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The artificial ionospheric turbulence occurs in the ionosphere illuminated by high power HF radio waves. There are a lot of irregularities stretched along the geomagnetic field in this region. The investigation of the artificially disturbed ionospheric region is based on the reception of back scattered signals (BSS) which permits the basic parameters of this region to be estimated and its inhomogeneous structure to be described.Experiments were carried out using ‘Sura’ heating facility in the frequency range of ? = 4.7–9 MHz (ordinary mode) with the effective radiated power Peff = 50–70 MW beamed vertically upwards. The most important dynamic and statistical BSS characteristics (the built-up time, the relaxation and autocorrelation times, the BSS amplitude spatial correlation function and power spectra) were measured using probe waves in the frequency range of that made it possible to obtain the basic parameters of the artificial irregularities. The model representation of a disturbed region in a form of a periodic structure gives a possibity to evaluate the scale of the structure, the whole size of the disturbance and its power and to calculate the main BSS characteristics.  相似文献   

In contrast to the way that the spreading of irregularities in a plasma is usually considered, the diffusion spreading of irregularities stretched along the geomagnetic field B is examined using a three-dimensional rigorous numerical model of quasi-neutral diffusion in the presence of a magnetic field, in conjunction with the actual height variations of the diffusion and conductivity tensors in the ionosphere. A comparison with the earlier constructed approximate model of unipolar diffusion was made. As in the previous case, the same peculiarities of irregularity spreading in the inhomogeneous background ionospheric plasma were observed. The accuracy of the approximate model for describing the process of spreading of anisotropic ionospheric irregularities is established. Time relaxation effects of real heating-induced ionospheric irregularities on their scale transverse to B are presented using the approximate analytical model for the case of a quasi-homogeneous ionospheric plasma. The calculated results have a vivid physical meaning and can be directly compared with experimental data on the radiophysical observations of artificial heating-induced irregularities created by powerful radio waves in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Summary The dielectric tensor of a time-varying anisotropic electron-plasma has been studied with the consideration of the effect of collision. The tripple splitting of the electromagnetic waves is obtained from the dispersion relation which gives the two usual magnetoionic modes in the limiting case. The randomness of electron number density has been evaluated by the help of field variables and also by the nature of fluctuation of dielectric tensor.  相似文献   

T. Ogawa 《Annales Geophysicae》1997,14(12):1454-1461
We briefly overview the radar observations that have been made for 30 years at Syowa Station, Antarctica for studying small-scale electron-density irregularities in the southern high-latitude E- and F-region ionosphere. Some observational results (i.e., long-term variations of radio aurora, Doppler spectra with narrow spectral widths and low Doppler velocities, and simultaneous observations of radar and optical auroras) from VHP radars capable of detecting 1.3- to 3-m scale irregularities are presented. A new 50-MHz radar system equipped with phased-antenna arrays began operation in February 1995 to observe two-dimensional behaviors of E-region irregularities. An HF radar experiment also began in February 1995 to explore decameter-scale E- and F-region irregularities in the auroral zone and polar cap. These two radars will contribute to a better understanding of the ionospheric irregularities and ionospheric physics at southern high latitudes.  相似文献   

We describe an experiment in satellite radio-wave probing of the ionosphere, modified by powerful waves from the HF heating facility at Tromsø (Norway) in May 1995. Amplitude scintillations and variations of the phase of VHF signals from Russian navigational satellites passing over the heated region were observed. We show that both large-scale electron density irregularities (several tens of kilometers in size) and small-scale ones (from hundreds of meters to kilometers) can be generated by the HF radiation. Maximum effects caused by small-scale irregularities detected in the satellite signals are observed in the directions sector approximately parallel to the geomagnetic field lines although large-scale structures can be detected within a much larger area. The properties of small-scale irregularities (electron density fluctuations) are investigated by applying a statistical analysis and by studying experimental and model mean values of the logarithm of the relative amplitude of the signal. The results indicate that satellite radio probing can be a supporting diagnostic technique for ionospheric heating and add valuable information to studies of effects produced by HF modification.  相似文献   

Results of the studies of the ionospheric D region during spring periods of 2004 and 2005 using partial reflections and radiowave scattering by artificial periodical irregularities are presented. It has been found that the vertical profile of the electron density during this period has a local minimum at a height of ~75 km, which is absent in summer. The causes of the minimum appearance are discussed.  相似文献   

Long series of simultaneous VHF scintillation observations at two stations situated in near magnetic east-west direction in the vicinity of the dip equator in the Indian region have been employed to investigate the night-time ionospheric plasma zonal drifts. The drifts are found to be predominantly easterly. On comparing the magnitudes of the drifts with those results derived earlier by HF fading technique, monitoring signals from two satellites at a station and spaced receiver experiment, their associations with the season and the degree of solar activity are discussed. On a broader scale, the annual mean sunspot number is shown to have a direct control on the derived drift, the positive relationship even on day to day basis with the solar flux is established. However, the relationship, as understood by the slope of the best fit line, in the Indian region (0.27) is found to be weaker when compared with the similar slope (0.45) in the American sector. There appears to be no geomagnetic activity control on the estimated drifts.  相似文献   

