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本文尝试结合非相干散射雷达和GPS TEC观测数据提取等离子体层总电子含量(PTEC).我们首先描述所用的技术方法,然后具体利用了Millstone Hill台站的观测数据研究该地区上空等离子体层总电子含量(PTEC)的变化情况.我们采用变化标高的Chapman函数对非相干散射雷达测得的电子浓度剖面数据进行拟合,然后通过对剖面积分得到100 km到1000 km高度范围的电离层总电子含量.GPS提供的TEC数据为高度达20200 km的总电子含量,两者之差可近似看成等离子体层的电子含量.本文分别选取太阳活动高年(2000, 2002年)和太阳活动低年(2005,2008年)Millstone Hill台站的静日数据进行研究.结果表明,等离子体层电子含量及其所占GPS TEC的比例具有明显的周日变化.PTEC含量在白天高于夜间,而所占GPS TEC的百分比,夜间明显高于白天.太阳活动高年所选月份等离子体层电子含量在4~14 TECU (1TECU=1016el/m2) 范围内变化,夜间所占比例可达60%左右.太阳活动低年所选月份等离子体层电子含量在3~7 TECU范围内变化,所占比例夜间最高可达80%左右.我们所得到的结果与前人基于其它观测手段所得结果在变化趋势上一致,在量级上也大致相当.因此,这从一个侧面证明了我们所用方法的可靠性.非相干散射雷达能够探测包括F2层峰值以下及以上高度的电子浓度,利用这一设备所观测得到的资料来推算电离层电子含量将比前人基于电离层垂测仪观测资料进行的推算更具真实性,由此得到的等离子体层电子含量也将更为接近真实情况.  相似文献   

本文尝试利用COSMIC低轨卫星对GPS信号的顶部TEC观测资料研究等离子体层电子含量(简称PEC)的变化规律.首先介绍从低轨卫星对GPS的顶部TEC观测资料提取等离子体层垂直电子含量的方法,然后利用该方法提取2008年全年的PEC数据,进而研究了2008年这一太阳活动低年PEC随地磁纬度(MLAT)、磁地方时(MLT)以及不同季节的变化规律.此外,还利用提取的120°E和300°E经度链上的数据对比研究了PEC的经度变化情形.研究结果表明:(1)PEC主要集中分布在磁赤道±45°之间的一个绕地球的环带状区域中;(2)PEC表现出以下的昼夜变化规律特征:白天时段之值高于夜间,约在12-16MLT之间达到最高峰值,而最小PEC值出现在日出前大约4-5MLT左右的时段;(3)相比其他季节月份而言,PEC在北半球夏季月份(5-8月)具有最小值;(4)PEC存在明显的经度变化,不同经度链上的PEC存在不同的季节变化特征.  相似文献   

利用地基GPS观测数据研究与地震有关的电离层异常   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马新欣  金红林  孟国杰 《地震》2008,28(4):80-90
利用中国大陆GPS连续站观测数据, 根据电离层单层模型, 计算得到中国大陆上空电离层电子总含量TEC(Total Electron Content)值的时间序列。 选取2001—2008年发生在中国大陆地区的11个MS≥6.0地震, 分析了这11个地震前后TEC值时间序列的变化特征。 分析结果显示, 地震活动期间距离震中700 km以外的GPS连续观测站上空TEC值的异常现象不明显, TEC值变化基本在0.5 TECU之内。 11个震例中有6个震例TEC值出现了负异常现象, 主要表现在震前1~5 d, 并且观测站距离震中越近, TEC值变化越明显, 少数震例在地震发生期间TEC值明显增加。 研究认为, 利用GPS连续观测数据研究与地震有关的电离层前兆是可能的。  相似文献   

正地震电磁现象的观测与研究是认识地球内部物质特性、地震孕育发生过程以及空间信号传播和介质特性变化的重要途径。空间对地观测技术的发展,推动了地震电磁信号在大气层、电离层的传播与耦合机制的研究。从20世纪60年代发现美国阿拉斯加大地震震中区上空出现电离层异常扰动现象以来,有关地震空间电磁、电离层扰动的现象引起了广泛的关注,成为地震电磁学领域一个新的研究热点。研究表明,在地震孕育发生过程中,地下介质  相似文献   


