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沉水植物驱动的水环境钙泵与水体磷循环的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
水体磷循环是水柱和对应的沉积物中发生的各种非生物和生物的磷迁移转化过程.与此同时,沉积物中钙通过沉水植物吸收和转运,从该类植物的叶面释放至水柱中,释放的Ca2+与水柱中的CO23-一起形成碳酸钙.在这一过程中,水柱中少量溶解性磷分配在碳酸钙中形成CaCO3-P共沉淀,导致水体中可溶性磷向难溶性磷转化,这种由沉水植物驱动的水环境钙泵在水体磷循环中发挥着重要作用.研究证明,沉水植物菹草叶面上有CaCO3-P共沉淀的形成,且这种共沉淀的含磷量变化范围很宽.另一方面,新近沉积物中钙与磷的沉淀物存在一个由聚磷酸盐向磷灰石逐渐演变过程,而沉水植物叶面上的含磷共沉淀作用是否也存在由聚磷酸盐向磷灰石的变质过程,该过程在沉水植物生长期间是否发生关系到沉水植物除磷效果值得深入研究.本文从水体磷循环概述、钙在水体磷循环中的作用和沉水植物驱动的水环境钙泵假说及其在水体磷循环中的意义等方面综述了钙在水环境中的迁移对水体磷循环的贡献.  相似文献   

水深与水体的多个环境要素(如光照、温度等)密切关联.因而水深会影响沉水植物的生长、繁殖和生理生化特征,包括叶片的光合色素组成和C、N、P化学计量特征.本研究通过对洱海4种沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)、微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus)、光叶眼子菜(Potamogeton lucens)和篦齿眼子菜(Potamogeton pectinatus)在不同水深梯度的叶片色素组成和C、N、P化学计量特征进行分析,以阐明水深对这些指标的影响规律和机制.结果表明:水深对4种沉水植物叶片光合色素组成和C、N、P化学计量特征的影响具有种间差异性;苦草、微齿眼子菜和光叶眼子菜叶片N含量,苦草和光叶眼子菜叶片P含量都与叶片叶绿素含量呈显著正相关;苦草叶片N含量随水深增加而增加,可能是由苦草为应对深水弱光胁迫而加强光合色素和蛋白的合成导致的,而磷含量的增加可能还受其他因素的影响.  相似文献   

采集未破坏沉积物结构的柱状沉积物样品,通过室内41 d的培养实验,研究了沉水植物生长过程对间隙水中NH_4~ -N和PO_4~(3-)-P的浓度的动态影响,分析了沉水植物生物量与沉积物中氮磷释放通量的对应关系.结果表明:随沉水植物生长和生物量增加,上部0-5 cm沉积物垂向各层间隙水中NH_4~ -N含量呈逐步降低,表现出沉积物-水界面氮的释放通量与沉水植物生物量存在负相关性;而间隙水PO_4~(3 )-P含量则随沉水植物生长呈单峰型变化,磷释放通量与生物量相关性不明显.初步反映沉水植物在沉积物的生长过程中对氮磷吸收的生物地球化学机制是不同的.  相似文献   

苏豪杰  吴耀  夏午来  谢平  曹特 《湖泊科学》2017,29(2):430-438
以长江中下游14个湖泊沉水植物为研究对象,分析群落水平下沉水植物碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)的化学计量特征及其影响因素.结果显示,沉水植物群落C含量平均为386.93±25.80 mg/g,范围为315.98~441.97 mg/g,N和P含量的平均值分别为26.10±4.84和2.64±0.99 mg/g,范围分别为13.75~40.89和1.01~5.92 mg/g.与物种水平研究相比,群落水平下沉水植物C、N、P化学计量特征变异系数较小,内稳定性更强.群落C含量与P含量具有显著相关性,而与N含量不相关,这说明C元素与N和P之间的耦合关系并不一致;N∶P比与P含量之间具有极显著的负相关关系,但与N含量不相关,说明沉水植物群落P含量的变异对N∶P比起主导作用.冗余分析表明,环境因子解释了沉水植物群落化学计量特征总变异的30.2%,在P0.01水平下对沉水植物群落化学计量特征具有显著影响的环境因子为底泥总磷、底泥N∶P比、水深和消光系数.变差分解结果表明,底泥和上覆水分别独自解释了化学计量特征总变异的5.21%和10.19%,其交互作用解释了总变异的5.25%.通过该研究结果推测,在恢复湖泊水生植被的实践过程中,相对于底泥,对上覆水光照条件进行控制可能更加迫切.  相似文献   

