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本文基于2010年Landsat TM/ETM+数据,HJ-1卫星CCD数据,MODIS17A3净初级生产力数据和土壤,气候的地面实测数据,采用以生态系统服务价值为基础的区域差异化生态补偿估算方法,对中国14个集中连片贫困区生态补偿标准进行了估算.研究结果表明,2010年中国14个集中连片贫困区生态系统服务总价值达20 627.4亿元,与同年该区域GDP总量 22 096.2亿元大体相当,在南疆三地州,四省藏区和西藏片区3个西部片区,每年的生态系统服务总价值为GDP总量的2-12倍,这对保障中国生态安全具有重要意义.在14个集中连片特困区,生态补偿所需资金每年约为1971.0亿元,平均每县约为2.9亿元.目前,国家给予的生态补偿资金与此相比严重不足,即使是接受一般性财政转移支付的国家重点生态功能区,其各县市平均每年接受补偿资金也仅为0.94亿元,不到所需金额的1/3.生态补偿资金不足不但给各片区扶贫工作带来巨大压力,也带来了严重的生态风险.因此,生态补偿资金增量的投入可能是解决集中连片特困区贫困问题关键所在,在此增量补偿资金基础上,集中连片特困区可建立以国家购买生态产品为主,开发性扶贫增长为辅的可持续经济增长模式,这可能是彻底解决中国集中连片特困地区贫困问题的基本途径.  相似文献   

武陵山贫困片区扶贫成效评价与空间格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以武陵山贫困片区为研究区,构建扶贫成效评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)法确定指标权重,并通过综合评价法计算2010-2012年各区县3期扶贫成效综合指数;在扶贫成效评价结果的基础上,采用空间自相关方法进行空间格局分析,探究武陵山区近年来扶贫成效空间格局特征及成因.结果表明:(1) 武陵山片区扶贫成效空间分布基本呈现省内聚集的态势,总体表现为"北部高,中部低"的分布特征;(2) 扶贫成效的空间格局具有明显的地区差异,渝东南地区3期扶贫成效好,且具有稳定的中等增速;铜仁地区虽然经济社会发展基础薄弱且3期扶贫成效不高,但增速最大;鄂西南地区3期扶贫成效及增速均较好;湘西地区3期扶贫成效较差且增速缓慢,因此日后应更关注该地区的扶贫工作开展.  相似文献   

实施农村基本公共服务均衡化是当前农村扶贫开发的重要思路和方向之一.本文选取武陵山连片特困区67个扶贫重点县,构建贫困地区农村基本公共服务评价指标体系,采用基于博弈论的主客观权重法,评价研究片区农村基本公共服务综合发展水平,并利用基尼系数与最小方差法从片区-省-县多角度测度研究片区农村基本公共服务维度指标的发展差异,揭示贫困县农村基本公共服务的空间差异特点,为农村基本公共服务资源的均衡化配置决策提供参考.结果表明:(1)片区层面上的农村基本公共服务整体质量不高,呈现出明显的西北高,东南低的态势,片区所辖湖北省和重庆市的整体发展水平较高;(2)片区整体农村公共安全服务维度发展不均衡,县域间存在较大差异,其它维度发展相对较好;(3)发展差异类型上,大多数县市是五维度主导型,麻阳县受双维度支配,德江县和石阡县是七维度联合型.  相似文献   

In an attempt to enhance knowledge on the energy poverty phenomenon in mountainous areas, a primary social survey was conducted in a typical mountainous town of Greece, Metsovo in the Region of Epirus. The survey recorded quantitative data of energy expenses and incomes of households and it also captured qualitative indicators related to energy poverty. The findings showed that nine out of ten households in Metsovo are exposed to energy poverty, based on the objective 10% index. The subjective indicators revealed other interesting aspects of the problem. Over one-third of the local population live in houses that are inadequately heated and/or present damp problems. Almost two-thirds of the local population have been forced to restrict other basic needs, in order to respond to high energy costs. Studying the relationships between variables of the survey also revealed some notable issues. Households inadequately heated present statistical significant correlation with the heating system used. The inadequately heated houses are also correlated with houses that presented damp-mould problems, as well as households that report arrears in energy bills. Moreover, reduction in hours of heating system operation is correlated with health problems. Current energy policy in Greece does not include specific strategies for mountainous areas, apart from some differentiations in heating oil subsidies. The great extent of energy poverty in mountainous Greece, highlighted by the present representative(with respect to mountainous Greece) study, may have irreversible social impacts. Hence, a need for specific and effective action is necessary, whose main axes should be an extensive upgrade of buildings' energy efficiency in mountainous settlements and special fuel tariffs for mountainous areas.  相似文献   

