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铁矿石样品经超声提取、离心机分离沉淀后,分别通过IC-RP柱、IC-Na柱及0.22μm微孔过滤膜过滤,25.00 mmol/L NaOH溶液作为淋洗液,利用AS-19型阴离子分离柱和ASRS 300-4 mm连续自动再生化学抑制器分离样品中氟、氯、溴和硝酸根多种水溶性阴离子和采集数据。经过IC-RP柱可吸附样品溶液中有机质,通过IC-Na柱可将溶液中重金属离子置换成Na+,使之与淋洗液的阳离子成分一致。对水溶性阴离子的提取效率进行实验,确定提取时间为30 min。在标准溶液及待测样品溶液中加入一定量相应的淋洗液,使溶液和淋洗液的电导值相匹配来消除水负峰的影响。F-、Cl-、Br-、NO3-的方法检出限分别为2.1、3.5、2.5、2.0μg/g,工作曲线的相关系数>0.999。用铁矿石标准样品GBW 07218a验证方法的准确度与精密度,测定值与标准值基本吻合,精密度(RSD,n=10)小于5%,加标回收率为96%~104%。用于实际样品的分析,测定值与离子选择电极法结果接近。方法线性范围宽,操作简单,快速高效,适用于实验室日常检测工作。  相似文献   

The behaviour of trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr,Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, V, Zn) was studied in five humus-richstreams (dissolved organic carbon = 14–40 mg/L)impacted by acid sulphate soils developed in marinesulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments. During heavyrainfalls in autumn, on which the study focusses, themetals Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn are extensivelyleached from these acidic soils (pH = 2.5–4.5), whileAs, Cr, Fe and V are not leached more strongly fromthis soil type than from areas of till and peat. Aspeciation experiment, based on anion and cationexchange of the stream waters in the field, showedthat (1) the metals Al, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni and Zn aretransported in the streams mainly as inorganiccations, (2) Cu exists mainly in cationic form but isalso to a significant extent associated with dissolvedhumic substances, (3) Fe occurs mainly in the anionicfraction explained by organic coating on colloidal Feoxyhydoxides and (4) the hydrochemistry of As, Cr andV is complex as these elements may exist in severalunquantified anionic fractions and to a minor extentin cationic species/forms. Whereas the proportion ofacid sulphate soils in the catchments had a largeimpact on concentrations levels of several elements inthe stream waters, these soils did not have a largeaffect on the speciation of elements in water.  相似文献   

Using the hydrogeological and socio-economic data derived from a European Commission research project on the measurement, monitoring and sustainability of the coastal environment, two optimization models have been applied to satisfy the future water resources needs of the coastal zone of Bardez in Goa, India. The number of tourists visiting Goa since the 1970s has risen considerably, and roughly a third of them go to Bardez taluka, prompting growth in the tourist-related infrastructure in the region. The optimization models are non-linear mixed integer models that have been solved using GAMS/DICOPT++ commercial software. Optimization models were used, firstly, to indicate the most suitable zones for building seaside resorts and wells to supply the tourist industry with an adequate amount of water, and secondly, to indicate the best location for wells to adequately supply pre-existing hotels. The models presented will help to define the optimal locations for the wells and the hydraulic infrastructures needed to satisfy demand at minimum cost, taking into account environmental constraints such as the risk of saline intrusion.
Résumé A l’aide de données hydrogéologiques et socio-économiques, dérivées d’un projet de recherche de la Commission Européenne sur l’étude, la surveillance et la durabilité de l’environnement c?tier, deux modèles d’optimisation ont été appliqués en vue de satisfaire les besoins futurs en ressources en eau de la zone c?tière de Bardez au Goa en Inde. Le nombre de touristes qui visitent le Goa depuis les années 70 a considérablement augmenté et environ un tiers d’entre eux se rend à Bardez taluka, ce qui encourage la croissance des infrastructures liées au tourisme dans la région. Les modèles d’optimisation sont des modèles non linéaires mixtes en nombres entiers qui ont été résolus en utilisant le logiciel commercial GAMS/DICOPT++. Les modèles d’optimisation ont été utilisés pour indiquer premièrement les zones les plus appropriées pour construire des stations balnéaires et des puits pour approvisionner en quantité d’eau suffisante l’industrie touristique, et deuxièmement pour indiquer la meilleure localisation de puits pour l’alimentation des h?tels préexistants. Les modèles présentés aideront à définir les localisations optimales des puits et des infrastructures hydrauliques nécessaires à la satisfaction de la demande à un co?t minimum, tout en prenant en compte les contraintes environnementales, tel que le risque d’intrusion saline.