黄蔚  陈开宁 《湖泊科学》2010,22(4):545-551
在沉水植物的生活史中,沉积物提供植物固着基质和所需的大量营养元素,对沉水植物的兴衰有长期且深远的影响.对太湖沉积物理化性质与沉水植物生物量、种的饱和度和物种多样性之间的相关关系进行研究.数据的典型相关分析表明,两组数据的第一典型相关系数为0.795,达到显著水平.最后的典型变量冗余分析显示,沉水植物指标形成的第一典型分量能解释沉积物指标变化的26.75%.但是,沉水植物指标的变化中的56.52%不能被沉积物的第一典型分量解释.沉水植物的第一典型变量对沉积物氮磷比有一定预测能力(多重相关的平方0.5258),而对含水率几乎没有预测能力(0.0280).来自沉积物的第一典型变量对沉水植物的鲜重(0.7503)、香农-威纳指数(0.4841)和种的饱和度(0.4613)都有一定预测能力.中层沉积物(5-10cm)和底层沉积物(10-15cm)理化性质与沉水植物的相关指标分析结果显示,数据之间相关性不显著.表明中下层沉积物对沉水植物影响不明显.  相似文献   

沉水植物在湖泊生态系统中具有重要作用,它不仅是湖泊生态系统食物链中重要的生产者,同时还对湖泊的营养物沉积和循环有着重要的意义,并由此影响着湖泊的富营养化进程.本文以黄河内蒙古段河套灌区湖泊中常见的3种沉水植物篦齿眼子菜(Potamogeton pectinatus)、穿叶眼子菜(Potamogeton perfoliatus)和狐尾藻(Myriophyllum verticillatum)为研究对象,对其种子休眠及萌发特性进行了初步研究.结果表明:狐尾藻种子休眠率较高但休眠易破除,通过切破种皮、低温层积、硝酸钾和赤霉素处理均可显著提高萌发率;篦齿眼子菜种子休眠性较强,低温层积及赤霉素浸泡处理能够显著提高其萌发率;穿叶眼子菜有较深的休眠特性,破除硬实、硝酸钾、赤霉素及低温层积处理均不能有效解除其休眠.  相似文献   

Little is known about the distribution and risk levels of nutrients and organic matter(OM) in the surface sediment of shallow submerged macrophyte-dominated lakes. In the current study, sixty surface sediment samples were collected from Xukou Bay, a typical submerged macrophyte-dominated zone in Lake Taihu, China. A 60-day degradation experiment of Potamogeton malaianus, a dominant species in the bay,was done in the laboratory. The results demonstrated that the ranges of total nitrogen(TN) and t...  相似文献   

Methane concentrations and selected chemical parameters in interstitial water were examined along subsurface flowpath in two subsystems (hyporheic and parafluvial sediments) in the Sitka stream, Czech Republic. Interstitial methane concentrations exhibited a distinct spatial pattern. In the hyporheic downwelling zone where the sediments are relatively well oxygenated due to high hydrologic exchange with the surface water, low interstitial methane concentrations, averaging 9.3 μg CH4/l, were found. In contrast, upwelling sediments and parafluvial sediments (active channel sediments lateral to the wetted channel) had significantly higher methane concentrations (p < 0.05, and p < 0.01, respectively), averaging 43.2 μg CH4/l and 160.5 μg CH4/l, respectively. Dissolved oxygen was the highest where surface water entered hyporheic/parafluvial sediments and decreased with water residence time in the sediments (p < 0.01). Nitrate concentrations decreased along the flowpath and were significantly lower at downstream end of the riffle (p < 0.001). Sulfate concentrations also show a slight decline with the water residence time, but differences were not significant. Effect of both nitrate and sulfate on methanogenesis is also discussed. The interstitial methane concentration significantly increased with surface water temperature (p < 0.001) and was negatively correlated with redox potential (p < 0.01) and dissolved oxygen (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

