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桡足类的休眠与滞育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩希福  王荣 《海洋科学》2001,25(5):24-26
为了度过不利的环境条件 ,很多桡足类同陆生昆虫那样 ,会进入一个停滞发育的时期 ,称为滞育。有些桡足类在生活史中出现滞育属于专性的 ,而另一些种类则是兼性的 ,在发育期间仅在某些情况下出现滞育。前者如在大西洋中的主要桡足类种群如飞马哲水蚤 (Calanusfinmarchicus) ,在第4、第5桡足幼体期进入6月份便开始休眠。后者如近邻剑水蚤 (Cyclopsvicinus)在饵料缺乏、种群密度过高、温度变化剧烈或捕食压力太大时都会进入滞育状态。桡足类浮游生物在海洋和淡水生态系统中具有上行控制和下行控制的双重作…  相似文献   

厦门港歪水蚤数量的季节变化与滞育卵的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
陈峰  李少菁 《海洋学报》1991,13(5):721-727
在近岸河口区浮游生物群落生态的物质转换与能量流动过程中,同属多种并存的桡足类起着重要作用,它们占据着异质的时空,并导致了摄食生态灶的差异[1]。新近研究还表明,在北温带沿(近)岸水域,浮游桡足类可以生产滞育卵,以适应其生活周期中不利的环境条件。Marcus[2]还证实滞育卵的生产主要受温度和日光照期的变化所诱导,而其休眠维持与终了则受温度的影响。不过,较低纬度区的浮游桡足类是否也能生产滞育卵,报道尚不多[3]。  相似文献   

海洋桡足类滞育卵在海水养殖业中的应用及其前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋桡足类作为小型甲壳动物 ,是鱼虾类良好的天然饵料 ,其繁殖和培养将在现代海水养殖业中发挥重要的作用。本文就桡足类滞育卵的产生、控制条件和在养殖业上的潜在价值等进行了综述  相似文献   

周光华 《海岸工程》2000,19(3):34-38
论述了海湾大桥设在汇泉角至象嘴的可行性,并提出了施工建议。  相似文献   

对数据缓存技术进行总结分析的基础上,首先提出了三层体系结构空间数据缓存模型,并针对各软件层空间数据管理及访问的特点,详细论述了各层空间数据缓存的实现方式;然后论述了三层体系结构中空间数据不一致的原因及各层空间数据一致性维护策略;最后对提出的三层体系结构下空间数据缓存策略进行了评价分析。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲水下地形测量中,由于作业环境复杂,影响测深仪测深精度的因素很多。为了提高测深仪的测深精度,本文提出了五种较为合理的意见。其中着重论述了静水比测和换能器动态吃水的测定立法两个方面,在论述这两方面时提出了新的实验方法。  相似文献   

根据实地调查研究,论述了江苏省射阳湖荡区的自然资源,并对其综合开发利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

在对地理数据建模过程研究的基础上,论述了地理数据引擎——GDE(geographic data engine)的设计与实现,提出了独立于具体数据结构和文件格式的地理数据访问方法,从概念模型上论述了GDE的相关理论及设计策略,给出了此模型的具体实现。  相似文献   

本文论述了大长山岛景观生态系统特征,分析了其利用现状和存在问题,提出了其景观生态控制的主要措施。  相似文献   

本文对海洋环境监测系统建设中工程质量保证的必要性和可行性进行了论述,并就其工程质量保证提出了具体实施办法.  相似文献   

甲壳动物的环境型性决定和性比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑重 《台湾海峡》1990,9(3):191-199
本文评述了甲壳动物的性决定和性比与环境关系问题的研究结果,论述了枝角类、端足类和其他甲壳动物的性决定的内、外因子,评价了Berg的“压抑”假说,并对今后该方面的研究重点,提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