Resumen Se han aplicado dos modelos de optimización en base a datos socio-económicos e hidrogeológicos derivados de un proyecto de investigación de la Comisión Europea sobre medición, monitoreo y sostenibilidad del ambiente costero para satisfacer las necesidades futuras de recursos hídricos de la zona costera de Bardez en Goa, India. El número de turistas que visita Goa desde la década de 1970′s ha subido considerablemente y cerca de un tercio de ellos van a Bardez taluka impulsando el crecimiento en la infraestructura turística de la región. Los modelos de optimización son modelos de números enteros mixtos no-lineales que se han resuelto usando el programa comercial GAMS/DICOPT++. Los modelos de optimización se usaron, primero para indicar las zonas más adecuadas para la construcción de centros de diversión en las márgenes del océano y pozos para abastecer la industria turística con una adecuada cantidad de agua, y segundo, para indicar la mejor localización de pozos para el abastecimiento de hoteles pre-existentes. Los modelos que se presentan ayudarán a definir las localizaciones óptimas para los pozos y las infraestructuras hidráulicas necesarias para satisfacer la demanda al mínimo costo, tomando en consideración restricciones ambientales tal como el riesgo de intrusión salina.

为系统客观的评价地下水饮用水源地的安全状态,基于“驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应”(DPSIR)框架初步建立备选评价指标,运用专家咨询法对备选指标进行筛选及合理性检验,采用层次分析法确定指标权重,构建地下水饮用水源地安全度综合评价体系。以滹沱河浅层孔隙水水源地为例,确定了包含5个准则层,18个指标的地下水饮用水源地安全评价指标体系。滹沱河浅层孔隙水水源地实例研究表明,准则层中压力系统和状态系统所占权重较大,分别为0.257和0.339;水源地安全度为0.67,尽管处于较安全级别,但非常接近警戒值(0.4~0.6)。通过实例分析可知,筛选的指标具有一定的实用性,可以为评价浅层孔隙水水源地的安全状态及面临的风险提供参考。  相似文献   

The Graveyard Point intrusion is the only known example of awell-exposed differentiated mafic pluton associated with thelate Miocene–Pleistocene magmatism of the western SnakeRiver Plain (SRP). It is exposed in a 6 km by 4 km area adjacentto the Oregon–Idaho border, and exposures range in thicknessfrom 20 to 160 m. The thicker parts of the intrusion are stronglydifferentiated and contain a 25–60 m thick section ofwell-laminated cumulus-textured gabbros that grade upward intopegmatoidal ferrogabbro. Evolved liquids formed sheets of Fe-richsiliceous granophyre. At least two injections of magma are indicatedby abrupt discontinuities in the rock and mineral compositions,and by the lack of mass balance between the bulk intrusion andits chilled borders. The laminated gabbros are interpreted tohave formed from a tongue of augite and plagioclase crystalsthat were carried in with the second pulse of magma. Followingthe final emplacement of the intrusion, in situ differentiationproceeded through a two-stage process: the ferrogabbros areexplained as interstitial liquids forced out of the crystalmush by compaction, and the siliceous granophyres are interpretedto be residual liquids that migrated out of the partly crystallizedferrogabbros in response to the exsolution of volatiles. Becausethe geochemical trend inferred for the mafic to intermediatecomposition liquids in the Graveyard Point intrusion is similarto the trend for many western Snake River Plain lavas, the plutonmay be a good model for shallow sub-volcanic magma chamberselsewhere in the SRP. However, some western SRP lavas containanomalously high concentrations of P2O5 , which are best explainedby mixing within the active crustal mush column or with partialmelts of previously formed differentiated mafic intrusions. KEY WORDS: Snake River Plain; mafic intrusions; tholeiitic; sill; granophyre  相似文献   

神东煤炭公司大柳塔矿12404工作面煤层埋深浅,上覆基岩薄、松散含水层厚,且地表有河流横过(工作面长度240m,推进度3900m,其中薄基岩富水段150m),为了减少工作面搬家次数提高生产效益,采取了地面抽排水、井下泄放水及地面注浆固沙等有效的防治水措施,工作面安全通过了母河沟,该防治水方法的应用改变了以往类似情况进行留煤柱跳采的方法,取得了浅埋深薄基岩厚含水层下煤层综合机械化安全开采经验,比停产跳采节省搬家费用2400万元,获得了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