The results of phenomenological analysis of data from oblique chirp sounding of the ionosphere in a 2007 heating experiment with possible recording of the effect of trapping sounding-radiation in an artificial ionospheric cavity and spotlighting it in the near (over the Earth’s surface) zone of the Sura facility are presented. The physical aspects of forming an additional trace on ionograms of oblique radio-sounding of the perturbed region of the ionosphere are discussed.  相似文献   

Model results for the ionospheric E region: solar and seasonal changes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new, empirical model for NO densities is developed, to include physically reasonable variations with local time, season, latitude and solar cycle. Model calculations making full allowance for secondary production, and ionising radiations at wavelengths down to 25 Å, then give values for the peak density N mE that are only 6% below the empirical IRI values for summer conditions at solar minimum. At solar maximum the difference increases to 16%. Solar-cycle changes in the EUVAC radiation model seem insufficient to explain the observed changes in N mE, with any reasonable modifications to current atmospheric constants. Hinteregger radiations give the correct change, with results that are just 2% below the IRI values throughout the solar cycle, but give too little ionisation in the E-F valley region. To match the observed solar increase in N mE, the high-flux reference spectrum in the EUVAC model needs an overall increase of about 20% (or 33% if the change is confined to the less well defined radiations at <150 Å). Observed values of N mE show a seasonal anomaly, at mid-latitudes, with densities about 10% higher in winter than in summer (for a constant solar zenith angle). Composition changes in the MSIS86 atmospheric model produce a summer-to-winter change in N mE of about–2% in the northern hemisphere, and +3% in the southern hemisphere. Seasonal changes in NO produce an additional increase of about 5% in winter, near solar minimum, to give an overall seasonal anomaly of 8% in the southern hemisphere. Near solar maximum, reported NO densities suggest a much smaller seasonal change that is insufficient to produce any winter increase in N mE. Other mechanisms, such as the effects of winds or electric fields, seem inadequate to explain the observed change in N mE. It therefore seems possible that current satellite data may underestimate the mean seasonal variation in NO near solar maximum. A not unreasonable change in the data, to give the same 2:1 variation as at solar minimum, can produce a seasonal anomaly in NmE that accounts for 35–70% of the observed effect at all times.  相似文献   

Ionospheric topside sounders can be considered to act as mobile ionospheric heating facilities. They stimulate a wide variety of plasma phenomena that suggests that significant plasma heating can be produced in the vicinity of the spacecraft following the short duration (0.1 ms) high-power (hundreds of watts) sounder pulse. Most of these phenomena are sensitive to the ambient plasma conditions, particularly to the ratio of the plasma frequency to the gyro frequency . Certain stimulated phenomena only occur, or are greatly enhanced, when where n is an integer. One example is a diffuse signal return that appears at a frequency just above the Z mode wave cutoff frequency (the L = 0 condition in the notation of Stix). This signal, which is the subject of the present paper, is present only for moderately large near-integer values for (e.g., n > 3). It is a relatively short-duration echo—usually less than about 10 ms. These characteristics are quite different from the Z mode echoes often observed between or (whichever is greater) and the upper hybrid frequency . These latter echoes occur for smaller values (not necessarily near-integer values) of and are received during the entire 30 ms listening time period following the sounder pulse. They have been attributed to the scattering of sounder Z mode signals from naturally occurring electron density fieldaligned irregularities (FAI). The short-duration echoes observed just above , on the other hand, are here attributed to the ducting of sounder-generated Z mode waves in sounder-stimulated (or sounderenhanced) FAI. These FAI are believed to be generated (or enhanced) on a very short time scale (? 1 s) by the efficient absorption of sounder energy when the plasma/gyro frequency ratio is nearly an integer value significantly greater than one. The most likely generation process is the filamentation instability driven by the ponderomotive force due to the high-power sounder pulse.  相似文献   

Electric fields in the near-Earth space was studied in the experiments with artificial plasma clouds and jets in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The development of a nonmonotonous plasma density stratification of an artificial plasma formation, with the scale of strata across the geomagnetic field reaching several meters and tens of meters, was observed. It has been indicated that the electrodynamics of plasma clouds and jets, decomposing into strata, depends on the excitation and decay of fast oscillations of the electronic plasma component against a background of slow oscillations of the ionic component at frequencies of magnetized plasma electrostatic oscillations (electrostatic Bernstein modes of the plasma electronic and ionic components and ion acoustic oscillations).  相似文献   

As a partial contribution to the International Polar Year, the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences has installed on the Polish Polar Station, located in the region of the Hornsund Bay in southern Spitsbergen, the equipment intended to monitor ionospheric scintillation and total electron content. We describe the equipment setup and the aims of the experiment. As an illustration of data analysis, we present the reconstruction of irregular structure of the ionosphere from the complex amplitude data, and the estimate of the form and drift of diffraction pattern based on the spaced receiver measurements.  相似文献   

