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In this study to identify the flow pattern and local scour mechanism around pile groups, the flow field was simulated using FLOW-3D software. A pair of pile on a flat-bed channel with side by side and tandem arrangements was investigated. To establish Navier–Stokes equations, the RNGk-ε turbulence model was used and the results were verified using experimental data. In case of FLOW-3D capability, it was found that the software was able to properly simulate the expected interaction between the pile groups. The results of flow field simulation showed that Reynolds number and the pile spacing are the most influential variables in forming vortices. The flow around tandem pile and the downward flow around wake vortices were more intense and complicate in comparison with side by side arrangements and single pile.  相似文献   

为推动电磁剖面(EMAP)技术向找矿勘探领域发展, 本文针对密集阵列剖面(DEMAP)测量方式, 利用三维积分方程法对层状介质中赋存三维地质异常体的电性结构进行了数值模拟, 并在青海野马泉铁锌矿集区西部进行了大地电磁(MT)与DEMAP的野外对比观测实验.数值模拟结果显示, DEMAP观测方式获得的结果受偏移距影响, 造成的视电阻率和相位误差与偏移距大小和地下电性结构的复杂性密切相关, 但在整体上, 统计误差≤10%.通过对野马泉矿集区的实验结果分析可得, DEMAP与MT的视电阻率断面和相位断面具有较好的一致性.本文从理论和实验上都表明DEMAP观测技术是一种有潜力的、经济、快速、有效的找矿手段.  相似文献   

矿井瞬变电磁法三维时域有限差分数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
给出了矿井全空间瞬变电磁场的时域有限差分法(FDTD)算法,并推导了Mur吸收边界条件.利用Mur吸收边界条件,选用均匀全空间电偶极源作为初始激发源,模拟了均匀介质中巷道底板岩层内部和层状介质中三维低阻异常体的全空间响应特性,分析了瞬变电磁场在均匀介质中1.9μs和27.6μs两时刻的传播规律及在层状介质中1.2μs和0.023 ms两时刻的传播规律.结果表明:巷道对电场的影响在初期并不明显,在20μs后才表现出来;瞬变场能较好地分辨低阻层,对高阻层的穿透能力强,并且对低阻体反映灵敏;吸收边界条件只有在场域较大、网格节点较多时才能产生明显的效果.所研究成果为矿井瞬变电磁法资料的解释提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

本文基于异常电位法,使用变步长有限差分的数值模拟方法,通过matlab编程实现了井中激电的三维数值模拟,由具有解析解的球形异常体模型验证了其正确性.同时,分析了侵入带、井径、不同电极系装置和不同井液电阻率对井中激电的影响,通过分析表明井径越小,井液电阻率与背景电阻率差别越大,其对视电阻率的影响就会越大,反之影响会变小;...  相似文献   

A 3D numerical modeling of the wave generated by the Vajont slide, one of the most destructive ever occurred, is presented in this paper. A meshless Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) technique was adopted to simulate the highly fragmented violent flow generated by the falling slide in the artificial reservoir. The speed-up achievable via General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GP-GPU) allowed to adopt the adequate resolution to describe the phenomenon. The comparison with the data available in literature showed that the results of the numerical simulation reproduce satisfactorily the maximum run-up, also the water surface elevation in the residual lake after the event.Moreover, the 3D velocity field of the flow during the event and the discharge hydrograph which overtopped the dam, were obtained.  相似文献   

The current study tries a new approach to simulating interactions between waves and seagrass through Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). In this model, the plants are defined as a solid that respects Hooke's law, and are assumed to have direct interaction with the fluid. Given the characteristics of the SPH method, especially in terms of computational time, the dimensions of the simulations were limited. The first goal of the current study was to optimize the approach to avoid reaching certain limits such as the rupture of the simulated plant. Plant movements under waves and/or currents have been studied by several authors in various in-situ, physical, and numerical experiments concerning various vegetation species, thus proving that plant movements can be successfully reproduced by SPH 2D/3D. Manning's roughness coefficient, n, was calculated to confirm that the results were in accordance with what had been measured in flume studies. Even though there is still room for improvement, it is shown that this method can be used to estimate Manning's coefficient for coastal vegetation (seagrass and saltmarsh vegetation) and to greatly improve the modeling and forecasting of coastal erosion and storm surge risks by including the effects of vegetation in integrated models.  相似文献   