地震瑞利波在沿地表传输时衰减很慢,其能量在远离震中的区域仍然能够激发大气和电离层扰动.本文利用中国境内的GPS接收机网络观测电离层总电子含量(total electron content,TEC),分析了2011年日本地震后在中国区域上空产生的电离层扰动.研究发现,瑞利波的能量从地面经大气耦合传输到电离层高度,导致在中国区域上空电离层出现与瑞利波传播同步的TEC扰动.利用中东部的稠密接收机网络,还揭示了扰动的大尺度二维空间结构:瑞利波经过后产生的TEC扰动呈条带状,在中纬度地区沿西北-东南方向排列,而在低纬度大致为东西方向.条带的转向可能与地磁场作用下的中性-离子耦合过程有关,大气波动导致的等离子扰动倾向于沿磁力线方向(向南)传播,从而形成垂直磁力线方向(东西)的波前结构.这是首次在远离震中的区域使用GPS站网研究地震波耦合电离层扰动的大尺度二维空间结构.


电离层TEC是描述电离层特性的一个重要参量,利用GPS观测数据(包括广州站接收的GPS-TEC数据和国际GNSS提供的IGS-TEC数据)与IRI-2007模型计算的TEC预测值对太阳活动低年2008年的广州地区TEC周日和季节变化以及年变化特征等进行了多方面的对比分析。结果表明:TEC观测值白天较高且变化迅速,夜间较低且变化缓慢,同时表现出明显的季节依赖性和半年变化特性,全年在春秋分季节出现两次峰值,IRI-TEC预测值能较好地反映GPS观测值,但局部上也存在着一些偏差,并对其中的物理机制和产生差异的原因给出了合理的分析和解释。  相似文献   

利用GPS TEC和法国DEMETER卫星ISL探测器的观测数据,分析了汶川地震前电离层变化.结果表明,电离层TEC在5月6-10日地方时下午有连续的负异常现象,5月9日地方时下午有明显的正异常现象.电离层TEC异常的范围主要位于震中南部区域,EW方向上1 100 ~1 670km,SN方向上1 600 ~3 700km.5月6日的负异常偏震中东南,5月7日的负异常偏震中西南,5月9日的正异常偏震中东南.震中西南和南部地区负异常较东南地区明显,震中南部和东南地区正异常程度较西南地区偏高,震中位置所对应南半球磁力线共轭区都出现了一定程度的正或负扰动.DEMETER卫星观测的电子密度Ne和离子密度N.在5月6-10日也出现了明显的负异常,异常分布与电离层TEC异常分布较为一致,主要集中在震中南部.震中所在的经度带上存在2个负异常峰值,且在纬度上关于地磁赤道对称.最后在上述异常的基础上,对基于岩石圈-大气层-电离层耦合的地震电离层异常机理开展了初步讨论.  相似文献   

美国利用IMAGE卫星的极紫外辐射(EUV)探测器对地球等离子体层进行了连续5年的遥感成像观测。由于IMAGE卫星数据是沿观测路径上的积分投影数据,并且存在地球“遮挡”、“阴影”、“数据缺失”等问题,无法直接利用传统的CT方法对等离子体层进行三维重建。本文利用地球磁场模型,基于地球等离子体层的物理性质,建立一个联系地球磁赤道面密度与投影数据的EUV成像模型,实现了从单个角度的EUV观测图像进行地球等离子层三维重构的方法。  相似文献   

不同尺度低纬电离层不规则体漂移特性的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用我国三亚站GPS短基线接收机阵以及VHF电离层相干散射雷达多波束扫描模式进行同时观测,对2011年10月22日至29日夜间两种不同尺度电离层不规则体的纬圈漂移速度进行比较研究.结果表明,两种不同手段观测的不同尺度不规则体漂移速度,在大小、变化趋势以及时间范围上基本一致.不规则体产生在20:00 LT(LT为北京时)左右,以100~250 m/s的速度东向漂移,并且速度幅值起伏较大;在不规则体发展中后期(21:00LT以后),东向漂移速度减低到50~150m/s,并延续至午夜.两种手段观测的漂移速度差异,一个重要原因可能来自于两者观测范围的不同.此外,GPS短基线接收机阵观测的400米尺度电离层不规则体通常比VHF雷达探测到的3米尺度电离层不规则体存在的时间要长.  相似文献   