A rational utilization of land is a matter of importance in sustainable development of mountainous area. The land function in mountainous areas has a close connection with space structure of ecology, production and living. To promote a harmonious development of the relationship between people and nature in mountainous areas, it is necessary to coordinate their relationships of space functions. Suitability evaluation of basic unit function associated with multi-scale space analysis is a prerequisite to a reasonable optimization of land function structure. In this study, an optimized evaluation index system of combination functions was introduced into the assessment of ecological spatial functional suitability in ecological fragile regions by adding three indicators, namely, soil erosion sensitivity, landscape ecological risk and ecological sensitivity. The principle of "taking high"(referred to a function with high suitability to be regarded as the main function of an evaluation unit) and ecological priority(referred to the case, supposing the suitability of a unit's three functions is consistent, the main function is determined to be the ecological function) were used to determine the main function of an evaluation unit. Pingshan County, China, located at the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountain, was targeted in this case study. The production-livingecology space(PLES) function in Pingshan was identified by applying our improved valuation indexes. Further, the functional suitability distribution of the combination of elements was obtained by using overlapping comprehensive analysis method, considering the tradeoff of the functional suitability of combination elements. The regions suitable for production/living were distributed in relatively flat piedmont plains, whereas the regions suitable for ecology were distributed in the mountain areas of middle and low altitudes. Therefore, to maintain a sustainable development in mountainous areas, an improved scheme of development for Pingshan should be to delineate ecologically fragile areas, to build ecological industrial parks near existing scenic spots, to protect basic agricultural production areas, and to increase investment in science and technology, including reasonable ecological compensation. This study can provide reference for the planning of sustainable development in the Taihang Mountain area and similar regions.  相似文献   

科学界定山地和山区类型是认识山地、因地制宜促进山区可持续发展的基础,可为山区分类开发、分类施策提供依据。本文采用均值变点法确定滑动窗口尺寸,运用空间分析工具对SRTM进行处理以获取山地坡度、起伏度,并提取了黔桂喀斯特各类山地空间范围和规模,以此对县级层面黔桂喀斯特山区类型进行了划分。主要结论如下:①二次使用均值变点法确定移动窗口面积与平均地形起伏度拟合的对数曲线拐点,其表征的是黔桂喀斯特山区地形起伏度最佳统计单元—移动窗口面积为6.50 km2。②黔桂喀斯特山地占比大,山地与非山地面积之比约为89:11,且山地省际空间分异明显,贵州喀斯特山地以中山、中低山为主,占贵州部分的57%;而广西喀斯特山地以丘陵为主,占广西部分的59%。③黔桂喀斯特山地区均为山区县,其中,18个纯丘陵县、10个半山区县、15个准山区县、21个显山区县、32个整山区县。整山区县个数多,多分布于乌蒙山区和黔桂峰丛洼地山区,多数为国家扶贫开发工作重点县。  相似文献   

In China, community tourism is still a relatively new phenomenon, but the villagers of a small Qiang village in the Qiang Autonomous County of Beichuan in Southwestern Sichuan have initiated tourism in a way which conforms to the basic theory of community tourism development. This demonstrates that community tourism possesses a strength and vitality that can promote the development of tourism in the rural and mountainous areas. In the district of Zhenghe Village, the tourism industry, based on the community tourism model, is the mainstay of its economy. The practice of community tourism in the village not only promotes the economic development of the village community, but also leads to the protection of the mountainous natural environment and of the culture of the Qiang people. This paper investigates the development process of community tourism in Zhenghe and shows how the local residents participate in this process. It also looks at how profits have been distributed within the community. It demonstrates that community tourism is a correct choice by the Zhenghe people as they have dearly been moving from poverty to prosperity, while the local ecology and environment have been simultaneously protected. The authors hope that other minority villages with similar local conditions and natural resources will be able to use this example to develop their own community tourism.  相似文献   

中国的贫困地区主要分布在山区,山地灾害的多发,易发在某种程度上成为制约贫困地区经济发展的因素之一.目前,山地灾害的研究集中于动力学研究,缺乏风险尤其是灾害致使贫困风险的研究.本文对山地灾害特有灾害与一般地质灾害的概念进行了区分;根据贫困的内涵与可量测性,定义了山地灾害的贫困脆弱性及山地灾害致贫风险;以贫困脆弱性分布和灾害危险性分布,构建区域山地灾害致贫风险评价模型,并基于此模型对少数民族特困地区--湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州(简称恩施州)进行应用研究.在示例分析中,首先利用确定性系数模型和频率比例法对山地灾害的危险性进行了评价;然后,从暴露性和应对能力2个方面选取了经济,社会及自然指标,以进行脆弱性评价;最后,利用通用灾害风险评价公式对研究区由于山地灾害导致的贫困风险在空间的分布进行评价,得到了研究区的山地灾害致贫风险分布与分级图.  相似文献   

