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The Rottnest Shelf is a narrow, wave-dominated open shelf on the passive continental margin of southwest Australia, adjacent to a hinterland of low relief and sluggish drainage. High physical energy, low nutrients in cool subtropical waters, and rapid postglacial transgression have limited carbonate productivity, restricted grain types, and reworked the transgressed surface to form only a thin ( < 1 m) blanket of carbonate and relict sediment, with little terrigenous influx. Subaerial weathering of the shelf during Late Pleistocene emergence was followed by postglacial drowning, erosional shoreface retreat, and generation of a transgressive lag deposit. Establishment of the warm temperate biota, dominated by bryozoans and calcareous red algae, resulted in bioerosion of the shelf disconformity surface and generation of hardground veneers and thin skeletal carbonate sheets. Linear topographic ridges of Pleistocene limestone partition the shelf into systems with varying physical energy, biota and sediment supply. The Holocene sediments are a shallowing-upward coastal sequence; wave-ripple cross-stratified grainstone (Inner Shelf); and bioturbated bryozoan grainstone to skeletal wackestone (Outer Shelf to Upper Continental Slope), characterised by seaward fining and increasing percentages of planktic carbonate sediment.

Given sufficient time, the Rottnest Shelf could recover from drowning, and form blanket-like skeletal carbonates. Thin ( < 1 m) lags overlying disconformities, which underlie shallowing-upward coastal and shelf sediments a few metres thick, will be generated by glacio-eustatic cycles of sedimentation (105 y duration). Thick (several tens of metres) sediment bodies, composed of wave-rippled to bioturbated skeletal carbonate sediment with a temperate biota, will be formed during longer term (1–10 My) sedimentation cycles. Such cycles have characterised passive margins during the Cenozoic. The Rottnest Shelf thus provides a facies model for temperate shelf sedimentation along passive continental margins.  相似文献   

The wide Lacepede Shelf and narrow Bonney Shelf are contiguous parts of the south-eastern passive continental margin of Australia. The shelves are open, generally deeper than 40 m, covered by waters cooler than 18°C and swept by oceanic swells that move sediments to depths of 140 m. The Lacepede Shelf is proximal to the ‘delta’of the River Murray and the Coorong Lagoon. Shelf and upper slope sediments are a variable mixture of Holocene and late Pleistocene quartzose terrigenous clastic and bryozoa-dominated carbonate particles. Bryozoa grow in abundance to depths of 250 m and are conspicuous to depths of 350 m. They can be grouped into four depth-related assemblages. Coralline algae, the only calcareous phototrophs, are important sediment producers to depths of 70 m. Active benthic carbonate sediment production occurs to depths of 350 m, but carbonate sediment accumulation is reduced on the open shelf by continuous high energy conditions. The shelf is separated into five zones. The strandline is typified by accretionary sequences of steep shoreface, beach and dune carbonate/siliciclastic sediments. Similar shoreline facies of relict bivalve/limestone cobble ridges are stranded on the open shelf. The shallow shelf, c.40–70 m deep, is a wide, extremely flat plain with only subtle local relief. It is a mosaic of grainy, quartzose, palimpsest facies which reflect the complex interaction of modern bioclastic sediment production (dominated by bryozoa and molluscs), numerous highstands of sea level over the last 80 000 years, modern mixing of sediments from relatively recent highstands and local introduction of quartz-rich sediments during lowstands. The middle shelf, c.70–140 m deep, is a gentle incline with subtle relief where Holocene carbonates veneer seaward-dipping bedrock clinoforms and local lowstand beach complexes. Carbonates are mostly modern, uniform, clean, coarse grained sands dominated by a diverse suite of robust to delicate bryozoa particles produced primarily in situ but swept into subaqueous dunes. The deep shelf edge, c. 140–250 m deep, is a site of diverse and active bryozoa growth. Resulting accumulations are characteristically muddy and distinguished by large numbers of delicate, branching bryozoa. The upper slope, between 250 and 350 m depth, contains the deepest platform-related sediments, which are very muddy and contain a low diversity suite of delicate, branching cyclostome bryozoa. This study provides fundamental environmental information critical for the interpretation of Cenozoic cool water carbonates and the region is a good model for older mixed carbonate-terrigenous clastic successions which were deposited on unrimmed shelves.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, petrographic and radiometric data from a submerged beachrock on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, provide new information about the Late Holocene sea-level history in this area.At French Bay, on the southern shore of the island, samples of beachrock collected at a depth of 1 m below low tide level yielded an average 14C age of 965 ± 60 years before present. These samples further display a well developed fenestral porosity and present an early generation of low Mg calcite meniscus cement. These features characterize intertidal and supratidal settings; they are not consistent with the present beachrock position and the reported Late Holocene sea-level history in the Bahamas. A 1.5–2m low stand of the sea about 1000 years ago would best explain the observed particularities of the French Bay beachrock.This example from San Salvador shows that the smooth trend of Late Holocene sea-level rise proposed by previous workers might be overprinted by high frequency, low amplitude fluctuations. Recognition of these fluctuations is fundamental when calculating rates of sea-level rise and evaluating the coastal response to a marine transgression. Correspondence to: P. Kindler  相似文献   