利用2004年11月6~10日磁暴发生期间南极区域内的中国中山站GPS常年跟踪站(ZHON)和国际GPS服务站(CAS1, MCM4, SYOG, MAW1)的GPS观测数据,计算了可观测卫星传播路径上的TEC和ROT值,进而依据TEC的波动频率和幅度推估出极区碎片的个数,分析了极区磁暴期间电离层响应及其极区碎片特性. 最终所得TEC和ROT结果与极区地磁场Dst和Kp指数信息相吻合,如实地反映了磁暴事件和极区碎片的出现. 本文所做工作在国内尚未开展,因此所用方法和结论为将来这一方向的研究提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

利用COSMIC掩星2009年电子密度剖面数据,筛选数据进行网格划分,网格内数据统计平均,基于球谐函数计算模型值,分析电离层中低纬度地区最大电子密度的地磁季节变化、昼夜测分布相对变化,及地磁活动对电子密度的分布影响.结果表明,最大电子密度昼测值明显高于夜测值,在中纬度部分区域增大明显.电子密度昼测值在地磁活动期间高度150-550 km中低纬度范围为正相扰动,随纬度变化存在区域差异,随高度增加,扰动加强.  相似文献   

Based on GPS measurements conducted from 1992 to 2006, we present the current crustal movement velocity field for approximately 400 sites in the Tianshan Mountains and their adjacent areas, and estimate slip rates on the major faults using a 2-D elastic dislocation model. Our studies show slip rates within the range of 1―4 mm/a on the NW-SE trending strike-slip faults (such as Talas-Fergana fault) in the Tianshan Mountains. We also found the slip rates on the approximately WE-SN trending gently-dipping detachment fault vary from 10―13 mm/a for the southwest Tianshan Mountains to 2―5 mm/a for the eastern Tianshan Mountains, and to 6―12 mm/a for the Kyrgrz Tianshan. The GPS velocity field reveals that the total convergence is not uniformly distributed across the Tianshan Mountains, with 80%―90% of the N-S shortening absorbed along the southern and northern edges, and relatively little deformation accommodated within the interior. This first-order feature of strain pattern is explained best by underthrusting of adjacent blocks beneath the Tianshan Mountains along a basal detachment fault. We found the occurrence of historical M7―8 earthquakes somewhere in the locked ramp that connects the creeping and locking segments of the detachment, thereby resulting in elastic strain concentration and accumulation around it. The elastic strain confined in the upper crustal layer above the detachment ultimately releases through infrequent great earthquakes in the Tianshan Mountains, resulting in considerable folding and faulting at their margins. The Tianshan Mountains propagated outward and rose progressively as a wedge-shaped block.  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to use satellite gravity data and a new inversion method to study the lateral density anomaly distribution in the mantle. First, density difference Δρ(τ,θ,φ) is expanded in terms of a three—dimensional orthogonal function system, the coefficients of the expansion are to be determined. Then, a set of observation equations is established from the relationship between density anomaly and disturbing geopotential. In the equations the unknown vector contains the coefficients of density anomaly expansion, the observational vector is obtained by computing geopotential perturbations using the potential coefficients of GEM10B, and a filtering process is done for the observational values by properly selecting the harmonic degrees of geopotentical. Finally, the lateral density variations in the lower mantle (670 km toCM boundary) are investigated. In this case, the degrees of disturbing geopotential are selected as 2–11, the truncated degrees of density anomaly expansion are taken asL=6 andK=4, and the damping least squares method is used to solve the observation equations. The resulting model shows the high level of density perturbations at 670 km discontinuity and core — mantle boundary, a high — density zone circumscribing the Pacific and a lower—density region under the center of Pacific. These features are in agreement with the three—dimensional seismic velocity variation features by Dziewonski (1984). In the Antarctic region and some parts of Atlantic and Indian Ocean, however, the resulting density anomalies are negatively correlated with the seismic velocity anomalies, the cause resulting in these phenomena is preliminarily analysed in this paper. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 53–65, 1991. The principle and method represented in this paper can also be suitable to study the lateral density anomaly distribution in the earth’s crust and the upper mantle.  相似文献   

For earthquake and tsunami early warning and emergency response,the earthquake epicenter and magnitude should be determined rapidly and correctly.Using high-rate GPS observations,we can readily obtain precise and high resolution displacement time series and the seismic waveforms during the earthquake.In this paper,a new algorithm is proposed for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude with the seismic waveforms derived from high-rate GPS data during the earthquake.A case study of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is conducted from 1 Hz GPS data and the epicenter and magnitude are determined.Compared with the results issued by the China Seismological Bureau,the estimation error of the epicenter and the magnitude is about 12 km and 0.1 magnitude unit,respectively.It has shown that high-rate GPS could be a new tool feasible for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude,independent of or combined with seismometers.  相似文献   

