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Assessing the slope deformation is significant for landslide prediction. Many researchers have studied the slope displacement based on field data from the inclinometer in combination with complicated numerical analysis. They found that there was a shear zone above the slip surface, and they usually focused on the distribution of velocity and displacement within the shear zone. In this paper, two simple methods are proposed to analyze the distribution of displacement and velocity along the whole profile of a slope from the slip surface to the slope surface during slow movement. In the empirical method, the slope soil above the shear zone is assumed as a rigid body. Dual or triple piecewise fitting functions are empirically proposed for the distribution of velocity along the profile of a slope. In the analytical method, the slope soil is not assumed as a rigid body but as a deformable material. Continuous functions of the velocity and displacement along the profile of a slope are directly obtained by solving the Newton's equation of motion associated with the Bingham model. Using the two proposed methods respectively, the displacement and velocity along the slope profiles of three slopes are determined. A reasonable agreement between the measured data and the calculated results of the two proposed methods has been reached. In comparison with the empirical method, the analytical method would be more beneficial for slope deformation analysis in slope engineering, because the parameters are material constants in the analytical solution independent of time t, and the nonlinear viscosity of the soil can be considered.  相似文献   

Identification of failure susceptible slopes through different rock engineering approach is highly valuable in landslide risk management along crucial highway corridors in the high mountainous region. In this study, a critical highway(NH-5) segment in higher Himalaya has been investigated using the various rock mass characterization schemes based on detailed field observations. Since the highway corridor is highly susceptible to discontinuities-driven failures, consisting of jointed rock masses;Mean and Combined kinematic feasibility analysis has been performed for 20 highway slopes. Observed slope mass classes have been compared to the feasibility percentage of discontinuities driven failures(wedge, toppling, and planar) and accordingly the kinematic feasibility zonation along highway segment has been done for each as well as overall failure types. Based on the slope mass conditions and discontinuities driven failures probability(%), responsive remedial measures have been proposed for individual highway slopes to ensure safe and uninterrupted transportation.  相似文献   

This study provides a checklist of species distributed at the altitude gradient of Moghan-Sabalan rangelands in Ardabili province, Northwest Iran. We evaluated the changes in species composition, growth types of species, Raunkiaer’s life forms, geographical distribution, threat and endemicity status, and palatability of species along two altitudinal gradients in the sampling plots, which were conducted in eleven sites/habitats with 300 meters above sea level (masl) altitude intervals (from 100 to 3300 masl). We assessed the plant species composition with special reference to the gradient analysis, and identified overall 396 species, which was comprising 44 families and 194 genera. Results showed that Asteraceae family is by far the most species-rich family, followed by Poaceae, Fabaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Brassicaceae. Among the genera, Astragalus is the most diverse genus, followed by Allium, Veronica and Bromus, Galium, Silene and Ranunculus. Results indicated that the number of species increased as the altitude increased to 1200–1500 masl, but then starts to decline to 3300 masl. Family-to-genera ratio was 1:4.4, the family-tospecies ratio was 1:9, and the genera-to-species ratio was 1:2.04. Growth type of species analysis shows that the frequency of perennial plants was higher in the study area followed by annual species while the lower group was biennial species. The number of annuals showed a decreasing trend towards higher altitude. Hemicryptophytes and therophytes were the most frequent life forms constituted each with (41.9%). Hemicryptophytes showed an increasing trend with altitude, while therophytes showed a decreasing trend with altitude increase, followed by geophytes, chamaephytes, and phanerophytes. Results showed more than half of the species of the study area belonged to Iran-Turanian region and these species showed an increasing trend with altitude. In contrast, Sahara-Sindian species comprise a minor component of the spectrum, with decreasing trend with altitude. The rare and endangered species out of the surveyed taxonomic groups comprised 53 species in total which 29 of them are considered lower risk (LR), 13 data deficient (DD), 5 vulnerable (Vu) and with 3 rare (R) and identified endemic plants comprised 24 species. Some 56.6% species were identified as class III, 22.6% were class I and 20.8% were class II as the palatability variation. Moghan-Sabalan rangelands require strong conservation management policies in case of species loss and changing natural communities due to the occurrence of conversion into cropland, over-grazing and other anthropogenic effects.  相似文献   

