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Eighty-two core samples were collected from the Spring Valley #1 well which penetrates the Upper Carboniferous strata in the Late Devonian–Early Permian Maritimes Basin. The strata consist of alternating sandstones and mudstones deposited in a continental environment. The objective of this study is to characterize the relationship of sandstone porosity with depth, and to investigate the diagenetic processes related to the porosity evolution. Porosity values estimated from point counting range from 0% to 27.8%, but are mostly between 5% and 20%. Except samples that are significantly cemented by calcite, porosity values clearly decrease with depth. Two phases of calcite cement were distinguished based on Cathodoluminescence, with the early phase being largely dissolved and preserved as minor relicts in the later phase. Feldspar dissolution was extensive and contributed significantly to the development of secondary porosity. Quartz cementation was widespread and increased with depth. Fluid inclusions recorded in calcite and quartz cements indicate that interstitial fluids in the upper part of the stratigraphic column were dominated by waters with salinity lower than that of seawater, the middle part was first dominated by low-salinity waters, then invaded by brines, and the lower part was dominated by brines. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions generally increase with depth and suggest a paleogeothermal gradient of 25 °C/km, which is broadly consistent with that indicated by vitrinite reflectance data. An erosion of 1.1–2.4 (mean 1.75) km of strata is inferred to have taken place above the stratigraphic column. δ18O values of calcite cements (mainly from the late phase) decrease with depth, implying increasing temperatures of formation, as also suggested by fluid-inclusion data. δ13C values of calcite cements range from −13.4‰ to −5.7‰, suggesting that organic matter was an important carbon source for calcite cements. A comparison of the porosity data with a theoretical compaction curve indicates that the upper and middle parts of the stratigraphic column show higher-than-normal porosity values, which are related to significant calcite and feldspar dissolution. Meteoric incursion and carboxylic acids generated from organic maturation were probably responsible for the abundant dissolution events.  相似文献   

<正>The Outangdi Formation in Jiangshan,Zhejiang,is the mixing deposit of terrigenous clastics and carbonates in Weiningian of the late Carboniferous.The mixing deposits include interbeddings, which constitute a series of alternated clastic and carbonate beds and mixing within the same bed which formshunji rock.The Outangdi Formation has the features of intercalated marine and terrestrial deposits with the progradational sequences,which are lower fine and upper coarse sedimentary granularity in the section.Hunji rock is formed in a seashore environment.It is a mixed carbonate sediment found in beaches or tideland facies with quartz sand taken from a bayou or beach by coastwise flow and circumfluence.There are two kinds of hunji sequences:(1) interbeds of sandstone and carbonate rock in seashore environments;and(2) interbeds of clastics in river facies and carbonate rock in ocean facies.It is indicated that mixing depositions belong tofacies mixing,affected mainly by regional tectonic uplift,rise of the global sea level,and the dynamics of water medium in the basin. Regional sea level periodic changes and progradational sequences probably resulted from the intense uplift of the old land called Cathaysia.The classification and name of mixed sediments are also discussed in the present study.Interbeds and alternated beds of clastic and carbonate beds are namedhunji sequence,a new genetic term.It is suggested that hunji rock means a special sediment event of mixing terrigenous clastics and carbonates instead of a name of a specific rock.  相似文献   

The gravity field over Singhbhum and adjoining areas lying between latitude 21° to 23°15′N and longitude 84° to 87°30′E has been analysed. The region has a very complex Precambrian history dating as far back as 3200 m.y. and extending up to 850 m.y., during which time it experienced a number of orogenic cycles. The activity has left an imprint on the gravity field which is marked by prominent gravity highs and lows. The highs are invariably surrounding the Singhbhum granite batholith, whereas the lows are conspicuous over the granites and their margins. The regional gravity field has been removed using a 4th order polynomial surface. The residual anomalies over prominent highs and lows have been interpreted using two-dimensional and three-dimensional models for underlying rock formations. It is inferred that the gravity highs are generally related to synclinal structures filled with sedimentary or metasedimentary formations and volcanics, such as the Iron Ore Group, the Singhbhum group, Dhanjori and Simlipal basins. The gravity lows can be attributed to a considerable thickness of granites of varying density, which could have been formed during different metamorphic/orogenic cycles by melting of a preexisting sialic crust.  相似文献   

