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The performance of climate models in simulating the linkage of the spring Hadley circulation (HC) to the vertical zonal wind shear and atmospheric divergence in the lower and upper troposphere, which are related to the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific (WNPTCF) during June-September (JJAS), is evaluated on the basis of the 20th century climate simulations (20C3M). It is found that four models can simulta-neously reproduce the pattern revealed in the observation, with the spring HC in the Northern Hemisphere being positively correlated to the vertical zonal wind shear in the major tropical cyclone (TC) genesis region and negatively (positively) correlated to the atmospheric diver- gence in the upper (lower) troposphere over the western North Pacific (WNP) in the following JJAS. These four models are further used to project their relationship in the late 21st century under the A1B scenario. The results show that the association of spring HC with the vertical zonal wind shear and the upper-and lower-tropospheric divergence over the WNP will weaken in the late 21st century, thereby resulting in a weak relationship between the spring HC and the JJAS WNPTCF.  相似文献   

冯然  李建平  王金成 《大气科学》2011,35(2):201-216
本文分析了1948~2007年北半球夏季Hadley环流的主导模态及其变率,结果表明:北半球夏季Hadley环流变率的主导模态包括两个赤道非对称模态,其主体分别位于北半球(简称为AMN)和南半球(简称ANTS)和一个赤道准对称的模态(简称QSM),AMN和AMS主要表征Hadley环流的年代际变率部分,而QSM主要表征...  相似文献   

1948-2004年全球平均Hadley环流强度指数与特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR逐月平均风场资料,研究了全球平均Hadley环流特征.利用3层4个关键区的风定义并计算了1948年1月-2004年12月的全球纬向平均的南/北半球和全球Hadley环流逐月强度指数.结果表明:计算的Hadley环流指数可以合理地表示Hadley环流的强度;北半球Hadley环流除7-9月(南半球除5月)外都呈增强趋势;南/北半球的年平均Hadley环流也是增强的.年际相关分析表明:Hadley环流指数与SOI有非常高的负相关,Hadley环流强度的年际变化与ENSO关系密切.  相似文献   

利用NCAR提供的第5代全球大气环流模式CAM3.1探讨了春季西太平洋副热带地区海表面温度对我国江南春雨的影响。数值试验结果表明:春季西太平洋副热带地区海表面温度升高可引起同期东亚—西太平洋副热带纬向海陆热力差异减弱,进而引起3—4月青藏高原东南侧的低涡强度减弱,该低涡与西太平洋副热带高压之间的位势梯度减小,中低纬度西太平洋副热带高压强度减弱,其北侧的850 hPa西南风强度相应减弱,因此西南暖湿气流输送也随之减弱,造成江南地区的水汽通量辐合强度明显减弱,这种环流分布状况将不利于出现较强的江南春雨,导致江南春雨强度明显减小。  相似文献   

The variations of regional mean daily precipitation extreme (RMDPE) events in central China and associated circulation anomalies during June, July, and August (JJA) of 1961-2010 are investigated by using daily in-situ precipitation observations and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The precipitation data were collected at 239 state-level stations distributed throughout the provinces of Henan, Hubei, and Hunan. During 1961-2010, the 99th percentile threshold for RMDPE is 23.585 mm day-1. The number of RMDPE events varies on both interannual and interdecadal timescales, and increases significantly after the mid 1980s. The RMDPE events happen most frequently between late June and mid July, and are generally associated with anomalous baroclinic tropospheric circulations. The supply of moisture to the southern part of central China comes in a stepping way from the outer-region of an abnormal anticyclone over the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. Fluxes of wave activity generated over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau converge over central China, which favors the genesis and maintenance of wave disturbances over the region. RMDPE events typically occur in tandem with a strong heating gradient formed by net heating in central China and the large-scale net cooling in the surrounding area. The occurrence of RMDPE events over central China is tied to anomalous local cyclonic circulations, topographic forcing over the northeast Tibetan Plateau, and anomalous gradients of diabatic heating between central China and the surrounding areas.  相似文献   