The stability of rock slope is often controlled by the existing discontinuous surfaces, such as discrete fractures, which are ubiquitously distributing in a geological medium. In contrast with the traditional approaches used in soil slope with a continuous assumption, the simulation methods of jointed rock slope are different from that of in soil slope. This paper presents a study on jointed rock slope stability using the proposed discontinuous approach, which considers the effects of discrete fractures. Comparing with traditional methods to model fractures in an implicit way, the presented approach provides a method to simulate fractures in an explicit way, where grids between rock matrix and fractures are independent. To complete geometric components generation and mesh partition for the model, the corresponding algorithms were devised. To evaluate the stability state of rock slope quantitatively, the strength reduction method was integrated into our analysis framework. A benchmark example was used to verify the validation of the approach. A jointed rock slope, which contains natural fractures, was selected as a case study and was simulated regarding the workflow of our framework. It was set up in the light of the geological condition of the site. Slope stability was evaluated under different loading conditions with various fracture patterns. Numerical results show that fractures have significant contributions to slope stability, and different fracture patterns would lead to different shapes of the slip surface. The devised method has the ability to calculate a non-circular slip surface, which is different from a circular slip surface obtained by classical methods.  相似文献   

The study of artificial slope stability has been a key item of geological engineering projects. Though more evaluation methods are available,result of stability evaluation simulation does not explain the actual prob- lem owing to the diversified geological engineering factors and complexity. The author made a detailed study based on surveys of large amount of geological engineering research on Donggang Power Plant slope project,dis- cussed the comprehensive factors influencing the project,and gave analytical calculation and evaluation to the improved response surface of the slope project. The study result shows that the slope is stable,which can pro- vide scientific basis for designing the slope.  相似文献   

The study of artificial slope stability has been a key item of geological engineering projects. Though more evaluation methods are available, result of stability evaluation simulation does not explain the actual problem owing to the diversified geological engineering factors and complexity. The author made a detailed study based on surveys of large amount of geological engineering research on Donggang Power Plant slope project, discussed the comprehensive factors influencing the project, and gave analytical calculation and evaluation to the improved response surface of the slope project. The study result shows that the slope is stable, which can provide scientific basis for designing the slope.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a study on the mechanical properties of sandy and gravely soils within the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. The soils were divided into groups according to their origin (glacial, fluvial, or debris flow). The grain size distribution of forty three soil samples was used to classify the soils according to the scheme of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). These distributions have then been used to estimate shear strength and hydraulic properties of the soils. There are clear differences between the soils which reflect their divergent origins. The glacial soils normally fit within one of two distinctive groups according to the proportion of fines (Group A, 7%-21.5%; Group B, 21%-65%). The estimation of shear strength at constant volume friction angle and peak shear strength of the glacial sediments with low content of fines was made using published data relating to the measured shear strength characteristics of soils with similar origins and grain size distributions. The estimated values were supported by measurements of the angle of repose taken from fourteen samples from two moraines and by shear tests on samples from one locality. The results of the grain size distribution werealso used to estimate the average hydraulic conductivity using the empirical Hazen formula which results were verified by field infiltration tests at two localities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify indicator species and explore the most important environmental and management variables contributing to vegetation distribution in a hilly upper dam landscape in Zagros Mountain chain, Iran. A stratified random sampling method was used to collect topographic, edaphic, management and vegetation data. The density and cover percentage of perennial species were measured quantitatively. Indicator species were identified using the two-way indicator species analysis. Besides calculating physiognomic factors in sample sites, 24 soil samples were collected from 0 to 30 cm of soil depth and analyzed in terms of gravel percentage, texture, saturation moisture, organic matter, pH and electrical conductivity in saturation extract, lime percentage, soluble calcium and magnesium, available phosphorus, Cation Exchange Capacity(CEC) and soluble sodium and potassium. Multivariate techniques including Canonical Correspondence Analysis and Multi-Dimensional Scaling were used to explore the relationships of species with environmental and management variables. Seven plants were identified as indicator species due to being significantly correlated with management(grazing or non-grazing) and edaphic variables such as CEC, soil texture, pH, CaCO_3 percentage and physiographic variable including slope, elevation, and convex and concave formations(p 0.05). Overall, overgrazing and its subsequent effects on soil characteristics, loss of vegetation cover and trampling were found as the major causes of deterioration. Sustainable and integrated management practices such as the implementation of appropriate grazing systems were suggested to enhance soil quality and reduce the accelerated erosion in upper dam zones.  相似文献   