利用回剥原理,采用盆地模拟技术,选择东、西两条剖面对库车坳陷不同构造带典型井的沉降史进行了对比研究。结果表明,克拉苏构造带早期相对深埋、晚期持续深埋,秋里塔格构造带早期浅埋、晚期快速深埋,前缘隆起带早期缓慢浅埋、晚期相对浅埋。库车坳陷不同构造带的构造活动和沉降差异性导致其储层孔隙度差异明显。这种沉降差异性反映出由北向南从克拉苏构造带到前缘隆起带储层经历的深埋时间和最大埋深由大变小,储层在埋藏过程中所受的成岩压实作用由强变弱、孔隙度由小变大。时间深度指数定量地反映了这种沉降差异性及其对孔隙度的影响。  相似文献   

云南思茅地区上石炭统沉积特征及其构造背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
思茅地区位于东特提斯构造域的东段,晚古生代时期属扬子地台西缘的一部分。晚石炭世具有台-盆相间的沉积格局,形成了三类不同的沉积:滨岸沉积、浅海.台地沉积和深水浊流沉积。其中深水浊流沉积以火山源浊流沉积为特征,是在平缓的碳酸盐台地或陆棚之上通过断陷事件发展起来的,包括了5个沉积旋回,表现出强烈的火山活动期与火山休眠期交递进行的沉积旋回特征。自晚石炭世早期到晚期,火山活动期逐渐增长,休眠期逐渐缩短,反映出盆地性质自稳定向活动的转化过程。火山岩具有岛弧型火山岩特征,说明晚石炭世,思茅地区具有活动型大陆边缘沉积特征。  相似文献   

In the coal-mining Ruhr-area, Upper Carboniferous rocks (ca. 4000 m) consist of interlayered sandstones, siltstones, mudstones and coals. They were deposited in a tropical, paralic environment where alternating fluvial sedimentation, occasional marine ingressions, and swamp growth resulted in an irregular cyclic succession. The total sedimentary package contains on an average 6 Vol.-% of organic matter. About 70 Vol.-% of the organic matter occurs in coal seams, the rest as dispersed organic matter in clastic rocks. The organic matter is autochthonous in the coals and allochthonous in associated sandstones and siltstones. It consists of about 70% vitrinite, 20% inertinite, and 10% liptinite. The overall maceral group composition is the same for coals and dispersed organic matter. This surprising similarity is caused by a nearly exclusive input of land-plant derived organic matter to swamps and fluvial systems and a similar degree of preservation. Highest average liptinite contents (% of total macerals) were found in unrooted mudstones, highest average inertinite contents in coarse-grained siltstones and highest average vitrinite percentages in sandstones.Maturities of the sediments studied are well within the hydrocarbon generation window, e. g. vitrinite reflectivities range from 0.6% to 1.6%. Reflectivities measured on dispersed particles in clastic rocks are similar to those measured in coal seams. Calculations of the amount of methane generated indicate that coal seams contributed more to the total hydrocarbon generation than dispersed organic matter.
Zusammenfassung Das Oberkarbon des Ruhrgebietes besteht aus ca. 4000 Metern wechsellagernder Sandsteine, Siltsteine und Kohleflöze. Der Ablagerungsraum der Sedimente war eine Region mit tropischem Klima, genauer ein paralisches Environment mit unregelmäßig alternierenden Folgen von fluviatilen Sedimenten, marinen Transgressionen und verbreiteten Sumpfablagerungen. Der Anteil organischer Substanzen an der gesamten Sedimentmenge beträgt durchschnittlich 6%. 70% dieser organischen Masse ist in Kohleflözen angereichert, der Rest liegt verteilt in den klastischen Gesteinen vor. Die Herkunft der organischen Substanz in den Kohleflözen ist autochthon, die in den benachbarten Sand- und Siltsteinen allochton. Die Zusammensetzung des organischen Materials ist 70% Vitrinit, 20% Inertinit und 10% Liptinit. Die allgemeine Zusammensetzung nach Mazeral-Gruppen ist für die Kohleflöze und das verteilte Material in den Nachbargesteinen identisch. Diese Ähnlichkeit beruht auf der gemeinsamen Herkunft der organischen Substanz in Sümpfen und Flußsystemen, die fast ausschließlich von Landpflanzen bestimmt wird, und einer sich entsprechenden Konservierung.Der Reifegrad der analysierten Sedimente liegt innerhalb des Kohlenwasserstoff-Bildungsbereiches (die Vitrinit-Reflexionen reichen von 0,6–1,6%). Dabei entsprechen die in den klastischen Gesteinen beobachteten Reflexionswerte weitgehend denen der Kohleflöze. Anhand der Menge des erzeugten Methans läßt sich erkennen, daß der Anteil der Kohleflöze an der Kohlenwasserstoff-Produktion höher ist als der Anteil, den disperse organische Substanzen der Klastika beisteuern.