利用东亚和西太平洋对流层低层850 hPa纬向风的经向差异,定义了一个可以表征江南春雨变化特征的环流指数,通过诊断分析探讨该指数与降水和大气环流的关系。结果表明:该指数可以较好地反映江南春雨的年际和逐日变化特征。在年际时间尺度上,高指数年江南春雨偏多,而低指数年江南春雨偏少。该指数的逐日变化与江南地区同期逐日降水变化呈显著正相关。在高指数日,我国江南地区的低压系统和西北太平洋地区的副热带高压偏强,江南地区对流层高层辐散增强,低层辐合和高层辐散的增强为春雨发生提供动力抬升条件,有利于春季江南地区降水的产生;低指数日,西北太平洋副热带高压位置偏南,江南至华南地区对流层低层存在弱辐散,这种形势配合下不利于江南春雨的产生。  相似文献   

西太平洋副高活动与平流层QBO关系的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
李崇银  龙振夏 《大气科学》1997,21(6):670-678
资料分析表明,西太平洋副高活动有准两年振荡特征,副高的相对强度和副高脊线的纬度位置都清楚地表现出这种振荡。而且分析还表明,平流层低层纬向风的垂直切变同西太平洋副高活动有关,东(西)风切变对应着脊线位置偏北的较强(弱)副高形势。平流层低层东(西)垂直切变在赤道对流层上部所引起的异常上升(下沉)运动,导致Hadley环流的异常加强(减弱)可能是平流层QBO影响西太平洋副高准两年振荡的重要机制。用IAP-GCM所作的数值模拟试验得到了同观测资料分析相一致的结果。  相似文献   

冬季赤道西太平洋环流状况与后期亚洲季风   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
武炳义  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2001,25(5):609-626
基于月平均NCEP再分析资料(1958~1997年)以及中国336个台站月降水总量(195l~1994年),通过合成、相关以及统计显著性检验方法,研究了赤道西太平洋区域冬季环流状况与后期春夏季亚洲(东亚和南亚)季风环流变化的关系.研究结果表明,冬季赤道西太平洋环流状况对后期南亚季风和东亚季风以及我国夏季降水均有显著的滞后影响.冬季赤道西太平洋海域海平面气压偏高(低),对应反气旋(气旋)性环流异常,致使后期东亚和南亚夏季风均偏弱(强)以及我国长江流域夏季降水偏多(少),揭示了实施这种滞后影响的一般特征.  相似文献   

Regional coupled modeling is one of the frontiers of regional climate modeling, but intercomparison has not been well coordinated. In this study, a community regional climate model, WRF4, with a resolution of 15 km, was coupled with a high-resolution(0.1°) North Pacific Ocean model(LICOMnp). The performance of the regional coupled model,WRF4LICOM, was compared to that of another regional coupled model, RegCM4LICOM, which was a coupling of version 4 of the Regiona...  相似文献   

How the Hadley circulation changes in response to global climate change and how its change impacts upon regional and global climates has generated a lot of interest in the literature in the past few years. In this paper, consistent and statistically significant poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation in the past few decades is demonstrated, using independent observational datasets as proxy measures of the Hadley circulation. Both observational outgoing longwave radiation and precipitation datasets show an annual average total poleward expansion of the Hadley cells of about 3.6° latitude. Sea level pressure from observational and reanalysis datasets show smaller magnitudes of poleward expansion, of about 1.2° latitude. Ensemble general circulation model simulations forced by observed time-varying sea surface temperatures were found to generate a total poleward expansion of about 1.23°latitude. Possible mechanisms behind the changes in the horizontal extent of the Hadley circulation are discussed.  相似文献   

气候系统模式对Hadley环流的模拟和未来变化预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对全球变暖背景下未来Hadley环流将如何变化这一问题,评估了气候系统模式对1970~1999年Hadley环流时空特征的模拟效能,并在此基础上选取能合理模拟Hadley环流空间结构、强度指数和边界指数变化的3个模式,通过多模式集合方法预估了未来Hadley环流在A1B排放情景下的可能演变。预估结果表明,在全球变暖背景下,相比于1970~1999年,到本世纪末期(2070~2099年),北半球Hadley环流在4个季节都将减弱,春季变化幅度相对较弱;南半球Hadley环流在冬季和夏季也会减弱,而在春季和秋季的变化不明显。另外,北半球Hadley环流的北边界除在夏季向南收缩外,在其它3个季节均向北伸展;南半球Hadley环流的南边界在4个季节均向极地方向移动。两个半球的Hadley环流在垂直方向还将向对流层上层伸展。    相似文献   