Aggregate stability is a very important predictor of soil structure and strength,which influences soil erodibility.Several aggregate stability indices were selected for estimating interrill erodibility of four soil types with contrasting properties from temperate and subtropical regions of China.This study was conducted to investigate how closely the soil interrill erodibility factor in the Water Erosion Prediction Project(WEPP) model relates to soil aggregate stability.The mass fractal dimension(FD),geometric mean diameter(GMD),mean weight diameter(MWD),and aggregate stability index(ASI) of soil aggregates were calculated.A rainfall simulator with a drainable flume(3.0 m long × 1.0 m wide × 0.5 m deep) was used at four slope gradients(5°,10°,15° and 20°),and four rainfall intensities(0.6,1.1,1.7 and 2.5 mm/min).Results indicated that the interrill erodibility(Ki) values were significantly correlated to the indices of ASI,MWD,GMD,and FD computed from the aggregate wet-sieve data.The Ki had a strong positive correlation with FD,as well as a strong negative correlation with ASI,GMD,and MWD.Soils with a higher aggregate stability and lower fractal dimension have smaller Ki values.Stable soils were characterized by a high percentage of large aggregates and the erodible soils by a high percentage of smaller aggregates.The correlation coefficients of Ki with ASI and GMD were greater than those with FDand MWD,implying that both the ASI and GMD may be better alternative parameters for empirically predicting the soil Ki factor.ASI and GMD are more reasonable in interrill soil erodibility estimation,compared with Ki calculation in original WEPP model equation.Results demonstrate the validation of soil aggregation characterization as an appropriate indicator of soil susceptibility to erosion in contrasting soil types in China.  相似文献   

Characterizing the subsurface structure is an important parameter for the improvement of seismic hazard assessment.Due to the tectonic complexity of the earth,s...  相似文献   

运用优势面理论层次分析法。确定岩坡的控稳优势面.通过对太湖度假区休体公园渔洋山边坡的研究得出F1和软弱夹层是控稳优势面。通过优势面组合分析.得出4组优势分离体。其中F1、软弱夹层和边坡临空面组合为试算安全系数最小优势分离体。最后用Sarma法进行稳定性计算.得出各种优势分离体组合模型在考虑地下水和地震加速度为0.15g的情况下均是不稳定的。结果表明,采用层次分析法对岩坡稳定性进行评价的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

为明确煤系薄层砂岩储层油气富集区展布,利用"地质主因分析—测井图版界定—地震定量预测"研究思路,以准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷西斜坡Aih12井区八道湾组为例,分析研究区16口井183个岩心样品的粒度刻度(岩心—铸体薄片交互验证)—测井归位,比较不同粒度储层塑性岩屑体积分数及压实减孔效应,建立基于自然伽玛曲线的煤系砂岩储层定量评价图版并预测油气富集区。结果表明:粒度为煤系砂岩储层质量的关键控制因素,物性、含油性较优的高效储层主要为粒度较粗的(含砾)粗砂岩和(粗)中砂岩;根据砂岩界定标准(38GR≤80API)、高效储层界定标准(38GR≤51API),通过自然伽玛曲线反演实现砂地比、高效储层平面展布预测,综合适中砂地比、高效储层和良好烃源岩—储层沟通条件等油气富集要素,优选A-F共6块油气富集区,累计面积为44.8km2,为准噶尔盆地及其他盆地煤系砂岩高效储层定量评价及预测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area (K75+840-K76+340). Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes have been calculated and analyzed. The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area ( K75 + 840-K76 + 340). Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes have been calculated and analyzed. The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the size distribution of submarine landslides on the middle continental slope of the East China Sea (ECS) using the size of the landslide source regions. Geomorphometric mapping is used to identify 102 mass movements from multibeam bathymetric data and to extract morphological information about the head scarps and side walls. These mass movements have areas ranging between 0.06 km2 and 15.51 km2 and volumes between 0.002 km3 and 2 km3. The area vs volume relationship of these failure scarps is approximately linear, suggesting a fairly uniform failure thickness in each event with scarce deep excavating landslides. The cumulative area distribution of the slope failures can be described by an inverse power law. The submarine landslides on the mid-ECS continental slope could be considered as a large-scale self-organizing system because they have the characteristics of a dissipative system in a critical state.  相似文献   

