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人为因素在西藏中部沙漠化过程中作用的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
董玉祥 《第四纪研究》1998,18(2):187-187
科学分析人为因素在沙漠化过程中的作用是沙漠化研究的关键问题之一。研究普遍认为,人为因素是当前沙漠化的主要原因,滥垦、滥牧、滥樵是其主导因素,其中尤以滥垦的作用为主。现以西藏中部雅鲁藏布江流域为研究区域,探讨人为因素在沙漠化过程中的作用。回土地沙漠化现状区内有沙漠化土地314.IX104m2,占区域面积13.l%,其中轻度、中度和重度沙漠化土地分别为133.9X104m2,164.4X104m2和15.8x104m2。区内沙漠化土地分布广泛且又相对集中,并造成了多方面危害,计有2.88X104m2耕地、331.28X10‘hln‘草地、462个村庄、292.3kin公路、186.0k  相似文献   

中国东北平原西部土地荒漠化,主要表现为土地沙漠化和土地盐碱化,它属于荒漠化的两种类型。东北 平原西部分布着科尔沁沙地和松嫩沙地,前者是全国五大沙漠之一。文章全面、系统地对该地区编制了 1∶1000000荒漠化图和量算出土地沙漠化面积。东北平原西部土地沙漠化面积为72280.6km2,占土地总面积的 22.2%。自20世纪50年代至80年代末,土地沙漠化面积迅速扩大,平均每年以1.5%~3.7%的速度递增;自9 年代以来,沙漠化呈现出逆转趋势,但就总体而言,沙漠化发展仍然大于逆转。东北平原西部土地盐碱化面积 33850.79km2,占土地总面积10.44%,主要分布在松嫩平原,面积为23329.19km2,占土地总面积15.2%,它是世 界上苏打盐碱化土壤的三大片之一,土地盐碱化每年以1.4%~2.5%速率正在发展。所以,该地区的土地荒漠化 不仅制约着当地农、牧业和农村经济的发展,影响周围和毗邻国家的生态环境安全,而且已危及当地人民的生存。 东北平原西部荒漠化的形成有自然因素和人为因素,前者有物源和气候变化等原因,后者有草原超载过牧、滥 垦、滥伐滥櫵、乱挖,河流上中游修建水库等原因,以及冻融作用的特殊原因,致使荒漠化形成和发展。文章总结了 该地区沙漠化正、逆过程的演变,并提出荒漠化的治理应根据荒漠化  相似文献   

中国沙漠化研究的理论与实践   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:43  
朱震达  王涛 《第四纪研究》1992,12(2):97-106
中国的沙漠化研究的理论与实践在过去的十多年里取得了一些成果。据此,本文对沙漠化的概念、成因、过程、指征、后果、发展趋势及其治理等方面进行扼要的介绍。研究表明,沙漠化是一种人为活动与自然资源、环境不相协调所产生的以风沙活动为主要标志的土地退化过程。我国北方沙漠化土地的蔓延速率从50年代末期至70年代中期的年均1560km2发展到近十多年来的年均2100km2;实践证明,沙漠化土地作为一种土地资源可以通过合理的整治过程而恢复其原有的生产潜力。  相似文献   

WMO区域本底站气溶胶特征分析*   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
文章通过2002年8月12~27日和2003年7月20日~8月1日在浙江临安县的WMO区域空气污染本底站临安站所采集的气溶胶样品的质量浓度,水溶性离子,有机碳/元素碳(OC/EC)及部分化学元素的特征分析,并与1991年夏季(8月22~28日)气溶胶的某些特征比较,初步研究结果为:1991年至2003年夏季的气溶胶TSP,PM11和PM2.1浓度均呈现出减少的趋势,但是PM11/TSP和PM2.1/PM11则有增加的趋势。1991年、2002年和2003年PM11/TSP的值为90 % 左右,PM2.1/PM11 分别为46.52 % , 69.33 % 和72.29 % ,说明气溶胶以小粒子为主,小粒子又以细粒子为主。1991年、2002年和2003年浓度最高的离子为SO2-4,其次为NH4。其中SO2-4占所测离子浓度的百分数分别为65.39 % ,57.75 % 和57.27 % ,并且主要以(NH4)2SO4,(K)2SO4和(Na)2SO4的形式存在。各离子浓度占所测离子浓度的百分数基本上不随年代变化,具有一定稳定性。2002年和2003年气溶胶中的OC浓度分别为29.91μg/m3和14.14μg/m3,均为各自的组分之首。2002年和2003年OC的比值PM2.1/PM11分别为64.63 % 和77.71 % ,EC的比值PM2.1/PM11分别为69.89 % 和87.17 % ,可见气溶胶中OC和EC主要存在于PM2.1的粒子中。元素富集因子分析表明,自然源与人为源对气溶胶中的元素都有重要的贡献。主因子分析结果显示PM2.1和PM11元素源基本相同,自然源主要是地壳、土壤尘和海盐, 人为源主要是煤飞灰(煤和焦碳)、冶炼工业和道路机动车辆的排放、废物处理、垃圾焚烧及建筑工业粉尘等。  相似文献   