The high-energy, low-accumulation NW Iberian shelf features three confined Holocene mud depocentres. Here, we show that the evolution of such depocentres follows successive steps. The flooding of inner shelf zones and river catchment areas by the late deglacial sea-level rise provided the precondition for shelf mud deposition. Following this, the Holocene deceleration of the sea-level rise caused a rapid refill of the accommodation space within river valleys. Subsequently, the export of major amounts of fines was initiated. The initial onset and loci of shelf mud deposition were related to deposition-favouring conditions in mid-shelf position or to the presence of morphological highs, which act as sediment traps by providing protection against stronger hydrodynamic energy. The detailed reconstruction of the Holocene depocentre evolution shows for the first time that the expansion of such shelf mud deposits cannot only occur by linear growth off the associated sediment source. Rather, they might develop around centres that are fully disconnected from the source of original sediment supply, and expand later into specific directions. Based on these differences and on the connection of the individual mud depocentres to the material source we propose a conceptual subdivision of the group “mid-shelf mud depocentres”.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT High resolution seismic profiles, supported where possible by radiocarbon dates and regional stratigraphic data, indicate that the last post-glacial transgression in the SW Pacific was episodic, comprising major stillstands punctuated by rapid rises in sea-level. On the terrigenous continental shelf east of South Island, New Zealand, a succession of shorelines (S8-S1) are recognized, as follows: S8 =c. ?113 m, 18,000 yr BP; S7 =c. ?88 m, 17,000 yr BP; S6 =c. ?75 m, 15,000 yr BP; S5 =c. ?56 m, 12,000 yr BP; S4 =c. ?46 m, 11,000 yr BP; S3 =c. ?28 m, 9,500 yr BP; S3a =c. ?24 m, 9,000 yr BP; S2 =c. ?9 m, 7,500 yr BP; S1 = 0 m, 6,500 yr BP. With the exception of S8, and possibly S2, the shorelines are associated with wedges of sediment, the size and presence of which imply that (1) sea-level stabilized at some shorelines for a considerable period of time (up to 1-2,000 yr); and (2) the intervening rises of sea-level, estimated to have been at least 10-12 m 103 yr?1, were too rapid to allow the reworking of the wedges into a transgressive sediment sheet, as favoured in some current models. On the Great Barrier Reef shelf, off Queensland Australia, shorelines S8-S1 have also been recognized, with a further shoreline feature S4a occurring at c. -39 m. Shorelines S1a (0 m/0 yr BP), Sib (+ 2-3 m/6,000 yr BP) and Sic (0 m/6,500yr BP) are recognized as discrete aspects of the post-6,500 yr BP sea-level behaviour in north-eastern Australia. The rapid rise in sea-level, at least between shorelines S5 (12,000 yr BP) and S3 (9,500 yr Bp), is known to have outpaced reef growth, causing in situ drowning of reefs located along the deeper shorelines. All modern reefs so far drilled and dated began their development at or above S3 (-28 m, 9,500 yr BP). Some of the shorelines, particularly S5, appear to correlate between the northern and southern hemispheres on the basis of age, succession and general depth of occurrence, suggesting (1) that they may be global features controlled by the post-glacial pattern of ice-sheet decay; and (2) that hydro-isostatic adjustment may exert only a minor control on the depth of particular shorelines, at least during the earlier parts of the post-glacial transgression.  相似文献   

