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Late Paleocene–middle Miocene pelagic limestone/chert sequences from the Mineoka Tectonic Belt, Boso Peninsula, central Japan, were biostratigraphically studied for planktic foraminifer fossils for the first time. The rock units are included as several isolated blocks tectonically within the ophiolitic mélange together with the Mio-Pliocene Honshu arc-derived terrigenous and Izu Arc-derived volcaniclastic materials. The pelagic sequences are grouped into the newly proposed Kamogawa Group which is subdivided into the Paleocene Nishi Formation, Eocene–Oligocene Heguri-Naka Limestone and early–middle Miocene Shirataki and Heguri Formations. This study of Kamogawa Group pelagic sequences throws new light on tectonic modeling of plate accretion to the unique trench–trench–trench (TTT)-type triple junction area off the Boso Peninsula. Different formations of the Kamogawa Group have different tectonic and paleogeographic significances for the oceanic plate with a seamount that was approaching the Izu and Honshu arcs during Pacific plate subduction, and that was accreted to the Honshu Arc during the middle Miocene.  相似文献   

To understand the sedimentary development of the Boso Forearc Basin, central Japan, since ~ 3 Ma, we investigated paleothermal structure and consolidation trends in the central and eastern parts of the forearc basin through vitrinite reflectance measurements and consolidation tests. Vitrinite reflectance (Rm) was in the range 0.33 % to 0.61 % for the Miura Group in the central part of the forearc basin and 0.34 % to 0.41 % for the Miura and Kazusa Groups in the eastern. These values suggest a roughly uniform vitrinite reflectance for the Miura Group from the central to eastern parts. No significant vitrinite reflectance difference is observed across the ~ 3 Ma Kurotaki Unconformity in the eastern part of the basin. The consolidation yield stress (pc) was calculated as 27.5 MPa and 32.2 MPa for the Kiyosumi and Amatsu Formations of the Miura Group in the eastern part, respectively. Both the pc values are consistent quantitatively with represent the trend of the maximum overburden pressure estimated from the thickness and density of overlying sediments, and the difference in pc is expected by the maximum burial depths of the strata at the sampling localities. Values of pc in the eastern part of the basin increase with thickness of overlying sediment, showing no break across the Kurotaki Unconformity. Considering the eroded thickness of the Miura Group, the continuous trends in vitrinite reflectance and consolidation between the Miura and Kazusa Groups in the eastern part reflect the greater deposition of the eastern part of the Boso Forearc Basin since ~ 2.3 Ma.  相似文献   

A mass‐transport deposit named MTD1 (up to 100 m in thickness) is intercalated in the upper Kiwada Formation, a Pleistocene forearc basin fill on the Boso Peninsula, east‐central Japan. The present study aims to examine the origin, age, and distribution of MTD1. MTD1 consists mainly of mudstone blocks containing thin very fine‐ to medium‐grained sandstones, and ranges from tens of centimeters to more than tens of meters in length and thickness. Correlation of marker tuff beds and application of the biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils suggest that the blocks in MTD1 were derived from the underlying strata. The total thickness of the stratified blocks from the different stratigraphic horizons exceeds 60 m, implying that MTD1 originated from deeply‐excavated slope failure. The slope failure occurred in a short time interval at ca 1.3 Ma. MTD1 provides an estimate of the height of the escarpment on the basis of the stratigraphic origin of the blocks.  相似文献   

Rates of waterfall recession, and major factors that influence the rate, were studied using waterfalls in Boso Peninsula, Japan. The mean rate of waterfall recession was estimated by determining the age and original location. The principal factor in determining the rate of waterfall recession is the ratio of the erosive force of stream to the bedrock resistance. This is expressed in terms of measurable variables, which include the discharge (drainage area and precipitation), the width and height of the waterfall, and the unconfined compressive strength of the bedrock. An empirical equation connecting the force/resistance ratios and the rates of waterfall recession is derived. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