1. IntroductionIt is well known that one of the distinguishable differences between the summer monsoonand the winter monsoon is the reversal of lower--layer winds with southwesterly during theNorthern summer and northeasterly during the Northern winter. Previous studies (e.g. Chenet al., 1991 ) show that on the one hand. this seasonal alternation of the lower--layer winds isassociated with thermal contrast between continents and their adjacent oceans due todifferential heating including radia…  相似文献   

应明  余晖 《气象》2011,37(4):454-461
2009年西北太平洋及南海海域共生成23个风暴以上等级的热带气旋(TC),比常年偏少,但登陆我国的频数(10个)多于常年,台风以上等级TC的活动强于常年.TC源地较常年偏西,并且季节性纬向迁移特征明显,而经向位移并无显著异常,在南海海域生成的TC比例(26.1%)远高于气候均值;路径以西行和西北行为主.登陆华南TC较多...  相似文献   

Bo SUN 《大气科学进展》2018,35(3):317-333
This study investigates the variations in the tropical ascending branches(TABs) of Hadley circulations(HCs) during past decades, using a variety of reanalysis datasets. The northern tropical ascending branch(NTAB) and the southern tropical ascending branch(STAB), which are defined as the ascending branches of the Northern Hemisphere HC and Southern Hemisphere HC, respectively, are identified and analyzed regarding their trends and variability. The reanalysis datasets consistently show a persistent increase in STAB during past decades, whereas they show less consistency in NTAB regarding its decadalto multidecadal variability, which generally features a decreasing trend. These asymmetric trends in STAB and NTAB are attributed to asymmetric trends in the tropical SSTs. The relationship between STAB/NTAB and tropical SSTs is further examined regarding their interannual and decadal-to multidecadal variability. On the interannual time scale, the STAB and NTAB are essentially modulated by the eastern-Pacific type of ENSO, with a strengthened(weakened) STAB(NTAB) under an El Ni ?no condition. On the decadal-to multidecadal time scale, the variability of STAB and NTAB is closely related to the southern tropical SSTs and the meridional asymmetry of global tropical SSTs, respectively. The tropical eastern Pacific SSTs(southern tropical SSTs) dominate the tropical SST–NTAB/STAB relationship on the interannual(decadal-to multidecadal)scale, whereas the NTAB is a passive factor in this relationship. Moreover, a cross-hemispheric relationship between the NTAB/STAB and the HC upper-level meridional winds is revealed.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that the tropical easterly jet(TEJ)has a significant impact on summer weather and climate over India and Africa,whether the TEJ exerts an important impact on tropical cyclone(TC)activity over the western North Pacific(WNP)remains unknown.In this study,we examined the impact of the TEJ on the interannual variability of TC genesis frequency over the WNP in the TC season(June-September)during 1980-2020.The results show a significant positive correlation between TC genesis frequency over the WNP and the jet intensity in the entrance region of the TEJ over the tropical western Pacific(in brief WP_TEJ),with a correlation coefficient as high as 0.66.The intensified WP_TEJ results in strong ageostrophic northerly winds in the entrance region and thus upper-level divergence to the north of the jet axis over the main TC genesis region in the WNP.This would lead to an increase in upward motion in the troposphere with enhanced low-level convergence,which are the most important factors to the increases in low-level vorticity,mid-level humidity and low-level eddy kinetic energy,and the decreases in sea level pressure and vertical wind shear in the region.All these changes are favorable for TC genesis over the WNP and vice versa.Further analyses indicate that the interannual variability of the WP_TEJ intensity is likely to be linked to the local diabatic heating over the Indian Ocean-western Pacific and the central Pacific El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   

西太平洋副热带高压东西位置变动特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析逐日资料,根据特定区域涡度值,定义描述西太平洋副高东西位置的指标,并利用该指标研究了6月副高东西位置变动特征。结果表明:该指标不仅避免了由于高度的逐年升高而引起的副高逐年西进的年代际变化,而且能很好地反映大尺度环流场的特征;副高偏西年,赤道西风减弱,越赤道气流减弱,南海夏季风偏弱,江南和华南地区南风增强,其东侧负涡度发展,引导副高西伸,长江流域被副高北侧异常西南风控制,有利于雨带在此维持,降水偏多易涝。西太平洋副高东西位置变化的周期分析表明,6月副高西伸指数最强的周期信号为2、4、8a。  相似文献   