It has long been recognised that sea levels along the shores of Atlantic Canada have been rising rapidly during the Holocene in response to isostatic crustal movements. New sea-level data for the Bay of Fundy coast of southern New Brunswick (Little Dipper Harbour) and the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Chezzetcook Inlet) show that late Holocene average rates of sea-level rise in these areas have been 1.0 and 2.5 m per 1000 yr, respectively. Numerical model calculations suggest that the high rates of sea-level rise are due to crustal subsidence produced by the combined effects of Laurentide ice loading (forebulge collapse) and ocean loading of the Scotian shelf. Although ice loading is the dominant contributor to the regional sea-level pattern, ocean loading is also important, contributing up to 40% of the total crustal subsidence in some areas. Tide gauges record rates of sea-level rise during the 20th century that are 0.7–1.9 mm/yr higher than late Holocene trends, with the highest residuals occurring in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

Three lines of evidence based on data from more than 400 boreholes and vibrocores have been used to reconstruct the evolution of the barrier islands during the Holocene transgression in southern Long Island, New York: (1) the Holocene transgressive stratigraphic sequence behind the present barriers, (2) the stratigraphic patterns of the inner shelf, and (3) the morphology of the now-buried late Pleistocene coastal features. The extensive preservation of backbarrier sediments, radiocarbon dated between 7000 and 8000 yr BP, on the inner shelf of southern Long Island suggests that the barriers have not retreated by continuous shoreface erosion alone, but have also undergone discontinuous retreat by in-place ‘drowning’ of barriers and stepwise retreat of the surf zone. Such stepwise retreat of the surf zone has prevented the backbarrier sediments from being reworked. Based on the presence of submerged barrier sand bodies in seismic records, it is inferred that about 9000 years ago, when the sea stood about 24 m below the present sea level, a chain of barriers developed on the present shelf about 7 km offshore of the present barriers. With continued sea-level rise, the – 24 m barrier built upward until the sea reached about – 15 m MSL, just prior to 7000 yr BP. The barriers were then submerged by the rapidly rising sea, and the surf zone shifted rapidly landward to a position about 2 km from the present shoreline. The surf zone overstepped to the landward margin of the old lagoon, which had become fixed at the steep seaward face of mid-Wisconsinan (?) or Sangamonian coastal barriers. During the past 5000 or 6000 years, the shoreface has retreated continuously by about 2 km. Evidence from southern Long Island and elsewhere in regions of coastal submergence indicates that rapid sea-level rise and low sand supply seem to favour the stepwise retreat of barriers, whereas slow rates of submergence and a greater supply of sand generally favour continuous shoreface retreat. Stationary upbuilding, or seaward progradation of barriers may occur when supply of sand is great, and/or submergence is slowed or reversed. Morphologic highs on the pretransgression surface (such as old barrier ridges) tend to fix the migrating barrier shoreline during either continuous retreat, or stepwise retreat of barriers.  相似文献   

Deltaic and estuarine environments have been, and continue to be, some of the most rapidly changing environments. Those associated with the Sunda shelf generally receive large volumes of sediment and were characterised by a diverse and productive vegetation before much of it was cleared and converted for agriculture, silviculture or urban development. By contrast estuaries in northern Australia receive far less sediment supply, and record a much less modified pattern of landform change during the Holocene. Three periods of change are discussed: first, the long-term geological development and response of deltaic–estuarine plains to eustatic cycles of sea-level change, particularly postglacial sea-level rise to present; second, Holocene development of deltaic–estuarine environments, dominated by patterns of coastal progradation and distributary migration, under relatively stable sea level; and third, the impact of human modifications. These observations provide a framework within which response of the deltaic–estuarine environments to future, anticipated environmental change can be assessed.  相似文献   

