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Z. Zhong  K.H. Wang   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(7):927-949
Theoretical investigations on solitary waves interacting with a surface-piercing concentric porous cylinder system are presented in this paper. The outer cylinder is porous and considered thin in thickness, while the inner cylinder is solid. Both cylinders are rigidly fixed on the bottom. Following Isaacson's [Isaacson, Micheal de St. Q., 1983. Solitary wave diffraction around large cylinder. Journal of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering 109(1), 121–127.] approach, we obtained the solutions for free-surface elevation and the corresponding velocity potential in terms of Fourier integrals. Numerical results are presented to show the effects of incident wave condition, porosity of the outer cylinder and radius ratio on wave forces and wave elevations around the inner and outer cylinders.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional analytical solution is presented to study the reflection and transmission of linear water waves propagating past a submerged horizontal plate and through a vertical porous wall. The velocity potential in each fluid domain is formulated using three sets of orthogonal eigenfunctions and the unknown coefficients are determined from the matching conditions. Wave elevations and hydrodynamic forces acting on the porous wall are computed. Reflection and transmission coefficients are presented to examine the performance of the breakwater system. The present analytical solutions are found in fairly good agreement with the available laboratory data. The results indicate that the plate length, the porous-effect, the gap between plate and porous wall, and the submerged depth of the plate all show a significant influence on the reflected and transmitted wave fields. It is also interesting to note that the submerged plate plays an important role in reducing the transmitted wave height, especially for long incident waves.  相似文献   

The prediction of the added resistance of ships in waves is a demanding, quasi-second-order seakeeping problem of high practical interest. In the present paper, a well established frequency domain 3D panel method and a new hybrid time domain Rankine source-Green function method of NTUA-SDL are used to solve the basic seakeeping problem and to calculate first order velocity potentials and the Kochin functions, as necessary for the calculation of the added resistance by Maruo's far-field method. A wide range of case studies for different hull forms (slender and bulky) was used to validate the applicability and accuracy of the implemented methods in practice and important conclusions regarding the efficiency of the investigated methods are drawn.  相似文献   

Yong Liu  Bin Teng 《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(16):1588-1596
This study examines the hydrodynamic performance of a modified two-layer horizontal-plate breakwater. The breakwater consists of an upper submerged horizontal porous plate and a lower submerged horizontal solid plate. By means of the matched eigenfunction expansion method, a linear analytical solution is developed for the interaction of water waves with the structure. Then the reflection coefficient, the transmission coefficient, the energy-loss coefficient and the wave forces acting on the plates are calculated. The numerical results obtained for limiting cases are exactly the same as previous predictions for a single submerged horizontal solid plate and a single submerged horizontal porous plate. Numerical results show that with a suitable geometrical porosity of the upper plate, the uplift wave forces on both plates can be controlled at a low level. Numerical results also show that the transmission coefficient will be always small if the dimensionless plate length (plate length versus incident wavelength) exceeds a certain moderate value. This is rather significant for practical engineering, as the incident wavelength varies over a wide range in practice. Moreover, it is found that the hydrodynamic performance of the present structure may be further enhanced if the lower plate is also perforated.  相似文献   

新型开孔工字板组合式防波堤波浪力特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
开孔工字板组合式防波堤是基于透空板式防波堤的一种新型结构形式,具有自重轻、材料省的特点。为充分了解新型开孔组合式防波堤的受力特性,基于室内水槽物理模型试验,测量新型开孔工字板组合式防波堤上的波压力与结构总力,研究相对波高H/d、相对波长L/B对该新型防波堤结构表面压力的影响,讨论了该新型防波堤所受波浪力荷载与相对波高H/d、相对波长L/B的关系。结果表明,相对波高H/d是决定新型防波堤结构表面波压力和结构总力的主要影响因素。该新型防波堤结构波浪力荷载以垂直方向受力为主,新型防波堤结构所受竖向总力远大于水平总力,最大可达到15倍。新型防波堤水平总力随相对波长L/B先增大后趋于稳定。相对波长L/B=3.617是防波堤结构水平总力变化幅度的分界点。  相似文献   

The motion and the drift force of a floating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device in regular waves are studied taking account of the oscillating surface-pressure due to the pressure drop across the duct of the air chamber. The potential problem inside the chamber is formulated by making use of the Green integral equation associated with the Rankine-type Green function while the outer problem with the Kelvin-type Green function. The added mass, wave damping and excitation coefficients as well as the motion and drift force of the OWC device are calculated for various values of parameter related to the pressure drop.  相似文献   

This paper provides a practical method by which the drag force on a vegetation field beneath nonlinear random waves can be estimated. This is achieved by using a simple drag formula together with an empirical drag coefficient given by Mendez et al. (Mendez, F.J., Losada, I.J., Losada, M.A., 1999. Hydrodynamics induced by wind waves in a vegetation field. J. Geophys. Res. 104 (C8), 18383–18396). Effects of nonlinear waves are included by using Stokes second order wave theory where the basic harmonic motion is assumed to be a stationary Gaussian narrow–band random process. An example of calculation is also presented.  相似文献   

