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A methodology was developed to determine the potential for aldicarb to leach to ground water and appear at or near concentrations of concern in different areas of the continental United States. Aldicarb use in 11 "ground water regions,"as defined by Heath (1984), was evaluated. These regions were selected based on significant use of aldicarb on citrus, cotton, potatoes, peanuts, and soybeans. The unit of study, therefore, became known as "crop/Heath-Region combinations"(CHRCs). A total of 32 CHRCs were evaluated. Three measures of leaching potential were used to evaluate each CHRC. One was based on hydrogeologic vulnerability, one was based on agronomic and site-specific characteristics, and one was based on ground water monitoring data. Each measure was rated as "high,""medium,""low" or "insufficient data" in terms of potential for aldicarb to leach for crop-growing areas in the region. Using a weight-of-evidence approach, each CHRC was given a final rating of "high,""medium," and "low" potential to leach based on the three measures within the CHRC. Potatoes in Heath Regions 7 (Glaciated Central) and 9 (Northeast and Superior Uplands) were rated high, whereas potatoes in Regions 1 (Western Mountain Ranges), 3 (Columbia Lava Plateau), and 11 (Southeast Coastal Plain) were rated low. Cotton in Regions 1,2 (Alluvial Basins), 5 (High Plains), 10B (Gulf Coastal Plain), and 11 were rated low. Citrus and peanuts in Region 11 were rated high. All other CHRCs, including all soybean CHRCs, were rated medium.  相似文献   

The recognition and assurance of the quality of ground water monitoring data are crucial to the correct assessment of the magnitude and extent of a ground water contamination problem. This article addresses an approach being developed to systematically evaluate the quality of a given set of ground water monitoring data collected during site investigation/ remedial action efforts. The system consists of a checklist of criteria, grouped into four major categories, which can be applied to laboratory or field measurements.
The first category, basis of measurement, considers whether the appropriate sampling, boring and/or analytical methods were chosen to obtain the measurement and the limitations of each method. Secondly, application of the method is assessed. This includes examination of the extent to which procedures were correctly performed, the use of quality control measures and calibration, and possible sources of error in the measurements. Third, evaluation of applied statistical methods is made, with consideration given to which statistics are meaningful in a given context and whether measurements are reproducible. The final category, corroborative information, considers whether independent data or other information are available that add credibility to the values measured.
In this approach, a "high quality" data value is defined as one in which accuracy is supported by meeting the preceding criteria. When accompanied by precision information, high quality data allow for defensible assessments and actions. This evaluation system is useful in developing monitoring programs and in guiding documentation of field and laboratory methods during data collection. It relies heavily on experienced judgment and can be catalyst for the beneficial exchange of knowledge and ideas among ground water professionals.  相似文献   

Ground water quality data generated during the investigation of 334 hazardous waste disposal sites were used to contrast the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Emergency Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) monitoring. programs. The minimum RCRA-required network of four wells was equaled or exceeded at 94 percent of the 156 RCRA sites and 70 percent of the 178 CERCLA sites in the data base. A sampling frequency of four events per year or more was used at 60 percent of the RCRA sites compared to only 24 percent at the CERCLA sites. CERCLA records compiled to date indicate that 480 compounds have been detected and another 220 compounds have been tentatively identified in ground water in the vicinity of hazardous waste disposal sites. However, the composite data from 123 RCRA site monitoring programs only indicates the presence of 100 chemical substances. The most significant discrepancy in the RCRA detection monitoring program is that it only generates data on three of the 20 organic contaminants that have been most frequently detected during the CERCLA hazardous waste disposal site investigations. Modification of the current RCRA program to include routine analysis for volatile organic compounds would correct this weakness.  相似文献   

This article describes a computer automated, hydrologic analysis system designed to allow the collection of high quality, long-term pumping test data. The instrument solves two of the major problems encountered in the field during aquifer tests: insufficient data, particularly during the early part of a test when drawdown is rapid; and high labor costs associated with long-term monitoring.
To illustrate the system's application, results are presented from the test of a highly transmissive aquifer. The aquifer's drawdown response was rapid; thus the time-drawdown curve was essentially flat after the first two minutes of the test, and correspondingly rapid data acquisition was essential for a unique solution of the aquifer's three-dimensional hydraulic conductivities.  相似文献   

