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The finite element method based on linear diffraction theory proposed by Zienkiewicz and Bettess (1977) has been used to compute wave loads and moments about the bed of surface piercing cylinders of circular, square, rectangular and elliptical sections for different angles of wave incidence. On the basis of the results obtained, a design method is presented in the form of simple design charts for estimating wave forces and moments on large cylinders of arbitrary sections. The numerical solutions obtained have been checked for their validity by comparing with other theoretical solutions and experimental data. Further the application of the design method to a case study shows good correlation with experimental and other theoretical solutions.  相似文献   

An exact analytical method is described to solve the diffraction problem of a group of truncated vertical cylinders. In order to account for the interaction between the cylinders, Kagemoto and Yue's exact algebraic method is utilised. The isolated cylinder diffraction potential due to incident waves is obtained using Garret's solution and evanescent mode solutions are derived in a similar manner.Numerical results are presented for arrays of two and four cylinders. Comparisons between the results obtained from the method presented here and those obtained from numerical methods show excellent agreement.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the combined wave field that is induced by the continuous interaction of plane waves with an array of truncated circular cylinders in front of a rigid wall. The long-term goal of the study is the investigation of possible increase in the efficiency of cylindrical Wave Energy Converters (WECs) by putting in the vicinity of the array a barrier to propagation, a wall, that could assist the reflection of the incoming waves. The main task is to develop a generic solution method that is free of conceptual simplifications employed, e.g. by the method of images and the assumption of “pure” wave reflection. To cope with the set task, the proposed method relies on the semi-analytical formulation of the velocity potentials, while the solution is sought by combined expressions that involve polar and elliptical harmonics. The wall is represented as an elliptical cylinder with zero semi-minor axis. This assumption has eventually a beneficial effect to the underlying formulation given that it simplifies significantly the expansions of the involved diffraction potentials.  相似文献   

Most of the research on model-based geoacoustic inversion techniques has concentrated on data collected using moored vertical receiver arrays. However, there are many advantages to considering geoacoustic inversion using a towed horizontal array. Towed arrays are easily deployed from a moving platform; this mobility makes them well suited for surveying large areas for sea-bed properties. Further, if a model-based geoacoustic inversion scheme uses both a towed source and array, the separation between the two can be kept short, which reduces the requirement for range-dependent modeling. Range-independent modeling is used for inverting all the horizontal array data considered in this paper. Using the Inversion Techniques Workshop Benchmark Test Cases, the performance of a horizontal (simulated towed) and vertical arrays are compared and found to be very similar. However, it will be shown that, for Benchmark Test Case 3, where the bathymetry is flat and a hidden bottom intrusion exists, a towed horizontal array is ideal for determining the range-dependent sea-bed properties. The practical advantages of using a towed array are clear and the purpose of this paper is to show that the performance is similar (and in some cases better) than using moored vertical arrays.  相似文献   

Giuseppe Barbaro   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(11-12):1706-1710
Here, an easy analytical solution for the direct calculation of the instant in which the maximum wave force on a support of an offshore platform is realized, and for the direct estimation of the aforementioned maximum force. The solution is obtained thanks to an artifice. The instant is expressed tm of the maximum force as limits of a succession tm0, tm1, tm2,…, and it is proved that in cases of practical interests the successions converge very quickly: tm=tm1, less than negligible errors.The solution allows the estimate of useful synthesis to be arrived at in the preliminary phase of the project. In fact, it allows one to immediately appreciate the effects of variations of the parameters in play: the sections of the cylinder, the depth of the sea floor and the characteristics of the waves.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic problem arising form the interaction of linear water waves with a wave energy device consisting of two coaxial vertical cylinders of different radii is investigated. One cylinder is riding in waves, while another is submerged in fluid. By use of the method of separation of variables and the method of matched eigenfunction expansion, analytical expressions for the potentials are obtained. Using the expressions for the potentials, analytical expressions for the hydrodynamic coefficients and exciting forces/moments on the device are obtained. Numerical results of the hydrodynamic coefficients and exciting forces/moments are presented for some ratios of the radius of the submerged cylinder to that of the riding one. It is found that the radius of the submerged cylinder has a significant influence on the hydrodynamic coefficients and exciting forces/moments for relatively bigger radius of the submerged cylinder at low frequencies.  相似文献   