国土空间开发适宜性评价是国土空间规划编制的重要基础,市县是落实主体功能区划的基本单元,市县级国土空间开发适宜性评价可为国土资源与空间更精细化的管理提供有效支撑。本研究从自然因素和社会经济因素两个方面构建了国土空间开发适宜性评价指标体系,对宜昌市农业生产适宜性及城镇建设适宜性进行了评价,划分出适宜、较适宜、一般适宜、较不适宜和不适宜5类区域。结果表明宜昌市适宜开展农业生产的土地面积为3412 km2,不适宜土地面积为7143 km2;适宜进行城镇建设的土地面积为748 km2,不适宜土地面积为14679 km2。农业生产和城镇建设适宜性评价结果均呈现出典型的区域特征,适宜区主要分布在东部的平原区,区域整体的国土空间开发条件好;不适宜区主要分布在西部山区,区域整体的国土空间开发难度大。适宜性评价结果与规划数据有部分出入,与土地利用现状相差不大,农业生产适宜等级的土地面积比耕地保有量红线面积多132 km2,分布于农业生产适宜和较适宜区的现状耕地占耕地总面积的73.98%;城镇建设适宜等级的土地面积比建设用地底线面积少611 km2,分布于城镇建设适宜和较适宜区的现状建设用地占建设用地总面积的77.99%。将评价结果叠加在谷歌卫星图上,在空间上观察是否与土地现状一致,结果表明农业生产适宜区的评价结果准确率达100%,不适宜区的准确率为93%;城镇建设适宜区和不适宜区评价结果准确率达100%。  相似文献   

以2000-2010年近10 a来鄂尔多斯地区沙漠化过程为研究对象, 在利用MODIS数据对沙漠化动态进行监测的基础上, 综合分析沙漠化逆转和发展地区气候变化和人类活动引起的NPP变化趋势, 定量评估近10 a来鄂尔多斯地区沙漠化动态及其与气候变化和人类活动间的关系. 结果表明: 2000-2010年间, 尽管鄂尔多斯地区沙漠化面积没有明显变化, 但是沙漠化程度呈现整体逆转的态势, 其中逆转的沙漠化土地面积达47 057 km2(占鄂尔多斯地区土地总面积的54.2%), 比发展的沙漠化土地面积高出近3倍. 气候变化是近10 a来鄂尔多斯地区沙漠化逆转的主导因素, 主要归因于2006年来降雨量的增加以及近10 a来春季风速的减小, 围封禁牧、 退耕还林(草)等政策的实施及其与有利气候条件的耦合进一步加快了区域沙漠化的逆转. 人类活动是导致近10 a来鄂尔多斯地区沙漠化发展的主要因素, 主要归因于部分地区生态保护政策的落实不力以及区域资源开发引起的环境破坏, 完全由人类活动引起的沙漠化发展主要分布鄂尔多斯的北部地区.  相似文献   

以神北矿区为例,以遥感解译和野外调查为手段,选用煤矿开采初期(1987年)、中期(1992年)及近期(1999年)三期卫星遥感图像,分析了研究区内土地沙漠化三期分布特征及变化趋势,对比了煤炭开采区与煤炭未采区土地沙漠化变化趋势的不同,探讨了矿区内沙漠化面积年自然增长率以及煤炭开采对沙漠化影响程度,认为煤炭开发初期环境破坏加剧,造成土地沙化面积增加,矿井正常生产时期,由于环境治理力度加大,土地沙漠化趋势出现逆转,为矿区土地沙漠化恢复治理提供了依据.  相似文献   

