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针对季冻区春融期岩锚失效的问题,研究了玻璃纤维(GFRP)锚杆在冻融循环作用下的锚固能力。通过设计物理模型对经历25,50,75冻融周期的试块进行了加载试验,根据试验数据和破坏现象分析了GFRP锚杆在冻融后锚杆应力和承载力的变化规律。研究结果表明:冻融循环会导致环氧树脂砂浆与混凝土的黏结性能下降,在25,50,75周期后承载力损失分别为38.24%,42.65%,52.94%。冻融循环加速黏结材料及围岩的材料性能劣化,荷载向内部传递加速,使得GFRP锚杆上各点之间的应力差值逐渐减小,锚杆应力分布比常温状态下更趋于均匀,但材料性能的劣化导致局部破坏提前,锚杆整体承载性能降低。研究结果可以为GFRP锚杆的工程应用提供建议。  相似文献   

针对目前盾构施工既有建(构)筑地基加固依靠经验,缺乏完善理论作为支撑的现象,有必要研究盾构掘进中、离开后既有建(构)筑地基承载力影响机理及加固后土体稳定性。为了解水泥土加固体的受剪工作状态,开展水泥土三轴试验,结果表明,当偏应力达到屈服之前,(σ13)-ε1关系近似直线,应变很小,且加固体与未加固土抗剪强度相差甚远,稳定性分析时,不考虑加固体位移及其外侧未加固土对剪力的分担。盾构掘进中,其周围土体受到挤压产生的剪应力,扩散至桩侧形成附加正摩阻力,基桩承载力提高;盾构离开后土体卸荷,桩侧产生负摩阻力,基桩承载力降低。盾构施工中加固体上段内侧受被动或主动土压力,外侧及下段受静止土压力,土压力差产生剪应力,潜在滑动界面产生拉、压应力,并导出加固后土体复合滑动面安全系数公式,通过工程实例验算加固体强度及加固后土体的稳定性。   相似文献   

以岩质边坡中常见的平面滑动为研究对象,研究其最优锚固方向角的计算方法。将锚索自由段单位长度能提供的最大抗滑增量作为目标控制变量,将坡面和滑动面特征参数与锚索设计参数作为优化控制自变量,通过坐标系转换得到的线性方程组对锚索的预拉力进行分解,并根据锚索支护时的三维模型建立了锚索自由段长度的优化公式,进而推导了用于锚固方向角三维优化的新计算方程。在该方程的基础上借助MATLAB软件中的fmincon函数对锚索加固方向不受限制时的锚固方向角进行了优化。最后通过锚固方向角敏感性分析与工程实例分析相结合,证明了推荐的最优锚固方向角计算方法的有效性与先进性。新方法有效地解决了边坡坡面与滑动面走向存在夹角时最优锚固方向角的求解问题,可进一步提高锚索的锚固效益,降低边坡的支护费用。   相似文献   

丹崖山边坡稳定性是关系古文物蓬莱阁安全的关键问题。丹崖山边坡高差大、断层裂隙发育、岩体卸荷深度大,地质条件十分复杂,边坡在施工期和运行期的稳定性问题特别突出。该文介绍了丹崖山岩体加固后的监测布置,并对岩体表面变形趋势、空间分布形态、加固后变形趋势进行分析,通过对多点位移计、锚杆测力计、锚索测力计、表面裂缝计及地表变形等监测结果进行综合分析,得到边坡岩体的变形规律。  相似文献   

The long-term stability of a prestressed anchored slope might be influenced by the durability of the anchorage structure. To understand long-term stability of anchored rock slopes, the research presented herein evaluated the performance evolution of a prestressed anchored bedding slope system in a corrosive environment by model test. The corrosion process in a prestressed anchor bar was monitored in terms of its open-circuit potential(OCP), corrosion current density(CCD), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS). The stability of the prestressed anchored slope was evaluated by monitoring changes in anchorage force and displacements. The experimental results show that prestress and oxygen could reduce the corrosion resistance of the anchor bar, and anchor bars in a chloride-rich environment are very susceptible to corrosion. Prestressed tendons in a corrosive environment suffer a loss of anchorage force, the prestress decreases rapidly after locking, and the rate thereof decreases until stabilising; in the later stage, corrosion leads to the reduction of the cross-sectional area of the steel bar which may cause the reduction in anchorage force again. Anchorage force controls the deformation and stability of the anchored slope, the prestress loss caused by later corrosion may lead to an increased rate of displacement and stability degradation of the prestressed anchored rock slope.  相似文献   

