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地震前兆台网观测数据跟踪分析是地震预报的重要基础,对观测数据干扰进行分析排除是提取地震前兆信息的核心。通过对张道口地震台2015~2018年水物理观测数据受干扰情况分析,及时发现和总结观测数据存在的各种问题,将干扰分为人为干扰、系统干扰、自然干扰、场地环境4种类型,并将6种具体干扰分别归纳到了相应的干扰类型,找出了干扰的特征,描述了干扰的过程,分析了引起干扰的具体原因,阐释了干扰对水温水位前兆数据观测造成的影响,并对干扰的过程进行了相关的验证,提出了避免干扰的技术措施。通过对水位水温干扰全方位的分析研究,能够促进对地震前兆信息的处理,以期快速准确地识别并排除前兆干扰,为全国其它地震台水位水温干扰分析提供一定的科学依据和技术支持,夯实通过水物理测项预报地震的基础。 相似文献
在详细分析雷电灾害特征的基础上,阐述了防雷工作的主要技术手段。并针对地震台站的构成特点,研究了台站综合防雷系统的设计方法和技术措施。同时,以余山地震台为例,具体说明了防雷措施的应用方法及应用效果。 相似文献
为更好地对珊溪水库地震震群进行监测和分析,浙江省地震局自2006年开始建设珊溪水库地震台阵.介绍了该环形小孔径台阵的勘选和建设过程,并结合2次地震震群活动的监测数据,展示了该台阵对地区性地震活动监测的效果. 相似文献
对乾陵地震台2015—2017年垂直摆倾斜仪、伸缩仪、水管倾斜仪观测数据进行分析,对自然环境、观测场地环境、人为干扰等因素进行分类,总结归纳各种干扰对观测数据造成的影响,为准确分析形变观测资料提供参考。 相似文献
以白家疃地震台为实验点,于2008年3月21日完成对该台九五前兆仪器针对十五台网进行整合改造。通过为期13个月的运行结果可以看出,其改造方案成本低,技术可行,产出数据可靠,为九五前兆台站整体接入十五管理系统提供了低成本、高效可靠的技术参考。 相似文献
吉林省地震监测台网自数字化观测以来,地震监测能力和速报速度明显提高,但东部的延边地区测震台网密度仍相对偏低。为了进一步提升该区地震监测能力,中国地震局拟在吉林省延边州龙井市建设1个地震台阵,采用圆形阵列方式布设,孔径设为3 km,由9个子台组成。通过图上勘选、宏观勘选、仪器勘选,最终确定9个台点的具体位置,并给出布台方案,为今后实地建设台站打下坚实基础。 相似文献
针对永安无人值守地震台设备维护及安全巡视等问题,利用地震台现有网络搭建方式,使用网络摄像机及相应监控系统软件,通过合理配置,实现无人值守地震台远程网络视频监控。该系统的实现,提高了永安地震台管控无人值守台站的能力,对其他地震台有一定借鉴意义。 相似文献
选取2008-2016年德令哈地震台水温观测数据,总结长期及短期变化特征,对影响数据变化的观测技术系统、观测环境及人为因素等干扰源进行分析。分析认为,观测技术系统故障干扰因素有供电故障、仪器故障、雷电影响等,该类干扰具有发生时间随机、持续时段较长,突变、异常变化幅度较大等特点;观测环境干扰有人工湖、黑石山水库、灌溉水渠等,该类干扰数据不稳定,具有突升、突降、突跳等特点;人为干扰有前兆仪器现场检修、仪器安装、施工改造等,具有持续时间短、突变、异常变化幅度较大等特点。 相似文献
Application of WebGIS in seismological study 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Introduction Earthquake is a destructive natural disaster. Earthquake studies are very complex, which not only involves space and time of large size, but also requires vast amount of spatially referenced data, such as historical records, modern instrument data, scientific experiment data and a lot of other data coming from related subjects. GIS, as an integrating tool processing multi-source data, has become a key technology in earthquake studies. In recent years, many GIS application system… 相似文献
利用地震属性技术研究岩溶裂隙发育带 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用地震属性技术,从三维地震数据体中提取对岩溶裂隙发育带相关的二维分形参数,预测岩溶裂隙发育带、奥灰顶部岩层的富水性以及有关的水文地质条件,为高产高效矿井地质保障系统提供依据。通过许厂煤矿430采区实际资料的检验,预测的地质效果良好。 相似文献
In this paper, we present seismological evidence for the influence of fluids and magma on the generation of large earthquakes in the crust and the subducting oceanic slabs under the Japan Islands. The relationship between seismic tomography and large crustal earthquakes (M=5.7-8.0) in Japan during a period of 116 years from 1885 to 2000 is investigated and it is found that most of the large crustal earthquakes occurred in or around the areas of low seismic velocity. The low-velocity zones represent weak sections of the seismogenic crust. The crustal weakening is closely related to the subduction process in this region. Along the volcanic front and in back-arc areas, the crustal weakening is caused by active volcanoes and arc magma resulting from the convective circulation process in the mantle wedge and dehydration reactions in the subducting slab. In the forearc region of southwest Japan, fluids are suggested in the 1995 Kobe earthquake source zone, which have contributed to the rupture nucleation. The fluids originate from the dehydration of the subducting Philippine Sea slab. The recent 2001 Geiyo earthquake (M=6.8) occurred at 50 km depth within the subducting Philippine Sea slab, and it was also related to the slab dehydration process. A detailed 3D velocity structure is determined for the northeast Japan forearc region using data from 598 earthquakes that occurred under the Pacific Ocean with hypocenters well located with SP depth phases. The results show that strong lateral heterogeneities exist along the slab boundary, which represent asperities and results of slab dehydration and affect the degree and extent of the interplate seismic coupling. These results indicate that large earthquakes do not strike anywhere, but only anomalous areas which can be detected with geophysical methods. The generation of a large earthquake is not a pure mechanical process, but is closely related to physical and chemical properties of materials in the crust and upper mantle, such as magma, fluids, etc. 相似文献