北方农牧交错带的地理界定及其生态问题   总被引:121,自引:1,他引:121  
我国北方农牧交错带主要分布于降水量300~450 mm,干燥度 1~2的内蒙古高原南缘和长城沿线,其东界和南界为黑龙江的龙江、安达,吉林的乾安和长岭,辽宁的康平、阜新,河北的丰宁、淮安,山西的浑源、五寨,陕西神木、榆林,甘肃环县,宁夏同心;其西界和北界为内蒙古的陈巴尔虎旗、乌兰浩特、林西、多伦、托克托、鄂托克和宁夏盐池。行政区划涉及 9省106个旗(县市),总面积654564km2。全区耕地总面积804.69万hm2,人均占有耕地 0.32hm2,农、林、牧用地比例为 1.0∶1.17∶3.67。主要生态问题为:沙漠化急剧发展、可利用土地资源锐减;草地退化、沙化、盐渍化严重,承载力急剧下降;生态环境恶化,自然灾害频繁。其原因除了受自然不利因素影响和现代人为强烈干扰外,还有沙漠化的历史烙印、现代农牧交错带的北移错位和经济地理三大原因。该区的退化生态治理应注意:大部分地区要逐步用榆、柳、松、杏等乡土树种取代高耗水肥的杨树树种,采取以灌木为主的乔灌草结合的带状造林方式,建立类似原生植被的人工疏林草原植被,充分发挥其生态屏障作用。农业应以发展灌溉农业和保护型农业为主攻方向,改变生产经营方式,大力提高生产水平、防止土地沙漠化。  相似文献   

为了弄清楚陕北现代化煤炭开采对沙漠与黄土交界处土地沙漠化和地质环境的影响,以神府煤田的大柳塔—活鸡兔矿区为例,采用遥感解译、大比例尺地面调查以及GIS技术,对矿区近20年来煤炭开采区沙漠化土地及地质环境的演化特征进行分析,探讨了土地沙漠化的影响因素。结果表明:近20年来研究区土地沙漠化总体呈好转趋势,1986—1996年是矿区沙漠化好转的主要时期,主要因为该时期煤炭开采规模较小,采空塌陷区增加缓慢;20世纪80年代中期以来,矿区因煤矿采空所形成的塌陷区面积不断扩大,但采空塌陷至少对严重和中度沙漠化土地的影响微弱;1996年以来,随着煤炭开采力度不断加大,采空塌陷区面积呈指数增长,但土地沙漠化仍处于一个相对稳定的时期;煤炭资源开发造成大面积地面塌陷和裂隙、地下水水位下降、泉水流量减少甚至干涸,以及地表径流减少等,会导致区域生物多样性的减少和湿地植被的演替,使生态环境更加脆弱。因此,影响矿区土地沙漠化的主要因素是气候变化和其他人为因素,而不是矿区生态特征和采空塌陷因素。设立重要的生态环境和水资源保护区是保护有限的水资源和生物资源必要手段,也是减轻土地沙漠化的重要途径。  相似文献   

杨柳 《地质与勘探》2012,48(2):217-226
[摘 要] 通过对埃子王家-原疃矿区流体包裹体岩相学、测温学及铅、硫同位素等的分析,研究其成矿流体性质和演化,并探讨矿床成矿流体和成矿物质来源,结果表明:①流体包裹体主要为气液两相包裹体;包裹体液相成分阳离子以K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+为主,阴离子以SO24、Cl-、F-为主;气相成分以H2O、CO2、CH4为主;②成矿流体均一温度、盐度分别为120~350℃,4. 26%~8. 66%,为中低温(200℃以下为70%)、低盐度的流体;③206Pb/204Pb 范围为16. 217~18. 034;207Pb/204Pb 范围为15.180~16.889;208Pb/204Pb 范围为36. 586~39. 987。分析认为,本区铅同位素来源应为壳幔混合源。  相似文献   