The Muzhailing extra-long highway tunnel and corresponding inclined shafts in Lanzhou,Gansu Province,China passes through structurally complex carbonaceous slate that is under high ground stress.Rationally-designed and effective support is of high importance for achieving safe and efficient tunnel construction.The No.2 inclined shaft of Muzhailing Tunnel was taken as the engineering background prototype,for which,a similar model test was conducted to evaluate the effect of highly pretightened constant resistance(NPR,Negative Poisson’s Ratio)anchor cable support provision to the geologically complex carbonaceous slate at different depths.Two schemes were proposed during testing:one scheme was without support and the second was with asymmetric support from highly pre-tightened constant resistance anchor cable.Digital speckle displacement analysis system and micro-groundstress sensors were employed to measure the deformation and shear stress distribution of the tunnel.The results demonstrated that through the second support scheme,the deformation of the surrounding rock could be effectively ameliorated,while this support scheme was applied on the project site of the No.2 inclined shaft,to explore the rationality of the scheme through field engineering tests.On-site monitoring indicated that the deformation of the surrounding rock was within the reasonable design range and the problem of severe tunnel deformation was effectively controlled.The research methods and related conclusions can be used as a reference for the treatment of large deformation problems in deep-buried soft rock tunnels.  相似文献   

The"5.12"Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 triggered a large number of co-seismic landslides.The rear boundary or cracks of co-seismic landslide are generally located at the steep free surface of thin or thick mountains.Dynamic process of this kind of landslides could be divided into two parts:the seismic dynamic response of the slope and the movement process of rock mass.Taking the Laoyingyan rockslide as an example,the amplification effect was studied by single-degree-of-freedom system analysis method.Besides,the dynamic process of landslide under seismic loading was simulated by the finite difference method(FDM)and discrete element method(DEM).The amplification coefficient of the rockslide to seismic wave is 1.25.The results show that the critical sliding surface of the Laoyingyan rockslide was formed at the 23 th seconds under the action of seismic wave.At the same time,tension failure occurred at the rear edge of the sliding mass and shear failure occurred at the front edge.The maximum displacement was 0.81 m and the initial velocity was 2.78 m/s.During the initiation process of the rockslide,the rock mass firstly broke down along the joints which are along the dip of the rock stratum,and then collapsed bodily along the secondary structural planes.In the process of movement,the maximum velocity of rock mass was 38.24 m/s.After that,the rock mass underwent multiple collisions,including contact,deceleration to 0 and speed recovery after rebound.Finally,due to the constant loss of energy,the rocks stopped and accumulated loosely at the foot of the slope.The longest distance of movement was about 494 m.Besides,the smaller the damping ratio,the farther the rock mass moved.Compared with the results without considering the amplification factor,the movement distance of landslide by considering the amplification factor was more accurate.The study of the Laoyingyan rockslide is helpful to strengthen our field identification of potential co-seismic rockslides.At the same time,understanding its movement and accumulation process can help us better predict the hazard scope of the co-seismic rockslides,and provide a reference for the design of treatment projects.  相似文献   

在泰汶地区多个岩溶发育地基高层建筑建设项目中,运用预拌干料法辅助锚杆注浆,成功解决了岩溶地基场地条件下抗浮锚杆注浆中的漏失问题,保证了锚杆注浆锚固体质量,提高了注浆效率,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。本文介绍了预拌干料(水泥、砂、外加剂混合物)施工法在岩溶发育漏失场地抗浮锚杆施工中的成功运用,具有较好的示范作用和参考价值。  相似文献   

为了探究锚杆不确定性对加固边坡失稳概率的影响,建立了施加锚杆后的边坡模型,通过以下两种途径来考虑锚杆的不确定性:其一是假定锚杆与锚固体之间接触面上的单位表面摩擦力为对数正态分布变量,其二是引入锚杆与锚固体之间接触面上的单位表面摩擦力衰减系数来考虑运营过程中锚杆的不确定性。采用极限平衡分析法并结合蒙特卡罗抽样法,计算并对比分析了两种途径下锚固边坡失稳概率变化曲线,最后以深圳假日酒店基坑边坡支护工程为例,证明所提方法的有效性。结果表明:对于途径一,在相同土体统计参数下,随着锚杆与锚固体之间接触面上单位表面摩擦力变异系数的增加,加固边坡的失稳概率缓慢增加,增幅介于18.03%~41.90%之间。对于途径二,随着锚杆衰减系数自1.0逐步减小至0,加固边坡失稳概率迅速增加,增幅介于55.64%~124.90%之间;在同一衰减系数下,加固边坡失稳概率随着锚杆衰减根数的增加而增大。研究结果可以为锚杆施工与运营期间的管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

