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This paper presents an analysis of the accessibility of nodes in the Belgian road network. The intersection of roads are considered as the nodes and their connecting roads as the edges of a network. By means of the Dijkstra algorithm accessibility values are computed for each node by summing shortest travel times to a reference system of 158 nodes spread evenly over the Belgian territory. A comparison of the measured actual accessibility with that determined from an optimal situation provides an indication of the quality of directness of the Belgian road system. Accessibility and directness are shown cartographically. An isochronal map illustrates the access to Brussels.  相似文献   

Indicators of road network vulnerability to storm-felled trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we exemplify the use of simple indicators of wind storm vulnerability of the road network that can be derived from existing geographic datasets. We point out the possible utilization of the datasets, applying GIS techniques, for highlighting road sections that, due to adjacency of high forest stands, are sensitive to closure by storm-felled trees. Indicators reflecting the reduced access to different areas or to the population in need of emergency aid can be derived based on the parameter tree height along roads and road network analysis. As a case in this study, the methodology is applied to elderly people (+80 years) with possible need of daily care at home following a severe storm. A comparison to the extreme 2005 storm felling in southern Sweden reveals that only limited estimates of road network disruption due to storm-felled trees are possible using the indicators, as other factors, for example, wind direction, which determine the exact impact of a particular storm are not taken into account. However, the indicators and network analysis also provide a possibility to draw attention to locations where disruptions of the road network would have significant effects on the accessibility to large surrounding areas. Potential critical road closures can be identified and preventive measures considered locally at these points.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the results of a regional geochemical survey in the Belgian Ardennes. Various geochemical trends are defined and tentatively interpreted; a possible relation between geochemical and metallogenic zoning is discussed.  相似文献   

In the Belgian Ardennes anticline, low-grade metamorphism has locally affected the sil topelitic Lower Devonian formations. In the metamorphic domain, the Ti content of stream sediments is very high ( >0.17%), giving rise to a widespread regional Ti anomaly. This anomaly faithfully follows the limits of the metamorphic external zone proposed by Beugnies (1986). This is due to the appearance of ilmenite in the metamorphosed rocks and its subsequent concentration in the stream sediments. A statistical study of major- and trace-element contents of rocks sampled outside the metamorphic domain indicates a strong correlation between Ti and Al, K and Rb, suggesting that the Ti content is related to the illite content of the samples. Ti is therefore washed away with the clay fraction in the weathering process leading to stream sediment formation. Indeed, outside the metamorphic area, Ti is not involved in the main factors governing trace-element distribution in the stream sediments. The use of stream sediment geochemical prospecting provides a confirmation of petrological and structural work and may thus help in the accurate mapping of metamorphism limits.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Estimating the resilience of a road network (one of the essential critical infrastructures in times of crisis) to natural hazards is crucial in achieving the goals of disaster...  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):985-990
In the Belgian loess plateau, the Rocourt soil is a well-known luvisol horizon that is regarded as representing the Last Interglacial. The name of the soil comes from the locality of Rocourt in the east of the country, where it has been observed for the first time. Later, exposures of a similar soil were found in other localities. Most typically, a sequence of three horizons is observed: a red-brown illuvial Bt horizon, overlain by a bleached horizon and a compound dark horizon. In this paper, we present the results of TL age determinations obtained on sediments directly bracketing the soil at the type locality of Rocourt and at the locality of Momalle more to the west, together with some supplementary data for the exposures at Kesselt to check a controversial result that was obtained earlier (J. Quaternary Sci. 13 (5) (1998) 487). The TL analyses involved both the (total bleach) additive dose and regeneration methods.Our TL ages confirm the assumed chronostratigraphic position (oxygen isotope stage 5) of the soil exposed at the type locality. The ages obtained at Momalle and Kesselt indicate that we are dealing with the same soil here but the palaeodose data are less consistent. This is probably due to the fact that the loess has been disturbed by post-depositional processes such as solifluction, surface run-off, cryo- and bioturbation. This seems to be a major problem with the sediments in the eastern part of the Belgian loess belt.  相似文献   

Tsunami evacuation planning in coastal communities is typically focused on local events where at-risk individuals must move on foot in a matter of minutes to safety. Less attention has been placed on distant tsunamis, where evacuations unfold over several hours, are often dominated by vehicle use and are managed by public safety officials. Traditional traffic simulation models focus on estimating clearance times but often overlook the influence of varying population demand, alternative modes, background traffic, shadow evacuation, and traffic management alternatives. These factors are especially important for island communities with limited egress options to safety. We use the coastal community of Balboa Island, California (USA), as a case study to explore the range of potential clearance times prior to wave arrival for a distant tsunami scenario. We use a first-in–first-out queuing simulation environment to estimate variations in clearance times, given varying assumptions of the evacuating population (demand) and the road network over which they evacuate (supply). Results suggest clearance times are less than wave arrival times for a distant tsunami, except when we assume maximum vehicle usage for residents, employees, and tourists for a weekend scenario. A two-lane bridge to the mainland was the primary traffic bottleneck, thereby minimizing the effect of departure times, shadow evacuations, background traffic, boat-based evacuations, and traffic light timing on overall community clearance time. Reducing vehicular demand generally reduced clearance time, whereas improvements to road capacity had mixed results. Finally, failure to recognize non-residential employee and tourist populations in the vehicle demand substantially underestimated clearance time.  相似文献   