The slope instability is associated with increasing rate of rainfall infiltration which cause shear strength reduction and suction loss and the slope tend to fa...  相似文献   

Hongxing reservoir was constructed on the floodplain of Hulan River in Heilongjiang. The geological problem of the reservoir is the seepage of the dam base and its related seepage stability. The leakage of the reservoir is caused by the water head differences between the upstream and downstream of the dam. Severe seepage could decrease the engineering benefits of the reservoir. Moreover, infiltration function of water will influence the safety of the dam. Through the analysis on the granule constitute and the formation of the dam base, the types of the seepage failure apt to happen were defined and the anti-infiltration and the permissible depression ratio were determined. Using the numerical simulation software GMS, the two-dimension numerical modeling has been carried out to analyze the seepage field of the reservoir. Through the two conditions modeling with concrete impervious wall and no concrete impervious wall, the largest flow rate, single-wide seepage discharge and the max infiltration gradient of the dam base were calculated. According to the permeable depression ratio of the dam base, the seepage stability of Hongxing reservoir dam base was analyzed.  相似文献   

Hongxing reservoir was constructed on the floodplain of Hulan River in Heilongjiang. The geological problem of the reservoir is the seepage of the dam base and its related seepage stability. The leakage of the reservoir is caused by the water head differences between the upstream and downstream of the dam. Severe seepage could decrease the engineering benefits of the reservoir. Moreover, infiltration function of water will influence the safety of the dam. Through the analysis on the granule constitute and the formation of the dam base, the types of the seepage failure apt to happen were defined and the anti-infiltration and the permissible depression ratio were determined. Using the numerical simulation software GMS, the two-dimension numerical modeling has been carried out to analyze the seepage field of the reservoir. Through the two conditions modeling with concrete impervious wall and no concrete impervious wall, the largest flow rate, single-wide seepage discharge and the max infiltration gradient of the dam base were calculated. According to the permeable depression ratio of the dam base, the seepage stability of Hongxing reservoir dam base was analyzed.  相似文献   

On May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province resulted in great loss of life and properties. Besides, abundant landslides and slope failures were triggered in the most seriously hit areas and caused disastrous damages to infrastructures and public facilities. Moreover, abundant unstable slopes caused by the quake have the potential to cause damages for a considerable long period of time. The variety of these slopes and the corresponding treatments are connected with the topographical and geological conditions of the sites. It is decided to document and identify some of these major slope instabilities caused by the earthquake and their treatments. The paper shows the condition of a road in Dujiangyan through in situ explorations. The case history showed significant implications to the reconstruction of the quake-hit regions and future disaster prevention and management works.  相似文献   

隧道工程地质评价的内容和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合工程隧道实际,首先阐述了隧道工程的基本地质环境和工程地质条件,然后针对隧道工程可能出现的不良地质现象和可采取的工程措施,从大气降水、围岩稳定、围岩压力、洞口稳定、隧道比选等角度探讨隧道工程地质评价的主要方法和一般内容,进行隧道工程地质评价,为隧道施工、支护提供了依据.  相似文献   

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