栖息于潮间带的海生动物中,营底内生活的种类占很大的比例。这类动物以独特的生活方式适应或克服潮间带的各种不利条件而得到生存和繁衍。从报道来看现代海洋底内动物泂穴的研究具有多方面的意义。如某些潮间带底内动物的鉴定,仅以外部形态作依据显然不够,还需以其他生态资料,如粪便、洞穴、卵块等作参考。有些潮间带动物的地理分布范围与其营底内生活有关,它们可以借助洞穴的保护而渡过寒暖不适的气候。更重要的是这方面研究能对古生态学和地史学问題的探讨提供科学依据。有很多种潮间带底内动物洞穴、排出物和爬行痕迹等被作为“生活遗迹”而保存在化石中,因此这类化石的沉积岩层实际上已成为该类动物生存发展年代的记载。但是,在岩层古生态学分析研究中,比较困难的是如何区别古代生物居住、死亡或埋藏的地点,这个同题涉及到对沉积物形成的地点和过程的确定,进一步就可用这些资料来研究古代海岸变迁和海面的升降。就潮间带底内动物的居住和死亡地点(埋藏与死亡地点也可以不同)来说,有的可能一致(如某些不太活动的种类),有的则不一致(如贝类),作为古生态学依据,各具其长短,贝类无洞穴化石,其贝壳可成为化石,但埋藏与生活地点往往不一致;蟹类的优点是洞穴能成化石,其上并留有爬行痕迹;洞穴化石的埋藏与动物原来生活地点一致(亦有个別情况不一致)。早在地史年代就已有不少虾蟹类遗体及生活迹迹化石被发现:因此,现代潮间带蟹类洞穴的研究不仅对认识或鉴定古代甲売类动物有价值,而且对进一步鉴定种类、寻找演化线索和促进古生态学的发展都具有重要意义。 青岛潮间带在我国北方沿岸潮间带中颇具代表性。潮汐是规则的半日潮。 著者曾于1954-1964年,选以下四个点进行了调查:1,沧口潮间带,位于胶州湾内东北区中部,座东向西,坡度小的泥质和泥沙质滩涂;2.沙子口潮间带,位于青岛以东,为沙质滩涂;3.湛山湾潮间带:位青岛以东近郊,为沙质滩涂;4.大黑澜潮间带,位于胶州湾口,为岩石岸滩。每月进行二次大潮采集,每一采样点取两个定量(50×50厘米)样品和若于定性补充样品。从1963年5月至1964年9月,结合甲壳类生态进行了专题调查,本文就是根据上述调查,在软底质滩涂所获11种蟹类材料总结的,对所见各种蟹类的洞穴均经现场观察、测量并作了详细记录和拍照。对同一种蟹类洞穴的形态在不同地点和时间内所出现的变化也给予了特别的注意。 本文定稿过程中征得了山东海洋学院李嘉泳及本所曾呈奎,刘瑞玉、郑执中、吴宝铃、齐钟彦、马绣同等同志的修改意见,文中插图、照片由王兴虞、宋华中同志给予帮助,在此一并表示感谢。  相似文献   

The brine shrimp Artemia exhibits two reproductive modes: 1) oviparity, producing diapause embryos;and 2) ovoviviparity, producing free-swimming nauplii. Previous studies have suggested the existence of a critical stage that determines the reproductive mode. Physicochemical factors, such as photoperiod, temperature, and salinity, have been suggested to irreversibly aff ect the reproductive mode of oocytes during this critical stage. In this study, experiments were carried out using a photoperiod and temperature-sensitive parthenogenetic Artemia clone where maternal Artemia were shifted bidirectionally between ovoviviparity (18 h L:6 h D, 27℃) and oviparity (6 h L:18 h D, 19℃) culture conditions. In the main experiment ( Artemia shifted at six diff erent stages including the post-larva Ⅱ to adult Ⅱ), the reproductive mode of fi rst brood was converted when shifting was performed on post-larva Ⅱ and Ⅲ but was not converted when females were shifted after post-larva Ⅲ. A supplementary experiment further revealed that the reproductive mode of fi rst brood could be altered when shifting females at an "early phase of postlarva Ⅳ", characterized by a developing ovisac reaching the middle of the third abdominal segment, ventral spines, and some oocytes growing larger than the others. In both experiments, reproductive modes of the second brood were signifi cantly aff ected when the shifting was performed on post-larva Ⅳ. These results suggest that the critical stage for inducing oviparity and embryonic diapause is at the previtellogenic stage of oocytes, or at maternal "early phase of post-larva Ⅳ" for the first-brood off spring. During this stage, diff erential gene expression patterns of the two destined oocytes may be triggered by the token stimuli signals received by the oocytes.  相似文献   