应用WALCS软件对6艘散货船及6艘油船进行了短期波浪载荷直接计算,依据计算结果分析了这两种船型在航速为0、迎浪、均匀满载及隔舱满载工况下的船舯垂向弯矩、L/4(L为船长)处垂向剪力、3L/4处垂向剪力的若干规律。根据这些规律,总结出了一套针对散货船及油船的垂向波浪载荷短期预报经验公式。依据此经验公式,在缺乏完备图纸资料的情况下,可以快速估计航行于海上的受损船舶的短期载荷情况,为评估其安全状态提供数值依据,为事故船东方做出安全可行的处理决策提供优质服务。  相似文献   

A comparison of the diffraction of multidirectional random waves using several selected wave spectrum models is presented in this paper. Six wave spectrum models, Bretschneider, Pierson–Moskowitz, ISSC, ITTC, Mitsuyasu, and JONSWAP spectrum, are considered. A discrete form for each of the given spectrum models is used to specify the incident wave conditions. Analytical solutions based on both the Fresnel integrals and polynomial approximations of the Fresnel integrals and numerical solutions of a boundary integral approach have been used to obtain the two-dimensional wave diffraction by a semi-infinite breakwater at uniform water depth. The diffraction of random waves is based on the cumulative superposition of linear diffraction solution. The results of predicted random wave diffraction for each of the given spectrum models are compared with those of the published physical model presented by Briggs et al. [1995. Wave diffraction around breakwater. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering—ASCE 121(1), 23–35]. Reasonable agreement is obtained in all cases. The effect of the directional spreading function is also examined from the results of the random wave diffraction. Based on these comparisons, the present model for the analysis of various wave spectra is found to be an accurate and efficient tool for predicting the random wave field around a semi-infinite breakwater or inside a harbor of arbitrary geometry in practical applications.  相似文献   

In terms of linear theory, a solution is derived to the problem on diffraction of a short wave running at an arbitrary angle toward an area of long-shore flows, bounded by a vertical wall. Dependencies of the wave field parameters and of the impact upon the wall on the magnitude and direction of flows, on the angle of incidence of the wave, and on the width of the near-shore flow are examined. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

海洋水温垂直分布数据同化方法研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以一维海洋水温模型为例,利用伴随法进行海洋观测数据同化试验,以便为水温的数值预报提供较准确的初始场.文中利用泛函的Gâteaux微分和Hilbert空间上伴随算子的概念讨论了连续的伴随模型的建立,并通过选择适当的差分格式离散伴随模型,使其保持连续时的伴随关系,同时给出了水温初始场最优化过程及相应的同化试验数值结果.  相似文献   

姜逢源  董胜 《海洋工程》2023,41(6):187-199
平台坠物、船舶抛锚等第三方活动引起的冲击损伤是近海管道失效的主要原因,时刻威胁中国海洋油气开发系统的安全性。为保障近海油气管道安全运行,围绕冲击荷载作用下管道损伤及失效评估这一中心问题,从管道损伤机理研究、含冲击损伤管道安全评估、管道工程项目风险评估3个方面总结了国内外研究发展现状,明确了影响结构安全的关键问题,并对未来研究工作提出建议。挖沟埋深为管道防护冲击损伤的有效手段,土体强度是防护效果关键因素,应重点关注土体强度空间变异性问题;管道冲击损伤主要为平滑凹陷和弯折凹陷,对于后者应进一步确定其在内压荷载下的剩余强度及疲劳强度;风险评估中失效判据对于结果有显著影响,需构建考虑多种安全性评估准则的失效判据体系。  相似文献   