The southern continental margin of Australia is a cool-water carbonate sedimentary province located in a high-energy, swell-dominated oceanographic setting. A vibrocore transect of 14C-dated sediments across the centre of the Eucla Shelf is the first record of Holocene shelf deposition in the Great Australian Bight. Much of the seafloor shallower than 70 m water depth, the base of wave abrasion, is bare Cenozoic limestone, in some places encrusted by (?) Late Pleistocene, coral-rich, limestone that is cemented by high-magnesium calcite (12 mole% MgCO3). The areally extensive, 100 km-wide, hard, bored substrate supports an epibiota of coralline algae, minor bryozoans and soft algae or is covered by patches of Holocene sediment up to 1.5 m thick; generally a basal bivalve lag (< 3 ka) overlain by quartzose-bioclastic palimpsest sand. This pattern of active carbonate production but little accretion on the wave-swept mid- to inner-shelf is similar to that on other parts of the southern Australian continental margin. The term shaved shelf is proposed for this style of carbonate platform, formed by alternating periods of sediment accretion, cementation and erosion.

The palimpsest sand is typically rich in bivalves, coralline algae and locally, detrital dolomite. Outer shelf Holocene sediment, below the base of wave abrasion but inboard of the shelf edge, is a metre-thick unit of fine, microbioclastic muddy sand with minor delicate bryozoans overlying a 9–13 ka rhodolith gravel. Some of this outer shelf sediment appears to have been resedimented. The shelf edge is a sandy and rocky seafloor with active bryozoan growth and sediment production.

The Holocene sediments are enriched in coralline algal particles and conspicuous large foraminifers (cf. Marginopora) and depleted in bryozoans, as compared to coeval deposits on the Lacepede and Otway shelves off southeastern Australia. These differences are interpreted to reflect warmer waters of the Leeuwin Current and prevalent downwelling in this area as opposed to the general upwelling and colder waters in the east.  相似文献   

The Taltheilei, Utsingi, McLean and Blanchet formations form a 175–390 m thick carbonate platform-to-basin succession in the lower part of the PaleoProterozoic Pethei Group, preserved in the eastern arm of Great Slave Lake. Carbonates accumulated along the south-east margin of the Slave Craton within a foredeep formed during the collision of the Slave and Churchill Cratons. The rocks include eight, predominantly microbial, carbonate facies that comprise five facies associations representing (1) shallow-water rimmed shelf, (2) shallow-water open shelf, (3) shallow-water ramp, (4) upper slope and deep ramp, and (5) lower slope and basin plain environments. Microbialite facies grew by organically mediated precipitation of spar and micritic cement and trapping and binding of lime mud. These wholly subtidal facies typically reflect progressive shallowing and changing geometry of the lower Pethei sea floor, from ramp, to open shelf, to shallow rimmed shelf, with associated slope and basin plain deposition. Repeated relative sea-level changes influenced platform growth. This resulted in five shallowing upward packages; each separated by an incipient drowning event of varying magnitude. Antecedent topography and the size of the preceding drowning event strongly influenced the initial growth of each interval. This repeated pattern is attributed to interaction between (a) the inherent tendency of microbial carbonates to aggrade vertically, (b) changing sedimentation rates and (c) readjustments of relative base level. The lower Pethei succession is one of few PaleoProterozoic examples of carbonate platform growth within a foreland basin. It has (1) a low gradient profile, (2) extensive slope and basin plain carbonate production and sedimentation, (3) no ooids, (4) minor terrigenous clastic sediments, and (4) a mobile, submergent shelf rim lacking substantial carbonate sand shoals.  相似文献   