松嫩平原土地沙化现状与动态变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
松嫩平原沙地主要分布于松嫩平原的中西部地区,包括松嫩沙地和科尔沁沙地的一部分.沙地分布区处于半干旱地区,年降水量在350~450 mm,是松嫩平原生态环境变化的敏感地区.采用RS和GIS集成技术,对松嫩平原1986年和2001年的沙地进行遥感解译,结合野外调查,研究松嫩平原沙地分布的现状及其动态变化.结果表明,松嫩平原土地沙化有进一步发展的趋势,2001年沙地面积比1986年增加了861.1 km2,沙地平均每年以0.44%的速度扩展.其中,重度沙地变化率最大,中度沙地面积数量增加最多,轻度沙地略有减少.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River is the China’s longest river and the third-longest river in the world. The river’s source region in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is especially sensitive to global environmental change because of its high elevation and cold environment. Under the influence of global warming, aeolian desertified land has expanded rapidly in this area. To assess the trends in aeolian desertification from 1975 to 2005, remote-sensing and GIS technology were used to monitor the extent of aeolian desertification in 1975, 1990, 2000, and 2005. The data sources included Landsat multi-spectral scanner images acquired in 1975, Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) images acquired in 2000, and Thematic Mapper (TM) images acquired in 1990 and 2005. Images recorded between June and October were selected, when vegetation grew well, because aeolian desertified land was more easily recognized during this period. Thematic maps, including land use and geomorphologic maps, were used as supplementary data. Aeolian desertification maps (1:100000) were produced for each year from the Landsat images through visual interpretation. The area of aeolian desertified land increased by 2,678.43 km2 from 1975 to 2005, accounting for 8.8% of the total area of aeolian desertified land in 1975, an increase of 89.28 km2 a−1. Increasing mean annual temperature and the combination of a dry, cold, and windy climate in winter and spring were mainly responsible for the expansion of desertified land.  相似文献   

The dynamics of desertification in the Horqin Sandy Land between 2000 and 2005 were analyzed using Landsat TM/ETM images and the data-processing function of geographical information software. The results showed that the extent of desertified land decreased at a rate of slightly more than 0.1 km2 year−1, from 22,423.1 km2 in 2000 to 22,422.4 km2 in 2005, indicating that desertification has been controlled in this area and that desert areas may be approaching a steady state. The dynamics of desertification differed among land types. Desertification decreased most obviously in areas of previous desert land. The area in which desertification was ameliorated was higher than the area that underwent further degradation, but non-desertified land (113.3 km2) deteriorated at a rate of 22.7 km2 year−1 during this period. This significant change requires careful attention by managers in the study area.  相似文献   

王涛  吴薇 《第四纪研究》1998,18(2):108-118
土地荒漠化已成为受其影响地区经济发展和环境保护的一个重要障碍,及时了解其过程、现状和发展趋势,对确定荒漠化防治的战略和措施均有重要意义。本文以我国北方沙质荒漠化为研究对象,对其开展了遥感监测和评估及其方法论的研究。结果表明,在沙质荒漠化土地程度分级和遥感监测判别指标体系确立后,采用合适的方法可以在短时间内完成大范围的动态监测,使对土地沙质荒漠化的定量评价成为可能。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the variation of time and space and the effects of alpine meadow desertification, and the study area was selected at the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau of China. The sampling locations were categorized as the top, middle, bottom of the slope and flat in front of the slope, and the sites were classified as alpine meadow, light desertified land, moderate desertified land, serious desertified land, and very serious desertified land according to the level of alpine meadow desertification. This study examined spatial and temporal variability in soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), pH, and soil bulk density due to wind erosion and documents the relationship between soil properties and desertification of alpine meadows. Desertification caused decreases to soil organic carbon and total nitrogen and increases to pH and soil bulk density. Soil properties were greatly affected by the level of alpine meadow desertification with the changes being attributed to overgrazing. The middle portion of slopes was identified as being the most susceptible to desertification. Carbon and nitrogen stocks were found to decrease as desertification progressed, the SOC stocks were 274.70, 273.81, 285.26, 196.20, and 144.36 g m?2 in the alpine meadow, light desertified land, moderate desertified land, serious desertified land and very serious desertified land, respectively; and the TN stocks were 27.23, 27.11, 28.35, 20.97, and 17.09 g m?2 at the top 30 cm soil layer, respectively. To alleviate desertification of alpine meadow, conservative grazing practices should be implemented.  相似文献   

