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Earthquake activity in the Aswan region,Egypt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The November 14, 1981 Aswan earthquake (M L= 5.7), which was related to the impoundment of Lake Aswan, was followed by an extended sequence of earthquakes, and is investigated in this study. Earthquake data from June 1982 to late 1991, collected from the Aswan network, are classified into two sets on the basis of focal depth (i.e., shallow, or deeper than 10 km). It is determined that (a) shallow seismicity is characterized by swarm activity, whereas deep seismicity is characterized by a foreshock-main shock-aftershock sequence; (b) the b value is equal to 0.77 and 0.99 for the shallow and deep sequences, respectively; and (c) observations clearly indicate that the temporal variations of shallow seismic activity were associated with a high rate of water-level fluctuation in Lake Aswan; a correlation with the deeper earthquake sequence, however, is not evident. These features, as well as the tomographic characteristics of the Aswan region (Awad andMizoue, this issue), imply that the Aswan seismic activity must be regarded as consisting of two distinct earthquake groups.We also relocated the largest 500 earthquakes to determine their seismotectonic characteristics. The results reveal that the epicenters are well distributed along four fault segments, which constitute a conjugate pattern in the region. Moreover, fault-plane solutions are determined for several earthquakes selected from each segment, which, along with the 14 November 1981 main shock, demonstrate a prominent E-W compressional stress.  相似文献   

张北-尚义地震序列的重新定位   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
应用相对定位方法, 对张北-尚义地震序列的主震和ML≥3.0 余震重新精确定位。得出:张北-尚义地震序列的主震位置为北纬41.15°, 东经114.46°, 位于宏观震中的北东方向约4 km处, 震源深度15 km 。余震震源分布在北东约20°的近乎垂直的平面内及其附近。张北-尚义地震序列的重新精确定位的结果,清楚地表明了这次地震的发震构造是南—北向至南南西—北北东向的具有较小的逆冲分量的右旋断层活动  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0地震及余震序列重新定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵博  石玉涛  高原 《地震》2011,31(2):1-10
从2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震发震时刻起到2008年12月31日,四川省及其周边省区布设的区域台网、水库台网以及流动台共记录到10000余次余震序列(M≥2.0).我们采用双差定位法对主震及余震序列进行重新定位,得到7000多个地震的重新定位结果.结果表明,余震分布带长约350 km.在西南部,余震沿龙门山后山...  相似文献   

The western part of the Corinth Gulf attracts attention because of its seismically active complex fault system and considerable seismic hazard. Close to the city of Aegion, damaged by the M L 6.2 earthquake of 1995, a sequence of small earthquakes occurred from February to May 2001. The sequence, comprising 171 events of M L 1.8 to 4.7, was recorded by a short-period network of the University of Patras, PATNET. As most stations have single component-recording, the S-wave arrival time readings were scarce. A sub-set of 139 events was recorded by at least 5 stations, and in this study we limit ourselves just to that sub-set. A preliminary location is performed by a standard linearized kinematic approach, with several starting depths and crustal models. Then the mainshock is re-located, and finally it is used as a master event to locate the remaining events. The mainshock relocation is performed by a systematic 3D grid search, and the trade-off between depth and origin time is eliminated by a special procedure, the so-called station difference (SD) method. In the SD method, instead of inverting arrival times directly, their intra-station differences are employed. The station corrections, determined from the master event, are also used. As a result, the sub-set is imaged as a relatively tight cluster, occupying space of about 5 by 5 km horizontally and 10 km vertically, with the mainshock inside (at a depth of 7 km). The results should be interpreted with caution, mainly as regards the absolute depth position of the cluster. A more accurate location would require a local network with both P and S readings.  相似文献   