In order to facilitate sustainable development, a shift from mobility-based to accessibility-based planning has been suggested. However, if we rely on the modern conceptualisation of accessibility, such a shift would have limited results. As an alternative, this paper proposes a relational reading of accessibility, which questions the divide between mobility and place upon which the modern definition is based. It argues that the accessibility of a place is characterised by a specific coordination of presences and absences that depends as much on boundaries and exclusions as on mobility. If accessibility changes, so does the place. This interpretation makes accessibility a matter of priorities and provides a critical perspective on arguments for time–space compressions and progress. This is illustrated here using the example of a regional strategy for transit-oriented development in Sweden (Region Scania). For that case, the discourse on accessibility revealed simplified arguments for densification, progress and metropolitan ideals, contradicting the initial inclusive intentions of the strategy. Thus, there is a need to put accessibility in place so that a shift to accessibility-based planning facilitates a move towards social and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

Makkah city, Saudi Arabia, is periodically exposed to flash floods that result in major human and economical damages. That is due to several factors including its rugged topography and geological structures. Hence, precise assessment of floods becomes a more vital demand in development planning. A GIS-based methodology has been developed for quantifying and spatially mapping the flood characteristics. The core of this new approach is integrating several topographic, metrological, geological, and land use data sets in a geographic information system (GIS) environment that utilizes the curve number method of flood modelling for ungauged arid catchments. Based on the estimated flood volume of sub-basins, a hazard factor has been developed to quantify the expected hazard level for each road. Applying this proposed approach reveals that 21?% of the road network in Makkah city is subjected to low flood hazards, 29?% is facing medium hazards, and 50?% of roads are exposed to harsh flood impacts. The developed approach may be considered a digital precise method that can be easily re-run, in other situations or regions, to estimate flood hazards on roads.  相似文献   

Guth  Johanna  Wursthorn  Sven  Braun  Andreas Ch.  Keller  Sina 《Natural Hazards》2019,97(3):979-999
Natural Hazards - Natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, or wildfires pose a serious threat to road infrastructure. Especially in emergency situations, the society depends on the road...  相似文献   

During the years 1979 and 1980, a preliminary program of uranium exploration in the Paleozoic of the Belgian Ardennes was carried out under the sponsorship of the Commission of European Communities. The Laboratory of Mineralogy of the Polytechnic Faculty of Mons was charged with the radiometric section of the program, the Geochemistry Laboratory of the Free University of Brussels with the hydrogeochemical exploration, and the Geochemistry Laboratory of the University of Louvain with the stream sediment exploration. The Geological Survey of Belgium had the responsibility for coordinating the three programs, the statistical and computer treatment of the data, and the compilation of the different maps.Orientation studies at the Geochemistry Laboratory of the University of Louvain showed that a positive geochemical response for uranium could be obtained with bank sampling, which consists of collecting colluvium and alluvium on both sides of the rivers. This necessitates a large sampling density of about one sample per km2 (10 205 samples from an area of 11 000 km2).The frequency distribution of the values of uranium follows the lognormal law with a geometric mean of 1.06 ppm and a threshold of 2.36 ppm (P= 0.954). The anomalies (> 3 ppm) fall into three main areas each in a different geological setting: (1) at the periphery of the Cambro-Silurian Massif of Stavelot; (2) within the transition beds between the Visean and Namurian; and (3) in the lower Devonian of the central Ardennes.The first two areas coincide with zones of known radiometric anomalies and of the occurrence of uraniferous minerals.In the third zone, follow-up work has led to the discovery of a uraniferous mineral assemblage consisting of a weathered mass of iron oxide, leucoxene and phosphates.Statistical analyses of the results indicate no significant relationship between U and either organic carbon or Mn, a negative correlation between U and carbonate and pH, and a good positive correlation between U and Cu, V and Fe. The last correlation may indicate an association of U, V, and Cu with iron oxides formed during meteoric alteration.  相似文献   