A sedimentological and stratigraphic study of Low Isles Reef off northern Queensland, Australia was carried out to improve understanding of factors that have governed Late Holocene carbonate deposition and reef development on the inner to middle shelf of the northern Great Barrier Reef. Low Isles Reef is one of 46 low wooded island-reefs unique to the northern Great Barrier Reef, which are situated in areas that lie in reach of river flood plumes and where inter-reef sediments are dominated by terrigenous mud. Radiocarbon ages from surface and subsurface sediment samples indicate that Low Isles Reef began to form at ca 3000 y BP, several thousand years after the Holocene sea-level stillstand, and reached sea-level soon after (within ~500 years). Maximum reef productivity, marked by the development of mature reef flats that contributed sediment to a central lagoon, was restricted to a narrow window of time, between 3000 and 2000 y BP. This interval corresponds to: (i) a fall in relative sea-level, from ~1 m above present at ca 5500 y BP to the current datum between 3000 and 2000 y BP; and (ii) a regional climate transition from pluvial (wetter) to the more arid conditions of today. The most recent stage of development (ca 2000–0 y BP) is characterised by extremely low rates of carbonate production and a dominance of destructive reef processes, namely storm-driven remobilisation of reef-top sediments and transport of broken coral debris from the reef front and margins to the reef top. Results of the present study enhance existing models of reef development for the Great Barrier Reef that are based on regional variations in reef-surface morphology and highlight the role of climate in controlling the timing and regional distribution of carbonate production in this classic mixed carbonate–siliciclastic environment.  相似文献   

The leeward fringing reef at Fantome Island (central Great Barrier Reef province) is a carbonate body which has developed under the influence of terrigenous sedimentation. The reef flat is up to 1000 m wide and is surfaced by mobile sand and gravel, with almost all live corals restricted to the seaward rim. The reef slope has coral columns and heads on the upper part, but below 5 m water depth it is a muddy substrate with scattered mounds of branching corals. Three high recovery cores show the reef is up to 10 m thick and developed over a gently sloping terrace of weathered Pleistocene alluvium. Three post-glacial stratigraphic units are recognised: (1) carbonate reef top unit of coral rudstone and framestone including Sinularia spiculite; (2) lower slope unit of coral floatstone in a terrigenous muddy matrix; and (3) transgressive basal unit of skeletal arkosic sand. The acid insoluble content of matrix and of individual corals increases downwards. Coral growth rates decrease downwards, reflecting slower growth in muddier environments. Radiocarbon dating shows that the reef prograded seaward at almost stable sea level. An average vertical accumulation rate of 6.7 mm yr-1 is indicated. Two age reversals are interpreted as material transported by storms or by erosion in response to a late Holocene sea-level fall. The carbonate reef top unit has developed adjacent to, and is environmentally compatible with a muddy terrigenous, lower slope unit. Terrigenous influx has not changed during the Holocene, and terrigenous content of sediments is controlled by deposition on the reef slope of fine sediment winnowed from the reef flat and concentration of coarse sediment in the transgressive basal sheet.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of carbonate platform evolution is presented in which depth‐dependent carbonate growth rates determine platform‐top accumulation patterns in response to rising relative sea‐level. This model predicts that carbonate platform evolution is controlled primarily by the water depth and sediment accumulation rate conditions at the onset of relative sea‐level rise. The long‐standing ‘paradox of a drowned platform’ arose from the observation that maximum growth rate potentials of healthy platforms are faster than those of relative sea‐level rise. The model presented here demonstrates that a carbonate platform could be drowned during a constant relative sea‐level rise whose rate remains less than the maximum carbonate production potential. This scenario does not require environmental changes, such as increases in nutrient supply or siliciclastic sedimentation, to have taken place. A rate of relative sea‐level rise that is higher than the carbonate accumulation rate at the initial water depth is the only necessary condition to cause continuous negative feedbacks to the sediment accumulation rates. Under these conditions, the top of the carbonate platform gradually deepens until it is below the active photic zone and drowns despite the strong maximum growth potential of the carbonate production factory. This result effectively resolves the paradox of a drowned carbonate platform. Test modelling runs conducted with 2·5 m and 15 m initial sea water depths at bracketed rates of relative sea‐level rise have determined how fast the system catches up and maintains the ‘keep‐up’ phase. This is the measure of time necessary for the basin to respond fully to external forcing mechanisms. The duration of the ‘catch‐up’ phase of platform response (termed ‘carbonate response time’) scales with the initial sea water depth and the platform‐top aggradation rate. The catch‐up duration can be significantly elongated with an increase in the rate of relative sea‐level rise. The transition from the catch‐up to the keep‐up phases can also be delayed by a time interval associated with ecological re‐establishment after platform flooding. The carbonate model here employs a logistical equation to model the colonization of carbonate‐producing marine organisms and captures the initial time interval for full ecological re‐establishment. This mechanism prevents the full extent of carbonate production to be achieved at the incipient stage of relative sea‐level rise. The increase in delay time due to the carbonate response time and self‐organized processes associated with biological colonization increase the chances for platform drowning due to deepening of water depth (> ca 10 m). Furthermore this implies a greater likelihood for an autogenic origin for high‐frequency cyclic strata than has been estimated previously.  相似文献   