太湖环棱螺对两种常见沉水植物生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
白秀玲  谷孝鸿  张钰 《湖泊科学》2007,19(1):98-102
环棱螺(Bellamya sp.)是太湖常见的一类软体动物.本研究通过室内实验,探讨环棱螺对轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata Royle)和伊乐藻(Elodea nuttalli ST John)生长的影响及水体营养盐含量的变化.结果表明,三种处理情况下,单位质量伊乐藻增加的数量分别为:H组0.475 g,L组0.106 g,C组0.021 g,单位质量轮叶黑藻增加的数量分别为:H组0.704 g,L组0.663 g,C组0.478 g.从实验前后两种沉水植物的长度和分蘖数变化来看,H组最高,L组与C组分别次之,所以不论生物量、长度还是分蘖数的变化量,与环棱螺共存的伊乐藻和轮叶黑藻的变化都高于对照组中两种沉水植物的变化.环棱螺新陈代谢促进水体中溶解态氮磷含量增加,三种情况下水生植物的初级生产力都相当,由此可推测环棱螺通过新陈代谢,一定程度上促进了两种沉水植物的生长.  相似文献   

朱可欣  王荣 《湖泊科学》2022,34(6):2016-2024
抚仙湖有近210亿m3的优质淡水资源,具有重要战略价值,但是近年来出现水质退化的现象.沉水植被是湖泊生态系统功能维持的重要生物门类,其演变过程能反映和影响整个生态系统的变化,目前还缺乏对抚仙湖沉水植被长期连续地观测记录.本文基于Landsat遥感数据分析了抚仙湖北部沉水植被面积的动态变化,结合气候变化和水质水文要素分析发现:抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植物在1987—2020年间存在先减少后增加的变化趋势;1987—1995年,沉水植物分布面积约占北部湖区面积的1.64%;1996—2010年北部湖区沉水植被分布面积缩减,湖泊处于高水位低营养状态,水位上升是此时期沉水植物面积减少的主要原因;2011—2020年,水位降低,营养增加,营养和水位的共同作用导致抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植物面积显著增加.沉水植物覆盖度变化伴随着沉水植被以苦草为优势种群转为以穗花狐尾藻为优势种群,沉水植被结构转向耐污染性更强的属种.通过抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植被发育与营养、水位等驱动因子的关系分析,建议现阶段需要严格限制入湖氮磷排放,强化水生植被的长期动态监测,构建水量、水质、水生态一体化监测体系,并开展抚仙...  相似文献   

以我国南方丘陵区红壤小流域为研究对象,对不同土地利用方式坡面下的4个水塘底泥中养分含量作了分层比较研究(0-5 cm,5-10 cm,10-15 cm,15-20 cm,20-25 cm,25-30 cm).结果表明:4个水塘底泥养分含量差异明显,在0-15 cm泥层有机碳、全氮、速效氮和全磷含量以邻近村庄的水塘(简称C塘)底泥最高,其次为板栗园坡下的水塘(简称B塘),水稻田坡面下水塘(简称S塘)和花生地坡面下水塘(简称H塘)最低;在15-30 cm泥层,有机碳和速效氮含量以B塘最高,而全氮和全磷含量则以C塘最高;有效磷含量除C塘0-15 cm底泥外,其余均为痕量.表明土地利用方式对其坡面下水塘底泥养分含量影响明显.各水塘底泥养分随泥层加深均呈递减趋势,其中全氮和速效氮减幅以C塘最大,分别为36.0%和38.7%,有机碳和全磷减幅则以B塘最大,为29.4%和31.9%;各塘底泥养分含量的最大降幅主要在浅层底泥,水塘养分积累加速表明近年来农村面源污染加剧.传统农业耕作方式的改变是农村水体底泥养分含量增加的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

The Lake Tahoe basin is experiencing an environmental decline that is partly due to sediment intakes from its tributaries. Many studies have estimated suspended sediment loads in these streams with a discrete sampling programme by collecting water samples and using a rating technique. However, the relationship between stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in these tributaries is known to differ during the rising and falling limbs of the snowmelt‐dominated hydrograph. Because of this hysteresis effect, sediment rating curves are poor predictors of suspended sediment dynamics in the stream. In this study, suspended sediment transport was investigated using a turbidity meter to provide a continuous record of sediment concentration during the snowmelt period. Hysteresis in suspended sediment transport was also investigated and is quantified with an H index, which is the ratio of the areas under the curve at different stages of the hydrograph. The temporal lag between the peak of SSC and the peak of stream discharge was quantified using cross‐correlation analysis. For almost all events, SSCs were higher during the rising limb of the hydrograph for a given discharge, with SSC peaks occurring before discharge peaks, resulting in clockwise hysteresis (H > 1). The H indices increased (looser hysteresis loop) as the availability of sediments increased and as the lag between peaks in SSC and discharge was larger. A restriction of the proposed H index was that it could only be computed when stream discharge increased by more than 30% during a melt event. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Benthic invertebrates and aquatic vegetation were investigated in the volcanic Lake Monterosi with the aim to define the stage of development reached during progressive modifications which occurred in the shallow lake. Increasing trophy and introduction of an exotic plant (Nelumbo nucifera) were the key-factors responsible for the rapid qualitative reduction of the macrophyte population and its modification to non rooted plants (Ceratophyllum demersum). The invertebrate fauna associated with macrophytes was found to be abundant, diversified (83 taxa) and characterized by high diversity and presence of bioindicators of mesotrophy. Although the zoobenthic community appeared to be positively influenced by the macrophyte-dominated stage, some negative effects of Nelumbo-colonization on the invertebrate fauna indicated that further growth of this plant would cause a rapid change in the lake.  相似文献   