Coastal ecosystems are characterized by relatively deep, plankton-based estuaries and much shallower systems where light reaches the bottom. These latter systems, including lagoons, bar-built estuaries, the fringing regions of deeper systems, and other systems of only a few meters deep, are characterized by a variety of benthic primary producers that augment and, in many cases, dominate the production supplied by phytoplankton. These “shallow coastal photic systems” are subject to a wide variety of both natural and anthropogenic drivers and possess numerous natural “filters” that modulate their response to these drivers; in many cases, the responses are much different from those in deeper estuaries. Natural drivers include meteorological forcing, freshwater inflow, episodic events such as storms, wet/dry periods, and background loading of optically active constituents. Anthropogenic drivers include accelerated inputs of nutrients and sediments, chemical contaminants, physical alteration and hydrodynamic manipulation, climate change, the presence of intensive aquaculture, fishery harvests, and introduction of exotic species. The response of these systems is modulated by a number of factors, notably bathymetry, physical flushing, fetch, sediment type, background light attenuation, and the presence of benthic autotrophs, suspension feeding bivalves, and fringing tidal wetlands. Finally, responses to stressors in these systems, particularly anthropogenic nutrient enrichment, consist of blooms of phytoplankton, macroalgae, and epiphytic algae, including harmful algal blooms, subsequent declines in submerged aquatic vegetation and loss of critical habitat, development of hypoxia/anoxia particularly on short time scales (i.e., “diel-cycling”), fish kills, and loss of secondary production. This special issue of Estuaries and Coasts serves to integrate current understanding of the structure and function of shallow coastal photic systems, illustrate the many drivers that cause change in these systems, and synthesize their varied responses.  相似文献   

An alternative iron removal treatment method using liquid-liquid extraction with the room-temperature ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, as a solvent medium was studied. The chelating agent 1,10-phenanthroline was used as the extractant. The extraction of Fe(III) and Fe(II) was influenced significantly by the pH of the aqueous phase. The successful removal of iron was achieved; more than 95 % of the initial iron concentration was removed from the groundwater samples. However, detailed research is needed before the ionic liquid method can replace the conventional groundwater treatment protocol because the recovery rate was very low upon reuse (approximately 25–60 %). This low recovery was due to the ion exchange process; the appearance of anions from ionic liquids was also detected in groundwater samples.  相似文献   

Benthic oxygen, dinitrogen, and nutrient fluxes (NH4+, NO3, and PO43−) were measured monthly during a 1-year period at two locations in Weeks Bay, a shallow (1.4 m) and eutrophic estuary in Alabama. Gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (R), and net ecosystem metabolism were determined from high-frequency dissolved oxygen measurements. Peak water column NO3 (55 μM) and chlorophyll a (138 μg/l) concentrations were measured during spring and fall, respectively. Sediments were a net source of NH4+ (102 μmol m−2 h−1) and PO43− (0.9 μmol m−2 h−1) but a sink for NO3 (−30 μmol m−2 h−1). Benthic N2 fluxes indicated net N fixation (12 μmol N m−2 h−1). Sediment oxygen demand (0.55 g O2 m−2 day−1) accounted for <10% of R (7.3 g O2 m−2 day−1). Despite high GPP rates (4.7 g O2 m−2 day−1), the estuary was net heterotrophic. Benthic regeneration supplied, on average, 7.5% and 4% of primary productivity N and P demands, respectively. These results contrast with the conventional view that benthic regeneration accounts for a large fraction of phytoplankton nutrient demand in shallow estuaries.  相似文献   