— I studied crustal deformation in the Kanto district, central Japan, based on continuous GPS data. Horizontal as well as vertical displacement rate demonstrate significant interaction between the landward Kanto block and the Philippine Sea plate. Although the subduction effect of the Pacific plate is not apparent, it is reasonable to consider the entire Kanto district is displaced westward due to the interaction with the Pacific plate. The GPS velocity data were inverted to estimate the slip deficit distribution on the Sagami Trough subduction zone. The result delineates a strongly coupled region on the plate interface, part of which corresponds to the 1923 Kanto earthquake. The strongly coupled region is located shallower than 20 km. In addition, the plate interaction is laterally heterogeneous even in the same depth range, implying thermal structure is not the only factor controlling interplate coupling. The GPS data also detected a silent earthquake event on the interface of the Philippine Sea slab east of the Boso Peninsula in the middle of May, 1996. The silent rupture propagated over a 50 km * 50 km wide area during about a week. The maximum slip was approximately 50 mm and the released seismic moment was 4.7*1018Nm (M w 6.4). There was a small seismicity triggered by this silent event. The silent slip was located in the peripheral of the strongly coupled area, suggesting that frictional properties and/or stress conditions are inhomogeneous on the plate boundary interface.  相似文献   

INTAE  LEE & YUJIRO  OGAWA 《Island Arc》1998,7(3):315-329
Sedimentary structures in the middle–late Miocene to early Pliocene Misaki Formation, Miura Group, Miura Peninsula, Central Japan, were studied, and paleocurrent data were interpreted as the result of deep-sea bottom-current flow. These current data were further compared with present-day bottom currents in the northwestern Pacific region. The Misaki Formation is thought to be a forearc deposit within the Izu oceanic arc, and is composed of thick volcaniclastic beds interbedded with siliceous biogenic clayey sediments. Sedimentary structures showing paleocurrent directions are involved in the upper part of the volcaniclastic beds, in the pumiceous beds just above the volcaniclastic beds, and in the pelagic sediments. Based on paleomagnetic data suggesting considerable rotation of the beds, all the current directions were reconstructed to their original orientation. The paleocurrents are summarized into the following three groups. The first group in the volcaniclastic beds indicates southeast-directed paleocurrent directions. The second group in the upper parts of volcaniclastic beds and in some pumiceous beds exhibits a southwest- and northeast-directed paleoflow. The third group usually observed in the pumiceous beds with parallel lamination displays a northwest- or southeast-directed paleocurrent. The origin of each group's paleoflow direction is attributed to turbidity current, internal tidal current, and contour current influences, respectively. Present-day observations of the deep-sea northwest Pacific suggest that most of the bottom-current indicators in the Misaki Formation are related to North Pacific Deep Water, possibly Antarctic Bottom Water as well as a combination of tidal and local effects. It is concluded that the beds of the Misaki Formation were deposited in the proto-Sagami basin ca 9 Ma and were formed under weak bottom currents in a wide and flat basin during colder climatic conditions, whereas the beds dated at ca 6 Ma were deposited under strong bottom-current flow, and were then accreted to the Honshu arc.  相似文献   

Rainfall thresholds for shallow landslide initiation were determined for hillslopes with two types of bedrock, permeable sandstone and impermeable mudstone, in the Boso Peninsula, Japan. The pressure‐head response to rainfall was monitored above a slip scarp due to earlier landslides. Multiple regression analysis estimated the rainfall thresholds for landsliding from the relation between the magnitude of the rainfall event and slope instability caused by the increased pressure heads. The thresholds were expressed as critical combinations of rainfall intensity and duration, incorporating the geotechnical properties of the hillslope materials and also the slope hydrological processes. The permeable sandstone hillslope has a greater critical rainfall and hence a longer recurrence interval than the impermeable mudstone hillslope. This implies a lower potential for landsliding in sandstone hillslopes, corresponding to lower landslide activity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Yuzuru  Yamamoto  Shunsuke  Kawakami 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):178-198
Abstract   The structure, paleomagnetism and biostratigraphy of the Nishizaki and Kagamigaura formations on the southern Boso Peninsula, central Japan, were investigated to determine the chronographic constraints on the accretion, post-Late Miocene rotation and regional tectonics in the Izu–Bonin island arc collision zone. The geological structures on the southern Boso Peninsula are characterized by an east–west trending and south-verging fold and thrust belt that curves toward the northwest–southeast in the northwest extent of the Nishizaki Formation. Two stages of tectonic rotation were revealed by paleomagnetic and structural studies. The first is believed to have occurred after the accretion of the Nishizaki Formation and before the deposition of the Kagamigaura Formation, while the second is confidently correlated with the 1 Ma Izu block collision. The northwest extent of the Nishizaki Formation was rotated clockwise by approximately 65–80°, whereas the rotation was only 25–30° in the east, and 11–13° in the overlying Kagamigaura Formation. Radiolarian biostratigraphy suggests a depositional age of 9.9–6.8 Ma (Upper Miocene period) for the Nishizaki Formation and 4.19-3.75 Ma (Pliocene period) for the lower Kagamigaura Formation. These results indicate that the age of accretion and first-stage rotation of the Nishizaki Formation can be constrained to the interval of 6.80–3.75 Ma. This structure most likely represents the northward bending caused by collisions of the Tanzawa and Izu blocks with the Honshu island arc, and suggests rapid processes of accretion, collision, uplift and the formation of new sedimentary basins within a relatively short period of time (2.61–3.05 my).  相似文献   