The data described here are obtained from the continuous record of earthquakeactivity and lake water-level variation in the Lake Aswan area in Egypt between 1982 and 1997. The seismicity is monitored by a local telemetered seismograph network. The hypocentral parameters of earthquakes have been determined using Hypo71. The earthquake foci are distributed in two seismic zones, shallow and deep in the crust. Shallow events have focal depths of less than 10 km. Deep events extend from 10 to 30 km. The temporal sequence of seismicity iscorrelated with both the water-level variation and the average daily change of the water level in the lake Aswan. The temporal variation of the seismicityindicates that there are only six sequences of increased seismic activity during 1982–1997. The correlation between the seismic activity and the daily variation of the lake water level is poorly observed except with the June 1987 events swarm, which was accompanied by the presence of an anomaly in rate of water level decreasing. It is concluded that the increase in seismic activity in the Aswan reservoir is demonstrating an example of rapid reservoir-triggered seismicity. The deeper seismic sequence in this area, which was associated with the November 14, 1981 mainshock (MD = 5.7), and the earlier seismicity (1981–82), has been correlated with a deeper high velocity anomaly (Awad and Mizoue, 1995-b).  相似文献   

2008年攀枝花6.1级地震序列精定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅莺  龙锋 《中国地震研究》2015,29(3):363-372
利用四川和云南区域数字地震台网震相到时资料,并结合Hypo2000+HypoDD对2008年8月30日攀枝花MS6.1地震序列进行了定位。定位结果表明,地震序列的震中在空间上呈近南北向展布,余震密集区长度约为30km,主震震源深度约为14km。序列深度的分布范围主要为0~4、5~20km,而4~5km范围显示为明显的少震层。沿序列长轴的深度剖面显示,余震区中段存在1个不规则的少震的“空区”,为1955年6?级地震的破裂区,该地震发生在空区的南端。分析认为,2008年8月30日攀枝花MS6.1地震是由汶川8.0级地震后的应力调整造成未破裂的小凹凸体发生破裂所致。余震密集分布区沿垂直于破裂长轴的两个剖面则显示在其北端地震震源分布更深,且断层面向NW倾斜,与已知的红格断裂的倾向一致。  相似文献   

利用山东省地震台网和流动台网的观测数据,采用双差定位方法对2020年2月18日山东济南4.1级地震序列进行了重定位,并结合震源机制解对发震构造进行分析。结果表明,重定位后的地震序列呈NW向分布,地震由浅部到深部破裂,破裂方式呈不对称的双侧破裂,震源深度优势范围为3~5 km。震源机制解显示地震序列的P轴方位角近EW向,T轴优势方位近SN向,与区域构造应力场一致。综合重定位后地震展布方向、深部构造形态、震源机制解特征,推测地震活动可能为区域构造应力作用下长清断裂及次级派生断裂活动的结果。  相似文献   

2004年6月甘肃临泽震群地震精确定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用"双差地震定位法"对2004年6月甘肃临泽发生的地震震群进行了精确定位,结合地质构造资料讨论了本次震群的发震构造.结果表明:该震群震中沿着榆木山北缘断裂呈NNW向分布,震源深度优势分布于10~25 km,平均深度为16.3 km;发震断裂为榆木山北缘断裂东段局部断裂,走向NNW,倾向SW,倾角约为60°.  相似文献   

Sorption of dissolved Fe2+ on bentonite was studied using a batch technique. The distribution coefficient, Kd , was evaluated for a bentonite-iron system as a function of contact time, pH, sorbent and sorbate concentrations, and temperature. Sorption results were interpreted in terms of Freundlich's and Langmuir's equations. Thermodynamic parameters for the sorption system were determined at three temperatures: 298°, 308°, and 318°K. The values of ΔH°(-4.0 kjmol−1) and ΔG°(-2.46 Kjmol−1) at 298°K (25°C) suggest that sorption of iron on bentonite is an exothermic and a spontaneous process. The ΔG° value became less negative at higher temperatures and, therefore, less iron was sorbed at higher temperatures. The desorption studies with 0.01 M CaCl2 and deionized water at iron loading on bentonite showed that more than 90 wt% of the iron is irreversibly sorbed, probably due to the fixation of the iron by isomorphous replacement in the crystal lattice of the sorbent.  相似文献   

2010年6月28日至8月15日,在广西凌云与凤山交界持续发生了高密集、高集中、高频率的震群活动,共记录地震3 071次,其中ML2~2.9级地震41次,3级以上地震3次,最大为7月1日10时27分3.2级地震。对此次震群的空间分布范围、2级以上地震震源机制解P轴优势方向、b值特征、应力降等进行了分析研究。结果表明,此次震群震中集中,深度较浅,震源机制解P轴没有形成优势分布,序列参数b值较高,约为1.21,应力降主要分布在0.19~2.0 Mpa之间,认为广西凌云-凤山交界3级震群是属于低应力背景下的地震活动,不具有前兆震群和前震序列的性质。分析结果对正确了解此次震群的特征、正确判断地震趋势具有一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   