A New System for Ground Water Monitoring   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper describes a new system for ground water monitoring, "the BAT System," which includes the following functions: (a) sampling of ground water in most types of soils, (b) measurement of pore water pressure, and (c) in situ measurement of hydraulic conductivity. The system can also be used for tracer tests. The system utilizes a permanently installed filter tip attached to a steel or PVC pipe. Installation is normally performed by pushing the tip down to the desired depth. The filter tip can also be buried beneath a landfill. The primary feature of the new system is that the filter tip contains a self-sealing quick coupling unit, which makes it possible to temporarily connect the filter tip to adapters for various functions, e.g. water sampling and for measurement of pore pressure and hydraulic conductivity. The new technique makes sampling of both pressurized water and gas possible. Samples are obtained directly in hermetically sealed, pre-sterilized sample cylinders. Sampling of ground water and measurement of pore pressure can be repeated over a long period of time with undiminished accuracy. This technique is also well-adapted for taking water samples from different strata in a soil profile, in both the saturated and unsaturated zones. Actual installations range from 0.5 to 60m depth.  相似文献   

Current federal ground water monitoring statistical regulation dates from the revised RCRA Subtitle C Final Rule of 1988. That rule was a considerable advance over previous RCRA statistical rules. However, two major problem areas remained: facility-wide false positive rate (FWFPR) control and spatial variability. Progress has been made in the 1991 Subtitle D Final Rule and in guidance: the 1992 Addendum to Interim Final Guidance in particular includes a substantial conceptual advance toward resolving the FWFPR problem. Other areas of improvement include normality testing and distribution assumptions, dropping the four independent samples per monitoring period requirement, allowing a preliminary evaluation short of a 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix II assessment upon finding a statistically significant increase, and suggesting superior alternatives to analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and tests of proportions.
The problem of dealing with natural spatial variability remains. Although certain techniques listed in the regulations can control for inherent spatial variability and the performance standards require doing so "when necessary," little attention has been paid to the ubiquity of such spatial variation. Moreover, regulatory traditions favoring upgradient-downgradient comparisons often make control of natural spatial variation difficult and ineffective. With new. lined facilities easily implemented statistical solutions are available; however, dealing with the several existing solid waste facilities which will now be regulated under Subtitle D will present major challenges.
In short, the 1988 revision of the Subtitle C rules made it more possible to provide statistically sound monitoring programs, and there has been steady progress since then. Challenges remain, however. These vary from slate to slate, particularly with regard to controlling false positives and false negatives in the presence of natural spatial variability.  相似文献   

Nonparametric prediction limits can be useful statistical tools for ground water monitoring at facilities regulated under RCRA Subtitle C. Subtitle D. and similar regulations. New, exact tables arc presented for both "1 of m" plans (m chances to gel one observation inbounds at each of r monitoring wells to avoid a statistically significant increase) and "California" plans (first or all of the next m-1 observations inbounds at each well). The tables provide per-constituent significance levels (false positive rates) as a function of the background sample size n. m. r, the prediction limit (the largest or the next to largest, background observation), and the confirmatory resampling plan selected.
When used in a monitoring program, future observations from several wells are compared with a prediction limit obtained from a common background sample. The table significance levels therefore depend critically on having IID (independent and identically distributed) observations. In particular, the false positive rate computations are not valid, and the procedures should not be used, with constituents whose measurements exhibit inherent spatial or systematic temporal variability.
Recent U.S. EPA guidance explicitly encourages controlling facility-wide false positive rates over both constituents and wells. Nonparametric prediction limits, particularly with California resampling plans, will have greater difficulty in meeting the new. lower per-constituent false positive rate goals than previous ones, especially if many constituents are involved. Nonetheless, nonparametric prediction limits remain superior to other commonly used procedures for dealing with data with high proportions of nondctects.  相似文献   

The Safe Drinking Water Act directs EPA to promulgate requirements for disinfection of ground water-based drinking water systems. The Ground- water Disinfection Rule regulatory workgroup, made up of representatives from EPA, the states, and other interested parties, is actively considering the issues for the wide range of elements necessary to ensure a regulation that will protect public health and can be feasibly implemented. This regulation is likely to require disinfection of ground water sources and systems found to be contaminated or vulnerable to contamination.  相似文献   

The reliability of ground water monitoring information can be assured by careful selection of sample handling and analytical procedures. Sampling mechanism selection has been studied far less than analytical methodologies (Scalf et al. 1981, Nacht 1983). This study has as its primary goal the identification of reliable sampling mechanisms for purgeable organic compounds and gas-sensitive chemical parameters in ground water. Carefully controlled sampling experiments were run to investigate the error contributed to chemical results due to sampling mechanism alone. Fourteen commercial sampling devices in five mechanistic categories were evaluated for their performance in sample collection for solution parameters, dissolved gases and purgeable organic compounds. Systematic errors related to sampling mechanism can reduce the accuracy of monitoring data by factors of two to three times that involved in analytical procedures.  相似文献   

Ground water monitoring is considered to be a significant component of the geological service in the U.S.S.R. Currently, the total number of ground water monitoring wells exceeds 30,000. They are divided into two categories, which are the first class, or basic observation wells, and the second class, or auxiliary observation wells. The main objectives of both monitoring networks are briefly described. The general scheme of ground water monitoring organization is also presented.  相似文献   

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