石明远  赵平  刘舸  陈权亮 《气象科技》2020,48(2):200-208
利用1979—2016年CMAP(CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation)和GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project)的降水数据以及ERA-Interim再分析资料,通过统计方法研究了夏季青藏高原地区对流层中上层温度年际变率与同期西北太平洋副热带地区降水的关系及其相关的物理过程。结果表明,在年际变化尺度上,夏季高原对流层温度与同期西北太平洋副热带地区降水存在显著的正相关,即当高原对流层温度偏高时,西北太平洋副热带区域的降水偏多,反之亦然。分析研究指出,当夏季高原对流层温度偏高时,高原上空南亚高压显著增强并且向东扩展至日本地区,高原北部对流层出现异常的上升运动,这一异常上升气流随着高度增加逐渐北偏,并在中高纬度地区沿着异常西风气流向东扩展至日本地区,随后向南下沉至日本南部;受该异常下沉运动影响,日本南部对流层低层出现异常反气旋,其东侧的异常北风与西北太平洋低层的异常气旋、反气旋环流存在紧密联系。西北太平洋地区这种异常环流特征为西北太平洋副热带区域的降水提供了有利的动力和水汽条件,从而使该区域降水增多。  相似文献   

A discussion of the mass transport of the Hadley circulation is presented, with regard to its longitudinal structure. Data from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data set for the period 1948–2005 is examined, focusing on the solsticial seasons of June–August and December–February. Quantitative estimates have been extracted from the data to observe connections between the zonal mean of the upper tropospheric north/south mass transports and their relationship to the driving factor of tropical precipitation (implying latent heat release) and subsidence in the subtropical high pressure belts. The longitudinal structure of this flow is then examined with regard to these three main variables. The poleward upper tropospheric transport has four (JJA) or three (DJF) main branches, which link regions of major precipitation with corresponding regions of large subsidence, and one (June, July, August) or two (December, January, February) reverse branches. This structure has remained stable over the past sixty years. Although the total upper tropospheric transport in each season is less than the total sinking transport in the target subtropical high pressure belt, this does not apply to the individual branches, the balance being made up by the upper tropospheric reverse transports. An analysis of correlations between all of these various components shows, however, that the complete picture is more complex, with some precipitation regions being linked to subsidence regions outside their own branch.  相似文献   

Future changes in tropical cyclone(TC)activity over the western North Pacific(WNP)under the representative concentration pathway RCP4.5 are investigated based on a set of 21 st century climate change simulations over East Asia with the regional climate model RegCM4 driven by five global models.The RegCM4 reproduces the major features of the observed TC activity over the region in the present-day period of 1986-2005,although with the underestimation of the number of TC genesis and intensity.A low number of TCs making landfall over China is also simulated.By the end of the 21st century(2079-98),the annual mean frequency of TC genesis and occurrence is projected to increase over the WNP by16%and 10%,respectively.The increase in frequency of TC occurrence is in good agreement among the simulations,with the largest increase over the ocean surrounding Taiwan Island and to the south of Japan.The TCs tend to be stronger in the future compared to the present-day period of 1986-2005,with a large increase in the frequency of strong TCs.In addition,more TCs landings are projected over most of the China coast,with an increase of~18%over the whole Chinese territory.  相似文献   

This study investigates characteristics of the convective quasi-biweekly oscillation(QBWO) over the South China Sea(SCS) and western North Pacific(WNP) in spring, and the interannual variation of its intensity. Convective QBWO over the WNP and SCS shows both similarities and differences. Convective QBWO over the WNP originates mainly from southeast of the Philippine Sea and propagates northwestward. In contrast, convective QBWO over the SCS can be traced mainly to east of the Philippines and features a westward propagation. Such a westward or northwestward propagation is probably related to n = 1 equatorial Rossby waves. During the evolution of convective QBWO over the WNP and SCS, the vertical motion and specific humidity exhibit a barotropic structure and the vertical relative vorticity shows a baroclinic structure in the troposphere. The dominant mode of interannual variation of convective QBWO intensity over the SCS–WNP region in spring is homogeneous. Its positive phase indicates enhanced convective QBWO intensity accompanied by local enhanced QBWO intensity of vertical motion throughout the troposphere as well as local enhanced(weakened) QBWO intensity of kinetic energy, vertical relative vorticity,and wind in the lower(upper) troposphere. The positive phase usually results from local increases of the background moisture and anomalous vertical shear of easterlies. The latter contributes to the relationship between the dominant mode and QBWO intensities of kinetic energy, vertical relative vorticity, and wind. Finally, a connection between the dominant mode and the sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean is demonstrated.  相似文献   

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