The Lower Tagus Valley in Portugal contains a well-developed valley-fill succession covering the complete Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods. As large-scale stratigraphic and chronologic frameworks of the Lower Tagus Valley are not yet available, this paper describes facies, facies distribution, and sedimentary architecture of the late Quaternary valley fill. Twenty four radiocarbon ages provide a detailed chronological framework. Local factors affected the nature and architecture of the incised valley-fill succession. The valley is confined by pre-Holocene deposits and is connected with a narrow continental shelf. This configuration facilitated deep incision, which prevented large-scale marine flooding and erosion. Consequently a thick lowstand systems tract has been preserved. The unusually thick lowstand systems tract was probably formed in a previously (30,000–20,000 cal BP) incised narrow valley, when relative sea-level fall was maximal. The lowstand deposits were preserved due to subsequent rapid early Holocene relative sea-level rise and transgression, when tidal and marine environments migrated inland (transgressive systems tract). A constant sea level in the middle to late Holocene, and continuous fluvial sediment supply, caused rapid bayhead delta progradation (highstand systems tract). This study shows that the late Quaternary evolution of the Lower Tagus Valley is determined by a narrow continental shelf and deep glacial incision, rapid post-glacial relative sea-level rise, a wave-protected setting, and large fluvial sediment supply.  相似文献   

The fringing reef at Pointe-au-Sable (Mauritius, Indian Ocean) was used to examine the effects of Holocene sea-level rise on coral growth. This reef is about 1000 m wide and comprises a forereef slope (30 m maximum depth), a narrow reef crest and a very shallow backreef (1·5 m maximum depth). Four major coral communities were recognized, which developed within relatively narrow depth ranges: a Pachyseris/Oulophyllia community (deeper than 20 m), an Acropora‘tabulate’Faviid community (20–6 m); a robust branching Acropora community (less than 6 m) and a Pavona community (less than 10m). Three high-recovery cores show the Holocene reef sequence is a maximum of 19·3 m thick and comprises four coral biofacies which are similar to counterparts identified in modern communities: robust branching, tabular-branching, robust branching-domal and foliaceous coral facies. A minimum sea-level curve for the past 7500 years was constructed. Using distribution patterns of coral biofacies and radiocarbon dates from corals, reconstruction of reef growth history indicates that both offshore and onshore reef zones were developing coevally, aggrading at rates of 4·3 mm year?1 from 6900 years B.P. The reef caught up with sea-level only after sea-level stabilized. Changes in coral community and reef growth rates were driven principally by increasing water agitation due to the decrease in accommodation space. Based on the composition of the successive coral assemblages, the reef appears to have grown through successive equilibrium stages.  相似文献   