Résumé Dans la région minière de la Ruhr, le Carbonifère supérieur constitue une succession, épaisse de 4.000 m environ, de grès, de siltites et de charbon. Leur dépôt, dans un milieu paralique tropical, a été marqué par des alternances de sédimentation fluiviale, de transgressions marines occasionnelles, et d'épisodes marécageux; il en résulte une disposition cyclique irrégulière. La série sédimentaire contient dans l'ensemble 6% de matière organique en moyenne. Environ 70% de cette matière organique se trouve dans les couches de charbon où elle est autochtone; le reste est allochtone et dispersé dans les grès et siltites. La matière organique se répartit approximativement en 70% de vitrinite, 20% d'inertinite et 10% de liptinite. La composition moyenne du groupe «macéral» est la même pour les charbons et la matière organique dispersée. Cette identité surprenante est l'expression d'une alimentation provenant exclusivement de plantes terrestres et d'un même degré de conservation.La maturité des sédiments étudiés se situe à l'intérieur du domaine de genèse des hydrocarbures: le pouvoir réflecteur de la vitrinite s'échelonne entre 0,6% et 1,6%. Les gradients du pouvoir réflecteur observés dans les roches détritiques et dans les couches de charbon sont analogues. Le calcul de la quantité de méthane engendré indique que la contribution des couches de charbon à la production totale d'hydrocarbure est supérieur à celle de la matière organique dispersée.

4000 , . , , . 6%.70 % , . , — . 70 % , 20% 10% . . ; . ; 0,6 1,0, . , , , .

内蒙古西乌旗地区出露一些石英闪长岩,其LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为(304.64±0.82)Ma和(309.84±0.86)Ma,表明这套岩石形成于晚石炭世。地球化学分析表明,西乌旗地区石英闪长岩属于低Ti O2和高Al2O3钙碱性玄武岩系列;富集Rb、Ba、K大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P等高场强元素(HFSE),具有典型弧岩浆岩的特征,显示岩浆源区曾经历过俯冲带流体的交代作用;稀土元素丰度偏低,呈LREE富集HREE亏损的右倾模式;强不相容元素比值(La/Nb、La/Ta等)及判别图解表明晚石炭世石英闪长岩类似大陆边缘弧玄武岩,岩浆来源于浅部岩石圈地幔,系石榴石+尖晶石二辉橄榄岩源区中等程度(10%~20%)部分熔融的结果。综合研究区样品的地球化学特征,结合区域地质资料及对比分析前人成果,认为早石炭世末期西乌旗地区在强烈拉张的裂谷环境下形成了有限洋盆,由于洋盆发育不成熟或边伸展边向两侧俯冲—消减,形成了西乌旗地区类似大陆边缘弧玄武岩特征的晚石炭世石英闪长岩。  相似文献   

南天山在晚古生代以来经历的一系列碰撞和微板块的拼合事件在塔里木盆地北缘的沉积作用和构造演化中都有明显的反映,而沉积物物源分析是认识盆地演化、解释构造背景的重要途径和方法。根据对塔里木盆地北缘地区多个剖面的研究,上石炭统阿依里河组砂岩碎屑组分以石英为主,其次是长石及各种岩屑,有时含有机质杂基及云母。其中石英平均含量为70.7%(53%~86%),长石平均含量7.1%(5%~17%),岩屑平均含量为22.5%(20%~30%)。物源分析结果表明,砂岩物源主要来自再旋回造山带,并且主要具俯冲消减的缝合带和碰撞造山属性,少量具弧造山属性。结合塔里木北缘晚石炭世的岩相古地理特征,认为物源可能来自于北侧的古天山造山带。  相似文献   

西天山上、下石炭统之间是否存在区域性角度不整合争议颇大,制约了西天山晚古生代构造演化阶段的划分。伊犁地区石炭纪地层出露典型且完好,通过对该地区上、下石炭统接触关系的重新厘定,开展沉积学和岩相学研究。沉积学特征显示,二者产状一致,未见底砾岩和风化壳,且存在碳酸盐岩和火山碎屑物质"混生"的沉积特征,下石炭统阿克沙克组和上石炭统伊什基里克组之间并无明显沉积间断,应为连续的火山–沉积序列。该研究为西天山伊犁地区石炭纪为统一后碰撞裂谷盆地的认识提供了沉积学证据。  相似文献   