Energy poverty in Greek mountainous areas: a comparative study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The paper studied the energy poverty in the mountainous areas of Greece through parallel primary surveys, in comparison with the country-level conditions. The surveys are based on objective financial and expenditure data as well as on subjective views about housing conditions. The objective approach showed that mountainous areas of Greece are burdened with much higher energy expenditure while also having lower annual incomes. Under these circumstances, the energy poverty rate skyrocketed to 73.5%. The subjective indicators reveal significant aspects of the problem, such as the intense problem of damp walls and mold growth at home or the restriction of other basic needs in order to cover heating needs. However, despite the proven high vulnerability of Greek mountainous areas, current energy policy actually ignores the special features of mountainous areas, implementing horizontal policies. Therefore, a specialized energy plan targeted to alleviating energy poverty in mountainous areas in Greece is an urgent imperative.  相似文献   

The important role of spatial scale in exploring the geography of poverty as well as its policy implications has been noticed but with limited knowledge. To improve such limited understanding, we mainly investigated the spatial patterns and influencing factors of rural poverty (indicated by poor population and poverty incidence) at three different administrative levels in the Liupan Mountain Region, one of the fourteen poorest regions in China. Our results show that from a global perspective, poor areas are clustered significantly at the county-, township-, and village-level, and more greatly at a lower level. Locally, there is spatial mismatch among poverty hotspots detected not only by the same indicator at different levels but also by different indicators at the same level. A scale effect can be found in the influencing factors of rural poverty. That is, the number of significant factors increases, but the degree of their association with poverty incidence decreases at a lower level. Such scale effect indicates that poverty incidence at lower levels may be affected by more complex factors, including not only the new local ones but also the already appeared non-local ones at higher levels. However, the natural conditions tend to play a scale-independent role to poverty incidence. In response to such scale-dependent patterns and factors, anti-poverty policies can be 1) a multilevel monitoring system to reduce incomplete or even misleading single-level information and understanding; 2) the village-based targeting strategy to increase the targeting efficiency and alleviate the mentioned spatial mismatch; 3) more flexible strategies responding to the local impoverishing factors, and 4) different task emphasises for multilevel policymakers to achieve the common goal of poverty reduction.  相似文献   

The karst mountainous area is an ecologically fragile region with prominent humanland contradictions. The resource-environment carrying capacity(RECC) of this region needs to be further clarified. The development of remote sensing(RS) and geographic information system(GIS) provides data sources and processing platform for RECC monitoring. This study analyzed and established the evaluation index system of RECC by considering particularity in the karst mountainous area of Southwest China; processed multisource RS data(Sentinel-2, Aster-DEM and Landsat-8) to extract the spatial distributions of nine key indexes by GIS techniques(information classification, overlay analysis and raster calculation); proposed the methods of index integration and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the RECC by GIS; and took a typical area, Guangnan County in Yunnan Province of China, as an experimental area to explore the effectiveness of the indexes and methods. The results showed that:(1) The important indexes affecting the RECC of karst mountainous area are water resources, tourism resources, position resources, geographical environment and soil erosion environment.(2) Data on cultivated land, construction land, minerals, transportation, water conservancy, ecosystem services, topography, soil erosion and rocky desertification can be obtained from RS data. GIS techniques integrate the information into the RECC results. The data extraction and processing methods are feasible on evaluating RECC.(3) The RECC of Guangnan County was in the mid-carrying level in 2018. The midcarrying and low-carrying levels were the main types, accounting for more than 80.00% of the total study area. The areas with high carrying capacity were mainly distributed in the northern regions of the northwest-southeast line of the county, and other areas have a low carrying capacity comparatively. The coordination between regional resource-environment status and socioeconomic development is the key to improve RECC. This study explores the evaluation index system of RECC in karst mountainous area and the application of multisource RS data and GIS techniques in the comprehensive evaluation. The methods can be applied in related fields to provide suggestions for data/information extraction and integration, and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Evaluation on the population pressure in the mountainous areas is a necessary condition for the protection and good governance. The evaluation depends on accurate population density assessment. Traditional methods used to calculate population density often adopt the administrative region as a scale for statistical analysis. These methods did not consider the effects of the relief degree of land surface(RDLS) on the population distribution. Therefore they cannot accurately reflect the degree of population aggregation, especially in mountainous areas. To explore this issue further, we took the mountainous areas of China as the research area. China has A total area of 666 km2 can be classified as mountainous area,accounting for 69.4% of the country’s total landmass. The data used in this research included the digital elevation model(DEM) of China at a scale of 1:1,000,000, National population density raster data, the DEM and the national population density raster data. First, we determined the relief degree of land surface(RDLS). Next, we conducted a correlation analysis between the population distribution and the RDLS using the Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS). Based on the correlation analysis results and population distribution, this new method was used to revise the provincial population density of themountainous areas. The revised results were used to determine the population pressure of different mountainous areas. Overall, the following results were obtained:(1) The RDLS was low in most mountainous areas(with a value between 0 and 3.5) and exhibited a spatial pattern that followed the physiognomy of China;(2) The relationship between the RDLS and population density were logarithmic, with an R2 value up to 0.798(p<0.05), and the correlation decreased from east to west;(3) The difference between the revised population density(RPD) and the traditional population density(PD) was larger in the southeastern region of China than in the northwestern region;(4) In addition, compared with traditional results, the revised result indicated that the population pressure was larger. Based on these results, the following conclusions were made:(1) the revised method for estimating population density that incorporates the RDLS is reasonable and practical,(2) the potential population pressure in the southeastern mountainous areas is substantial,(3) the characteristics of the terrain in the high mountainous areas are important for the scattered distribution of the population, and(4) the population distribution of mountainous areas in China should be guided by local conditions, such as social, economic, and topographic conditions.  相似文献   

