的,另一个无结构铁陨石Rafruti是于1886年在瑞士发现的。根据^10Be-^21Ne、^26Al-^21Ne和^36Cl-^36Ar计算了两个铁陨石的产率及宇宙射线暴露年龄。其中Rafrut  相似文献   


铍(Be)是战略性资源,属于关键金属。Be在电子探针(EMPA)可分析的元素范围内属于最难测准的一个元素。难测准的原因在于Be属于超轻元素,其特征X-射线不但信号弱、能量低,而且易受其他元素强烈吸收效应的影响,因此硬件上需要EMPA配置大面网间距的特殊分光晶体。而不同厂家不同大面网间距分光晶体配置的EMPA在铍矿物的测试条件存在明显差异,即使同一EMPA测试不同Be矿物分析条件也不一致。尤其是占据国内市场主流的JEOL电子探针目前也只尝试分析过绿柱石一种Be的矿物。本文利用配置LDE3H分光晶体的JXA-8100(JEOL)电子探针,对除绿柱石之外的金绿宝石、硅铍石、硼铍石和锌日光榴石四种Be矿物开展了Be等元素最佳定量分析方法的研发。通过不同铍矿物的全元素扫描,发现与CAMECA电子探针不同,JEOL电子探针不存在Be峰被SiL2,3,M1峰干扰问题。同时发现每种含Be矿物Be峰位存在不同程度的漂移现象,并结合原子轨道杂化及吸收效应等理论对该现象进行了合理的解释。在此基础上,建立起配置LDE3H分光晶体的JEOL电子探针定量分析金绿宝石、硅铍石、硼铍石和锌日光榴石不同Be矿物中Be等元素含量的有效方法。该Be矿物原位分析方法的探索,不仅为JEOL EMPA用户提供Be矿物分析的成熟经验,也必将为铍资源的相关研究和找矿勘查提供有力的技术支撑。


U–Th–Pb dating of monazite with the electron probe microanalyser (EPMA) is increasingly documented as a reliable geochronological method offering high spatial resolution. This method has been applied on monazite from the Cévennes migmatites and granitoids from the southeast of the French Massif Central. Measurements were performed on separated grains after systematic back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging. Monazites from migmatites record two main ages: (i) a protolith age of about 550–543 Ma obtained on inherited cores, and (ii) a migmatization event between 329 ± 5 and 323 ± 3 Ma recorded by monazite rims and all other monogenetic grains. Monazite from the peraluminous Rocles pluton yields a 318 ± 3 Ma age. Finally, three granite dykes are dated at 333 ± 6, 318 ± 5 and 311 ± 5 Ma; the older dyke is the most deformed of them and is interpreted as linked to the migmatization event; the two other dykes are geochronologically, petrologically and structurally coeval with the Rocles pluton. The data constrain the timing of crustal melting following Variscan thickening in the northern Cévennes area. Migmatization of Ordovician protoliths took place at 329–323 Ma and was shortly followed by intrusion of leucogranite at 318–311 Ma. The study shows that EPMA dating of monazite can be successfully used to resolve a close succession of regional melting events.  相似文献   

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