三维波动方程时空域混合网格有限差分数值模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常规高阶和时空域高阶有限差分方法广泛应用于三维标量波动方程的数值模拟,这两种差分方法仅利用笛卡尔坐标系中的坐标轴网格点构建三维Laplace差分算子,相应的差分离散波动方程本质上仅具有2阶差分精度,模拟精度低.本文将三维笛卡尔坐标系中非坐标轴网格点分为两类:坐标平面内的非坐标轴网格点和坐标平面外的非坐标轴网格点,系统推导出了两类非坐标轴网格点构建三维Laplace差分算子的方法,进而提出了一种利用坐标轴网格点和非坐标轴网格点共同构建三维Laplace差分算子的混合网格有限差分方法,并利用时空域频散关系和泰勒展开建立差分系数方程,推导出了差分系数的通解.相比常规高阶和时空域高阶差分格式的2阶差分精度,时空域混合网格差分离散波动方程理论上能够达到任意偶数阶差分精度,模拟精度显著提高,同时稳定性更强.频散分析表明:相比常规高阶和时空域高阶差分格式,在计算效率基本相同时,时空域混合网格差分格式能更有效地减小数值频散,减弱数值各向异性,模拟精度更高;在模拟精度基本相当时,混合网格差分格式能采用更大的时间采样间隔,计算效率更高.数值模拟实例进一步验证了混合网格差分格式在提高模拟精度和计算效率方面的...  相似文献   

In this paper, an explicit method is generalized from 1D and 2D models to a 3D model for numerical simulation of wave motion, and the corresponding recursion formulas are developed for 3D irregular grids. For uniform cubic grids, the approach used to establish stable formulas with 2M-order accuracy is discussed in detail, with M being a positive integer, and is illustrated by establishing second order (M=1) recursion formulas. The theoretical results presented in this paper are demonstrated through numerical testing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Lebedev finite difference scheme on staggered grids for the numerical simulation of wave propagation in an arbitrary 3D anisotropic elastic media. The main concept of the scheme is the definition of all the components of each tensor (vector) appearing in the elastic wave equation at the corresponding grid points, i.e., all of the stresses are stored in one set of nodes while all of the velocity components are stored in another. Meanwhile, the derivatives with respect to the spatial directions are approximated to the second order on two‐point stencils. The second‐order scheme is presented for the sake of simplicity and it is easy to expand to a higher order. Another approach, widely‐known as the rotated staggered grid scheme, is based on the same concept; therefore, this paper contains a detailed comparative analysis of the two schemes. It is shown that the dispersion condition of the Lebedev scheme is less restrictive than that of the rotated staggered grid scheme, while the stability criteria lead to approximately equal time stepping for the two approaches. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is its reduced computational memory requirements. Due to a less restrictive dispersion condition and the way the media parameters are stored, the Lebedev scheme requires only one‐third to two‐thirds of the computer memory required by the rotated staggered grid scheme. At the same time, the number of floating point operations performed by the Lebedev scheme is higher than that for the rotated staggered grid scheme.  相似文献   

中国强震前兆地震活动图像机理的三维数值模拟研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
建立了含有母体岩石、硬包体和随机分布的小裂纹的三维有限元模型,计算了包体和各层实体中的应力分布. 利用最高应力破裂准则、释放破裂单元刚度生与死的方法,模拟强震前岩石的破裂和小震的空间分布特征. 结果表明,文中三种模型都显示出强震前在孕震体即包体附近出现了高应力集中单元. 它们是形成小震空区、条带和地震空间丛集图像的基础. 随机裂纹的存在,有利于在孕震体(包体)外的裂纹端部应力集中,先发生小震,形成包围孕震包体的前兆地震活动图像,而包体中的应力逐渐增加,为发生强震提供了条件. 包体的形状和几何位置是影响强震前兆地震活动图像形态的重要因素. 引入材料的黏弹性,导致了其中应力随时间迅速减小和弹性层某些部位应力随时间的增加. 但在本文设定的构造模型框架和介质参数下,下层黏弹性的存在对上层母体的应力随时间的增加影响不大.  相似文献   

基于BISQ模型的三维双相各向异性介质数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Biot-flow and squirt-flow are the two most important fluid flow mechanisms in porous media containing fluids. Based on the BISQ (Biot-Squirt) model where the two mechanisms are treated simultaneously, the elastic wave-field simulation in the porous medium is limited to two-dimensions and two-components (2D2C) or two-dimensions and three-components (2D3C). There is no previous report on wave simulation in three- dimensions and three-components. Only through three dimensional numerical simulations can we have an overall understanding of wave field coupling relations and the spatial distribution characteristics between the solid and fluid phases in the dual-phase anisotropic medium. In this paper, based on the BISQ equation, we present elastic wave propagation in a three dimensional dual-phase anisotropic medium simulated by the staggered-grid high-order finite-difference method. We analyze the resulting wave fields and show that the results are an improvement.  相似文献   