Mountainous areas have been long recognized as particularly important for the planet and sustainable mountain development is a global priority. In order to improve the socioeconomic development perspectives of mountain societies, efficient and well-targeted energy strategies should be formed. An important step towards this direction is adequate understanding of local conditions and specific features that affect energy sector. This procedure allows the inclusion of "locality" in energy planning and so, decentralized energy production is facilitated. The present study attempts to determine the particular energy identity of mountainous areas. Greece, which is the second most mountainous country in the EU, has been selected as a case study. Essential features of the mountainous space have been selected, namely altitude, inclination, remoteness, lack of productive activities, old buildings/vernacular architecture, in order to explore their interrelation with the energy sector. Based on literature review and research findings the interaction between mountainous character and energy is outlined. Therefore, a framework of the characteristics of mountain energy identity is composed, which can provide support to the formation of specialized energy policy for mountainous areas. Some of the main findings of the present study include the significantly increased energy loads of mountainous areas, the abundance of renewable energy potential in high – altitude areas, the vulnerability of mountain societies to energy poverty and the difficulties in sitting energy projects in the restricted usable space of mountains. Since the literature regarding mountains and energy is rather poor the present paper aspires to be a step towards highlighting the importance of energy issues for mountain areas and societies. By determining the features of mountain energy identity energy planning in high – altitude areas and so, helping make energy planning more effective, such research works can be parts of sustainable development strategies for mountainous areas.  相似文献   

China is a mountainous country with a great diversity of landform and geomorphology. This diversity underlines the need for regionalization and classification. This study defines the mountain terrains and regions with three criteria - elevation, relative height, and slope, and examines the extent of mountainous regions by using county as the basic administrative unit. According to the three parameters of economic base, resident income and development potential, we classified the economic development level in mountainous regions of China. The findings reveal that the extent of the mountainous region accounts for 74.9% of the Mainland China’s total area. The economic development of mountainous regions in China is classified into 4 main types and 23 subtypes.  相似文献   

本文以济南市为研究对象,运用极限条件法初判济南市耕地后备资源宜耕性并划分潜力类型区,在此基础上,采用多因素综合评价方法测算宜耕后备资源的开发复耕难易程度并划分难易程度等级。结果表明:济南市各区县宜耕未利用地分布差异较大,从潜力类型区分布来看,丰富区和较丰富区主要分布在中南部山地丘陵区和南部沿黄区域,较匮乏区主要分布在北部平原区和南部山区,资源匮乏区主要为中部主城区附近。济南市易开发后备资源主要分布在中南部山地丘陵区。该研究可为济南市不同地域后备资源开发时序安排,科学编制耕地占补平衡和进出平衡方案提供参考。  相似文献   