Expansion formulae associated with the interaction of oblique surface gravity waves with a floating flexible plate in the presence of a submerged horizontal flexible structure are derived using Green’s integral theorem in water of finite and infinite water depths. The associated Green’s functions are derived using the fundamental solution associated with the reduced wave equation. The integral forms of the Green’s functions and the velocity potentials are advantageous over the eigenfunction expansion method in situation when the roots of the dispersion relation coalesce. As an application of the expansion formulae, diffraction of oblique waves by a finite floating elastic plate in the presence of a submerged horizontal flexible membrane is investigated in water of finite depth. The accuracy of the numerical computation is demonstrated by analysing the convergence of the complex amplitude of the reflected waves and the energy relation. Effect of the submerged membrane on the diffraction of surface waves is studied by analysing the reflection and transmission coefficients for various parametric values. Further, the derivation of long wave equation under shallow water approximation is derived in a direct manner in the appendix. The concept and methodology can be easily extended to deal with acoustic wave interaction with flexible structures and related problems of mathematical physics and engineering.  相似文献   

Submerged macrophyte vegetation has been mapped in four calcareous groundwater-fed streams in Bavaria (southern Germany) in order to compare and assess two different methods of river bioindication. The first one, the trophic index of macrophytes (TIM), is a tool to assess the trophic status of running waters. In contrast, the reference index (RI) is an ecological index which evaluates the difference between a reference community and the actual submerged vegetation, depending on the river type, as required by the Water Framework Directive. Water nutrient concentrations were measured once at selected sites in all water courses.The TIM reflects water phosphorus concentrations, accounting also for nutrients enrichment in the sediment, and is not influenced by shading, depth, substrate and flow velocity of the water course. The TIM is very sensitive to small variations in P concentration when the P level is low, while the index tends to a maximum as soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (Ptot) exceed a certain value.The RI indicates river ecological status which is not only influenced by trophic status but by every factor leading to a deviation of the actual macrophyte community from the reference community. In the investigated rivers the RI indicated reduced flow velocity caused by milldams and shading by riparian vegetation, in addition to trophic status.In rivers that are at the boundary between two different river types, classification of river type can play a crucial role for river status assessment. Incorrect classification of river type can lead to both, a “too good” and “too bad” assessment.  相似文献   

The impact of the wastewater input of Médiouna agglomeration (southeastern area of Casablanca) on the diatom flora and water quality of Oued Hassar stream (Morocco) was studied from July 1997 to August 1998. This wastewater effluent, which was highly loaded with ammonia, orthophosphates and organic matters, had disturbed the diatom assemblages structure and water quality of this stream.The study of the epilithic algal assemblages revealed the presence of 130 taxa of diatoms, 21 of which, according to the available literature, were recorded for the first time in the Moroccan inland waters. Almost all the latter taxa are mesohalobic or oligohalobic-indifferent. Nitzschia inconspicua Grun. was the most abundant species (47.7%) and grows particularly at the source of the stream. Navicula subminuscula Manguin, Nitzschia capitellata Hust. and Nitzschia desertorum Hust. have their dominance in the highly polluted zones, especially downstream the wastewater input.  相似文献   