Uplifted during the 1964 Alaskan earthquake, extensive intertidal flats around Middleton Island expose 1300 m of late Cenozoic (Early Pleistocene) Yakataga Formation glaciomarine sediments. These outcrops provide a unique window into outer shelf and upper slope strata that are otherwise buried within the south‐east Alaska continental shelf prism. The rocks consist of five principal facies in descending order of thickness: (i) extensive pebbly mudstone diamictite containing sparse marine fossils; (ii) proglacial submarine channel conglomerates; (iii) burrowed mudstones with discrete dropstone layers; (iv) boulder pavements whose upper surfaces are truncated, faceted and striated by ice; and (v) carbonates rich in molluscs, bryozoans and brachiopods. The carbonates are decimetre scale in thickness, typically channellized conglomeratic event beds interpreted as resedimented deposits on the palaeoshelf edge and upper slope. Biogenic components originated in a moderately shallow (ca 80 m), relatively sediment‐free, mesotrophic, sub‐photic setting. These components are a mixture of parautochthonous large pectenids or smaller brachiopods with locally important serpulid worm tubes and robust gastropods augmented by sand‐size bryozoan and echinoderm fragments. Ice‐rafted debris is present throughout these cold‐water carbonates that are thought to have formed during glacial periods of lowered sea‐level that allowed coastal ice margins to advance near to the shelf edge. Such carbonates were then stranded during subsequent sea‐level rise. Productivity was enabled by attenuation of terrigenous mud deposition during these cold periods via reduced sedimentation together with active wave and tidal‐current winnowing near the ice front. Redeposition was the result of intense storms and possibly tsunamis. These sub‐arctic mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate sediments are an end‐member of the Phanerozoic global carbonate depositional realm whose skeletal attributes first appeared during late Palaeozoic southern hemisphere deglaciation.  相似文献   

The Conway Trough is a 40 km × 10 km, 1000 m deep, rectangular, tectonically controlled sedimentary basin situated on an active plate boundary. The basin lies at the junction of the Alpine transform and Hikurangi subduction sectors of the Indo-Australian/Pacific plate boundary. It is incised into Cainozoic sedimentary rocks and contains a thick fill of late Neogene sediment. Study of the continental shelf near the Conway Trough indicates: (1) that transport mechanisms operate in a net north-easterly direction, and (2) that the neritic sediment drift system is confined to within a few kilometres of the shoreface, with the result that (3) large areas of the shelf south of the trough comprise bare bedrock, or relict late Pleistocene sediment. Despite reaching to within 3 km of shore, the Conway Trough receives little modern bedload sediment, as indicated by a paucity of sand fill. However, the trough has intercepted some Holocene bedload, since the main channel contains redeposited graded gravel and sand with a C-14 age of 4670 yr. Satellite imagery and piston cores reveal that abundant mud is provided to the trough, much of it from river sources up to 200 km to the south. Some of this sediment is inferred to move by turbid layer transport through Conway Trough and out via Kaikoura Canyon into nearby Hikurangi Trough. Nonetheless, sedimentation rates in the Conway Trough may be as high as 1-7 m (1000 yr) 1. The Conway Trough forms a modern example of a transform basin, varying Neogene examples of which are found widely in north-eastern South Island. Sedimentation models are constructed to compare transform and transduction basins, particularly with respect to the effects of Pleistocene sea-level changes.  相似文献   

东海陆架全新统高分辨率层序地层学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在高分辨率14C测年、岩石、生物、化学、同位素、气候及磁性地层学研究成果基础上,通过不同沉积背景典型钻孔的沉积学分析,运用层序地层学理论,对东海陆架全新统进行了高分辨率层序划分及对比;建立了全新世层序地层格架及海平面变化过程;提出了相应的层序成因模式。研究结果表明,东海陆架全新统相当于一个发育中的六级(1~10ka)层序,可进一步划分为3个七级(0.1~1ka)层序和若干个更次级层序。代表1个六级或3个七级周期相对海平面变化过程中叠加有若干更次级的海平面波动,它们与地球旋回谱系中的太阳带、历法带密切相关。七级层序具有与三级层序相近的内部构型和成因格架。在东海陆架全新世沉积演化过程中,长江三角州至少有3次不同程度地越过东海陆架进入冲绳海槽,并滞留有至少3层海侵改造“残积砂”沉积。在东海陆架全新世海平面变化期间,最大海平面时期为约距今6~5ka,大致高于现今海平面2~4m,最低海平面在距今10ka左右,大约低于现今海平面130m。目前,由于温室效应的影响,海平面仍呈小幅度波浪式上升。事实证明,层序地层学不仅丰富了现代海洋沉积学的内容,而且解决了许多海洋沉积学未能解决的问题。  相似文献   