Present-day ideas of the formation of inhomogeneities in midlatitude lower-ionosphere plasma are considered. Experimental and theoretical results are described that testify to the existence of anisotropic structures developing at lower-ionosphere altitudes and bring about strong electric fields, narrow echo peaks, and quasi-periodic echoes (detected by coherent radar). The origin of inhomogeneities and structures observed in plasma and neutral components of the lower ionosphere is analyzed.  相似文献   

Using a mathematical modeling method, evolutions of super-small-scale irregularities of electron concentration stretched along the geomagnetic field which could be formed in the magnetized ionospheric plasma of the F2 layer both in a natural way and at an artificial impact on it, in particular, during heating experiments, are studied. Evolution in time of the initially formed irregularities of two types having different shape of the cross sections lateral to the magnetic field (types of direct narrow long band and with a circular cross section) is calculated. It is found that such irregularities during times tens of times shorter than the time of the electron free path time spread out and disappear, accomplishing thereby periodic attenuating oscillations. The period of these oscillations can be equal to both the period of Langmuir oscillations of electrons and the period of cyclotron oscillations of electrons depending on the irregularity type and its initial parameters.  相似文献   

Traditional methods of time series analysis of satellite ionospheric measurements have some limitations and disadvantages that are mainly associated with the complex nonstationary signal structure. In this paper, the possibility of identifying and studying the temporal characteristics of signals via visual analysis is considered. The proposed approach is illustrated by the example of the visual analysis of wave measurements on the DEMETER microsatellite during its passage over the HAARP facility.  相似文献   

A 15‐month data set of daily time‐averaged video images (Argus) has been analyzed to describe the spatial and temporal variability of the rip channels on a multiple‐barred coast at Noordwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands. The landward boundary of the intertidal bars and a proxy of the subtidal bar crest, defined as the intertidal and subtidal bar lines respectively, were derived from the Argus images. Local seaward‐directed deviations of the bar lines represent the cross‐shore and alongshore locations of the rip channels. The average intertidal rip spacing ( ) was 243 m, but the rips were not spaced regularly (σλ/ = 0.47). Some intertidal rips were observed to fill up during falling tide, but the majority remained open. The filled intertidal rip channels had more landward positions and migrated more slowly (2.4 versus 4.6 m/day) in the alongshore direction than the open intertidal rip channels. The number and the alongshore migration rate of open intertidal rip channels increased with the preceding wave heights (r = 0.26, p < 0.01) and alongshore component of the offshore wave power (r = 0.25, p < 0.01), respectively. The shape of the intertidal bar lines was similar to the subtidal bar line shape, suggesting that the intertidal morphology is coupled to the subtidal alongshore variability. The phase of two bar lines could vary from in phase (0°) to out of phase (180°). The phase changes gradually, due to different alongshore migration rates of the intertidal and subtidal bar lines. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An experimental program was initiated to investigate the seismic performance of built-up laced steel brace members. Quasi-static testing of twelve typical steel built-up laced member (BLM) specimens was conducted. These were designed to span a range of parameters typically encountered for such members based on findings from a survey of commonly used shapes and details that have been historically used. The specimens were subdivided into groups of three different cross-sectional shapes, namely built-up I-shape section, and built-up box shapes buckling about the x or the y axis. Within each group, global and local buckling slenderness ratios had either kl/r values of 60 or 120, and b/t ratios of 8 or 16. The specific inelastic cyclic behavior germane to each specimen, and general observations on overall member hysteretic behavior as a function of the considered parameters, are reported. A companion paper (Lee and Bruneau 2008) investigates this observed response against predictions from analytical models, and behavior in the perspective of system performance.  相似文献   

The coupling of the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere through planetary waves (PW) (zonal wavenumber 0–5) is investigated by spherical harmonic analyses of the ionospheric total electron content (TEC). These analyses detect mean variations, standing and travelling waves which are assumed to be signatures of PW. Database used for TEC analyses are 3 years of hourly TEC maps covering the higher middle and polar latitudes. They are regularly produced by DLR Neustrelitz. The obtained results are compared with PW analyses using NCEP/NCAR and Met Office stratospheric reanalyses. Case studies show that signatures of PW occur simultaneously in the middle atmosphere and ionosphere.  相似文献   

The results of observations of turbulent transport in the Earth’s magnetosphere tail are summarized. The results of recent works on the projection of the auroral oval onto the equatorial plane, according to which the main part of the oval is not projected onto the plasma sheet, are taken into account. Analysis of the eddy diffusion coefficient dependences on the geocentric distance and on the phase of a magnetosphere substorm, both across the sheet and in the azimuthal direction, is carried out. The role of eddy diffusion in the creation of quasi-equilibrium plasma structures and in the plasma transport from the magnetospheric flanks into the plasma sheet is considered. The transport along the sheet is discussed. The problems of turbulent transport that can be solved by analysis the data of multisatellite projects are indicated.  相似文献   

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