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漾濞MS6.4地震发生后,在震中周边100km内的地磁重复测点开展了原位观测工作.结合地震前60d内的观测数据,使用丽江地磁台连续观测资料,消除了地磁场的日变化和长期变化成分,获得了地震前后的区域地磁场变化.实测结果表明,震中S侧区域地磁场以负变化为主,震中N侧区域地磁场以正变化为主,距离震中20km测点处的地磁场变化...  相似文献   

以2017年3月27日漾濞5.1级地震为例,根据区域特性和信噪比要求,选取数据较为完整的6个台站记录的2017年1月1日~6月6日期间的宾川地震信号发射台气枪震源波形资料,采用互相关检测技术提取6个台站各自稳定震相的走时数据,并对漾濞5.1级地震前后走时数据的变化情况进行分析。结果表明,漾濞5.1级地震前后6个台站各自稳定震相存在较为明显的走时变化,且短期内走时变化具有较好的同步性,相关台站异常幅度大小和异常出现时间存在细小差异。地震发生前,6个台站走时低值异常过程明显,以YUL台最为显著。地震发生前后走时变化形态特征为双“V”型,漾濞5.1级地震发生在第1个“V”型末端。地震发生后,不同方位相关台站受地震的影响程度不同,走时波动大小存在差异。  相似文献   

基于2015年以来南北地震带南段相对重力和绝对重力观测资料,系统分析了区域重力场动态变化及其与2021年5月21日漾濞MS6.4地震的关系.结果表明:(1)区域重力场变化与维西—乔后断裂关系密切,反映了2015—2021年期间该断裂活动引起了地表重力场变化;(2)与漾濞地震孕育有关的重力场经历了“弱变化—区域性异常—局部异常—四象限分布异常—大范围的正异常—反向变化发震”的演化过程;(3)重力场累积变化和差分变化图像均反映出漾濞震前两年出现显著的重力异常变化,地震发生在重力变化梯度带、四象限中心和零等值线拐弯附近;(4)重力场动态演化图像较好地反映了漾濞MS6.4地震孕育发生过程中出现的中期前兆现象,并基于该现象在漾濞MS6.4地震前作过一定程度的中期预测,尤其是强震地点判定.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日云南漾濞发生MS6.4地震.为深入了解该地震的发震断层及发震构造特征,探讨其与2013年洱源与2017年漾濞地震发震构造及背景的异同,本文基于中国地震台网中心的观测报告,使用双差方法对漾濞地震序列进行重定位,并从全球矩心矩张量(GCMT)和美国地质调查局(USGS)搜集了9个震源机制解计算了震源区构造应力场,初步得到如下结论:(1)2021年漾濞地震序列呈NW-SE向展布且SE端余震数量多于NW端,余震区地壳应力不均匀释放,致使5.0级及以上地震周边余震稀少;4个5.0级及以上地震初始破裂深度大于矩心深度,推测发震断层是从断裂底部向浅部破裂.(2)发震断裂是维西—乔后—巍山断裂西南侧的未知断裂F2、F3,其走向NW-SE、倾向SW、倾角近垂直,具有右旋走滑特征.其中F2贯穿整个地震序列,长约30 km,F3主要发育在中南段,长约11 km,两条发震断层相交于地震丛集中间位置.(3)震源区构造应力场是走滑的应力机制,呈SSE向(174.57°)低倾伏角(18.79°)挤压,及SWW向(-93.65°)近水平(5.21°)拉张状态.震源区的发震构造受川滇块体与滇南块体形成的右旋走滑边界控制.(4)这3个地震均发生在川滇块体右旋走滑西南边界形成的走滑应力机制作用背景下.2013年洱源地震可能更多的受控于局部构造的垂向差异运动;2017年漾濞地震仅受到川滇块体西南边界的右旋走滑作用;2021年漾濞地震则主要受控于川滇块体西南边界的右旋走滑运动,还存在少量局部构造垂向差异运动作用.  相似文献   

徐旭  徐锦承  张伟 《中国地震》2020,36(2):324-332
采用特定震源台站校正定位方法对九寨沟MS7.0地震及其余震进行了精定位研究,结果显示九寨沟地震主震深度为19km左右,余震主要分布于5~15km深度范围;与单事件定位方法相比,其余震展布和断层的线性特征更吻合,更具有平面特征;与双差定位法相比,精定位事件覆盖范围更广。精定位结果显示,断层整体为虎牙断裂西北向的延伸,根据余震分布和特定震源区的校正项分布,认为此发震断层应分南、北两段;余震区长度为40km左右,西北段宽度为10km左右,东南段宽度为6.5km左右。  相似文献   

为考察2021年云南漾濞MS6.4地震序列的孕震环境和序列活动特征,文中使用云南区域数字台网和部分野外流动观测台阵观测的2011年5月1日—2021年5月31日的P波和S波震相到时数据,利用双差层析成像方法(Tomo DD)获得了漾濞MS6.4地震序列周边地区的P波和S波三维速度结构、地震序列重新定位结果。结果显示,漾濞MS6.4地震序列主要沿NW向呈条带状展布,展布区域长轴长约20km,震源深度为5~20km。MS6.4地震的余震主要沿SE向单侧扩展。发震断层为维西-乔后断裂SE侧的一条近平行的未探明断裂,而主震震中N侧分布的1组NNE向展布的地震则表明可能还存在1条NNE向的未探明断裂,两者共同组成1组共轭断裂。  相似文献   

利用调制比时空扫描方法,对1973-2014年云南地区Ms≥6.0地震进行回溯性研究,分析强震前区域小震调制比时空演化过程.结果 显示,从小震调制比异常开始至发震的持续时间为1.5a之内,调制比异常的最高值需大于0.57,强震多发生在调制比为最高值时或其后14个月内异常区边界或内部调制比显著高值附近,震级随异常持续时间...  相似文献   