Seismoelectric coupling in an electric isotropic and elastic anisotropic medium is developed using a primary–secondary formulation. The anisotropy is of vertical transverse isotropic type and concerns only the poroelastic parameters. Based on our finite difference time domain algorithm, we solve the seismoelectric response to an explosive source. The seismic wavefields are computed as the primary field. The electric field is then obtained as a secondary field by solving the Poisson equation for the electric potential. To test our numerical algorithm, we compared our seismoelectric numerical results with analytical results obtained from Pride's equation. The comparison shows that the numerical solution gives a good approximation to the analytical solution. We then simulate the seismoelectric wavefields in different models. Simulated results show that four types of seismic waves are generated in anisotropic poroelastic medium. These are the fast and slow longitudinal waves and two separable transverse waves. All of these seismic waves generate coseismic electric fields in a homogenous anisotropic poroelastic medium. The tortuosity has an effect on the propagation of the slow longitudinal wave. The snapshot of the slow longitudinal wave has an oval shape when the tortuosity is anisotropic, whereas it has a circular shape when the tortuosity is isotropic. In terms of the Thomsen parameters, the radiation anisotropy of the fast longitudinal wave is more sensitive to the value of ε, while the radiation anisotropy of the transverse wave is more sensitive to the value of δ.  相似文献   




A 2D depth-averaged model for hydrodynamic,sediment transport and river morphological adjustment is presented.The sediment transport submodel considers non-uniform sediment,bed surface armoring,impact of secondary flow on the direction of bed-load transport,and transverse slope of river bed.The bank erosion submodel incorporates a simple simulation method for updating bank geometry during either degradational or aggradational bed evolution.The model is applied to a 180°bend with a constant radius under unsteady flow conditions,and to Friedkin’s laboratory meander channels.The results are in acceptable agreement with measurements,confirming the two dimensional model’s potential in predicting the formation of river meandering and improving understanding of patterning processes.Future researches are needed to clarify some simplifications and limitations of the model.  相似文献   

龙滩水库诱发地震三维孔隙弹性有限元数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文以龙滩水库为例,根据库区地质构造、深部速度结构及数字地面高程,建立了库区三维有限元模型,基于孔隙弹性理论计算了水库蓄水过程中库底断层和围岩体孔隙压力、有效附加正应力、剪应力和库伦应力的动态变化,并结合水库蓄水后库区地震活动时空分布的特征,讨论了RIS时空演化与库水加卸载及渗透过程的动态响应关系及其可能的成因机制.结果表明:(1) 龙滩水库蓄水后地震活动呈现出明显的丛集性,主要分布在罗妥(丛Ⅰ)、八茂(丛Ⅱ)、拉浪(丛Ⅲ)、坝首(丛Ⅳ)和布柳河(丛Ⅴ)5个水库蓄水后淹没的深水区,这些区域也恰恰是库水加卸载及渗透过程中ΔCFS增加最明显的区域,而ΔCFS的影区几乎没有地震发生,表明水库蓄水后库区地震活动与ΔCFS的变化密切相关.(2) 在水库蓄水过程中,与水库有直接水力联系且渗透性较好的断裂成为地表水体附加水头压力向深部扩散的优势通道,沿此通道附加水头压力扩散的最大深度达13 km左右,震旦系—古生界以碳酸盐岩为主的地层成为附加水头压力扩散的主体层位,这与蓄水后库区中、小地震震源深度均小于13 km,且优势分布在5~10 km的特征相吻合,表明由于孔隙压力的存在降低了岩石的抗剪强度,同时部分抵消了围压的影响,致使该层位的岩体易于产生脆性破坏从而诱发地震活动.(3) 无论是深部还是浅部,各丛地震密集发生的时段绝大部分与相应深度ΔCFS加速升高或阶段性高值时段相重叠,可能说明在库水位快速抬升或阶段性高值时段,受外部荷载加载速率快速升高的影响,库底岩体和断层、裂隙等结构面更容易实现失稳扩展;深、浅部地震响应时间、活动频度和强度的差异可能与不同层位岩体力学性质及渗透性能的不均匀性有关.(4) 各丛地震诱发的物理力学机制有所不同.丛Ⅰ、丛Ⅱ、丛Ⅲ地震的诱发可能与库体重力荷载、孔隙压力扩散和库水浸润弱化3种作用都有关;丛Ⅳ地震的诱发主要受控于库体重力荷载作用,孔隙压力扩散和库水浸润弱化不起主导作用;丛Ⅴ地震的诱发主要受孔隙压力扩散和库水浸润弱化作用的影响,库体重力荷载作用一定程度上抑制了地震的发生.  相似文献   