沉水植物作为水生态系统的重要组成成分,在水生态系统物质循环和能量流动中发挥着重要作用,其覆盖度和生物量是评价湖泊等浅水水体系统稳定性的关键参数随着高效和无损伤监测的回声探测仪在沉水植物盖度监测中的应用,其精确度算法也受到了越来越多的关注本研究以成功恢复沉水植物的浅水湖泊杭州西湖为研究对象,利用BioSonics便携型回声探测仪——MX采集沉水植物回声样本同时结合人工样方设置,采集与回声探测对应位点的沉水植物样本,验证回声探测结果的精确性通过建立回归模型分析回声探测得到的沉水植物体积百分比(PVI)与人工样方获得的对应平均鲜重关系,结果表明二者具有较好的相关性分别采用普通克里金法、反距离权重法、径向基函数法3种插值方法对同一季节的不同湖泊和同一湖泊的不同季节未采集区域沉水植物的盖度数据进行插值分析,并对插值结果进行交叉验证,以确定方法的精确度交叉验证结果表明,插值精确度反距离权重法径向基函数法普通克里金法研究结果为回声探测与插值分析方法结合在大尺度浅水水体中沉水植物监测应用提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of N dynamics in soil were evaluated within two small forested watersheds in Japan. These two watersheds were characterized by steep slopes (>30°) and high stream NO3 drainage rates (8·4 to 25·1 kg N ha−1 yr−1) that were greater than bulk precipitation N input rates (7·5 to 13·5 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Higher rates of nitrification potential at near-stream zones were reflected in greater NO3 contents for soil at the near-stream zones compared with ridge zones. Both stream discharge rates and NO3 concentrations in deep unsaturated soil at the near-stream zones were positively correlated to NO3 concentrations in stream water. These relationships, together with high soil NO3 contents at the near-stream zones, suggest that the near-stream zone was an important source of NO3 to stream water. Nitrate flux from these near-stream zones was also related to the drainage of cations (K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+). The steep slope of the watersheds resulted in small saturated areas that contributed to the high NO3 production (high nitrification rates) in the near-stream zone. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jens Flster 《水文研究》2001,15(2):201-217
The near‐stream zone has received increasing attention owing to its influence on stream water chemistry in general and acidity in particular. Possible processes in this zone include cation exchange, leaching of organic matter and redox reactions of sulphur compounds. In this study the influences of processes in the near‐stream zone on the acidity in runoff from a small, acidified catchment in central southern Sweden were investigated. The study included sampling of groundwater, soil water and stream water along with hydrological measurements. An input–output budget for the catchment was established based on data from the International Co‐operative Programme on Integrated Monitoring at this site. The catchment was heavily acidified by deposition of anthropogenic sulphur, with pH in stream water between 4·4 and 4·6. There was also no relationship between stream flow and pH, which is indicative of chronic acidification. Indications of microbial reduction of sulphate were found in some places near the stream, but the near‐stream zone did not have a general impact on the sulphate concentration in discharging groundwater. The near‐stream zone was a source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the stream, which had a median DOC of 6·8 mg L1. The influence on stream acidity from organic anions was overshadowed by the effect of sulphate, however, except during a spring flow episode, when additional organic matter was flushed out and the sulphate‐rich ground water was mixed with more diluted event water. Ion exchange was not an important process in the near‐stream zone of the Kindla catchment. Different functions of the near‐stream zone relating to discharge acidity are reported in the literature. In this study there was even a variation within the site. There is therefore a need for more case studies to provide a more detailed understanding of the net effects that the near‐stream zone can have on stream chemistry under different circumstances. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study uses a unique 10‐year tracer dataset from a small gravel‐bed stream to examine bed mobility and sediment dispersion over long timescales and at a range of spatial scales. Seasonal tracer data that captured multiple mobilizing events was examined, while the effects of morphology on bed mobility and sediment dispersion were captured at three spatial scales: within morphological units (unit scale), between morphological units (reach scale) and between reaches with different channel morphologies (channel scale). This was achieved by analyzing both reach‐average mobility and travel distance data, as well as the development of ‘mobility maps’ that capture the spatial variability in tracer mobility within the channel. The tracer data suggest that sediment transport in East Creek remains near critical the majority of the time, with only rare large events resulting in high mobility rates and grain travel distances large enough to move sediment past dominant bedforms. While a variable capturing both the magnitude and frequency of flow events within a season yielded a better predictor to sediment mobility and dispersion than peak discharge alone, the distribution of events of different magnitude within the season played a large role in determining tracer mobility rates and travel distances. The effects of morphology differed depending on the analysis scale, demonstrating the importance of scale, and therefore study design, when examining the effect of morphology on sediment transport. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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