1 隧道址地理地质背景条件大坂山隧道位于 (西 )宁 张 (掖 )公路 (国道 2 2 7线 )的大坂山山岭路段 ,隧道进口洞门底板海拔3792 75m ,出口洞门底板海拔 3750 36m ,全长 1530m ,最大埋深 30 0m。1 1 地形地理特征隧道址区冬长严寒 ,暑短多雨 ,为典型的内陆高寒季风气候类型。据现场气象观测 ,年平均气温 -4 4 9℃ ,年平均最高气温 3 2 3℃ ,年平均最低气温 -2 0 14℃ ;极端最高气温 16 9℃ (北坡 )和 17 1℃ (南坡 ) ,极端最低气温 - 2 4 0℃ (北坡 )和 - 2 5 4℃ (南坡 )。本区是青海省的一个降水中心 ,年降水量达850 1mm(相…  相似文献   

The Holocene geological evolution of the Belgian coastal plain is dominated by a transgression of the North Sea, silting up of the coastal plain and human intervention (impoldering). This has led to a typical pattern in groundwater quality which is discussed here for the central part of the coastal plain. Therefore, a database with available groundwater samples is composed. Water type according to the Stuyfzand classification is determined and different hydrosomes and their hydrochemical facies are identified. Based on this, the origin and evolution of the water types is explained using Piper plots and geochemical calculations with PHREEQC. Before the impoldering, salinising and freshening conditions alternated with a general salinisation of the aquifer after about 3400 BP. This results in a dominance of brackish and salt NaCl subtypes which are still found in the deeper part of the aquifer. The subsequent impoldering resulted in an major freshening of the aquifer leading to NaHCO3, MgHCO3 and CaHCO3 subtypes. Overall, mixing, cation exchange, carbonate mineral dissolution and oxidation of organic matter are identified as the major processes determining the general water quality. The close link between geological evolution, water quality and what is still observable today is illustrated with this example of the Belgian coastal plain.  相似文献   

A considerable part of the nephelinite lavas of the volcanoMt. Nyiragongo in the eastern Belgian Congo contains kalsiliteas one of the main constituents. The mineral never occurs asthe only feldspathoid of the rock but is accompanied by nepheline,abundant melilite, and, sometimes, by small to moderate amountsof leucite. Other important constituents of these kalsilite-bearingrocks are clinopyroxene, olivine, perovskite, titanomagnetite,sodalite, &c. The feldspars are lacking. Kalsilite occurs both as complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrystsin which these phases are strictly co-axial and in the fine-grainedgroundmass as grains separate from those of nepheline. The complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrysts exhibit a continuousseries of progressing exsolution schematically presented inFig. 5. The series begins with a perthite-like nepheline-kalsilitecore surrounded by a drop-like development of nepheline in themargin of the crystal and ends up with a homogeneous kalsilitecore surrounded by a nepheline margin. The complex phenocrysts occur mostly as aggregates causing atypically glomeroporphyritic texture. Evidence is presentedindicating that, in the very first stages of crystallization,some of the Nyiragongo lavas are able to precipitate small amountsof phenocrysts of approximate composition K3NaAl4Si4O16. Throughcrystal-rise under turbulent currents in the molten lava massthese phenocrysts have been accumulated into aggregates andthus have been preserved until extrusion. Granted sufficientlyslow cooling under static conditions, the phenocrysts wouldhave reacted with the molten lava. The roles of the crystal-riseand of the turbulent currents in lava are illustrated by theoccurrence of the ‘giant’ leucite aggregates foundin the inner walls of the crater and by observations on thelava lake of the mountain. The occurrence of kalsilite in the groundmass is explained bythe existence of a two-phase area in the sub-solidus range inthe nepheline-kalsilite system. The Nepheline Aggregate lavas represent the last extrusionsemitted by the Nyiragongo main crater. The nepheline phenocrystscharacteristic of these lavas range considerably higher in potassiumcontent than the nephelines found in other Nyiragongo flows.The crystals are slightly zoned with a large potassium-richcore coated by a narrow margin with gradually decreasing potassiumcontent. The zoning may be detected only by using special methods.The history of crystallization of the nepheline phenocrystsis considered analogous to that of the complex nepheline-kalsilitephenocrysts with the only difference that the nepheline phenocrystsof the Nepheline Aggregate lavas are less rich in potassiumand, consequently, have not been subjected to exsolution.  相似文献   