Gold mineralization in Archaean granite-greenstone environments, especially gold-quartz veins, contributes considerably to the world's gold production. The formation of epigenetic gold mineralization in greenstone belts is generally explained by the metamorphic secretion theory. This theory is based on the assumption that the source of the gold may be komatiitic or tholeiitic lavas, pyritic chemical or clastic sediments and even granitic rocks from which, as a result of regional metamorphic overprinting, gold was extracted and concentrated in suitable structures.It has been shown that in proposed potential source rocks, gold is predominantly associated with sulfide minerals and thus relatively easily accessible to secretion and reconstitution processes.A large number of various rock types originating from granite-greenstone terranes of the Kaapvaal and the Rhodesian cratons were geochemically investigated, and the following ranges for gold determined:volcanic rocks (komatiitic and tholeiitic): 0.1–372 ppbgranitic rocks of the basement: 0.3–7.8 ppbiron-rich chemical sediments: 1.0–667 ppbStatistical treatment of the data reveals that volcanic rocks as well as iron-rich chemical sediments are favorable sources for epigenetic gold mineralization formed by metamorphic secretion, while the granitic rocks make less suitable primary gold sources. This finding explains the close spatial relationship which is common between gold-quartz veins and greenstone belts. The conspicuous abundance of epigenetic gold mineralization in the Archaean, however, is attributed to the unique geologic and metamorphic history of the granite-greenstone terranes.  相似文献   

通过对新疆卡克地区上石炭统别根他乌组105个岩石薄片进行显微镜下观察,识别出6种微相:MF1灰泥灰岩微相、MF2含生物碎屑灰泥灰岩、MF3生物碎屑粒泥灰岩、MF4含生物碎屑亮晶似球粒灰岩、MF5生物碎屑亮晶灰岩和MF6生物碎屑砾屑灰岩。根据微相组合类型,推断该地区在罗苏期至达拉期经历了台地-台地边缘浅滩及礁-台地边缘斜坡3种环境,整体为一个完整海侵-海退的过程。  相似文献   

碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩分别产自“外源、浑水”与“内源、清水”环境,二者的交替互层沉积可反映古水体性质、物源供给及气候等环境要素的频繁改变。晚石炭世,柴达木盆地北缘构造相对稳定,盆内发育巨厚的、多级次嵌套的“碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩混积层系”,记录了“冰室地球”冰川活动下的古海平面大幅度升降和古气候、古环境频繁交替信息。文中以柴达木盆地北缘连续完整露头剖面和钻井取心剖面为研究对象,结合区域地质资料、前人研究成果,通过详细的岩心、露头及镜下薄片观察,在研究区重点层段识别出下切谷充填型碎屑岩沉积和碳酸盐岩台地沉积组成的频繁互层序列。碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩互层组合序列在垂向上的有序叠加,构成了复合海平面变化旋回层序,其从碳酸盐岩—改造型台地沉积开始,向上依次发育碎屑岩下切谷充填序列的底部冲积河道沉积、中部河口湾序列和顶部代表海泛面的泥岩沉积,最后转变为碳酸盐岩向海到向陆台地亚相,反映了一个显著的早期海退—中期逐渐海侵—后期再次海退的旋回过程。冰川期急剧变冷的气候和冰川型高频的大幅度海平面升降,驱动滨线及相带迁移,影响到碎屑岩供给速率和碳酸盐生产率,造成了碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩的高频转换。  相似文献   

田健  滕学建  刘洋  滕飞  郭硕  何鹏  王文龙 《地质通报》2020,39(7):1035-1045
内蒙古狼山山脉西侧分布大面积的晚古生代岩浆岩,时代集中在早石炭世—晚二叠世,早石炭世石英闪长岩体出露于潮格温都尔镇西侧。该岩体岩性为石英闪长岩,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄显示,石英闪长岩的206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为337.4±6.6 Ma。岩石暗色矿物以角闪石为主,黑云母次之,富铁,富钠,高钠钾比值,为钙碱性系列;富集大离子亲石元素Rb、K、Pb,不同程度的亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、P、Ti的特点,稀土元素配分型式为轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素亏损,弱的负Eu异常,总体反映岩浆弧的地球化学特征。构造环境判别图显示样品点落在大陆边缘弧范围,岩石地球化学特征表明狼山地区早石炭世处于大陆边缘弧构造背景,古亚洲洋石炭纪存在向南俯冲。对比北部造山带西乌旗地区的早石炭世石英闪长岩,两者地球化学特征基本相同。因此,早石炭世古亚洲洋发生了双向俯冲,形成了以石英闪长岩为主的岩石类型。  相似文献   