We compare the performance of four different bubble-sensing techniques in a range of environment from the surf zone to the open ocean: a remote sensing method using high-frequency backscatter, two in situ methods using an acoustical resonator and a pulse propagation sensor, and a bulk method using electrical conductivity. Comparisons between the techniques show general consistency within the appropriate operational bubble density ranges, although spatial variability in bubble clouds introduces substantial variance. Each technique has its strengths and limitations. Our acoustical resonator is suitable for bubble concentrations with air fractions greater than approximately 10 -9 and the pulse propagation sonar for air fractions from 10 -6; the upper limit for both is constrained by attenuation and the validity of the Foldy scattering approximation. Both sensors can be implemented to encompass a wide frequency range with high resolution, corresponding to resonant bubble radii of 10~1200 μm. For air fractions higher than ~5×10-4, bulk measurement using electrical conductivity provides a measure of air fraction. Sufficient overlap in operational air-fraction range exists between in situ acoustical techniques and conductivity measurement to permit comparison and demonstrate consistency in the measurement. Single- and multi-frequency backscatter sonars may be used for low air fractions (<1×10-5) and provide a continuous vertical profile from a deployment beneath the active surface zone, but are subject to masking by dense bubble clouds and are unable to resolve high air fractions close to the surface. This study suggests that the best approach is to use a combination of sensors to probe the bubble field  相似文献   

东印度洋细菌类群水平与垂直分布初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为海洋食物网的重要组成部分,微生物在海洋的生物化学循环以及能量和元素流动中起着重要的作用。目前对东印度洋中微生物的种群结构和分布知之甚少。本研究运用分子生物学手段,包括多聚酶链式反应-变形梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术和高通量测序技术,对东印度洋的赤道区域以及邻近的孟加拉湾区域水体中细菌的16S rRNA基因进行了探索。结果表明,Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria (Alpha和Gamma类群), Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria和Planctomycetes为研究区域微生物的主要类群。通过PCR-DGGE,发现微生物类群具有显著的水平分布模式;进一步的高通量测序的结果更加清晰的显示出细菌类群的垂直分布模式:相对其他两层,Cyanobacteria和Actinobacteria在25米水层出现更多;Bacteroidetes在25m和150m为主要类群,而在75m水层相对较少;Proteobacteria (主要为Alphaproteobacteria)类群在75m水层为优势类群。随着水层的加深,不同站位的细菌类群组成趋于一致。结果表明高通量测序能够把占据微小部分的微生物类群区分出来。本研究是针对东印度洋水体中细菌的水平和垂直分布以及多样性信息的首次报道,研究结果对于进一步发现潜在微生物功能类群以及探索这些微生物在东印度洋中的能量和物质循环中的作用有所帮助。  相似文献   

张紧器是深水铺缆船上的关键作业装备。由于结构的不对称性,在不加控制的情况下,两个夹紧缸在运动过程中会产生不同步,从而造成系统过大的作用力和/或强烈振动而破坏机构。介绍铺缆张紧器及其夹紧系统工作原理,设计夹紧缸同步液压控制系统并进行了仿真,验证系统设计的可行性,为铺缆张紧器的设计与调试提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Experiments to investigate diatom colonization on various substrata in seawater are described. No differences were found due to different methods of preparation of the substrata. Differences in the numbers of diatoms colonizing the different substrata emphasize the care needed in selecting a substratum on which to study the settlement of organisms, especially if the experiments are to be used for subsequent prediction.  相似文献   

Advances in analytical techniques now allow for the potential analysis of intact peptides and proteins isolated from marine sediments. However, there is no established technique for the extraction of macromolecular materials from marine sediments. Six different methods for extracting the amino acid component from coastal marine sediments were compared to the standard hot acid hydrolysis technique for their percent recovery and amino acid composition. The standard hot acid hydrolysis on dried, whole sediments released the greatest concentration of total amino acids (PS-THAA; 3.52 mg gdwt 1 ± 10% (SMD)), yet this only accounted for 22% of the total nitrogen in Puget Sound sediments (Washington, USA). Repeated hydrolysis of the same samples did not improve the recovery of nitrogen by more than an additional 10%. Base extraction (0.5 N NaOH) was the second best method for recovering amino acid nitrogen, releasing 60% of the Puget Sound total hydrolyzable amino acids (PS-THAA) (corresponding to 13% of the total sedimentary nitrogen), and has the advantage that it does not rely on peptide hydrolysis to free the nitrogenous component from the sediment matrix. The amino acid distribution of the 0.5 N NaOH extract was not significantly different than the initial THAA. Other non-hydrolyzing methods released lower yields of amino acids (Triton X-100 ≥ hot water > 50 mM NH4HCO3 > HF), but might prove to be of use to investigators interested in specific fractions of sedimentary organic nitrogen because these four methods had distinctly different amino acid compositions (enrichments in basic amino acids and depletions in acidic amino acids). Treatments with HF both before and after traditional hydrolysis and/or extractions with base did not release any more of the sedimentary nitrogen. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that a large fraction of the sedimentary nitrogen (TN) is protected within an organic matrix.  相似文献   