The Palaeogene Kangerlussuaq Intrusion (50 Ma) of East Greenlanddisplays concentric zonation from quartz-rich nordmarkite (quartzsyenite) at the margin, through pulaskite, to foyaite (nephelinesyenite) in the centre; modal layering and igneous laminationare locally developed but there are no internal intrusive contacts.This is an apparent violation of the phase relations in Petrogeny'sResidua System. We propose that this intrusion is layered, gradingfrom quartz syenite at the bottom to nepheline syenite at thetop. Mineral and whole-rock major and trace element data andSr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope data are presented thatprovide constraints on the petrogenesis of the intrusion. Radiogenicisotope data indicate a continuously decreasing crustal componentfrom the quartz nordmarkites (87Sr/86Sr = 0·7061; Ndi= 2·3; Hfi = 5·2; 206Pb/204Pbmeas = 16·98)to the foyaites (87Sr/86Sr = 0·7043–0·7044;Ndi = 3·8–4·9; Hfi = 10·7–11·1;206Pb/204Pbmeas = 17·78–17·88); the foyaitesare dominated by a mantle isotopic signature. The average Mg-numberof amphibole cores becomes increasingly primitive, varying from26·4 in the nordmarkites to 57·4 in the pulaskites.Modal layering, feldspar lamination and the presence of hugebasaltic xenoliths derived from the chamber roof, now restingon the transient chamber floor, demonstrate bottom-upwards crystallization.The intrusion cannot, therefore, have formed in a system closedto magmatic recharge. The lack of gneissic xenoliths in thenordmarkites suggests that most contamination took place deeperin the crust. In the proposed model, the nordmarkitic magmaformed during crustal assimilation in the roof zone of a large,silica-undersaturated alkali basaltic/basanitic, stratifiedmagma chamber, prior to emplacement in the uppermost crust.The more primitive syenites, terminating with foyaite at thetop of the intrusion, formed as a consequence of repeated rechargeof the Kangerlussuaq Intrusion magma chamber by tapping lesscontaminated, more primitive phonolitic melt from deeper partsof the underlying chamber during progressive armouring of theplumbing system. KEY WORDS: Kangerlussuaq; East Greenland; syenite; crustal contamination; magma mixing  相似文献   

Stochastic methods based on time-series modeling combined with geostatistics can be useful tools to describe the variability of water-table levels in time and space and to account for uncertainty. Monitoring water-level networks can give information about the dynamic of the aquifer domain in both dimensions. Time-series modeling is an elegant way to treat monitoring data without the complexity of physical mechanistic models. Time-series model predictions can be interpolated spatially, with the spatial differences in water-table dynamics determined by the spatial variation in the system properties and the temporal variation driven by the dynamics of the inputs into the system. An integration of stochastic methods is presented, based on time-series modeling and geostatistics as a framework to predict water levels for decision making in groundwater management and land-use planning. The methodology is applied in a case study in a Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) outcrop area located in the southeastern part of Brazil. Communication of results in a clear and understandable form, via simulated scenarios, is discussed as an alternative, when translating scientific knowledge into applications of stochastic hydrogeology in large aquifers with limited monitoring network coverage like the GAS.  相似文献   

A significant component of domestic demand for water of urban areas located in the Gangetic plains is met by heavy pumping of groundwater. The present study is focused on the Patna municipal area, inhabited by 17 million people and spanning over 134 km2, where entire urban water demand is catered from pumping by wells of various capacities and designs. The present study examines the nature of the aquifer system within the urban area, the temporal changes in the water/piezometric level and the recharge mechanism of the deeper aquifers. The aquifer system is made up of medium-to-coarse unconsolidated sand, lying under a ~40-m-thick predominantly argillaceous unit holding 8- to 13-m-thick localised sand layers and continues up to 220 m below ground. Groundwater occurs under semi-confined condition, with transmissivity of aquifers in 5,500–9,200 m2 day?1 range. Hydraulic head of the deeper aquifer remains in 9–19 m range below ground, in contrast to 1–9 m range of that of the upper aquitard zone. The estimated annual groundwater extraction from the deeper aquifer is ~212.0 million m3, which has created a decline of 3.9 m in the piezometric level of the deeper aquifer during the past 30 years. Unregulated construction of deep tube wells with mushrooming of apartment culture may further exacerbate the problem. The sand layers within the aquitard zone are experiencing an annual extraction of 14.5 million m3 and have exhibited stable water level trend for past one and half decades. This unit is recharged from monsoon rainfall, besides contribution from water supply pipe line leakage and seepage from unlined storm water drains.  相似文献   