We present field and core observations, nannofossil biostratigraphy, and stable oxygen isotope fluctuations in foraminiferal tests to describe the geology and to construct an age model of the Lower Pleistocene Nojima, Ofuna, and Koshiba Formations (in ascending order) of the middle Kazusa Group, a forearc basin‐fill succession, exposed on the northern Miura Peninsula on the Pacific side of central Japan. In the study area, the Nojima Formation is composed of sandy mudstone and alternating sandy mudstone and mudstone, the Ofuna Formation of massive mudstone, and the Koshiba Formation of sandy mudstone, muddy sandstone, and sandstone. The Kazusa Group contains many tuff beds that are characteristic of forearc deposits. Thirty‐six of those tuff beds have characteristic lithologies and stratigraphic positions that allow them to be traced over considerable distances. Examination of calcareous nannofossils revealed three nannofossil datum planes in the sequences: datum 10 (first appearance of large Gephyrocapsa), datum 11 (first appearance of Gephyrocapsa oceanica), and datum 12 (first appearance of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica). Stable oxygen isotope data from the tests of the planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia inflata extracted from cores were measured to identify the stratigraphic fluctuations of oxygen isotope ratios that are controlled by glacial–interglacial cycles. The observed fluctuations were assigned to marine isotope stages (MISs) 49–61 on the basis of correlations of the fluctuations with nannofossil datum planes. Using the age model obtained, we estimated the ages of 24 tuff beds. Among these, the SKT‐11 and SKT‐12 tuff beds have been correlated with the Kd25 and Kd24 tuff beds, respectively, of the Kiwada Formation on the Boso Peninsula. The Kd25 and Kd24 tuff beds are widely recognized in Pleistocene strata in Japan. We used our age model to date SKT‐11 at 1573 ka and SKT‐12 at 1543 ka.  相似文献   

Thrust and nappe tectonics have affected the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, the easternmost terminal of the Sulu Ultra-high Pressure Metamorphic Belt. Four nappes have been mapped, named respectively the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mishan and Mouping nappes. The methods used included multi-scale struc- tural analysis and structural chronology analysis. These nappes define four deep level slip-thrust shear zones that were mainly active in the Mesozoic. The amount of ductile deformation decreases from the Shidao to Rongcheng to Mouping to Mishan shear zones, and shows an inverse relationship with temperature. 40Ar/39Ar chronological analysis and the chronological results of former workers reveal four movement steps defined by the development of thrusts and nappes in the late Triassic (210-180 Ma), extensional movement from the Jurassic to early Cretaceous (180-130 Ma), slip-thrust movement in the Early Cretaceous (130-120 Ma), and extensional movement since the Late Cretaceous (120 Ma). The order of boundary shear zone motion in the period of slip-thrust movement during the Early Cre- taceous (130-120 Ma) was along the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mouping and finally the Mishan shear zone. This resulted in clockwise rotation of the nappes relative to block west to the Tan-Lu Faults. Because of the similar evolutionary history of the Tan-Lu Faults and the thrust and nappe structure in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, slip dislocation along the Tan-Lu Faults might have been absorbed by thrust and nappe tectonics in the Jiaodong area in the Mesozoic era, resulting in much less dislocation on the Tan-Lu faults in North Eastern China than that in south along the Jiaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   