Response of a porous seabed around breakwater heads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. Li  D.-S. Jeng   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(8-9):864-886
The evaluation of wave-induced pore pressures and effective stresses in a porous seabed near a breakwater head is important for coastal engineers involved in the design of marine structures. Most previous studies have been limited to two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) cases in front of a breakwater. In this study, we focus on the problem near breakwater heads that consists of incident, reflected and diffracted waves. Both wave-induced oscillatory and residual liquefactions will be considered in our new models. The mistake in the previous work [Jeng, D.-S., 1996. Wave-induced liquefaction potential at the tip of a breakwater. Applied Ocean Research 18(5), 229–241] for oscillatory mechanism is corrected, while a new 3D boundary value problem describing residual mechanism is established. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the influences of several wave and soil parameters on wave-induced oscillatory and residual liquefactions around breakwater heads.  相似文献   

An analytical solution has been developed in this paper to quantify the flow field and the surge motion of a porous tension leg platform with an impermeable top layer induced by linear waves. The porous layer of the TLP is considered to be anisotropic but homogeneous. The nonlinear form drag in the porous layer is replaced by a linear drag according to Lorentz’s hypothesis of equivalent work. The convergence of the series solution is verified. The dependence of the flow field, the surge motion of the platform, and its resonant frequency on wave and structure properties has been studied.  相似文献   

The wave dispersion equation has played a very important role in the development of ocean surface wave theories. The evaluation of the length of a water wave is an essential example of solving the dispersion relation. Conventional ocean wave theories have been based on an assumption of a rigid impermeable seabed. Thus, the conventional wave dispersion equation can only be used in the case of a wave propagating over a rigid impermeable seabed. For waves propagating over a porous seabed (such as a sandy bed), the conventional dispersion relation is no longer valid because of the absence of the characteristics of the porous seabed. The objective of this study is to establish a new wave dispersion equation for waves propagating over a porous seabed. Based on the new relation, the effects of a porous seabed on wave characteristics (such as the wavelength and wave profile) are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in a wave flume to study the differences between harmonic evolution of monochromatic waves as they propagate over a submerged impermeable or porous step under non-breaking conditions. Results are used as a preliminary analysis to establish some engineering design criteria on harmonic generation on submerged porous structures. The root-mean-squared wave height evolution is also studied and compared to linear models as a first approximation. It is shown that porous structure increases the effective relative depth and decreases the relative wave height, resulting in a lower Ursell number and a lower chance to generate harmonics. The effective water depth over a step as defined in the paper, provides information to evaluate the potential harmonic generation.  相似文献   

Water wave interaction with a floating porous cylinder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of water waves with a freely floating circular cylinder possessing a side-wall that is porous over a portion of its draft is investigated theoretically. The porous side-wall region is bounded top and bottom by impermeable end caps thereby resulting in an enclosed fluid region within the structure. The problem is formulated based on potential flow and linear wave theory and assuming small-amplitude structural oscillations. An eigenfunction expansion approach is then used to obtain semi-analytical expressions for the hydrodynamic excitation and reaction loads on the structure. Numerical results are presented which illustrate the effects of the various wave and structural parameters on these quantities. It is found that the permeability, size and location of the porous region may have a significant influence on the horizontal components of the hydrodynamic excitation and reaction loads, while its influence on the vertical components in most cases is relatively minor.  相似文献   

当波浪传播至近岸浅水区时易发生破碎,波浪破碎后水体直接拍击单桩结构,其波浪作用力显著增大,可能导致结构失稳破坏。首先建立包括斜坡海床的数值波浪水槽,并与已有研究进行对比验证。进而开展考虑斜坡海床可渗透性的孤立波数值模拟,分析孤立波传播与浅水化破碎特征,着重研究竖直单桩上破碎波浪力的特性,及其与单桩位置、海床渗透率的关联性。数值研究发现:对于低渗透率海床,随着单桩位置由深水向岸线位置变动,其所受波浪力先增后减,所受波浪力最大的桩体位置随海床渗透率增加而从波浪破碎点前方移动至破碎点后1D处,而在高渗透率海床上不同位置处桩体所受波浪力均较小;随海床渗透率等梯度增加,海床消波作用逐渐增强,波浪破碎进程延缓,波浪破碎点向岸线方向加速移动,单桩上破碎波浪力呈整体下降趋势,但可能因波浪破碎点的位置变动导致部分位置桩体所受波浪力异常增大。  相似文献   