在四川盆地西部建立了一个由302个观测站组成的区域观测网,并进行了高精度流动重力与GPS观测,其目的是获取区域自由空气重力异常(简称重力异常)的分布特征,并对EGM2008模型在该区域的结果进行验证分析.研究区域实测的重力异常总体为负值,由西到东逐步从-160×10-5ms-2平缓变化到-60×10-5ms-2左右.EGM2008地球重力场模型揭示的模型重力异常较好地勾画出研究区域的总体地形分布形态,龙泉山脉以及四川盆地与青藏高原的边界皆存在明显的模型重力梯度带.研究区东南部的模型重力异常大约为-50×10-5ms-2左右,但在龙泉山西部成都平原地区,模型重力异常则达到-120×10-5ms-2左右.在区域观测网内绝大部分观测点上,模型与实测重力异常的差值几乎为一个常数(-10×10-5ms-2左右),说明EGM2008地球重力场模型可较好地反映实际重力场的空间分布形态.如果配以一定数量的地面观测数据进行整体调节,EGM2008地球重力场模型就可以较真实地反映实际地球重力场.  相似文献   

We analyze observations from eight GPS campaigns carried out between 1997 and 2005 on a network of 13 sites in the Suez–Sinai area, where separation between the African and the Arabian plates takes place. This is the key area to understand if and in which way Sinai behaves like a sub-plate of the African plate and the role played by seismic and geodetic (long-term) deformation release.Our analysis shows that, on average, the Suez–Sinai area motion, in terms of ITRF00 velocities, matches the African plate motion defined by the NNR-NUVEL-1A model.The horizontal principal strain rate axes estimated separately in the Gulf of Suez area and in the northern Sinai vary from compression across the Gulf (−2.2 ± 1.2) × 10−8 year−1 to NE extension (1.0 ± 1.5) × 10−8 year−1 in the North, showing the presence of two distinct domains, so that in our opinion Sinai cannot be considered simply a unique rigid block.The analysis of GPS baseline length variations shows short-term deformations across the Gulf of Suez, reaching up a maximum value of more than 1 cm in 8 years.Since current geodynamical models do not predict significant tectonic deformation in this area, we work under the hypothesis that a contribute may be expected by post-seismic relaxation effects. Under this hypothesis, we compare the baselines length variations with the post-seismic relaxation field associated with five major local earthquakes occurred in the area, testing two different viscoelastic models. Our results show that the detected short-term deformations are better modeled for viscosity values of 1018 Pa s in the lower crust and 1020 Pa s in the asthenosphere. However, since the modeled post-seismic effect results modest and a certain amount of the detected deformation is not accounted for, we think that an improved modeling should take into account the lateral heterogeneities of crust and upper mantle structures.  相似文献   


鲜水河断裂带是位于青藏高原东侧的大型走滑断裂,地震活动性高,其炉霍—道孚段是少数观测到蠕滑现象的段落之一,但目前尚缺乏高分辨率大地测量数据的约束研究.本文综合利用InSAR和GPS观测数据研究炉霍—道孚段的运动特征,提出一种适用于研究震间形变的InSAR和GPS数据融合方法,将InSAR速度场和GPS插值速度场转换至平行断层方向,利用抽样统计方法去除GPS参考框架影响,在数据融合过程中,注重保留远场构造运动特征和近场高分辨率形变信息.建立包括浅层蠕滑、中间闭锁单元和深部滑动的断层运动模型,以融合的形变速度场为约束,利用马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法反演炉霍—道孚段断层滑动速率、浅层蠕滑特征和闭锁状态.InSAR速度场剖面分析结果表明:炉霍—道孚段地表蠕滑特征明显,沿走向方向存在差异,炉霍段蠕滑速率明显低于道孚段,表现出从北西至南东速率逐渐增大、减小、再次增大的变化特征,断层左旋蠕滑速率在1.0~5.2 mm·a-1之间;断层运动模型反演结果表明,炉霍—道孚段蠕滑深度为~9.8 km,浅层蠕滑速率为3.27~4.18 mm·a-1,断层深部滑动速率为8.12~9.30 mm·a-1.炉霍段地震复发周期为370~410年,闭锁层厚度~1 km,地震危险性较低.道孚段地震复发周期为59~65年,存在厚度~7.5 km的闭锁区,可积累足够的应变,浅层蠕滑释放的能量为~1.32×1016 Nm·a-1,占构造运动加载积累能量的23%~38%,1981年道孚6.9级地震以来,闭锁区近40年积累的地震矩达到3.62×1017至7.88×1017 Nm,相当于一次MW5.6~MW5.9地震的能量,其地震危险性值得关注.