A variety of low‐ to high‐pressure metamorphic assemblages occur in the metabasic rocks and metachert in the Upper Cretaceous–Eocene ophiolite belt of the central part of the Naga Hills, an area in the northern sector of the Indo–Myanmar Ranges in the Indo–Eurasian collision zone. The ophiolite suite includes peridotite tectonite containing garnet lherzolite xenoliths, layered ultramafic–mafic cumulates, metabasic rocks, basaltic lava, volcaniclastics, plagiogranite, and pelagic sediments emplaced as dismembered and imbricated bodies at thrust contacts between moderately metamorphosed accretionary rocks/basement (Nimi Formation/Naga Metamorphics) and marine sediments (Disang Flysch). It is overlain by coarse clastic Paleogene sediments of ophiolite‐derived rocks (Jopi/Phokphur Formation). The metabasic rocks, including high‐grade barroisite/glaucophane‐bearing epidote eclogite and glaucophane schist, and low‐grade greenschist and prehnite–clinochlore schist, are associated with lava flows and ultramafic cumulates at the western thrust contact. Chemically, the metabasites show a low‐K tholeiitic affinity that favors derivation from a depleted mantle source as in the case of mid‐ocean ridge basalt. Thermobarometry indicates peak P–T conditions of about 20 kb and 525°C. Retrogression related to uplift is marked by replacement of barroisite and omphacite by glaucophane followed by secondary actinolite, albite, and chlorite formation. A metabasic lens with an eclogite core surrounded by successive layers of glaucophane schist and greenschist provides field evidence of retrogression and uplift. Presence of S‐C mylonite in garnet lherzolite and ‘mica fish’ in glaucophane schist indicates ductile deformation in the shear zone along which the ophiolite was emplaced.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic formations in Boso and Miura have been affected by several tectonic events. Tectonic analysis enables us to reconstruct six different paleostress types: (1) early extension affecting the Oligocene/early Miocene Mineoka Group, (2) and (3), relatively minor compressional and extensional events probably early Pliocene in age, (4) major NNE-SSW compression dominating prior to 2 or 3 Ma ago, and (5) and (6) more recent major NNW-SSE compression to the west and WNW-ESE extension to the east, both types affecting the Pleistocene and prevailing since 1–2 Ma ago. The counterclockwise change from NNE-SSW to NNW-SSE compression is not accurately dated, but very likely occurred between 2 and 3 Ma ago; it is compared to similar evolutions in other areas of the Izu collision zone. We conclude that it corresponds to a major counterclockwise change in the direction of plate convergence (from SSE-NNW to SE-NW). The relationships between the directions of convergence and the distributions of Plio-Quaternary compressional paleostresses in and around the collision zone are described through a simple analogy, for the two stages of Plio-Quaternary collision. This counterclockwise change in stress fields and relative motions, also described in the Taiwan collision zone along the same Philippine Sea plate-Eurasia boundary, is interpreted as a major event at the scale of the plate. The possible significances of the other paleostress types identified in Boso are discussed. We conclude that tectonic analysis in and along collision boundaries provides a key for understanding kinematic evolution.  相似文献   

A new U–Pb zircon geochronological study for the Hida metamorphic and plutonic rocks from the Tateyama area in the Hida Mountains of north central Japan is presented. The U–Pb ages of metamorphic zircon grains with inherited/detrital cores in paragneisses suggest that a metamorphic event took place at around 235–250 Ma; the cores yield ages around 275 Ma, 300 Ma, 330 Ma, 1 850 Ma, and 2 650 Ma. New age data, together with geochronological and geological context of the Hida Belt, indicate that a sedimentary protolith of the paragneisses is younger than 275 Ma and was crystallized at around 235–250 Ma. Detrital ages support a model that the Hida Belt was located in the eastern margin of the North China Craton, which provided zircon grains from Paleoproterozoic to Paleozoic rocks and also from Archean and rare Neoproterozoic rocks. Triassic regional metamorphism possibly reflects collision between the North and South China Cratons.  相似文献   