The identification and localization of vertebrate follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in crustaceans may further elucidate the regulation mechanisms in arthropod repro-duction.Using immunocytochemical staining techniques,this study has localized vertebrate FSH-like and LH-like substances in neurons in the subesophageal and thoracic ganglia from the thoracic ganglion mass (TGM) of Scylla paramamosain (Crustacea:Decapoda:Brachyura).Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has shown that the concentrations of both FSH-and LH-like sub-stances increased markedly in the TGM during the vitellogenic stage compared with that in the previtellogenic stage.These results indicate that substances resembling the vertebrate FSH and LH are present in S.paramamosain,and they may be involved in the development of the ovary as well as in ovulation.  相似文献   

The timing of diapause, or suppressed development, in the dominant California Current copepod Calanus pacificus was examined in two ways. Diapause timing was inferred from changes in the abundance of deep, diapausing C. pacificus over a full year at a station off southern California, USA. Jaw phase and ecdysteroid content, indicators of molt cycle status in C. pacificus, were also examined to determine if shifts toward early molt phases, as are observed in diapausing Calanus, were also found among surface C. pacificus during periods when the abundance of deep, diapausing C. pacificus was increasing. The abundance of diapausing C. pacificus in deep water increased from June to mid-October, then declined from October to March. The percentage of surface-living C. pacificus CV with postmolt jaws, the earliest jaw phase, was significantly higher from June to mid-October than at other times. The ecdysteroid content of surface-living C. pacificus CV was also significantly lower during June to mid-October than during late October to May. Both of these changes indicate a shift to earlier molt phases in surface-living C. pacificus CV during periods of onset of diapause. However, the molt status of surface CV was variable from June to mid-October, suggesting that preparation for diapause was spatially or temporally heterogeneous. Hypotheses about environmental cues that induce diapause were evaluated, although the effect of cues on possibly sensitive stages could not be considered. The abundance of diapausing C. pacificus increased during a period of warm upper water column temperature and generally high and declining photoperiod; however, evaluation of the cues inducing diapause was inconclusive.  相似文献   

作者综述近年来国内外在褐牙鲆受精卵及仔稚鱼的发育、行为及理化环境对其生理生态的影响等方面的研究进展。着重介绍在人工养殖环境中,水温、盐度、水质、光照等环境因素的变化对褐牙鲆卵的孵化及仔稚鱼的发育和行为所产生的影响,以及褐牙鲆仔稚鱼不同发育阶段对各种理化环境的耐受范围和阈值。探讨人工种苗和天然种苗在形态发育及行为等方面的差异,对今后褐牙鲆的集约化健康养殖提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to assess the effect of photoperiod and temperature on spawning of Panulirus ornatus. In experiment 1, sexually mature lobsters taken from the wild during summer were held at one of two photoperiods, winter (13 Light: 11 Dark) and summer (14.5 Light:9.5 Dark). Additionally, lobsters were also exposed to either summer (29°C) or winter (24°C) average water temperatures. Spawning was significantly greater when animals were exposed to summer photoperiod than to winter photoperiod, irrespective of temperature. Although a higher percentage of lobsters spawned when placed under a higher temperature, this trend was not statistically significant. In experiment 2, sexually mature lobsters were taken from the wild during winter and exposed to the same two photoperiods as in experiment 1, at a summer equivalent temperature of 29°C. Breeding started earlier and was more successful at the summer photoperiod. Time to first breeding was 17 weeks after exposure to summer photoperiod, compared with less than 1 week in experiment 1, and did not occur until individuals had moulted. Moulting occurred in 81% of lobsters, primarily after an increase in temperature to 29°C. The time between moulting and mating was varied and there was no significant difference in moult frequency between the two experimental photoperiods. After the lobsters had moulted, breeding success was reached earlier if photoperiod was lengthened. Results suggest photoperiod is the primary cue for the onset of gonad maturity and mating activity, with temperature playing a less important role. Physiological rest and possibly a moult may be required between breeding seasons before spawning can occur. Furthermore, temperature may be an important cue for pre‐reproduction moulting.  相似文献   