Self-affinefractalfeaturesofearthquaketimeseriesbeforeandaftermoderateearthquakesChang-HatLIU(刘长海),Yi-GaoLIU(刘义高)andJunZHANG(...  相似文献   

针对2021年5月21日云南漾濞MS6.4地震,采用滑动相关性方法和地电场优势方位角方法,开展震中周围200 km范围内地电场台站地震异常的统计特征分析和优势方位角的回溯性研究,发现:(1)通过对漾濞MS6.4震中周围历史地震事件的统计分析,认为该区域地电场地震异常现象通常在震前约20(±5)天开始出现,如弥渡、祥云和...  相似文献   

The double-difference earthquake relocation algorithm (DD algorithm) has been applied to the accurate relocation of 10057 earthquakes in the central-western China (21°-36°N, 98°-112E°) during the period of 1992-1999. In total, 79706 readings for P waves and 72169 readings for S waves were used in the relocation, and the source parameters of 6496 events were obtained. The relocation results revealed a more complete picture of the hypocentral distribution in the central-western China. In several seismic belts the relocated epicenters present a more defined lineation feature, reflecting the close correlation between the seismicity and the active tectonic structures. The relocated focal depths confirmed that most earthquakes (91 percent of the 6496 relocated events) in the central-western China were located at shallower depths not deeper than 20 km. The distribution of focal depths indicates that the seismogenic layer in the central-western China is located in the upper-mid crust with its thickness no deeper than 20 km.  相似文献   

The double-difference earthquake relocation algorithm (DD algorithm) has been applied to the accurate relocation of 10057 earthquakes in the central-western China (21°-36°N, 98°-112E°) during the period of 1992-1999. In total, 79706 readings for P waves and 72169 readings for S waves were used in the relocation, and the source parameters of 6496 events were obtained. The relocation results revealed a more complete picture of the hypocentral distribution in the central-western China. In several seismic belts the relocated epicenters present a more defined lineation feature, reflecting the close correlation between the seismicity and the active tectonic structures. The relocated focal depths confirmed that most earthquakes (91 percent of the 6496 relocated events) in the central-western China were located at shallower depths not deeper than 20 km. The distribution of focal depths indicates that the seismogenic layer in the central-western China is located in the upper-mid crust with its thickness no deeper than 20 km.  相似文献   

The Yangbi MS6.4 earthquake occurred on May 21, 2021 in western Yunnan, China, where moderate earthquakes strike frequently. It exhibited a typical “foreshock-mainshock-aftershock” sequence and did not occur on a pre-existing active fault. The seismogenic environment and mechanism of this earthquake have aroused considerable research attention. In this study, we obtain the three-dimensional vP, vS and vP/vS images using the vP/vS consistency-constrained double-difference tomography method, which improves the accuracy of vP/vS models. We focus on characteristics of vP/vS images in areas with a lateral resolution of 0.1°, and reveal the seismogenic environment of the Yangbi MS6.4 earthquake. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Low velocity and high-vP/vS anomalies are revealed at different depths around the northern segment of the Red River fault. vS and vP/vS images along the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan fault and the buried faults on its west show obviously segmented feature. (2) The source region of the Yangbi MS6.4 earthquake is located in a low-vP/vS zone implying high medium strength. High-vP/vS anomalies in its NW direction indicate cracks development and the existence of fluids or partial melts, which are unfavorable for stress accumulation and triggering large earthquakes. Such conditions have also prevented the earthquake sequence from extending northwestward. (3) With the southeastward extrusion of materials from the Tibetan Plateau, fluid migration was blocked by the low-vP/vS body in the source region. The high-vP/vS anomaly beneath the source region may implies that the fluids or partial melts in the middle and lower crust gradually weakened medium strength at the bottom of the seismogenic layer, and preparing the largest foreshock in the transition zone of high to low vP/vS. Meanwhile, tectonic stress incessantly accumulated in the brittle upper crust, eventually led to the MS6.4 earthquake occurrence.  相似文献   

1 研究背景同震变化和震后效应来自震源区域发生的物理或化学变化,可为震后趋势研判提供重要的科学依据.杨竹转等(2005,2008,2014)研究发现,云南思茅大寨井水位同震阶变与地震之间存在一定的定量关系;2008年汶川MS 8.0地震在中国大陆地区引起的水位、水温同震变化特征机理较复杂;在2013年芦山地震中,重庆...  相似文献   

PhaseNet and EQTransformer are two state-of-the-art earthquake detection methods that have been increasingly applied worldwide. To evaluate the generalization ability of the two models and provide insights for the development of new models, this study took the sequences of the Yunnan Yangbi M6.4 earthquake and Qinghai Maduo M7.4 earthquake as examples to compare the earthquake detection effects of the two abovementioned models as well as their abilities to process dense seismic sequences. It has been demonstrated from the corresponding research that due to the differences in seismic waveforms found in different geographical regions, the picking performance is reduced when the two models are applied directly to the detection of the Yangbi and Maduo earthquakes. PhaseNet has a higher recall than EQTransformer, but the recall of both models is reduced by 13%–56% when compared with the results reported in the original papers. The analysis results indicate that neural networks with deeper layers and complex structures may not necessarily enhance earthquake detection performance. In designing earthquake detection models, attention should be paid to not only the balance of depth, width, and architecture but also to the quality and quantity of the training datasets. In addition, noise datasets should be incorporated during training. According to the continuous waveforms detected 21 days before the Yangbi and Maduo earthquakes, the Yangbi earthquake exhibited foreshock, while the Maduo earthquake showed no foreshock activity, indicating that the two earthquakes’ nucleation processes were different.  相似文献   

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