联合利用甘肃及周边测震台网记录的古浪及周边地区4 592次地震的P波绝对到时和相对到时资料,采用双差地震定位方法对古浪震源区小震进行重新定位后发现,皇城-双塔断裂带东、西两段表现出不同的力学运动性质,西段以逆冲运动为主,地震主要发生在断裂的下盘;而东段地震却主要发生在上盘,断层活动以局部拉张为主。还首次发现在皇城-双塔断裂带的中段与主破裂呈垂直方向存在一条主震发生时新产生的共轭断层,基于小震的断层面参数反演显示该断裂是一高倾角运动性质以右旋为主兼具正断的断裂。  相似文献   

Aswan Lake is the second largest man-made lake in the world. Its filling started 1964 and reached the maximum water level in 1978. An earthquake of magnitude 5.5 took place in 1981 along the most active fault near the lake (Kalabsha fault). This earthquake was follwed by a tremendous number of smaller events that continue till now.Seismicity and the underground water table around the lake are monitored continuously through a radio-telemetered network. A local geodetic network was established around parts of the active faults in the northwestern part of the High Dam Lake, for monitoring vertical and lateral movements. The Kalabsha local geodetic network (the first one) was established around an active part of the Kalabsha fault in 1983. Precise geodetic measurements have benn carried out twice a year since 1984.On the basis of the repeated geodetic measurements, seismicity of the area and geophysical as well as geological data, the present state of the geodynamical properties of the Kalabsha area is studied.Remarkable horizontal movements were detected; they are correlated with the seismicity of the area and are attributed to the differential loading by the lake. The Kalabsha fault is a right-lateral strike-slip motion on an E-W plane. The magnitude of the movements detected along the fault is variable for the different epochs of measurements and is correlated with both seismicity and water loading in the lake.  相似文献   

The Kalabsha region at the northwest side of Lake Aswan has been a subject of seismological and geodetic investigations since 1981, after the 5.5 M earthquake on 14 November. The subsequent seismic activity was related to the effect of water-level oscillations in the Lake. Geodetic measurements provided indications of regional stress and of the local character of vertical movements. As crustal dynamics represents a potential hazard with respect to the size of the lake, other techniques have been applied to the monitoring system. Repeated gravity test measurements were already made in the late 1980s and in 1994, but only in 1997 was a new epoch of long-term investigation initiated. The measured data showed sufficient accuracy of approx. 5 μGal. Already the first difference of the two campaigns of the years 1997 and 2000 showed a few important features. First of all, the temporal non-tidal changes of gravity exceed the level of confidence significantly. The changes were compared with older available geodetic data, and it was concluded, that the gravity changes were not related directly to the vertical movements of the surface. On the contrary, a water loading effect may be expected on the eastern side of the network, especially in the Kalabsha local net. The development of the stress field is considered to be the main source of observed gravity changes. In both the Kalabsha and Seiyal nets the changes differ according to the relative positions of the particular measuring points with respect to the faults.  相似文献   

采用双子地震相干函数分析法利用江苏区域遥测地震台网数字化资料对2001年11月3-14日发生在江苏省常熟-张家港间的震群进行精确相对定位。主参考地震用区域地壳结构重新定位。结果表明:(1)主参考地震与区域遥测地震台网的定位相比偏离了10.61 km;(2)震群中地震的平面位置更集中;(3)各次地震的震源深度体现了震群特征。本文还对震群与构造的关系进行了分析,推测可能与顾山-虞山断裂有关。  相似文献   

针对2014年8月-2015年1月安徽金寨发生的ML3.9震群,利用匹配滤波技术补充台网目录遗漏的地震事件,再利用波形互相关震相检测技术标定P波和S波到时,进一步采用双差定位方法对震群进行重定位,结合震源机制解等分析此次震群活动可能的发震构造.计算结果显示,通过互相关扫描检测到1376个地震台网常规分析遗漏的地震,数量...  相似文献   