Proper sample storage and analytical techniques are required when analyzing anoxic sediment for acid volatile sulfide (AVS), because a change in redox state may alter sediment parameters. The goal of this study was to determine the optimum sample handling, storage, and analytical techniques to adopt when determining AVS concentrations in sediment. To determine the correct handling and storage protocols for use with anoxic sediment, samples of three different AVS levels were manipulated under a combination of the following handling and storage plans: handled on benchtop or under nitrogen atmosphere; preserved with zinc acetate (ZnAc) or not preserved, and stored at 4 °C or frozen (< − 20 °C). The data indicate that sulfide levels are best maintained when samples are handled under a nitrogen atmosphere, stored at 4 °C or frozen, and analyzed within 2 weeks of collection. To determine the best analytical procedure for the determination of AVS in sediment, the following methods were compared: colorimetric, gravimetric, ion-selective electrode, and photoionization detection. The colorimetric method was preferred.  相似文献   

Some of the results about vertical profile of heavy metals of seawater to the south of Japan in Oct. 1990 are presented and discussed in relation to the concentration of dissolved Cu, Cd and Ni to biogeochemical environments. It points out that the distribution of dissolved Cu is higher in surface water than that in/upper 500 m layer, and maxima value attains the 8. 2 n mol/dm3 in depth of 4 000 m. The concentrations of dissolved Ni ranges from 3. 4 n mol/dm3 in surface seawater to 8. 5 n mol/dm3 in the deep to the south of Japan. The highest values are observed in the colder waters. This paper shows also that the vertical profile of dissolved Cd is perfect nutrient-type distribution. And dissolved Cd and Phosphate are linearly correlated by the regression equation. The ·Cd : ·N : ·P atomic ratio is 3. 5 × 10-4 : 14 : 1.  相似文献   

Over the past five decades, several approaches for estimating probabilities of extreme still water levels have been developed. Currently, different methods are applied not only on transnational, but also on national scales, resulting in a heterogeneous level of protection. Applying different statistical methods can yield significantly different estimates of return water levels, but even the use of the same technique can produce large discrepancies, because there is subjective parameter choice at several steps in the model setup. In this paper, we compare probabilities of extreme still water levels estimated using the main direct methods (i.e. the block maxima method and the peaks over threshold method) considering a wide range of strategies to create extreme value dataset and a range of different model setups. We primarily use tide gauge records from the German Bight but also consider data from sites around the UK and Australia for comparison. The focus is on testing the influence of the following three main factors, which can affect the estimates of extreme value statistics: (1) detrending the original data sets; (2) building samples of extreme values from the original data sets; and (3) the record lengths of the original data sets. We find that using different detrending techniques biases the results from extreme value statistics. Hence, we recommend using a 1-year moving average of high waters (or hourly records if these are available) to correct the original data sets for seasonal and long-term sea level changes. Our results highlight that the peaks over threshold method yields more reliable and more stable (i.e. using short records leads to the same results as when using long records) estimates of probabilities of extreme still water levels than the block maxima method. In analysing a variety of threshold selection methods we find that using the 99.7th percentile water level leads to the most stable return water level estimates along the German Bight. This is also valid for the international stations considered. Finally, to provide guidance for coastal engineers and operators, we recommend the peaks over threshold method and define an objective approach for setting up the model. If this is applied routinely around a country, it will help overcome the problem of heterogeneous levels of protection resulting from different methods and varying model setups.  相似文献   

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