中国土地荒漠化的概念、成因与防治   总被引:106,自引:1,他引:106       下载免费PDF全文
朱震达 《第四纪研究》1998,18(2):145-155
荒漠化是指人类历史时期以来,由于人类不合理的经济活动和脆弱生态环境相互作用造成土地生产力下降,土地资源丧失,地表呈现类似荒漠景观的土地退化过程。在中国北方荒漠化形成因素中过度放牧占30.1%,过度农垦占26.9%,过度樵采占32.7%,水资源利用不当占96%,工矿交通建设中不注意环境保护占0.7%,在地区上以北方农牧交错及旱农地区荒漠化最为严重。要采取因地制宜措施和建立健全而完善的治理实施系统以达到生态、经济和社会三个效益的目的。  相似文献   

大柳塔煤矿采煤塌陷对土地沙漠化进程的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
陕西神木大柳塔县地区煤炭资源的开发不可避免会产生地面塌陷、地裂缝、地下水位下降等矿山环境地质问题,地面塌陷是否会加剧土地沙漠化成为研究的热点问题。调查表明20年间整个研究区和其中的主要矿区土地沙漠化呈现出重度沙漠化土地逐年减少、轻度及非沙漠化土地面积逐年增大的一致演化趋势,采煤塌陷区土地沙漠化没有出现加剧的现象。通过4处采煤塌陷区及2处煤矿未开采区土壤垂向剖面研究,地表植被类型及覆盖度、植被根系垂向分布、土壤粒度、含水率、地下水位之间等关系表明,采煤塌陷对土地沙漠化进程没有明显的影响。年均415mm的降雨量基本满足采煤塌陷区沙生植被正常生长所需水份,其结论为该地区大规模煤炭资源开发土地沙漠化防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Rocky desertification, a process of land degradation characterized by soil erosion and bedrock exposure, is one of the most serious land degradation problems in karst areas, and is regarded as an obstacle to local sustainable development. It is well known that human activities can accelerate rocky desertification; however, the effects of climate change on rocky desertification in karst areas are still unclear. This study focused on the effects of temperature and precipitation changes and human activities on rocky desertification in karst areas to determine the impacts of climate change and human disturbances on rocky desertification. Areas of different level of rocky desertification were obtained from Landsat TM (1987) and Landsat ETM+ (2000) images. The results show that, although the total desertification area increased by only 1.27% between 1987 and 2000, 17.73% of the slightly desertified land had degraded to a moderate or intense level, 2.01 and 15.71%, respectively. Meanwhile, between 1987 and 2000, the air temperature increased by 0.7°C, and precipitation increased by 170 mm. Statistical results indicate that the increase in precipitation was caused by heavy rainfall. In addition, under the interactive influences of heavy rainfall and temperature, the average karst dissolution rate was about 87 m3 km−2 a−1 during the 14 years in the study area. Further analysis indicated that rocky desertification was positively related with the increase in temperature and precipitation and especially with the heavy rainfall events. Climate change accelerated rocky desertification in the karst areas. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

An analysis, over historical times, of the influence of natural factors such as climate, geological activity, existing landforms, and the activity of aeolian sands on the desertification of oases and other lands in the Heihe River basin of northwestern China revealed that desertification occurred more or less quickly according to whether the prevailing climate was cold or warm, respectively. In the 1990s, the area of desertified lands in the lower reaches of the Heihe River (Ejin region) was 29.1% greater than in the mid 1980s. However, the rate of desertification in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin was relatively slower, only 9.4% from 1949 to 1990 (or 0.27% per year). Since 1990, the rate of desertification has been stable. By 2000, the total area of land desertification in the mid to lower reaches of the Heihe River basin was 13,508.4 km2, or 11.8% of the region monitored. Of the total land desertification area, the regions of Linze, Gaotai, Sunan, Jiuquan, Jia Yuguan, and Jinta accounted for 1.70, 1.71, 1.43, 0.85, 0.28, and 9.39%, respectively, whereas the Ejin region’s 11,434.64 km2 accounted for 84.65%, indicating that land desertification in the lower Heihe River basin was particularly severe. The causes responsible for the occurrence and development of land desertification in the Heihe River basin were analyzed.  相似文献   

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