杨文  龙海云  姚琪 《地震》2017,37(1):166-174
2015年7月3日新疆皮山MS6.5地震发生在塔里木块体与西昆仑交会地区, 该地区近年来中强地震较为活跃。 本文对2015年新疆皮山MS6.5地震序列及其附近地区中强震序列b值等参数进行了研究。 另外, 还利用新疆台网的震相报告, 采用双差定位方法对余震进行了重新定位, 对皮山余震序列的主震破裂区地震活动时空变化特征进行了分析和讨论, 为该地区地震危险性评估提供参考。  相似文献   

福建仙游震群序列发震构造分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
秦双龙  邱毅 《地震工程学报》2018,40(6):1306-1311
福建仙游地区自2010年8月开始出现地震序列活动,2012年地震活动水平有所提高,2013年以来地震活动水平进一步提高,ML3.0以上地震集中活跃。福建数字化地震台网对这些地震进行了较完整的监测,记录到丰富的观测资料。通过利用P、S波到时数据对ML≥1.0地震序列进行重新定位,发现地震序列空间位置和震源深度呈现出不同的时段性分布特征。同时利用福建数字化地震台网记录到的波形资料,采用"剪切-粘贴"法,获取了ML≥3.5的震源机制解和最佳震源深度。通过震群序列活动特征、震源位置分布、震源区断层活动分布以及震源机制解特征综合判断认为:仙游震群序列为库水下渗促使断裂滑动引起的构造地震,属于水库诱发型构造型地震,发震构造为穿过库区的NW向石苍断裂。  相似文献   

Based on data collected from a temporal seismic network, and in addition to the data from some nearby permanent stations, we investigate the velocity structure and seismicity in the Rongchang gas field, where significant injection-induced seismicity has been identified. First, we use receiver functions from distant earthquakes to invert detailed 1-D velocity structures beneath typical stations. Then, we use the double-difference hypocenter location method to re-locate earthquakes of the 2010 ML5.1 earthquake sequence that occurred in the region. The re-located hypocenters show that the 2010 ML5.1 earthquake sequence was distributed in a small area surrounding major injection wells and clustered mostly along pre-existing faults. Major earthquakes show a focal depth less than 5km with a dominant depth of ~2km, a depth of major reservoirs and injection wells. We thus conclude that the 2010 ML 5.1 earthquake sequence might have been induced by the deep well injection of unwanted water at a depth ~3km in the Rongchang gas field.  相似文献   

Temporal characteristics of the famous Matsushiro earthquake swarm were investigated quantitatively using point-process analysis. Analysis of the earthquake occurrence rate revealed not only the precise and interesting process of the swarm, but also the relation between pore water pressure and the strength of the epidemic effect, and the modified Omori-type temporal decay of earthquake activity. The occurrence rate function (t) for this swarm is represented well aswhere f(t) represents the contribution of the swarm driver, which was the erupting water from the deep in this case, and the second term represents an epidemic effect of the modified Omori type. Based on changes in the form of f(t), this two-year long swarm was divided into six periods and one short transitional epoch. The form of f(t) in each period revealed the detail of the water erupting process. In the final stage, f (t) decayed according to the modified Omori-formula form, while it decayed exponentially in the brief respite of the water eruption in the fourth period. When an exponential decay of swarm activity is observed, we have to be cautious of a sudden restart of the violent activity. The epidemic effect is stronger when the pressure of the pore water is higher. Even when the pressure is not high, the p value in the epidemic effect is small, when there is plenty of pore water. However, the epidemic effect produced about a quarter of the earthquakes even though there was not much pore water in the rocks.  相似文献   

珊溪水库M_L4.6震群精确定位与发震构造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用浙江、福建区域地震台网和珊溪水库台网给出的P波走时资料,通过震源位置和速度结构联合反演方法,重新确定了珊溪水库地震的震源参数。并通过假设发震断层可以用一个平面进行拟合的思路,利用重新确定的震源参数拟合得到了发震断层面参数。收集了2267条P波到时数据,求解了ML4.0以上地震震源机制解,结合水库区的断层活动性特征和宏观调查资料,讨论了珊溪水库地震序列的发震构造。  相似文献   

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