Rural environmental governance is an important strategy to achieve the goal of building "green liveable villages" in China. However, studies on technology and devices for pollution remediation focus mainly on urban areas; in this regard, few studies have focused on rural areas, especially mountainous or hilly areas with interflow. Coordinate remediation techniques and devices for water-soil restoration in mountain areas(CRWS-mountain), a subproject of the "environmental monitoring and remediation in rural areas" project(ERM-rural project), was undertaken to develop techniques and devices for coordinating the restoration of water and soil in rural mountainous and hilly areas with interflow. The CRWS-mountain project will attempt to explore the mechanisms of pollutant transportation and transformation in the interflow-soil-surface water system, establish in-situ and heterotopic remediation systems in landfill, towns and surrounding areas, and construct a comprehensive system for "polluted soilinterflow-surface water" by integrating all the technologies and devices at Yanting, a typical rural mountainous hilly area in Sichuan, Southwest China. We expect that after using this comprehensive system, the water quality will meet the requirements for local water function zoning. The operation cost is 10% lower than that of the existing urban equipment.  相似文献   

This article examines the spatial characteristics of public service supply and the factors influencing such supply in cities of Sichuan Province, China using spatial-autocorrelation and spatial econometric models with statistical data in 2012. The results demonstrate that expenditures on different types of public services present different spatial autocorrelation patterns. Although the spatial differences in basic public service expenditures are relatively small, a clear fan-shaped spillover to the east can be seen in Chengdu City. Chengdu also shows high clustering of advanced public service expenditures, being a typical core-periphery pattern. Post-earthquake reconstruction expenditures are clustered in the "5.12 Wenchuan earthquake" region and spill over toward cities to the east. The efficiency of public services in the mountainous areas in western Sichuan is low and exhibits a pattern of low-low spatial autocorrelation. The efficiency of public service supply is affected by economic, social, political and geographical factors. Based on the results of this analysis, we recommend a supply strategy that incorporates different types of public services and a specialized public service supply strategy for mountainous areas. Overall public service efficiency should be enhanced by focusing on narrowing the gap in farmers' income among regions and accelerating urbanization. Decision-makers should consider moresupportive policies with regard to providing basic public services in mountainous areas to ensure an equalized supply of basic public services. To enhance the efficiency of advanced public service supply, additional growth pole should be encouraged and incentivized; however, investments are required to drive the development of the peripheral regions through regional economic integration. Both software and hardware types of infrastructure are required to supply services efficiently during post-disaster reconstruction.  相似文献   

Analysis on poverty in mountain areas based on off-farm industries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reveals that agricultural growth trend in China is strongly correlated with the growth of off-farm industries-the curve of net income from off-farm industries reflects the general characteristics of net income of households. That means the increase of net income of farm households is chiefly from off-farm industries,more than from agriculture. The authors therefore conclude that the “poverty“ in mountain areas or the gap between mountain areas and plain areas lies in the underdevelopment of off-farm industries in mountain areas. Finally, the authors make suggestions of strategic adjustment of economic structure: 1) present situation of mountain areas in China should be fully considered; 2) a full industrial system is not our desire; 3) advantageous industries should be promoted to create famous products; 4) industrialization and urbanization in mountain areas should be promoted and so on.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, historical areas conservation has become an important strategy to improve urban competitiveness in the global economy. As shown in existing studies that the conservation of historical areas mainly focused on the physical environment, there is still room for the non-physical study, and researches on the social network conservation in mountainous historical areas are particularly insufficient. Therefore, this paper aims to establish an evaluation system which is helpful for the social network conservation of historical areas. The evaluation system is based on social network analysis and the information of social relationships gathered in field surveys using a specifically designed questionnaire method in four mountainous towns in Chongqing, China. And it was analyzed from three perspectives, i.e., by the basic statistical properties, condensate subgroup, and centrality. Then five analysis indicators were conceived, including density, lambda set, k-core, degree centrality, and betweenness centrality. The analysis results demonstrate that the social networks of the four towns show different indicators, which are respectively relevant to completeness degree, edgerelatedness level, local stability, structural balance, and concentrated trend of social relationships. Results from SNA modeling indicate that neighborhood residents of historical areas who have more stable and healthier social relationships are relatively not easily be destroyed. The results also illustrate that the social networks structure is influenced by the terrain, form, and function of historical areas, and the change of historical areas is caused by "individual-family-society". Finally, the strategies guiding the social network conservation are put forward from two aspects. These findings suggest that the conservation and management of social network and aborigines in historical areas should be emphasized to increase the collective benefits and vitality.  相似文献   

llNTRODUCTION with a hlgherpercentage ofmlnorlty people.The aim o且the paper Is to trace out the ways ofnarrowing the gapsIn this paper,the central and western parts o且 between minority regions and eastern developed regions乙hlna mainly cover eight minority provinces and regions and of safeguarding social stability In China.(the bye autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia。Guangxi,Tibet,Xinjiang and Ningxia,and thr。e 2 CHAHA…  相似文献   

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