The problem of wave propagation and wave damping in a channel with side porous mattresses of arbitrary shape protruding from the walls is studied. The solution was achieved by applying 3-D boundary element method and was employed to study wave field in the channel and to analyze the effect of the geometry of the mattresses and physical and hydraulic properties of porous material on wave damping. The results show that wave damping in the channel strongly depends on wave parameters, especially, on the wave number. Wave reflection and transmission decrease with increasing the wave number. The results also show that the wave field in the channel strongly depends on the geometry of the mattresses as well as on physical and hydraulic properties of porous material used to build these wave dampers. The geometry of the mattresses and physical and hydraulic properties of porous material have a moderate effect on wave reflection and a significant effect on wave transmission. The results show that wave transmission down the channel decreases with increasing the length and thickness of the mattresses. Moreover, wave transmission decreases with increasing the porosity and damping properties of porous media used to build the mattresses. The analysis shows that porous mattresses protruding from the channel walls are very efficient in damping water waves propagating down the channel and may be built in channels to reduce high waves and achieve desired wave conditions. Theoretical results are in reasonable agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

采用解析方法研究了线性入射波作用下两层流体中多个圆柱形淹没浮体的渡浪力特性.首先基于多极子展开方法,建立了散射势函数的解析表达式,并进一步得到浮体散射渡浪力的计算公式,然后利用边界元方法验证了本文的解析解,最后分析了不同参数的变化对双圆柱形浮体结构波浪力的特有影响.  相似文献   

王科  张犀  高鑫 《中国海洋工程》2011,25(4):699-708
The interaction between wave and horizontal and vertical plates is investigated by the boundary element method,and the relations of wave exciting force with plate thickness,submergence and length are obtained.It is found that:1) The efficient wave exciting force exists while plate submergence is less than 0.5 m,and the plate is very thin with order O(0.005 m).2) The maximum heave wave exciting force exists,and it is the main factor for surface and submerged horizontal plate while the roll force can be ignored.3) The maximum sway wave exciting force exists,it is the main factor for surface or submerged vertical plate,and the roll force is about 20 times of horizontal plate.  相似文献   

The problem of a two-dimensional finite-width wedge entering water near a freely floating body is considered through the velocity potential theory for the incompressible liquid with the fully nonlinear boundary conditions on the free surface. The problem is solved by using the boundary element method in the time domain. The numerical process is divided into two phases based on whether the interaction between the wedge and floating body is significant. In the first phase, when the single wedge enters water at initial stage, only a small part near its tip is in the fluid, the problem is studied in a stretched coordinate system and the presence of the floating body has no major effect. In the second phase, the disturbance by water entry of the wedge has reached the floating body, and both are considered together in the physical system. The auxiliary function method is adopted to decouple the nonlinear mutual dependence between the motions of the wedge and floating body, both in three degrees of freedom, and the fluid flow, as well as the interaction effects between them. Case studies are undertaken for a wedge entering water in forced or free fall motion, vertically or obliquely. Results are provided for the accelerations, velocities, pressure distribution and free surface deformation, and the interaction effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Safety is the topmost priority considered by the designers of floating systems or any other structural systems. Reliability, economy and environmental pollutions and the liability of the structure in the case of accidents are also considered by the designers. The paper concentrates on the non-linear behavior of a moored floating platform in stochastic seaway generated using the Pierson–Moskowitz spectrum. Second-order wave forces (slow drift force) acting on the structure is considered as they contribute to a major percentage of the excursion of a large platform. Wave drift damping and skin friction damping have also been considered.It has been shown that the principal frequency of the second-order motion of the platform due to drift forces closely matches the natural frequency of the system in surge motion. This has been subsequently used in tuning a PID (proportionate integral and differential)-based control system for the surge mode, where reduction in the order of 90% has been observed.  相似文献   

Extensive use of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in oceanographic applications necessitates investigation into the hydrodynamic forces acting over an AUV hull form operating under deeply submerged condition. This paper presents a towing tank-based experimental study on forces and moment on AUV hull form in the vertical plane. The AUV hull form considered in the present program is a 1:2 model of the standard hull form Afterbody1. The present measurements were carried out at typical speeds of autonomous underwater vehicles (0.4-1.4 m/s) by varying pitch angles (0-15°). The hydrodynamic forces and moment are measured by an internally mounted multi-component strain gauge type balance. The measurements were used to study variation of axial, normal, drag, lift and pitching moment coefficients with Reynolds number (Re) and angle of attack. The measurements have also been used to validate results obtained from a CFD code that uses Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations (ANSYS™ Fluent). The axial and normal force coefficients are increased by 18% and 195%; drag, lift and pitching moment coefficients are increased by 90%, 182% and 297% on AUV hull form at α=15° and Rev=3.65×105. These results can give better idea for the efficient design of guidance and control systems for AUV.  相似文献   

This paper provides a practical method for estimating the drag force on a vegetation field exposed to long-crested (2D) and short-crested (3D) nonlinear random waves. This is achieved by using a simple drag formula together with an empirical drag coefficient given by Mendez et al. (1999), in conjunction with a stochastic approach. Here the waves are assumed to be a stationary narrow-band random process. Effects of nonlinear waves are included by adopting the Forristall (2000) wave crest height distribution representing both 2D and 3D random waves.  相似文献   

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