To study the tensile mechanical properties of constant resistance bolts, the RFPA(Rock Failure Process Analysis) statics software is used to perform a uniaxial tensile test on a constant resistance bolt. The numerical test results show that the plastic strain value is 12 times the magnitude of the elastic strain. During plastic deformation, the fluctuation in the stress magnitude is relatively stable, indicating that the bolt has good constant resistance characteristics. The numerical test results are in good agreement with the laboratory test results of M.C. He, and the accuracy and reliability of the numerical test method are verified. Therefore, the RFPA software with coupled static-dynamic loading is further adopted to study the supporting effects of traditional bolts and constant resistance bolts under coupled staticdynamic loading. The numerical comparison of the test results show that the constant resistance bolts can effectively control the deformation amount and rate of the laneway surrounding rock, reduce the total and rate of increase in the accumulated acoustic emissions,decrease the stress on the units in the model and protect the stability of the laneway. This paper verifies that a constant resistance bolt has better impact resistance mechanical properties than those of a traditional bolt and provides an effective way to control rock burst and soft rock that is prone to large deformation damage.  相似文献   

在恐龙化石发掘过程中不仅机械扰动会直接导致化石或围岩的破碎,应力释放也会导致化石及围岩表面裂隙的产生及扩张,这些节理裂隙又为水和空气的活动提供了通道,使风化破坏作用更加迅速。作者以分层开挖理论为基础,建立了模拟化石开挖过程的数值模型。通过计算机模拟开挖过程中0m、11m、14m、19m四个深度的等效应力变化过程和XZ方向应力的变化过程发现:开挖前后化石表面的最大等效应力差达到0.34MPa,围岩表面的最大等效应力差达0.3MPa;埋深越大的化石,在开挖露出地面后等效应力的回弹现象越明显,即应力释放越严重;虽然化石表面所受剪应力不大,但其对化石风化的影响比在压应力条件下要大的多,这是导致卸载裂隙产生的主要原因。因此,恐龙化石发掘要逐层缓慢开挖,使化石逐渐达到新的应力平衡,以便减少应力快速释放对化石造成的风化破坏,特别是要做好护坡,最大限度地防止剪应力的产生。  相似文献   

Based on the design principles of economic rationality and safety, multiple-pivot pile anchorage approach was used as the supporting engineering of a tall building with a deep foundation ditch. The designs, such as anchor arm, single pile and the whole, were set up in accordance with the calculations of the internal force from the equivalent beam and Yamagata Kunio methods. Moreover, the rationality of the design was estimated using the stability checks. FLAC3D was used for calculating the accuracy of the design. Using FLAC3D to simulating ditch cutting and supporting processes can obtain the equivalent results as the theory analysis in the displacement of ditch surrounding wall, the stress field and stress distribution.  相似文献   

秦楼铜金矿是三铺地区以金为主的矽卡岩型铜金矿床,位于安徽省濉溪县四铺乡秦楼村北部.矿区位于三铺岩体北接触带东端,岩体复杂,接触带及围岩层间裂隙为主要控矿构造.通过对秦楼铜金矿地质特征及矿床特征的认识,结合矿床物探异常特征,系统总结了三铺地区铜金多金属矿地质和物探找矿标志.研究表明:寒武纪中上统碳酸盐岩地层是三铺地区铜金...  相似文献   

PS测井技术是地震勘探方法之一,也是一种简便、快速、准确的原位测试技术。该文介绍了单孔法PS测井的原理及其在铁路工程勘察中的应用,主要包括根据等效剪切波,进行建筑抗震场地类别划分,铁路工程抗震场地类别划分。根据岩土动力学参数,达到评价岩体质量和划分围岩类别目的,利用剪切波速法估算岩土的承载力基本值。通过青岛机场隧道场地的工程实例说明了PS测井技术在岩土工程勘察设计中的应用情况及应用效果。  相似文献   

Slope reinforcement for housing in Three Gorges reservoir area   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Three Gorges Project of the Yangtze River is the largest hydropower-complex project under construction in the world. Under the largescale relocation projects, 2874 engineered slopes are formed along with the construction of new towns. In this paper, the cutting slopes are mainly soil slopes and rock slopes. Soil slopes include residual soil slopes, colluvial accumulation slopes, swelling soil slopes, and artificial earth fill slopes, etc. Rock slopes include blocky structure rock slopes, layer structure rock slopes, and clastic structure rock slopes, etc. Varied protection measures have been used for slope protection in the reservoir area including shotcrete concrete-anchor bars, frame beams, retaining walls, slope stabilizing piles, sheet-pile walls, anchorage anti-shear tunnels, flexible protection grids, and drainage, etc. Besides, slope deformation monitoring systems have been set up to monitor deformation failure and the stability state of slopes. The protection measures have guaranteed slope safety and maintained a harmony with the urban environment and surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