Spatial variations of Quaternary deformation and tectonic activity of faults along the Acambay graben are assessed using geomorphic and morphometric approaches. The Acambay graben is an east–west trending structure of apparent Quaternary age, located in the central part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt, which gives rise to pronounced scarps over a distance of about 80 km. Continuing tectonic activity in the Acambay graben is confirmed by recent well documented seismic episodes. The intensity of active tectonics has been interpreted through a detailed geomorphic study of the fault-generated mountain fronts and fluvial systems. The combined geomorphic and morphometric data provide evidence for relative variations in tectonic activity among the Acambay graben faults. Geomorphic indices suggest a relatively high degree of tectonic activity along the Venta de Bravo and the Acambay–Tixmadeje faults, followed, in order of decreasing activity, by the Pastores, Temascalcingo and Tepuxtepec faults. Spatial variations within faults have also been identified, suggesting a higher level of tectonic activity at the tips of the faults. This pattern of variation in the relative degree of tectonic activity is consistent with field evidence and seismic data for the Acambay graben. Geomorphic evaluation of the Acambay graben faults suggests that the Acambay–Tixmadeje and Venta de Bravo faults, and specifically the tips of these faults and a central segment near the town of Venta de Bravo, should be considered as areas of potentially high earthquake risk. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Masaaki  Okuda  Hiroomi  Nakazato  Norio  Miyoshi  Takeshi  Nakagawa  Hiroko  Okazaki  Saneatsu  Saito  Asahiko  Taira 《Island Arc》2006,15(3):338-354
Abstract   The 250-m Choshi core (CHOSHI-1), drilled from hemipelagic muds of the Inubo Group, has been physically, geochemically and tephrochronologically analyzed back to 1 Ma. We provide pollen results for the 19–169 m section of the core (400–780 ka) bracketed by the marker tephra Ty1 (equivalent to J4) and the Brunhes–Matuyama paleomagnetic boundary. The results show good agreement with the corresponding oxygen isotope (δ18O) profile, with high δ18O intervals dominated by boreal conifers Picea , Abies , Pinus (subgen. Haploxylon ) and Tsuga ( diversifolia ), whereas low δ18O intervals are dominated by temperate conifers Cryptomeria , Taxaceae-Cephalotaxaceae-Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys . In order to confirm pollen-climate relations for the relevant taxa, a modern surface pollen dataset for the Japanese archipelago was consulted. In this analysis, the ratios of Cryptomeria / Picea and temperate/boreal conifers serve as proxies for the 100-kyr glacial/interglacial cycle during the Middle Pleistocene. Distinct signals for marine isotope stages (MIS) 11, 12, 13–15, 16, 17 and 18–19 are recognized in accordance with the tephrochronology and δ18O of the same core. Application of the criteria to an independent pollen record from Lake Biwa provides an integrated pollen stratigraphy for mid-latitude Japan during the past 800 ky. Some degree of uncertainty remains in the chronology of the MIS13–15 interval, relating to the uncertainty in the eruption age of widespread tephra Ks11.  相似文献   

We studied nine samples of igneous rocks from the inner wall of the Mariana Trench above the Challenger Deep from 4150 to 6100 m depth recovered by manned submersible and ROV. Samples from two regions that bracket the Moho were studied: (i) 7 samples from a N‐S transect a few km to the west of the Shinkai Seep Field; and (ii) 2 samples from the Shinkai Seep Field. Transect samples include olivine‐2 pyroxene hornblendites, amphibole basalts, basaltic andesite, and hornblende andesite. We analyzed three transect samples for 40Ar/39Ar ages; two yielded good plateau ages of 46.5 ±0.5 Ma (hornblendite) and 46.60 ±0.15 Ma (hornblende andesite). These results combined with previously published results, indicate that this crust formed during an intense 46–47 Ma magmatic episode that occurred 5–6 my after subduction initiation. Hornblendites and hornblende basalts formed from primitive magmas, as shown by high MgO (11–21 wt%), Ni (222–885 ppm) and Cr (412–1145 ppm) contents. Electron microprobe analyses indicate that hornblende is Na‐rich (up to 3.0 wt% Na2O) and that many samples have an atypically large range in plagioclase composition (i.e. individual samples have An < 10 to An 90 plagioclase). Two subgroups can be identified: a mostly deeper depleted suite and a mostly shallower enriched suite. These results indicate that (i) the crust–mantle boundary in this region is transitional, occurring over a ~ 1.5 km interval, with interlayered peridotite and hornblendites between 5800 and 4300 m; and (b) extension to form the Challenger Deep forearc segment occurred by combined stretching of old crust and injection of young basaltic magmas. In contrast to the mostly fresh nature of transect samples, the two samples from the Shinaki Seep Field are intensely altered peridotite and basalt.  相似文献   