作为一种基于节点的计算方法,无网格法具有构造高阶导数方便,自适应分析便利的优点,特别适合复杂地质构造的数值模拟.本文针对实际地球物理勘探中存在的起伏地形和各向异性的地电结构,提出用无网格法来模拟大地电磁响应,采用复合二次径向基函数构造了形函数,推导了大地电磁无网格法等价线性方程组,研究了系数矩阵的压缩存储方法以及大型稀疏复线性方程组快速求解算法,实现了起伏地形下各向异性的2D大地电磁高精度数值模拟.基于层状模型验证了算法的正确性,计算结果表明:无论是TM模式还是TE模式,计算相对误差均小于1%;通过对地垒和地堑模型的模拟,得出了起伏地形对视电阻率和相位的影响规律;对起伏地形下含有不同各向异性系数异常体的模型进行了数值模拟,为开展复杂地质结构的电磁场特征研究以及地形校正奠定了理论基础.随着计算科学的快速发展,无网格法必将成为新的高精度电磁场数值模拟方法.  相似文献   

Temporal scaling in stream discharge and hydraulic heads in riparian wells was evaluated to determine the feasibility of using spectral analysis to identify potential surface and groundwater interaction. In floodplains where groundwater levels respond rapidly to precipitation recharge, potential interaction is established if the hydraulic head (h) spectrum of riparian groundwater has a power spectral density similar to stream discharge (Q), exhibiting a characteristic breakpoint between high and low frequencies. At a field site in Walnut Creek watershed in central Iowa, spectral analysis of h in wells located 1 m from the channel edge showed a breakpoint in scaling very similar to the spectrum of Q (~20 h), whereas h in wells located 20 and 40 m from the channel showed temporal scaling from 1 to 10,000 h without a well-defined breakpoint. The spectral exponent (β) in the riparian zone decreased systematically from the channel into the floodplain as groundwater levels were increasingly dominated by white noise groundwater recharge. The scaling pattern of hydraulic head was not affected by land cover type, although the number of analyses was limited and site conditions were variable among sites. Spectral analysis would not replace quantitative tracer or modeling studies, but the method may provide a simple means of confirming potential interaction at some sites.  相似文献   

张立  刘争平 《地球物理学报》2013,56(5):1686-1695
近年来的工程实践表明,以速度频散特性为理论基础的传统瑞利面波法的实际应用存在场地限制的瓶颈问题.为克服该困难,本文从面波的基础理论着手,在前人建立的水平层状介质中瑞利面波速度频散方程的基础上,推导了水平层状介质中瑞利面波质点位移的解析解公式.以工程中常见的几种典型的水平层状地层模型为例,结合地脉动单点谱比法(HVSR,Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio),对基阶瑞利面波的椭圆极化特征进行了数值模拟研究.研究结果表明:与瑞利面波的速度频散特性类似,其椭圆极化同样具有频散特性,且椭圆极化时的质点位移水平分量与垂直分量的频谱比与地层泊松比结构有关.瑞利面波的这种椭圆极化特性展示了利用单点瑞利面波的多分量评价地层泊松比结构的理论可行性.  相似文献   

三维地震动场数值模拟并行计算系统   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
并行计算系统是进行三维复杂场地地震动场数值模拟的基础。本文作者利用10台微机构建了一套并行计算集群(常称为Beowulf系统),节点微机上运行Windows2000操作系统,采用MPI标准的MPICH1.2.4版本作为并行计算的支撑环境,并以100M bps高速交换式以太网作为互连网络。利用编制的并行计算程序对该并行计算系统性能进行了测试。结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率。该系统将用于三维地震动场数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

The pipe microphone has been shown to be an effective means for monitoring bedload transport in mountain streams. It is commonly installed perpendicular to the flow direction on a stable river bed, such as that of a check dam. Acoustic pulses caused by bedload collisions with the pipe are detected by a microphone. However, bedload particles saltating over the pipe remain undetected. To overcome this disadvantage, we installed a horizontal as well as a vertical pipe microphone in the Ashi‐arai‐dani supercritical channel located in the Hodaka mountain range, Japan. The vertical pipe was installed on the wall of the channel and the horizontal pipe was installed on the channel bed. The acoustic response of the horizontal pipe is expected to be larger than that of the vertical pipe, because the bedload concentration decreases with increasing height above the bed. However, at high amplifications, the peak pulse value from the vertical pipe is higher than that from the horizontal pipe. We explain this observation as follows: under high bedload discharge conditions, the pulses of the horizontal pipe are saturated but those of the vertical pipe are not. We proposed a ratio (Rhv) between the pulses detected by these sensors, and applied this ratio for calibrating the contemporaneous pulses detected by a microphone located immediately upstream of a bedload slot sampler. Indeed the Rhv‐corrected pulses correlated well with the bedload discharge calculated from the sampler, supporting our explanation. We conclude that bedload monitoring using concomitant vertical and horizontal pipe microphones can be used to calibrate centrally located pipe microphones when the bedload concentration is approximately homogeneous laterally across the width of the channel cross‐section, and thereby represent bedload discharges more accurately than with only a single pipe microphone. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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