鄂尔多斯块体周缘地区现今地壳水平运动与应变   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
位于青藏块体和华北块体之间的鄂尔多斯块体及其周缘地区是中国大陆构造活动最活跃的地区之一,从1300年至今,在块体周边断陷盆地和西南缘断裂带上发生了五次8级以上的地震.为了了解该地区现今地壳运动、应变状态以及断裂滑动分布,我们收集了中国大陆构造环境监测网络2009-2013年、国家GPS控制网、跨断陷盆地的8个GPS剖面等共527个流动站和32个连续站GPS观测数据,获得了高空间分辨率的地壳水平运动速度场,进一步用均匀弹性模型计算了应变率分布.结果表明,块体内部GPS站点向NEE方向运动,速度变化较小,应变率大多在(-1.0~1.0)×10-8/a之间;山西断陷带构造运动与变形最为强烈,盆地相对于鄂尔多斯块体为拉张变形,应变率为(1.0~3.0)×10-8/a,相对于东部山地则为挤压变形,应变率为(-2.0~-3.0)×10-8/a,盆地西侧断裂(如罗云山断裂、交城断裂)以拉张运动为主,拉张速率为2~3 mm·a-1,盆地东侧断裂主要以右旋缩短运动为主,速率为1~3 mm·a-1;河套断陷带西部的临河凹陷处于较强的张性应变状态,应变率为(2.0~3.0)×10-8/a;块体西南边缘处于压缩应变状态,应变率为(-1.0~-2.0)×10-8/a,六盘山断裂存在明显的地壳缩短运动,速率约为2.1 mm·a-1,速率在断裂附近逐渐减小,反映了断裂处于闭锁状态;相对于鄂尔多斯块体内部渭河断裂带为左旋运动,速率为1.0 mm·a-1,盆地处在弱拉张变形状态.  相似文献   

The F2-layer peak density, NmF2, and peak altitude, hmF2, which were observed by 12 ionospheric sounders during the 20 September 1964 geomagnetically quiet time period at solar minimum are compared with those calculated by the three-dimensional time-dependent theoretical model of the Earth's low and middle latitude ionosphere and plasmasphere. The modeled NmF2 are also compared with those measured during the geomagnetically quiet time periods of 12–15, 18–21, and 26 September 1964 to take into account observed day-to-day ionospheric variability. Major features of the data are reproduced by the model if the corrected HWM90 neutral wind is used. The changes in NmF2 due to the zonal E×B plasma drift are found to be less than 20% in the daytime low latitude ionosphere. The model, which does not take into account the zonal E×B plasma drift, underestimates night-time NmF2 up to the maximum factor of 2 at low geomagnetic latitudes. The night-time increase of NmF2 caused by the zonal E×B plasma drift is less pronounced at −20° and 20° geomagnetic latitudes in comparison with that between −10° and 10° geomagnetic latitude. The longitude dependence of the calculated night-time low latitude influence of the zonal E×B plasma drift on NmF2 is explained in terms of the longitudinal asymmetry in B (the eccentric magnetic dipole is displaced from the Earth's center and the Earth's eccentric tilted magnetic dipole moment is inclined with respect to the Earth's rotational axis), and the variations of the wind induced plasma drift and the meridional E×B plasma drift in geomagnetic longitude. The difference between the hmF2 values calculated by including the effect of zonal E×B drift and that obtained when it is excluded does not exceed 19 km in the low latitude ionosphere. Over the geomagnetic equator the zonal E×B plasma drift produces the maximum increase in the electron density by a factor of 1.06–1.48 and 1.05–1.30 at 700 and 1000 km altitude, respectively, and this increase is not significant above about 1500 km. Changes in the vertical electron content, VEC, caused by the zonal E×B plasma do not exceed 16% during the day, while the value of the night-time VEC is increased up to a factor of 1.4 due to this drift. The maximum effects of the zonal E×B plasma drift on the night-time electron density derived from the model results corresponding to solar minimum and maximum are quite comparable.  相似文献   

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