This study utilized three-dimensional exposures to evaluate how sea-level position and palaeotopography control the facies and geometries of heterozoan carbonates. Heterozoan carbonates were deposited on top of a Neogene volcanic substrate characterized by palaeotopographic highs, palaeovalleys, and straits that were formed by subaerial erosion, possibly original volcanic topography, and faults prior to carbonate deposition. The depositional sequence that is the focus of this study (DS1B) consists of 7–10 fining upward cycles that developed in response to relative sea-level fluctuations. A complete cycle has a basal erosion surface overlain by deposits of debrisflows and high-density turbidity currents, which formed during relative sea-level fall. Overlying tractive deposits most likely formed during the lowest relative position of sea level. Overlying these are debrites grading upward to high-density turbidites and low-density turbidites that formed during relative sea-level rise. The tops of the cycles consist of hemipelagic deposits that formed during the highest relative position of sea level. The cycles fine upward because upslope carbonate production decreased as relative sea level rose due to less surface area available for shallow-water carbonate production and partial drowning of substrates. The cycles are dominated by two end-member types of facies associations and stratal geometries that formed in response to fluctuating sea-level position over variable substrate palaeotopography. One end-member is termed ‘flank flow cycle’ because this type of cycle indicates dominant sediment transport down the flanks of palaeovalleys. Those cycles drape the substrate, have more debrites, high-density turbidites and erosion on palaeovalley flanks, and in general, the lithofacies fine down the palaeovalley flanks into the palaeovalley axes. The second end-member is termed ‘axial flow cycle’ because it indicates a dominance of sediment transport down the axes of palaeovalleys. Those cycles are characterized by debrites and high-density turbidites in palaeovalley axes, and lap out of strata against the flanks of palaeovalleys. Where and when an axial flow cycle or flank flow cycle developed appears to be related to the intersection of sea level with areas of gentle or steep substrate slopes, during an overall relative rise in sea level. Results from this study provide a model for similar systems that must combine carbonate principles for sediment production, palaeotopographic controls, and physical principles of sediment remobilization into deep water.  相似文献   

马永生  梅冥相  周润轩  杨文 《岩石学报》2017,33(4):1021-1036
华北地台寒武系第三统,大致包括毛庄组、徐庄组、张夏组和崮山组,在其中上部大面积发育鲕粒滩相灰岩,从而不符合标准的威尔逊碳酸盐相带中"台地边缘颗粒滩相"的概念。在北京西郊下苇甸剖面,基于沉积相序列的层序地层划分表明,这些鲕粒滩相地层,常常构成层序的晚期高水位体系域或强迫型海退体系域,表现出层序地层框架下特别的鲕粒滩形成样式,成为相对快速沉降背景下的相对海平面缓慢下降的沉积响应,从而不符合标准的层序地层学模式,因为在标准的层序地层学模式中沉积作用主要发生在相对海平面上升和停滞阶段,而且在海平面下降期将形成一个连续的侵蚀作用不整合面。再者,与海侵作用期的陆棚相钙质泥岩和深缓坡相条带状泥晶灰岩、及其所代表的泥质碳酸盐沉积物主导的浅海陆架型台地相对应,强迫型海退过程之中发育的大面积分布的鲕粒滩,代表着寒武纪类型多样的碳酸盐台地类型中的一种新的碳酸盐台地类型,即鲕粒砂所主导的浅海碳酸盐陆架为特征的一种特别的碳酸盐台地,即浅海陆架被颗粒质的鲕粒沉积物大面积覆盖,向海一侧为缓坡、向陆一侧为潮坪。所以说,北京西郊下苇甸剖面的寒武系第三统,鲕粒滩的层序地层位置所代表的特别的形成样式,以及所蕴含的寒武纪碳酸盐台地的类型,将为更大区域的追索和对比、以及华北地台第三世的古地理重建提供重要的线索和思考途径。  相似文献   

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