为了研究软岩地基桥桩的荷载传递性状、破坏机理,并获取在该地质条件下更为可靠的桩基计算参数,对秦巴山区软岩地基3根钻孔灌注试桩进行竖向静载试验.结果表明:秦巴山区软岩地基桥桩试桩荷载沉降曲线呈陡降型,实测竖向极限承载力为20500kN,桩的破坏方式为桩身材料强度破坏;淤泥质亚黏土地层中的碎石起到一定的骨架作用,增强了此地层桩极限侧阻力,发挥极限侧阻力所需的桩土(岩)相对位移为4~8mm;强风化砾岩表现为加工软化型,发挥极限侧阻力所需的桩土(岩)相对位移为3~8mm;中风化砂砾岩表现为明显的加工硬化型,所需的桩岩相对位移大,且桩极限侧阻力的特征点不明显;淤泥质亚黏土地层桩侧阻力占总荷载的60%~70%,随着桩顶荷载的逐步加大,该地层桩侧阻力所占比例不断下降,而嵌岩段桩侧阻力所占比例逐渐上升,达到55%~65%,嵌岩段桩侧阻力沿桩深的分布曲线表现出非线性的特征;试桩为端承摩擦桩,桩端阻力约占桩顶荷载的20%左右,且未充分发挥,在上部结构允许的沉降范围内,适当增加桩端的沉降有利于端阻力的发挥;桩侧阻力先于端阻力发挥,建议单桩承载力设计时分别采用不同的端阻力和侧阻力安全系数.  相似文献   

高位危岩崩塌极具隐蔽性、突发性和灾难性,传统的接触式调查方法在安全性方面无法完全保障并且也难以彻底查清边坡上各危岩块体的空间分布及发育特征,因此如何安全快速准确地获取边坡面上关键地质信息,一直是崩塌地质灾害调查及评价研究中的难点之一,也是防灾减灾工作中极为重要的环节。以连云港市某矿区高陡岩质边坡为例,提出了一套基于无人机倾斜摄影技术的崩塌隐患早期识别及影响区划分方法体系,该方法体系通过倾斜摄影技术获取研究区高分辨率影像及构建三维高精度地质模型,在此基础上利用测线法提取并统计边坡优势结构面空间展布特征及相关参数,利用赤平投影法对矿区高边坡关键危岩块体失稳模式进行判别,在完成关键危岩块体稳定性评价并划分稳定等级的前提下使用Rocfall模拟最不利工况下崩落体失稳后的滚落运动特征,从而划分出不同级别的崩塌影响区,为最终的地质灾害防治提供依据。研究表明,无人机倾斜摄影技术在崩塌隐患早期识别、破坏模式分析、稳定性评价以及崩落体威胁范围划定等方面具有显著的可行性和优越性。所提出的基于无人机倾斜摄影技术的崩塌隐患早期识别及影响区划分方法体系具有重要的参考价值。   相似文献   

泾河下游黄土台塬区侵蚀诱发的黄土滑坡不仅威胁当地居民的生命财产安全,而且引发严重的水土流失及文物损毁等问题。以该类黄土滑坡为研究对象,在详细地质调查的基础上,取唐家村L2滑坡坡脚原状黄土进行减围压三轴剪切(RTC)试验,研究了饱和黄土的应力、孔压、围压特征以及剪切速率对土体力学行为的影响。结果表明,RTC应力路径下围压率达到0.55时,土体会因偏应力增大而引起塑性剪切破坏;同时,该应力路径下的饱和黄土内摩擦角很小,仅为10.7°;RTC应力路径下的破坏面,十分接近K 0状态面,说明天然斜坡坡脚饱和黄土在小幅水平应力降低条件下易于发生破坏,从而诱发滑坡失稳。  相似文献   

通过对沂水县侵入岩贫水地区开展水文地质调查,综合运用物探、水文地质钻探、抽水试验等工作手段,分析侵入岩分布区地下水赋存规律,确定了侵入岩分布区主要蓄水构造类型包括断裂型、韧性剪切带型、侵入体接触带型等.断裂型蓄水构造一般呈线状发育,富水性受断层的力学性质、发育规模及汇水条件等因素控制,单井涌水量差异较大;韧性剪切带型蓄...  相似文献   

矽卡岩型多金属矿受接触带、断裂及层间破碎带等构造控制,产于接触带的矽卡岩中,其目标体和围岩在磁性、电性等物理特征方面具有一定的差异,利用合适的物探方法追索矿体走向,推断矿体的空间赋存状态,为深部揭露提供依据。高精度磁测和激电中梯测量能够快速圈定目标体引起的磁电异常在地表的投影位置;四极测深法可了解极化体的空间赋存状态;利用不同极距的联合剖面法可确定极化体的倾向等。利用综合物探方法在青海省哈得尔甘南地区和阿日特克山地区寻找矽卡岩型多金属矿效果良好,在追索矽卡岩矿化带、确定目标体产状等方面发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

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