The Kaluganga River Estuary is one of the main sources of construction sand in Sri Lanka. Salt water intrusion along this estuary due to extensive sand mining has increased over the years. Thus, the focus of the current research is to understand the relationship between river sand mining, salt water intrusion, and the resultant effects on construction sand. Two surveys were conducted along the Kaluganga Estuary along an 11 km stretch from the river mouth at predetermined intervals to measure depth water quality profiles, and to collect sediment samples. These surveys were carried out during maximum spring tide; first in a dry period and then in a wet period, to understand hydrographic effects on the quality of river sands. Sand samples were analysed for absolute chloride content and grain size distribution. Results showed significant salt water intrusion during the dry period, averaging 2,307 μS cm?1 in surface waters throughout the surveyed 11 km stretch along with 3,818 μS cm?1 (average) in bottom waters up to 5.6 km upstream from the river mouth causing above normal chloride content in the bottom sandy sediments. The high chloride content in bottom sands was recorded up to 5.5 km from the river mouth making them unsuitable for construction purposes. However, during wet period, salt water intrusion levels in the bottom waters were insignificant (average 61 μS cm?1) and the chloride content in bottom sediments was very low. This study highlighted the requirement for regulations on river estuary sandmining for construction purposes.  相似文献   

The Miocene Tokuwa pluton of ‘I-type’ granitoidaffinity was emplaced discordantly into a Cretaceous to Paleogeneaccretionary complex and induced a contact aureole in whichvarious thermally metamorphosed rocks were developed, includinghornfels, metatexite, diatexite and cordierite-bearing tonalite(Crd-tonalite) of ‘S-type’ granite affinity. Thethermally metamorphosed rocks show low-pressure reaction texturesculminating in partial melting. Peak P–T conditions of3 kbar at 780°C are estimated on the basis of the TWQ thermobarometerfor the garnet-bearing rocks. The rocks in the contact aureoleexhibit a gradual transition from hornfels, through metatexiteand diatexite to Crd-tonalite. The Sr-isotopic composition atthe time of Tokuwa pluton emplacement at 12 Ma decreases systematicallyfrom metatexite (0·7100–0·7112) throughdiatexite (0·7078–0·7094) to Crd-tonalite(0·7067–0·7068); this trend is interpretedin terms of mixing between the Tokuwa magma and the aureolemigmatites. The field relationships, geochemical data, and isotopicdata collectively suggest that the emplacement of the Tokuwapluton triggered partial melting of the surrounding metasedimentaryrocks. Subsequent hybridization of the Tokuwa magma with themetatexite in variable proportions produced the Crd-tonaliteand diatexite. The hybridization was caused by invasion of theTokuwa magma into the migmatite zone, accompanied by gravitationalcollapse of the previously crystallized wall of the magma chamber.The data presented demonstrate that even a relatively low-temperature,shallow, ‘I-type’ granitoid pluton can induce contactanatexis and hybrid ‘S-type’ granitoid formationat the intrusive contact. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; hybridization; magma–host-rock interaction; migmatite; ‘S-type’ granitoid  相似文献   

TAYLOR  W.P. 《Journal of Petrology》1976,17(2):194-218
Regression surface techniques have been used on partial whole-rockchemical analyses from the Puscao pluton to establish the three-dimensionalnature of the chemical variations within this body, which wasemplaced at a depth of between 4 km and 8 km within the crust.Block diagrams produced by the computer program are consistentwith the hypothesis that during the period preceding the totalconsolidation of the magma, the pluton has undergone in situdifferentiation to give a layered structure. Statistical analysis confirms that there is a large scale variationwithin the pluton and that local variation, such as might beexpected to result from the contamination of the Puscao magmaby assimilated volcanic material, did not contribute significantlyto the overall variation. Evidence is presented which suggests that the layering withinthe Puscao pluton was disturbed as a result of the emplacementof the much later Cañhas pluton, and that this disturbancehas the form of a simple doming centred upon the site of thepresent Cañas intrusion.  相似文献   

This paper describes a field experiment of stress measurement using the overcoring method performed in a rock slope, called Rochers de Valabres (located in France’s Southern Alps Region), a field laboratory site prone to rockfalls. Six measurements were conducted at shallow depths from the surface, moving deeper along a sub-horizontal borehole. The experiment was conducted in heterogeneous and anisotropic gneiss, with the overcored rock elastic properties, as evaluated by biaxial and uniaxial tests, being widely scattered. Since stress calculations are sensitive to all input data uncertainties, strain inversion was, thus, performed using an experimental device and Monte Carlo simulations. The experimental device allows the assessment of rather broad confidence intervals for both stress magnitude and orientation. The results indicate that the stress state in the surface area is quite heterogeneous and may be correlated with topography. The measurements show a nonlinear stress distribution with distance to the free surface, along with high values of principal stresses, despite the vicinity of the surface. Although influenced by local topography, orientations of the principal computed stresses are characterized by a high turnover due to local heterogeneities. The results are roughly in accordance to a 2D finite element model of the site.  相似文献   

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