A considerable part of the nephelinite lavas of the volcanoMt. Nyiragongo in the eastern Belgian Congo contains kalsiliteas one of the main constituents. The mineral never occurs asthe only feldspathoid of the rock but is accompanied by nepheline,abundant melilite, and, sometimes, by small to moderate amountsof leucite. Other important constituents of these kalsilite-bearingrocks are clinopyroxene, olivine, perovskite, titanomagnetite,sodalite, &c. The feldspars are lacking. Kalsilite occurs both as complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrystsin which these phases are strictly co-axial and in the fine-grainedgroundmass as grains separate from those of nephe-line. The complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrysts exhibit a continuousseries of progressing exsolution schematically presented inFig. 5. The series begins with a perthite-like nepheline-kalsilitecore surrounded by a drop-like development of nepheline in themargin of the crystal and ends up with a homogeneous kalsilitecore surrounded by a nepheline margin. The complex phenocrysts occur mostly as aggregates causing atypically glomeroporphyritic texture. Evidence is presentedindicating that, in the very first stages of crystallization,some of the Nyiragongo lavas are able to precipitate small amountsof phenocrysts of approximate composition K3NaAl4Si4O16. Throughcrystal-rise under turbulent currents in the molten lava massthese phenocrysts have been accumulated into aggregates andthus have been preserved until extrusion. Granted sufficientlyslow cooling under static conditions, the phenocrysts wouldhave reacted with the molten lava. The roles of the crystal-riseand of the turbulent currents in lava are illustrated by theoccurrence of the ‘giant’ leucite aggregates foundin the inner walls of the crater and by observations on thelava lake of the mountain. The occurrence of kalsilite in the groundmass is explained bythe existence of a two-phase area in the sub-solidus range inthe nepheline-kalsilite system. The Nepheline Aggregate lavas represent the last extrusionsemitted by the Nyiragongo main crater. The nepheline phenocrystscharacteristic of these lavas range considerably higher in potassiumcontent than the nephelines found in other Nyiragongo flows.The crystals are slightly zoned with a large potassium-richcore coated by a narrow margin with gradually decreasing potassiumcontent. The zoning may be detected only by using special methods.The history of crystallization of the nepheline phenocrystsis considered analogous to that of the complex nepheline-kalsilitephenocrysts with the only difference that the nephe-line phenocrystsof the Nepheline Aggregate lavas are less rich in potassiumand, consequently, have not been subjected to exsolution.  相似文献   

Before the Roman came to Rye or out to Severn strode,
The rolling English drunkard made the rolling English road.  相似文献   

In highly oxidized Mn- and Al-rich layers of the low-grade metamorphic metasediments north of Salmchâteau, Belgium, three types of viridine porphyroblasts can be distinguished: (a) single-phase porphyroblasts, (b) composite porphyroblasts with a core consisting of very fine-grained kaolinite, which is interpreted as a pseudomorph after andalusite, and a rim of viridine and, (c) composite porphyroblasts with a viridine core, a first mantle of kaolinite (as a pseudomorph after andalusite) and a second rim of viridine. These grains form an assemblage with muscovite, paragonite, Mg-chlorite, piemontite, braunite, hematite, quartz, rutile, and apatite. In the single-phase porphyroblasts the chemical composition of the core, (Mn 0.51 3+ Al0.44Fe 0.04 3+ )Al(O/SiO4), grades continuously into (Mn 0.79 3+ Al0.15Fe 0.06 3+ )Al(O/SiO4) of the rim. The outer zones of the analyzed grains are thus richer in kanonaite-component, MnAl(O/SiO4), than the original kanonaites described recently by Vrána et al. (1978) from the type locality in Zambia. Taking into consideration also other chemical data of viridines of the Salmchâteau locality there exists a complete solid solution series in the system Al2SiO5 (And)-MnAlSiO5 (Kan)-FeAlSiO5 at least from And61Kan37(FeAlSiO5)2 to And15Kan79(FeAl-SiO5)6 for the P-T conditions verified here ( 400 ° C/1–2 kb). The oxygen fugacity of the rocks is estimated to correspond to f O2 of the MnO2/ Mn2O3-buffer or to exceed it. Single-phase and composite porphyroblasts of the andalusite-type minerals contain S-shaped internal structures, which, in the marginal parts of the grains, are always oriented perpendicular to the schistosity planes. Together with the zoning of the composite grains these structures give clear evidence, that the andalusite formation is preceded by viridine growth in suitable rocks high in manganese. Thus, the viridines of the cores are formed under P-T conditions of less than 360–380 ° C/1–2 kb. The recurrent availability of Mn to form the kanonaite-rich rims in all three types of porphyroblasts may be explained by Mn release out of the recrystallizing hematites along the schistosity planes during decreasing temperatures.Although the Commision on New Minerals and Mineral Names, IMA, has deleted the classical name viridine it is preferred here and used as a varietal name for all intermediate members of the solid solution series between andalusite, Al2(O/SiO4), and the recently described kanonaite, MnAl(O/SiO4) (Vrána et al., 1978). This is done with special regard to the petrographie purpose of this investigation, since it is impracticable and by simple optical methods in strongly zoned crystals even impossible to distinguish between manganian andalusite [Al(6)>Mn] and aluminous kanonaite [Al(6)相似文献   

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