天山南缘老虎台一带,在阿克苏群上亚群或青白口纪花岗岩之上,由西向东分别出露一套碎屑岩、碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩、碳酸盐岩的岩石组合,原1:20万图幅区调统一划归为上石炭统康克林组,后来多沿用之.通过<新疆拜城县老虎台一带1:5万区域地质矿产调查>项目的工作,依据沉积特征、沉积体系、生物组合特征,确定其为一套障壁海岸沉积体系潮坪沉积,并进一步分为潮上、潮间坪、潮道,并将该套岩性组合划分为上石炭统喀拉治尔加组与康克林组,二者为相变过渡.  相似文献   

An account is given of a Geologists’ Association meeting in the Isle of Purbeck held on 28th–30th September 2012 and the stratigraphy and structures of the rocks examined during the weekend are described. Uppermost Jurassic Stage nomenclature and recent changes to stratigraphical nomenclature in the uppermost part of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation are discussed and the conclusion reached that the long-established divisions (Members) of this Formation are both readily recognisable and have nomenclatorial priority. The recent change to the position of Pallasioides-Rotunda zonal boundary ignores the ammonite fauna and is inappropriate. For the Lulworth district the stratigraphy of the uppermost Jurassic (Portlandian) through Lower and Upper Cretaceous formations are described and their associated structures discussed. The coastal evolution of the Lulworth coast is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the petrophysical properties of kimberlites from the Komsomolsky Pipe and statistical analysis of their relationships with the data of petrographic and ore microscopic studies. Comparison of the obtained results with data of analogous studies in other Yakutian kimberlite pipes showed that these data can be applied for prognostic evaluation of kimberlite contents in kimberlite bodies of this region.  相似文献   

Channels, with maximum depths of over 40 m, have been cut into the top of a coarsening upward sequence, in the Upper Carboniferous of northern England. The channels are interpreted as deep, distributaries cut into delta slope deposits. Giant cross-bed sets, up to 40 m thick, are the major channel infilling facies. Internal erosion surfaces occur within the giant cross-beds and some are draped by micaceous, silty sandstone. Previously interpreted as deltaic sedimentation units, the cross-beds are now thought to have been produced mainly by side attached, alternate bars and the drapes are interpreted as low stage deposits. Cosets of medium scale cross-beds overlie the giant cross-beds. These are thought to be deposits of dunes and smaller bars on top of the transverse bars and in the shallower parts of the distributary. The giant cross-beds are commonly underlain by unlaminated sandstone but may be underlain by undulatory bedding. The latter was apparently produced by ridges, parallel to the current, spaced between 9 and 23 m apart. The north of England appears to have had a major river by present day standards, for at least part of the upper Carboniferous.  相似文献   

桑继镇 《地质与勘探》2018,54(S1):1451-1458
新疆和田县甜水海地区上石炭统恰提尔组沉积地层沉积了一套陆源碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩地层,岩石类型较多,且灰岩中化石发育。该套地层主要岩石类型包括:泥质板岩、粉砂岩、粉砂质板岩、石英砂岩、含岩屑石英砂岩以及微晶灰岩、生物碎屑灰岩、角砾灰岩等。根据野外地质特征由下至上可将其划分为三个岩性段;结合岩石类型及岩性组合可以识别出三种沉积相带:浅海陆棚相、碳酸盐岩台地—斜坡相、滨岸相,它们共同组成了一个海侵—海退的沉积旋回,与区域上裂解事件相对应。  相似文献   

牛亚卓  魏建设  史冀忠  陈高潮 《地质通报》2013,32(11):1720-1727
北山地区处于华北板块、塔里木板块和哈萨克斯坦板块的交会带,其晚古生代洋陆转化备受关注,但久有争议。该区晚古生代地层学研究不足,制约了对构造演化的深入讨论。通过LA-ICP-MS 锆石U-Pb测年获得北山北部黑鹰山地区原定为下石炭统白山组火山岩的年龄分别为308.6Ma±1.0Ma和299.1Ma±2.4Ma,时代为晚石炭世。研究区内白山组时代的修订可以为该区构造演化提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

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