Interannual variations of biomass of major mesozooplankton groups (Cnidaria, Chaetognatha, Copepoda, Crustacea other than copepods, Tunicata) in the January to March period were examined in the slope, Kuroshio and offshore waters off the Pacific coast of western Japan (western region) from 1971 to 1988 and off central Japan (central region) from 1971 to 1989. The mean biomass for each year of most of the mesozooplankton groups was high in the early 1970s and tended to decrease (in the western region) or to have dropped to a lower level (in the central region) after the mid-1970s. Stepwise multiple linear regression analyses of the mean biomass for each year of each mesozooplankton group in the Kuroshio in both regions against climatic factors revealed that the biomass was related positively to wind speed. It is therefore considered that the nutrient supply to the upper layers limits the production of many of the mesozooplankton groups examined in the Kuroshio, even in winter. Similar relationships were also found for the biomass of Copepoda, non-copepod Crustacea and Tunicata in the offshore water in the western region. The percentage of copepods in the biomass in the central region seemed to decrease under high water temperature conditions, while that of Chaetgnatha tended to increase. Climatic factors thus largely influenced the interannual variations of biomass and composition of mesozooplankton in and near the Kuroshio during the winter to early spring period. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

2009年6月—2010年5月,在滴水湖设置8个采样点调查研究了大型底栖动物群落结构特征的时空变化及其与环境因子的关系。在滴水湖共采集到25种大型底栖动物,隶属3门6纲,其中甲壳纲8种(32%)、昆虫纲6种(24%)、寡毛纲和多毛纲各4种(16%)、双壳纲2种(8%)、蛭纲1种(4%)。日本旋卷蜾蠃蜚、微小摇蚊、背蚓虫、黄色羽摇蚊为优势种。底栖动物年均密度和生物量分别为(910.5±107.64)ind./m2和(8.62±2.01)g/m2。底栖动物群落结构包括物种组成、现存量和多样性均无显著季节和空间变化。RDA分析结果表明,活性磷酸盐、叶绿素a、CODMn、pH、溶解氧是影响大型底栖动物物种分布的关键环境因子,日本旋卷蜾蠃蜚、日本大螯蜚、红裸须摇蚊和背蚓虫与溶解氧正相关,与营养盐水平和水温负相关,微小摇蚊和黄色羽摇蚊正好相反。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和BPI生物指数水质生物学评价表明,滴水湖处于中度污染状态。  相似文献   

本文依据大窑湾的环境调查资料为基础,系统地阐述了水体中化学要素pH、盐度、透明度、DO、COD、TOC、浊度、悬浮物、NH4-N、NO2-N、NO3-N、PO4-P、SiO3-Si、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As、Hg、Cr、硫化物、六六六、石油等分布规律。诸要素主要是在潮流水动力支配下,形成扩散带。各要素中仅有无机氮和PO4-P两项含量超标,其余要素含量范围都是处于海水正常浓度水平,属于一类海水水质。文章并对各要素进行相关关系分析。  相似文献   

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