The Yezo Group has a wide longitudinal distribution across Hokkaido, northern Japan. It represents a Cretaceous (Early Aptian–Late Maastrichtian) and Late Paleocene forearc basin‐fill along the eastern margin of the paleo‐Asian continent. In the Nakagawa area of northern Hokkaido, the uppermost part of the Yezo Group consists of the Hakobuchi Formation. Along the western margin of the Yezo basin, 24 sedimentary facies (F) represent 6 facies associations (FA), suggesting prevailing storm‐dominated inner shelf to shoreface environments, subordinately associated with shoreface sand ridges, outer shelf, estuary and fluvial environments. The stacking patterns, thickness and facies trends of these associations allow the discrimination of six depositional sequences (DS). Inoceramids Sphenoceramus schmidti and Inoceramus balticus, and the ammonite Metaplacenticeras subtilistriatum, provide late Early to Late Campanian age constraints to this approximately 370‐m thick final stage of deposition and uplift of the Yezo forearc basin. Six shallow‐marine to subordinately non‐marine sandstone‐dominated depositional sequences include four 10 to 110‐m thick upward‐coarsening regressive successions (FS1), occasionally associated with thin, less than 10‐m thick, upward‐fining transgressive successions (FS2). The lower DS1–3, middle DS4–5 and upper DS6 represent three depositional sequential sets (DSS1–3). These eastward prograding and westward retrograding recurring shallow‐marine depositional systems may reflect third‐ and fourth‐order relative sealevel changes, in terms of sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   

The origin of active faults in the Inner zone of the western part of Southwest Japan was explained by a decrease of the minimum principal stress and reactivation of ancient geologic structures. Although the E–W maximum principal stress in Southwest Japan due to the collision of the Southwest and Northeast Japan arcs along the Itoigawa–Shizuoka Tectonic Line is assumed to decrease westward, the density of active strike‐slip faults increases in the western margin of the Southwest Japan Arc (western Chugoku and northern Kyushu) where the subducting Philippine Sea Plate dips steeply. The E–W maximum compressional stress is predominant throughout Southwest Japan, while the N–S minimum principal stress that is presumably caused by coupling between Southwest Japan arc and Philippine Sea Plate decreases due to the weak plate coupling as the plate inclination increases under the western margin of Southwest Japan. The increase of the fault density in the western margin of the arc is attributed to a decrease of the minimum principal stress and consequent increase of shear stress. Low slip rates of the active faults in this region support the view that the westward increase of fault density is not a response to increasing maximum stress. These faults of onshore and offshore lie in three distinct domains defined on the basis of fault strike. They are defined domains I, II, and III which are composed of active faults striking ENE–WSW, NW–SE, and NE–SW, respectively. Faulting in domains I, II, and III is related to Miocene rift basins, Eocene normal faults, and Mesozoic strike‐slip faults, respectively. Although these active faults are strike‐slip faults due to E–W maximum stress, it is unclear whether their fault planes are the same as those of pre‐Quaternary dip‐slip faults.  相似文献   

Yuzuru  Yamamoto  Manami  Nidaira  Yasufumi  Ohta  Yujiro  Ogawa 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):496-512
Chaotic rock units exposed in the upper part of the accretionary complex preserve detailed tectonic information related to the periods before, during, and immediately after accretion. Based on the detailed survey in the upper Miocene Miura–Boso accretionary complex, central Japan, three types of chaotic rock units were identified on the basis of the grain sizes and characteristics of blocks and surrounding matrices. The chaotic rock units composed of silt matrices and sandy to pebbly blocks (Type 3) formed by gravity-driven slumping upon the seafloor. The slumping occurred contemporaneously with deposition of the Misaki and Nishizaki Formations within the Izu–Bonin forearc. Vertical variations in the direction of slump vergence represent successive changes from an initially flat seabed to tilting to the northwest and finally to the southeast. Slumping with a northwest vergence indicates landward tilting of the seafloor immediately prior to accretion, whereas vergence to the southeast reflects oceanward tectonic tilting that occurred once the sediments had crossed the deformation front. Other chaotic rock units that have matrices abundant in sand and pebbles (Types 1, 2) formed as a result of subsurface liquefaction and injection associated with large earthquakes that occurred during and after accretion of the sediments. These chaotic rock units are useful in examining surface/subsurface changes such as tectonic tilting of the seafloor and earthquake events during the initial accretion process.  相似文献   

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